from datetime import datetime from celery.exceptions import MaxRetriesExceededError from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger from django.conf import settings from django.core.mail import EmailMessage from dynamicweb.celery import app from hosting.models import HostingOrder, HostingBill from membership.models import StripeCustomer from opennebula_api.models import OpenNebulaManager from opennebula_api.serializers import VirtualMachineSerializer from utils.forms import UserBillingAddressForm from utils.models import BillingAddress logger = get_task_logger(__name__) def retry_task(task, exception=None): """Retries the specified task using a "backing off countdown", meaning that the interval between retries grows exponentially with every retry. Arguments: task: The task to retry. exception: Optionally, the exception that caused the retry. """ def backoff(attempts): return 2 ** attempts kwargs = { 'countdown': backoff(task.request.retries), } if exception: kwargs['exc'] = exception raise task.retry(**kwargs) @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=settings.CELERY_MAX_RETRIES) def create_vm_task(self, vm_template_id, user, specs, template, stripe_customer_id, billing_address_data, billing_address_id, charge): vm_id = None try: final_price = specs.get('price') billing_address = BillingAddress.objects.filter( id=billing_address_id).first() customer = StripeCustomer.objects.filter(id=stripe_customer_id).first() # Create OpenNebulaManager manager = OpenNebulaManager(email=settings.OPENNEBULA_USERNAME, password=settings.OPENNEBULA_PASSWORD) # Create a vm using oneadmin, also specify the name vm_id = manager.create_vm( template_id=vm_template_id, specs=specs, ssh_key=settings.ONEADMIN_USER_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY, vm_name="{email}-{template_name}-{date}".format( email=user.get('email'), template_name=template.get('name'), date=int("%s"))) ) if vm_id is None: raise Exception("Could not create VM") # Create a Hosting Order order = HostingOrder.create( price=final_price, vm_id=vm_id, customer=customer, billing_address=billing_address ) # Create a Hosting Bill HostingBill.create( customer=customer, billing_address=billing_address) # Create Billing Address for User if he does not have one if not customer.user.billing_addresses.count(): billing_address_data.update({ 'user': }) billing_address_user_form = UserBillingAddressForm( billing_address_data) billing_address_user_form.is_valid() # Associate an order with a stripe payment charge_object = DictDotLookup(charge) order.set_stripe_charge(charge_object) # If the Stripe payment succeeds, set order status approved order.set_approved() vm = VirtualMachineSerializer(manager.get_vm(vm_id)).data context = { 'name': user.get('name'), 'email': user.get('email'), 'cores': specs.get('cpu'), 'memory': specs.get('memory'), 'storage': specs.get('disk_size'), 'price': specs.get('price'), 'template': template.get('name'), '': vm['name'], '': vm['vm_id'], '': } email_data = { 'subject': settings.DCL_TEXT + " Order from %s" % context['email'], 'from_email': settings.DCL_SUPPORT_FROM_ADDRESS, 'to': [''], 'body': "\n".join( ["%s=%s" % (k, v) for (k, v) in context.items()]), 'reply_to': [context['email']], } email = EmailMessage(**email_data) email.send() except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) try: retry_task(self) except MaxRetriesExceededError: msg_text = 'Finished {} retries for create_vm_task'.format( self.request.retries) logger.error(msg_text) # Try sending email and stop email_data = { 'subject': '{} CELERY TASK ERROR: {}'.format(settings.DCL_TEXT, msg_text), 'from_email': settings.DCL_SUPPORT_FROM_ADDRESS, 'to': [''], 'body': ',\n'.join(str(i) for i in self.request.args) } email = EmailMessage(**email_data) email.send() return return vm_id class DictDotLookup(object): """ Creates objects that behave much like a dictionaries, but allow nested key access using object '.' (dot) lookups. """ def __init__(self, d): for k in d: if isinstance(d[k], dict): self.__dict__[k] = DictDotLookup(d[k]) elif isinstance(d[k], (list, tuple)): l = [] for v in d[k]: if isinstance(v, dict): l.append(DictDotLookup(v)) else: l.append(v) self.__dict__[k] = l else: self.__dict__[k] = d[k] def __getitem__(self, name): if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.__dict__.keys())