Correct generic payment email as per Sanghee's corrections

This commit is contained in:
PCoder 2018-09-26 22:21:59 +02:00
parent fcc113e9d9
commit 84056a5b36

View file

@ -847,14 +847,15 @@ class OrderConfirmationView(DetailView):
"Confirmation of your payment"),
'from_email': settings.DCL_SUPPORT_FROM_ADDRESS,
'to': [user.get('email')],
'body': ("Hi {name},\n\n"
"We just received a payment of CHF {amount} "
"from you. {recurring}.\n\n"
'body': _("Hi {name},\n\n"
"thank you for your order!\n"
"We have just received a payment of CHF {amount:.2f} "
"from you.{recurring}\n\n"
"Your DataCenterLight Team".format(
'This is a monthly recurring plan.'
' This is a monthly recurring plan.'
if gp_details['recurring'] else ''