From 2d59bb01a5a3a70a161313de54fd36e0870e2f5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nico Schottelius <>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 11:24:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] split install/update into its own file

Signed-off-by: Nico Schottelius <>
 docs/web/cdist.mdwn                | 226 +----------------------------
 docs/web/cdist/features.mdwn       |   2 +
 docs/web/cdist/install-update.mdwn | 218 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 224 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/web/cdist/install-update.mdwn

diff --git a/docs/web/cdist.mdwn b/docs/web/cdist.mdwn
index a69ea034..4d8fe82b 100644
--- a/docs/web/cdist.mdwn
+++ b/docs/web/cdist.mdwn
@@ -10,13 +10,8 @@ cdist is an alternative to other configuration management systems like
 and [puppet](
-### Documentation
-The cdist documentation is included as manpages in the distribution.  
-You can browse the documentation online as well:
- * [latest version](man/latest)
- * [all versions (>= 2.0.4)](man)
+ * Browse the **documentation** for the [latest version](man/latest) or [all versions (>= 2.0.4)](man)
+ * Read how to [[install or update cdist|install-update]]
 ### OS support
@@ -34,223 +29,6 @@ cdist was tested or is know to run on at least
  * [XenServer](
-## Requirements
-### Server
- * A posix like shell
- * Python (>= 3.2 required)
- * SSH client
- * Asciidoc (for building the manpages)
-### Client ("target host")
- * A posix like shell
- * SSH server
-## Installation
-### Preparation
-Ensure you have Python 3.2 installed on the machine you use to **deploy to the targets**
-(the ***source host***).
-#### Archlinux
-Archlinux already has python >= 3.2, so you only need to do:
-    pacman -S python
-#### CentOS
-See the "From source" section
-#### Debian
-For Debian >= wheezy:
-    aptitude install python3
-On squeeze you can add following line in **/etc/apt/sources.list**
-  deb wheezy main
-And add pinning entry in **/etc/apt/preferences.d/wheezy**:
-  Package: *
-  Pin: release n=wheezy
-  Pin-Priority: 1
-Please be aware that both **openssh-server** and **openssh-client** might be
-removed on **python3.2** installation. You surely want to reinstall them:
-  apt-get install -t wheezy openssh-server openssh-client
-For older Debian versions, installing python 3.2 manually is required.
-#### Fedora
-For Fedora >= 15:
-    yum install python3
-#### FreeBSD
-For the port:
-    cd /usr/ports/lang/python32/ && make install clean
-For the package:
-    pkg_add -r python32
-#### Gentoo
-Gentoo only provides python 3.2 in testing packages (
-If you want to ensure nothing breaks you must set back the python version to what was default before.
-    emerge -av =python-3.2.2 --autounmask-write
-    emerge -av =python-3.2.2
-    eselect python list
-    eselect python list set python3.2
-#### Max OS X
-You can choose between Homebrew and Macports, either way works:
-[Homebrew]( variant:
-    brew install python3
-[Macports]( variant:
-    port install python32
-    ln -s /opt/local/bin/python3.2 /opt/local/bin/python3
-#### From Source
-For those operating systems not yet support Python 3.2:
-    pyversion=3.2.3
-    wget$pyversion/Python-${pyversion}.tar.bz2
-    tar xvfj Python-${pyversion}.tar.bz2
-    cd Python-${pyversion}
-    ./configure
-    make
-    sudo make install
-This installs python 3.2 to /usr/local/bin. Ensure this directory is in
-your PATH environment variable.
-### Get cdist
-You can clone cdist from git, which gives you the advantage of having
-a version control in place for development of your own stuff as well.
-To install cdist, execute the following commands:
-    git clone git://
-    cd cdist
-    export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd -P)/bin
-    # If you want the manpages
-    ./build man
-    export MANPATH=$MANPATH:$(pwd -P)/doc/man
-### Available versions
-There are at least the following branches available:
- * Development: master
- * 2.0: Python rewrite of cdist core [stable branch]
-Old versions:
- * 1.7: Bugfixes, cleanups, new type and explorer rename
- * 1.6: New types, cleaned up \_\_package* types, internal cleanup
- * 1.5: Focus on object orientation instead of global stage orientation
- * 1.4: Support for redefiniton of objects (if equal)
- * 1.3: Support for local and remote code execution (current stable)
- * 1.2: Dependencies supported
- * 1.1: \_\_file to \_\_file, \_\_directory, \_\_link migration
- * 1.0: First official release
-Other branches may be available for features or bugfixes, but they
-may vanish at any point. To select a specific branch use
-    # Generic code
-    git checkout -b <name> origin/<name>
-    # Stay on a specific version
-    version=2.0
-    git checkout -b $version origin/$version
-### Mirrors
- * git:// ([github](
- * git:// ([sourceforge](
-## Update
-To upgrade cdist in the current branch use
-    git pull
-    # Also update the manpages
-    ./build man
-    export MANPATH=$MANPATH:$(pwd -P)/doc/man
-If you stay on a version branche (i.e. 1.0, 1.1., ...), nothing should break.
-The master branch on the other hand is the development branch and may not be
-working, break your setup or eat the tree in your garden.
-### Upgrading from 1.7 to 2.0
-* Ensure python (>= 3.2) is installed on the server
-* Use "cdist config host" instead of "cdist-deploy-to host"
-* Use "cdist config -p host1 host2" instead of "cdist-mass-deploy"
-* Use "cdist banner" for fun
-* Use **\_\_object_fq** instead of **\_\_self** in manifests
-### Upgrading from 1.6 to 1.7
-* If you used the global explorer **hardware_type**, you need to change
-  your code to use **machine** instead.
-### Upgrading from 1.5 to 1.6
-* If you used **\_\_package_apt --preseed**, you need to use the new
-  type **\_\_debconf_set_selections** instead.
-* The **\_\_package** types accepted either --state deinstalled or
-  --state uninstaaled. Starting with 1.6, it was made consistently
-  to --state removed.
-### Upgrading from 1.3 to 1.5
-No incompatiblities.
-### Upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3
-Rename **gencode** of every type to **gencode-remote**.
-### Upgrading from 1.1 to 1.2
-No incompatiblities.
-### Upgrading from 1.0 to 1.1
-In 1.1 the type **\_\_file** was split into **\_\_directory**, **\_\_file** and
-**\_\_link**. The parameter **--type** was removed from **\_\_file**. Thus you
-need to replace **\_\_file** calls in your manifests:
- * Remove --type from all \_\_file calls
- * If type was symlink, use \_\_link and --type symbolic
- * If type was directory, use \_\_directory
 ## Support
 ### IRC
diff --git a/docs/web/cdist/features.mdwn b/docs/web/cdist/features.mdwn
index 1b3525ac..c1fecb53 100644
--- a/docs/web/cdist/features.mdwn
+++ b/docs/web/cdist/features.mdwn
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+But cdist ticks differently, here is the feature set that makes it unique:
 [[!table  data="""
 Keywords | Description
 Simplicity | There is only one type to extend cdist called ***type***
diff --git a/docs/web/cdist/install-update.mdwn b/docs/web/cdist/install-update.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67d9df8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/web/cdist/install-update.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+## Requirements
+### Server
+ * A posix like shell
+ * Python (>= 3.2 required)
+ * SSH client
+ * Asciidoc (for building the manpages)
+### Client ("target host")
+ * A posix like shell
+ * SSH server
+## Installation
+### Preparation
+Ensure you have Python 3.2 installed on the machine you use to **deploy to the targets**
+(the ***source host***).
+#### Archlinux
+Archlinux already has python >= 3.2, so you only need to do:
+    pacman -S python
+#### CentOS
+See the "From source" section
+#### Debian
+For Debian >= wheezy:
+    aptitude install python3
+On squeeze you can add following line in **/etc/apt/sources.list**
+  deb wheezy main
+And add pinning entry in **/etc/apt/preferences.d/wheezy**:
+  Package: *
+  Pin: release n=wheezy
+  Pin-Priority: 1
+Please be aware that both **openssh-server** and **openssh-client** might be
+removed on **python3.2** installation. You surely want to reinstall them:
+  apt-get install -t wheezy openssh-server openssh-client
+For older Debian versions, installing python 3.2 manually is required.
+#### Fedora
+For Fedora >= 15:
+    yum install python3
+#### FreeBSD
+For the port:
+    cd /usr/ports/lang/python32/ && make install clean
+For the package:
+    pkg_add -r python32
+#### Gentoo
+Gentoo only provides python 3.2 in testing packages (
+If you want to ensure nothing breaks you must set back the python version to what was default before.
+    emerge -av =python-3.2.2 --autounmask-write
+    emerge -av =python-3.2.2
+    eselect python list
+    eselect python list set python3.2
+#### Max OS X
+You can choose between Homebrew and Macports, either way works:
+[Homebrew]( variant:
+    brew install python3
+[Macports]( variant:
+    port install python32
+    ln -s /opt/local/bin/python3.2 /opt/local/bin/python3
+#### From Source
+For those operating systems not yet support Python 3.2:
+    pyversion=3.2.3
+    wget$pyversion/Python-${pyversion}.tar.bz2
+    tar xvfj Python-${pyversion}.tar.bz2
+    cd Python-${pyversion}
+    ./configure
+    make
+    sudo make install
+This installs python 3.2 to /usr/local/bin. Ensure this directory is in
+your PATH environment variable.
+### Get cdist
+You can clone cdist from git, which gives you the advantage of having
+a version control in place for development of your own stuff as well.
+To install cdist, execute the following commands:
+    git clone git://
+    cd cdist
+    export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd -P)/bin
+    # If you want the manpages
+    ./build man
+    export MANPATH=$MANPATH:$(pwd -P)/doc/man
+### Available versions
+There are at least the following branches available:
+ * Development: master
+ * 2.0: Python rewrite of cdist core [stable branch]
+Old versions:
+ * 1.7: Bugfixes, cleanups, new type and explorer rename
+ * 1.6: New types, cleaned up \_\_package* types, internal cleanup
+ * 1.5: Focus on object orientation instead of global stage orientation
+ * 1.4: Support for redefiniton of objects (if equal)
+ * 1.3: Support for local and remote code execution (current stable)
+ * 1.2: Dependencies supported
+ * 1.1: \_\_file to \_\_file, \_\_directory, \_\_link migration
+ * 1.0: First official release
+Other branches may be available for features or bugfixes, but they
+may vanish at any point. To select a specific branch use
+    # Generic code
+    git checkout -b <name> origin/<name>
+    # Stay on a specific version
+    version=2.0
+    git checkout -b $version origin/$version
+### Mirrors
+ * git:// ([github](
+ * git:// ([sourceforge](
+## Update
+To upgrade cdist in the current branch use
+    git pull
+    # Also update the manpages
+    ./build man
+    export MANPATH=$MANPATH:$(pwd -P)/doc/man
+If you stay on a version branche (i.e. 1.0, 1.1., ...), nothing should break.
+The master branch on the other hand is the development branch and may not be
+working, break your setup or eat the tree in your garden.
+### Upgrading from 1.7 to 2.0
+* Ensure python (>= 3.2) is installed on the server
+* Use "cdist config host" instead of "cdist-deploy-to host"
+* Use "cdist config -p host1 host2" instead of "cdist-mass-deploy"
+* Use "cdist banner" for fun
+* Use **\_\_object_fq** instead of **\_\_self** in manifests
+### Upgrading from 1.6 to 1.7
+* If you used the global explorer **hardware_type**, you need to change
+  your code to use **machine** instead.
+### Upgrading from 1.5 to 1.6
+* If you used **\_\_package_apt --preseed**, you need to use the new
+  type **\_\_debconf_set_selections** instead.
+* The **\_\_package** types accepted either --state deinstalled or
+  --state uninstaaled. Starting with 1.6, it was made consistently
+  to --state removed.
+### Upgrading from 1.3 to 1.5
+No incompatiblities.
+### Upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3
+Rename **gencode** of every type to **gencode-remote**.
+### Upgrading from 1.1 to 1.2
+No incompatiblities.
+### Upgrading from 1.0 to 1.1
+In 1.1 the type **\_\_file** was split into **\_\_directory**, **\_\_file** and
+**\_\_link**. The parameter **--type** was removed from **\_\_file**. Thus you
+need to replace **\_\_file** calls in your manifests:
+ * Remove --type from all \_\_file calls
+ * If type was symlink, use \_\_link and --type symbolic
+ * If type was directory, use \_\_directory
+[[!tag cdist unix]]