Next release:
    * Bugfix: [dcl, hosting] Fix Stripe js error in confirm payment page
    * #3847: [ungleich] change text 'hosting products' -> 'our products'
    * #3829: [dcl] Handle landing login fail in payment page itself
    * #3794: [dcl, hosting] Update email styles
    * #3828: [dcl, hosting] invoice period set to show monthly subscription
    * #3838: [hosting] restyle signup/login/password reset/password pages
1.2.6: 2017-10-10
    * Bugfix: [dcl] Refactor and optimize images, links in glasfaser page
    * Bugfix: [dcl] Fix email not being sent issue
1.2.5: 2017-10-10
    * #3785: [hosting] update 'my bills' page design
    * Bugfix: [hosting] card details input form alignment fix
    * #3823: [hosting] favicon link fixed
    * #3844: [dcl] Add Glasfaser page for advertisement

1.2.4: 2017-10-02
    * #3780: [hosting] Store VM details locally
    * #3764: [hosting] Show cancelled VMs' invoices
    * #3736: [dcl] Refactor the place where we compute the VM price
    * #3730: [dcl] Refactor price parameter passed in the DCL flow
    * #3807: [dcl] Remove PricingView as it is no more used
    * #3813: [hosting] JS error in create ssh key page
    * #3756: [dcl] Update landing calculator and billing info page
    * Bugfix: Fix PR 493 bug that creates a new StripeCustomer for each buying of VM with the same email id
    * #3835: [all] Forbidden (403) CSRF verification failed issue.
    * Bugfix: [hosting] Dashboard strictly available after login
    * #3808: [dcl] Order confirmation page redesign
1.2.3: 2017-09-25
    * #3484: [dcl, hosting] Refactored account activation, password reset, VM order and cancellation email
    * #3731: [dcl, hosting] Added cdist ssh key handler
    * #3628: [dcl] on hosting, VM is created at credit card info submit
    * #3772: [dcl] Updated hosting app billing into monthly subscription and added new text and translations
    * #3786: [hosting] Redesigned the hosting invoice and order-confirmation page
    * #3728: [hosting] VM Termination animation added
    * #3777: [hosting] Create new VM calculator added like dcl landing
    * #3781: [hosting] Resend activation mail
    * #3806: [hosting] Fix can not create VMs after password reset
    * #3812: [hosting] Modal check icon made thin and font-size fixed
    * Feature: [cms, blog] Added /cms prefix for all the django-cms generated urls
    * Bugfix: [dcl, hosting] added host to celery error mails
    * Bugfix: [ungleich] Fixed wrong subdomain
1.2.2: 2017-09-08
    * #3704: [hosting] Added my settings page
    * #3771: [datacenterlight] Fixed the inconsistency in navbar style in billing page and onward
    * #3769: [datacenterlight] Fixed EN dashboard url redirecting to the wrong page
    * #3775: [hosting] Made the dashboard as the default start page for hosting app
    * #3779: [hosting] Changed signup validation and activation page navbar transparent
    * #3759: [hosting] Made the navbar style consistent to the dcl navbar and changed font weight from 300 to 400 for mobile navbar text
    * #3644: [datacenterlight] Added a login button on landing
    * #3659: [hosting] Changed hosting navbar design
1.2.1: 2017-09-06
    * #3757: [datacenterlight] Added /l route for linkedin
1.2: 2017-09-01
    * #3703: [hosting] Added a new dashboard
    * #3717: [datacenterlight, hosting] Changed warning color for box
    * #3748: [datacenterlight] Changed order msg position for mobile
    * #3762: [hosting] Text fix View details to See Invoice
    * #3765: [hosting] Text fix Your SSH Keys to My SSH Keys
    * #3639: [datacenterlight] Added navbar menu after payment page on landing
    * #3735: [hosting] Increased modal width and modal button width
    * #3709: Activated Text Plugin by default for the Page Title Text, enabled <title> tag text management
    * #3768: [datacenterlight, hosting] Fixed missing DE translation
    * #3678: [datacenterlight, hosting] Removed Lato font files
1.1.1: 2017-08-29
    * #3709: [datacenterlight] Added faq tos cms template
    * #3657: [datacenterlight] Added a new contact section at landing
    * #3740: [datacenterlight] Made contact section to send email to info when user submits a message
    * #3757: [datacenterlight] Added new routes to dcl
1.1: 2017-08-24
    * #3637: [datacenterlight, hosting] Added Stripe error handler
    * #3695: [hosting] Applied new design for VM list in hosting
    * #3565: [datacenterlight, hosting] Changed warning text color
    * #3622: [datacenterlight] Moved the create vm xml-rpc call made in the DCL VM purchase flow into a celery asynchronous task
             [datacenterlight] Added test for create vm celery task
    * #3711: [hosting] Displayed all IPv4s and IPv6s in the VM list
    * #3697: [hosting] Applied new design for VM detail page
    * #3645: [hosting] Fixed navbar movement on modal popup
    * #3698: [hosting] Applied new design for My Orders page
    * #3737: [all] Corrected/added missing google analytics and reformated code, fixed broken head tag
    * #3701: [datacenterlight] Enabled monthly Stripe subscriptions
1.0.24: 2017-08-15
    * #3699: [datacenterlight] Added oneadmin ssh key by default to the created VM via DCL landing
    * #3687: [datacenterlight] Added the name of the customer as description field of the stripe metadata
             [all] Added CustomUser as a parameter in get_anonymous_user function to resolve issues with tests
1.0.23: 2017-08-11
    * #3629: [datacentlight] Fixed navbar changing language from DE to EN between menus bug
    * #3623: [hosting] Fixed “Confirm Order” text appearing in “Invoice” place
    * #3633: [datacenterlight, hosting] Translated “All Rights Reserved” for German pages
    * #3627: [datacenterlight, hosting] Added border for payment warning message when the user has already submitted card information
    * #3620: [hosting] Updated SSH Key page with new style: new key choice page, upload key page, added icons for downloading and deleting key on mobile
    *        [hosting] bug fix: added modal icon and translation back for delete SSH Key
    * #3660: [datacenterlight] Rearranged desktop and mobile view for “Why Data Centre Light?” IPv6/SSD section
    * #3646: Added file with VM Template hosting migration
    * #3617: [hosting] Fixed Password reset confirmation page style bug
    * #3408: [hosting] Changed background image of signup/login background into smaller size
    * #3621: [hosting] Fixed signup/login/password reset page navbar logo overlapping with form
    * #3354: [hosting] Restyled modal
    * #3638: [hosting] Added “download” btn on generated key list for generated keys from upload your key page
    * #3655: [hosting] Disabled deleting SSH keys from other users
    * #3619: [datacenterlight, hosting] Replaced 'Lato-Light' and 'Lato-Regular' with only ‘Lato’ with appropriate font-weights
    * #3677: [hosting] Added wrapping for show SSH key modal text
    * #3683: [hosting] Fixed footer floating bug on VM creating page
    * #3676: [datacenterlight, hosting] Added missing card holder's name field migration
1.0.22: 2017-07-30
    * #3593: [datacenterlight] Removed underbars between social icons in index
    * #3509: [datacenterlight, hosting] Made navbar transparent and removed mobile navbar bug in login/signup/reset-password
    * #3592: [datacenterlight] Changed “Order Now” button text to “Continue/weiter”
    * #3579: [datacenterlight] Removed “blinks” on click on navbar menus
    * #3577: [datacenterlight] Added backend CPU, RAM, SSD fields validation
    * #3615: [datacenterlight] Decoupled landing VM templates from OpenNebula
    * #3604: [datacenterlight, hosting] Font colour change for better visibility in signup/login/password request footer links
             [all] Introduced ENABLE_DEBUG_LOGGING
    * #3542: [datacenterlight, hosting] Fixed warning messages and deprecated url
    * #3603: [datacenterlight] Removed navbar language option dropdown
    * #3629: [datacenterlight] Fixed navbar language switching bug
1.0.21: 2017-07-21
    * #3591: [datacenterlight, payment] Fixed card holder name to appear on Confirm Order page
    * #3558: [datacenterlight] Changed font family and background color for header
    * #3581: [datacenterlight] Lead font weight change
    * #3584: [all] Add flag is_superuser=True in MyUserManager
1.0.20: 2017-07-18
    * #3590: [digitalglarus] Added impact hub partner logo and text in digitalglarus
             [datacenterlight, hosting] Fixed overlapping of date and billing address in the mobile view
    * #3580: [datacenterlight, hosting] Introduced newly designed payment page. Customized Stripe credit card input fields
    * #3568: [all] Improved the way of adding Google analytics (ga) code. We now have ga code for ungleich, digitalglarus, blog, hosting
             and datacenterlight
    * #3564: [datacenterlight] Improved calculator form validations, both client side and server side
             [datacenterlight] Changed "Place order" button to "Submit" in the payment page
    * #3540: [datacenterlight] Improved credit card section with Stripe clarification texts and corresponding DE translations
1.0.19: 2017-07-09
    * [blog] Added a space between "Posted on" and the "Date"
    * [datacenterlight, digitalglarus] Introduced Google Analytics for DCL and
    * [datacenterlight] Fixed calculator error message positioning
    * [digitalglarus] Fixed favicon for digitalglarus
    * [all] Introduced PEP8 code standards using flake8
    * [all] DEBUG is set to False on production
    * [all] Using memcached as cache provider on production
    * [datacenterlight] Removed Order Now button outline in the order form
    * [datacenterlight] Refactored html pages, fixed missing body tag, removed some duplicate script imports
    * [datacenterlight] Introduced Why Data Center Light page
1.0.18: 2017-07-02
    * [datacenterlight] Introduced the new flow. Landing page -> Payment -> Order confirmation -> Success
    * [datacenterlight] Fixed issue showing local time to the user in order confirmation page, vm pages (like ssh keys)
    * [hosting] Fixed responsive issue while user signup
    * [hosting] Fixed 500 error when user requests for a vm whose id does not belong to him
    * [datacenterlight] Refactored partially dcl text and dcl support email to be obtained from env parameters
    * [datacenterlight] Updated DE translations
    * [hosting] Updated email text for user activation
1.0.17: 2017-06-16
    * [datacenterlight] Cleanup OrderView useless code
    * [datacenterlight] Replaced GiB to GB
    * [datacenterlight] Tentative fix for error 500 on order detail view
    * [datacenterlight] Fixed translations
    * [datacenterlight] Added email confirmation feature
    * [datacenterlight] Changed logo on datacerlight dashboard
    * [datacenterlight] Credit card input disappearance fix
1.0.16: 2017-06-15
    * [datacenterlight] .po file issue with multiple definition fixed
    * [datacenterlight] Navbar items in dcl user area rearranged
    * [datacenterlight] Typos in german fixed (#3364)
    * [datacenterlight] Added "VAT included" text in calculator box
1.0.15: 2017-06-14
    * [datacenterlight] Fixed error trying to delete ssh key
    * [datacenterlight] Fixed footer links
    * [datacenterlight] Fixed some styles on landing
1.0.14: 2017-06-14
    * [all] Added
    * [all] Removed .mo files and updated .gitignore
1.0.13: 2017-06-13
    * [datacenterlight] Added translations for email and name placeholders fields
1.0.12: 2017-06-13
    * [datacenterlight] Added from address for EmailMessage that was missing
1.0.11: 2017-06-12
    * [datacenterlight] month added to landing calculator box
    * [datacenterlight] dcl_email from address fixed to come from support@dcl
1.0.10: 2017-06-11
    * [datacenterlight] Send plain text email only for new orders
1.0.9: 2017-06-11
    * [datacenterlight] Moved calculator to the landing page
1.0.8: 2017-06-08
    * [datacenterlight] Fixed german typos
    * [datacenterlight] Refactored dcl order/success templates
1.0.7: 2017-06-08
    * [datacenterlight] Fixed an issue causing header images not appear in the blog
1.0.6: 2017-06-06
    * [datacenterlight] Hotfix, feature/manualorder added
1.0.5: 2017-06-06
    * [all] General cleanup
    * [datacenterlight] Add German translations
    * [datacenterlight] Change beta access to subscriptions
    * [hosting] Add German translations
    * [blog] Add German translation for header
    * [opennebula_api] Improve testing, add ssh key functions
    * [opennebula_api] Remove template views
    * [datacenterlight] Allow user to have multiple ssh keys
    * [datacenterlight] Changed stripe.js v2 to v3
    * [datacenterlight] Added support for stripe payment errors on current user language
1.0.4: 2017-06-05
    * [all] Added new Domains to accept
1.0.3: 2017-06-02
    * [datacenterlight] Hotfix, remove footer on mobile devices
1.0.2: 2017-05-28
    * [datacenterlight] Fixed login redirecting to blank page after logout
1.0.1: 2017-05-26
    * [datacenterlight] Allow storage to shrink / grow only in 10th of GB
    * [datacenterlight] Fix initially shown price
1.0.0: 2017-05-25
    * Initial stable release