import logging import sys from pprint import pprint from import BaseCommand from membership.models import CustomUser from hosting.models import ( HostingOrder, VMDetail, UserCardDetail, UserHostingKey ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Command(BaseCommand): help = '''Dumps the data of a customer into a json file''' def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('customer_email', nargs='+', type=str) def handle(self, *args, **options): try: for email in options['customer_email']: logger.debug("Creating dump for the user {}".format(email)) try: cus_user = CustomUser.objects.get(email=email) except CustomUser.DoesNotExist as dne: logger.error("CustomUser with email {} does " "not exist".format(email)) sys.exit(1) hosting_orders = HostingOrder.objects.filter( ) vm_ids = [] orders_dict = {} for order in hosting_orders: order_dict = {} vm_ids.append(order.vm_id) order_dict["VM_ID"] = order.vm_id order_dict["Order Nr."] = order_dict["Created On"] = str(order.created_on) order_dict["Price"] = order.price order_dict["Payment card details"] = { "last4": order.last4, "brand": order.cc_brand } if order.subscription_id is not None and order.stripe_charge_id is None: order_dict["Order type"] = "Monthly susbcription" else: order_dict["Order type"] = "One time payment" # billing address if order.billing_address is not None: order_dict["Billing Address"] = { "Street": order.billing_address.street_address, "City":, "Country":, "Postal code": order.billing_address.postal_code, "Card holder name": order.billing_address.cardholder_name } else: logger.error( "did not find billing_address") # Order Detail if order.order_detail is not None: order_dict["Specifications"] = { "RAM": "{} GB".format(order.order_detail.memory), "Cores": order.order_detail.cores, "Disk space (SSD)": "{} GB".format( order.order_detail.ssd_size) } else: logger.error( "Did not find order_detail. None") vm_detail = VMDetail.objects.get(vm_id=order.vm_id) if vm_detail is not None: order_dict["VM Details"] = { "VM_ID": order.vm_id, "IPv4": vm_detail.ipv4, "IPv6": vm_detail.ipv6, "OS": vm_detail.configuration, } order_dict["Terminated on"] = vm_detail.terminated_at orders_dict[order.vm_id] = order_dict # UserCardDetail cards = {} ucds = UserCardDetail.objects.filter( stripe_customer=cus_user.stripecustomer ) for ucd in ucds: card = {} if ucd is not None: card["Last 4"] = ucd.last4 card["Brand"] = ucd.brand card["Expiry month"] = ucd.exp_month card["Expiry year"] = ucd.exp_year card["Preferred"] = ucd.preferred cards[] = card else: logger.error( "Error while deleting the User Card Detail") # UserHostingKey keys = {} uhks = UserHostingKey.objects.filter( user=cus_user ) for uhk in uhks: key = { "Public key": uhk.public_key, "Name":, "Created on": str(uhk.created_at) } if uhk.private_key is not None: key["Private key"] = uhk.private_key keys[] = key print("User {} dump is follows:") output_dict = { "User details": { "Name":, "Email":, "Activated": "yes" if cus_user.validated == 1 else "no", "Last login": str(cus_user.last_login) }, "Orders": orders_dict, "Payment cards": cards, "SSH Keys": keys } pprint(output_dict) logger.debug("Dumped user {} SUCCESSFULLY.".format(email)) except Exception as e: print(" *** Error occurred. Details {}".format(str(e)))