from import BaseCommand from datacenterlight.tasks import handle_metadata_and_emails from datacenterlight.models import StripePlan from opennebula_api.models import OpenNebulaManager from membership.models import CustomUser from hosting.models import GenericProduct import logging import json import sys import stripe logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Command(BaseCommand): help = '''Stripe plans created before version 3.4 saved the plan name like generic-{subscription_id}-amount. This command aims at replacing this with the actual product name ''' def handle(self, *args, **options): cnt = 0 self.stdout.write( 'In Fix generic stripe plan product names' ) ) plans_to_change = StripePlan.objects.filter(stripe_plan_id__startswith='generic') for plan in plans_to_change: response = input("Press 'y' to continue: ") # Check if the user entered 'y' if response.lower() == 'y': plan_name = plan.stripe_plan_id first_index_hyphen = plan_name.index("-") + 1 product_id = plan_name[ first_index_hyphen:(plan_name[first_index_hyphen:].index("-")) + first_index_hyphen] gp = GenericProduct.objects.get(id=product_id) if gp: cnt += 1 # update stripe sp = stripe.Plan.retrieve(plan_name) pr = stripe.Product.retrieve(sp.product) = gp.product_name # update local spl = StripePlan.objects.get(stripe_plan_id=plan_name) spl.stripe_plan_name = gp.product_name print("%s. %s => %s" % (cnt, plan_name, gp.product_name)) else: print("Invalid input. Please try again.") sys.exit() print("Done")