-- PostgreSQL database dump

-- Dumped from database version 9.5.1
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.5.1

SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET row_security = off;

-- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: 


-- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: 

COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language';

SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;

SET default_tablespace = '';

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_categories_category (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    lft integer NOT NULL,
    rgt integer NOT NULL,
    tree_id integer NOT NULL,
    depth integer NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT aldryn_categories_category_depth_check CHECK ((depth >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT aldryn_categories_category_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT aldryn_categories_category_rgt_check CHECK ((rgt >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT aldryn_categories_category_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))

ALTER TABLE aldryn_categories_category OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_categories_category_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_categories_category_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_categories_category_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_categories_category.id;

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_translation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_categories_category_translation (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    language_code character varying(15) NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    slug character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    master_id integer

ALTER TABLE aldryn_categories_category_translation OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_categories_category_translation_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_categories_category_translation_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_categories_category_translation_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_categories_category_translation.id;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_article (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    publishing_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    is_published boolean NOT NULL,
    is_featured boolean NOT NULL,
    app_config_id integer NOT NULL,
    author_id integer,
    content_id integer,
    featured_image_id integer,
    owner_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_article OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_categories; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_article_categories (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    article_id integer NOT NULL,
    category_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_article_categories OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_newsblog_article_categories.id;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_newsblog_article_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_article_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_newsblog_article_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_newsblog_article.id;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_related; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_article_related (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    from_article_id integer NOT NULL,
    to_article_id integer NOT NULL,
    sort_value integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_article_related OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_related_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_newsblog_article_related_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_article_related_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_related_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_newsblog_article_related_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_newsblog_article_related.id;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_article_translation (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    language_code character varying(15) NOT NULL,
    title character varying(234) NOT NULL,
    slug character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    lead_in text NOT NULL,
    meta_title character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    meta_description text NOT NULL,
    meta_keywords text NOT NULL,
    search_data text NOT NULL,
    master_id integer

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_article_translation OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_newsblog_article_translation.id;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    app_config_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    max_articles integer NOT NULL,
    app_config_id integer NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin_max_articles_check CHECK ((max_articles >= 0))

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    app_config_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    app_config_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    type character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    namespace character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    app_data text NOT NULL,
    permalink_type character varying(8) NOT NULL,
    non_permalink_handling smallint NOT NULL,
    paginate_by integer NOT NULL,
    create_authors boolean NOT NULL,
    search_indexed boolean NOT NULL,
    placeholder_base_sidebar_id integer,
    placeholder_base_top_id integer,
    placeholder_detail_bottom_id integer,
    placeholder_detail_footer_id integer,
    placeholder_detail_top_id integer,
    placeholder_list_footer_id integer,
    placeholder_list_top_id integer,
    template_prefix character varying(20),
    pagination_pages_start integer NOT NULL,
    pagination_pages_visible integer NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_paginate_by_check CHECK ((paginate_by >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_pagination_pages_start_check CHECK ((pagination_pages_start >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_pagination_pages_visible_check CHECK ((pagination_pages_visible >= 0))

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig.id;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    language_code character varying(15) NOT NULL,
    app_title character varying(234) NOT NULL,
    master_id integer

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation.id;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    article_count integer NOT NULL,
    app_config_id integer NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplu_article_count_check CHECK ((article_count >= 0))

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    latest_articles integer NOT NULL,
    app_config_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogrelatedplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogrelatedplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogrelatedplugin OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    app_config_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_group; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_people_group (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    address text NOT NULL,
    postal_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
    city character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    phone character varying(100),
    fax character varying(100),
    email character varying(254) NOT NULL,
    website character varying(200)

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_group OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_people_group_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_group_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_people_group_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_people_group.id;

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_translation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_people_group_translation (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    description text NOT NULL,
    language_code character varying(15) NOT NULL,
    master_id integer,
    slug character varying(255) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_group_translation OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_people_group_translation_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_group_translation_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_people_group_translation_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_people_group_translation.id;

-- Name: aldryn_people_peopleplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_people_peopleplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    style character varying(50) NOT NULL,
    group_by_group boolean NOT NULL,
    show_links boolean NOT NULL,
    show_vcard boolean NOT NULL,
    show_ungrouped boolean NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_peopleplugin OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    peopleplugin_id integer NOT NULL,
    person_id integer NOT NULL,
    sort_value integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people.id;

-- Name: aldryn_people_person; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_people_person (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    phone character varying(100),
    mobile character varying(100),
    fax character varying(100),
    email character varying(254) NOT NULL,
    website character varying(200),
    vcard_enabled boolean NOT NULL,
    user_id integer,
    visual_id integer

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_person OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_people_person_groups (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    person_id integer NOT NULL,
    group_id integer NOT NULL,
    sort_value integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_person_groups OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_people_person_groups_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_person_groups_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_people_person_groups_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_people_person_groups.id;

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_people_person_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_person_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_people_person_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_people_person.id;

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_translation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE aldryn_people_person_translation (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    function character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    description text NOT NULL,
    language_code character varying(15) NOT NULL,
    master_id integer,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    slug character varying(255) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_person_translation OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE aldryn_people_person_translation_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE aldryn_people_person_translation_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE aldryn_people_person_translation_id_seq OWNED BY aldryn_people_person_translation.id;

-- Name: auth_group; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE auth_group (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(80) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE auth_group OWNER TO app;

-- Name: auth_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE auth_group_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE auth_group_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: auth_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE auth_group_id_seq OWNED BY auth_group.id;

-- Name: auth_group_permissions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE auth_group_permissions (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    group_id integer NOT NULL,
    permission_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE auth_group_permissions OWNER TO app;

-- Name: auth_group_permissions_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE auth_group_permissions_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE auth_group_permissions_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: auth_group_permissions_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE auth_group_permissions_id_seq OWNED BY auth_group_permissions.id;

-- Name: auth_permission; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE auth_permission (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    content_type_id integer NOT NULL,
    codename character varying(100) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE auth_permission OWNER TO app;

-- Name: auth_permission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE auth_permission_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE auth_permission_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: auth_permission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE auth_permission_id_seq OWNED BY auth_permission.id;

-- Name: auth_user; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE auth_user (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    password character varying(128) NOT NULL,
    last_login timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    is_superuser boolean NOT NULL,
    username character varying(30) NOT NULL,
    first_name character varying(30) NOT NULL,
    last_name character varying(30) NOT NULL,
    email character varying(75) NOT NULL,
    is_staff boolean NOT NULL,
    is_active boolean NOT NULL,
    date_joined timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE auth_user OWNER TO app;

-- Name: auth_user_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE auth_user_groups (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    group_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE auth_user_groups OWNER TO app;

-- Name: auth_user_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE auth_user_groups_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE auth_user_groups_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: auth_user_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE auth_user_groups_id_seq OWNED BY auth_user_groups.id;

-- Name: auth_user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE auth_user_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE auth_user_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: auth_user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE auth_user_id_seq OWNED BY auth_user.id;

-- Name: auth_user_user_permissions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE auth_user_user_permissions (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    permission_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE auth_user_user_permissions OWNER TO app;

-- Name: auth_user_user_permissions_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE auth_user_user_permissions_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE auth_user_user_permissions_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: auth_user_user_permissions_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE auth_user_user_permissions_id_seq OWNED BY auth_user_user_permissions.id;

-- Name: cms_aliaspluginmodel; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_aliaspluginmodel (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    plugin_id integer,
    alias_placeholder_id integer

ALTER TABLE cms_aliaspluginmodel OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_cmsplugin (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    "position" smallint,
    language character varying(15) NOT NULL,
    plugin_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
    creation_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    changed_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    parent_id integer,
    placeholder_id integer,
    depth integer NOT NULL,
    numchild integer NOT NULL,
    path character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT cms_cmsplugin_depth_check CHECK ((depth >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT cms_cmsplugin_numchild_check CHECK ((numchild >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT cms_cmsplugin_position_check CHECK (("position" >= 0))

ALTER TABLE cms_cmsplugin OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE cms_cmsplugin_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE cms_cmsplugin_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE cms_cmsplugin_id_seq OWNED BY cms_cmsplugin.id;

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_globalpagepermission (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    can_change boolean NOT NULL,
    can_add boolean NOT NULL,
    can_delete boolean NOT NULL,
    can_change_advanced_settings boolean NOT NULL,
    can_publish boolean NOT NULL,
    can_change_permissions boolean NOT NULL,
    can_move_page boolean NOT NULL,
    can_view boolean NOT NULL,
    can_recover_page boolean NOT NULL,
    group_id integer,
    user_id integer

ALTER TABLE cms_globalpagepermission OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE cms_globalpagepermission_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE cms_globalpagepermission_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE cms_globalpagepermission_id_seq OWNED BY cms_globalpagepermission.id;

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_sites; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_globalpagepermission_sites (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    globalpagepermission_id integer NOT NULL,
    site_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE cms_globalpagepermission_sites OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_sites_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE cms_globalpagepermission_sites_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE cms_globalpagepermission_sites_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_sites_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE cms_globalpagepermission_sites_id_seq OWNED BY cms_globalpagepermission_sites.id;

-- Name: cms_page; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_page (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    created_by character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    changed_by character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    creation_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    changed_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    publication_date timestamp with time zone,
    publication_end_date timestamp with time zone,
    in_navigation boolean NOT NULL,
    soft_root boolean NOT NULL,
    reverse_id character varying(40),
    navigation_extenders character varying(80),
    template character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    login_required boolean NOT NULL,
    limit_visibility_in_menu smallint,
    is_home boolean NOT NULL,
    application_urls character varying(200),
    application_namespace character varying(200),
    publisher_is_draft boolean NOT NULL,
    languages character varying(255),
    revision_id integer NOT NULL,
    xframe_options integer NOT NULL,
    parent_id integer,
    publisher_public_id integer,
    site_id integer NOT NULL,
    depth integer NOT NULL,
    numchild integer NOT NULL,
    path character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT cms_page_depth_check CHECK ((depth >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT cms_page_numchild_check CHECK ((numchild >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT cms_page_revision_id_check CHECK ((revision_id >= 0))

ALTER TABLE cms_page OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_page_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE cms_page_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE cms_page_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_page_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE cms_page_id_seq OWNED BY cms_page.id;

-- Name: cms_page_placeholders; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_page_placeholders (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    page_id integer NOT NULL,
    placeholder_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE cms_page_placeholders OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_page_placeholders_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE cms_page_placeholders_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE cms_page_placeholders_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_page_placeholders_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE cms_page_placeholders_id_seq OWNED BY cms_page_placeholders.id;

-- Name: cms_pagepermission; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_pagepermission (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    can_change boolean NOT NULL,
    can_add boolean NOT NULL,
    can_delete boolean NOT NULL,
    can_change_advanced_settings boolean NOT NULL,
    can_publish boolean NOT NULL,
    can_change_permissions boolean NOT NULL,
    can_move_page boolean NOT NULL,
    can_view boolean NOT NULL,
    grant_on integer NOT NULL,
    group_id integer,
    page_id integer,
    user_id integer

ALTER TABLE cms_pagepermission OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_pagepermission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE cms_pagepermission_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE cms_pagepermission_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_pagepermission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE cms_pagepermission_id_seq OWNED BY cms_pagepermission.id;

-- Name: cms_pageuser; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_pageuser (
    user_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    created_by_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE cms_pageuser OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_pageusergroup; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_pageusergroup (
    group_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    created_by_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE cms_pageusergroup OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_placeholder; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_placeholder (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    slot character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    default_width smallint,
    CONSTRAINT cms_placeholder_default_width_check CHECK ((default_width >= 0))

ALTER TABLE cms_placeholder OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_placeholder_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE cms_placeholder_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE cms_placeholder_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_placeholder_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE cms_placeholder_id_seq OWNED BY cms_placeholder.id;

-- Name: cms_placeholderreference; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_placeholderreference (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    placeholder_ref_id integer

ALTER TABLE cms_placeholderreference OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_staticplaceholder; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_staticplaceholder (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    code character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    dirty boolean NOT NULL,
    creation_method character varying(20) NOT NULL,
    draft_id integer,
    public_id integer,
    site_id integer

ALTER TABLE cms_staticplaceholder OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_staticplaceholder_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE cms_staticplaceholder_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE cms_staticplaceholder_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_staticplaceholder_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE cms_staticplaceholder_id_seq OWNED BY cms_staticplaceholder.id;

-- Name: cms_title; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_title (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    language character varying(15) NOT NULL,
    title character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    page_title character varying(255),
    menu_title character varying(255),
    meta_description text,
    slug character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    path character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    has_url_overwrite boolean NOT NULL,
    redirect character varying(2048),
    creation_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    published boolean NOT NULL,
    publisher_is_draft boolean NOT NULL,
    publisher_state smallint NOT NULL,
    page_id integer NOT NULL,
    publisher_public_id integer

ALTER TABLE cms_title OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_title_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE cms_title_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE cms_title_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_title_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE cms_title_id_seq OWNED BY cms_title.id;

-- Name: cms_urlconfrevision; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE cms_urlconfrevision (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    revision character varying(255) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE cms_urlconfrevision OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: cms_urlconfrevision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE cms_urlconfrevision_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE cms_urlconfrevision_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: cms_urlconfrevision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE cms_urlconfrevision_id_seq OWNED BY cms_urlconfrevision.id;

-- Name: cms_usersettings; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cms_usersettings (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    language character varying(10) NOT NULL,
    clipboard_id integer,
    user_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE cms_usersettings OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_usersettings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE cms_usersettings_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE cms_usersettings_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cms_usersettings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE cms_usersettings_id_seq OWNED BY cms_usersettings.id;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    title character varying(255),
    target_blank boolean NOT NULL,
    style character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    file_id integer

ALTER TABLE cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    title character varying(255),
    style character varying(50) NOT NULL,
    folder_id integer

ALTER TABLE cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    style character varying(50) NOT NULL,
    caption_text character varying(255),
    image_url character varying(200),
    alt_text character varying(255),
    use_original_image boolean NOT NULL,
    use_autoscale boolean NOT NULL,
    width integer,
    height integer,
    crop boolean NOT NULL,
    upscale boolean NOT NULL,
    alignment character varying(10),
    free_link character varying(255),
    original_link boolean NOT NULL,
    description text,
    target_blank boolean NOT NULL,
    file_link_id integer,
    image_id integer,
    page_link_id integer,
    thumbnail_option_id integer,
    CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage_height_check CHECK ((height >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage_width_check CHECK ((width >= 0))

ALTER TABLE cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    width integer NOT NULL,
    height integer NOT NULL,
    crop boolean NOT NULL,
    upscale boolean NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption_id_seq OWNED BY cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption.id;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    url character varying(255),
    mailto character varying(254),
    link_style character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    new_window boolean NOT NULL,
    file_id integer,
    page_link_id integer

ALTER TABLE cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    title character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    image_url character varying(200),
    style character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    use_autoscale boolean NOT NULL,
    width integer,
    height integer,
    free_link character varying(255),
    description text,
    target_blank boolean NOT NULL,
    image_id integer,
    page_link_id integer,
    CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser_height_check CHECK ((height >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser_width_check CHECK ((width >= 0))

ALTER TABLE cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser OWNER TO app;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    movie_url character varying(255),
    width smallint NOT NULL,
    height smallint NOT NULL,
    auto_play boolean NOT NULL,
    auto_hide boolean NOT NULL,
    fullscreen boolean NOT NULL,
    loop boolean NOT NULL,
    bgcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    textcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    seekbarcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    seekbarbgcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    loadingbarcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    buttonoutcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    buttonovercolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    buttonhighlightcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    image_id integer,
    movie_id integer,
    CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo_height_check CHECK ((height >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo_width_check CHECK ((width >= 0))

ALTER TABLE cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo OWNER TO app;

-- Name: digitalglarus_message; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE digitalglarus_message (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(200) NOT NULL,
    email character varying(75) NOT NULL,
    phone_number character varying(200) NOT NULL,
    message text NOT NULL,
    received_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE digitalglarus_message OWNER TO app;

-- Name: digitalglarus_message_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE digitalglarus_message_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE digitalglarus_message_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: digitalglarus_message_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE digitalglarus_message_id_seq OWNED BY digitalglarus_message.id;

-- Name: django_admin_log; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE django_admin_log (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    action_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    object_id text,
    object_repr character varying(200) NOT NULL,
    action_flag smallint NOT NULL,
    change_message text NOT NULL,
    content_type_id integer,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT django_admin_log_action_flag_check CHECK ((action_flag >= 0))

ALTER TABLE django_admin_log OWNER TO app;

-- Name: django_admin_log_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE django_admin_log_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE django_admin_log_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: django_admin_log_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE django_admin_log_id_seq OWNED BY django_admin_log.id;

-- Name: django_content_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE django_content_type (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    app_label character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    model character varying(100) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE django_content_type OWNER TO app;

-- Name: django_content_type_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE django_content_type_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE django_content_type_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: django_content_type_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE django_content_type_id_seq OWNED BY django_content_type.id;

-- Name: django_migrations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE django_migrations (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    app character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    applied timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE django_migrations OWNER TO app;

-- Name: django_migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE django_migrations_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE django_migrations_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: django_migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE django_migrations_id_seq OWNED BY django_migrations.id;

-- Name: django_select2_keymap; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE django_select2_keymap (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    key character varying(40) NOT NULL,
    value character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    accessed_on timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE django_select2_keymap OWNER TO app;

-- Name: django_select2_keymap_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE django_select2_keymap_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE django_select2_keymap_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: django_select2_keymap_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE django_select2_keymap_id_seq OWNED BY django_select2_keymap.id;

-- Name: django_session; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE django_session (
    session_key character varying(40) NOT NULL,
    session_data text NOT NULL,
    expire_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE django_session OWNER TO app;

-- Name: django_site; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE django_site (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    domain character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    name character varying(50) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE django_site OWNER TO app;

-- Name: django_site_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE django_site_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE django_site_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: django_site_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE django_site_id_seq OWNED BY django_site.id;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    latest_posts integer NOT NULL,
    app_config_id integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    authorentriesplugin_id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors.id;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_blogcategory (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    date_created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    date_modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    parent_id integer,
    app_config_id integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_blogcategory OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_blog_blogcategory.id;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    language_code character varying(15) NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    slug character varying(50) NOT NULL,
    master_id integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation.id;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_blogconfig (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    type character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    namespace character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    app_data text NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_blogconfig OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_blog_blogconfig.id;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    language_code character varying(15) NOT NULL,
    app_title character varying(234) NOT NULL,
    master_id integer,
    object_name character varying(234) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation.id;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    app_config_id integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    latest_posts integer NOT NULL,
    app_config_id integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    latestpostsplugin_id integer NOT NULL,
    blogcategory_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories.id;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_post (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    date_created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    date_modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    date_published timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    date_published_end timestamp with time zone,
    publish boolean NOT NULL,
    enable_comments boolean NOT NULL,
    author_id integer,
    content_id integer,
    main_image_id integer,
    main_image_full_id integer,
    main_image_thumbnail_id integer,
    app_config_id integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_post OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_categories; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_post_categories (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    post_id integer NOT NULL,
    blogcategory_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_post_categories OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_categories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_post_categories_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_post_categories_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_categories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_post_categories_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_blog_post_categories.id;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_post_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_post_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_post_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_blog_post.id;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_sites; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_post_sites (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    post_id integer NOT NULL,
    site_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_post_sites OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_sites_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_post_sites_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_post_sites_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_sites_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_post_sites_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_blog_post_sites.id;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_translation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_blog_post_translation (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    language_code character varying(15) NOT NULL,
    title character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    slug character varying(50) NOT NULL,
    abstract text NOT NULL,
    meta_description text NOT NULL,
    meta_keywords text NOT NULL,
    meta_title character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    post_text text NOT NULL,
    master_id integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_post_translation OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_post_translation_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_blog_post_translation_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_blog_post_translation_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_blog_post_translation.id;

-- Name: djangocms_file_file; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE djangocms_file_file (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    file character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    title character varying(255),
    target character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    tooltip character varying(255) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE djangocms_file_file OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: djangocms_flash_flash; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_flash_flash (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    file character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    width character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    height character varying(6) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE djangocms_flash_flash OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_googlemap_googlemap; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_googlemap_googlemap (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    title character varying(100),
    address character varying(150) NOT NULL,
    zipcode character varying(30) NOT NULL,
    city character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    content character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    zoom smallint NOT NULL,
    lat numeric(10,6),
    lng numeric(10,6),
    route_planer_title character varying(150),
    route_planer boolean NOT NULL,
    width character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    height character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    info_window boolean NOT NULL,
    scrollwheel boolean NOT NULL,
    double_click_zoom boolean NOT NULL,
    draggable boolean NOT NULL,
    keyboard_shortcuts boolean NOT NULL,
    pan_control boolean NOT NULL,
    zoom_control boolean NOT NULL,
    street_view_control boolean NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT djangocms_googlemap_googlemap_zoom_check CHECK ((zoom >= 0))

ALTER TABLE djangocms_googlemap_googlemap OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    from_language character varying(5),
    from_page_id integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_link_link; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_link_link (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(256) NOT NULL,
    url character varying(200),
    anchor character varying(128) NOT NULL,
    mailto character varying(75),
    phone character varying(40),
    target character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    page_link_id integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_link_link OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    og_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    og_author_url character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    og_author_fbid character varying(16) NOT NULL,
    og_publisher character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    og_app_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    twitter_author character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    twitter_site character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    twitter_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    gplus_author character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    gplus_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    extended_object_id integer NOT NULL,
    image_id integer,
    og_author_id integer,
    public_extension_id integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta.id;

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    keywords character varying(400) NOT NULL,
    description character varying(400) NOT NULL,
    og_description character varying(400) NOT NULL,
    twitter_description character varying(140) NOT NULL,
    gplus_description character varying(400) NOT NULL,
    extended_object_id integer NOT NULL,
    image_id integer,
    public_extension_id integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta.id;

-- Name: djangocms_picture_picture; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE djangocms_picture_picture (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    image character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    url character varying(255),
    alt character varying(255),
    longdesc character varying(255),
    "float" character varying(10),
    page_link_id integer,
    height integer,
    width integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_picture_picture OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: djangocms_snippet_snippet; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_snippet_snippet (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    html text NOT NULL,
    template character varying(50) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE djangocms_snippet_snippet OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_snippet_snippet_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE djangocms_snippet_snippet_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE djangocms_snippet_snippet_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_snippet_snippet_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE djangocms_snippet_snippet_id_seq OWNED BY djangocms_snippet_snippet.id;

-- Name: djangocms_snippet_snippetptr; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_snippet_snippetptr (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    snippet_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE djangocms_snippet_snippetptr OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_teaser_teaser; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_teaser_teaser (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    title character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    image character varying(100),
    url character varying(255),
    description text,
    page_link_id integer

ALTER TABLE djangocms_teaser_teaser OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_text_ckeditor_text; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE djangocms_text_ckeditor_text (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    body text NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE djangocms_text_ckeditor_text OWNER TO app;

-- Name: djangocms_video_video; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE djangocms_video_video (
    cmsplugin_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    movie character varying(100),
    movie_url character varying(255),
    image character varying(100),
    width smallint NOT NULL,
    height smallint NOT NULL,
    auto_play boolean NOT NULL,
    auto_hide boolean NOT NULL,
    fullscreen boolean NOT NULL,
    loop boolean NOT NULL,
    bgcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    textcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    seekbarcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    seekbarbgcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    loadingbarcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    buttonoutcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    buttonovercolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    buttonhighlightcolor character varying(6) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT djangocms_video_video_height_check CHECK ((height >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT djangocms_video_video_width_check CHECK ((width >= 0))

ALTER TABLE djangocms_video_video OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_source; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE easy_thumbnails_source (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    storage_hash character varying(40) NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE easy_thumbnails_source OWNER TO app;

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_source_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE easy_thumbnails_source_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE easy_thumbnails_source_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_source_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE easy_thumbnails_source_id_seq OWNED BY easy_thumbnails_source.id;

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnail; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE easy_thumbnails_thumbnail (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    storage_hash character varying(40) NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    modified timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    source_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE easy_thumbnails_thumbnail OWNER TO app;

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_id_seq OWNED BY easy_thumbnails_thumbnail.id;

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    thumbnail_id integer NOT NULL,
    width integer,
    height integer,
    CONSTRAINT easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions_height_check CHECK ((height >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions_width_check CHECK ((width >= 0))

ALTER TABLE easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions OWNER TO app;

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions_id_seq OWNED BY easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions.id;

-- Name: filer_clipboard; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE filer_clipboard (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE filer_clipboard OWNER TO app;

-- Name: filer_clipboard_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE filer_clipboard_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE filer_clipboard_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: filer_clipboard_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE filer_clipboard_id_seq OWNED BY filer_clipboard.id;

-- Name: filer_clipboarditem; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE filer_clipboarditem (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    clipboard_id integer NOT NULL,
    file_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE filer_clipboarditem OWNER TO app;

-- Name: filer_clipboarditem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE filer_clipboarditem_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE filer_clipboarditem_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: filer_clipboarditem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE filer_clipboarditem_id_seq OWNED BY filer_clipboarditem.id;

-- Name: filer_file; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE filer_file (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    file character varying(255),
    _file_size integer,
    sha1 character varying(40) NOT NULL,
    has_all_mandatory_data boolean NOT NULL,
    original_filename character varying(255),
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    description text,
    uploaded_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    modified_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    is_public boolean NOT NULL,
    folder_id integer,
    owner_id integer,
    polymorphic_ctype_id integer

ALTER TABLE filer_file OWNER TO app;

-- Name: filer_file_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE filer_file_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE filer_file_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: filer_file_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE filer_file_id_seq OWNED BY filer_file.id;

-- Name: filer_folder; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE filer_folder (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    uploaded_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    modified_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    lft integer NOT NULL,
    rght integer NOT NULL,
    tree_id integer NOT NULL,
    level integer NOT NULL,
    owner_id integer,
    parent_id integer,
    CONSTRAINT filer_folder_level_check CHECK ((level >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT filer_folder_lft_check CHECK ((lft >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT filer_folder_rght_check CHECK ((rght >= 0)),
    CONSTRAINT filer_folder_tree_id_check CHECK ((tree_id >= 0))

ALTER TABLE filer_folder OWNER TO app;

-- Name: filer_folder_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE filer_folder_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE filer_folder_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: filer_folder_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE filer_folder_id_seq OWNED BY filer_folder.id;

-- Name: filer_folderpermission; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE filer_folderpermission (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    type smallint NOT NULL,
    everybody boolean NOT NULL,
    can_edit smallint,
    can_read smallint,
    can_add_children smallint,
    folder_id integer,
    group_id integer,
    user_id integer

ALTER TABLE filer_folderpermission OWNER TO app;

-- Name: filer_folderpermission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE filer_folderpermission_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE filer_folderpermission_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: filer_folderpermission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE filer_folderpermission_id_seq OWNED BY filer_folderpermission.id;

-- Name: filer_image; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE filer_image (
    file_ptr_id integer NOT NULL,
    _height integer,
    _width integer,
    date_taken timestamp with time zone,
    default_alt_text character varying(255),
    default_caption character varying(255),
    author character varying(255),
    must_always_publish_author_credit boolean NOT NULL,
    must_always_publish_copyright boolean NOT NULL,
    subject_location character varying(64)

ALTER TABLE filer_image OWNER TO app;

-- Name: hosting_railsbetauser; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE hosting_railsbetauser (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    email character varying(254) NOT NULL,
    received_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE hosting_railsbetauser OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: hosting_railsbetauser_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE hosting_railsbetauser_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE hosting_railsbetauser_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: hosting_railsbetauser_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE hosting_railsbetauser_id_seq OWNED BY hosting_railsbetauser.id;

-- Name: membership_creditcards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE membership_creditcards (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
    card_number character varying(50) NOT NULL,
    expiry_date character varying(50) NOT NULL,
    ccv character varying(4) NOT NULL,
    payment_type character varying(5) NOT NULL,
    user_id_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE membership_creditcards OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: membership_creditcards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE membership_creditcards_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE membership_creditcards_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: membership_creditcards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE membership_creditcards_id_seq OWNED BY membership_creditcards.id;

-- Name: membership_customuser; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE membership_customuser (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    password character varying(128) NOT NULL,
    last_login timestamp with time zone,
    name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
    email character varying(254) NOT NULL,
    validated integer NOT NULL,
    validation_slug character varying(50) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE membership_customuser OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: membership_customuser_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE membership_customuser_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE membership_customuser_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: membership_customuser_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE membership_customuser_id_seq OWNED BY membership_customuser.id;

-- Name: menus_cachekey; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE TABLE menus_cachekey (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    language character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    site integer NOT NULL,
    key character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT menus_cachekey_site_check CHECK ((site >= 0))

ALTER TABLE menus_cachekey OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: menus_cachekey_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE SEQUENCE menus_cachekey_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE menus_cachekey_id_seq OWNER TO tomislav;

-- Name: menus_cachekey_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER SEQUENCE menus_cachekey_id_seq OWNED BY menus_cachekey.id;

-- Name: railshosting_railsbetauser; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE railshosting_railsbetauser (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    email character varying(75) NOT NULL,
    received_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE railshosting_railsbetauser OWNER TO app;

-- Name: railshosting_railsbetauser_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE railshosting_railsbetauser_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE railshosting_railsbetauser_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: railshosting_railsbetauser_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE railshosting_railsbetauser_id_seq OWNED BY railshosting_railsbetauser.id;

-- Name: reversion_revision; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE reversion_revision (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    manager_slug character varying(191) NOT NULL,
    date_created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    comment text NOT NULL,
    user_id integer

ALTER TABLE reversion_revision OWNER TO app;

-- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE reversion_revision_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE reversion_revision_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE reversion_revision_id_seq OWNED BY reversion_revision.id;

-- Name: reversion_version; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE reversion_version (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    object_id text NOT NULL,
    object_id_int integer,
    format character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    serialized_data text NOT NULL,
    object_repr text NOT NULL,
    content_type_id integer NOT NULL,
    revision_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE reversion_version OWNER TO app;

-- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE reversion_version_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE reversion_version_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE reversion_version_id_seq OWNED BY reversion_version.id;

-- Name: taggit_tag; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE taggit_tag (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    slug character varying(100) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE taggit_tag OWNER TO app;

-- Name: taggit_tag_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE taggit_tag_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE taggit_tag_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: taggit_tag_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE taggit_tag_id_seq OWNED BY taggit_tag.id;

-- Name: taggit_taggeditem; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE taggit_taggeditem (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    object_id integer NOT NULL,
    content_type_id integer NOT NULL,
    tag_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE taggit_taggeditem OWNER TO app;

-- Name: taggit_taggeditem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE taggit_taggeditem_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE taggit_taggeditem_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: taggit_taggeditem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE taggit_taggeditem_id_seq OWNED BY taggit_taggeditem.id;

-- Name: ungleich_ungleichpage; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE TABLE ungleich_ungleichpage (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    extended_object_id integer NOT NULL,
    public_extension_id integer,
    image_id integer

ALTER TABLE ungleich_ungleichpage OWNER TO app;

-- Name: ungleich_ungleichpage_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE SEQUENCE ungleich_ungleichpage_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE ungleich_ungleichpage_id_seq OWNER TO app;

-- Name: ungleich_ungleichpage_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER SEQUENCE ungleich_ungleichpage_id_seq OWNED BY ungleich_ungleichpage.id;

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_categories_category ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_categories_category_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_categories_category_translation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_categories_category_translation_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_newsblog_article_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_categories ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_related ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_newsblog_article_related_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_translation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_group ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_people_group_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_group_translation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_people_group_translation_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_people_person_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person_groups ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_people_person_groups_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person_translation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('aldryn_people_person_translation_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_group ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('auth_group_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_group_permissions ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('auth_group_permissions_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_permission ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('auth_permission_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_user ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('auth_user_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_user_groups ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('auth_user_groups_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_user_user_permissions ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('auth_user_user_permissions_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_cmsplugin ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('cms_cmsplugin_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_globalpagepermission ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('cms_globalpagepermission_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_globalpagepermission_sites ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('cms_globalpagepermission_sites_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_page ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('cms_page_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_page_placeholders ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('cms_page_placeholders_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_pagepermission ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('cms_pagepermission_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_placeholder ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('cms_placeholder_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_staticplaceholder ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('cms_staticplaceholder_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_title ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('cms_title_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_urlconfrevision ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('cms_urlconfrevision_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_usersettings ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('cms_usersettings_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY digitalglarus_message ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('digitalglarus_message_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_admin_log ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('django_admin_log_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_content_type ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('django_content_type_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_migrations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('django_migrations_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_select2_keymap ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('django_select2_keymap_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_site ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('django_site_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogcategory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogconfig ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_blog_post_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_categories ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_blog_post_categories_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_sites ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_blog_post_sites_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_translation ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_blog_post_translation_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_snippet_snippet ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('djangocms_snippet_snippet_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY easy_thumbnails_source ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('easy_thumbnails_source_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY easy_thumbnails_thumbnail ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_clipboard ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('filer_clipboard_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_clipboarditem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('filer_clipboarditem_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_file ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('filer_file_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_folder ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('filer_folder_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_folderpermission ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('filer_folderpermission_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY hosting_railsbetauser ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('hosting_railsbetauser_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY membership_creditcards ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('membership_creditcards_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY membership_customuser ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('membership_customuser_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY menus_cachekey ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('menus_cachekey_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY railshosting_railsbetauser ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('railshosting_railsbetauser_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY reversion_revision ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('reversion_revision_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY reversion_version ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('reversion_version_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY taggit_tag ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('taggit_tag_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY taggit_taggeditem ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('taggit_taggeditem_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY ungleich_ungleichpage ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('ungleich_ungleichpage_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Data for Name: aldryn_categories_category; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_categories_category (id, lft, rgt, tree_id, depth) FROM stdin;

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_categories_category_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: aldryn_categories_category_translation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_categories_category_translation (id, language_code, name, slug, master_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_categories_category_translation_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_article; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_article (id, publishing_date, is_published, is_featured, app_config_id, author_id, content_id, featured_image_id, owner_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_categories; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_article_categories (id, article_id, category_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_newsblog_article_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_related; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_article_related (id, from_article_id, to_article_id, sort_value) FROM stdin;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_related_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_newsblog_article_related_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_article_translation (id, language_code, title, slug, lead_in, meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords, search_data, master_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id, app_config_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id, max_articles, app_config_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id, app_config_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id, app_config_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig (id, type, namespace, app_data, permalink_type, non_permalink_handling, paginate_by, create_authors, search_indexed, placeholder_base_sidebar_id, placeholder_base_top_id, placeholder_detail_bottom_id, placeholder_detail_footer_id, placeholder_detail_top_id, placeholder_list_footer_id, placeholder_list_top_id, template_prefix, pagination_pages_start, pagination_pages_visible) FROM stdin;
1	aldryn_newsblog.cms_appconfig.NewsBlogConfig	aldryn_newsblog_default	{}	slug	302	5	t	t	223	224	225	226	227	228	229	\N	10	4

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation (id, language_code, app_title, master_id) FROM stdin;
1	en-us	News & Blog	1

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_id_seq', 1, true);

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id, article_count, app_config_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id, latest_articles, app_config_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogrelatedplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogrelatedplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id, app_config_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: aldryn_people_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_people_group (id, address, postal_code, city, phone, fax, email, website) FROM stdin;

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_people_group_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: aldryn_people_group_translation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_people_group_translation (id, name, description, language_code, master_id, slug) FROM stdin;

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_people_group_translation_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: aldryn_people_peopleplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_people_peopleplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id, style, group_by_group, show_links, show_vcard, show_ungrouped) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people (id, peopleplugin_id, person_id, sort_value) FROM stdin;

-- Name: aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: aldryn_people_person; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_people_person (id, phone, mobile, fax, email, website, vcard_enabled, user_id, visual_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: aldryn_people_person_groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_people_person_groups (id, person_id, group_id, sort_value) FROM stdin;

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_people_person_groups_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_people_person_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: aldryn_people_person_translation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY aldryn_people_person_translation (id, function, description, language_code, master_id, name, slug) FROM stdin;

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('aldryn_people_person_translation_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: auth_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY auth_group (id, name) FROM stdin;

-- Name: auth_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('auth_group_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: auth_group_permissions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY auth_group_permissions (id, group_id, permission_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: auth_group_permissions_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('auth_group_permissions_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: auth_permission; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY auth_permission (id, name, content_type_id, codename) FROM stdin;
1	Can add log entry	1	add_logentry
2	Can change log entry	1	change_logentry
3	Can delete log entry	1	delete_logentry
4	Can add permission	2	add_permission
5	Can change permission	2	change_permission
6	Can delete permission	2	delete_permission
7	Can add group	3	add_group
8	Can change group	3	change_group
9	Can delete group	3	delete_group
13	Can add content type	5	add_contenttype
14	Can change content type	5	change_contenttype
15	Can delete content type	5	delete_contenttype
16	Can add session	6	add_session
17	Can change session	6	change_session
18	Can delete session	6	delete_session
19	Can add site	7	add_site
20	Can change site	7	change_site
21	Can delete site	7	delete_site
22	Can add user setting	8	add_usersettings
23	Can change user setting	8	change_usersettings
24	Can delete user setting	8	delete_usersettings
25	Can add placeholder	9	add_placeholder
26	Can change placeholder	9	change_placeholder
27	Can delete placeholder	9	delete_placeholder
28	Can use Structure mode	9	use_structure
29	Can add cms plugin	10	add_cmsplugin
30	Can change cms plugin	10	change_cmsplugin
31	Can delete cms plugin	10	delete_cmsplugin
32	Can add page	11	add_page
33	Can change page	11	change_page
34	Can delete page	11	delete_page
35	Can view page	11	view_page
36	Can publish page	11	publish_page
37	Can edit static placeholders	11	edit_static_placeholder
38	Can add Page global permission	12	add_globalpagepermission
39	Can change Page global permission	12	change_globalpagepermission
40	Can delete Page global permission	12	delete_globalpagepermission
41	Can add Page permission	13	add_pagepermission
42	Can change Page permission	13	change_pagepermission
43	Can delete Page permission	13	delete_pagepermission
44	Can add User (page)	14	add_pageuser
45	Can change User (page)	14	change_pageuser
46	Can delete User (page)	14	delete_pageuser
47	Can add User group (page)	15	add_pageusergroup
48	Can change User group (page)	15	change_pageusergroup
49	Can delete User group (page)	15	delete_pageusergroup
50	Can add title	16	add_title
51	Can change title	16	change_title
52	Can delete title	16	delete_title
53	Can add placeholder reference	17	add_placeholderreference
54	Can change placeholder reference	17	change_placeholderreference
55	Can delete placeholder reference	17	delete_placeholderreference
56	Can add static placeholder	18	add_staticplaceholder
57	Can change static placeholder	18	change_staticplaceholder
58	Can delete static placeholder	18	delete_staticplaceholder
59	Can add alias plugin model	19	add_aliaspluginmodel
60	Can change alias plugin model	19	change_aliaspluginmodel
61	Can delete alias plugin model	19	delete_aliaspluginmodel
62	Can add cache key	20	add_cachekey
63	Can change cache key	20	change_cachekey
64	Can delete cache key	20	delete_cachekey
65	Can add flash	21	add_flash
66	Can change flash	21	change_flash
67	Can delete flash	21	delete_flash
68	Can add google map	22	add_googlemap
69	Can change google map	22	change_googlemap
70	Can delete google map	22	delete_googlemap
71	Can add inherit page placeholder	23	add_inheritpageplaceholder
72	Can change inherit page placeholder	23	change_inheritpageplaceholder
73	Can delete inherit page placeholder	23	delete_inheritpageplaceholder
74	Can add link	24	add_link
75	Can change link	24	change_link
76	Can delete link	24	delete_link
77	Can add Snippet	25	add_snippet
78	Can change Snippet	25	change_snippet
79	Can delete Snippet	25	delete_snippet
80	Can add Snippet	26	add_snippetptr
81	Can change Snippet	26	change_snippetptr
82	Can delete Snippet	26	delete_snippetptr
83	Can add teaser	27	add_teaser
84	Can change teaser	27	change_teaser
85	Can delete teaser	27	delete_teaser
86	Can add filer file	28	add_filerfile
87	Can change filer file	28	change_filerfile
88	Can delete filer file	28	delete_filerfile
89	Can add filer folder	29	add_filerfolder
90	Can change filer folder	29	change_filerfolder
91	Can delete filer folder	29	delete_filerfolder
92	Can add filer link plugin	30	add_filerlinkplugin
93	Can change filer link plugin	30	change_filerlinkplugin
94	Can delete filer link plugin	30	delete_filerlinkplugin
95	Can add filer teaser	31	add_filerteaser
96	Can change filer teaser	31	change_filerteaser
97	Can delete filer teaser	31	delete_filerteaser
98	Can add filer video	32	add_filervideo
99	Can change filer video	32	change_filervideo
100	Can delete filer video	32	delete_filervideo
101	Can add revision	33	add_revision
102	Can change revision	33	change_revision
103	Can delete revision	33	delete_revision
104	Can add version	34	add_version
105	Can change version	34	change_version
106	Can delete version	34	delete_version
107	Can add text	35	add_text
108	Can change text	35	change_text
109	Can delete text	35	delete_text
110	Can add Folder	36	add_folder
111	Can change Folder	36	change_folder
112	Can delete Folder	36	delete_folder
113	Can use directory listing	36	can_use_directory_listing
114	Can add folder permission	37	add_folderpermission
115	Can change folder permission	37	change_folderpermission
116	Can delete folder permission	37	delete_folderpermission
117	Can add file	38	add_file
118	Can change file	38	change_file
119	Can delete file	38	delete_file
120	Can add clipboard	39	add_clipboard
121	Can change clipboard	39	change_clipboard
122	Can delete clipboard	39	delete_clipboard
123	Can add clipboard item	40	add_clipboarditem
124	Can change clipboard item	40	change_clipboarditem
125	Can delete clipboard item	40	delete_clipboarditem
126	Can add image	41	add_image
127	Can change image	41	change_image
128	Can delete image	41	delete_image
129	Can add source	42	add_source
130	Can change source	42	change_source
131	Can delete source	42	delete_source
132	Can add thumbnail	43	add_thumbnail
133	Can change thumbnail	43	change_thumbnail
134	Can delete thumbnail	43	delete_thumbnail
135	Can add thumbnail dimensions	44	add_thumbnaildimensions
136	Can change thumbnail dimensions	44	change_thumbnaildimensions
137	Can delete thumbnail dimensions	44	delete_thumbnaildimensions
138	Can add filer image	45	add_filerimage
139	Can change filer image	45	change_filerimage
140	Can delete filer image	45	delete_filerimage
141	Can add thumbnail option	46	add_thumbnailoption
142	Can change thumbnail option	46	change_thumbnailoption
143	Can delete thumbnail option	46	delete_thumbnailoption
144	Can add Tag	47	add_tag
145	Can change Tag	47	change_tag
146	Can delete Tag	47	delete_tag
147	Can add Tagged Item	48	add_taggeditem
148	Can change Tagged Item	48	change_taggeditem
149	Can delete Tagged Item	48	delete_taggeditem
150	Can add key map	49	add_keymap
151	Can change key map	49	change_keymap
152	Can delete key map	49	delete_keymap
153	Can add blog category	51	add_blogcategory
154	Can change blog category	51	change_blogcategory
155	Can delete blog category	51	delete_blogcategory
156	Can add blog article	53	add_post
157	Can change blog article	53	change_post
158	Can delete blog article	53	delete_post
159	Can add latest posts plugin	54	add_latestpostsplugin
160	Can change latest posts plugin	54	change_latestpostsplugin
161	Can delete latest posts plugin	54	delete_latestpostsplugin
162	Can add author entries plugin	55	add_authorentriesplugin
163	Can change author entries plugin	55	change_authorentriesplugin
164	Can delete author entries plugin	55	delete_authorentriesplugin
165	Can add ungleich page	56	add_ungleichpage
166	Can change ungleich page	56	change_ungleichpage
167	Can delete ungleich page	56	delete_ungleichpage
168	Can add rails beta user	57	add_railsbetauser
169	Can change rails beta user	57	change_railsbetauser
170	Can delete rails beta user	57	delete_railsbetauser
171	Can add message	58	add_message
172	Can change message	58	change_message
173	Can delete message	58	delete_message
174	Can add Page meta info (all languages)	59	add_pagemeta
175	Can change Page meta info (all languages)	59	change_pagemeta
176	Can delete Page meta info (all languages)	59	delete_pagemeta
177	Can add Page meta info (language-dependent)	60	add_titlemeta
178	Can change Page meta info (language-dependent)	60	change_titlemeta
179	Can delete Page meta info (language-dependent)	60	delete_titlemeta
180	Can add rails beta user	61	add_railsbetauser
181	Can change rails beta user	61	change_railsbetauser
182	Can delete rails beta user	61	delete_railsbetauser
183	Can add custom user	62	add_customuser
184	Can change custom user	62	change_customuser
185	Can delete custom user	62	delete_customuser
186	Can add credit cards	63	add_creditcards
187	Can change credit cards	63	change_creditcards
188	Can delete credit cards	63	delete_creditcards
189	Can add blog config	65	add_blogconfig
190	Can change blog config	65	change_blogconfig
191	Can delete blog config	65	delete_blogconfig
192	Can add generic blog plugin	66	add_genericblogplugin
193	Can change generic blog plugin	66	change_genericblogplugin
194	Can delete generic blog plugin	66	delete_genericblogplugin
195	Can add urlconf revision	67	add_urlconfrevision
196	Can change urlconf revision	67	change_urlconfrevision
197	Can delete urlconf revision	67	delete_urlconfrevision
198	Can add file	68	add_file
199	Can change file	68	change_file
200	Can delete file	68	delete_file
201	Can add picture	69	add_picture
202	Can change picture	69	change_picture
203	Can delete picture	69	delete_picture
204	Can add video	70	add_video
205	Can change video	70	change_video
206	Can delete video	70	delete_video
210	Can add category	73	add_category
211	Can change category	73	change_category
212	Can delete category	73	delete_category
213	Can add config	75	add_newsblogconfig
214	Can change config	75	change_newsblogconfig
215	Can delete config	75	delete_newsblogconfig
216	Can add article	77	add_article
217	Can change article	77	change_article
218	Can delete article	77	delete_article
219	Can add news blog archive plugin	78	add_newsblogarchiveplugin
220	Can change news blog archive plugin	78	change_newsblogarchiveplugin
221	Can delete news blog archive plugin	78	delete_newsblogarchiveplugin
222	Can add news blog article search plugin	79	add_newsblogarticlesearchplugin
223	Can change news blog article search plugin	79	change_newsblogarticlesearchplugin
224	Can delete news blog article search plugin	79	delete_newsblogarticlesearchplugin
225	Can add news blog authors plugin	80	add_newsblogauthorsplugin
226	Can change news blog authors plugin	80	change_newsblogauthorsplugin
227	Can delete news blog authors plugin	80	delete_newsblogauthorsplugin
228	Can add news blog categories plugin	81	add_newsblogcategoriesplugin
229	Can change news blog categories plugin	81	change_newsblogcategoriesplugin
230	Can delete news blog categories plugin	81	delete_newsblogcategoriesplugin
231	Can add news blog featured articles plugin	82	add_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin
232	Can change news blog featured articles plugin	82	change_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin
233	Can delete news blog featured articles plugin	82	delete_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin
234	Can add news blog latest articles plugin	83	add_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin
235	Can change news blog latest articles plugin	83	change_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin
236	Can delete news blog latest articles plugin	83	delete_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin
237	Can add news blog related plugin	84	add_newsblogrelatedplugin
238	Can change news blog related plugin	84	change_newsblogrelatedplugin
239	Can delete news blog related plugin	84	delete_newsblogrelatedplugin
240	Can add news blog tags plugin	85	add_newsblogtagsplugin
241	Can change news blog tags plugin	85	change_newsblogtagsplugin
242	Can delete news blog tags plugin	85	delete_newsblogtagsplugin
243	Can add Group	87	add_group
244	Can change Group	87	change_group
245	Can delete Group	87	delete_group
246	Can add Person	89	add_person
247	Can change Person	89	change_person
248	Can delete Person	89	delete_person
249	Can add people plugin	90	add_peopleplugin
250	Can change people plugin	90	change_peopleplugin
251	Can delete people plugin	90	delete_peopleplugin

-- Name: auth_permission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('auth_permission_id_seq', 251, true);

-- Data for Name: auth_user; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY auth_user (id, password, last_login, is_superuser, username, first_name, last_name, email, is_staff, is_active, date_joined) FROM stdin;
2	pbkdf2_sha256$15000$E4aOwgpuNSUy$ieeVxRVFCmC8zZKM3HqQJS7aug6aR7cvLKjue5mDiWs=	2015-06-13 15:22:13+02	t	sanghee	Sanghee	Kim	sanghee.kim@ungleich.ch	t	t	2015-06-13 15:22:13+02
3	pbkdf2_sha256$15000$LAd0VLScS9wH$Eo11OsKUhRwU0FITHREHDY3CaqhDmdtec+1pqYi/NTM=	2015-07-18 13:31:35.526078+02	t	nico	Nico	Schottelius	nico.schottelius@ungleich.ch	t	t	2015-06-13 15:22:45+02
4	pbkdf2_sha256$15000$Y98E4iEKgL0S$bgf0Zo1vl3yshqYtACeP5paZpVbmgNc17w3YA/Zi5nc=	2016-03-20 23:07:50.015532+01	t	samantha	Samantha	Meyer	samantha.meyer@ungleich.ch	t	t	2016-03-17 09:37:30+01
1	pbkdf2_sha256$15000$EEGheVZj8bac$EmhJJGLebseAsKhay6p5/yJpKSsKU8u/gcFxUNujuBw=	2016-03-21 15:35:42.967192+01	t	ungleich			team@ungleich.ch	t	t	2015-06-12 18:49:33.596112+02
5	pbkdf2_sha256$15000$IvHSvTOcnAvX$iMgecL0ssjKeps+FNAkQ2kwP8GfEAUS8NHzF7mXBtQM=	2016-03-24 22:14:12.406233+01	t	tom			tmslav@gmail.com	t	t	2016-03-22 16:44:51.772702+01

-- Data for Name: auth_user_groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY auth_user_groups (id, user_id, group_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: auth_user_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('auth_user_groups_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Name: auth_user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('auth_user_id_seq', 5, true);

-- Data for Name: auth_user_user_permissions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY auth_user_user_permissions (id, user_id, permission_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: auth_user_user_permissions_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('auth_user_user_permissions_id_seq', 9, true);

-- Data for Name: cms_aliaspluginmodel; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_aliaspluginmodel (cmsplugin_ptr_id, plugin_id, alias_placeholder_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: cms_cmsplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_cmsplugin (id, "position", language, plugin_type, creation_date, changed_date, parent_id, placeholder_id, depth, numchild, path) FROM stdin;
26	2	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-15 15:46:46.817737+02	2015-06-15 15:46:49.750618+02	21	12	2	0	00090003
27	3	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-15 15:47:13.777197+02	2015-06-15 15:47:16.894176+02	21	12	2	0	00090004
14	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-13 19:51:58.005466+02	2015-06-13 19:52:11.876651+02	13	11	2	0	00060001
44	2	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-16 22:27:50.389155+02	2015-06-16 22:28:03.458509+02	41	14	2	0	000C0003
29	5	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-15 15:50:48.437019+02	2015-06-15 15:50:51.257944+02	21	12	2	0	00090006
98	6	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-08-15 01:28:41.015433+02	2015-08-15 01:28:57.967379+02	85	21	2	0	000I000C
64	2	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-07-20 21:30:44.212912+02	2015-07-20 21:30:48.353798+02	61	18	2	0	000F0003
30	6	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-15 15:51:33.387763+02	2015-06-15 15:51:36.855665+02	21	12	2	0	00090007
45	3	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-16 22:28:36.269318+02	2015-06-16 22:28:58.767315+02	41	14	2	0	000C0004
31	7	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-15 15:51:57.676414+02	2015-06-15 15:52:00.825409+02	21	12	2	0	00090008
8	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-12 22:33:35.572452+02	2015-06-12 22:34:25.8933+02	6	7	2	0	00040001
32	8	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-15 15:52:15.269583+02	2015-06-15 15:52:18.496+02	21	12	2	0	00090009
49	6	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-16 23:15:54.671685+02	2015-06-16 23:19:53.133018+02	41	14	2	0	000C0008
6	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-06-12 21:58:50.169957+02	2015-06-12 23:04:36.831752+02	\N	7	1	1	0004
33	9	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-15 15:52:39.176543+02	2015-06-15 15:52:44.554555+02	21	12	2	0	0009000A
13	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-06-13 19:47:15.784346+02	2015-06-14 06:46:11.774696+02	\N	11	1	4	0006
17	1	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-14 06:43:51.755039+02	2015-06-14 06:46:11.833131+02	13	11	2	0	00060003
18	2	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-14 06:44:09.869605+02	2015-06-14 06:46:11.842905+02	13	11	2	0	00060004
19	3	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-14 06:44:22.081435+02	2015-06-14 06:46:11.852445+02	13	11	2	0	00060005
20	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-06-14 07:11:57.14237+02	2015-06-14 07:11:57.314821+02	\N	10	1	0	0008
46	4	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-16 22:33:58.086631+02	2015-06-16 22:34:01.279322+02	41	14	2	0	000C0005
34	10	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-15 15:52:59.217126+02	2015-06-15 15:53:01.666042+02	21	12	2	0	0009000B
50	7	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-16 23:17:01.340229+02	2015-06-16 23:19:53.142557+02	41	14	2	0	000C0009
51	8	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-16 23:17:51.462657+02	2015-06-16 23:19:53.152077+02	41	14	2	0	000C000A
67	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-07-27 00:47:45.188355+02	2015-07-27 00:48:20.01272+02	65	19	2	0	000G0002
52	9	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-16 23:18:41.569576+02	2015-06-16 23:20:16.720179+02	41	14	2	0	000C000B
24	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-14 23:37:56.549604+02	2015-06-14 23:38:27.668868+02	21	12	2	0	00090001
38	0	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-15 22:12:38.592686+02	2015-06-15 22:24:16.70615+02	22	13	2	0	000A0003
393	0	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 13:57:35.207504+01	2015-10-27 14:16:23.306234+01	392	165	2	0	006Y0001
25	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-15 00:02:41.481822+02	2015-06-15 00:02:51.619338+02	21	12	2	0	00090002
39	1	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-15 22:12:59.845088+02	2015-06-15 22:24:16.716705+02	22	13	2	0	000A0004
40	2	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-15 22:23:41.774831+02	2015-06-15 22:24:16.727631+02	22	13	2	0	000A0005
47	5	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-16 22:47:38.009169+02	2015-06-16 22:47:46.891696+02	41	14	2	0	000C0006
28	4	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-15 15:47:55.647303+02	2015-06-15 16:06:02.531631+02	21	12	2	0	00090005
41	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-06-16 22:14:04.282513+02	2015-06-16 23:20:21.669854+02	\N	14	1	10	000C
53	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-06-21 10:31:55.480776+02	2015-06-22 23:56:08.369576+02	\N	15	1	4	000D
101	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-25 00:13:39.950723+02	2015-08-25 00:14:00.535082+02	100	23	2	0	000J0001
21	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-06-14 23:22:06.930688+02	2015-06-15 17:30:02.895475+02	\N	12	1	11	0009
71	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-08-09 19:56:26.254999+02	2015-08-09 22:45:58.97029+02	\N	20	1	11	000H
68	2	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-07-27 01:15:03.311183+02	2015-07-27 01:15:27.731662+02	65	19	2	0	000G0003
22	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-06-14 23:24:27.724016+02	2015-06-15 22:38:14.86652+02	\N	13	1	3	000A
59	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-06-26 11:45:50.300563+02	2015-06-26 11:45:50.460937+02	\N	16	1	1	000E
55	0	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-22 15:39:11.56687+02	2015-06-22 23:29:11.992851+02	53	15	2	0	000D0001
42	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-16 22:17:27.55228+02	2015-06-16 22:17:37.61838+02	41	14	2	0	000C0001
56	1	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-22 23:20:35.790788+02	2015-06-22 23:29:19.787657+02	53	15	2	0	000D0002
43	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-16 22:22:32.166113+02	2015-06-16 22:22:36.349296+02	41	14	2	0	000C0002
57	2	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-22 23:28:15.995528+02	2015-06-22 23:29:27.840494+02	53	15	2	0	000D0003
60	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-26 11:47:07.129332+02	2015-06-26 11:47:11.833642+02	59	16	2	0	000E0001
61	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-07-20 21:15:27.714523+02	2015-07-20 21:31:59.07523+02	\N	18	1	3	000F
58	3	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-06-22 23:37:33.698877+02	2015-06-22 23:37:45.17474+02	53	15	2	0	000D0004
62	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-07-20 21:17:28.199265+02	2015-07-20 21:17:35.893519+02	61	18	2	0	000F0001
69	3	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-07-27 01:37:32.062729+02	2015-07-27 01:37:36.078352+02	65	19	2	0	000G0004
63	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-07-20 21:20:11.650034+02	2015-07-20 21:20:15.208989+02	61	18	2	0	000F0002
70	4	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-07-27 01:37:46.86029+02	2015-07-27 01:37:49.867409+02	65	19	2	0	000G0005
66	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-07-27 00:47:27.322604+02	2015-07-27 00:47:32.134591+02	65	19	2	0	000G0001
105	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-28 17:35:38.97489+02	2015-08-28 17:36:21.037711+02	103	24	2	0	000K0002
107	3	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-08-28 18:57:12.001482+02	2015-08-29 00:28:47.340897+02	103	24	2	0	000K0004
109	4	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-08-29 00:26:14.370709+02	2015-08-29 00:26:47.661753+02	103	24	2	0	000K0005
103	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-08-28 16:30:15.002616+02	2015-08-29 15:39:42.704001+02	\N	24	1	6	000K
1	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-06-12 18:53:05.418334+02	2016-01-27 17:54:42.66932+01	\N	2	1	0	0001
119	2	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-09-02 14:55:14.640227+02	2015-09-02 14:55:20.35184+02	115	26	2	0	000N0004
73	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-09 20:17:11.081383+02	2015-08-09 21:15:49.316316+02	71	20	2	0	000H0002
74	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-09 20:21:17.777022+02	2015-08-09 21:15:49.32558+02	71	20	2	0	000H0003
125	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-09-17 21:06:32.769182+02	2015-09-18 13:45:31.500097+02	\N	27	1	1	000O
65	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-07-27 00:38:45.141585+02	2015-09-27 00:12:22.084417+02	\N	19	1	5	000G
75	2	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-09 20:33:00.48878+02	2015-08-09 21:15:49.334923+02	71	20	2	0	000H0004
76	3	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-09 20:36:44.517946+02	2015-08-09 21:15:49.345702+02	71	20	2	0	000H0005
77	4	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-09 20:41:23.645018+02	2015-08-09 21:15:49.355821+02	71	20	2	0	000H0006
78	5	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-09 21:10:56.286813+02	2015-08-09 21:15:49.365892+02	71	20	2	0	000H0007
79	6	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-09 21:15:17.332263+02	2015-08-09 21:15:49.375057+02	71	20	2	0	000H0008
80	7	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-09 21:23:11.927367+02	2015-08-09 21:23:16.033656+02	71	20	2	0	000H0009
115	1	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-09-02 14:33:39.810411+02	2015-09-02 15:59:08.70863+02	\N	26	1	4	000N
82	8	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-08-09 22:37:39.857693+02	2015-08-09 22:39:20.160014+02	71	20	2	0	000H000B
117	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-09-02 14:41:37.209036+02	2015-09-02 14:48:37.577613+02	115	26	2	0	000N0002
118	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-09-02 14:46:48.435556+02	2015-09-02 14:48:37.624457+02	115	26	2	0	000N0003
84	10	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-08-09 22:42:44.15351+02	2015-08-09 22:45:28.001537+02	71	20	2	0	000H000D
83	9	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-08-09 22:39:00.945532+02	2015-08-09 22:45:56.114356+02	71	20	2	0	000H000C
93	4	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-08-15 01:09:22.928199+02	2015-08-15 01:10:04.426994+02	85	21	2	0	000I0008
114	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-09-02 14:30:10.871342+02	2015-09-02 14:48:37.68106+02	\N	26	1	0	000M
126	0	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-17 21:17:36.98171+02	2015-09-17 21:18:13.39417+02	125	27	2	0	000O0001
128	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-09-24 16:03:28.729672+02	2015-09-24 16:03:33.551647+02	127	28	2	0	000P0001
394	1	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 14:19:59.430762+01	2015-10-27 14:20:20.99752+01	392	165	2	0	006Y0002
129	1	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-24 16:07:33.599253+02	2015-09-24 16:11:18.973003+02	127	28	2	0	000P0002
147	7	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-25 16:50:39.190766+02	2015-09-25 16:52:00.830289+02	138	29	2	0	000Q0009
641	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-12-07 14:36:17.936241+01	2015-12-07 14:36:24.602425+01	640	195	2	0	00A40001
87	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-15 00:15:12.17447+02	2015-08-15 00:48:47.154844+02	85	21	2	0	000I0002
88	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-15 00:20:39.569008+02	2015-08-15 00:48:47.164533+02	85	21	2	0	000I0003
149	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-09-29 21:40:16.887721+02	2015-09-30 07:51:38.460106+02	\N	30	1	1	000R
90	3	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-15 00:51:08.475823+02	2015-08-15 00:51:15.169878+02	85	21	2	0	000I0005
111	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-09-02 11:52:33.499198+02	2015-09-02 15:42:54.613627+02	\N	25	1	1	000L
143	3	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-25 16:06:06.709808+02	2015-09-25 16:18:27.515336+02	138	29	2	0	000Q0005
89	2	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-15 00:26:14.397748+02	2015-08-15 00:52:37.583213+02	85	21	2	0	000I0004
102	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-25 00:17:34.244685+02	2015-08-25 00:17:43.72771+02	100	23	2	0	000J0002
152	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-09-30 07:51:25.163136+02	2015-09-30 07:51:38.500111+02	149	30	2	0	000R0003
100	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-08-24 23:19:03.121329+02	2015-08-25 00:17:45.163284+02	\N	23	1	2	000J
104	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-28 16:32:35.2814+02	2015-08-28 16:32:40.443024+02	103	24	2	0	000K0001
97	5	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-08-15 01:24:51.073565+02	2015-08-15 01:28:17.206701+02	85	21	2	0	000I000B
110	5	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-08-29 00:31:06.618079+02	2015-08-29 00:31:10.237881+02	103	24	2	0	000K0006
106	2	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-08-28 18:09:31.463593+02	2015-08-29 15:39:38.289144+02	103	24	2	0	000K0003
99	7	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-08-15 01:31:39.401775+02	2015-08-15 01:31:55.649052+02	85	21	2	0	000I000D
112	0	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-02 12:10:30.003766+02	2015-09-02 12:21:54.397909+02	111	25	2	0	000L0001
85	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-08-15 00:12:59.170085+02	2015-08-15 01:31:59.083117+02	\N	21	1	9	000I
133	3	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-09-24 16:22:11.04353+02	2015-09-24 16:22:25.653986+02	127	28	2	0	000P0006
127	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-09-24 16:01:24.312122+02	2015-09-25 21:02:10.322514+02	\N	28	1	6	000P
144	4	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-09-25 16:31:57.54264+02	2015-09-25 16:37:37.812047+02	138	29	2	0	000Q0006
139	0	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-25 15:11:00.83098+02	2015-09-25 15:11:45.975109+02	138	29	2	0	000Q0001
145	5	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-09-25 16:38:00.801365+02	2015-09-25 16:38:04.453905+02	138	29	2	0	000Q0007
124	3	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-02 15:57:16.334441+02	2015-09-02 15:57:49.158941+02	115	26	2	0	000N0009
130	2	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-24 16:14:48.407836+02	2015-09-24 16:57:45.463839+02	127	28	2	0	000P0003
140	1	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-25 15:25:20.314467+02	2015-09-25 16:43:06.875901+02	138	29	2	0	000Q0002
142	2	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-25 15:29:45.432689+02	2015-09-25 16:43:33.363524+02	138	29	2	0	000Q0004
135	4	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-24 17:09:09.056052+02	2015-09-24 17:10:22.509681+02	127	28	2	0	000P0007
148	8	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-25 16:56:10.100897+02	2015-09-25 16:57:19.058015+02	138	29	2	0	000Q000A
136	5	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-09-24 17:11:02.489789+02	2015-09-24 17:11:10.485466+02	127	28	2	0	000P0008
138	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-09-25 15:05:51.158396+02	2015-09-25 19:56:37.625409+02	\N	29	1	9	000Q
146	6	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-09-25 16:44:23.935696+02	2015-09-25 16:44:27.034527+02	138	29	2	0	000Q0008
168	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:26:47.617404+02	2015-10-04 19:26:47.955105+02	\N	2	1	0	0016
169	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-06-12 18:53:05.418334+02	2015-10-04 19:27:41.620441+02	\N	3	1	0	0017
395	2	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 14:24:22.886306+01	2015-10-27 14:24:59.6234+01	392	165	2	0	006Y0003
415	10	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 16:20:31.78518+01	2015-10-27 16:20:40.87686+01	392	165	2	0	006Y000N
642	1	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-12-07 15:00:25.156157+01	2015-12-07 17:07:55.86911+01	640	195	2	0	00A40002
418	13	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-10-27 16:35:19.864916+01	2015-10-27 16:35:26.64234+01	392	165	2	0	006Y000Q
445	5	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-11-08 23:29:14.309946+01	2015-11-08 23:30:23.611342+01	435	169	2	0	0072000A
647	4	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-12-07 15:14:15.452136+01	2015-12-07 16:42:33.575503+01	640	195	2	0	00A40007
421	15	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-10-27 16:43:21.173886+01	2015-10-27 17:26:09.546053+01	392	165	2	0	006Y000T
399	5	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 14:37:35.705887+01	2015-10-27 17:34:17.005904+01	392	165	2	0	006Y0007
429	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-02 08:34:59.648353+01	2015-11-02 08:35:04.234361+01	428	167	2	0	00700001
428	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-11-02 08:14:07.950561+01	2015-11-02 08:37:49.547343+01	\N	167	1	1	0070
448	6	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-11-09 19:57:13.875494+01	2015-11-09 19:57:32.650515+01	435	169	2	0	0072000D
677	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2016-01-13 22:20:51.274182+01	2016-01-14 23:17:04.449001+01	\N	196	1	8	00A7
439	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-08 22:35:57.543549+01	2015-11-08 22:50:17.18246+01	435	169	2	0	00720004
442	4	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-11-08 22:46:28.69263+01	2015-11-08 22:50:17.211032+01	435	169	2	0	00720007
454	2	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-13 06:54:53.273223+01	2015-11-13 06:58:28.008606+01	449	170	2	0	00730005
457	5	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-13 06:56:18.51104+01	2015-11-13 06:58:28.036466+01	449	170	2	0	00730008
416	11	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 16:25:57.512554+01	2015-10-27 16:26:08.892321+01	392	165	2	0	006Y000O
437	0	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-11-08 22:08:44.921041+01	2015-11-08 22:50:17.041856+01	435	169	2	0	00720002
690	7	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-14 17:38:17.050882+01	2016-01-14 17:38:39.862103+01	677	196	2	0	00A70008
396	3	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 14:25:05.300627+01	2015-10-27 14:25:36.842345+01	392	165	2	0	006Y0004
510	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-19 22:13:14.446613+01	2015-11-19 22:13:57.891054+01	508	174	2	0	00870002
440	2	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-11-08 22:44:25.41338+01	2015-11-08 22:50:17.191886+01	435	169	2	0	00720005
663	9	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-12-07 16:55:21.502045+01	2015-12-07 17:21:32.520594+01	640	195	2	0	00A4000N
419	14	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 16:36:50.127747+01	2015-10-27 16:36:57.153015+01	392	165	2	0	006Y000R
664	10	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-12-07 16:56:40.718989+01	2015-12-07 17:21:32.53109+01	640	195	2	0	00A4000O
400	6	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 14:39:51.574231+01	2015-10-27 14:43:51.699624+01	392	165	2	0	006Y0008
648	5	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-12-07 15:21:28.565765+01	2015-12-07 16:42:33.586309+01	640	195	2	0	00A40008
512	2	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-19 22:14:58.349542+01	2015-11-19 22:20:29.299837+01	508	174	2	0	00870004
426	18	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-10-27 22:29:13.403446+01	2015-10-27 22:35:54.086143+01	392	165	2	0	006Y000Y
693	0	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-15 16:34:34.693403+01	2016-01-15 16:35:26.075566+01	691	197	2	0	00A80001
413	8	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 16:18:35.975633+01	2015-10-27 16:18:47.312407+01	392	165	2	0	006Y000L
449	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-11-13 06:30:23.192477+01	2015-11-13 06:58:27.948248+01	\N	170	1	8	0073
422	16	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 17:25:12.198994+01	2015-10-27 17:26:09.55557+01	392	165	2	0	006Y000U
452	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-13 06:54:16.892882+01	2015-11-13 06:58:27.990192+01	449	170	2	0	00730003
455	3	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-13 06:55:18.694671+01	2015-11-13 06:58:28.017848+01	449	170	2	0	00730006
652	7	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-12-07 15:32:26.589425+01	2015-12-07 16:42:33.909919+01	640	195	2	0	00A4000C
458	6	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-13 06:57:46.583694+01	2015-11-13 06:58:28.045609+01	449	170	2	0	00730009
435	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-11-08 21:40:01.583862+01	2015-11-09 19:57:32.613802+01	\N	169	1	7	0072
696	3	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-15 16:37:01.397408+01	2016-01-15 16:37:16.843658+01	691	197	2	0	00A80004
430	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-11-03 08:14:15.348536+01	2015-11-03 19:19:23.173653+01	\N	168	1	1	0071
699	6	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-15 16:38:16.271761+01	2016-01-15 16:38:28.923154+01	691	197	2	0	00A80007
508	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-11-19 21:46:24.485909+01	2016-03-25 17:57:04.162236+01	\N	174	1	4	0087
392	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-27 13:42:08.560007+01	2016-03-25 17:57:04.30885+01	\N	165	1	19	006Y
684	1	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-14 16:02:38.790989+01	2016-01-14 16:02:52.697913+01	677	196	2	0	00A70002
702	8	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2016-01-15 16:40:40.055742+01	2016-01-15 16:41:07.6947+01	691	197	2	0	00A8000A
687	4	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-14 17:05:46.612886+01	2016-01-14 17:05:52.462317+01	677	196	2	0	00A70005
397	4	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 14:34:24.3696+01	2015-10-27 14:35:30.659912+01	392	165	2	0	006Y0005
640	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-12-06 22:27:30.050753+01	2015-12-07 17:27:18.208096+01	\N	195	1	14	00A4
427	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-29 14:58:02.940891+01	2015-10-29 14:58:03.268334+01	\N	166	1	0	006Z
694	1	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-15 16:35:50.05548+01	2016-01-15 16:36:02.258644+01	691	197	2	0	00A80002
697	4	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-15 16:37:20.366654+01	2016-01-15 16:37:27.260221+01	691	197	2	0	00A80005
509	0	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-11-19 22:10:20.919132+01	2015-11-19 22:10:29.587154+01	508	174	2	0	00870001
685	2	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-14 16:02:57.488251+01	2016-01-14 16:03:09.34173+01	677	196	2	0	00A70003
441	3	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-11-08 22:45:24.133482+01	2015-11-08 22:50:17.201463+01	435	169	2	0	00720006
688	5	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2016-01-14 17:22:34.497705+01	2016-01-14 17:22:37.688682+01	677	196	2	0	00A70006
644	2	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-12-07 15:02:56.868729+01	2015-12-07 16:42:33.35919+01	640	195	2	0	00A40004
513	3	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-11-19 22:26:50.975129+01	2015-11-19 22:27:13.803388+01	508	174	2	0	00870005
665	11	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-12-07 16:57:31.453656+01	2015-12-07 17:21:32.541495+01	640	195	2	0	00A4000P
667	13	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-12-07 17:11:19.775054+01	2015-12-07 17:21:32.563036+01	640	195	2	0	00A4000R
411	7	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 16:12:14.163751+01	2015-10-27 16:13:28.857303+01	392	165	2	0	006Y000J
414	9	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-10-27 16:19:02.659674+01	2015-10-27 16:19:45.378386+01	392	165	2	0	006Y000M
417	12	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-10-27 16:35:00.684411+01	2015-10-27 16:35:09.546125+01	392	165	2	0	006Y000P
423	17	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-10-27 19:49:46.094514+01	2015-10-27 19:49:52.844627+01	392	165	2	0	006Y000V
453	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-13 06:54:37.454544+01	2015-11-13 06:58:27.999383+01	449	170	2	0	00730004
456	4	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-13 06:55:51.91029+01	2015-11-13 06:58:28.027145+01	449	170	2	0	00730007
459	7	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-13 06:58:16.185562+01	2015-11-13 06:58:28.054721+01	449	170	2	0	0073000A
645	3	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-12-07 15:03:11.868625+01	2015-12-07 16:42:33.369596+01	640	195	2	0	00A40005
650	6	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-12-07 15:30:54.503529+01	2015-12-07 16:42:33.761666+01	640	195	2	0	00A4000A
773	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:22:41.094306+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.141261+01	\N	99	1	0	00C2
774	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:23:05.607806+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.158092+01	\N	100	1	0	00C3
776	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:31:20.090022+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.191102+01	\N	102	1	0	00C5
775	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:23:23.851326+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.174829+01	\N	101	1	0	00C4
777	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:31:39.702947+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.207698+01	\N	103	1	0	00C6
778	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:32:07.260014+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.231335+01	\N	104	1	0	00C7
779	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:36:07.616707+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.251024+01	\N	105	1	0	00C8
780	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:20:34.38365+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.273727+01	\N	106	1	0	00C9
784	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:47:04.566022+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.492014+01	\N	127	1	0	00CD
781	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:45:58.715573+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.435648+01	\N	131	1	0	00CA
783	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:46:40.251564+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.47519+01	\N	126	1	0	00CC
782	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:46:20.372898+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.455068+01	\N	125	1	0	00CB
785	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:47:33.925637+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.508391+01	\N	128	1	0	00CE
786	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:47:50.728833+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.52473+01	\N	129	1	0	00CF
787	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:48:04.82884+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.541257+01	\N	130	1	0	00CG
790	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:00:03.379218+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.725557+01	\N	100	1	0	00CJ
788	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 18:56:41.534844+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.687056+01	\N	98	1	0	00CH
789	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 18:56:13.254472+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.707013+01	\N	99	1	0	00CI
791	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 18:59:46.792796+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.742334+01	\N	101	1	0	00CK
792	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:00:37.507873+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.759085+01	\N	102	1	0	00CL
793	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:01:04.021107+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.779781+01	\N	103	1	0	00CM
794	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:01:30.763349+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.802+01	\N	104	1	0	00CN
795	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:01:51.549308+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.822206+01	\N	105	1	0	00CO
796	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:02:21.812903+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.843223+01	\N	106	1	0	00CP
797	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:35:23.668818+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.018815+01	\N	156	1	0	00CQ
798	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:54:37.668765+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.035065+01	\N	152	1	0	00CR
799	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:30:45.478049+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.051306+01	\N	153	1	0	00CS
800	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:56:14.042232+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.072022+01	\N	154	1	0	00CT
801	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:56:30.645057+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.092434+01	\N	155	1	0	00CU
802	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-11-15 01:25:49.040969+01	2016-03-25 17:58:59.116942+01	\N	172	1	0	00CV
803	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:45:58.715573+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.243218+01	\N	131	1	0	00CW
804	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:52:38.665903+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.259053+01	\N	125	1	0	00CX
805	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:52:54.182045+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.275323+01	\N	126	1	0	00CY
806	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:55:08.645778+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.292125+01	\N	127	1	0	00CZ
807	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:55:24.521891+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.310657+01	\N	128	1	0	00D0
808	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:56:28.318812+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.326939+01	\N	129	1	0	00D1
683	0	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-14 16:01:23.621599+01	2016-01-14 16:01:47.754985+01	677	196	2	0	00A70001
686	3	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-14 16:55:49.266747+01	2016-01-14 16:56:28.869312+01	677	196	2	0	00A70004
689	6	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-14 17:35:07.669476+01	2016-01-14 17:35:32.395031+01	677	196	2	0	00A70007
695	2	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-15 16:36:19.569446+01	2016-01-15 16:36:45.27614+01	691	197	2	0	00A80003
698	5	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2016-01-15 16:37:45.663001+01	2016-01-15 16:38:02.560488+01	691	197	2	0	00A80006
701	7	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2016-01-15 16:39:42.294183+01	2016-01-15 16:41:07.683981+01	691	197	2	0	00A80009
662	8	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-12-07 16:54:15.851671+01	2015-12-07 17:21:32.510121+01	640	195	2	0	00A4000M
666	12	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-12-07 17:01:31.687609+01	2015-12-07 17:21:32.552615+01	640	195	2	0	00A4000Q
691	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2016-01-15 16:18:10.62021+01	2016-03-22 18:39:35.040554+01	\N	197	1	9	00A8
709	\N	en-us	PlaceholderPlugin	2016-03-22 23:53:28.166519+01	2016-03-22 23:53:28.173422+01	\N	217	1	0	00AH
711	0	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-15 22:12:38.592686+02	2016-03-22 23:53:28.370534+01	710	219	2	0	00AI0001
712	1	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-15 22:12:59.845088+02	2016-03-22 23:53:28.433876+01	710	219	2	0	00AI0002
713	2	en-us	FilerImagePlugin	2015-06-15 22:23:41.774831+02	2016-03-22 23:53:28.446862+01	710	219	2	0	00AI0003
710	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-06-14 23:24:27.724016+02	2016-03-22 23:53:28.469383+01	\N	219	1	3	00AI
723	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 18:56:41.534844+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.382584+01	\N	31	1	0	00AS
754	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:54:37.668765+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.328997+01	\N	94	1	0	00BN
724	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 18:56:13.254472+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.402575+01	\N	32	1	0	00AT
738	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:45:58.715573+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.777417+01	\N	66	1	0	00B7
4	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-06-12 19:54:49.162118+02	2016-03-25 17:57:03.708699+01	\N	9	1	0	0003
725	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:00:03.379218+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.420239+01	\N	33	1	0	00AU
504	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-11-15 11:13:07.595484+01	2016-03-25 17:57:03.942347+01	\N	173	1	0	0086
726	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 18:59:46.792796+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.438489+01	\N	34	1	0	00AV
748	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:16:22.743467+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.093591+01	\N	84	1	0	00BH
727	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:00:37.507873+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.48292+01	\N	35	1	0	00AW
739	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:46:20.372898+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.862392+01	\N	67	1	0	00B8
728	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:01:04.021107+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.499331+01	\N	36	1	0	00AX
714	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:22:11.318342+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.134759+01	\N	31	1	0	00AJ
715	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:22:41.094306+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.152126+01	\N	32	1	0	00AK
716	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:23:05.607806+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.168658+01	\N	33	1	0	00AL
729	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:01:30.763349+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.515544+01	\N	37	1	0	00AY
717	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:23:23.851326+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.186209+01	\N	34	1	0	00AM
718	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:31:20.090022+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.202746+01	\N	35	1	0	00AN
719	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:31:39.702947+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.2195+01	\N	36	1	0	00AO
730	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:01:51.549308+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.535641+01	\N	38	1	0	00AZ
720	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:32:07.260014+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.235863+01	\N	37	1	0	00AP
721	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:36:07.616707+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.253425+01	\N	38	1	0	00AQ
740	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:46:40.251564+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.87943+01	\N	68	1	0	00B9
722	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:20:34.38365+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.272828+01	\N	39	1	0	00AR
731	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:02:21.812903+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.55454+01	\N	39	1	0	00B0
732	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:52:38.665903+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.663293+01	\N	67	1	0	00B1
741	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:47:04.566022+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.899881+01	\N	69	1	0	00BA
733	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:52:54.182045+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.679479+01	\N	68	1	0	00B2
734	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:55:08.645778+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.702981+01	\N	69	1	0	00B3
749	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:06:26.767411+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.112227+01	\N	81	1	0	00BI
735	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:55:24.521891+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.723251+01	\N	70	1	0	00B4
742	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:47:33.925637+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.916586+01	\N	70	1	0	00BB
736	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:56:28.318812+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.742965+01	\N	71	1	0	00B5
737	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:56:10.917672+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.760497+01	\N	72	1	0	00B6
743	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:47:50.728833+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.932856+01	\N	71	1	0	00BC
758	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:35:23.668818+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.401396+01	\N	93	1	0	00BR
744	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:48:04.82884+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.949679+01	\N	72	1	0	00BD
750	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:06:49.275704+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.179797+01	\N	82	1	0	00BJ
745	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:45:58.715573+02	2016-03-25 17:58:56.966143+01	\N	66	1	0	00BE
746	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:14:38.170897+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.048122+01	\N	82	1	0	00BF
755	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:30:45.478049+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.349103+01	\N	95	1	0	00BO
747	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:16:04.529371+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.069531+01	\N	83	1	0	00BG
751	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:10:28.015404+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.196606+01	\N	83	1	0	00BK
752	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:07:07.395899+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.218773+01	\N	84	1	0	00BL
753	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:06:26.767411+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.241276+01	\N	81	1	0	00BM
764	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:35:23.668818+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.589304+01	\N	93	1	0	00BX
756	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:56:14.042232+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.365674+01	\N	96	1	0	00BP
759	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-11-15 01:25:49.040969+01	2016-03-25 17:58:57.430249+01	\N	171	1	0	00BS
757	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:56:30.645057+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.38499+01	\N	97	1	0	00BQ
761	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:30:45.478049+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.519737+01	\N	95	1	0	00BU
760	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:30:01.255176+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.503573+01	\N	94	1	0	00BT
763	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:32:35.14572+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.566696+01	\N	97	1	0	00BW
762	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:31:45.82309+02	2016-03-25 17:58:57.542873+01	\N	96	1	0	00BV
765	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-11-15 01:01:22.760865+01	2016-03-25 17:58:57.621037+01	\N	171	1	0	00BY
767	0	de	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-25 21:15:33.454257+01	2016-03-25 17:58:57.695308+01	766	184	2	0	00BZ0001
766	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-11-25 08:06:27.105989+01	2016-03-25 17:58:57.701622+01	\N	184	1	1	00BZ
769	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-25 07:50:51.131351+01	2016-03-25 17:58:57.800077+01	768	184	2	0	00C00001
770	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-25 20:42:12.795471+01	2016-03-25 17:58:57.809532+01	768	184	2	0	00C00002
771	2	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-25 20:46:37.04755+01	2016-03-25 17:58:57.818457+01	768	184	2	0	00C00003
768	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-11-25 07:36:07.172082+01	2016-03-25 17:58:57.831489+01	\N	184	1	3	00C0
772	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:22:11.318342+02	2016-03-25 17:58:58.124599+01	\N	98	1	0	00C1
809	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 19:56:10.917672+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.344233+01	\N	130	1	0	00D2
810	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:06:26.767411+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.453156+01	\N	143	1	0	00D3
811	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:14:38.170897+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.470077+01	\N	140	1	0	00D4
812	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:16:04.529371+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.490103+01	\N	141	1	0	00D5
813	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:16:22.743467+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.509287+01	\N	142	1	0	00D6
814	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:06:26.767411+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.618364+01	\N	143	1	0	00D7
815	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:06:49.275704+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.634509+01	\N	140	1	0	00D8
816	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:10:28.015404+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.654817+01	\N	141	1	0	00D9
817	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 20:07:07.395899+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.675208+01	\N	142	1	0	00DA
818	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:35:23.668818+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.792626+01	\N	156	1	0	00DB
819	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:30:01.255176+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.808879+01	\N	152	1	0	00DC
820	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:30:45.478049+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.82505+01	\N	153	1	0	00DD
821	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:31:45.82309+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.841266+01	\N	154	1	0	00DE
822	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-10-04 21:32:35.14572+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.857922+01	\N	155	1	0	00DF
823	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-11-15 01:01:22.760865+01	2016-03-25 17:58:59.881005+01	\N	172	1	0	00DG
825	0	de	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-25 21:15:33.454257+01	2016-03-25 17:58:59.996979+01	824	185	2	0	00DH0001
824	0	de	TextPlugin	2015-11-25 08:06:27.105989+01	2016-03-25 17:59:00.00349+01	\N	185	1	1	00DH
827	0	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-25 07:50:51.131351+01	2016-03-25 17:59:00.142913+01	826	185	2	0	00DI0001
828	1	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-25 20:42:12.795471+01	2016-03-25 17:59:00.151934+01	826	185	2	0	00DI0002
829	2	en-us	FilerLinkPlugin	2015-11-25 20:46:37.04755+01	2016-03-25 17:59:00.160749+01	826	185	2	0	00DI0003
826	0	en-us	TextPlugin	2015-11-25 07:36:07.172082+01	2016-03-25 17:59:00.17036+01	\N	185	1	3	00DI

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cms_cmsplugin_id_seq', 829, true);

-- Data for Name: cms_globalpagepermission; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_globalpagepermission (id, can_change, can_add, can_delete, can_change_advanced_settings, can_publish, can_change_permissions, can_move_page, can_view, can_recover_page, group_id, user_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cms_globalpagepermission_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: cms_globalpagepermission_sites; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_globalpagepermission_sites (id, globalpagepermission_id, site_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_sites_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cms_globalpagepermission_sites_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: cms_page; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_page (id, created_by, changed_by, creation_date, changed_date, publication_date, publication_end_date, in_navigation, soft_root, reverse_id, navigation_extenders, template, login_required, limit_visibility_in_menu, is_home, application_urls, application_namespace, publisher_is_draft, languages, revision_id, xframe_options, parent_id, publisher_public_id, site_id, depth, numchild, path) FROM stdin;
18	ungleich	ungleich	2016-02-28 16:12:18.253391+01	2016-02-28 16:12:18.408831+01	\N	\N	t	f	\N	\N	INHERIT	f	\N	f	\N	\N	t	en-us	0	0	\N	\N	1	1	0	0007
20	tt@t.com	tt@t.com	2016-03-25 18:07:11.591422+01	2016-03-25 18:07:11.670802+01	2016-03-25 18:07:11.583775+01	\N	t	f	\N	BlogCategoryMenu	INHERIT	f	\N	f	BlogApp	djangocms_blog	f	en-us	0	0	\N	19	1	1	0	0009
9	ungleich	tt@t.com	2015-10-05 00:19:37.058419+02	2016-03-25 18:07:11.692103+01	2015-10-05 00:19:37.050098+02	\N	t	t	digital-glarus-page		cms/digitalglarus/index.html	f	\N	t		\N	f	en-us,de	0	0	\N	5	1	1	4	0006
19	tt@t.com	tt@t.com	2016-03-25 18:06:38.461092+01	2016-03-25 18:07:11.759778+01	2016-03-25 18:07:11.583775+01	\N	t	f	\N	BlogCategoryMenu	INHERIT	f	\N	f	BlogApp	djangocms_blog	t	en-us	0	0	\N	20	1	1	0	0008
5	ungleich	tt@t.com	2015-10-04 18:53:42.17135+02	2016-03-25 18:07:11.780884+01	2015-10-05 00:19:37.050098+02	\N	t	t	digital-glarus-page		cms/digitalglarus/index.html	f	\N	t		\N	t	en-us,de	0	0	\N	9	1	1	5	0005
12	ungleich	script	2015-10-05 01:27:26.914465+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.350349+01	2015-10-05 01:27:26.906591+02	\N	t	f	\N		cms/digitalglarus/about.html	f	\N	f		\N	f	en-us,de	0	0	9	6	1	2	0	00060001
6	ungleich	script	2015-10-04 19:45:05.381054+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.35938+01	2015-10-05 01:27:26.906591+02	\N	t	f	\N		cms/digitalglarus/about.html	f	\N	f		\N	t	en-us,de	0	0	5	12	1	2	0	00050001
14	ungleich	tt@t.com	2015-10-05 01:27:52.90541+02	2016-03-25 18:40:32.108554+01	2015-10-05 01:27:52.894729+02	\N	t	f	\N		cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html	f	\N	f	NewsBlogApp	aldryn_newsblog_default	f	en-us,de	0	0	9	8	1	2	0	00060003
13	ungleich	script	2015-10-05 01:27:38.415897+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.685497+01	2015-10-05 01:27:38.405173+02	\N	t	f	\N		cms/digitalglarus/contact.html	f	\N	f		\N	f	en-us,de	0	0	9	7	1	2	0	00060002
7	ungleich	script	2015-10-04 20:05:38.15065+02	2016-03-25 17:58:59.693955+01	2015-10-05 01:27:38.405173+02	\N	t	f	\N		cms/digitalglarus/contact.html	f	\N	f		\N	t	en-us,de	0	0	5	13	1	2	0	00050002
8	ungleich	tt@t.com	2015-10-04 20:54:49.173916+02	2016-03-25 18:40:32.536519+01	2015-10-05 01:27:52.894729+02	\N	t	f	\N	NewsBlogMenu	ungleichch/page.html	f	\N	f	NewsBlogApp	aldryn_newsblog_default	t	en-us,de	0	0	5	14	1	2	0	00050003
16	ungleich	script	2015-11-25 08:04:21.100041+01	2016-03-25 17:59:00.193918+01	2015-11-25 08:04:21.089598+01	\N	f	f	\N	\N	cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html	f	\N	f	\N	\N	f	en-us,de	0	0	9	15	1	2	0	00060004
15	ungleich	script	2015-11-25 07:19:53.576477+01	2016-03-25 17:59:00.20326+01	2015-11-25 08:04:21.089598+01	\N	f	f	\N	\N	cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html	f	\N	f	\N	\N	t	en-us,de	0	0	5	16	1	2	0	00050004

-- Name: cms_page_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cms_page_id_seq', 20, true);

-- Data for Name: cms_page_placeholders; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_page_placeholders (id, page_id, placeholder_id) FROM stdin;
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6	5	32
7	5	33
8	5	34
9	5	35
10	5	36
11	5	37
12	5	38
13	5	39
32	6	58
33	6	59
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170	18	207
171	18	208
172	18	209
173	18	210
174	18	211
175	18	212
176	18	213
177	18	214
178	18	215
179	18	218
180	5	220
181	9	221
182	8	230

-- Name: cms_page_placeholders_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cms_page_placeholders_id_seq', 182, true);

-- Data for Name: cms_pagepermission; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_pagepermission (id, can_change, can_add, can_delete, can_change_advanced_settings, can_publish, can_change_permissions, can_move_page, can_view, grant_on, group_id, page_id, user_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: cms_pagepermission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cms_pagepermission_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: cms_pageuser; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_pageuser (user_ptr_id, created_by_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: cms_pageusergroup; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_pageusergroup (group_ptr_id, created_by_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: cms_placeholder; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_placeholder (id, slot, default_width) FROM stdin;
1	clipboard	\N
2	footer_copyright	\N
3	footer_copyright	\N
7	post_content	\N
9	post_content	\N
10	post_content	\N
11	post_content	\N
12	post_content	\N
13	post_content	\N
14	post_content	\N
15	post_content	\N
16	post_content	\N
17	clipboard	\N
18	post_content	\N
19	post_content	\N
20	post_content	\N
21	post_content	\N
22	post_content	\N
23	post_content	\N
24	post_content	\N
25	post_content	\N
26	post_content	\N
27	post_content	\N
28	post_content	\N
29	post_content	\N
30	post_content	\N
31	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	\N
32	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	\N
33	digital_glarus_a_new_area	\N
34	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	\N
35	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	\N
36	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	\N
37	digital_glarus_where_we_are	\N
38	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	\N
39	digital_glarus_legend	\N
58	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	\N
59	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	\N
60	digital_glarus_a_new_area	\N
61	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	\N
62	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	\N
63	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	\N
64	digital_glarus_where_we_are	\N
65	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	\N
66	digital_glarus_legend	\N
67	digitalglarus_why_us	\N
68	digitalglarus_why_us_content	\N
69	digitalglarus_why_glarus	\N
70	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	\N
71	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	\N
72	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	\N
73	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	\N
74	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	\N
75	digital_glarus_a_new_area	\N
76	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	\N
77	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	\N
78	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	\N
79	digital_glarus_where_we_are	\N
80	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	\N
81	digital_glarus_legend	\N
82	digital_glarus_contact	\N
83	digital_glarus_contact_content	\N
84	digital_glarus_contact_information	\N
85	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	\N
86	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	\N
87	digital_glarus_a_new_area	\N
88	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	\N
89	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	\N
90	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	\N
91	digital_glarus_where_we_are	\N
92	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	\N
93	digital_glarus_legend	\N
94	digitalglarus_why_glarus	\N
95	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	\N
96	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	\N
97	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	\N
98	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	\N
99	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	\N
100	digital_glarus_a_new_area	\N
101	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	\N
102	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	\N
103	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	\N
104	digital_glarus_where_we_are	\N
105	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	\N
106	digital_glarus_legend	\N
125	digitalglarus_why_us	\N
126	digitalglarus_why_us_content	\N
127	digitalglarus_why_glarus	\N
128	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	\N
129	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	\N
130	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	\N
131	digital_glarus_legend	\N
132	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	\N
133	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	\N
134	digital_glarus_a_new_area	\N
135	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	\N
136	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	\N
137	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	\N
138	digital_glarus_where_we_are	\N
139	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	\N
140	digital_glarus_contact	\N
141	digital_glarus_contact_content	\N
142	digital_glarus_contact_information	\N
143	digital_glarus_legend	\N
144	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	\N
145	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	\N
146	digital_glarus_a_new_area	\N
147	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	\N
148	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	\N
149	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	\N
150	digital_glarus_where_we_are	\N
151	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	\N
152	digitalglarus_why_glarus	\N
153	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	\N
154	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	\N
155	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	\N
156	digital_glarus_legend	\N
157	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	\N
158	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	\N
159	digital_glarus_a_new_area	\N
160	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	\N
161	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	\N
162	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	\N
163	digital_glarus_where_we_are	\N
164	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	\N
165	post_content	\N
166	post_content	\N
167	post_content	\N
168	post_content	\N
169	post_content	\N
170	post_content	\N
171	digitalglarus_why_us	\N
172	digitalglarus_why_us	\N
173	post_content	\N
174	post_content	\N
175	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	\N
176	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	\N
177	digital_glarus_a_new_area	\N
178	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	\N
179	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	\N
180	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	\N
181	digital_glarus_where_we_are	\N
182	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	\N
183	digital_glarus_legend	\N
184	digitalglarus_why_us	\N
185	digitalglarus_why_us	\N
186	digital_glarus_legend	\N
187	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	\N
188	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	\N
189	digital_glarus_a_new_area	\N
190	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	\N
191	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	\N
192	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	\N
193	digital_glarus_where_we_are	\N
194	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	\N
195	post_content	\N
196	post_content	\N
197	post_content	\N
207	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	\N
208	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	\N
209	digital_glarus_a_new_area	\N
210	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	\N
211	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	\N
212	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	\N
213	digital_glarus_where_we_are	\N
214	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	\N
215	digital_glarus_legend	\N
216	clipboard	\N
217	clipboard	\N
218	page_content	\N
219	clipboard	\N
220	digital_glarus_gallery_grid	\N
221	digital_glarus_gallery_grid	\N
222	clipboard	\N
223	newsblog_base_sidebar	\N
224	newsblog_base_top	\N
225	newsblog_detail_bottom	\N
226	newsblog_detail_footer	\N
227	newsblog_detail_top	\N
228	newsblog_list_footer	\N
229	newsblog_list_top	\N
230	page_content	\N

-- Name: cms_placeholder_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cms_placeholder_id_seq', 230, true);

-- Data for Name: cms_placeholderreference; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_placeholderreference (cmsplugin_ptr_id, name, placeholder_ref_id) FROM stdin;
709	Content	219

-- Data for Name: cms_staticplaceholder; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_staticplaceholder (id, name, code, dirty, creation_method, draft_id, public_id, site_id) FROM stdin;
1	footer_copyright	footer_copyright	t	template	2	3	\N

-- Name: cms_staticplaceholder_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cms_staticplaceholder_id_seq', 1, true);

-- Data for Name: cms_title; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_title (id, language, title, page_title, menu_title, meta_description, slug, path, has_url_overwrite, redirect, creation_date, published, publisher_is_draft, publisher_state, page_id, publisher_public_id) FROM stdin;
29	en-us	events	Events	Events	events	events	events	f	\N	2016-02-28 16:12:18.340514+01	f	t	1	18	\N
20	de	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns	Ãœber uns	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ	digital-glarus-uber-uns	digital-glarus-uber-uns	f	\N	2015-10-04 19:54:39.076803+02	t	f	0	12	8
14	de	Digital Glarus - Startseite	Digital Glarus - Startseite	Startseite	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ	digitalglarus-startseite		f		2015-10-04 19:20:12.951092+02	t	f	0	9	6
13	en-us	Digital Glarus - Welcome	Digital Glarus	home	BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND	digitalglarus-home		f		2015-10-04 18:53:42.348209+02	t	f	0	9	5
17	en-us	Digital Glarus - About	Digital Glarus - About	about	The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13	digital-glarus-about	digital-glarus-about	f		2015-10-04 19:45:05.433404+02	t	f	0	12	7
18	en-us	Digital Glarus - Contact	Digital Glarus - Contact	contact	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS 	digital-glarus-contact	digital-glarus-contact	f		2015-10-04 20:05:38.201108+02	t	f	0	13	9
21	de	Digital Glarus - Kontakt	Digital Glarus - Kontakt	Kontakt	Digital Glarus - Kontakt	digital-glarus-kontakt	digital-glarus-kontakt	f	\N	2015-10-04 20:14:07.928851+02	t	f	0	13	10
19	en-us	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	crowdfunding	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	digital-glarus-crowdfunding	digitalglarus	t		2015-10-04 20:54:49.222459+02	t	f	0	14	11
22	de	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	Crowdfunding	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	digital-glarus-crowdfunding	digital-glarus-crowdfunding	f	\N	2015-10-04 21:49:28.161298+02	t	f	0	14	12
25	en-us	Let's Jazz in Glarus!	Jazz in Glarus!	jazz		lets-jazz-glarus	lets-jazz-glarus	f	\N	2015-11-25 07:19:53.724038+01	t	f	0	16	24
27	de	Let's Jazz in Glarus	Jazz in Glarus!	jazz	jazz, glarus, coworking	lets-jazz-glarus	lets-jazz-glarus	f	\N	2015-11-25 08:05:18.587715+01	t	f	0	16	26
6	de	Digital Glarus - Startseite	Digital Glarus - Startseite	Startseite	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ	digitalglarus-startseite		f		2015-10-04 19:20:12.951092+02	t	t	0	5	14
5	en-us	Digital Glarus - Welcome	Digital Glarus	home	BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND	digitalglarus-home		f		2015-10-04 18:53:42.348209+02	t	t	0	5	13
8	de	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns	Ãœber uns	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ	digital-glarus-uber-uns	digital-glarus-uber-uns	f	\N	2015-10-04 19:54:39.076803+02	t	t	0	6	20
7	en-us	Digital Glarus - About	Digital Glarus - About	about	The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13	digital-glarus-about	digital-glarus-about	f		2015-10-04 19:45:05.433404+02	t	t	0	6	17
10	de	Digital Glarus - Kontakt	Digital Glarus - Kontakt	Kontakt	Digital Glarus - Kontakt	digital-glarus-kontakt	digital-glarus-kontakt	f	\N	2015-10-04 20:14:07.928851+02	t	t	0	7	21
9	en-us	Digital Glarus - Contact	Digital Glarus - Contact	contact	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS 	digital-glarus-contact	digital-glarus-contact	f		2015-10-04 20:05:38.201108+02	t	t	0	7	18
26	de	Let's Jazz in Glarus	Jazz in Glarus!	jazz	jazz, glarus, coworking	lets-jazz-glarus	lets-jazz-glarus	f	\N	2015-11-25 08:05:18.587715+01	t	t	0	15	27
24	en-us	Let's Jazz in Glarus!	Jazz in Glarus!	jazz		lets-jazz-glarus	lets-jazz-glarus	f	\N	2015-11-25 07:19:53.724038+01	t	t	0	15	25
31	en-us	Blog				blog	blog	f		2016-03-25 18:06:38.57652+01	t	f	0	20	30
30	en-us	Blog				blog	blog	f		2016-03-25 18:06:38.57652+01	t	t	0	19	31
12	de	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	Crowdfunding	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	digital-glarus-crowdfunding	digital-glarus-crowdfunding	f	\N	2015-10-04 21:49:28.161298+02	t	t	1	8	22
11	en-us	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	crowdfunding	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	digital-glarus-crowdfunding	digitalglarus	t		2015-10-04 20:54:49.222459+02	t	t	1	8	19

-- Name: cms_title_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cms_title_id_seq', 31, true);

-- Data for Name: cms_urlconfrevision; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY cms_urlconfrevision (id, revision) FROM stdin;
1	d8cf2d30-f2ab-455b-bb80-e521947c2668

-- Name: cms_urlconfrevision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cms_urlconfrevision_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: cms_usersettings; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cms_usersettings (id, language, clipboard_id, user_id) FROM stdin;
1	en-us	1	1
2	en-us	17	3
3	en-us	216	4
4	en-us	217	5
5	en-us	222	2

-- Name: cms_usersettings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cms_usersettings_id_seq', 5, true);

-- Data for Name: cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile (cmsplugin_ptr_id, title, target_blank, style, file_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder (cmsplugin_ptr_id, title, style, folder_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage (cmsplugin_ptr_id, style, caption_text, image_url, alt_text, use_original_image, use_autoscale, width, height, crop, upscale, alignment, free_link, original_link, description, target_blank, file_link_id, image_id, page_link_id, thumbnail_option_id) FROM stdin;
17					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	13	\N	\N
18					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	11	\N	\N
19					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	12	\N	\N
38					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	19	\N	\N
39					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	21	\N	\N
40					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	22	\N	\N
49					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	24	\N	\N
50					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	25	\N	\N
51					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	26	\N	\N
52					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	27	\N	\N
55					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	29	\N	\N
56					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	30	\N	\N
57					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	31	\N	\N
82					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	35	\N	\N
84					t	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	37	\N	\N
83					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	38	\N	\N
93					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	39	\N	\N
644					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	163	\N	\N
645					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	165	\N	\N
97					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	42	\N	\N
98					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	44	\N	\N
99					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	45	\N	\N
109					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	50	\N	\N
107					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	48	\N	\N
106					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	53	\N	\N
647					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	166	\N	\N
112					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	55	\N	\N
124					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	61	\N	\N
126					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	62	\N	\N
129					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	71	\N	\N
130					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N	http://www.digitalglarus.ch	f		f	\N	72	\N	\N
135					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	73	\N	\N
136					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	74	\N	\N
139					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	78	\N	\N
143					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	81	\N	\N
140		Getting ready for welcoming the audience			f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	79	\N	\N
142		Nico explaining what is a coworking space			f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	80	\N	\N
147					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N	http://www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus	f		f	\N	72	\N	\N
648					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	167	\N	\N
148					f	f	600	\N	t	t	\N	https://blog.ungleich.ch/blog/2015/09/24/digital-glarus-radio-german/	f		f	\N	71	\N	\N
650					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	169	\N	\N
393					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	85	\N	\N
394					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	86	\N	\N
395					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	88	\N	\N
396					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	87	\N	\N
397					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	89	\N	\N
400					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	91	\N	\N
411					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	92	\N	\N
413					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	93	\N	\N
414					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	94	\N	\N
415					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	96	\N	\N
416					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	97	\N	\N
419					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	98	\N	\N
422					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	99	\N	\N
399					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	90	\N	\N
437					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	118	\N	\N
440					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	119	\N	\N
441					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	120	\N	\N
442					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	121	\N	\N
445					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	124	\N	\N
448					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	148	\N	\N
509					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	126	\N	\N
513					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N	http://www.100-days.net/en/projekt/start-digital-glarus	f		f	\N	72	\N	\N
652					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	168	\N	\N
662					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	171	\N	\N
666					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N	http://www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus	f		f	\N	72	\N	\N
642					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	173	\N	\N
683					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	176	\N	\N
684					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	180	\N	\N
685					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	181	\N	\N
686					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	187	\N	\N
687					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	178	\N	\N
689					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	183	\N	\N
690					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	188	\N	\N
693					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	178	\N	\N
694					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	188	\N	\N
695					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	176	\N	\N
696					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	180	\N	\N
697					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	181	\N	\N
698					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	187	\N	\N
699					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	185	\N	\N
711					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	19	\N	\N
712					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	21	\N	\N
713					f	f	\N	\N	t	t	\N		f		f	\N	22	\N	\N

-- Data for Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption (id, name, width, height, crop, upscale) FROM stdin;
1	100x100	100	100	t	t

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption_id_seq', 1, true);

-- Data for Name: cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id, name, url, mailto, link_style, new_window, file_id, page_link_id) FROM stdin;
8	DjangoCMS blog	https://github.com/nephila/djangocms-blog		 	t	\N	\N
14	OpenNebulaConf 2015.	http://2015.opennebulaconf.com/		 	t	\N	\N
24	rails-hosting.ch	http://rails-hosting.ch		 	t	\N	\N
25	OpenNebula	http://opennebula.org		 	f	\N	\N
26	Ceph	http://ceph.com/		 	f	\N	\N
27	GlusterFS	http://www.gluster.org/		 	f	\N	\N
29	Nginx	http://nginx.org/		 	f	\N	\N
30	PostgreSQL	https://www.postgresql.org/		 	f	\N	\N
31	DjangoCMS Blog	https://github.com/nephila/djangocms-blog		 	f	\N	\N
32	DjangoCMS	http://django-cms.org/		 	f	\N	\N
33	uwsgi	http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/		 	f	\N	\N
34	Django	https://www.djangoproject.com/		 	f	\N	\N
28	cdist	http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/cdist/		 	f	\N	\N
42	OpenCloudDay 2015 in Bern	http://ch-open.ch/events/aktuelle-events/160615-open-cloud-day-2015/		 	f	\N	\N
43	@Jens	https://twitter.com/jcfischer		 	f	\N	\N
44	Digital Glarus	https://digitalglarus.ungleich.ch		 	f	\N	\N
45	follow us on Twitter	https://twitter.com/ungleich		 	f	\N	\N
46	/ch/open	http://www.ch-open.ch/		 	f	\N	\N
47	@ICCLab	https://twitter.com/icc_lab		 	f	\N	\N
58	Digital Glarus	https://digitalglarus.ungleich.ch		 	f	\N	\N
60	PostgreSQL Europe	https://www.postgresql.eu/		 	f	\N	\N
62	Digital Glarus	https://digitalglarus.ungleich.ch		 	f	\N	\N
63	Makers im Zigerschlitz	http://www.meetup.com/Makers-im-Zigerschlitz/events/223111211/		 	f	\N	\N
64	follow us on Twitter	https://twitter.com/ungleich		 	f	\N	\N
66	Co-Working Space	https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coworking		 	f	\N	\N
67	Digital Glarus	https://digitalglarus.ungleich.ch/		 	f	\N	\N
68	@ungleich	https://twitter.com/ungleich		 	f	\N	\N
69	fill out the form	https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1S2pQ2LDdRi2zbYHeBlusR5SoQjFy0HlHPTKgNKYIGak/viewform?usp=send_form		 	f	\N	\N
70	fill out the project form	https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1S2pQ2LDdRi2zbYHeBlusR5SoQjFy0HlHPTKgNKYIGak/viewform?usp=send_form		 	f	\N	\N
423	Digital Glarus stickers 	http://www.digitalglarus.ch		 	f	\N	\N
73	ungleich	http://www.ungleich.ch		 	f	\N	\N
74	nginx location documentation	http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#location		 	f	\N	\N
75	django-hosting.ch	http://django-hosting.ch		 	f	\N	\N
76	digitalglarus	http://digitalglarus.ungleich.ch		 	f	\N	\N
77	django-hosting.ungleich.ch	django-hosting.ungleich.ch		 	f	\N	\N
426	ungleich goes to Barcelona!	https://blog.ungleich.ch/en-us/blog/2015/05/12/opennebulaconf-2015/		 	f	\N	\N
78	should usually be avoided	http://wiki.nginx.org/IfIsEvil		 	f	\N	\N
79	rails-hosting.ch	http://rails-hosting.ch		 	f	\N	\N
80	Twitter	https://twitter.com/ungleich		 	f	\N	\N
87	recently published some details of our nginx configuration	https://blog.ungleich.ch/blog/2015/08/09/ungleich-nginx-configuration-explained/		 	f	\N	\N
88	from the previous article	https://blog.ungleich.ch/blog/2015/08/09/ungleich-nginx-configuration-explained/		 	f	\N	\N
90	ungleich.ch	http://www.ungleich.ch		 	f	\N	\N
89	digitalglarus.ch	http://digitalglarus.ch		 	f	\N	\N
101	follow us on Twitter	https://twitter.com/ungleich		 	f	\N	\N
102	Digital Glarus	http://www.digitalglarus.ch		 	f	\N	\N
104	be careful with it!	https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTBsm0LzSP0		 	f	\N	\N
105	via Twitter	https://twitter.com/ungleich		 	f	\N	\N
110	© r.wiedenmeier	http://www.wiedenmeier.ch/wordpress/2013/10/22/diesbach-fotos/		 	f	\N	\N
117	here	http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/cdist/man/latest/		 	f	\N	\N
118	man7/cdist-best-practice	http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/cdist/man/latest/man7/cdist-best-practice.html		 	f	\N	\N
119	github page	https://github.com/telmich/cdist		 	f	\N	\N
128	 Radiocentral	http://radiocentral.ch/		 	f	\N	\N
133	Visit Digital Glarus crowdfunding	http://www.100-days.net/en/projekt/start-digital-glarus		 	f	\N	\N
144	Mr.Christian Zweifel	https://twitter.com/chriglzweifel		 	f	\N	\N
145	Radiocentral	http://radiocentral.ch/		 	f	\N	\N
146	our previous post.	https://blog.ungleich.ch/blog/2015/09/24/digital-glarus-radio-german/		 	f	\N	\N
152	testiaeiaei			 	f	75	\N
417	OpenNebula workshop	http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/225093212/		 	f	\N	\N
418	Digital Chalet Schwanden	https://digitalglarus.ungleich.ch/en-us/digitalglarus/		 	f	\N	\N
421	Barrio Gotico	https://www.google.ch/search?q=barrio+gotico&espv=2&biw=1074&bih=634&site=webhp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIya3Y9P7iyAIVydcaCh2Yswba		 	f	\N	\N
429	melde Dich via Meetup an	http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226479181/		 	f	\N	\N
439	meetup	http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/225093212/		 	f	\N	\N
452	wedoino	http://www.wedoino.ch		 	f	\N	\N
453	wissenstausch.ch	http://www.wissenstausch.ch		 	f	\N	\N
454	www.digitalglarus.ch	http://www.digitalglarus.ch		 	f	\N	\N
455	ungleich	http://www.ungleich.ch		 	f	\N	\N
456	@wedoino	https://twitter.com/wedoino		 	f	\N	\N
457	https://www.facebook.com/wissenstausch/	https://www.facebook.com/wissenstausch/		 	f	\N	\N
458	@DigitalGlarus	https://twitter.com/DigitalGlarus		 	f	\N	\N
459	https://www.facebook.com/digitalglarus/	https://www.facebook.com/digitalglarus/		 	f	\N	\N
510	meetup	http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/		 	f	\N	\N
512	band	http://fivepasteight.ch/		 	f	\N	\N
641	previous post	https://blog.ungleich.ch/en-us/blog/2015/11/19/jazz-digital-glarus/		 	f	\N	\N
663	crowdfunding project	http://www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus		 	f	\N	\N
664	facebook	https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/?ref=profile		 	f	\N	\N
665	website	http://fivepasteight.ch/		 	f	\N	\N
667	Our crowdfunding campaign	http://www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus		 	f	\N	\N
688	website	https://digitalglarus.ungleich.ch/en-us/digitalglarus/ 		 	f	\N	\N
701	info@digitalglarus.ch 		info@digitalglarus.ch	 	f	\N	\N
702	Webseite	https://digitalglarus.ungleich.ch/en-us/digitalglarus/		 	f	\N	\N
767	meetup.com	 http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/		 	f	\N	\N
769	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	 http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus		 	f	\N	\N
770	Jazzband FivePastEight	https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream		 	f	\N	\N
771	meetup	 http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/		 	f	\N	\N
825	meetup.com	 http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/		 	f	\N	\N
827	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	 http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus		 	f	\N	\N
828	Jazzband FivePastEight	https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream		 	f	\N	\N
829	meetup	 http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/		 	f	\N	\N

-- Data for Name: cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser (cmsplugin_ptr_id, title, image_url, style, use_autoscale, width, height, free_link, description, target_blank, image_id, page_link_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo (cmsplugin_ptr_id, movie_url, width, height, auto_play, auto_hide, fullscreen, loop, bgcolor, textcolor, seekbarcolor, seekbarbgcolor, loadingbarcolor, buttonoutcolor, buttonovercolor, buttonhighlightcolor, image_id, movie_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: digitalglarus_message; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY digitalglarus_message (id, name, email, phone_number, message, received_date) FROM stdin;
1	Jenny Hans	hans.jenny@goldenline.ch	+41794551338	Ich bin zwar bereits 73 Jahre alt, war aber in meinem aktiven Berufsleben bis zu meinem 63. Lebensjahr Informatikleiter und Logistikchef der Stadtpolizei Winterthur und begleitete unzählige kleine und grosse Informatik-Projekte als Projektleiter. Logisch hat sich die digitale Welt mit unvermindertem Tempo verändert und wer nicht am Ball bleibt wird schnell vom "Ball" getrennt. Die Arbeit des Projektleiters hat sich jedoch nicht wesentlich geändert. Während für den Projektleiter spezifisches und detailliertes Informatik-Fachwissen eher in den Hintergrund tritt, ist Sozialkompetenz und die Fähigkeit Probleme ganzheitlich, zielorientiert und gemeinsam mit der Projektgruppe zu lösen im Vordergrund geblieben.\r\nDas "Flugblatt" bzw. die Einladung zur Podiumsdiskussion (in deutscher Sprache) hat mich als gebürtiger Glarner und "Heimkehrer" sofort angesprochen. Ich bin nach 40 Jahren "in der Fremde" und als "Wiederkehrer" vom Slogan "Glarner Land (Glarus Süd) wiederbeleben" überzeugt.\r\nWas mich sofort gestört hat ist, dass die Homepage ausnahmslos in der englischen Sprache verfasst ist und somit Personen, die die englischen Sprache nicht, oder nur teilweise beherrschen, ausgeschlossen werden.\r\nMit freundlichen Grüssen, Hans Jenny\r\n	2015-09-08 20:27:31.160152+02
2	Fernando Reust	reust@sbp.ch	+41556409168	Hallo Nico\r\nWie tel vorher besprochen, zur Info www.sbp.ch\r\nBis bald\r\nHerzlichst\r\nFernando	2015-09-17 17:44:28.127849+02
3	Luchsinger Hermann 	luchsinger@alp-consulting.ch	079 421 36 56	guten tag nico Schottelius\r\nbitte gelegentlich um telefonische kontaktaufnahme, würde gerne ein paar gedanken mit ihnen tauschen.\r\nmit freundlichem gruss\r\nhermann luchsinger	2015-10-06 10:14:31.759356+02
6	felizita	felizita@gmx.ch	-	Hallo Zusammen\r\n\r\nÜber 100 Days fand ich euer Projekt mit dem Co-Working Space im Glarus. Gerne würde ich ein solches Space in Zürich eröffnen und suche nach Kontakten, die sich allenfalls gerne über Ideen, Visionen und Erfahrungen diesbezüglich unterhalten möchte.\r\n\r\nSolltet ihr Interesse haben, freue ich mich sehr über eine Rückmeldung.\r\n\r\nLiebe Grüsse aus Zürich\r\nFelizita	2015-11-27 16:09:19.89684+01

-- Name: digitalglarus_message_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('digitalglarus_message_id_seq', 12, true);

-- Data for Name: django_admin_log; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY django_admin_log (id, action_time, object_id, object_repr, action_flag, change_message, content_type_id, user_id) FROM stdin;
1	2015-06-12 18:53:01.623776+02	1	Home	1		11	1
2	2015-06-12 19:05:57.105218+02	3	Blog	1		11	1
3	2015-06-12 19:06:25.68614+02	3	Blog	2	Changed application_urls, application_namespace and xframe_options.	11	1
4	2015-06-12 19:07:21.654196+02	1	announcement	1		51	1
5	2015-06-12 19:10:34.583595+02	1	ungleich Blog launched	1		53	1
6	2015-06-12 19:14:13.032533+02	3	Blog	2	Changed template and xframe_options.	11	1
7	2015-06-12 19:14:40.886446+02	1	ungleich blog launched	2	Changed title and tags.	53	1
8	2015-06-12 19:17:49.46888+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
9	2015-06-12 19:21:50.285698+02	2	opennebula	1		51	1
10	2015-06-12 19:23:37.226156+02	2	OpenNebulaConf 2015	1		53	1
11	2015-06-12 19:24:42.572774+02	1	ungleich.ch	2	Changed domain and name.	7	1
12	2015-06-12 19:25:07.868424+02	1	blog.ungleich.ch	2	Changed domain.	7	1
13	2015-06-12 19:26:30.363273+02	2	OpenNebulaConf 2015	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
14	2015-06-12 19:28:56.127053+02	2	OpenNebulaConf 2015	2	Changed categories and tags.	53	1
15	2015-06-12 19:32:08.451294+02	2	OpenNebulaConf 2015	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
16	2015-06-12 19:35:00.637214+02	2	OpenNebulaConf 2015	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
17	2015-06-12 19:49:43.82979+02	1	ungleich	2	No fields changed.	8	1
18	2015-06-12 19:55:36.291237+02	2	OpenNebulaConf 2015	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
19	2015-06-12 21:55:54.701245+02	1	ungleich blog launched	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
20	2015-06-12 21:57:19.415793+02	5	5	3		10	1
21	2015-06-12 21:57:33.678+02	1	ungleich	2	No fields changed.	8	1
22	2015-06-12 21:58:26.402886+02	1	ungleich blog launched	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
23	2015-06-12 22:03:12.485109+02	3	Blog	2	Changed page_title.	11	1
24	2015-06-12 22:04:54.009245+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
25	2015-06-12 22:06:13.555449+02	3	Blog	2	Changed menu_title and page_title.	11	1
26	2015-06-12 22:06:55.919673+02	3	Blog	2	Changed page_title.	11	1
27	2015-06-12 22:07:32.136411+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
28	2015-06-12 22:17:24.393782+02	3	Blog	2	Changed page_title.	11	1
29	2015-06-12 22:24:27.361495+02	3	hosting	1		51	1
30	2015-06-12 22:25:21.343339+02	3	Application Hosting	1		53	1
31	2015-06-12 22:25:31.019931+02	3	Application Hosting	2	Changed tags.	53	1
32	2015-06-12 22:25:53.92103+02	3	Application Hosting	2	Changed tags and date_published.	53	1
33	2015-06-12 23:06:07.746567+02	2	OpenNebulaConf 2015	2	Changed tags and date_published.	53	1
34	2015-06-12 23:07:42.088516+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
35	2015-06-13 10:14:14.632456+02	2	OpenNebulaConf 2015	2	Changed categories and tags.	53	1
36	2015-06-13 11:27:58.111546+02	2	OpenNebulaConf 2015	3		53	1
37	2015-06-13 11:29:11.435971+02	4	 OpenNebulaConf 2015 	1		53	1
38	2015-06-13 11:29:16.09016+02	4	 OpenNebulaConf 2015 	2	Changed tags.	53	1
39	2015-06-13 11:30:48.787184+02	4	 OpenNebulaConf 2015 	2	Changed tags.	53	1
40	2015-06-13 11:32:13.135422+02	10	10	3		10	1
41	2015-06-13 15:04:06.799637+02	1	ungleich blog launched	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
42	2015-06-13 15:11:03.536055+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
43	2015-06-13 15:13:17.878856+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
48	2015-06-13 19:37:46.061872+02	4	 OpenNebulaConf 2015 	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
49	2015-06-13 19:46:50.586349+02	4	October 20-22 2015, Meet us in Barcelona!	2	Changed title, publish and tags.	53	1
50	2015-06-13 19:52:25.565082+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
51	2015-06-13 20:15:22.853187+02	1	14473379828_84376f1229_h.jpg	3		41	1
52	2015-06-13 20:22:46.173677+02	3	14473379828_84376f1229_h.jpg	2	No fields changed.	41	1
53	2015-06-13 20:22:51.892558+02	4	14473379828_84376f1229_h.jpg	3		41	1
54	2015-06-13 20:22:55.655192+02	3	14473379828_84376f1229_h.jpg	3		41	1
55	2015-06-13 20:22:59.813589+02	2	14473379828_84376f1229_h.jpg	3		41	1
56	2015-06-13 20:23:42.481738+02	6	14473379828_84376f1229_h.jpg	3		41	1
57	2015-06-14 04:53:32.803307+02	2	articles	2	Changed name.	36	1
58	2015-06-14 04:53:45.679853+02	5	14473379828_84376f1229_h.jpg	3		41	1
59	2015-06-14 05:10:32.327331+02	3	img	2	Changed name.	36	1
60	2015-06-14 05:13:23.742703+02	4	October 20-22 2015, Meet us in Barcelona!	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
61	2015-06-14 05:14:35.023026+02	3	Blog	2	Changed meta_description.	11	1
62	2015-06-14 05:15:00.309542+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
63	2015-06-14 05:17:31.940109+02	14	14473379828_84376f1229_h.jpg	3		41	1
64	2015-06-14 05:17:50.419391+02	4	October 20-22 2015, Meet us in Barcelona!	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
65	2015-06-14 05:42:24.173543+02	4	October 20-22 2015, Meet us in Barcelona!	2	Changed tags and sites.	53	1
66	2015-06-14 05:42:44.242971+02	1	blog.ungleich.ch	2	Changed name.	7	1
67	2015-06-14 05:43:15.804351+02	3	Blog	2	Changed xframe_options.	11	1
68	2015-06-14 05:43:22.039775+02	3	Blog	2	No fields changed.	11	1
69	2015-06-14 06:11:11.055257+02	4	October 20-22 2015, Meet us in Barcelona!	2	Changed tags.	53	1
70	2015-06-14 06:48:27.067971+02	1	UngleichPage object	1		56	1
71	2015-06-14 06:48:33.905655+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
72	2015-06-14 06:49:44.904955+02	1	ungleich blog launched	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
73	2015-06-14 06:56:02.063255+02	1	ungleich blog launched	2	Changed abstract, tags and main_image.	53	1
74	2015-06-14 06:56:32.225684+02	1	ungleich blog launched	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
75	2015-06-14 07:05:22.149361+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
76	2015-06-14 07:20:25.178737+02	1	https://blog.ungleich.ch	2	Changed domain.	7	1
77	2015-06-14 07:21:09.484391+02	1	blog.ungleich.ch	2	Changed domain.	7	1
78	2015-06-14 07:26:04.698325+02	1	https://blog.ungleich.ch	2	Changed domain.	7	1
79	2015-06-14 07:26:32.802673+02	1	blog.ungleich.ch	2	Changed domain.	7	1
80	2015-06-14 23:19:37.816758+02	5	Preview of the ungleich hosting technologies	1		53	1
81	2015-06-14 23:22:29.215379+02	4	technology	1		51	1
82	2015-06-14 23:22:38.10048+02	5	Preview of the ungleich hosting technologies	2	Changed categories, abstract and tags.	53	1
83	2015-06-14 23:23:32.370425+02	6	OpenNebula + Openstack + Cloudstack = Open Cloud Day Bern	1		53	1
84	2015-06-14 23:28:20.839641+02	19	opencloudday.png	2	No fields changed.	41	1
85	2015-06-14 23:54:31.800422+02	5	Preview of the ungleich hosting technologies	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
159	2015-09-02 15:58:45.050349+02	18	Basic cdist usage	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
86	2015-06-15 15:54:14.507513+02	5	Preview of the ungleich hosting technologies	2	Changed tags and meta_keywords.	53	1
87	2015-06-15 15:54:36.288491+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
88	2015-06-15 15:57:51.794578+02	5	Preview of the ungleich hosting technologies	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
89	2015-06-15 16:05:44.487266+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
90	2015-06-15 17:31:20.07251+02	5	Preview of the ungleich hosting technologies	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
91	2015-06-15 22:11:20.148583+02	20	magical-bern-switzerland.jpg	2	No fields changed.	41	1
92	2015-06-15 22:17:30.322259+02	6	OpenNebula + Openstack + Cloudstack = Open Cloud Day Bern	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
93	2015-06-15 22:19:52.426803+02	6	OpenNebula + Openstack + Cloudstack = Open Cloud Day Bern	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
94	2015-06-15 22:21:31.396896+02	6	OpenNebula + Openstack + Cloudstack = Open Cloud Day Bern	2	Changed slug and tags.	53	1
95	2015-06-16 10:02:02.348565+02	1	Title Meta for Blog (blog, en-us)	1		60	1
96	2015-06-16 10:02:34.781253+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
97	2015-06-16 10:08:34.882691+02	23	380600.png	3		41	1
98	2015-06-16 10:09:21.40288+02	1	Title Meta for Blog (blog, en-us)	2	Changed keywords.	60	1
99	2015-06-16 10:09:30.836111+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
100	2015-06-16 10:21:30.955727+02	1	Title Meta for Blog (blog, en-us)	2	Changed description.	60	1
101	2015-06-16 10:21:40.885815+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
102	2015-06-16 22:11:45.853073+02	5	conference	1		51	1
103	2015-06-16 22:13:52.403868+02	7	A great OpenCloudDay 2015 in Bern	1		53	1
104	2015-06-16 23:02:07.980118+02	7	A great OpenCloudDay 2015 in Bern	2	Changed tags.	53	1
105	2015-06-16 23:21:51.253139+02	7	A great OpenCloudDay 2015 in Bern	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
106	2015-06-16 23:22:23.131324+02	7	A great OpenCloudDay 2015 in Bern	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
107	2015-06-21 10:25:00.377457+02	6	digitalglarus	1		51	1
108	2015-06-21 10:30:44.63475+02	8	The merger of Born Informatik and adesso Schweiz AG	1		53	1
109	2015-06-21 10:39:11.215368+02	8	The merger of Born Informatik and adesso Schweiz AG	2	Changed tags and author.	53	1
110	2015-06-22 10:04:01.598254+02	8	The merger of Born Informatik and adesso Schweiz AG	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
111	2015-06-22 23:32:43.975477+02	8	The merger of Born Informatik and adesso Schweiz AG	2	Changed tags.	53	1
112	2015-06-22 23:32:53.563821+02	8	The merger of Born Informatik and adesso Schweiz AG	2	Changed tags.	53	1
113	2015-06-22 23:57:05.197117+02	8	The merger of Born Informatik and adesso Schweiz AG	2	Changed publish, tags and meta_keywords.	53	1
114	2015-06-26 11:44:24.689614+02	9	Swiss Postgres Conference with cdist	1		53	1
115	2015-07-20 21:15:15.624943+02	10	Digital Glarus: The first meetup meeting	1		53	1
116	2015-07-20 21:33:03.280347+02	10	Digital Glarus: The first meetup meeting	2	Changed publish, tags and meta_keywords.	53	1
117	2015-07-27 00:38:36.977578+02	11	Digital Glarus: Call for Hacking	1		53	1
118	2015-07-27 00:44:20.704181+02	11	Digital Glarus: Call for Hacking	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
119	2015-07-27 01:55:50.68159+02	11	Digital Glarus: Call for Hacking	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
120	2015-08-09 19:56:15.470965+02	12	The ungleich nginx configuration explained	1		53	1
121	2015-08-09 20:50:45.593779+02	12	The ungleich nginx configuration explained	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
122	2015-08-09 21:27:06.904068+02	12	The ungleich nginx configuration explained	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
123	2015-08-09 21:27:19.812389+02	12	The ungleich nginx configuration explained	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
124	2015-08-09 21:27:36.539205+02	12	The ungleich nginx configuration explained	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
125	2015-08-09 22:09:56.84612+02	12	The ungleich nginx configuration explained	2	Changed tags.	53	1
126	2015-08-09 22:10:45.91599+02	12	The ungleich nginx configuration explained	2	Changed tags.	53	1
127	2015-08-09 22:47:19.00995+02	12	The ungleich nginx configuration explained	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
128	2015-08-15 00:12:29.997336+02	13	The ungleich nginx configuration explained (2)	1		53	1
129	2015-08-15 00:49:03.315545+02	13	The ungleich nginx configuration explained (2)	2	Changed tags.	53	1
130	2015-08-15 01:28:12.16195+02	40	Puzzle.jpg	3		41	1
131	2015-08-15 01:28:17.167131+02	41	puzzle.png	3		41	1
132	2015-08-15 01:29:27.692657+02	13	The ungleich nginx configuration explained (2)	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
133	2015-08-24 13:18:24.234776+02	14	The Digital Glarus Manifesto	1		53	1
134	2015-08-24 13:19:15.620387+02	14	The Digital Glarus Manifesto	2	Changed tags.	53	1
135	2015-08-24 23:14:32.91166+02	14	The Digital Glarus Manifesto	3		53	1
136	2015-08-24 23:16:38.844679+02	15	Digital Glarus: The transformation of Glarus started	1		53	1
137	2015-08-24 23:19:25.666574+02	15	Digital Glarus: The transformation of Glarus started	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
138	2015-08-24 23:19:49.071102+02	15	Digital Glarus: The transformation of Glarus started	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
139	2015-08-25 00:13:08.912165+02	15	Digital Glarus: The transformation of Glarus started	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
140	2015-08-25 00:16:48.904563+02	15	Digital Glarus: The transformation of Glarus started	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
141	2015-08-25 22:54:03.744297+02	2	babedream312@gmx.de - 2015-07-23 10:46:59+00:00	2	No fields changed.	57	1
142	2015-08-28 16:30:10.018513+02	16	The Digital Glarus Manifesto	1		53	1
143	2015-08-28 17:50:19.966041+02	46	steam-train-small.jpg	2	Changed file.	41	1
144	2015-08-28 19:03:15.233717+02	49	join-us.jpg	3		41	1
145	2015-08-29 00:38:23.477665+02	16	The Digital Glarus Manifesto	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
146	2015-08-29 01:43:36.657379+02	16	The Digital Glarus Manifesto	2	Changed categories, tags and main_image.	53	1
147	2015-09-02 11:51:10.828983+02	17	Digital Glarus in Press(in German)	1		53	1
148	2015-09-02 11:51:34.139894+02	17	Digital Glarus in Press(in German)	2	Changed tags.	53	1
149	2015-09-02 13:58:28.074311+02	17	Digital Glarus in Press (in German)	2	Changed title and tags.	53	1
150	2015-09-02 14:25:19.29789+02	18	Basic cdist usage	1		53	1
151	2015-09-02 14:26:02.457296+02	18	Basic cdist usage	2	Changed tags.	53	1
152	2015-09-02 14:46:53.199815+02	7	press	1		51	1
153	2015-09-02 14:46:56.646791+02	17	Digital Glarus in Press (in German)	2	Changed categories, publish and tags.	53	1
154	2015-09-02 14:54:06.765898+02	17	Digital Glarus in Press (in German)	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
155	2015-09-02 15:46:06.759294+02	17	Digital Glarus in Press (in German)	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
156	2015-09-02 15:54:38.144681+02	18	Basic cdist usage	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
157	2015-09-02 15:55:52.843579+02	59	connectivity.jpg	3		41	1
158	2015-09-02 15:56:06.146372+02	18	Basic cdist usage	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
236	2015-10-05 00:41:23.230808+02	1	Home	3		11	1
160	2015-09-02 15:59:15.597379+02	18	Basic cdist usage	2	Changed tags.	53	1
161	2015-09-17 21:03:35.307596+02	19	Our CEO, Nico Schottelius in Press (in German) 	1		53	1
162	2015-09-17 21:19:59.765757+02	19	Our CEO, Nico Schottelius in Press (in German) 	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
163	2015-09-17 21:20:12.790667+02	19	Our CEO, Nico Schottelius in Press (in German) 	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
164	2015-09-17 21:28:49.763696+02	19	Our CEO, Nico Schottelius in Press (in German) 	2	Changed tags.	53	1
165	2015-09-17 21:28:57.431987+02	19	Our CEO, Nico Schottelius in Press (in German) 	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
166	2015-09-17 21:30:18.485447+02	62	newspaper.png	2	No fields changed.	41	1
167	2015-09-17 21:32:33.166221+02	19	Our CEO, Nico Schottelius in Press (in German) 	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
168	2015-09-17 21:34:31.208498+02	19	Nico Schottelius Talks to Press (in German) 	2	Changed title, publish and tags.	53	1
169	2015-09-17 21:35:51.65118+02	63	diesbach_legler450.jpg	3		41	1
170	2015-09-17 21:41:18.698082+02	19	Nico Schottelius Talks to Press (in German) 	2	Changed abstract, tags and main_image.	53	1
171	2015-09-17 21:41:25.014593+02	19	Nico Schottelius Talks to Press (in German) 	2	Changed tags.	53	1
172	2015-09-17 21:45:19.415525+02	64	6276688407_12900948a2.jpg	3		41	1
173	2015-09-17 21:45:40.139858+02	65	breakfast_coffee	3		38	1
174	2015-09-17 21:46:28.940885+02	66	breakfast_coffee	3		38	1
175	2015-09-17 21:48:02.776217+02	19	Nico Schottelius Talks to Press (in German) 	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
176	2015-09-24 16:01:08.773826+02	20	Digital Glarus on Radio! (in German)	1		53	1
177	2015-09-24 17:24:47.954518+02	20	Digital Glarus on Radio! (in German)	2	Changed tags.	53	1
178	2015-09-24 17:25:05.993367+02	20	Digital Glarus on Radio! (in German)	2	Changed tags.	53	1
179	2015-09-24 17:25:39.103881+02	20	Digital Glarus on Radio! (in German)	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
180	2015-09-24 17:34:03.420984+02	75	Radio Central - Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding 20150923	2	Changed name.	38	1
181	2015-09-25 14:58:19.011543+02	21	1st Community Meeting of Digital Glarus 	1		53	1
182	2015-09-25 14:58:56.518111+02	21	1st Community Meeting of Digital Glarus 	2	Changed tags.	53	1
183	2015-09-25 14:59:52.415371+02	21	1st Community Meeting of Digital Glarus 	2	Changed tags.	53	1
184	2015-09-25 15:08:13.744807+02	76	thumb_DSC00605_1024.jpg	3		41	1
185	2015-09-25 15:08:38.786703+02	21	1st Community Meeting of Digital Glarus 	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
186	2015-09-25 16:25:42.165657+02	21	1st Community Meeting of Digital Glarus 	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
187	2015-09-25 17:03:04.283369+02	21	1st Community Meeting of Digital Glarus 	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
188	2015-09-25 17:03:26.694127+02	21	1st Community Meeting of Digital Glarus 	2	Changed tags.	53	1
189	2015-09-25 20:00:43.139116+02	21	1st Community Meeting of Digital Glarus 	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
190	2015-09-27 01:08:03.33147+02	21	1st Community Meeting of Digital Glarus 	2	Changed tags.	53	1
191	2015-09-27 01:08:46.652136+02	20	Digital Glarus on Radio! (in German)	2	Changed tags.	53	1
192	2015-09-27 01:09:04.221046+02	19	Nico Schottelius Talks to Press (in German) 	2	Changed tags.	53	1
193	2015-09-27 01:09:18.327759+02	17	Digital Glarus in Press (in German)	2	Changed tags.	53	1
194	2015-09-27 01:09:34.777996+02	16	The Digital Glarus Manifesto	2	Changed tags.	53	1
195	2015-09-27 01:09:47.968525+02	15	Digital Glarus: The transformation of Glarus started	2	Changed tags.	53	1
196	2015-09-27 01:10:08.717142+02	11	Digital Glarus: Call for Hacking	2	Changed tags.	53	1
197	2015-09-27 01:10:57.800059+02	10	Digital Glarus: The first meetup meeting	2	Changed tags.	53	1
198	2015-09-29 21:39:48.222808+02	22	Test raul	1		53	1
199	2015-09-30 05:11:11.196764+02	22	Test raul	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
200	2015-09-30 05:11:31.604502+02	22	Test raul	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
201	2015-09-30 05:28:30.864094+02	3	Blog	2	The US English page "Blog" was successfully unpublished	11	1
202	2015-09-30 05:28:35.554277+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
203	2015-09-30 05:31:40.065956+02	22	Test raul	2	Changed tags and sites.	53	1
204	2015-09-30 05:41:53.074368+02	22	Test raul	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
205	2015-09-30 06:13:16.75345+02	1	100x100 -- 100 x 100	1		46	1
206	2015-10-04 18:53:42.449613+02	5	digital.glarus	1		11	1
207	2015-10-04 18:53:54.016225+02	5	digital.glarus	2	Changed overwrite_url and xframe_options.	11	1
208	2015-10-04 18:54:59.85671+02	5	digital.glarus	2	Changed template, reverse_id, soft_root and xframe_options.	11	1
209	2015-10-04 19:20:13.014567+02	5	digital.glarus	2	Changed title, slug, menu_title, page_title and meta_description.	11	1
210	2015-10-04 19:25:55.123334+02	167	167	3		10	1
211	2015-10-04 19:26:43.227966+02	3	Blog	2	template und xframe_options geändert.	11	1
212	2015-10-04 19:27:41.623749+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
213	2015-10-04 19:30:20.377646+02	5	digital.glarus	2	No fields changed.	11	1
214	2015-10-04 19:45:05.477751+02	6	digital.glarus.about	1		11	1
215	2015-10-04 19:45:25.239792+02	6	digital.glarus.about	2	template und xframe_options geändert.	11	1
216	2015-10-04 19:54:39.112013+02	6	digital.glarus.about	2	Changed title, slug, menu_title, page_title and meta_description.	11	1
217	2015-10-04 19:54:50.355713+02	6	digital.glarus.about	2	No fields changed.	11	1
218	2015-10-04 19:56:45.208837+02	186	186	3		10	1
219	2015-10-04 20:01:41.358106+02	6	digital.glarus.about	2	Changed xframe_options.	11	1
220	2015-10-04 20:05:38.21883+02	7	digital.glarus.contact	1		11	1
221	2015-10-04 20:06:00.442126+02	7	digital.glarus.contact	2	Changed template and xframe_options.	11	1
222	2015-10-04 20:08:00.651215+02	192	192	3		10	1
223	2015-10-04 20:09:42.668353+02	193	193	3		10	1
224	2015-10-04 20:09:52.51388+02	194	194	3		10	1
225	2015-10-04 20:14:07.949769+02	7	digital.glarus.contact	2	Changed title, slug, menu_title, page_title and meta_description.	11	1
226	2015-10-04 20:54:49.260192+02	8	digital.glarus.crowdfunding	1		11	1
227	2015-10-04 20:55:04.350575+02	8	digital.glarus.crowdfunding	2	template und xframe_options geändert.	11	1
228	2015-10-04 21:49:28.177641+02	8	digital.glarus.crowdfunding	2	Changed title, slug, menu_title, page_title and meta_description.	11	1
229	2015-10-05 00:17:59.293434+02	5	digital.glarus	2	Changed overwrite_url and xframe_options.	11	1
230	2015-10-05 00:19:31.038797+02	5	digital.glarus	2	No fields changed.	11	1
231	2015-10-05 00:19:37.442364+02	5	Digital Glarus - Home	2		11	1
232	2015-10-05 00:25:30.010116+02	5	digital.glarus	2	Changed xframe_options.	11	1
233	2015-10-05 00:25:59.375907+02	5	Digital Glarus - Startseite	2		11	1
234	2015-10-05 00:29:48.576723+02	2	digitalglarus.ungleich.ch	1		7	1
235	2015-10-05 00:36:22.960873+02	5	Digital Glarus - Home	2		11	1
237	2015-10-05 00:43:26.180117+02	10	Digital Glarus - Welcome	1		11	1
238	2015-10-05 00:43:48.035196+02	10	Digital Glarus - Welcome	2	Changed template and xframe_options.	11	1
239	2015-10-05 00:44:35.992789+02	10	Digital Glarus - Welcome	2	Changed overwrite_url and xframe_options.	11	1
240	2015-10-05 00:47:09.137055+02	5	Digital Glarus - Startseite	2		11	1
241	2015-10-05 01:23:56.838232+02	2	digitalglarus.ungleich.ch	3		7	1
242	2015-10-05 01:27:04.94222+02	5	Digital Glarus - Home	2		11	1
243	2015-10-05 01:27:27.159556+02	6	Digital Glarus - About	2		11	1
244	2015-10-05 01:27:38.603226+02	7	Digital Glarus - Contact	2		11	1
245	2015-10-05 01:27:53.10471+02	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
246	2015-10-05 01:28:36.616476+02	6	digital.glarus.about	2	Changed menu_title.	11	1
247	2015-10-05 01:28:49.990438+02	7	digital.glarus.contact	2	Changed menu_title.	11	1
248	2015-10-05 01:29:04.006039+02	8	digital.glarus.crowdfunding	2	Changed menu_title.	11	1
249	2015-10-05 01:29:24.837765+02	5	digital.glarus	2	Changed title and menu_title.	11	1
250	2015-10-05 01:29:34.145053+02	5	Digital Glarus - Welcome	2		11	1
251	2015-10-05 01:29:41.551619+02	6	Digital Glarus - About	2		11	1
252	2015-10-05 01:29:48.624721+02	7	Digital Glarus - Contact	2		11	1
253	2015-10-05 01:29:56.973779+02	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
254	2015-10-05 01:34:04.656728+02	3	Blog	2	Changed overwrite_url and xframe_options.	11	1
255	2015-10-05 01:34:15.691897+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
256	2015-10-05 01:35:54.280027+02	3	Blog	2	Changed soft_root and xframe_options.	11	1
257	2015-10-05 01:36:02.064613+02	3	Blog	2		11	1
258	2015-10-05 01:38:38.671422+02	5	home	2	No fields changed.	11	1
259	2015-10-05 01:38:41.541454+02	5	Digital Glarus - Startseite	2		11	1
260	2015-10-05 01:39:11.938552+02	6	about	2	Changed menu_title.	11	1
261	2015-10-05 01:39:22.566103+02	6	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns	2		11	1
262	2015-10-05 01:39:40.076913+02	7	contact	2	Changed menu_title.	11	1
263	2015-10-05 01:39:51.457388+02	7	Digital Glarus - Kontakt	2		11	1
264	2015-10-05 01:40:13.747119+02	8	crowdfunding	2	Changed menu_title.	11	1
265	2015-10-05 01:40:24.482527+02	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
266	2015-10-05 01:41:01.802823+02	5	home	2	Changed xframe_options.	11	1
267	2015-10-05 01:41:09.99967+02	5	Digital Glarus - Startseite	2		11	1
268	2015-10-05 01:47:25.905781+02	5	home	2	Changed slug.	11	1
269	2015-10-05 01:47:36.05386+02	5	home	2	Changed slug.	11	1
270	2015-10-05 01:56:07.357454+02	5	home	2	Changed reverse_id and xframe_options.	11	1
271	2015-10-05 01:56:15.635918+02	5	Digital Glarus - Welcome	2		11	1
272	2015-10-05 01:56:23.031513+02	5	Digital Glarus - Startseite	2		11	1
273	2015-10-05 03:46:51.261031+02	7	Digital Glarus - Contact	2		11	1
274	2015-10-05 03:47:27.423667+02	7	Digital Glarus - Contact	2		11	1
275	2015-10-05 03:48:08.154114+02	7	Digital Glarus - Kontakt	2		11	1
276	2015-10-10 21:00:40.623803+02	3	Blog	2	Changed soft_root and xframe_options.	11	1
277	2015-10-13 15:34:07.654167+02	5	home	2	Changed overwrite_url and xframe_options.	11	1
278	2015-10-13 15:34:45.115061+02	5	Digital Glarus - Welcome	2		11	1
279	2015-10-13 15:35:07.32626+02	5	home	2	Changed slug.	11	1
280	2015-10-13 15:35:27.418632+02	5	Digital Glarus - Welcome	2		11	1
281	2015-10-13 15:35:55.847891+02	5	home	2	Changed xframe_options.	11	1
282	2015-10-13 15:36:40.913569+02	5	home	2	Changed slug.	11	1
283	2015-10-13 15:36:49.552751+02	5	Digital Glarus - Startseite	2		11	1
284	2015-10-13 15:36:55.167599+02	8	crowdfunding	2	Changed overwrite_url and xframe_options.	11	1
285	2015-10-13 15:37:03.92039+02	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
286	2015-10-27 13:42:02.588215+01	23	OpenNebulaConf 2015 with ungleich	1		53	1
287	2015-10-27 13:44:29.292739+01	23	OpenNebulaConf 2015 with ungleich	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
288	2015-10-27 13:46:27.230458+01	23	OpenNebulaConf 2015 with ungleich	2	Changed tags.	53	1
289	2015-10-27 20:12:29.289521+01	3	Blog	2		11	1
290	2015-10-27 20:13:01.801105+01	23	OpenNebulaConf 2015 with ungleich	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
291	2015-10-28 13:57:06.144476+01	22	Test raul	3		53	1
292	2015-10-29 14:57:51.284732+01	24	Warum wir das Projekt Digital Glarus gestartet haben	1		53	1
293	2015-11-02 08:14:03.34876+01	25	Fondue im Digital Chalet Schwanden	1		53	1
294	2015-11-02 08:42:11.652142+01	25	Fondue im Digital Chalet Schwanden	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
295	2015-11-03 08:14:10.133762+01	26	Das Glarnerland, ein Schatz zum Teilen	1		53	1
296	2015-11-03 11:13:55.782269+01	100	logo-black	2	Changed name and description.	38	1
297	2015-11-03 11:16:11.957752+01	101	ungleich-logo-black-png	2	Changed name, description and file.	41	1
298	2015-11-03 11:18:00.625189+01	102	ungleich-symbol-black-small	2	Changed name and description.	41	1
299	2015-11-03 11:32:00.134507+01	103	digitalglarus-banner-jazz-concert	2	Changed name.	41	1
300	2015-11-03 11:39:03.573396+01	26	Das Glarnerland, ein Schatz zum Teilen	2	Changed tags and date_published.	53	1
301	2015-11-03 11:39:24.772433+01	26	Das Glarnerland, ein Schatz zum Teilen	2	Changed tags and date_published.	53	1
302	2015-11-03 11:46:50.577793+01	104	digitalglarus-banner-opening	2	Changed name.	41	1
303	2015-11-03 11:58:55.681334+01	105	digital-glarus-first-chalet-exterior	2	Changed name.	41	1
304	2015-11-03 12:06:49.464627+01	106	newspaper-13092015-dontknowthename	2	Changed name.	41	1
305	2015-11-03 12:12:52.589091+01	26	Das Glarnerland, ein Schatz zum Teilen	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
306	2015-11-03 12:14:14.143557+01	107	digitalglarus_vision_background_nico.jpg	3		41	1
307	2015-11-03 12:14:24.523521+01	26	Das Glarnerland, ein Schatz zum Teilen	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
308	2015-11-03 14:42:27.319183+01	111	digitalglarus_scenery.jpg	3		41	1
309	2015-11-03 14:44:30.225583+01	110	luchsingen_snow_landscpae_glarus_.png	3		41	1
310	2015-11-03 14:44:46.504653+01	109	luchsingen_snow_landscpae_glarus_.png	3		41	1
311	2015-11-03 14:44:52.055986+01	112	digitalglarus_scenery_jpg	3		38	1
312	2015-11-03 18:44:09.338539+01	26	Das Glarnerland, ein Schatz zum Teilen	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
313	2015-11-03 19:09:38.15242+01	25	Fondue im Digital Chalet Schwanden	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
314	2015-11-03 19:12:55.853353+01	114	fondue.png	3		41	1
315	2015-11-03 19:15:47.849007+01	25	Fondue im Digital Chalet Schwanden	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
316	2015-11-03 19:24:07.858065+01	26	Das Glarnerland, ein Schatz zum Teilen	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
317	2015-11-04 22:22:57.347584+01	26	Das Glarnerland, ein Schatz zum Teilen	2	Changed tags.	53	1
318	2015-11-04 22:24:54.939959+01	26	Das Glarnerland, ein Schatz zum Teilen	2	Changed tags.	53	1
319	2015-11-04 22:54:05.781674+01	3	Blog	2	Changed title, slug, menu_title and page_title.	11	1
320	2015-11-04 22:54:19.687818+01	3	Blog	2	Changed meta_description.	11	1
321	2015-11-04 22:54:23.11546+01	3	Blog	2	No fields changed.	11	1
322	2015-11-08 21:36:33.731308+01	27	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	1		53	1
323	2015-11-08 21:39:33.661122+01	27	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
324	2015-11-08 21:40:33.032632+01	27	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
325	2015-11-08 23:03:27.212035+01	27	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
326	2015-11-08 23:04:28.24093+01	27	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
327	2015-11-08 23:06:25.637925+01	27	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
328	2015-11-08 23:06:59.031886+01	27	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
329	2015-11-08 23:09:37.124654+01	27	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
330	2015-11-08 23:10:23.782393+01	27	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
331	2015-11-08 23:10:42.598123+01	27	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
332	2015-11-08 23:13:58.512068+01	27	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
333	2015-11-09 17:12:49.568881+01	130	television_background	3		38	1
334	2015-11-09 17:12:57.2458+01	132	television_background	3		38	1
335	2015-11-09 17:13:06.365776+01	133	television_background	3		38	1
336	2015-11-09 19:12:18.065971+01	143	logo_white.png	3		41	1
337	2015-11-09 19:16:42.631348+01	144	logo_white.png	3		41	1
338	2015-11-13 06:29:45.479206+01	28	Wissen tauschen neu mit wissenstausch.ch in Digital Glarus	1		53	1
339	2015-11-13 07:03:47.002377+01	28	Wissen tauschen neu mit wissenstausch.ch in Digital Glarus	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
340	2015-11-13 07:04:13.345215+01	28	Wissen tauschen neu mit wissenstausch.ch in Digital Glarus	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
341	2015-11-14 00:29:01.420166+01	28	Wissen tauschen neu mit wissenstausch.ch in Digital Glarus	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
342	2015-11-14 00:31:05.879969+01	149	wissen.jpg	2	Changed file.	41	1
343	2015-11-14 00:31:24.711771+01	28	Wissen tauschen neu mit wissenstausch.ch in Digital Glarus	2	Changed tags.	53	1
344	2015-11-15 01:28:38.230946+01	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
345	2015-11-15 01:30:17.733748+01	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
346	2015-11-15 01:43:27.236439+01	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
347	2015-11-15 01:57:39.179023+01	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
348	2015-11-15 02:22:15.320458+01	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
349	2015-11-15 02:23:20.986583+01	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
350	2015-11-15 02:24:49.987306+01	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
351	2015-11-15 11:12:56.113146+01	29	Linux ERFA in Digital Glarus	1		53	1
352	2015-11-15 15:55:59.46573+01	150	newspaper.jpg	3		41	1
353	2015-11-19 11:32:37.668786+01	29	Linux ERFA in Digital Glarus	3		53	1
354	2015-11-19 21:45:52.606023+01	30	Jazz in Digital Glarus	1		53	1
355	2015-11-19 21:46:15.871625+01	30	Jazz in Digital Glarus	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
356	2015-11-19 21:46:59.957267+01	30	Jazz in Digital Glarus	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
357	2015-11-19 21:53:17.881123+01	30	Jazz in Digital Glarus	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
358	2015-11-19 22:22:00.950685+01	30	Jazz in Digital Glarus	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
359	2015-11-19 22:34:47.155285+01	30	Jazz in Digital Glarus	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
360	2015-11-21 17:34:09.862565+01	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
361	2015-11-21 17:34:48.869821+01	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
362	2015-11-21 17:36:50.873531+01	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
363	2015-11-21 17:38:33.215318+01	30	Jazz in Digital Glarus	2	Changed tags.	53	1
364	2015-11-21 18:34:52.105792+01	28	Wissen tauschen neu mit wissenstausch.ch in Digital Glarus	2	Changed tags.	53	1
365	2015-11-21 18:35:38.341615+01	27	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	2	Changed tags.	53	1
366	2015-11-21 18:36:05.230708+01	24	Warum wir das Projekt Digital Glarus gestartet haben	2	Changed tags.	53	1
367	2015-11-21 18:37:33.814375+01	24	Warum wir das Projekt Digital Glarus gestartet haben	2	Changed tags.	53	1
368	2015-11-25 07:19:53.764096+01	15	jazz	1		11	1
369	2015-11-25 07:21:29.938676+01	15	jazz	2	No fields changed.	11	1
370	2015-11-25 08:04:21.301326+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus!	2		11	1
371	2015-11-25 08:05:18.602592+01	15	jazz	2	Changed title and slug.	11	1
372	2015-11-25 08:06:13.337269+01	15	jazz	2	Changed menu_title, page_title and meta_description.	11	1
373	2015-11-25 08:11:12.080237+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus	2		11	1
374	2015-11-25 22:14:01.98167+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus	2		11	1
375	2015-11-29 15:55:34.721432+01	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
376	2015-11-29 15:57:13.609441+01	5	Digital Glarus - Welcome	2		11	1
377	2015-11-29 15:57:26.524423+01	6	Digital Glarus - About	2		11	1
378	2015-11-29 19:47:55.226619+01	7	Digital Glarus - Kontakt	2		11	1
379	2015-11-29 19:48:17.984245+01	5	Digital Glarus - Startseite	2		11	1
380	2015-11-29 19:48:33.89021+01	7	Digital Glarus - Contact	2		11	1
381	2015-11-29 19:48:45.218152+01	8	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding	2		11	1
382	2015-11-29 19:48:56.741149+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus!	2		11	1
383	2015-11-29 19:49:11.03458+01	6	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns	2		11	1
384	2015-12-02 00:40:23.640831+01	15	jazz	2	Changed slug.	11	1
385	2015-12-02 00:40:41.836681+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus!	2		11	1
386	2015-12-02 00:40:47.498963+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus!	2		11	1
387	2015-12-02 00:41:08.331575+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus!	2		11	1
388	2015-12-02 00:41:38.473858+01	15	jazz	2	Changed slug.	11	1
389	2015-12-02 00:41:49.721305+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus	2		11	1
390	2015-12-02 00:43:25.185049+01	15	jazz	2	Changed slug.	11	1
391	2015-12-02 00:43:34.296047+01	15	jazz	2	Changed slug.	11	1
392	2015-12-02 00:43:41.75795+01	15	jazz	2	No fields changed.	11	1
393	2015-12-02 00:43:53.214556+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus!	2		11	1
394	2015-12-02 00:44:05.549671+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus	2		11	1
395	2015-12-02 05:09:19.460337+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus!	2		11	1
396	2015-12-06 22:27:25.783558+01	31	Jazz at Digital Chalet Schwanden	1		53	1
397	2015-12-07 14:32:19.220868+01	31	Jazz at Digital Chalet Schwanden	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
398	2015-12-07 14:33:03.917916+01	31	Jazz at Digital Chalet Schwanden	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
399	2015-12-07 14:34:59.269925+01	31	Jazz at Digital Chalet Schwanden	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
400	2015-12-07 15:01:45.114104+01	161	digitalglarus_jazz_concert_coupons	3		38	1
401	2015-12-07 16:49:20.02925+01	31	Jazz at Digital Chalet Schwanden	2	Changed tags.	53	1
402	2015-12-07 17:07:36.960589+01	172	digitalglarus_jazz_concert_coupons	3		38	1
403	2015-12-07 17:27:53.953604+01	31	Jazz at Digital Chalet Schwanden	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
404	2015-12-07 17:29:38.248791+01	31	Jazz at Digital Chalet Schwanden	2	Changed tags.	53	1
405	2015-12-15 16:16:08.904742+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus!	2	The English page "jazz" was successfully unpublished	11	1
406	2015-12-15 16:18:12.81997+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus!	2		11	1
407	2015-12-15 16:18:47.552121+01	15	Let's Jazz in Glarus	2		11	1
408	2016-01-06 15:42:27.834551+01	7	Sandra - ralsukkheq@udkdoles.net - 2015-12-30 18:17:33.484646+00:00	3		58	1
409	2016-01-06 15:42:44.352867+01	5	Sandra - jmwjew@sskdolek.net - 2015-11-26 10:03:07.928067+00:00	3		58	1
410	2016-01-06 15:42:52.793422+01	4	Sandra - jwdmxausjt@sskdolek.net - 2015-11-22 07:08:42.870237+00:00	3		58	1
411	2016-01-06 17:57:17.16154+01	177	20,000	3		38	1
412	2016-01-06 18:33:17.763091+01	179	nico_schottelius_tv_2016-01-06.png	3		41	1
413	2016-01-06 19:05:29.481507+01	174	top-50-2012.jpg	3		41	1
414	2016-01-13 22:20:27.505844+01	32	Crowdfunding campaign : mission accomplished!	1		53	1
415	2016-01-13 22:21:36.053618+01	32	Crowdfunding campaign : mission accomplished!	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
416	2016-01-13 22:24:03.25082+01	32	Crowdfunding campaign : mission accomplished!	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
417	2016-01-13 22:25:18.482369+01	32	Crowdfunding campaign : mission accomplished!	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
418	2016-01-13 22:27:14.083846+01	32	Crowdfunding campaign : mission accomplished!	2	Changed abstract and tags.	53	1
419	2016-01-14 17:55:01.879735+01	32	Crowdfunding campaign : mission accomplished!	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
420	2016-01-15 16:17:46.04259+01	33	Crowdfunding-Kampagne: Mission erfolgreich.	1		53	1
421	2016-01-15 16:31:32.269837+01	176	nico_schottelius_frontpage_newspaper_2016_01_06_.jpg	2	No fields changed.	41	1
422	2016-01-15 16:31:54.203234+01	180	nico_schottelius_tv_2016-01-06_.png	2	No fields changed.	41	1
423	2016-01-15 16:32:02.299618+01	181	nico_schottelius_tv_interview_2016-01-06_.png	2	No fields changed.	41	1
424	2016-01-15 16:32:13.544442+01	187	snow_luchsingen_small.jpg	2	No fields changed.	41	1
425	2016-01-15 16:32:25.57266+01	178	20000.jpg	2	No fields changed.	41	1
426	2016-01-15 16:32:52.745626+01	183	twitter_header_thankyou_confetti.png	2	No fields changed.	41	1
427	2016-01-15 16:33:04.487975+01	188	too-many-emails.png	2	No fields changed.	41	1
428	2016-01-15 16:35:17.034028+01	178	20000.jpg	2	No fields changed.	41	1
429	2016-01-15 16:37:55.262769+01	187	snow_luchsingen_small.jpg	2	No fields changed.	41	1
430	2016-01-15 16:46:20.417434+01	33	Crowdfunding-Kampagne: Mission erfolgreich.	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
431	2016-01-15 16:46:51.465636+01	186	twitter_header_thankyou_confetti_dark.png	2	No fields changed.	41	1
432	2016-01-15 16:47:00.82654+01	33	Crowdfunding-Kampagne: Mission erfolgreich.	2	Changed tags and main_image.	53	1
433	2016-01-15 16:55:10.072055+01	33	Crowdfunding-Kampagne: Mission erfolgreich.	2	Changed publish and tags.	53	1
434	2016-01-27 17:52:02.552876+01	10	Samantha - botnmhg@udkdoles.net - 2016-01-26 22:54:49.983113+00:00	3		58	1
435	2016-01-27 17:52:09.395261+01	9	Sandra - wjszekaq@udkdoles.net - 2016-01-17 23:43:57.245536+00:00	3		58	1
436	2016-01-27 17:52:14.787897+01	8	Sandra - xpbmimvm@udkdoles.net - 2016-01-07 06:26:31.095446+00:00	3		58	1
437	2016-01-28 18:05:18.427051+01	32	Crowdfunding campaign : mission accomplished!	2	Changed tags.	53	1
438	2016-01-28 18:05:50.059252+01	33	Crowdfunding-Kampagne: Mission erfolgreich.	2	Changed tags.	53	1
439	2016-02-22 14:39:04.500437+01	11	Samantha - rhrrif@udkdoles.net - 2016-01-30 16:26:45.541261+00:00	3		58	1
440	2016-02-28 16:08:34.401991+01	17	test	1		11	1
441	2016-02-28 16:11:10.878079+01	17	test	3		11	1
442	2016-02-28 16:12:18.373853+01	18	Events	1		11	1
443	2016-02-29 19:57:53.882004+01	12	Samantha - fsldwbxe@udkdoles.net - 2016-02-29 11:09:12.649428+00:00	3		58	1
449	2016-03-22 23:53:27.91351+01	217	clipboard	3		9	5
44	2015-06-13 15:22:13.384436+02	2	sanghee	1		\N	1
45	2015-06-13 15:22:45.638851+02	3	nico	1		\N	1
46	2015-06-13 15:23:05.973436+02	3	nico	2	Changed first_name, last_name, email, is_staff and is_superuser.	\N	1
47	2015-06-13 15:23:25.19965+02	2	sanghee	2	Changed first_name, last_name, email, is_staff and is_superuser.	\N	1
444	2016-03-17 09:37:30.353486+01	4	samantha	1		\N	1
445	2016-03-17 09:39:29.061493+01	4	samantha	2	Changed first_name, last_name, email and user_permissions.	\N	1
446	2016-03-20 23:02:11.410084+01	4	samantha	2	Changed password.	\N	1
447	2016-03-20 23:03:28.913486+01	4	samantha	2	Changed is_staff and user_permissions.	\N	1
448	2016-03-20 23:04:26.138349+01	4	samantha	2	Changed is_superuser.	\N	1
450	2016-03-25 18:00:41.814464+01	3	Blog	2	Changed template, navigation_extenders, application_configs and xframe_options.	11	2
451	2016-03-25 18:06:14.537334+01	3	Blog	3		11	2
452	2016-03-25 18:06:38.832514+01	19	Blog	1	Initial version.	11	2
453	2016-03-25 18:07:05.112257+01	19	Blog	2	Changed navigation_extenders, application_urls, application_namespace, application_configs and xframe_options.	11	2
454	2016-03-25 18:07:11.7445+01	19	Blog	2		11	2
455	2016-03-25 18:39:35.923352+01	8	crowdfunding	2	Changed template and xframe_options.	11	2
456	2016-03-25 18:40:32.282486+01	8	crowdfunding	2	Changed template, navigation_extenders, application_urls, application_namespace, application_configs and xframe_options.	11	2

-- Name: django_admin_log_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('django_admin_log_id_seq', 456, true);

-- Data for Name: django_content_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY django_content_type (id, app_label, model) FROM stdin;
1	admin	logentry
2	auth	permission
3	auth	group
5	contenttypes	contenttype
6	sessions	session
7	sites	site
8	cms	usersettings
9	cms	placeholder
10	cms	cmsplugin
11	cms	page
12	cms	globalpagepermission
13	cms	pagepermission
14	cms	pageuser
15	cms	pageusergroup
16	cms	title
17	cms	placeholderreference
18	cms	staticplaceholder
19	cms	aliaspluginmodel
20	menus	cachekey
21	djangocms_flash	flash
22	djangocms_googlemap	googlemap
23	djangocms_inherit	inheritpageplaceholder
24	djangocms_link	link
25	djangocms_snippet	snippet
26	djangocms_snippet	snippetptr
27	djangocms_teaser	teaser
28	cmsplugin_filer_file	filerfile
29	cmsplugin_filer_folder	filerfolder
30	cmsplugin_filer_link	filerlinkplugin
31	cmsplugin_filer_teaser	filerteaser
32	cmsplugin_filer_video	filervideo
33	reversion	revision
34	reversion	version
35	djangocms_text_ckeditor	text
36	filer	folder
37	filer	folderpermission
38	filer	file
39	filer	clipboard
40	filer	clipboarditem
41	filer	image
42	easy_thumbnails	source
43	easy_thumbnails	thumbnail
44	easy_thumbnails	thumbnaildimensions
45	cmsplugin_filer_image	filerimage
46	cmsplugin_filer_image	thumbnailoption
47	taggit	tag
48	taggit	taggeditem
49	django_select2	keymap
50	djangocms_blog	blogcategorytranslation
51	djangocms_blog	blogcategory
52	djangocms_blog	posttranslation
53	djangocms_blog	post
54	djangocms_blog	latestpostsplugin
55	djangocms_blog	authorentriesplugin
56	ungleich	ungleichpage
57	railshosting	railsbetauser
58	digitalglarus	message
59	djangocms_page_meta	pagemeta
60	djangocms_page_meta	titlemeta
61	hosting	railsbetauser
62	membership	customuser
63	membership	creditcards
64	djangocms_blog	blogconfigtranslation
65	djangocms_blog	blogconfig
66	djangocms_blog	genericblogplugin
67	cms	urlconfrevision
68	djangocms_file	file
69	djangocms_picture	picture
70	djangocms_video	video
72	aldryn_categories	categorytranslation
73	aldryn_categories	category
74	aldryn_newsblog	newsblogconfigtranslation
75	aldryn_newsblog	newsblogconfig
76	aldryn_newsblog	articletranslation
77	aldryn_newsblog	article
78	aldryn_newsblog	newsblogarchiveplugin
79	aldryn_newsblog	newsblogarticlesearchplugin
80	aldryn_newsblog	newsblogauthorsplugin
81	aldryn_newsblog	newsblogcategoriesplugin
82	aldryn_newsblog	newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin
83	aldryn_newsblog	newsbloglatestarticlesplugin
84	aldryn_newsblog	newsblogrelatedplugin
85	aldryn_newsblog	newsblogtagsplugin
86	aldryn_people	grouptranslation
87	aldryn_people	group
88	aldryn_people	persontranslation
89	aldryn_people	person
90	aldryn_people	peopleplugin

-- Name: django_content_type_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('django_content_type_id_seq', 90, true);

-- Data for Name: django_migrations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY django_migrations (id, app, name, applied) FROM stdin;
1	contenttypes	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:47:37.586053+02
2	auth	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:47:40.078096+02
3	admin	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:47:40.720962+02
4	sites	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:47:40.90432+02
5	cms	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:47:46.81365+02
6	cms	0002_auto_20140816_1918	2015-06-12 18:47:52.040742+02
7	cms	0003_auto_20140926_2347	2015-06-12 18:47:52.324788+02
8	cms	0004_auto_20140924_1038	2015-06-12 18:48:05.488729+02
9	cms	0005_auto_20140924_1039	2015-06-12 18:48:05.781437+02
10	cms	0006_auto_20140924_1110	2015-06-12 18:48:06.81011+02
11	cms	0007_auto_20141028_1559	2015-06-12 18:48:07.423593+02
12	cms	0008_auto_20150208_2149	2015-06-12 18:48:07.901227+02
13	cms	0008_auto_20150121_0059	2015-06-12 18:48:08.605592+02
14	cms	0009_merge	2015-06-12 18:48:08.904628+02
15	cms	0010_migrate_use_structure	2015-06-12 18:48:09.357941+02
16	cms	0011_auto_20150419_1006	2015-06-12 18:48:09.966304+02
17	filer	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:13.197141+02
18	cmsplugin_filer_file	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:13.937341+02
19	cmsplugin_filer_folder	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:14.60625+02
20	cmsplugin_filer_image	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:16.090267+02
21	cmsplugin_filer_link	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:16.873574+02
22	cmsplugin_filer_link	0002_auto_20150612_1635	2015-06-12 18:48:17.230453+02
23	cmsplugin_filer_teaser	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:18.132015+02
24	cmsplugin_filer_video	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:19.031049+02
25	digitalglarus	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:19.432218+02
26	digitalglarus	0002_auto_20150527_1023	2015-06-12 18:48:19.906423+02
27	digitalglarus	0002_auto_20150522_0450	2015-06-12 18:48:20.007307+02
28	digitalglarus	0003_merge	2015-06-12 18:48:20.073792+02
29	taggit	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:21.308116+02
30	djangocms_blog	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:27.326915+02
31	djangocms_blog	0002_post_sites	2015-06-12 18:48:28.662507+02
32	djangocms_blog	0003_auto_20141201_2252	2015-06-12 18:48:29.295249+02
33	djangocms_blog	0004_auto_20150108_1435	2015-06-12 18:48:30.336189+02
34	djangocms_blog	0005_auto_20150212_1118	2015-06-12 18:48:31.145054+02
35	djangocms_blog	0006_auto_20150612_1635	2015-06-12 18:48:32.195251+02
36	djangocms_flash	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:32.512199+02
37	djangocms_googlemap	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:32.862443+02
38	djangocms_inherit	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:33.378062+02
39	djangocms_link	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:34.295429+02
40	djangocms_link	0002_auto_20140929_1705	2015-06-12 18:48:34.469398+02
41	djangocms_link	0003_auto_20150212_1310	2015-06-12 18:48:34.657091+02
42	djangocms_snippet	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:36.072264+02
43	djangocms_teaser	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:36.698633+02
44	djangocms_text_ckeditor	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:37.165737+02
45	easy_thumbnails	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:39.062327+02
46	easy_thumbnails	0002_thumbnaildimensions	2015-06-12 18:48:39.408439+02
47	filer	0002_auto_20150612_1635	2015-06-12 18:48:39.767056+02
48	reversion	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:41.231149+02
49	reversion	0002_auto_20141216_1509	2015-06-12 18:48:42.220029+02
50	sessions	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:42.787999+02
51	ungleich	0001_initial	2015-06-12 18:48:43.91062+02
52	ungleich	0002_ungleichpage_image	2015-06-12 18:48:44.696539+02
53	ungleich	0003_remove_ungleichpage_image_header	2015-06-12 18:48:45.323423+02
54	djangocms_page_meta	0001_initial	2015-06-16 09:51:34.515936+02
55	djangocms_blog	0007_auto_20150616_0751	2015-06-16 09:52:05.543796+02
56	djangocms_page_meta	0002_auto_20150616_0751	2015-06-16 09:52:07.373163+02
57	cmsplugin_filer_link	0002_auto_20160228_1504	2016-02-28 16:04:53.254176+01
58	djangocms_blog	0006_auto_20160228_1504	2016-02-28 16:04:54.20186+01
59	djangocms_page_meta	0002_auto_20160228_1504	2016-02-28 16:04:55.612642+01
60	filer	0002_auto_20160228_1504	2016-02-28 16:04:56.043266+01
61	membership	0001_initial	2016-03-25 17:46:22.454238+01
62	admin	0002_logentry_remove_auto_add	2016-03-25 17:46:22.467853+01
63	contenttypes	0002_remove_content_type_name	2016-03-25 17:46:22.492079+01
64	auth	0002_alter_permission_name_max_length	2016-03-25 17:46:22.520602+01
65	auth	0003_alter_user_email_max_length	2016-03-25 17:46:22.544266+01
66	auth	0004_alter_user_username_opts	2016-03-25 17:46:22.553867+01
67	auth	0005_alter_user_last_login_null	2016-03-25 17:46:22.564681+01
68	auth	0006_require_contenttypes_0002	2016-03-25 17:46:22.567753+01
69	auth	0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages	2016-03-25 17:46:22.579544+01
70	cms	0012_auto_20150607_2207	2016-03-25 17:47:55.68462+01
71	cms	0013_urlconfrevision	2016-03-25 17:47:55.691094+01
72	cmsplugin_filer_image	0002_auto_20160108_1708	2016-03-25 17:47:56.102692+01
73	filer	0002_auto_20150606_2003	2016-03-25 17:47:56.158335+01
74	digitalglarus	0002_auto_20160324_2321	2016-03-25 17:47:56.26916+01
75	taggit	0002_auto_20150616_2121	2016-03-25 17:48:57.082657+01
76	sites	0002_alter_domain_unique	2016-03-25 17:48:57.126152+01
77	djangocms_blog	0006_auto_20150214_1907	2016-03-25 17:48:57.735591+01
78	djangocms_blog	0007_auto_20150719_0933	2016-03-25 17:48:59.092257+01
79	djangocms_blog	0008_auto_20150814_0831	2016-03-25 17:48:59.146909+01
80	djangocms_blog	0009_latestpostsplugin_tags_new	2016-03-25 17:48:59.30557+01
81	djangocms_blog	0010_auto_20150923_1151	2016-03-25 17:48:59.943315+01
82	djangocms_blog	0011_auto_20151024_1809	2016-03-25 17:49:00.38325+01
83	djangocms_blog	0012_auto_20151220_1734	2016-03-25 17:49:00.44197+01
84	djangocms_blog	0013_auto_20160316_1118	2016-03-25 17:49:00.765251+01
85	hosting	0001_initial	2016-03-25 17:49:00.782731+01
86	hosting	0002_railsbetauser	2016-03-25 17:55:05.217249+01
87	membership	0002_auto_20160324_2336	2016-03-25 17:55:05.297221+01
88	menus	0001_initial	2016-03-25 17:55:24.593337+01
89	cmsplugin_filer_file	0002_auto_20160112_1617	2016-03-25 17:55:53.047122+01
90	cmsplugin_filer_folder	0002_auto_20160113_1318	2016-03-25 17:55:53.181699+01
91	cmsplugin_filer_link	0002_auto_20160108_1710	2016-03-25 17:55:53.466873+01
92	cmsplugin_filer_link	0003_auto_20160316_1118	2016-03-25 17:55:53.514128+01
93	cmsplugin_filer_teaser	0002_auto_20160108_1712	2016-03-25 17:55:53.681637+01
94	cmsplugin_filer_video	0002_auto_20160108_1710	2016-03-25 17:55:53.850237+01
95	djangocms_file	0001_initial	2016-03-25 17:55:57.83124+01
96	djangocms_file	0002_auto_20151202_1551	2016-03-25 17:55:58.027591+01
97	djangocms_file	0003_remove_related_name_for_cmsplugin_ptr	2016-03-25 17:55:58.111771+01
98	djangocms_file	0004_set_related_name_for_cmsplugin_ptr	2016-03-25 17:55:58.197076+01
99	djangocms_file	0005_auto_20160316_1118	2016-03-25 17:55:58.268561+01
100	djangocms_page_meta	0002_auto_20150807_0936	2016-03-25 17:55:58.697611+01
101	djangocms_page_meta	0003_auto_20151220_1734	2016-03-25 17:55:58.885252+01
102	djangocms_page_meta	0004_auto_20160316_1118	2016-03-25 17:55:59.624591+01
103	djangocms_picture	0001_initial	2016-03-25 17:55:59.703803+01
104	djangocms_picture	0002_auto_20151018_1927	2016-03-25 17:55:59.841872+01
105	djangocms_picture	0003_set_related_name_for_cmsplugin_ptr	2016-03-25 17:56:00.23882+01
106	djangocms_text_ckeditor	0002_remove_related_name_for_cmsplugin_ptr	2016-03-25 17:56:00.397298+01
107	djangocms_text_ckeditor	0003_set_related_name_for_cmsplugin_ptr	2016-03-25 17:56:00.485645+01
108	djangocms_video	0001_initial	2016-03-25 17:56:00.570208+01
109	djangocms_video	0002_set_related_name_for_cmsplugin_ptr	2016-03-25 17:56:00.665313+01
110	digitalglarus	0003_auto_20160325_1659	2016-03-25 17:59:22.284096+01
111	aldryn_categories	0001_initial	2016-03-25 18:05:22.831734+01
112	aldryn_categories	0002_auto_20150109_1415	2016-03-25 18:05:22.837858+01
113	aldryn_categories	0003_auto_20150128_1359	2016-03-25 18:05:22.847298+01
114	aldryn_categories	0004_auto_20150623_0859	2016-03-25 18:05:22.853935+01
115	aldryn_people	0001_initial	2016-03-25 18:05:23.729857+01
116	aldryn_newsblog	0001_initial	2016-03-25 18:05:24.923422+01
117	aldryn_newsblog	0002_newsblogconfig_template_prefix	2016-03-25 18:05:24.982623+01
118	aldryn_newsblog	0003_auto_20150422_1921	2016-03-25 18:05:25.048672+01
119	aldryn_newsblog	0004_auto_20150622_1606	2016-03-25 18:05:25.112567+01
120	aldryn_newsblog	0005_auto_20150807_0207	2016-03-25 18:05:25.180727+01
121	aldryn_newsblog	0006_auto_20160105_1013	2016-03-25 18:05:25.462837+01
122	aldryn_newsblog	0007_default_newsblog_config	2016-03-25 18:05:25.485216+01
123	aldryn_newsblog	0008_auto_20160106_1735	2016-03-25 18:05:25.623369+01
124	aldryn_newsblog	0009_auto_20160211_1022	2016-03-25 18:05:25.689844+01
125	aldryn_newsblog	0010_auto_20160316_0935	2016-03-25 18:05:25.825421+01
126	aldryn_newsblog	0011_auto_20160324_1939	2016-03-25 18:05:25.997598+01
127	aldryn_people	0002_auto_20150128_1411	2016-03-25 18:05:26.201823+01
128	aldryn_people	0003_auto_20150425_2103	2016-03-25 18:05:26.479964+01
129	aldryn_people	0004_auto_20150622_1606	2016-03-25 18:05:26.685805+01
130	aldryn_people	0005_auto_20150723_1508	2016-03-25 18:05:26.900135+01
131	aldryn_people	0006_person_groups	2016-03-25 18:05:26.968619+01
132	aldryn_people	0007_copy_group	2016-03-25 18:05:26.974775+01
133	aldryn_people	0008_remove_person_group	2016-03-25 18:05:27.06578+01
134	aldryn_people	0009_auto_20150724_1654	2016-03-25 18:05:27.24733+01
135	aldryn_people	0010_auto_20150724_1654	2016-03-25 18:05:27.254361+01
136	aldryn_people	0011_auto_20150724_1900	2016-03-25 18:05:27.744684+01
137	aldryn_people	0012_auto_20150728_1114	2016-03-25 18:05:27.850141+01
138	aldryn_people	0013_peopleplugin_show_ungrouped	2016-03-25 18:05:27.916334+01
139	aldryn_people	0014_auto_20150807_0033	2016-03-25 18:05:28.217838+01
140	aldryn_people	0015_m2m_remove_null	2016-03-25 18:05:28.326045+01
141	aldryn_people	0016_person_fk_to_one_to_one	2016-03-25 18:05:28.415847+01
142	aldryn_people	0017_auto_20160109_1951	2016-03-25 18:05:28.53104+01

-- Name: django_migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('django_migrations_id_seq', 142, true);

-- Data for Name: django_select2_keymap; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY django_select2_keymap (id, key, value, accessed_on) FROM stdin;

-- Name: django_select2_keymap_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('django_select2_keymap_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: django_session; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY django_session (session_key, session_data, expire_date) FROM stdin;
irm9c6an9s9ihgoqp0cpmk147gyzi12v	NzMwNDZjOGFiMzQzYjkzNTBjNDVhZWQzYTAyMmQ2ZGRjYjlmYjA3Yjp7ImNtc19hZG1pbl9zaXRlIjoxLCJfYXV0aF91c2VyX2hhc2giOiI5OGQ5NDg2ZjVkNGFjYzI1NGJkNWU4YzljYzRhNzBjMTA1ZWMyZTJhIiwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9pZCI6MSwiY21zX2VkaXQiOnRydWUsImNtc190b29sYmFyX2Rpc2FibGVkIjpmYWxzZSwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9iYWNrZW5kIjoiZGphbmdvLmNvbnRyaWIuYXV0aC5iYWNrZW5kcy5Nb2RlbEJhY2tlbmQifQ==	2015-06-26 19:28:56.575209+02
c9hxn2v7skuwz5j6k2n9drupqiq3w9wp	MWIyYjBhMDEwNDE3OTBmZWNkZDFjOGRkZDI5ZWZlYWZiMDMxNzIyNjp7Il9hdXRoX3VzZXJfaWQiOjEsIl9hdXRoX3VzZXJfYmFja2VuZCI6ImRqYW5nby5jb250cmliLmF1dGguYmFja2VuZHMuTW9kZWxCYWNrZW5kIiwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9oYXNoIjoiOThkOTQ4NmY1ZDRhY2MyNTRiZDVlOGM5Y2M0YTcwYzEwNWVjMmUyYSJ9	2015-08-13 01:44:34.167791+02
2q7xrigv8riwxzmdary3kbkbmmm2vul3	YWYzMDQxZjVjMWYxOTBiYWEwMzJmNzZmY2IwNmNlMzhiOTdkNzE0ZTp7Il9hdXRoX3VzZXJfaGFzaCI6Ijk4ZDk0ODZmNWQ0YWNjMjU0YmQ1ZThjOWNjNGE3MGMxMDVlYzJlMmEiLCJfYXV0aF91c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJjbXNfdG9vbGJhcl9kaXNhYmxlZCI6ZmFsc2UsImNtc19lZGl0Ijp0cnVlLCJfYXV0aF91c2VyX2JhY2tlbmQiOiJkamFuZ28uY29udHJpYi5hdXRoLmJhY2tlbmRzLk1vZGVsQmFja2VuZCIsImZpbGVyX2xhc3RfZm9sZGVyX2lkIjoiMiJ9	2015-08-13 13:50:28.45562+02
o9yhzaa0k26xx7hvnk5w2uoq5f8r70oz	NDVlYjE1ODE2ZTM2NWY4MjU5N2QzMzY1M2FlYjk1MzI1ZjU4OTExYzp7ImNtc190b29sYmFyX2Rpc2FibGVkIjpmYWxzZSwiY21zX2VkaXQiOnRydWV9	2015-08-19 14:19:53.607418+02
7s4cnu4kfs2hccibkkib41qxqq330qxv	MGMxNDMzNGNmZGZlMzljMGRkMGJiOTIzZWJhMDBiOGRhM2U3MjEzMjp7ImNtc190b29sYmFyX2Rpc2FibGVkIjpmYWxzZSwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9iYWNrZW5kIjoiZGphbmdvLmNvbnRyaWIuYXV0aC5iYWNrZW5kcy5Nb2RlbEJhY2tlbmQiLCJjbXNfZWRpdCI6ZmFsc2UsImNtc19hZG1pbl9zaXRlIjoxLCJfYXV0aF91c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJfYXV0aF91c2VyX2hhc2giOiI5OGQ5NDg2ZjVkNGFjYzI1NGJkNWU4YzljYzRhNzBjMTA1ZWMyZTJhIiwiZmlsZXJfbGFzdF9mb2xkZXJfaWQiOiI3In0=	2015-06-28 07:02:09.521374+02
vn7n1uxj515z59h12izfoh1yngf5iyxg	MWIyYjBhMDEwNDE3OTBmZWNkZDFjOGRkZDI5ZWZlYWZiMDMxNzIyNjp7Il9hdXRoX3VzZXJfaWQiOjEsIl9hdXRoX3VzZXJfYmFja2VuZCI6ImRqYW5nby5jb250cmliLmF1dGguYmFja2VuZHMuTW9kZWxCYWNrZW5kIiwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9oYXNoIjoiOThkOTQ4NmY1ZDRhY2MyNTRiZDVlOGM5Y2M0YTcwYzEwNWVjMmUyYSJ9	2015-08-23 18:04:10.896781+02
u300329af7b1feo24pliih9wz4y15g3m	MmQ2ODM2ZmY2NjcyMGIzZDZhNTgwNWQ1NDlhNjkwOTNhN2NjODMzNzp7Il9hdXRoX3VzZXJfYmFja2VuZCI6ImRqYW5nby5jb250cmliLmF1dGguYmFja2VuZHMuTW9kZWxCYWNrZW5kIiwiY21zX3Rvb2xiYXJfZGlzYWJsZWQiOmZhbHNlLCJfYXV0aF91c2VyX2hhc2giOiI5OGQ5NDg2ZjVkNGFjYzI1NGJkNWU4YzljYzRhNzBjMTA1ZWMyZTJhIiwiY21zX2VkaXQiOnRydWUsIl9hdXRoX3VzZXJfaWQiOjF9	2015-06-28 07:04:12.268289+02
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i8a1elji6gtptq9h2x7m699a6jz2wx5n	YWI5MzI2M2ZlMzNmNThiNGFjOTc1YzVlOTI5ODQ5ZTNkMWYwNTg1Njp7Il9hdXRoX3VzZXJfYmFja2VuZCI6ImRqYW5nby5jb250cmliLmF1dGguYmFja2VuZHMuTW9kZWxCYWNrZW5kIiwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9pZCI6MSwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9oYXNoIjoiYmNkZWNlZmYyNTQ4NTA3NmMzZTU1OTJkZWMyZDc4MDU4ZjhjZjE2ZSJ9	2016-04-01 17:05:45.9282+02
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8q00iaf4c3076tnud5prb3k3j8u8swok	YjM2MmJkMzYxZGI2NmIwYjc5MGY5Zjc1ZjkyZTk2YmUxZDVmMzFiZjp7Il9hdXRoX3VzZXJfYmFja2VuZCI6ImRqYW5nby5jb250cmliLmF1dGguYmFja2VuZHMuTW9kZWxCYWNrZW5kIiwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9pZCI6NCwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9oYXNoIjoiZTMzMDQyMDY0NzA0M2JhZDdlZTJjZjg0YWUxNmI2ZWE1N2Q5YWY5MyJ9	2016-04-04 00:07:50.132803+02
w2985lqn2log0j4cifm7f1rmppnesgy7	MjIyZDY1NzQ3YTEzY2U4ODZmZDZhMzYxNDRkYzFhYmY1Yjc0ZDAzMDp7Il9hdXRoX3VzZXJfYmFja2VuZCI6ImRqYW5nby5jb250cmliLmF1dGguYmFja2VuZHMuTW9kZWxCYWNrZW5kIiwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9pZCI6MSwiY21zX2FkbWluX3NpdGUiOjEsImNtc190b29sYmFyX2Rpc2FibGVkIjpmYWxzZSwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9oYXNoIjoiYmNkZWNlZmYyNTQ4NTA3NmMzZTU1OTJkZWMyZDc4MDU4ZjhjZjE2ZSIsImNtc19lZGl0Ijp0cnVlfQ==	2016-04-04 16:36:30.237366+02
f6vqsjk5p4bie3lo8jvrfmu4fotdibvd	MmViMmI5MDNlYjU5ZDljMmJjZmU5M2IwNTg0NTBjYWY3MjYwZTY1Yzp7Il9hdXRoX3VzZXJfYmFja2VuZCI6ImRqYW5nby5jb250cmliLmF1dGguYmFja2VuZHMuTW9kZWxCYWNrZW5kIiwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9pZCI6NSwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9oYXNoIjoiNTRlMmYzZGZhYzNkYjhlNThhM2NlMjU2NTQ4MGQ0MzA4ODdiMTI1NyIsImNtc19lZGl0Ijp0cnVlLCJjbXNfdG9vbGJhcl9kaXNhYmxlZCI6ZmFsc2UsImNtc19hZG1pbl9zaXRlIjoxfQ==	2016-04-08 01:46:50.68149+02
xxvgnctaa1qqaiko8wsxig44rcqyolh5	MjVlNTQyNzI2YTI5MmJmOTBjZjE0OGM2ZTBkNDc3ODQ4OGNiZjlmOTp7Il9hdXRoX3VzZXJfaWQiOiIyIiwiY21zX2FkbWluX3NpdGUiOjEsIl9hdXRoX3VzZXJfYmFja2VuZCI6ImRqYW5nby5jb250cmliLmF1dGguYmFja2VuZHMuTW9kZWxCYWNrZW5kIiwiX2F1dGhfdXNlcl9oYXNoIjoiZDNhODA2M2QxZDA4NWNlYzY2MWIxYjM4YzM1ODgzYmE3MWYzOTg4NCIsImNtc19lZGl0Ijp0cnVlLCJjbXNfdG9vbGJhcl9kaXNhYmxlZCI6ZmFsc2V9	2016-04-08 19:40:32.880775+02

-- Data for Name: django_site; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY django_site (id, domain, name) FROM stdin;
1	blog.ungleich.ch	blog.ungleich.ch

-- Name: django_site_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('django_site_id_seq', 2, true);

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id, latest_posts, app_config_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors (id, authorentriesplugin_id, user_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_blog_blogcategory (id, date_created, date_modified, parent_id, app_config_id) FROM stdin;
1	2015-06-12 19:07:21.648995+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.924446+01	\N	1
2	2015-06-12 19:21:50.282983+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.925055+01	\N	1
3	2015-06-12 22:24:27.358927+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.925604+01	\N	1
4	2015-06-14 23:22:29.212861+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.926152+01	\N	1
5	2015-06-16 22:11:45.850517+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.926698+01	\N	1
6	2015-06-21 10:25:00.361649+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.927246+01	\N	1
7	2015-09-02 14:46:53.192677+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.927793+01	\N	1

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id_seq', 7, true);

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation (id, language_code, name, slug, master_id) FROM stdin;
1	en-us	announcement	announcement	1
2	en-us	opennebula	opennebula	2
3	en-us	hosting	hosting	3
4	en-us	technology	technology	4
5	en-us	conference	conference	5
6	en-us	digitalglarus	digitalglarus	6
7	en-us	press	press	7

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_id_seq', 7, true);

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY djangocms_blog_blogconfig (id, type, namespace, app_data) FROM stdin;
1		djangocms_blog	{}

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id_seq', 1, true);

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation (id, language_code, app_title, master_id, object_name) FROM stdin;
1	en-us	Blog	1	Article
2	de	blog	1	Article

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_id_seq', 2, true);

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id, app_config_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin (cmsplugin_ptr_id, latest_posts, app_config_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories (id, latestpostsplugin_id, blogcategory_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_post; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_blog_post (id, date_created, date_modified, date_published, date_published_end, publish, enable_comments, author_id, content_id, main_image_id, main_image_full_id, main_image_thumbnail_id, app_config_id) FROM stdin;
33	2016-01-15 16:17:46.001644+01	2016-03-25 17:48:59.88556+01	2016-01-15 16:15:46+01	\N	t	f	1	197	186	\N	\N	1
32	2016-01-13 22:20:27.348644+01	2016-03-25 17:48:59.887254+01	2016-01-13 22:18:32+01	\N	t	f	1	196	186	\N	\N	1
31	2015-12-06 22:27:25.53174+01	2016-03-25 17:48:59.888559+01	2015-12-06 22:26:00+01	\N	t	f	1	195	159	\N	\N	1
30	2015-11-19 21:45:52.51515+01	2016-03-25 17:48:59.88985+01	2015-11-19 21:44:34+01	\N	t	f	1	174	154	\N	\N	1
28	2015-11-13 06:29:45.387387+01	2016-03-25 17:48:59.891144+01	2015-11-13 06:28:17+01	\N	t	f	1	170	149	\N	\N	1
27	2015-11-08 21:36:33.582928+01	2016-03-25 17:48:59.892438+01	2015-11-08 21:33:56+01	\N	t	f	1	169	116	\N	\N	1
26	2015-11-03 08:14:10.10583+01	2016-03-25 17:48:59.893725+01	2015-11-03 08:13:44+01	\N	t	f	1	168	108	\N	\N	1
25	2015-11-02 08:14:03.208984+01	2016-03-25 17:48:59.895017+01	2015-11-02 08:13:37+01	\N	t	f	1	167	115	\N	\N	1
24	2015-10-29 14:57:51.225249+01	2016-03-25 17:48:59.896313+01	2015-10-29 14:56:31+01	\N	f	f	1	166	\N	\N	\N	1
23	2015-10-27 13:42:02.441073+01	2016-03-25 17:48:59.897816+01	2015-10-26 22:46:10+01	\N	t	f	1	165	83	\N	\N	1
21	2015-09-25 14:58:19.001805+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.899157+01	2015-09-25 14:50:49+02	\N	t	f	1	29	82	\N	\N	1
20	2015-09-24 16:01:08.712668+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.900456+01	2015-09-24 15:53:38+02	\N	t	f	1	28	70	\N	\N	1
19	2015-09-17 21:03:35.293726+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.901757+01	2015-09-17 20:53:36+02	\N	t	f	1	27	69	\N	\N	1
18	2015-09-02 14:25:19.265662+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.903048+01	2015-09-02 14:19:58+02	\N	t	f	1	26	60	\N	\N	1
17	2015-09-02 11:51:10.78948+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.904342+01	2015-09-02 11:48:58+02	\N	t	f	1	25	58	\N	\N	1
16	2015-08-28 16:30:09.988232+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.905686+01	2015-08-28 16:28:39+02	\N	t	f	1	24	52	\N	\N	1
15	2015-08-24 23:16:38.83604+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.906998+01	2015-08-24 23:14:37+02	\N	t	f	1	23	46	\N	\N	1
13	2015-08-15 00:12:29.983903+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.908294+01	2015-08-15 00:11:19+02	\N	t	f	1	21	\N	\N	\N	1
12	2015-08-09 19:56:15.448767+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.909584+01	2015-08-09 19:50:25+02	\N	t	f	1	20	\N	\N	\N	1
11	2015-07-27 00:38:36.92184+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.910868+01	2015-07-27 00:32:38+02	\N	t	f	1	19	33	\N	\N	1
10	2015-07-20 21:15:15.52741+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.912163+01	2015-07-20 20:58:22+02	\N	t	f	1	18	32	\N	\N	1
9	2015-06-26 11:44:24.647018+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.913459+01	2015-06-26 11:42:43+02	\N	f	f	1	16	\N	\N	\N	1
8	2015-06-21 10:30:44.597597+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.914751+01	2015-06-21 10:24:37+02	\N	t	f	3	15	\N	\N	\N	1
7	2015-06-16 22:13:52.392931+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.916042+01	2015-06-16 22:11:22+02	\N	t	f	1	14	28	\N	\N	1
6	2015-06-14 23:23:32.36135+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.91735+01	2015-06-14 23:21:18+02	\N	t	f	1	13	20	\N	\N	1
5	2015-06-14 23:19:37.805402+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.918642+01	2015-06-14 23:13:04+02	\N	t	f	1	12	\N	\N	\N	1
1	2015-06-12 19:10:34.563775+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.919927+01	2015-06-12 19:06:39+02	\N	t	t	1	7	18	\N	\N	1
4	2015-06-13 11:29:11.424986+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.921223+01	2015-05-12 11:28:15+02	\N	t	t	1	11	15	\N	\N	1
3	2015-06-12 22:25:21.334309+02	2016-03-25 17:48:59.922516+01	2015-05-08 22:24:07+02	\N	f	t	1	10	\N	\N	\N	1

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_post_categories; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_blog_post_categories (id, post_id, blogcategory_id) FROM stdin;
200	15	1
201	15	6
202	11	1
203	11	6
67	5	3
68	5	4
136	13	3
137	13	4
71	6	2
204	10	6
269	31	6
78	7	2
79	7	5
19	3	1
20	3	3
213	23	2
280	32	6
281	33	6
95	8	1
96	8	5
97	8	6
98	9	5
99	9	6
228	25	1
229	25	6
51	4	1
52	4	2
53	4	3
232	26	6
56	1	1
171	18	4
129	12	1
130	12	3
131	12	4
256	30	6
194	21	6
195	20	6
196	19	6
197	17	6
198	17	7
199	16	1
257	28	6
258	27	2
261	24	1
262	24	6

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_categories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_blog_post_categories_id_seq', 281, true);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_blog_post_id_seq', 33, true);

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_post_sites; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_blog_post_sites (id, post_id, site_id) FROM stdin;
2	4	1

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_sites_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_blog_post_sites_id_seq', 4, true);

-- Data for Name: djangocms_blog_post_translation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_blog_post_translation (id, language_code, title, slug, abstract, meta_description, meta_keywords, meta_title, post_text, master_id) FROM stdin;
19	en-us	Nico Schottelius Talks to Press (in German) 	our-ceo-nico-schottelius-press-german	<p><font><font>Our CEO, Nico Schottelius talks to&nbsp;press</font></font><font><font>&nbsp;About our Digital Glarus project.</font></font></p>\r\n					19
12	en-us	The ungleich nginx configuration explained	ungleich-nginx-configuration-explained	<p>Our websites are powered by nginx and lots of love</p>\r\n		nginx, django, uwsgi, proxy, configuration			12
13	en-us	The ungleich nginx configuration explained (2)	ungleich-nginx-configuration-explained-2	<p>More details of our nginx configuration - with uwsgi and django</p>\r\n		django, uwsgi, nginx			13
3	en-us	Application Hosting	application-hosting	<p>ungleich application hosting starts closed beta!</p>\r\n		ruby on rails, hosting, ungleich, switzerland			3
20	en-us	Digital Glarus on Radio! (in German)	digital-glarus-radio-german	<p>Project&nbsp;Digital Glarus is broadcasted&nbsp;on Radio! For the ones who missed it on Radiocentral yesterday, we prepared a transcript.&nbsp;</p>\r\n					20
15	en-us	Digital Glarus: The transformation of Glarus started	digital-glarus-transformation-glarus-started	<p>Find out where the Digital Glarus train is heading to</p>\r\n		Digital Glarus			15
4	en-us	October 20-22 2015, Meet us in Barcelona!	opennebulaconf-2015	<p class="subheading">After Berlin, Philadelphia, Hamburg, Dublin, this time it&#39;s sunny Barcelona!</p>\r\n					4
16	en-us	The Digital Glarus Manifesto	digital-glarus-manifesto	<p>Everything you need to know about Digital Glarus</p>\r\n		Manifesto, Digital Glarus			16
1	en-us	ungleich blog launched	ungleich-blog-launched	<p>Stay tuned for our updates...</p>\r\n					1
17	en-us	Digital Glarus in Press (in German)	digital-glarus-press-german	<p>Was brauchen Sie, um ihrer Arbeit nachgehen zu k&ouml;nnen? Nicht mehr, als&nbsp;einen Arbeitsplatz und Ruhe, ist IT-Spezialist Nico Schottelius &uuml;berzeugt.&nbsp;Seine Firma ist von Z&uuml;rich nach Luchsingen umgezogen, seinem Beispiel&nbsp;sollen weitere&nbsp;Unternehmen folgen.</p>\r\n					17
18	en-us	Basic cdist usage	basic-cdist-usage	<p>Get in touch with the most simple and lightweight configuration management system</p>\r\n		cdist, Configuration Management System			18
5	en-us	Preview of the ungleich hosting technologies	preview-ungleich-hosting-technologies	<p>Curious which technologies are behind ungleich&nbsp;hosting?</p>\r\n		hosting, opennebula, gluster, ceph, Linux, Ruby On Rails, Django, NodeJS, GlusterFS, cdist, PostgreSQL			5
6	en-us	OpenNebula + Openstack + Cloudstack = Open Cloud Day Bern	opennebula-openstack-cloudstack-opencloudday-bern	<p>ungleich presents OpenNebula workshop this Tuesday, 16th of June 2015 in Bern at the Open Cloud Day.</p>\r\n					6
7	en-us	A great OpenCloudDay 2015 in Bern	great-opencloudday-2015-bern	<p>Great talks about OpenNebula, Openstack, Cloudstack, cdist, Ceph, Digital Glarus and much more...</p>\r\n					7
8	en-us	The merger of Born Informatik and adesso Schweiz AG	merger-born-informatik-and-adesso-schweiz-ag	<p>A short report on what happened (at the BBQ)</p>\r\n		born informatik, adesso, adesso Schweiz AG, digital glarus			8
9	en-us	Swiss Postgres Conference with cdist	swiss-postgres-conference-cdist	<p>The Swiss PostgreSQL experts meeting in Rapperswil</p>\r\n		postgresql, cdist, rapperswil, digitalglarus			9
10	en-us	Digital Glarus: The first meetup meeting	digital-glarus-first-meetup-meeting	<p>Today the &quot;Makers im Zigerschlitz&quot; met the first time</p>\r\n		digital glarus, meetup, hackers, makers, zigerschlitz			10
11	en-us	Digital Glarus: Call for Hacking	digital-glarus-call-hacking	<p>Have you ever hacked a house?</p>\r\n		hacking, digital glarus, property, security, camera, co-working			11
21	en-us	1st Community Meeting of Digital Glarus 	1st-community-meeting-digital-glarus	<p>The very first community meeting by ungleich! Digital Glarus project explained to our&nbsp;very warm and supportive local crowd.&nbsp;</p>\r\n					21
27	en-us	OpenNebula workshop at Digital Glarus	opennebula-workshop-digital-glarus	<p><span style="line-height: 20.8px;">A very&nbsp;international group came to our OpenNebula workshop&nbsp;in&nbsp;Digital Glarus today.</span></p>\r\n					27
23	en-us	OpenNebulaConf 2015 with ungleich	opennebulaconf-2015-ungleich	<p>ungleich loves OpenNebula! Team ungleich joined OpenNebula Conference 2015 in Barcelona.&nbsp;</p>\r\n					23
24	en-us	Warum wir das Projekt Digital Glarus gestartet haben	warum-wir-das-projekt-digital-glarus-gestartet-hab	<p>Ein IT-Valley in Glarus?&nbsp;Warum das nur?</p>\r\n					24
25	en-us	Fondue im Digital Chalet Schwanden	fondue-im-digital-chalet-schwanden	<p>Endlich wird es kalt genug...</p>\r\n					25
26	en-us	Das Glarnerland, ein Schatz zum Teilen	das-glarnerland-ein-schatz-zum-teilen	<p>Oder: Warum ich das Projekt Digital Glarus gestartet habe</p>\r\n					26
30	en-us	Jazz in Digital Glarus	jazz-digital-glarus	<p>Digital Glarus gets only cooler and cooler. This time, it&#39;s jazz!</p>\r\n					30
28	en-us	Wissen tauschen neu mit wissenstausch.ch in Digital Glarus	wissen-tauschen-neu-mit-wissenstauschch-digital-gl	<p>Wissenstausch.ch erweitert das Angebot um Kurse im Glarnerland!</p>\r\n					28
31	en-us	Jazz at Digital Chalet Schwanden	jazz-digital-chalet-schwanden	<p>Jazzband FivePastEight played&nbsp;at Digital Chalet Schwanden! A night with a great music at our coworking space!</p>\r\n					31
32	en-us	Crowdfunding campaign : mission accomplished!	crowdfunding-campaign-mission-accomplished	<p>111.1% funded! Read our 100 days of success!&nbsp;</p>\r\n					32
33	en-us	Crowdfunding-Kampagne: Mission erfolgreich.	crowdfunding-kampagne-mission-erfolgreich	<p>111.11% finanziert! Lies von unseren 100 Tagen des Erfolges</p>\r\n					33

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_translation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_blog_post_translation_id_seq', 33, true);

-- Data for Name: djangocms_file_file; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY djangocms_file_file (cmsplugin_ptr_id, file, title, target, tooltip) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: djangocms_flash_flash; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_flash_flash (cmsplugin_ptr_id, file, width, height) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: djangocms_googlemap_googlemap; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_googlemap_googlemap (cmsplugin_ptr_id, title, address, zipcode, city, content, zoom, lat, lng, route_planer_title, route_planer, width, height, info_window, scrollwheel, double_click_zoom, draggable, keyboard_shortcuts, pan_control, zoom_control, street_view_control) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder (cmsplugin_ptr_id, from_language, from_page_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: djangocms_link_link; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_link_link (cmsplugin_ptr_id, name, url, anchor, mailto, phone, target, page_link_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta (id, og_type, og_author_url, og_author_fbid, og_publisher, og_app_id, twitter_author, twitter_site, twitter_type, gplus_author, gplus_type, extended_object_id, image_id, og_author_id, public_extension_id) FROM stdin;

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SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_id_seq', 1, false);

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-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_id_seq', 2, true);

-- Data for Name: djangocms_picture_picture; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

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-- Data for Name: djangocms_snippet_snippet; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_snippet_snippet (id, name, html, template) FROM stdin;

-- Name: djangocms_snippet_snippet_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('djangocms_snippet_snippet_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: djangocms_snippet_snippetptr; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_snippet_snippetptr (cmsplugin_ptr_id, snippet_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: djangocms_teaser_teaser; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_teaser_teaser (cmsplugin_ptr_id, title, image, url, description, page_link_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: djangocms_text_ckeditor_text; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY djangocms_text_ckeditor_text (cmsplugin_ptr_id, body) FROM stdin;
111	<h1>Wenn (Büro)-raum und (Arbeits)-zeit keine Rolle mehr spielen</h1>\n\n<h2>Was brauchen Sie, um ihrer Arbeit nachgehen zu können? Nicht mehr, als einen Arbeitsplatz und Ruhe, ist IT-Spezialist Nico Schottelius überzeugt. Seine Firma ist von Zürich nach Luchsingen umgezogen, seinem Beispiel sollen weitere Unternehmen folgen.</h2>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<h4>Von Tina Wintle</h4>\n\n<p>Bis vor Kurzem sei das Glarnerland für ihn ein schwarzer Fleck auf der Landkarte gewesen. Und nicht nur für ihn: Â«Dass man in Ziegelbrücke auch rechts abbiegen kann, ist vielen Zürchern immer noch nicht bekannt», lacht Nico Schottelius, der gebürtige Deutsche aus Zürich, der seit 2014 im Glarnerland wohnt und seit vergangenen März auch dort arbeitet.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Für seine wachsende IT-Firma ungleich.ch war Schottelius auf der Suche nach neuen Büroräumlichkeiten. In Zürich und Umgebung wurde er nicht fündig, die Mietpreise sind zu hoch, ausserdem sei Zürich laut, teuer und Ã¼berfüllt. Seine Firma beschäftigt zurzeit sechs Mitarbeiter, davon arbeiten vier in der Schweiz, einer in El Salvador und einer in Tschechien. «Für unsere Arbeit in der IT-Branche spielt es keine Rolle, wo wir uns befinden.» Da er zur Ausübung seines Berufes nichts weiter als einen Arbeitsplatz und Ruhe brauche, sei er auf das Glarnerland gekommen, wegen der leistbaren Immobilienpreise und eben, der Ruhe. Anstatt zu mieten, hat er sich kurzerhand ein Haus in Luchsingen gekauft, wo er nun gleichermassen lebt und arbeitet. «Ich nenne das Glarnerland ‘Märchental’ es ist so schön, hier zu leben. Warum also soll es nicht auch schön sein, hier zu arbeiten?» ist er überzeugt. Das Glarnerland habe einen unglaublichen natürlichen Charme zu bieten, Charme, der in Zürich teuer gekauft werden muss. </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Schottelius hat die Adressänderung seines neuen «Headquarters» den Kunden erst gar nicht mitgeteilt. «Wir arbeiten komplett virtuell, ich dachte, das interessiert ja keinen, wo sich unser Firmensitz befindet». In der IT- Branche gebe es heutzutage keinen Grund mehr, vor Ort zu arbeiten.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/10/f7/10f7b232-5a2e-4ed0-b70f-e431b7d4fd99/glarnerwoche2015_09_02_crop_small.png__1011x792_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_112" title="Image - Glarnerwoche2015_09_02_crop_small.png" alt="Image"></p>\n\n<p style="line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><span style="color: #808080;">Hat Spass am Leben und an seiner Arbeit: Nico Schottelius ist mit seiner Firma und seinen Ideen auf Erfolgskurs. </span></p>\n\n<p style="line-height: 20.7999992370605px; text-align: right;"><span style="color: #808080;">Bild Tina Wintle</span></p>\n\n<p style="line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"> </p>\n\n<p style="line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"> </p>\n\n<h3>Co-Working Spaces im Glarnerland geplant</h3>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Schottelius ist überzeugt, dass weitere Firmen von der Ruhe des Glarnerlandes, der günstigen Büroräumlichkeiten sowie der Nähe zu Zürich profitieren würden, wüssten sie, dass «das Glarnerland auch als Wohn- und Arbeitsplatz existiert». Er hatte deshalb die Idee, weitere Firmen nach Glarus, im Speziellen nach Glarus Süd zu holen. Das Konzept der sogenannten Working-Spaces, also Firmen, die in gemeinsam genutzten Räumen tätig sind, sorgt derzeit in den grossen Schweizer Städten für Furore. Bei den Co-Working-Spaces arbeiten verschiedene Firmen unter einem Dach, in dem sie einzelne Arbeitsplätze oder Büros mieten. Dadurch werden Kosten gespart, Synergien genutzt, sowie soziale Kontakte gepflegt. «Solche geteilte Arbeitsplätze sind unglaublich inspirativ», ist Schottelius überzeugt. Waren es erst Einzel- dann Grossraumbüros, welche die Firmen ihren Mitarbeiter anboten, und folglich dann wieder das Homeoffice, so seien es heute die co-working-spaces, die die zukünftige Arbeitsweise darstellten. «Das ist nicht nur Zukunftsmusik, sondern ein Trend, der der Zukunft voraus ist», ist Schottelius überzeugt.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<h3>Haus in Schwanden gekauft </h3>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>In Schwanden soll nun der erste Co-Working-Space im Glarnerland entstehen. Das Haus sei ein charmanter Altbau und soll erst einmal vier bis sechs Arbeitsplätze bieten. Zusätzlich sind jeweils vermietbare Studentenzimmer in den Häusern geplant. Pro Tag soll ein Co-Working-Space 15 Franken kosten, pro Monat ist ein maximaler Mietbetrag von 300 Franken vorgesehen. </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>«Das Haus in Schwanden ist ein Prototyp zum Anfassen, auch, damit die Bevölkerung sieht, wie das System der Co-Working-Spaces funktionieren soll.» Bereits habe er Anfragen von interessierten Firmen erhalten, die Idee komme gut an, mit ersten Mietern sei man im Gespräch. Er sei von seinem eigenen Zug überrollt worden, erklärt Schottelius, in einem Testausschreiben sollen sich auch bereits Zürcher Studenten gemeldet haben, die an den geplanten Zimmern in Schwanden Interesse zeigten. «Die Preise sind einfach unschlagbar und die Distanzen zu den grossen Ballungszenten gering». Schottelius stellt sich vor, dass die zu mietenden Arbeitsplätze ab 2016 zur Verfügung stehen. Die Studentenzimmer dürften ab Oktober zum Einzug bereit sein. </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>«Menschen gehen dorthin, wo andere Menschen sind», ist er überzeugt. Kämen die ersten Firmen, würden weitere folgen. Es schweben ihm weitere Ideen vor, wie Restaurantpässe sowie Freizeitangebote, welche die Co-Workers und Studenten vergünstigt nutzen können oder mietbare Velos, um noch schneller von den Bahnhöfen zu den Arbeitsplätzen zu gelangen. Funktioniert das Konzept in Schwanden, will er weitere Co-Working-Spaces aufbauen, in Glarus Süd, aber auch im ganzen Glarnerland.</p>\n\n<p style="text-align: right;">- Glarnerwoche 2015/09/02 </p>\n\n<p style="text-align: right;"> </p>\n
138	<p>It finally happened! Team ungleich invited the local people of Glarus to join us for an open talk, sharing our vision of Glarus as the future IT valley of Switzerland.</p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/1b/75/1b75cb45-33ab-44c4-80f6-d6e7adb53ae8/digitalglarus_meeting_luchsingen.jpg__3456x2056_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" title="Image - digitalglarus_meeting_luchsingen.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_139"></p>\n\n<p>It was a rainy Tuesday evening, not a very typical time for locals to go out for sitting at a meeting they are not super familiar with. But still the adventurous, kind and curious people of Glarus showed up to check us out, and everybody ended up having a great time with us. </p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/b4/1c/b41c21b5-3f2f-4379-8d65-ac2bd46e558d/digitalglarus_meeting_prep.png__3648x2056_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" title="Image - digitalglarus_meeting_prep.png" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_140"></p>\n\n<p>Our event started by Nico's introduction of team ungleich, followed by his presentation explaining project Digital Glarus. During presentation Nico shared ungleich's vision of giving life to old and unused buildings of Glarus, by bringing tech people from too expensive and too crowded IT hub Zurich. </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/ad/0c/ad0c0e0d-8eee-4e1f-82df-d2494df68e36/digitalglarus_meeting_luchsingen_nicoshottelius.png__3648x2056_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" title="Image - digitalglarus_meeting_luchsingen_nicoshottelius.png" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_142"></p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/30/a7/30a7508c-3057-494f-950e-edfaaffdc8bb/digitalglarus_meeting.png__3256x3059_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" title="Image - digitalglarus_meeting.png" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_143"></p>\n\n<p><span style="line-height: 20.8px;">Very positive and constructive feedback was shared by the audience after Nico's presentation. Everybody remained after the presentation to have a cozy apéro prepared by team ungleich. What a lively talk we had with the audience! Certainly from our audience, the project Digital Glarus is warmly welcomed by our community.</span><span style="line-height: 20.8px;"> D</span><span style="line-height: 20.8px;">uring the evening</span><span style="line-height: 20.8px;"> we were assured multiple times that we chose the right place to start such a project. </span></p>\n\n<p><span style="line-height: 20.8px;">With the internet we can connect with anybody anywhere, still it was great to have real human contact, talk to them in person and be energized and inspired. </span></p>\n\n<p>The event was broadcasted by <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" title="Link - Radiocentral" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_145">, thanks to <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" title="Link - Mr.Christian Zweifel" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_144"> who were with us there. The full interview's transcript you can check out in <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" title="Link - our previous post." alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_146"></p>\n\n<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/6d/aa/6daa78ab-182d-473f-b95f-c2c8807ae23e/digitalglarus_interview_nicoschottelius_radio.png__600x403_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" title="Image - digitalglarus_interview_nicoschottelius_radio.png" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_148"></p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Oh and special thanks to our great team, Dominique and Dave, who came all the way from Fribourg and Zug to charm our guests as handsome bartenders!</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Step by step we're moving forward! Please check out our crowdfunding campaign too! </p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/0d/39/0d39e6c6-af05-4505-abdc-c6a585208601/banner_100days_resized.png__1062x274_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" title="Image - banner_100days_resized.png" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_147"></p>\n\n<p> </p>\n
6	<p>Finally!</p>\n\n<p>After some years that most of our work appeared in individual blogs, we are today starting the ungleich blog. For those who have been visiting our blog before and  wonder why we are announcing it today: The previous blog was just a static site, wheras this blog is based on <img title="Link - DjangoCMS blog" id="plugin_obj_8" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link">.</p>\n\n<p>It will be a technical, maybe even social blog. So stay tuned for our updates...</p>\n
4	<h2 class="section-heading" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1.1; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); margin-top: 60px; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 36px;">ungleich goes to Barcelona!</h2>\n\n<p style="margin: 30px 0px; line-height: 1.5; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px;">We're on the road again! After Berlin <a href="http://www.linuxtag.org/2014/en/program/talk-details/?eventid=1238" style="color: rgb(64, 64, 64); background-color: transparent;">(LinuxTag)</a>, Philadelphia <a href="https://www.usenix.org/conference/ucms14/summit-program/presentation/schottelius" style="color: rgb(64, 64, 64); background-color: transparent;">(UCMS)</a>, Hamburg, and Dublin <a href="https://websummit.net/" style="color: rgb(64, 64, 64); background-color: transparent;">(Websummit)</a>, ungleich visits another fabulous city to meet great people out there in the OpenSource community. This time, it's sunny Barcelona!</p>\n\n<p style="margin: 30px 0px; line-height: 1.5; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px;">Team ungleich is proud to announce that we are sponsoring OpenNebulaConf 2015.</p>\n\n<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9" style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px; line-height: 22.8571434020996px;"><iframe src="https://2015.opennebulaconf.com/" class="embed-responsive-item" style="width: 778.325012207031px; height: 437.799987792969px; border-width: 0px;"></iframe></div>\n\n<p><span class="caption text-muted" style="color: rgb(119, 119, 119); text-align: center; font-size: 14px; padding: 10px; font-style: italic; margin: 0px; display: block; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif;">Official website of OpenNebulaConf2015</span></p>\n\n<p style="margin: 30px 0px; line-height: 1.5; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px;">ungleich, a passionate supporter of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software" style="color: rgb(64, 64, 64); background-color: transparent;">FOSS</a>, has been using <a href="http://opennebula.org/" style="color: rgb(64, 64, 64); background-color: transparent;">OpenNebula</a> for a while, and now became a gold sponsor of the upcoming annual OpenNebula conference.</p>\n\n<p style="margin: 30px 0px; line-height: 1.5; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px;">We will be on site at the conference to meet and exchange ideas of users and supporters of OpenNebula. It is an exciting opportunity for ungleich to contribute to the FOSS community!</p>\n\n<p style="margin: 30px 0px; line-height: 1.5; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px;"><a href="http://blog.ungleich.ch/opennebulaconf-2015/#" style="color: rgb(64, 64, 64); background-color: transparent;"><img alt="" src="http://blog.ungleich.ch/img/opennebulaplusungleich.png" class="img-reponsive" style="border-width: 0px; vertical-align: middle;"></a></p>\n\n<h2 class="section-heading" style="font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1.1; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); margin-top: 60px; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 36px;">Why are we loving OpenNebula?</h2>\n\n<p style="margin: 30px 0px; line-height: 1.5; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px;">Compared to bigger-named peers like Openstack or cloudstack, OpenNebula is (yet) less known in the field. There are reasons why ungleich is enthusiastic about OpenNebula, and one is its beautiful simplicity! OpenNebula is lean and is made for real world problems, very well fitted to experts at team ungleich, and maybe you.(=Linux user, FOSS supporter, distressed sysadmin!) OpenNebula is easily configurable with our configuration management <a href="http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/cdist/" style="color: rgb(64, 64, 64); background-color: transparent;">cdist</a>.</p>\n\n<p style="margin: 30px 0px; line-height: 1.5; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px;"><a href="http://blog.ungleich.ch/opennebulaconf-2015/#" style="color: rgb(64, 64, 64); background-color: transparent;"><img alt="" src="http://blog.ungleich.ch/img/cdist.png" class="img-responsive" style="border-width: 0px; vertical-align: middle; display: block; height: auto;"></a><span class="caption text-muted" style="color: rgb(119, 119, 119); text-align: center; font-size: 14px; padding: 10px; font-style: italic; margin: 0px; display: block; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;">cdist, an innovative configuration management system</span></p>\n\n<p style="margin: 30px 0px; line-height: 1.5; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px;">Meet us at OpenNebulaConf 2015 and learn how small to large scale hosting infrastructures are configured with the configuration management system cdist.</p>\n\n<p style="margin: 30px 0px; line-height: 1.5; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px;">We are excited to connect with many of OpenSource supporters out there, hopefully to inspire others and to be inspired! And, October in Barcelona, doesn't it just sound very tempting?!</p>\n\n<p style="margin: 30px 0px; line-height: 1.5; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px;">See you soon in Barcelona!</p>\n\n<p><a href="https://blog.ungleich.ch/opennebulaconf-2015/#" style="color: rgb(64, 64, 64); text-decoration: none; font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px; line-height: 22.8571434020996px;"><img alt="" src="http://blog.ungleich.ch/img/barcelona_1.jpg" class="img-responsive" style="border-width: 0px; vertical-align: middle; display: block; height: auto;"></a></p>\n\n<p style="margin: 30px 0px; line-height: 1.5; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: Lora, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 20px;"> </p>\n
691	<p>Lieber Blog-Folger und Leser, wir sind sehr erfreut, dass wir ein erfolgreiches Ende unserer 100 tägigen Crowdfunding-Kampagne ankündigen können. Mit sehr grosszügigen Spenden unserer Unterstützer haben wir unser Ziel von 20'000 CHF erreicht, nicht nur das, unsere Kampagne wurde schlussendlich mit 111.11% finanziert. Juhu! Danke viel mals für all die Unterstützung und Aufmerksamkeit, welche wir während der ganzen Kampagne von euch erhalten haben.</p>\n\n<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%;"><img alt="Image" title="Image - 20000.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/87/10/8710bdfb-72d1-45a1-9fde-6d566c4911d0/20000.jpg__590x300_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_693"></p>\n\n<p>Dieser Artikel ist schon lange überfällig, da unsere Crowdfunding-Kampagne bereits seit einer Woche beendet ist, aber unser Team war zu sehr damit beschäftigt, Anrufe und E-Mails mit Gratulationen und Glückwunschen aus der Opensource Community, aus der Coworking Space Community, lokalen und nationalen Geschäften, und unseren Freunden, zu beantworten.</p>\n\n<p><br>\n<img alt="Image" title="Image - too-many-emails.png" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/96/07/96077c88-8222-40c0-8a69-37ffcc5877bb/too-many-emails.png__493x335_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_694"></p>\n\n<p>Und wir sollten nicht vergessen zu erwähnen, dass wir es in der Zwischenzeit auf die Titelseite der Zeitung geschafft haben.</p>\n\n<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; font-weight: normal; line-height: 100%;"> </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - nico_schottelius_frontpage_newspaper_2016_01_06_.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/4a/a0/4aa0f05c-1607-4eb4-9c0d-e14bba66876d/nico_schottelius_frontpage_newspaper_2016_01_06_.jpg__632x346_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_695"></p>\n\n<p>Haben wir schön gesagt wie cool es war, unseren Projektleiter auf der Titelseite zu sehen? Falls wir es vergessen haben, es war wirklich, wirklich cool. Wie unser Teammitglied Dominique sagen würde «meeega cool».</p>\n\n<p><br>\n<img alt="Image" title="Image - nico_schottelius_tv_2016-01-06_.png" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/6a/6e/6a6e8484-c426-492b-a2ce-22c336e5edc1/nico_schottelius_tv_2016-01-06_.png__768x406_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" id="plugin_obj_696"></p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - nico_schottelius_tv_interview_2016-01-06_.png" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/c6/05/c6059d7a-452e-4557-aa61-37e30214569b/nico_schottelius_tv_interview_2016-01-06_.png__768x421_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" id="plugin_obj_697"></p>\n\n<p>… Und es war auch super cool wie das Renovationsprojekt unseres Coworking-Spaces in den Abendnachrichtem um 18:00 Uhr im Fernsehn kam. Wenn sich Erfolg so anfühlt, könnten uns sehr schnell daran gewöhnen!</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Obwohl die Kampagne nun beendet ist, liegt noch einen Haufen Arbeit vor uns, oder, die eigentliche Arbeit beginnt erst jetzt. Die Crowdfunding-Kampagne war nur der Beginn einers Marathons und wir sind jetzt bereit für einen langen Lauf. Laut der Kampagnen-Platform 100days.net, erhalten wir die Finanzierung in zwei Monaten: Wir probieren so transparent wie möglich zu sein in Anbetracht der Verwendung des Geldes für die Renovation und Umgestaltung des Coworking Spaces. Unsere Goodies für die Unterstützer, wie beispielsweise Postkarten oder T-Shirts sind in der Produktion. Die Renovation des Coworking Spaces wird im Frühling starten. Nicht weil wir unnötig länger mit der Renovation warten möchten, sondern…</p>\n\n<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; font-weight: normal; line-height: 100%;"><img alt="Image" title="Image - snow_luchsingen_small.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/11/b0/11b07caf-01e0-4035-af07-24e5c4fb8637/snow_luchsingen_small.jpg__730x411_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_698"></p>\n\n<p>weil wir hier in der Schweiz leben und das Wetter hier zurzeit so aussieht. Das ganze Gebiet wird die nächsten Monaten unter dieser Schneedecke versteckt bleiben, kein ideales Wetter um das Dach zu öffnen, oder die Fenster zu wechseln. In der Zwischenzeit werden wir mit der Planung beginnen. Im Frühling können wird dann die Arbeiten unter besseren Wetterbedingungen beginnen.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Wir können nicht genug Dank an unsere Unterstützer für diesen Erfolg aussprechen. Wir wissen das ohne unsere Unterstützer, welche uns bei unseren Ideen zugehört haben und uns in unserer Vision ermutigt haben, nichts geklappt hätte. Wir möchten nochmals erwähnen wie dankbar und begeistert wir für die erhaltene Liebe und Unterstützung sind.</p>\n\n<p><br>\n<img alt="Image" title="Image - twitter_header_thankyou_confetti.png" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/c1/37/c13784e4-196d-44fa-b341-9a3948eab1ec/twitter_header_thankyou_confetti.png__1627x550_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" id="plugin_obj_699"></p>\n\n<p>Falls du es noch nicht gesehen hast, wir haben eine schöne Timeline-Slider auf unserer zweisprachige <img alt="Link" title="Link - Webseite" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_702"> aufgeschalten. Der Slider ist eine schöne simple Darstellung des Wachstums unserer simplen Idee bis hin zum Crowdfunding Erfolg.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Für die, welche die Chance an der Crowdfunding-Kampagne teilzunehmen, verpasst haben, unser Spendekanal ist immer noch offen. Bei einer Spende kannst du dein Name auf die Liste der virtuellen Unterstützer vom Projekt Digital Glarus auf unserer Webseite verewigen. Für mehr Informationen kannst du uns via <img alt="Link" title="Link - info@digitalglarus.ch " src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_701">kontaktieren. Es könnte sein, dass wir ein wenig voreingenommen sind, aber ehrlich gesagt ist es einfach super spannend und für uns eine riesen Freude einen Teil von diesem coolen Projekt zu sein.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Zu guter letzt: Ein frohes neues Jahr euch allen! Bleibt auch im 2016 weiterhin an unserer Seite: Wir hörten, dass es das richtige Jahr sei um das Coworken nach Digital Glarus zu bringen!</p>\n
1	<p>Copyright © ungleich GmbH 2016</p>\n
114	<p></p>
115	<h2>Get cdist and installation</h2>\n\n<p>You can easily get the code for cdist from github:</p>\n\n<div style="background: #eee; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px 10px;">git clone https://github.com/telmich/cdist.git<br>\ncd cdist<br>\nexport PATH=$PATH:$(pwd -P)/bin</div>\n\n<p>If you want the man pages run:</p>\n\n<div style="background: #eee; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px 10px;">make</div>\n\n<p>The man pages are now generated in the docs/ directory.</p>\n\n<p>Or get the latest man pages <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_117" title="Link - here" alt="Link">.</p>\n\n<p>To run cdist on the source host (the one who configures the target host) the following software is required:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Python &gt;= 3.2</li>\n\t<li>SSH client</li>\n\t<li>Asciidoc and xsltproc (for building the manpages)</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>On the target host only ssh is required<br>\nAlso it is recommended to use ssh over ssh-key authentication.<br>\nOther hints you can find in the <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_118" title="Link - man7/cdist-best-practice" alt="Link"></p>\n\n<p>For shortly testing cdist, run:</p>\n\n<div style="background: #eee; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px 10px;">cdist banner</div>\n\n<p>And for seeing the usage, run:</p>\n\n<div style="background: #eee; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px 10px;">cdist -h</div>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<h2>Files and directories</h2>\n\n<p>Important directories are the installation directory and the $HOME/.cdist/ directory.</p>\n\n<p>In the installation directory you can find the cdist binary, standard provided cdist types and other important files for cdist.</p>\n\n<p>The $HOME/.cdist/ directory is for your locally needed configuration and has the following directory tree:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>$HOME/.cdist/\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>manifest/\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>Your manifests (standard: init)</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</li>\n\t\t<li>type/\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>Your own made types (always: __your_type)</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<h2>Creating a sample manifest</h2>\n\n<p>Create a new manifest with the following command:</p>\n\n<div style="background: #eee; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px 10px;">echo "__file /tmp/hello_world" &gt; $HOME/.cdist/manifest/init</div>\n\n<p>This manifest will use the _file for creating the file /tmp/hello_world.<br>\nFor more information about the __file type see installation_dir/cdist/conf/type/_file/man.text</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<h2>First run of cdist</h2>\n\n<p>For running your first own made cdist manifest on localhost use the following command:</p>\n\n<div style="background: #eee; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px 10px;">cdist config -v localhost</div>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<h2>More information</h2>\n\n<p>If you have trouble or want more information visit the <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_119" title="Link - github page" alt="Link"> or write us!</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/58/bd/58bd81e3-9cd7-4661-a52a-d938c54e88f5/cdist.png__800x159_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_124" title="Image - cdist.png" alt="Image"></p>\n
149	<p><img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_152" title="Link - testiaeiaei" alt="Link"></p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n
13	<h2 class="section-heading">ungleich goes to Barcelona!</h2>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>We're on the road again! After Berlin<a href="http://www.linuxtag.org/2014/en/program/talk-details/?eventid=1238">(LinuxTag)</a>, Philadelphia<a href="https://www.usenix.org/conference/ucms14/summit-program/presentation/schottelius">(UCMS)</a>, Hamburg, and Dublin<a href="https://websummit.net/">(Websummit)</a>, ungleich visits another fabulous city to meet great people out there in the OpenSource community. This time, it's sunny Barcelona!</p>\n\n<p>Team ungleich is proud to announce that we are sponsoring <img title="Link - OpenNebulaConf 2015." alt="Link" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_14"></p>\n\n<p>ungleich, a passionate supporter of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software">FOSS</a>, has been using <a href="http://opennebula.org/">OpenNebula</a> for a while, and now became a gold sponsor of the upcoming annual OpenNebula conference.</p>\n\n<p>We will be on site at the conference to meet and exchange ideas of users and supporters of OpenNebula. It is an exciting opportunity for ungleich to contribute to the FOSS community!</p>\n\n<p><img title="Image - opennebulaplusungleich.png" alt="Image" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/e1/76/e1761ff4-371b-4e72-a9bf-05e34029603e/opennebulaplusungleich.png__800x159_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_17"></p>\n\n<h2 class="section-heading">Why are we loving OpenNebula?</h2>\n\n<p>Compared to bigger-named peers like Openstack or cloudstack, OpenNebula is (yet) less known in the field. There are reasons why ungleich is enthusiastic about OpenNebula, and one is its beautiful simplicity! OpenNebula is lean and is made for real world problems, very well fitted to experts at team ungleich, and maybe you.(=Linux user, FOSS supporter, distressed sysadmin!) OpenNebula is easily configurable with our configuration management <a href="http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/cdist/">cdist</a>.</p>\n\n<p><img title="Image - cdist.png" alt="Image" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/5f/4b/5f4b7477-6a1d-4df5-a986-4eb342993b40/cdist.png__800x159_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_18"></p>\n\n<p>Meet us at OpenNebulaConf 2015 and learn how small to large scale hosting infrastructures are configured with the configuration management system cdist.</p>\n\n<p>We are excited to connect with many of OpenSource supporters out there, hopefully to inspire others and to be inspired! And, October in Barcelona, doesn't it just sound very tempting?!</p>\n\n<p>See you soon in Barcelona!</p>\n\n<p><img title="Image - barcelona_1.jpg" alt="Image" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/a2/43/a2431f05-8480-4721-9a9f-8d9216c1a1b1/barcelona_1.jpg__935x514_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_19"></p>\n
20	<p></p>
125	<h1>Tagsüber Arzt und in der Nacht Hacker</h1>\n\n<h2>Mit einem «Weltverbesserli», zu dem jeder beitragen könne, wollen zwei Tüftler das Glarnerland stärken</h2>\n\n<h3>Mike Zweifel und Nico Schottelius errichten einen Â«Makerspace» für Elektronik­ begeisterte im Glarnerland. Das Web in der Werkstatt oder die Werkstatt im Web bietet Hilfsmittel gegen Kurzschlüsse.</h3>\n\n<p>VON BRIGITTE TIEFENAUER (TEXT UND BILD)</p>\n\n<p>Sie wecken den Eindruck zweier Lausbuben: in jeder Hand einen Pet­Rohling, im Gesicht ein breites Grinsen und in der Luft liegt ein Hauch von Spannung: Mike Zweifel, junger Familienvater aus Näfels, in Jeans und Freizeithemd; Nico Schottelius, Geschäftsmann deutscher Abstammung, blauer Anzug und Brille, das blonde Haar zum Rossschwanz ge­ bunden. Gleich gesinnt und trotzdem ein ungleiches Paar, verkabelt mit die­sen Pet­Rohlingen. Wenn der eigene Rohling blinkt, wird gedrückt. Wer schnell reagiert, gewinnt. Wer zögert, erntet ein akusti­sches «Mäh» und fliegt raus. Acht Leute könnten theoretisch mitspielen. «Das Spiel ist lustig und so einfach», sagt Zweifel. Er hat es erfunden. Simple Platine, eingebaut in ein gut streichholz­ grosses Kästchen, einige Widerstände und etwas Kabel aus dem Fachmarkt lassen die Pet­Buzzer leuchten. «Sieht aus wie vom Profi, nicht?»</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>MIKE ZWEIFEL, der etwas Jüngere, ist Assistenzarzt in einer Kinderarztpraxis in Rüti (ZH); Nico Schottelius Informa­tiker, Hacker, Geschäftsführer der Ungleich GmbH mit Sitz in Luchsingen und Initiator von digitalglarus.ch. Tagsüber sei er berufstätig und nachts Hacker, so Zweifel. «Nein, nicht gemäss dem negativen Touch, der dem Begriff leider anhaftet», winkt er ab. Â«Der Hacker schaut, wie etwas funk­tioniert, nimmt Dinge auseinander und analysiert sie, um sie zu verstehen und zu verbessern.» Die schwarzen Schafe, die versuchten, illegal Systeme zu mani­pulieren, hätten den Tüftlern den<br>\nschlechten Ruf eingebracht.</p>\n\n<p>«Symbolisch für den Spass, der ja auch nie vergessen werden soll, demonstriert Zweifel die «Heimkehrerlampe». Er hat sie aus einem Funkempfänger, einer Lichterkette und einem Stromregler für seine Frau gebastelt. «Wenn mein Dienst sich hinzieht, schalte ich die Lampe per Handy auf rot, wenn der Feierabend sich nähert auf gelb und wenn ich mich auf den Heimweg mache, auf grün.» Zweifel lacht. Was piept, blinkt und sich bewegt fasziniert mich und macht mir Spass.»<br>\nMIKE ZWEIFEL</p>\n\n<p>Im Gegensatz zu Zweifel ist Schottelius hauptberuflich «Hacker». Was aber nicht heisse, dass er rund um die Uhr arbeite. «Das wäre ungesund», räumt er ein. Vor zehn Jahren ist er über eine Open­Source Firma in die Schweiz gekommen und schliesslich, auf der Suche nach einem erschwinglichen Büro für seine eigene Firma, die Un­gleich.ch, in Luchsingen fündig gewor­den. Seine virtuelle Arbeitswelt sei glücklicherweise nicht ortsgebunden, meint er, das Glarnerland zum Wohnen preiswert und bilderbuchschön.</p>\n\n<p>SCHOTTELIUS’ HAUPTBUSINESS ist der Aufbau von Linux­Infrastrukturen für andere IT­Firmen. Linux ist ein Betriebs­system wie Windows oder Mac und wird hauptsächlich von Internetfirmen verwendet. Seine Kunden sind Web­design­ und ­entwickler­Firmen, für welche die Firma die Ungleich.ch Server auf Linux­Basis betreibt. In der Open­Source Entwicklung<br>\nkann laut Schottelius jeder mitmachen: Programmcode herunterladen, studie­ren und anpassen. «Wir Hacker haben<br>\nhäufig den kleinen Weltverbesserer im Hinterkopf, wenn wir Bestehendes opti­mieren oder Neues entwickeln.» Zweifel, der Hobby­Hacker, hat sich das Metier von der Pike auf mit Â«learning by doing» beigebracht. «Was piept, blinkt und sich bewegt fasziniert mich und macht mir Spass», sagt er.</p>\n\n<p>Den Spass wolle er nun in einem Makerspace nach dem Vorbild bestehen­ der Makerspaces, Hackerspaces oder Fab<br>\nLabs teilen: «Das sind diese Orte, an denen du Ausrüstung findest und Gleichgesinnte triffst. Das funktioniert doch auch im Glarnerland.»</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/c5/0b/c50bced0-f132-4cb0-9e22-e0656a4854e8/newspaper.png__859x1320_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" alt="Image" title="Image - newspaper.png" id="plugin_obj_126"></p>\n\n<p>AUFRUF UND NACHFRAGE sozusagen ha­ben Schottelius und Zweifel zusammen­ geführt. «Makers im Zigerschlitz» heisst ihr Produkt. Das Hosting, das virtuelle Zuhause, bietet Schottelius über Un­gleich.ch. Unter den klugen Köpfen, die sich auf dieser Plattform voraussicht­lich bald tummeln, erhofft er sich auch Ressourcen für seine Firma. Neben dem virtuellen bietet er den Makers im Zigerschlitz künftig auch ein reales Zuhause. Der Co­Working­Space, den Schottelius in einem Haus in Schwanden plant, umfasst ein Café, Büros, einen Raum für Meetings, aber auch einige günstige Mietzimmer etwa für Studenten, welche die Synergien des Co­Working­Spaces nutzen wollen. Â«Statt Wände zwischen Konkurren­ten hochzuziehen, profitieren wir vom kollegialen Zusammenspiel.» Hier kön­nen Informatiker, Programmierer, De­signer oder Elektronikfreaks ihre Lust am Werkeln und Experimentieren aus­leben und an ihren eigenen Projekten<br>\nund Unternehmungen arbeiten.</p>\n\n<p>NEBEN DER ELEKTRONIKECKE bieten die beiden auch ein Fotolabor. Später sollen 3­D­Drucker, Lasercutter oder CNC­Frä­sen hinzukommen. «Es sind nicht nur jede Art Elektroniker willkommen», sagt Schottelius, «wir freuen uns auch<br>\nüber Maker anderer Berufsgattungen, die als Spezialisten ihrer Fachgebiete an gemeinsamen Projekten arbeiten möch­ten oder anderen ihre Metiers nahebrin­gen wollen.»</p>\n\n<p>«Was in den Makerspaces abläuft, wird von der Industrie aufgegriffen.» NICO SCHOTTELIUS</p>\n\n<p>Symbolisch für den Spass, der ja auch nie vergessen werden soll, demonstriert Zweifel die «Heimkehrerlampe». Er hat sie aus einem Funkempfänger, einer Lichterkette und einem Stromregler für seine Frau gebastelt. «Wenn mein Dienst sich hinzieht, schalte ich die Lampe per Handy auf rot, wenn der Feierabend sich nähert auf gelb und wenn ich mich auf den Heimweg mache, auf grün.» Zweifel lacht.</p>\n\n<p>EIN ETWAS ERNSTERES WERK ist der Strommesser, den er für seinen Vater, Inhaber einer Solarfirma, entwickeln möchte. Das Gerät zeichnet, etwa im Haus eines Kunden, den Stromver­brauch im Verlauf des Tages detailliert auf. «Kein kommerzielles Produkt, aber es könnte eines daraus werden», so Zweifel. Und Schottelius: «Was in den Makerspaces im kleinen Stil abläuft, wird in 10 bis 15Jahren von der Indus­trie aufgegriffen und entwickelt.» Wer sich heute in Versuch und Irrtum übe, rüste sich für die Zukunft. Denn mittelfristig zählten kaum mehr Assessments und Erfahrung, ist Schotte­lius überzeugt. Vielmehr gilt: «Du bist, was du kannst.» «Klugen Köpfen» gibt er deshalb die Chance, sich mit einem Test­projekt zu beweisen. «Das ist die bessere Referenz als jedes Ausweispapier.» Auch für das Glarnerland sieht der Jungunternehmer grosses Potenzial. Â«Wo altehrwürdige Industriegebäude verstummen, gibt es Raum für digitale Projekte und damit Arbeitsplätze. Und dies in schönster, gesunder Umgebung», schwärmt er. «Beautiful, affordable and direct» oder «schön, erschwinglich und direkt», heisst es dazu zusammenfas­send auf der Webseite digitalglarus.ch, auf der Glarus als «Techvalley in the Heart of Switzerland» beschrieben wird.</p>\n\n<p>ï‚¢ MOOD LAMP<br>\nDer erste Glarner «Maker-space» öffnet seine Türen am Samstag, 17. Oktober. Am Vormittag ab 9 Uhr und am Nachmittag von 14 bis 17 Uhr lernen Neugierige ab zwölf Jahren bei den Makers im Zigerschlitz, wie man mit der Entwickler-Plattform Arduino winzige Chips dazu bringt, LEDs zum Leuchten zu bringen. Oder wie man Mikrokontroller mit Reglern oder Sensoren verbindet und damit einen Motor ansteuert. «Mit dem Wissen bauen und programmieren wir eine Dekolampe – unsere Mood Lamp», steht in der Einladung. Treffpunkt: Digital Chalet Schwanden, in der Au 7. Anmeldung: www.zigerschlitzmakers.ch.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>«Der Hacker schaut, wie etwas funktioniert, und nimmt Dinge auseinander.» MIKE ZWEIFEL</p>\n\n<p>ï‚¢ FINANZIERUNG</p>\n\n<p>Crowdfunding ist eine moderne Art, zusammen ein Projekt zu finanzieren. Um möglichst viele Interessenten zu erreichen,<br>\nwerden solche Projekte auf Crowdfunding-Plattformen im Internet veröffentlicht. Das Projekt Digital Glarus beispielsweise startet ab Oktober ein Crowdfunding, um die Renovation des Co-Working-Spaces in Schwanden zu finanzieren. Wie Crowdfunding funktioniert, erklärt Nico Schottelius am Mittwoch, 23. September, ab 18.30 Uhr im Digital Chalet, in der Au 7, in Schwanden. Mehr Infos dazu im Internet unter www.meetup.com oder www.digitalglarus.ch.</p>\n\n<p>«Wir Hacker haben häufig den kleinen Weltverbesserer im Hinterkopf.» NICO SCHOTTELIUS</p>\n\n<p><font><font>-</font></font><span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; line-height: normal;">DIE SÃœDOSTSCHWEIZ-2015/09/13</span></p>\n
21	<p>Recently we announced our first application hosting: <img title="Link - rails-hosting.ch" alt="Link" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_24">. As you can see on the site, we are still in an early Beta for subscriptions, however the technology stack that we use behind it, has been in use for some years already.</p>\n\n<p>As we are an Open Source company, we are also  very open about our work. Actually, a lot of the work we do for our customers can be open sourced, because many of our customers are living the Open Source Spirit, but that is a different blog post...</p>\n\n<p>While our first incarnation of hosting was completely managed by <img title="Link - cdist" alt="Link" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_28">, we moved on to use <img title="Link - OpenNebula" alt="Link" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_25">, so we can let people manage their virtual machines on their own and via a WebUI.</p>\n\n<p>In our second incarnation we gave <img title="Link - Ceph" alt="Link" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_26"> a try, however the performance was not as good as we hoped. In our current hosting we are using <img title="Link - GlusterFS" alt="Link" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_27"> for storing the High Availability VMs.</p>\n\n<p>For the frontend to our hosting we have chosen a combination of <img title="Link - Nginx" alt="Link" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_29">, <img title="Link - uwsgi" alt="Link" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_33">, <img title="Link - Django" alt="Link" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_34">, <img title="Link - DjangoCMS" alt="Link" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_32">, <img title="Link - DjangoCMS Blog" alt="Link" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_31"> and <img title="Link - PostgreSQL" alt="Link" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_30">. The complete stack is configured by cdist.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>That's a sneak preview on what we used for our new hosting - we will write more about how we glued together all components in a future entry.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n
504	<p></p>
127	<p>We're excited to share that our project Digital Glarus was broadcasted on Swiss radio by <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" title="Link -  Radiocentral" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_128">! For the ones who missed it yesterday, we prepared a transcript. </p>\n\n<p style=""><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/6d/aa/6daa78ab-182d-473f-b95f-c2c8807ae23e/digitalglarus_interview_nicoschottelius_radio.png__2204x1482_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" title="Image - digitalglarus_interview_nicoschottelius_radio.png" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_129"></p>\n\n<p style=""><span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; line-height: normal;">Ruhe, viel Platz, eine wunderbare Umgebung und günstiger Raum - diese Argumente sollen in Zukunft Informatikfirmen ins Glarnerland locken. Davon überzeugt ist ein IT-Jungunternehmer, der vor gut 2 Jahren seine Firma von Zürich auf Glarus Süd gezügelt hat. Gestern Abend hat er zum ersten Mal die Bevölkerung von Glarus Süd informiert. Christian Zweifel war dabei:</span></p>\n\n<p><small>Moderator : Christian Zweifel, Wirtschaftsförderer : Urs Keiser, Projektleiter : Nico Schottelius</small></p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<hr>\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p><strong>Christian Zweifel (CZ)  </strong>Gestern Abend um 6 Uhr hat Herr Nico Schottelius im dunkelblauen Anzug den interessierten Anwohnern sein neues Projekt: "Digital Glarus" vorgestellt. Er ist Informatik-Jungunternehmer und Initiant vom Projekt "Digital Glarus". Ursprünglich aus Deutschland, lebt er nun seit einigen Jahren in der Schweiz und seit bald zwei Jahren in Glarus Süd. </p>\n\n<p style="">Er hat folgendes Ziel:</p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p><strong>Nico Schottelius (NS)</strong>  Ich würde gerne das Glarnerland modernisieren. Das Glarnerland hat sehr viele schöne alte Fabrikhallen. In Zürich jedoch sind alle Informatiker auf engem Raum und suchen eigentlich einen guten neuen, günstigen und schönen Arbeitsplatz. Ich denke, das wäre das Glarnerland.</p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/a9/94/a994bc7b-82db-453b-ba09-bc40a571dfd9/digitalglarus_whynotzurich.png__1327x603_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" title="Image - digitalglarus_whynotzurich.png" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_135"></p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><strong>CZ</strong> Arbeitsraum in und um die Agglomeration Zürich ist teuer, trotzdem ist das Glarnerland recht nahe und bietet alles, was ein Informatiker zum Arbeiten benötigt. </p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><strong>NS</strong> Ganz genau, ich denke der Informatiker benötigt nur sein Notebook und Internet. Wenn wir das hier aufgebaut haben, kann er im Prinzip auf einer Bank, auf der Alp oder in einem Restaurant sitzen und arbeiten. Das ganze funktioniert natürlich auch in einem Co-Working-Space, wie wir ihn gerade in Schwanden aufbauen.</p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><strong>CZ  </strong>Co-Working-Space ist das Schlagwort. Nicht mehr jeder Unternehmer alleine, sondern zusammen arbeiten, sich gegenseitig inspirieren und Lösungen entwickeln. Die Zeiten, als Informatiker nur für sich alleine arbeiteten und der Konkurrenz möglichst nichts verrieten, sind laut Nico Schottelius nun definitiv vorbei.</p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><strong>NS</strong>  Früher haben ja IT-Firmen immer sehr voneinander abgekapselt gearbeitet. Man hat versucht, das Wissen zu behalten und ja nicht dem nebenan zu verraten, was man macht. </p>\n\n<p style="">Heutzutage mieten sich IT-Firmen zusammen eine grosse Halle, wie z.B. eine Fabrikhalle, platzieren darin alle ihre Büros und sitzen dann gemeinsam an einem Tisch, um zu diskutieren wie man voran kommt.  Das alte "Jeder macht eins" macht man heute nicht mehr, sondern jetzt sitzen alle zusammen in einer Halle. Das ist eigentlich ein Co-Working-Space.</p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><strong>CZ</strong>  Solche Co-Working-Spaces bestünden bereits in der ganzen Schweiz. Vor allem in Zürich aber auch in anderen Städten, sogar die SBB biete mindestens zwei solche Arbeitsplätze an. Warum sollten sich diese nicht in Glarus-Süd befinden? </p>\n\n<p style="">Solche Initiativen von jungen Leuten spielen natürlich dem Standortförderer von Glarus Süd, Urs Keiser in die Hände.</p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/f3/f9/f3f9c45c-7f93-4fde-a0fc-32369831237c/digitalglarus_glarus.jpg__1600x844_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" title="Image - digitalglarus_glarus.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_136"></p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><strong>Urs Keiser(UK)</strong>  Absolut spielt das uns in die Hände und wir haben mit Herr Schottelius auch bereits Gespräche geführt. </p>\n\n<p style="">Dies ist eine Initiative, die sehr gute ist. Und es ist toll, dass sie von unten kommt. Wir haben im Moment diverse solche Anfragen, auch von grösseren Firmen, mit ähnlichem Vorhaben.</p>\n\n<p style="">Unsere Rolle ist zu vernetzten und zu schauen, dass keine Doppelspurigkeiten entstehen, auch dass sich die Initiativen von Unten entwickeln können. Wir begrüssen jede Initiative, die hier im Glarnerland stattfindet.</p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><strong>CZ</strong>  Der Weg sei also von unten, von initiativen Leuten. Das funktioniere besser, als wenn von oben her versucht wird, solche Projekte wie "Digital Glarus" umzusetzen. Das Glarnerland habe Potential und es laufe auch viel in diese Richtung.</p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><strong>UK</strong>  Ich denke, das weiss die Bevölkerung von Glarus-Süd auch. Glarus-Süd ist auch besser, als die Leuten denken, das es ist..</p>\n\n<p style="">Es läuft momentan sehr viel und das vernetzen wir. Ich denke, man sollte nicht warten, man sollte einfach machen. Wir müssen lediglich schauen, dass alles in einer korrekten Richtung zusammengeführt wird. </p>\n\n<p style="">Visionen sind viele da, aber Visionen helfen uns nicht weiter. Also machen: "Ärmel zrügg chremple" und "schaffe". Wenn sich die Leute engagieren wird es meistens gut.</p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><strong>CZ  </strong>Hier könne der Initiant von Digital Glarus, Nico Schottelius, auf die Tipps und Mithilfe der Behörden zählen. Herr Schottelius verstehe auch, dass der Kanton Glarus solche Projekte nicht so grosszügig unterstützen könne wie z.B. Zürich.</p>\n\n<p style="">Darum hofft auf Unterstützung von allen: Von der Bevölkerung aber auch von anderen Jungunternehmer, Studenten oder Interessierten, welche einen "Zustupf" Ã¼ber ein so genanntes Crowd-Funding, also z.B. sammeln via Internet, geben können. </p>\n\n<p style="">Da kann man sich bereits jetzt aktiv beteiligen...</p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><strong>NS  </strong>Wir haben gerade eine Crowd-Funding-Kampagne gestartet. Diese findet man auf <a href="http://www.digitalglarus.ch/">www.digitalglarus.ch</a>. Dort kann jeder, der interessiert ist, einen Beitrag für unser Projekt leisten. So können wir den ersten Co-Working-Space in Schwanden auch wirklich bald eröffnen.</p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><strong>CZ  </strong>Weitere Infos zu diesem Projekt findet man auf der Seite www.digitalglarus.ch.</p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style=""><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/0d/39/0d39e6c6-af05-4505-abdc-c6a585208601/banner_100days_resized.png__1062x274_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" title="Image - banner_100days_resized.png" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_130"></p>\n\n<hr>\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style="">....That was the interview!</p>\n\n<p style="">We send many thanks to Mr. Christian Zweifel who covered our open talk event on Tuesday night.</p>\n\n<p style="">As said in the interview, our crowdfunding campaign is up and running. Join us and let's cowork! </p>\n\n<p style=""> </p>\n\n<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" title="Link - Visit Digital Glarus crowdfunding" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_133"></p>\n\n<p style="text-align: center;"> </p>\n\n<p style="text-align: center;"> </p>\n
640	<p>As we announced in our <img alt="Link" title="Link - previous post" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_641">, Digital Glarus hosted its first jazz concert at our first coworking space, Digital Chalet Schwanden. For those who couldn't be at our great music night, or for us who wants to revisit the great moments we had, here are some of the highlights of Saturday! Of course, pictures don't do the justice for our handsome jazzmen and their great performance. </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - digitalglarus_jazz_concert_flyers.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/9d/e4/9de4da73-5ce7-4cf7-96ca-cd45d3f7fc49/digitalglarus_jazz_concert_flyers.jpg__528x434_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_642"></p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - digitalglarus_jazz_concert_coupons.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/d8/b4/d8b4ed89-af2b-43f3-aa38-969352fd98d0/digitalglarus_jazz_concert_coupons.jpg__679x411_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_644"></p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - digitalglarus_jazz_concert_program.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/50/04/500490f1-fafa-4041-adc9-e69444082797/digitalglarus_jazz_concert_program.jpg__600x411_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_645"></p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - digitalglarus_jazz_concert_band_rehearsal.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/1d/e4/1de4aea6-cad7-467e-8e39-54ea257e00a0/digitalglarus_jazz_concert_band_rehearsal.jpg__736x491_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_647"></p>\n\n<p>Here is the super talented FivePastEight getting ready before the concert. We have to confess that overhearing them (and also stalk them a bit through the whole afternoon for the excuse of photos) over their rehearsing was as cool as their real concert later. In this picture we can see our drummer Dominique, Nicolas on piano, Joel with the guitar, Philipp with Saxophone, Pascal trumpet. Yves (who has his back on this photo) will be later seen in photos with his Trombone, and Sven (hidden next to Dominique in this photo) with the bass.</p>\n\n<p>And here are the concert moments!</p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - digitalglarus_jazz_concert_audiene_schwanden.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/1a/01/1a010cef-9537-4e8e-92f3-96dbdc299c08/digitalglarus_jazz_concert_audiene_schwanden.jpg__730x411_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_648"> <img alt="Image" title="Image - digitalglarus_jazz_concert_band_brass.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/bb/76/bb76b659-b2d5-4c0f-83f9-d84608d6c76a/digitalglarus_jazz_concert_band_brass.jpg__730x366_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_650"></p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - digitalglarus_jazz_concert_audience_room.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/b1/87/b187f339-d879-4ab9-b978-25754a2a3182/digitalglarus_jazz_concert_audience_room.jpg__730x411_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_652"></p>\n\n<p>It was too full for everybody to be seated, but it didn't stop some of us dancing with the music at the stairs and the corridor!</p>\n\n<p><iframe height="315" frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Zez460XcpRA" width="720" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p>\n\n<p><iframe height="315" frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/n_iFeWVUBEI" width="720" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p>\n\n<p><iframe height="315" frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Lh6mJ7Ph6Qk" width="720" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p>\n\n<p>Aren't they great? :D You can follow them on their <img alt="Link" title="Link - facebook" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_664">, or visit their <img alt="Link" title="Link - website" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_665">.</p>\n\n<p>We thank everybody who came to our concert and kindly donated their money for our <img alt="Link" title="Link - crowdfunding project" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_663">! And, a huge thanks to the band FivePastEight! </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - digitalglarus_jazz_concert_donation.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/36/d0/36d0117f-8e0c-4978-ae0a-374c5591e14f/digitalglarus_jazz_concert_donation.jpg__736x491_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_662"></p>\n\n<p><img alt="Link" title="Link - Our crowdfunding campaign" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_667"> has 28 days left until its end! The campaign works on All or Nothing basis, means if we don't reach the designated amount of 20,000CHF all the donations will be annuled.</p>\n\n<p>Be our Santa and help us today!  </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - banner_100days_resized.png" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/0d/39/0d39e6c6-af05-4505-abdc-c6a585208601/banner_100days_resized.png__1062x274_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" id="plugin_obj_666"></p>\n
677	<p>Dear our blog followers and readers, we are very pleased to announce that our 100 days of crowdfunding campaign ended with a big success. From generous donations of our supporters we reached our goal amount of 20,000 Swiss Francs, and not only we reached the goal, our campaign ended up by <span style="line-height: 20.8px;">111.1% funded! Yay! Thank you for all the support and attention you have given us during the campaign. </span></p>\n\n<p><span style="line-height: 20.8px;"><img alt="Image" title="Image - 20000.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/87/10/8710bdfb-72d1-45a1-9fde-6d566c4911d0/20000.jpg__590x300_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_687"></span></p>\n\n<p>This post is long overdue as it has been already a week since our crowdfunding campaign finished, but our team has been too much occupied responding to phone calls and emails with congratulations and good wishes, from opensource software community, coworking space community, local and national businesses, and our friends.</p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - too-many-emails.png" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/96/07/96077c88-8222-40c0-8a69-37ffcc5877bb/too-many-emails.png__493x335_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_690"></p>\n\n<p>And we shouldn't forget to mention that in the meantime we made it to the cover of the newspaper. </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - nico_schottelius_frontpage_newspaper_2016_01_06_.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/4a/a0/4aa0f05c-1607-4eb4-9c0d-e14bba66876d/nico_schottelius_frontpage_newspaper_2016_01_06_.jpg__632x346_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_683"></p>\n\n<p>Have we already said how cool it was to see our project leader on the front page of the newspaper, talking about our success? In case we haven't, it was really, really cool. As our team member Dominique would put it, it was "mega cool." </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - nico_schottelius_tv_2016-01-06_.png" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/6a/6e/6a6e8484-c426-492b-a2ce-22c336e5edc1/nico_schottelius_tv_2016-01-06_.png__768x406_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" id="plugin_obj_684"></p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - nico_schottelius_tv_interview_2016-01-06_.png" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/c6/05/c6059d7a-452e-4557-aa61-37e30214569b/nico_schottelius_tv_interview_2016-01-06_.png__768x421_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" id="plugin_obj_685"></p>\n\n<p>..And it was also super cool to see our coworking space renovation project being covered by the evening news at 6pm. If this is how success feels like, we can get used to it very fast!  </p>\n\n<p>Even though the campaign has ended we have a lot of work in front of us, or, the real work only begins now. The crowdfunding campaign was only the beginning of a marathon, and we're in for a long run now. According to the campaign platform 100-days.net, we'll receive the fund in 2 months : we will try to be as transparent as possible regarding the use of the fund in the course of coworking space transformation. Our goodies for supporters such as postcards and T-shirts are under production, and renovation of the space will start in the spring. Not because we want to wait any longer for renovating the coworking space, but only because...</p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - snow_luchsingen_small.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/11/b0/11b07caf-01e0-4035-af07-24e5c4fb8637/snow_luchsingen_small.jpg__730x411_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_686"></p>\n\n<p>...because we are in Switzerland and the weather is like this here now. The whole town will stay under the snow for some more months, not ideal weather for opening the roof let alone the windows. We will plan in the meantime, and will start the work under the better weather when the spring comes.</p>\n\n<p>We can not thank enough our supporters for this success, we know that nothing could have been possible without our supporters who listened to our ideas and encouraged our vision. We would like to express once more how grateful and excited we are for the love and support we have received. </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - twitter_header_thankyou_confetti.png" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/41/c7/41c7f79b-3289-411f-845d-d7118ab000b0/twitter_header_thankyou_confetti.png__1627x550_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" id="plugin_obj_689"></p>\n\n<p>If you haven't seen it yet, we have put a nice timeline slider on our project Digital Glarus on our bilingual <img alt="Link" title="Link - website" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_688">. The slider is a nice simple visual aid for watching our growth so far from a simple inspiration to a crowdfunding success.</p>\n\n<p>For those who didn't get to donate on our crowdfunding campaign in time, our donation channel is still open and by contribution you can have your name as a virtual supporter of project Digital Glarus on our website. You can contact us at info@digitalglarus.ch for more information. We might be a little bit biased, but we must confess that this is a really fun and cool project to be a part of.</p>\n\n<p>Last but not least, happy new year everyone. Keep watching us grow in 2016 : We heard it is the right year to start coworking in Digital Glarus! </p>\n
22	<p><img title="Image - opencloudday.png" alt="Image" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/08/81/08814b25-d36c-457d-bfc5-66c0c521eec8/opencloudday.png__800x252_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_38" style="line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"></p>\n\n<p>This gigant workshop, featuring OpenNebula, Openstack and Cloudstack technologies is happening this Tuesday, 16th of June 2015 in Bern at the Open Cloud Day.</p>\n\n<p>The first time in Switzerland (and maybe world wide) for a friendly meeting of cloud provider experts.</p>\n\n<p><img title="Image - bernbanner.jpg" alt="Image" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/c7/62/c7623533-dbc4-4140-9544-f9f842dd4561/bernbanner.jpg__690x389_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_40"></p>\n\n<p>Participants will learn what are the possibilities and advantages of every system and have the opportunity to discuss with the experts in the evening.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img title="Image - opennebulareferene.png" alt="Image" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/a7/08/a708a1ff-b7dc-49d0-8ba9-72a9a32809dd/opennebulareferene.png__800x288_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" id="plugin_obj_39"></p>\n\n<p>Nico Schottelius, CEO of <a href="http://www.ungleich.ch/">ungleich GmbH</a> (Linux infrastructure &amp; application hosting company based in Switzerland) will give an advanced workshop on cloud management with OpenNebula for DevOps.</p>\n\n<p>Schottelius, the author of the innovative configuration management system "cdist", is a judge of the Open Source Awards in Switzerland.</p>\n\n<p>Schottelius also teaches computer science at the university of applied sciences ZHAW.</p>\n
508	<p>The thing about team ungleich is that we all have serious passion not only in our work. Some of us juggle, some of us Jiu-Jitsu, some of us paint, some of us...</p>\n\n<p>Jazz!</p>\n\n<p>Ever since we found out about the secret double life of our ungleich team member Dominique, one as we know as a super smart system engineer, and the other, as a cool jazzman, we did NOT stop bothering him until he said yes for coming to Digital Glarus to play jazz. And after some mojitos in Barcelona, he said yes. Yes! he is coming! And he is bringing all his <img alt="Link" title="Link - band" id="plugin_obj_512" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png">! All the way from Fribourg!  </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - a1_poster_jazz_digitalglarus_594x841_nomargin_ai.png" id="plugin_obj_509" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/9d/b6/9db6ebc0-2e3b-498c-9fbb-aa269eccb667/a1_poster_jazz_digitalglarus_594x841_nomargin_ai.png__1701x2404_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png"></p>\n\n<p><span style="line-height: 20.8px;">Dominique's Jazz band FivePastEight is having a concert at our coworking space, Digital Chalet! Just between us, rumors are that this band is really good. Really, really good. If you are a jazz fan especially the old classic numbers from Armstrong, Fitzerland, etc, you don't want to miss it! </span></p>\n\n<p><span style="line-height: 20.8px;">The concert is happening on the first Saturday of December ; December 5. Door opens at 7pm. It is an open-house, free-entry event, so feel free to bring your music-loving(or, coworking-loving) friends along! </span></p>\n\n<p>We are inviting all our crowdfunding supporters to join our party to enjoy great jazz, to meet each other, to find out how great all of us are, and, to have a great time! </p>\n\n<p>The concert venue, Digital Chalet needs your help for its successful renovation into a modern coworking space. We have 41 days left, until the campaign ends. Help us reach the goal!</p>\n\n<p>Visit our crowdfunding campaign on </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - banner_100days_resized.png" id="plugin_obj_513" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/0d/39/0d39e6c6-af05-4505-abdc-c6a585208601/banner_100days_resized.png__1062x274_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png"></p>\n\n<p>http://www.100-days.net/en/projekt/start-digital-glarus</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><span style="line-height: 20.8px;">Oh, and here's a small tip : </span><span style="line-height: 20.8px;">you get a free drink at the concert venue if you RSVP on our </span><img alt="Link" title="Link - meetup" id="plugin_obj_510" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"><span style="line-height: 20.8px;"> page.</span></p>\n\n<p style="line-height: 20.8px;"> </p>\n\n<p style="line-height: 20.8px;">We can't wait St.Nicholas bringing great jazz and Gluehwein to Digital Chalet!  </p>\n\n<p style="line-height: 20.8px;">See you soon in Schwanden, Glarus!</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n
392	<p>Some of you might remember one of our first blog posts, "<img alt="Link" title="Link - ungleich goes to Barcelona!" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_426">" from last May. Wow, time goes fast when you're busy making things happen. </p>\n\n<p>The 3rd OpenNebulaConference 2015 was held in sunny Barcelona, on 20-22 October. This time team ungleich was there to support OpenNebula as a gold sponsor : <span style="line-height: 20.8px;">It was fantastic, we didn't even have time to blog about it while we were there. </span><span style="line-height: 20.8px;"> </span>For those who couldn't make it to beautiful Barcelona, here are some highlights of the OpenNebulaConf 2015. </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - OpenNebulaConf2015_barcelonsants.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/1b/a2/1ba22212-899a-44cd-ba61-f255a3cf737b/opennebulaconf2015_barcelonsants.jpg__1824x1028_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_394"><img alt="Image" title="Image - opennebulaconf_ungleich_barcelosants.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/38/96/3896569e-d2e3-45c6-ada2-3c28abb08ce1/opennebulaconf_ungleich_barcelosants.jpg__1824x1028_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_393"></p>\n\n<p>Barcelo Sants hotel, where the OpenNebulaConf 2015 was held, had a modern atmosphere with a futuristic touch. </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - opennebulaconf_ungleich.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/70/e4/70e4f84f-a18d-43fc-bd4f-2e4466bc43d8/opennebulaconf_ungleich.jpg__1724x1028_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_395"><img alt="Image" title="Image - opennebulaconf_ungleich_entrance.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/22/70/2270481f-b2ca-4981-b72a-e7937d2dc70a/opennebulaconf_ungleich_entrance.jpg__1824x1028_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_396">And there we are - at the entrance of the OpenNebulaConf 2015, just next to the ungleich booth, ready to welcome conference attendees.</p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - opennebulaconf_ungleich_team_booth.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/f3/fb/f3fbef02-ae58-4175-a224-87eb8e036d6f/opennebulaconf_ungleich_team_booth.jpg__1878x1056_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_397"></p>\n\n<p>Team ungleich who flew all the way to Barcelona from Switzerland for OpenNebulaConf, although with a very little sleep but with full of excitement for supporting OpenNebula. :)  </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - opennebulaconf_ungleich_booth.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/98/db/98dbec94-a5a6-44f9-862f-4601c442065e/opennebulaconf_ungleich_booth.jpg__1824x1028_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_399"></p>\n\n<p>A close-up to ungleich booth at OpenNebulaConf with our <img alt="Link" title="Link - Digital Glarus stickers " src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_423">for 2 kinds of laptops : for Macbooks and Thinkpads. </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - build_opennebula_cdist_banner.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/e2/91/e2912fd9-d517-4f02-86c9-d9489967ac16/build_opennebula_cdist_banner.jpg__1824x1028_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_400"></p>\n\n<p>Build OpenNebula with cdist! How to build OpenNebula clusters with the configuration management system cdist was presented at an OpenNebulaConf talk by Nico Schottelius.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - opennebulaconf_talk_nicoschottelius.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/bf/ed/bfedea35-d334-42de-9002-bc9164dfde08/opennebulaconf_talk_nicoschottelius.jpg__1806x992_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_411"></p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - opennebula_cdist_ungleich_nicoschottelius.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/3e/0e/3e0e96c1-c373-4889-b918-91ce74abf05d/opennebula_cdist_ungleich_nicoschottelius.jpg__1824x1028_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_413">Many great talks and discussions took place at OpenNebulaConf - from technical to business, from beginners to very advanced, a wide range was covered in intensive talks. We must say, it was a great chance for attendees to really dive into the world of OpenNebula. </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - opennebulaconf_2015_ungleich_.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/83/c4/83c49f97-bd66-4538-b8e5-fa9535ff4200/opennebulaconf_2015_ungleich_.jpg__1824x1028_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_414"></p>\n\n<p>OpenNebulaConf attendees from every corner of the world, during the coffee break. </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - opennebulaconf_tapas_night_ungleich.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/f4/78/f47898ab-c29b-42ce-89a5-f258aad72425/opennebulaconf_tapas_night_ungleich.jpg__1680x934_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_415"></p>\n\n<p>And each night, tapas dinner was organized by the OpenNebulaConf, at interesting parts of Barcelona. attendees had chance to resume passionate talks that continued during the day at the conference, with delicious food and drinks. Great food with great company, everybody couldn't be in better mood. </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - opennebula_conf_2015_ungleich.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/bb/bf/bbbf66f4-d0a7-446d-8012-275204713550/opennebula_conf_2015_ungleich.jpg__962x1650_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_416"></p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Time flew fast in OpenNebulaConf. It was great time to meet and exchange ideas with like-minded and bright people who all support OpenNebula, especially with team OpenNebula who organized a very successful conference on their own. Great job, OpenNebula! We truly appreciated your hospitality.</p>\n\n<p>It was more than just a flight to Barcelona for ungleich. <span style="line-height: 20.8px;">We were inspired by many talks and discussions, which also gave us ideas on our upcoming <img alt="Link" title="Link - OpenNebula workshop" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_417">, happening soon in <img alt="Link" title="Link - Digital Chalet Schwanden" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_418">.  </span></p>\n\n<p>We must say that we were very proud and happy to support OpenNebula by being their gold sponsor, and, Swiss ambassador : we even met other Swiss attendees who came all the way to Barcelona because of our previous introduction to OpenNebula at other conferences! How exciting it is to influence others for the better (IT) future? </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>And..</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - opennebula_barcelona_beach.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/62/4a/624ae944-d353-4609-8a04-1d59ec8ec863/opennebula_barcelona_beach.jpg__2579x1648_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_419"></p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>...did we already mention that the conference was held at Barcelona? In case we didn't, yeah, it did happen in Barcelona. The conference place, Hotel Barcelo Sants, was a bit away from the beach, but that didn't stop team ungleich from finding the sandy beach of Barceloneta, where everything was (still) just like the summer.</p>\n\n<p>Like we probably (and repeatedly) talked before, we founded our company to have a good work and life balance. That means, our team had a great time in Barcelona. From working at the beach bar with a mojito on one hand to listening to local artists at late night jazz club to exploring small streets of <img alt="Link" title="Link - Barrio Gotico" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_421">, we had an awesome time in Barcelona. </p>\n\n<p>Long live OpenNebula, and, long live ungleich! :)</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" title="Image - opennebula_collage_ungleich_barcelona.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/d2/20/d220a200-deb4-475c-aa47-ad1621a30179/opennebula_collage_ungleich_barcelona.jpg__1806x1496_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_422"></p>\n\n<p> </p>\n
427	<p></p>
41	<p>Wow! That was as an amazing <img alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_42" title="Link - OpenCloudDay 2015 in Bern" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png">! Not only happened the friendly meeting of <span style="line-height: 16.6399993896484px;">OpenNebula, </span>Openstack and Cloudstack, but also many great discussions about architectures and technologies. We have met people using good old Sendmail to cloud providers who reported about their experiences with Ceph  (thanks a lot <img alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_43" title="Link - @Jens" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png">!). The OpenNebula workshop was not only great success with a lot of good questions, but also very much fun with an interested audience.</p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_49" title="Image - DSC_4958 copy.jpg-small.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/ae/67/ae67ea00-d3f4-4f7e-8642-72419c40e818/dsc_4958_copyjpg-small.jpg__1333x944_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg"></p>\n\n<p>For that reason we plan to make an <strong>OpenNebula-Hackday</strong> in <img alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_44" title="Link - Digital Glarus" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"> soon (<img alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_45" title="Link - follow us on Twitter" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"> to get to know the exact date).</p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_50" title="Image - DSC_4986.png-small.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/e3/fc/e3fccbb8-6cc4-4995-9e41-2a7dbc285806/dsc_4986png-small.jpg__1323x963_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg"></p>\n\n<p>Also much appreciated was the discussion after the workshops with the speakers of the OpenNebula, Openstack and Cloudstack workshops - and again a lot of fun (not much blaming each other, but pointing out what the current status is). Thnaks also goes to the <img alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_47" title="Link - @ICCLab" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"> for presenting a lot of interesting ideas as well as helping in the preparation of the joint cloud workshop.</p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_51" title="Image - DSC_5055.png-small.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/a7/13/a713efd4-2d1a-4a53-84e2-8c82c781158c/dsc_5055png-small.jpg__1419x741_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg"></p>\n\n<p>Also very good feedback came towards the new feature of cdist, the installation support. Installation support? Yes! cdist is now officially the first (and only!) configuration management system that officially can configure your computer <strong>before</strong> the operating system is even installed by using its own PreOS!</p>\n\n<p>Apart from these technical discussions the Apero in the evening was showing many great Swiss based computer scientist who are all together working in the same spirit of Open Source. Thanks a lot to Matthias Günter and <img alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_46" title="Link - /ch/open" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"> for organising this great day!</p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_52" title="Image - DSC_5064.jpg-small.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/ab/a3/aba3ae90-e8c5-4388-8e5b-93bdfa760863/dsc_5064jpg-small.jpg__1074x805_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg"></p>\n
428	<p>Juchu! Es ist kalt genug draussen! Wir feiern das mit einem Fondue im neuen Co-Working Space in Schwanden!</p>\n\n<p>Am 12. Dezember treffen wir uns um 18 Uhr zum Fondueplausch! Wer Lust hat das Glarnerland noch etwas kennenzulernen, der darf auch gerne über Nacht bleiben und am nächsten Tag mit uns die Gegend erkundigen (je nach Wetter sogar Skifahren gehen!)</p>\n\n<p>Du hast Interesse dazuzustossen? Bitte <img alt="Link" title="Link - melde Dich via Meetup an" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_429">. Bis dahin: Happy Hacking!</p>\n
430	<h2>Zu lang zum Lesen (TL;DR)?</h2>\n\n<p>Ich, Nico Schottelius, habe innert 2 Jahren das Glarnerland liebgewonnen und möchte nun zusammen mit euch hier einen Co-Working Space aufbauen - und die Renovationen, die nötig sind, mit einer <a href="http://www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus">Crowdfunding-Kampagne</a> finanzieren.</p>\n\n<h2>Januar 2014</h2>\n\n<p>Ich befinde mich in einem kleinen Haus im Kanton Glarus, genau genommen in Luchsingen. Der Holzofen brennt, es ist warm, die Sonne scheint, ich schaue auf den Schnee draussen: Ein schöner Ausblick.</p>\n\n<h2>Februar 2014</h2>\n\n<p>Freunde sind zu Besuch. Zum Jassen. Was sonst macht man im Glarnerland?, fragen zwei Freunde. Arbeiten, sage ich, als Informatiker spielt es keine Rolle von wo aus man arbeitet. Sie schütteln den Kopf und verlieren die Runde.</p>\n\n<h2>März 2014</h2>\n\n<p>Geschäftspartner zu Besuch. Kommt am Bahnhof Luchsingen an, schwärmt von der tollen Zugfahrt. Wunderschöne Aussicht, ein Ort schöner als der andere, eine Landschaft die man auf Postkarten drucken muss, sagt er. Weiss ich, sage ich, und schmunzele.</p>\n\n<h2>April 2014</h2>\n\n<p>Erste Wanderung. Auf zum Oberblegisee. Freunde sind am Keuchen, es ist zu steil. Wir sind keine Bergziegen. Ich auch nicht, ich komme aus dem flachen Hannover. Aber Du bist sportlich. Na gut. Dann trage ich euch halt hoch, denke ich. Nach 3 Stunden, viel schimpfen erreichen wir den Oberblegisee. Ruhe. Beeindruckend, sagen sie. Während ich am Notebook sitze und schaue, was in der Firma gelaufen ist. Sie fragen: Du arbeitest hier? Ich: habe ich doch gesagt. Sie schütteln wieder den Kopf.</p>\n\n<h2>Juli 2014</h2>\n\n<p>Videokonferenz mit Kunden. Kunde ist hässig auf mich. Wie man sich erdreisten kann, bei einer Videokonferenz draussen vor einem Berg zu sitzen und so ein Panorama zu zeigen. Es gibt auch Leute, die im Büro arbeiten müssen. Er hat Recht (der Kunde hat immer Recht!) und ich beginne zu grübeln.</p>\n\n<h2>August 2014</h2>\n\n<p>Grosse Feier im Garten, Freunde und Nachbarn. Wir machen Photos zusamen. Ein schöner Abend. Freunde fragen, wie schnell eigentlich die Internetverbindun hier ist. Fast immer 4G, sage ich stolz, vielleicht sogar bald Glasfaser bei uns im Haus, witzele ich.</p>\n\n<h2>August 2014, nächster Tag</h2>\n\n<p>Diejenigen, die geblieben sind wollen mehr sehen. Wandern! Ich schlage vor die Bahn nach Braunwald zu nehmen, als ich an die letzte Wanderung denken muss. Herrliche Aussicht in Braunwald. Gemütlich im Restaurant sitzend frage ich die Wirtin, ob ich Ihr Internet benutzen könne. Freundlich lächelnd reicht sie mir einen Zettel mit dem Passwort für das WLAN und fragt, ob ich hier arbeiten würde. Ich schaue zu meinen Freunden, schaue zu ihr und sage: Ja, das Notebook ist mein mobiles Büro. Aha, sagt sie und richtet den Blick zu meinen Freunden: Wollen Sie hier ebenfalls arbeiten? Ich bin gerade dabei Nein zu sagen, da packt eine Freundin ein Notebook aus. Gerne, sagt sie, grinst zu mir rüber und beginnt die neuesten Designtrends zu recherchieren. Soso, sage ich und lächele, während ich meinen Süssmost trinke. Die Wirtin fragt, ob es für uns normal ist, das wir mit dem Notebook in den Bergen arbeiten. Nicht für alle von uns, möchte ich sagen, doch bevor ich dazu komme sagt meine Freundin: Klar! Und grinst zurück zu mir.</p>\n\n<h2>Februar 2015</h2>\n\n<p>Auf der Skipiste. Mit Geschäftspartnern. Das Notebook im Rucksack. Heikel, denke ich mir, hätte es an der Station lassen sollen. Bloss nicht das Snowboard verkanten. 3 Stunden später. Im Restaurant. Das Notebook heile. Kein Internet, die Wände vom Haus sind zu dick. Schade. Wir diskutieren, dass es ein guter Ort zum Arbeiten wäre: Skifahren am Morgen, arbeiten am Nachmittag. Statt klassischem Wochenende, das Wochenende auf die Woche verteilen. Gibt es einen Co-Working Space in Glarus, in dem wir nachher arbeiten können, fragen sie. Nicht das ich wüsste, sage ich und denke "aber es wäre schön, wenn es einen hätte". Ich nehme mir vor etwas Nachzuforschen.</p>\n\n<h2>Februar - April 2015</h2>\n\n<p>Viele Gespräche mit den Bewohnern von Glarus. Beim Wandern, beim Einkaufen, im Restaurant. Was halten Sie von der Idee, in Glarus Arbeitsplätze (wortwörtlich, zum Hinsetzen) mit Internet aufzaubauen? So dass Leute kommen können und an fast jedem Ort im Kanton ihr Notebook aufklappen und arbeiten können? Es braucht Internet, Strom und einen gemütlichen Platz. Die Idee findet grossen Anklang. Ich frage mich, ob wir die Koordination für ein solches Mammut-Projekt übernehmen sollen.</p>\n\n<h2>Mai 2015</h2>\n\n<p>Meine Neugier ist zu gross. Ich will wissen, ob der Kanton und die Gemeinden die Idee unterstützen möchten und vereinbare Treffen mit allen 3 Gemeindepräsidenten. Sehr beeindruckende Gespräche. Genauso wie die Erfahrung aus der Bevölkerung, sehr offen für die Idee. Finanzen hat man jedoch keine für ein solches Projekt, wird mir gesagt. Schade, denke ich. Ähnlich sieht es beim Kanton aus. Nagut, wer hat traditionell immer angefangen etwas voranzutreiben? Die Wirtschaft! Ein Marketing-Fond für das Kantonsmarketing wäre ein Ansatz, denke ich mir.</p>\n\n<h2>Juni 2015</h2>\n\n<p>Also in Glarus kommt das Projekt gut an, aber wie sieht es ausserhalb vom Glarnerland aus? Ich wiederhole mein Experiement von Anfang Jahr und befrage Freunde, Bekannte, Geschäftspartner. "Wo liegt Glarus?" Wirklich?, denke ich. "Verrückte Idee mit Potential." und "Wann kann ich anfangen zu arbeiten und fährt ein Zug nach Glarus?." Sind sehr motivierende Aussagen. Ich stelle fest: Das Glarnerland hat sehr viel Potential, aber die Bekanntheit ausserhalb vom Kanton ist noch nicht sehr gross.</p>\n\n<h2>Juli 2015</h2>\n\n<p>Wir diskutieren bei der ungleich GmbH, wie man am besten das Glarnerland ausserhalb vom Kanton bekanntmachen kann. Unsere Kunden sind hauptsächlich Firmen aus der IT. Die sollten ja im Prinzip am ehesten von jedem Ort aus arbeiten können. Die Entscheidung fällt, dass wir den ersten Glarner Co-Working Space aufbauen wollen, als Prototyp, damit Leute ausserhalb vom Kanton spontan nach Glarus kommen können zum Arbeiten. 1 Tag, 2 Tage, 1 Woche - alles ist möglich im Co-Working Space.</p>\n\n<h2>August 2015</h2>\n\n<p>Wir haben ein Haus gefunden für den Co-Working Space! In Schwanden. Das ist super, genau zwischen den beiden Skigebieten und gut erschlossen mit dem Zug. Es ist alt, aber hat Charme. Wow. Wir entscheiden uns, das Haus zu kaufen.</p>\n\n<h2>September 2015</h2>\n\n<p>Wir haben den Schlüssel zum Haus bekommen und stellen fest, dass doch noch mehr zu renovieren ist, als wir ursprünglich gedacht haben. Netzwerkverbindungen, Elektrik, Fenster. Wow. Wir brauchen auch noch eine Bank für den Garten. Können wir nicht die Renovationen gemeinsam finanzieren? So wie auch das Marketing vom Kanton? Die Idee mit dem Fond kommt wieder auf. Aber Moment mal, die moderne Form des Zusammenlegens für eine Sache nennt sich Crowdfunding. Das funktioniert via Internet. Ist im Prinzip dasselbe, wie wenn jeder einen 5er (oder mehr) in einen Sack wirft. Allerdings muss man sich vorher ein Ziel stecken und wenn man das Ziel nicht erreicht, dann bekommen alle ihr Geld wieder. Hochgerechnet benötigen wir etwa 20'000 CHF für die Renovation. Das klingt nach viel. Was wenn jeder 50 CHF geben würde? Dann müssten 400 Leute zusammenlegen. 400 Leute. Wow.</p>\n\n<h2>November 2015</h2>\n\n<p>Ich sitze im Zug. In der S25. Bin auf dem Weg nach Zürich, zur ETH. Ich schreibe meine Erinnerungen aus den letzten beinahe 2 Jahren nieder. Das Crowdfunding Projekt ist am Laufen, es sind bereits mehr als 2'000 CHF gespendet worden. Digital Glarus ist ein tolles Projekt. Es macht mir jeden Tag Spass, dafür zu arbeiten, zu schreiben, zu reden. Ich sehe einen langen Weg vor mir, den ich gerne gehen möchte. Um meinen Freunden und denjenigen, die ich nicht kenne, zu zeigen, was für ein toller Ort Glarus ist.</p>\n\n<h2>Meine Bitte an Dich</h2>\n\n<p>Hilf' mir das Projekt zum Erfolg zu führen. Rede über das Projekt. <a href="http://www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus">Spende einen Beitrag beim Crowdfunding</a>. Lass uns Glarus zu einer Bekanntheit verhelfen, die seiner Schönheit würdig ist.</p>\n
53	<p><img alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_55" title="Image - born_1.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/8b/9e/8b9e200c-b883-4ee9-b08d-84d09a2019ea/born_1.jpg__1200x900_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg"></p>\n\n<p>So far most of the mergers I have watched were happening in companies I am not related to, so this one is more interesting and I am giving you some details of what I have experienced so far.</p>\n\n<p><span style="line-height: 1.6;">When travelling to the barbeque last Thursday afternoon together with some colleagues, I did not expect such a well organised event to happen in such a short time. And with well organised, I am not only referring to the food and drinks, but much more to what the three speakers, </span><span style="line-height: 16.6399993896484px;">André Born (ex CEO of Born Informatik), Hansjörg Süess (the new CEO) and </span>Peter Walti (Verwaltungsrat) shared with everybody. </p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_56" title="Image - born_2.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/78/af/78afb734-2025-458d-b634-b8d049d1c5bd/born_2.jpg__1200x900_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg"></p>\n\n<p><span style="line-height: 1.6;">When big things like a merger happens, people are usually afraid of changes, especially of loosing their job. However it was very clear that </span>André Born is caring for his employees and it looks like everyone will keep his or her wor place, just working for a different company.</p>\n\n<p>It is also interesting to hear that adesso Schweiz AG, who bought Born Informatik, used to employ about 75 people, wheras Born Informatik used to consist of roughly 125 people - so there is a big chance that the spirit of Born will survive within adesso.</p>\n\n<p>As a company doing business with Born and now adesso, we look forward to the upcoming changes and wish everyone good new experiences!</p>\n\n<p><img alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_57" title="Image - born_3.jpg" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/05/2e/052e1ffe-6805-403b-825a-2e8e69a4f506/born_3.jpg__1200x914_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg"></p>\n\n<p>By the way - the pictures of the barbecue were taken in <strong>Olten</strong> - a very fitting place for two companies from <strong>Bern</strong> (Born) and <strong>Zürich</strong> (adesso) to celebrate their merger. We wonder, when will we see adesso in <img alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_58" title="Link - Digital Glarus" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png">?</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n
61	<p>If you have followed the story of <img alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_62" title="Link - Digital Glarus" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png">, you know that we at ungleich are modernising the Canton of Glarus and making it ready for the digital age, because we believe it is a place with a great view and potential.</p>\n\n<p>Today happened the first meetup of <img alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_63" title="Link - Makers im Zigerschlitz" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"> at which many possible topics to work on were discussed.</p>\n\n<p>We discussed various ideas for long time exposure projects (including one for using a boomerang with LEDs on it!), to help each other in home automation (switching lights on when you enter your home at night) to gaming projects.</p>\n\n<p>We also discussed various projects that are more suitable for children to get in touch with technology (using for instance the Raspberry Pi).</p>\n\n<p>If you do not yet know what the advantages of Digital Glarus <span style="line-height: 16.6399993896484px;">are</span> and why we at ungleich are investing here, <img alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_64" title="Link - follow us on Twitter" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"> for updates - we will post more articles about Digital Glarus soon.</p>\n
59	<p></p>
728	<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\n
729	<h2 class="intro-text text-center"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\n
435	<p>Wow, it was one sunny Sunday in Glarus. One might say it was almost like summer, except the mountains were painted in deep red. </p>\n\n<p><img title="Image - glarus_autumn copy.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_437" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/5d/7b/5d7bf980-a365-4471-b34f-a9f1fe872922/glarus_autumn_copy.jpg__600x449_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg"></p>\n\n<p>How was your Sunday? Ours at Digital Glarus (and ungleich) was full of sun (through the windows), and of collective intellectual curiosity of OpenNebula users. </p>\n\n<p>At 10a.m., a surprisingly international crowd gathered at our co-working space, Digital Chalet Schwanden. Attendees came all the way from Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and Finland, all from our Digital Glarus <img title="Link - meetup" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_439" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"> group.</p>\n\n<p><span style="line-height: 20.8px;">The OpenNebula workshop today was given by Nico Schottelius, the founder of ungleich and Digital Glarus, and also a proud ambassador of OpenNebula.</span></p>\n\n<p><img title="Image - digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_nico_schwanden_.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_445" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/47/cc/47ccb6ef-b524-4387-a023-52323573a3c0/digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_nico_schwanden_.jpg__1804x888_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg"></p>\n\n<p>Here are some moments of today's workshop..</p>\n\n<p><img title="Image - digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_bw_.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_448" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/0e/00/0e00736c-d561-4ea7-8cec-316d064c08e8/digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_bw_.jpg__998x514_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg"></p>\n\n<p><img title="Image - digitalglarus_digitalchalet_opennebula_workshop_cdist_nico_.png" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_440" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/4a/c5/4ac5fef8-c3f7-4a8f-a3cf-eac1498f24e9/digitalglarus_digitalchalet_opennebula_workshop_cdist_nico_.png__1824x1028_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png"></p>\n\n<p><img title="Image - digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_digitalchalet_nico_ungleich_.png" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_441" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/d0/fc/d0fc9d0e-648c-4491-a92d-4e318c83b719/digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_digitalchalet_nico_ungleich_.png__1824x896_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png"></p>\n\n<p><img title="Image - digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_nico_.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_442" src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/f1/46/f1468bbe-30c1-4c0e-8470-ebf2d0a62644/digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_nico_.jpg__1216x740_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg"></p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Another great day with great people at Digital Glarus!</p>\n
65	<p><strong>House hacking?</strong></p>\n\n<p>Hacking a house? You may <span style="line-height: 16.6399993896484px;">already </span>have heard of this or you may have done it already - without knowing it. A webcam at the door coupled with face recognition to open the door? House hacking! Lights that go on automatically, when you enter the door or when it is dark enough? House hacking! Using your mobile phone to open the doors? Definitely house hacking! Screens that change their content depending on your mood? Well, you get the picture...</p>\n\n<p><strong>Which house to hack?</strong></p>\n\n<p>We from ungleich are currently looking for a suitable house to buy, renovate and to turn it into the first <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" title="Link - Co-Working Space" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_66"> in <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" title="Link - Digital Glarus" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_67">. We are talking to investors, banks and potential users to select the right house to start building Digital Glarus.</p>\n\n<p style="line-height: 16.64px;"><strong>Where is this house?</strong></p>\n\n<p style="line-height: 16.6399993896484px;">It will be located between Ziegelbrücke and Linthat - the exact location will be revealed soon!</p>\n\n<p><strong>Why hack this house?</strong></p>\n\n<p>As you may know, the Digital Glarus project is still very young and that also means innovative and dynamic. We want to create a modern Co-Working Space made by Hackers, for Hackers. We believe in the spirit of Open Source Software,</p>\n\n<p>of Crowdfunding and creating a home for digital nomads. Thus we offer this house to anyone, who would like to hack a house.</p>\n\n<p><strong>What am I allowed to do?</strong></p>\n\n<p>We practically allow you to do anything that is improves the house and conforms to the law. In case of doubt, just ask us!</p>\n\n<p><strong>I want to participate, but don't have any money!</strong></p>\n\n<p>We all have been in this situation that we wanted to do something, but did not have the money to realise it. As we believe in building a great Co-Working Space together, <strong>we offer financial </strong><strong>support for up to 5 projects for up to 500 CHF each.</strong></p>\n\n<p>If you want to use this money, just <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" title="Link - fill out the form" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_69"> with your project description. We will review all projects and if suitable, take the next step with you. You will hear back from us in any case...</p>\n\n<p><strong>How to hack this house?</strong></p>\n\n<p>If you are interested in hacking the house, drop us a message via Twitter (<img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" title="Link - @ungleich" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_68">)  or <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" title="Link - fill out the project form" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_70">.</p>\n
71	<h2>Introduction</h2>\n\n<p>Are you a geek, a maker, a technician or a developer? Are you sometimes very proud of what you have created? Your own "baby" that does something great in its own way? </p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/a4/6d/a46d40ab-2e1d-4bd1-8267-4ce3cb491333/computer-geek.jpg__500x333_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_84" title="Image - Computer-Geek.jpg"></p>\n\n<p><span style="line-height: 1.6;">Well, we at </span><img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_73" title="Link - ungleich"><span style="line-height: 1.6;"> are a team of DevOps, sysadmin and developers and today we want to share the gems of our current nginx configuration with you.</span></p>\n\n<h2>The Setup</h2>\n\n<p>The configuration we show you here is used for our <strong>Django</strong> based pages, on which we are running for instance <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_79" title="Link - rails-hosting.ch">.  Our Django application consists of various apps like blog, hosting or <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_76" title="Link - digitalglarus">, which are all accessible on every domain. However, depending on which domain you access, you are given a different entrance page or redirect.</p>\n\n<p>Let's see what we gems are in our configuration...</p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/9f/42/9f428283-87c1-4d57-bae0-d3f49b315f6a/gems.png__690x389_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_82" title="Image - gems.png"></p>\n\n<h2>Gem #1: Handling / vs everything else</h2>\n\n<p>If you ever wondered what is the easiest way to do something for the entry page and something else for the rest of the page, here is an easy answer: Use location = / and location /: The = / block matches only, if the request is /, whereas the second location / matches everything else starting with a /.</p>\n\n<p>    location = / { Do something for / only }<br>\n    location / {  Do something for the rest  }</p>\n\n<p>For more information about how this works, have a look at the <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_74" title="Link - nginx location documentation">. </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<h2>Gem #2: Proxying / without a redirect to a Django app</h2>\n\n<p>We want our user to stay on the root of a specific domain (like <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_75" title="Link - django-hosting.ch"> in our case), when she requests /, but redirect her to <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_77" title="Link - django-hosting.ungleich.ch"> for every other request. We have multiple motivations to treat our users like this:</p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>If you go to example.com and do not click, it looks nice to have only example.com in the address bar</li>\n\t<li>Google adwords does not function with a cross domain redirect</li>\n\t<li>We want to support SSL, where possible. We have a wildcard SSL certificate for *.ungleich.ch that we want to use and not to manage SSL certificates for every vanity domain that we use</li>\n</ol>\n\n<p>Given the previous distinction of treating / and non / differently, we can easily implement this behaviour by using the following code:</p>\n\n<p>    location = / {<br>\n            rewrite ^/$ /$landingpagerewrite/ break;<br>\n            uwsgi_pass uwsgiapp;<br>\n    }<br>\n    location / {<br>\n        rewrite ^/(.*) https://$ungleich_servername/$1 permanent;<br>\n    }</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<h2>Gem #3: Only stay on / for some domains</h2>\n\n<p>Our original motivation to stay on the domain was because of reason #2 (the adwords problematic), but we want this only to happen for a few vanity domains that we use and not for every domain (indeed, most of our domains are redirecting to a sub url).</p>\n\n<p>Even though the <strong>if</strong> directive of nginx <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_78" title="Link - should usually be avoided">, it has a good use case: For testing the definition of variables. We setup the variable $landingpagerewrite, only in the case we want to stay on /. And this is how it looks like:</p>\n\n<p>    location = / {<br>\n        if ($landingpagerewrite) {<br>\n            rewrite ^/$ /$landingpagerewrite/ break;<br>\n        }<br>\n    }</p>\n\n<h2>More gems</h2>\n\n<p>There are many more gems that we would like to show you soon - stay tuned! If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask on <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_80" title="Link - Twitter">!</p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/b0/9d/b09df0cd-5716-4740-8537-351dc97a4974/shooting-star.jpg__950x680_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_83" title="Image - shooting-star.jpg"></p>\n
449	<p><span id="docs-internal-guid-36544c63-ff52-6970-7227-e5b3a9c451b5"><span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Wissen gegen Wissen tauschen - das ist das Motto der Plattform <img title="Link - wissenstausch.ch" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_453" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png">,</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">hinter der die Firma <img title="Link - wedoino" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_452" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"> aus Pfäffikon ZH steht.</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Das Projekt Digital Glarus (<img title="Link - www.digitalglarus.ch" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_454" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png">) auf der anderen Seite strebt die</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Digitalisierung des Kantons Glarus an: mit dem Ziel, den bezaubernden und günstigen</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Raum des Glarnerlandes für IT Firmen attraktiv zu gestalten. Hinter Digital Glarus</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">steht die Linux-Infrastrukturfirma <img title="Link - ungleich" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_455" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"> mit Sitz in Glarus Süd.</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Die Mitglieder von wissenstausch.ch bieten ihr Wissen im Tausch gegen Wissen an, und wie jeder weiss ist die Informatik ein Beruf, in welchem Wissen eine grosse Rolle spielt. Auf wissenstausch.ch selber finden sich aber auch diverse Kurse aus anderen Themengebieten wie beispielsweise Klettern, Backen, Mathematik und vieles mehr..</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Aus dem Grund haben sich die beiden Projekte zusammen geschlossen, um gemeinsam</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">den Austausch von Wissen anzubieten: Ab dem 1.Dezember sind Kurse von Digital</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Glarus auch auf wissenstausch.ch verfügbar und wissenstausch.ch kann nun auch in</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">der Region Glarus spannende Kurse anbieten.</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Die Kurse von Digital Glarus finden im ersten Glarner Co-Working Space, dem</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Digital Chalet Schwanden statt. Für die Renovation vom Digital Chalet,</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">einem alten Haus in Schwanden, läuft zur Zeit eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne, die</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">auf www.100-days.net/start-digital-glarus zu finden ist.</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Und nun: Auf zum Wissenstausch ins Digital Glarus und auf wissenstausch.ch !</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Wissenstausch</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Ansprechpartner: Michael Raths</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Telefon: 076 4401 222</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">E-Mail: info@wissenstausch.ch</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Web: www.wissenstausch.ch</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Twitter: <img title="Link - @wedoino" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_456" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"></span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Facebook: <img title="Link - https://www.facebook.com/wissenstausch/" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_457" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"></span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Digital Glarus</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Ansprechpartner: Nico Schottelius</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Telefon: 044 534 66 22</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">E-Mail: wissen@digitalglarus.ch</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Web: www.digitalglarus.ch</span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Twitter: <img title="Link - @DigitalGlarus" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_458" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"></span><br class="kix-line-break">\n<span style="font-size: 14.6667px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: transparent;">Facebook: <img title="Link - https://www.facebook.com/digitalglarus/" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_459" src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png"></span></span></p>\n
168	Copyright...
169	Copyright © ungleich GmbH 2015\n
85	<h1>Gem #4: To forward or not to forward the hostname</h1>\n\n<h2><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/68/a5/68a5588b-716f-495f-b9c8-a87e1451cc7f/dice.png__1200x740_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_99" title="Image - dice.png"></h2>\n\n<p>We <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_87" title="Link - recently published some details of our nginx configuration"> and we would like to give you an overview of some more gems that it contains.</p>\n\n<p>If you remember gem #2 <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_88" title="Link - from the previous article">, we are using landing pages with http (not https) for some domains like <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_89" title="Link - digitalglarus.ch">, but use https for every subpage below ungleich.ch (because we like to provide as many sites with ssl as possible).</p>\n\n<h2> </h2>\n\n<h2>Django: Allowed hosts</h2>\n\n<p>We are using various domain names, however our django app uses only the following allowed hosts:</p>\n\n<p>ALLOWED_HOSTS = [<br>\n    ".ungleich.ch",<br>\n]</p>\n\n<p>If a request is received with a different host header, django will refuse to serve the request. As we have to handle the landing pages in nginx, we prefer not to duplicate every domain we add in nginx into our django configuration.</p>\n\n<h2> </h2>\n\n<h2>Nginx and uwsgi_pass</h2>\n\n<p>Nowadays nginx ships with a pre-configured set of uwsgi_param directives that you can include using</p>\n\n<p>include uwsgi_params;</p>\n\n<p>However this default setup also forwards the hostname. We had a look at the file and saw that SERVER_NAME is being sent and tried to replace it by using</p>\n\n<p>uwsgi_param  SERVER_NAME        $ungleich_servername;</p>\n\n<p>(and we setup $ungleich_servername at a different position - more about this in our next blog post).</p>\n\n<p>When testing this setup using</p>\n\n<p>curl -H "Host: digitalglarus.ch" dynamicweb.ungleich.ch</p>\n\n<p>we still saw the hostname <strong>digitalglarus.ch</strong> in the uwsgi app. What happened? Well, reading the python code revealed that before SERVER_NAME the header HTTP_HOST is being checked. But we did not pass this header!</p>\n\n<p><a href="http://digitalglarus.ch"><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/c4/7c/c47ca220-5beb-43db-a451-9fe2304252c7/digital_glurs.png__1280x711_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_93" title="Image - digital_glurs.png"></a></p>\n\n<h2> </h2>\n\n<h2>Nginx and uwsgi_pass_request_headers</h2>\n\n<p>It turns out that by default nginx is forwarding all headers to the uwsgi app - including HTTP_POST. We turned that behaviour off using the following directive:</p>\n\n<p>uwsgi_pass_request_headers off;</p>\n\n<p>And voila: it works!</p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/75/67/756798c2-7d03-44d9-9c43-b35807ba5672/puzzle.png__690x389_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_98" title="Image - puzzle.png"></p>\n\n<p>For production however, we do not turn off the request headers, but overwrite the HTTP_HOST header as following:</p>\n\n<p>include uwsgi_params;<br>\nuwsgi_param  SERVER_NAME   $ungleich_servername;<br>\nuwsgi_param  HTTP_HOST          $ungleich_servername;</p>\n\n<p>This way we can setup the variable $ungleich_servername to a subdomain of <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" alt="Link" id="plugin_obj_90" title="Link - ungleich.ch"> and do not need to modify the settings.py for any URL that we add.</p>\n\n<p><a href="http://www.ungleich.ch"><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/f4/4b/f44b8949-4b2d-4916-8799-9bb3142d8305/ungleich.png__1280x602_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" alt="Image" id="plugin_obj_97" title="Image - ungleich.png"></a></p>\n
100	<h2>Is this the wrong blog post?</h2>\n\n<p>Yes it is. We planned to release the <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_102" title="Link - Digital Glarus" alt="Link"> Manifesto today, however, so many things have happened in the meantime, we want to give you an overview of where we are.</p>\n\n<h2>What happened so far ...</h2>\n\n<p>The project Digital Glarus (we were writing it as "Digital.Glarus" in the beginning, you might still find misspellings at some places) started in May 2015 as a crazy idea...</p>\n\n<h2>...what Idea?</h2>\n\n<p>To transform the quiet, beautiful and very green valley of Glarus into a place where computer scientist will love to go to.</p>\n\n<h2>Why would we want them to like Glarus?</h2>\n\n<p>We, ungleich, moved our headquarter to Luchsingen (a small village in Glarus, which is also in the Alps! Yes, the Alps.) about 2 years ago and guess what changed for our workflow and for our customers?<br>\nRight! Nothing!</p>\n\n<h2>Nothing?</h2>\n\n<p>Yes, we are working remotely most of the time (&gt;90%),  and as long as we are visiting our customers regulary, they do not really care where we are.</p>\n\n<p>However, we care and with Glarus we found a place with an breathtaking scenery, great Internet connection and good train connection to Zürich.</p>\n\n<h2><br>\nWhy are we interested in attracting IT companies?</h2>\n\n<p>The valley of Glarus (aka "Glarnerland") is a rather small district with good connections. Glarus offers affordable home and office space, with its great scenery as a backdrop. As the valley is small enough in its size, it is perfect for nesting dots of co-working space in which IT companies can benefit from each other.</p>\n\n<h2>What happened until today</h2>\n\n<p>We had over 50+ (100+?) meetings with various people - from the presidents of the three townships (Glarus Süd, Glarus, Glarus Nord), to banks (various), to IT companies and entrepreneurs in Zürich, to local restaurants and cafes, to people on the street and guess what? All of them are intrigued by the idea of using the resources of Glarus to build Digital Glarus.</p>\n\n<h2><br>\nIs that all?</h2>\n\n<p>No, to be honest, we spared the biggest news until here: we searched and found a house in Glarus, or more exact in Schwanden, that will serve as the FIRST CO-WORKING SPACE in Glarus!</p>\n\n<p>Can you believe this? In only 3 months, we met so many interested parties ; coaches, teachers and IT companies! We have established contacts with them, as many of them share our enthusiasm for this project. Now we are taking this important step of starting the Co-Working Space!</p>\n\n<h2>What is next to come?</h2>\n\n<p>First we have to actually open the co-working space, at the moment we are still going through paperworks. After we clear that stage, we have to clean the actual house up, as there are tons of old stuffs left in the building - from a funky 60s fridge to (genuine) vintage furniture - it's all for our use.</p>\n\n<p>After we tidy things up, we hope to open the doors in November this year.We also plan to rent out some of the rooms to students.</p>\n\n<p>Of course, we probably need to invest some time and money into renovating the house, as it is well over 100 years old.</p>\n\n<p>We plan to start a Kickstarter project for this purpose soon.</p>\n\n<p>If you are interested in the Co-Working space or want to help us funding some part of the renovation via kickstarter, <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_101" title="Link - follow us on Twitter" alt="Link"> - we will keep you updated!</p>\n
103	<h2>Digital What?</h2>\n\n<p>Glarus. Glarus is a canton in Switzerland. Compared to most other cantons, it is rather small (685.4 km²). Switzerland, as you may know already, is a country in the middle of Europe : It is also pretty (and) small (41285 km², the 133rd largest country in the world) and it does not belong to the European Union.</p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/b5/9a/b59aa327-e06b-44c6-9cbe-1172513db3c3/glarus_map.png__1791x886_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" id="plugin_obj_106" title="Image - glarus map.png" alt="Image"></p>\n\n<p>Even though the canton is small, Glarus has great train connections and very open-minded people. At the end of the valley you find two ski resorts "Braunwald" and "Elm" - your possibility to go skiing during an extended lunch break.</p>\n\n<h2>What is digital about Glarus?</h2>\n\n<p>Not much. To be honest, it is a valley in the middle of the Alps with beautiful scenery and only one main street.<br>\nThere are a lot of old (and abondoned!) factory halls and houses in Glarus, which can be great use for computer scientists who are in need of working space. To put it digital: Many people here either moved away or have never been here. In fact, the whole canton has less than 40 thousand people who are registered(39'800 by the end of 2014).</p>\n\n<h2><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/be/6b/be6b6e8b-7e90-4d11-90fd-740cf4bf5ebf/diesbach_01.jpg__800x531_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_107" title="Image - diesbach_01.jpg" alt="Image"></h2>\n\n<p style="text-align: right;"><small><img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_110" title="Link - © r.wiedenmeier" alt="Link"></small></p>\n\n<h2><br>\nHow is ungleich related to Glarus?</h2>\n\n<p>We moved our headquarter from Zürich to the canton of Glarus (to be more exact: Luchsingen) in 2014. Our staffs didn't particularly prepare much for this big move, nor was it communicated to our customers in the first few months. What happened?</p>\n\n<p>Nothing.</p>\n\n<p>Nobody recognised that we moved. We work in a distributed team, we work (asynchronously) for our customers, and we coordinate 90% of our work through the Internet (splendid innovation the Internet, but <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_104" title="Link - be careful with it!" alt="Link">).</p>\n\n<h2><br>\nWhat are we trying to do?</h2>\n\n<p>Given that we, as a cutting edge IT company, moved away from Zürich without any noticable change to a valley of abandoned houses and a great Internet connection, we think other IT companies could benefit from moving as well.<br>\nSo we are building the base to allow other IT companies to move without much hassle. Our vision is to attract many IT companies to join us here - creating a large concentration of IT companies, like in Silicon Valley.</p>\n\n<h2><br>\nSo what exactly are we building?</h2>\n\n<p>Right now we started to build the first Co-Working Space in Glarus : meaning, while you are reading this manifesto, we are about<br>\nto sign the contract for the house that should serve as the first Co-Working Space. We do have some IT networking events already planned, it is just a question of time until we can open doors.</p>\n\n<p>Mid term, if the concept is successful, we plan to open more Co-Working Spaces, and to collaborate with local restaurants and Cafés. We plan to provide more accessible space to IT nomads and to enhance the (already great) Internet connection (HSPA/LTE is available, however there are not many fiber connections available at the moment).</p>\n\n<p>Long term, if the project survives, we plan to connect the co-working spaces with self driving electric cars, create locations that are suitable for work, life and entertainment.</p>\n\n<p>We do have many other ideas for the far future, therefore we want to gain some more experience with our first prototype.</p>\n\n<h2><br>\nIs this only for IT companies?</h2>\n\n<p>Yes and no. We are in IT business and have learnt over the years how IT companies work. Our experience is that it is not important to be in the biggest city, it is much more important to have a quiet office. And beautiful scenery. And fast Internet.</p>\n\n<p>Oh, the question was about non-IT companies. In theory, we would support them, however we do not have a lot of experience on how for instance a bakery could profit from moving to Digital Glarus (besides having a lot of hungry IT crowds as customers).</p>\n\n<h2><br>\nWhat comes next?</h2>\n\n<p>You! Join us! There are many opportunities, especially at this stage of the project, you can still form the idea and have influence on how the project develops.</p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/a5/77/a57749e3-8c07-4ed7-9904-5db36b4a18ff/weneedyou.jpg__600x429_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_109" title="Image - weneedyou.jpg" alt="Image"></p>\n\n<p>We are especially looking for early adopters and helping hands in marketing and communication - if you are interested in joining us, contact us via e-mail at join@digitalglarus.ch or <img src="/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_105" title="Link - via Twitter" alt="Link">.</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for reading!</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n
710	<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/08/81/08814b25-d36c-457d-bfc5-66c0c521eec8/opencloudday.png__800x252_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_711" title="Image - opencloudday.png" alt="Image - opencloudday.png"></p>\n\n<p>This gigant workshop, featuring OpenNebula, Openstack and Cloudstack technologies is happening this Tuesday, 16th of June 2015 in Bern at the Open Cloud Day.</p>\n\n<p>The first time in Switzerland (and maybe world wide) for a friendly meeting of cloud provider experts.</p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/c7/62/c7623533-dbc4-4140-9544-f9f842dd4561/bernbanner.jpg__690x389_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg" id="plugin_obj_713" title="Image - bernbanner.jpg" alt="Image - bernbanner.jpg"></p>\n\n<p>Participants will learn what are the possibilities and advantages of every system and have the opportunity to discuss with the experts in the evening.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><img src="/media/filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/a7/08/a708a1ff-b7dc-49d0-8ba9-72a9a32809dd/opennebulareferene.png__800x288_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png" id="plugin_obj_712" title="Image - opennebulareferene.png" alt="Image - opennebulareferene.png"></p>\n\n<p>Nico Schottelius, CEO of <a href="http://www.ungleich.ch/">ungleich GmbH</a> (Linux infrastructure &amp; application hosting company based in Switzerland) will give an advanced workshop on cloud management with OpenNebula for DevOps.</p>\n\n<p>Schottelius, the author of the innovative configuration management system "cdist", is a judge of the Open Source Awards in Switzerland.</p>\n\n<p>Schottelius also teaches computer science at the university of applied sciences ZHAW.</p>\n
717	<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche häufig Webmühlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte für IT-Begeisterte</p>\n\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Gebäude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\n\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll für einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\n
724	<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\n\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge variety of great food offers forms what we call "Digital Glarus".</p>\n\n<p>The valley also known as "Glarnerland" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\n\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n
715	<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause für High-Tech Firmen. Im Süden von Zürich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\n\n<p>Die Kombination von wunderschöner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir „Digital Glarus“ nennen.</p>\n\n<p>Die Landschaft, das „Glarnerland“ hat viele ehemalige Gebäude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\n\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland über die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken Häuser mit Möbeln bester Qualität. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren Läden anschaust, aber nie kaufst – so leben die Leute hier).</p>\n
722	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
719	<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Zürich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, überbevölkert.<br>\nUm es genau zu nehmen überfüllt, teuer und laut… Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen für Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\nWieso nicht in schönen Gebäuden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft benötigt wird um reizend für Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegenüber dem Verbleib in einer überfüllten Stadt.</p>\n
721	<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten älteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\nWir sind an der Eröffnung der Örtlichkeit für Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen Ämter und Unterstützer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und frühe Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, für das grossartige Abenteuer im schönen Tal von Glarus.</p>\n\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\n\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\n\n<p><a href="mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch" class="email">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\n
726	<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\n\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\n\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\n
723	<h2 class="intro-text text-center">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\n
725	<h2 class="intro-text text-center">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\n
727	<h2 class="intro-text text-center">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\n
730	<p>At the moment we at <a href="http://www.ungleich.ch"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and  sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and  attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href="http://www.meetup.ch">meetup</a> alike)  can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\n\n<p>The great first step we (<a href="http://www.ungleich.ch">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\n\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\n\n<p>Contact us at<br>\n<br>\n<a href="mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value="+41445346622">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\n\n<p> </p>\n
741	<h2 class="intro-text text-center">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\n
731	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
736	<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\n
732	WIESO WIR?\n
783	<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\n
757	<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH ZÃœRICH</small></h3>\n
733	<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegründet – obwohl, unsere erste Verkörperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zurück. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-Köpfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie möglich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bedürfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene Lösung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz für Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verfügung stellen wollen.</p>\n
737	<h3>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN <small>NACH ZÃœRICH</small></h3>\n
734	<p style="text-align: center;">WIESO GLARUS?</p>\n
742	<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\n
735	<h3>WUNDERSCHÖNE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\n
738	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
748	<p><span class="short_text" tabindex="-1" lang="de" id="result_box"><span class="hps">Telefon</span></span>: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\n\n<p>Email: <strong><a href="mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\n\n<p><span class="short_text" tabindex="-1" lang="de" id="result_box"><span class="hps">Anschrift</span></span>: <strong><span style="">In Der Au 7,  8762 Schwanden Switzerland</span></strong></p>\n
739	<h2 class="intro-text text-center">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\n
743	<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\n
740	<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\n
751	\n<iframe frameborder="0" width="100%" src="//maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=46.969959,9.039001&amp;spn=56.506174,79.013672&amp;t=m&amp;z=12&amp;output=embed" height="400" scrolling="no"></iframe>
749	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
744	<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\n
753	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
745	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
750	Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\n
746	<h2 class="intro-text text-center"><span class="short_text" lang="de" id="result_box">Kontakt </span> <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong></h2>\n
752	<p>Phone: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\n\n<p>Email: <strong><a href="mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\n\n<p>Address:  <strong><span style="">In Der Au 7,  8762 Schwanden Switzerland</span></strong></p>\n\n<div class="clearfix"> </div>\n
747	<iframe frameborder="0" width="100%" src="//maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=46.969959,9.039001&amp;spn=56.506174,79.013672&amp;t=m&amp;z=12&amp;output=embed" height="400" scrolling="no"></iframe>
754	<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\n
784	<h2 class="intro-text text-center">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\n
758	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
755	<span>WUNDERSCHÖNE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\n
756	<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\n
785	<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\n
786	<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\n
787	<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\n
788	<h2 class="intro-text text-center">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\n
791	<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\n\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\n\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\n
759	<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-7">\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\n\n<p>Wir haben ein schönes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu eröffnen!</p>\n\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich schön.. aber auch schön alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir möchten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch "richtiges" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\n\n<p>Wir würden auch gerne ein paar Möbel kaufen, wie Sofas, Stühle und Tische, damit Du gemütlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\n\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld übrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die Tür mit dem Handy öffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="col-md-5">\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><iframe class="center-block" width="220" src="//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="330"></iframe></p>\n</div>\n\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-12">\n<hr></div>\n\n<div class="col-md-12"><iframe width="100%" frameborder="0" height="650" src="//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650"></iframe></div>\n</div>\n
764	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
760	why <strong>glarus?</strong>\n
789	<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\n\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge variety of great food offers forms what we call "Digital Glarus".</p>\n\n<p>The valley also known as "Glarnerland" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\n\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n
761	BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\n
762	<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\n
790	<h2 class="intro-text text-center">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\n
763	<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\n
792	<h2 class="intro-text text-center">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\n
794	<h2 class="intro-text text-center"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\n
793	<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\n
765	<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-7">\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\n\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\n\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\n\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\n\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\n\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\n\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="col-md-5"><iframe class="center-block" width="220" src="//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="330"></iframe></div>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-12">\n<p> </p>\n\n<hr>\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="col-md-12">\n<iframe width="100%" height="650" frameborder="0" src="//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650"></iframe>\n</div>\n</div>
766	<div class="row">\n<p class="col-md-12"><img class="img-responsive" src="/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png"></p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-12">\n<h4> </h4>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<div class="col-lg-12 text-center">\n<hr class="tagline-divider">\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\n\n<hr class="tagline-divider">\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken können) von Digital Glarus!</p>\n\n<p>Wir möchten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - für Glarner und für die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\n\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\n\n<p>Wir möchten uns bei all unseren Unterstützern (auch zukünftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, für alle Beiträge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\n\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr dürft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gemütlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<div class="row">\n<h3 class="col-md-12" style="color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;"><img class="img-responsive" src="/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg"><small></small></h3>\n</div>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<div style="float: left; margin: 10px;"><iframe class="center-block" width="220" src="//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="330"></iframe></div>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Um die nötigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf  findest.</p>\n\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den schönen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\n\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten Häusern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterstütze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne läuft nicht mehr lange!</p>\n\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erwähnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img title="Link - meetup.com" alt="Link - meetup.com" src="/static/cms/img/icons/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_767"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetränk bekommt?</p>\n\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n<p class="col-md-12"><img class="img-responsive" src="/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png"></p>\n</div>\n
768	<div class="row">\n<p class="col-md-12"><img class="img-responsive" src="/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png"></p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-12">\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<div class="col-lg-12 text-center">\n<hr class="tagline-divider">\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\n\n<hr class="tagline-divider">\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden. </p>\n\n<p><span style="line-height: 1.6;">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\n\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\n\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\n\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\n\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\n\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<div class="row">\n<h3 class="col-md-12" style="color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;"><img class="img-responsive" src="/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg"><small><img title="Link - Jazzband FivePastEight" alt="Link - Jazzband FivePastEight" src="/static/cms/img/icons/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_770"></small></h3>\n</div>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<div style="float: left; margin: 10px;"><iframe class="center-block" width="220" src="//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="330"></iframe></div>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\n\n<p>You can find it on <img title="Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus" alt="Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus" src="/static/cms/img/icons/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_769"><a href="#" style="line-height: 1.6;">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style="line-height: 1.6;"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\n\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\n\n<p>We <span style="line-height: 1.6;">are p</span><span style="line-height: 1.6;">leased to inv</span><span style="line-height: 1.6;">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style="line-height: 1.6;">ert!</span></p>\n\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img title="Link - meetup" alt="Link - meetup" src="/static/cms/img/icons/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_771">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\n\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n<p class="col-md-12"><img class="img-responsive" src="/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png"></p>\n</div>\n
777	<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Zürich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, überbevölkert.<br>\nUm es genau zu nehmen überfüllt, teuer und laut… Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen für Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\nWieso nicht in schönen Gebäuden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft benötigt wird um reizend für Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegenüber dem Verbleib in einer überfüllten Stadt.</p>\n
773	<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause für High-Tech Firmen. Im Süden von Zürich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\n\n<p>Die Kombination von wunderschöner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir „Digital Glarus“ nennen.</p>\n\n<p>Die Landschaft, das „Glarnerland“ hat viele ehemalige Gebäude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\n\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland über die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken Häuser mit Möbeln bester Qualität. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren Läden anschaust, aber nie kaufst – so leben die Leute hier).</p>\n
775	<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche häufig Webmühlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte für IT-Begeisterte</p>\n\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Gebäude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\n\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll für einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\n
779	<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten älteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\nWir sind an der Eröffnung der Örtlichkeit für Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen Ämter und Unterstützer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und frühe Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, für das grossartige Abenteuer im schönen Tal von Glarus.</p>\n\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\n\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\n\n<p><a class="email" href="mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\n
780	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
781	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
782	<h2 class="intro-text text-center">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\n
795	<p>At the moment we at <a href="http://www.ungleich.ch"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and  sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and  attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href="http://www.meetup.ch">meetup</a> alike)  can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\n\n<p>The great first step we (<a href="http://www.ungleich.ch">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\n\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\n\n<p>Contact us at<br>\n<br>\n<a href="mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value="+41445346622">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\n\n<p> </p>\n
806	<p style="text-align: center;">WIESO GLARUS?</p>\n
802	<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-7">\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\n\n<p>Wir haben ein schönes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu eröffnen!</p>\n\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich schön.. aber auch schön alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir möchten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch "richtiges" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\n\n<p>Wir würden auch gerne ein paar Möbel kaufen, wie Sofas, Stühle und Tische, damit Du gemütlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\n\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld übrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die Tür mit dem Handy öffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="col-md-5">\n<p> </p>\n\n<p><iframe class="center-block" width="220" src="//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="330"></iframe></p>\n</div>\n\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-12">\n<hr></div>\n\n<div class="col-md-12"><iframe width="100%" frameborder="0" height="650" src="//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650"></iframe></div>\n</div>\n
796	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
797	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
805	<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegründet – obwohl, unsere erste Verkörperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zurück. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-Köpfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie möglich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bedürfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene Lösung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz für Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verfügung stellen wollen.</p>\n
803	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
798	<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\n
799	<span>WUNDERSCHÖNE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\n
812	<iframe frameborder="0" width="100%" src="//maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=46.969959,9.039001&amp;spn=56.506174,79.013672&amp;t=m&amp;z=12&amp;output=embed" height="400" scrolling="no"></iframe>
804	WIESO WIR?\n
800	<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\n
801	<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH ZÃœRICH</small></h3>\n
816	\n<iframe frameborder="0" width="100%" src="//maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=46.969959,9.039001&amp;spn=56.506174,79.013672&amp;t=m&amp;z=12&amp;output=embed" height="400" scrolling="no"></iframe>
807	<h3>WUNDERSCHÖNE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\n
813	<p><span class="short_text" tabindex="-1" lang="de" id="result_box"><span class="hps">Telefon</span></span>: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\n\n<p>Email: <strong><a href="mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\n\n<p><span class="short_text" tabindex="-1" lang="de" id="result_box"><span class="hps">Anschrift</span></span>: <strong><span style="">In Der Au 7,  8762 Schwanden Switzerland</span></strong></p>\n
808	<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\n
814	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
809	<h3>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN <small>NACH ZÃœRICH</small></h3>\n
817	<p>Phone: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\n\n<p>Email: <strong><a href="mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\n\n<p>Address:  <strong><span style="">In Der Au 7,  8762 Schwanden Switzerland</span></strong></p>\n\n<div class="clearfix"> </div>\n
810	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
818	<div class="address-bar">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\n
815	Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\n
811	<h2 class="intro-text text-center"><span class="short_text" lang="de" id="result_box">Kontakt </span> <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong></h2>\n
820	BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\n
819	why <strong>glarus?</strong>\n
822	<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\n
821	<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\n
823	<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-7">\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\n\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\n\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\n\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\n\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\n\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\n\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="col-md-5"><iframe class="center-block" width="220" src="//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="330"></iframe></div>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-12">\n<p> </p>\n\n<hr>\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="col-md-12">\n<iframe width="100%" height="650" frameborder="0" src="//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650"></iframe>\n</div>\n</div>
824	<div class="row">\n<p class="col-md-12"><img class="img-responsive" src="/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png"></p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-12">\n<h4> </h4>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<div class="col-lg-12 text-center">\n<hr class="tagline-divider">\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\n\n<hr class="tagline-divider">\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken können) von Digital Glarus!</p>\n\n<p>Wir möchten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - für Glarner und für die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\n\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\n\n<p>Wir möchten uns bei all unseren Unterstützern (auch zukünftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, für alle Beiträge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\n\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr dürft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gemütlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<div class="row">\n<h3 class="col-md-12" style="color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;"><img class="img-responsive" src="/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg"><small></small></h3>\n</div>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<div style="float: left; margin: 10px;"><iframe class="center-block" width="220" src="//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="330"></iframe></div>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Um die nötigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf  findest.</p>\n\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den schönen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\n\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten Häusern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterstütze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne läuft nicht mehr lange!</p>\n\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erwähnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img title="Link - meetup.com" alt="Link - meetup.com" src="/static/cms/img/icons/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_825"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetränk bekommt?</p>\n\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n<p class="col-md-12"><img class="img-responsive" src="/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png"></p>\n</div>\n
826	<div class="row">\n<p class="col-md-12"><img class="img-responsive" src="/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png"></p>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n<div class="col-md-12">\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<div class="col-lg-12 text-center">\n<hr class="tagline-divider">\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\n\n<hr class="tagline-divider">\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden. </p>\n\n<p><span style="line-height: 1.6;">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\n\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\n\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\n\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\n\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\n\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<div class="row">\n<h3 class="col-md-12" style="color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;"><img class="img-responsive" src="/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg"><small><img title="Link - Jazzband FivePastEight" alt="Link - Jazzband FivePastEight" src="/static/cms/img/icons/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_828"></small></h3>\n</div>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<div style="float: left; margin: 10px;"><iframe class="center-block" width="220" src="//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="330"></iframe></div>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\n\n<p>You can find it on <img title="Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus" alt="Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus" src="/static/cms/img/icons/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_827"><a href="#" style="line-height: 1.6;">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style="line-height: 1.6;"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\n\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\n\n<p>We <span style="line-height: 1.6;">are p</span><span style="line-height: 1.6;">leased to inv</span><span style="line-height: 1.6;">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style="line-height: 1.6;">ert!</span></p>\n\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img title="Link - meetup" alt="Link - meetup" src="/static/cms/img/icons/plugins/link.png" id="plugin_obj_829">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\n\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n<p class="col-md-12"><img class="img-responsive" src="/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png"></p>\n</div>\n

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529	f9bde26a1556cd667f742bd34ec7c55e	filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/fd/be/fdbece7c-3159-4ea9-85b1-9c84990ae32b/digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_nico_.jpg__16x16_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg	2015-11-08 22:47:50.753245+01	124
530	f9bde26a1556cd667f742bd34ec7c55e	filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/fd/be/fdbece7c-3159-4ea9-85b1-9c84990ae32b/digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_nico_.jpg__32x32_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg	2015-11-08 22:47:50.843762+01	124
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532	f9bde26a1556cd667f742bd34ec7c55e	filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/fc/ee/fceee684-6cda-4cce-8633-8831c92c32d9/digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_nico_schwanden_.jpg__64x64_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg	2015-11-08 22:49:57.886944+01	125
533	f9bde26a1556cd667f742bd34ec7c55e	filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/fc/ee/fceee684-6cda-4cce-8633-8831c92c32d9/digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_nico_schwanden_.jpg__16x16_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg	2015-11-08 22:49:57.990229+01	125
534	f9bde26a1556cd667f742bd34ec7c55e	filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/fc/ee/fceee684-6cda-4cce-8633-8831c92c32d9/digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_nico_schwanden_.jpg__32x32_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg	2015-11-08 22:49:58.11553+01	125
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542	f9bde26a1556cd667f742bd34ec7c55e	filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/fc/ee/fceee684-6cda-4cce-8633-8831c92c32d9/digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_nico_schwanden_.jpg__210x10000_q85_subsampling-2.jpg	2015-11-09 16:30:29.635707+01	125
543	f9bde26a1556cd667f742bd34ec7c55e	filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/47/cc/47ccb6ef-b524-4387-a023-52323573a3c0/digitalglarus_opennebula_workshop_nico_schwanden_.jpg__210x10000_q85_subsampling-2.jpg	2015-11-09 16:30:33.000607+01	126
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612	f9bde26a1556cd667f742bd34ec7c55e	filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/46/01/46014e89-5c93-42c0-990c-8581c28b416b/ungleich_logo.png__32x32_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png	2015-11-09 19:07:01.906214+01	144
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548	f9bde26a1556cd667f742bd34ec7c55e	filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/dd/67/dd67c26d-551c-42ed-91ba-69bdfa6e0996/a1_poster_jazz_digitalglarus_half.png__32x32_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.png	2015-11-09 16:57:04.406157+01	127
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676	f9bde26a1556cd667f742bd34ec7c55e	filer_public_thumbnails/filer_public/1b/26/1b267709-4e35-47a0-91fc-2cd09e9b04b3/jazz_background.png__640x120_q85_crop_subsampling-2.png	2015-11-21 18:32:38.967086+01	157
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-- Name: filer_file_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('filer_file_id_seq', 188, true);

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COPY filer_folder (id, name, uploaded_at, created_at, modified_at, lft, rght, tree_id, level, owner_id, parent_id) FROM stdin;
4	13062015_Conf2015	2015-06-13 19:44:50.116189+02	2015-06-13 19:44:50.116239+02	2015-06-13 19:44:50.116262+02	4	5	1	3	1	3
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SELECT pg_catalog.setval('filer_folderpermission_id_seq', 1, false);

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57	857	1272	2015-09-02 14:54:00.819294+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
7	159	800	2015-06-14 04:53:59.722929+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
8	514	935	2015-06-14 04:54:01.896409+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
9	159	800	2015-06-14 04:54:02.09203+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
10	1067	1600	2015-06-14 04:54:07.401576+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
11	159	800	2015-06-14 05:10:43.712913+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
12	514	935	2015-06-14 05:10:45.821758+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
13	159	800	2015-06-14 05:10:46.423519+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
15	1067	1600	2015-06-14 05:17:42.660506+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
16	423	736	2015-06-14 06:43:00.088274+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
17	1250	1900	2015-06-14 06:48:14.418306+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
18	683	1024	2015-06-14 06:55:52.095523+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
58	704	1058	2015-09-02 15:46:00.943723+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
60	768	1280	2015-09-02 15:56:01.166783+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
21	288	800	2015-06-14 23:27:31.074765+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
19	252	800	2015-06-14 23:25:45.91285+02				f	f	
61	159	800	2015-09-02 15:57:36.509738+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
20	641	960	2015-06-14 23:27:15.456539+02				f	f	
22	389	690	2015-06-15 22:24:05.15334+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
92	992	1806	2015-10-27 15:11:12.628143+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
24	944	1333	2015-06-16 23:16:22.831995+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
25	963	1323	2015-06-16 23:17:26.352781+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
26	741	1419	2015-06-16 23:18:17.259021+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
27	805	1074	2015-06-16 23:19:06.228144+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
28	868	1300	2015-06-16 23:21:05.068513+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
29	900	1200	2015-06-22 15:54:34.466453+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
30	900	1200	2015-06-22 15:54:55.519425+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
31	914	1200	2015-06-22 15:55:53.715811+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
32	801	1200	2015-07-20 21:14:58.380045+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
33	1667	2500	2015-07-27 00:38:01.84918+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
34	900	1800	2015-08-09 22:29:58.534639+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
35	389	690	2015-08-09 22:38:28.182383+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
36	356	690	2015-08-09 22:38:30.426884+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
37	333	500	2015-08-09 22:42:58.033279+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
38	680	950	2015-08-09 22:45:48.988876+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
39	711	1280	2015-08-15 01:07:37.837454+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
62	1320	859	2015-09-17 21:17:53.332834+02				f	f	
42	602	1280	2015-08-15 01:25:01.705929+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
43	389	690	2015-08-15 01:28:26.464093+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
44	389	690	2015-08-15 01:28:51.628373+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
45	740	1200	2015-08-15 01:31:50.913374+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
46	1276	1920	2015-08-25 00:12:51.387795+02				f	f	
47	443	896	2015-08-28 18:09:51.13417+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
48	531	800	2015-08-28 18:57:26.744572+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
50	429	600	2015-08-29 00:26:38.702198+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
51	4912	7360	2015-08-29 01:40:36.456292+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
52	1131	2000	2015-08-29 01:43:26.025348+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
93	1028	1824	2015-10-27 15:11:26.520313+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
69	1080	1920	2015-09-17 21:47:55.236613+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
70	389	663	2015-09-24 16:00:47.579698+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
71	1482	2204	2015-09-24 16:10:45.289206+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
72	274	1062	2015-09-24 16:15:34.653944+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
73	603	1327	2015-09-24 17:09:48.31731+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
74	844	1600	2015-09-24 17:10:00.678959+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
77	665	1180	2015-09-25 15:08:32.466259+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
78	2056	3456	2015-09-25 15:11:37.480992+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
79	2056	3648	2015-09-25 15:25:44.150577+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
80	2056	3648	2015-09-25 15:29:31.488823+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
81	3059	3256	2015-09-25 16:06:33.936216+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
82	2056	3648	2015-09-25 16:25:34.112527+02	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
83	992	1806	2015-10-27 13:44:05.164732+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
84	2056	3648	2015-10-27 14:15:37.482664+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
85	1028	1824	2015-10-27 14:16:16.624074+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
86	1028	1824	2015-10-27 14:20:15.946619+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
87	1028	1824	2015-10-27 14:24:49.427371+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
88	1028	1724	2015-10-27 14:24:50.660404+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
89	1056	1878	2015-10-27 14:34:51.0037+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
90	1028	1824	2015-10-27 14:35:10.923875+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
91	1028	1824	2015-10-27 14:41:12.043732+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
94	1028	1824	2015-10-27 15:11:43.108386+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
95	879	1803	2015-10-27 15:12:12.755732+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
96	934	1680	2015-10-27 15:20:23.55419+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
97	1650	962	2015-10-27 15:26:35.050008+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
98	1648	2579	2015-10-27 15:41:18.070768+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
99	1496	1806	2015-10-27 17:25:59.052991+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
119	1028	1824	2015-11-08 22:45:05.351842+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
101	49	187	2015-11-03 11:15:21.698509+01				f	f	
102	16	19	2015-11-03 11:17:17.635558+01				f	f	
108	832	1373	2015-11-03 12:14:03.656359+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
103	1024	725	2015-11-03 11:26:09.573795+01				f	f	
104	596	421	2015-11-03 11:28:52.655543+01				f	f	
105	3080	5472	2015-11-03 11:58:18.33552+01				f	f	
106	1320	859	2015-11-03 12:05:47.5709+01				f	f	
120	896	1824	2015-11-08 22:45:54.172437+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
121	740	1216	2015-11-08 22:46:50.09766+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
115	722	969	2015-11-03 19:15:41.878625+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
116	832	1440	2015-11-08 21:38:26.906171+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
117	1028	1824	2015-11-08 21:41:47.541342+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
118	449	600	2015-11-08 22:08:59.953894+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
122	740	1216	2015-11-08 22:47:50.38111+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
123	888	1804	2015-11-08 22:49:57.401945+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
124	888	1804	2015-11-08 23:30:09.364118+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
125	812	1701	2015-11-09 16:57:03.766928+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
126	2404	1701	2015-11-09 16:57:56.092655+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
127	2056	3648	2015-11-09 16:59:30.539491+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
128	1810	2716	2015-11-09 17:01:17.660564+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
129	349	580	2015-11-09 17:04:59.550425+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
131	911	1264	2015-11-09 17:08:01.753341+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
134	1704	2272	2015-11-09 17:17:49.25798+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
135	4322	6839	2015-11-09 17:19:49.985533+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
136	1474	2208	2015-11-09 17:29:29.785155+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
137	491	736	2015-11-09 18:54:47.924222+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
138	832	1373	2015-11-09 18:57:36.895966+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
139	1200	1600	2015-11-09 18:58:35.329687+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
140	2176	3264	2015-11-09 19:03:18.911176+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
142	256	985	2015-11-09 19:07:01.524867+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
145	139	535	2015-11-09 19:16:52.078916+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
146	1080	1920	2015-11-09 19:18:27.944005+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
147	139	535	2015-11-09 19:20:12.744891+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
148	514	998	2015-11-09 19:57:25.793391+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
149	732	1134	2015-11-14 00:28:48.838922+01				f	f	
151	816	1074	2015-11-15 15:51:50.206383+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
152	1030	1432	2015-11-15 15:54:26.363341+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
153	1030	1432	2015-11-15 15:56:38.720616+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
154	476	1388	2015-11-19 21:53:01.64521+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
155	505	1502	2015-11-25 07:54:10.794353+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
156	351	1153	2015-11-25 20:26:30.436498+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
157	274	1062	2015-11-25 20:48:23.355422+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
158	411	730	2015-12-07 14:32:10.12742+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
159	516	960	2015-12-07 14:34:53.139238+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
160	528	434	2015-12-07 15:00:41.554263+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
163	411	679	2015-12-07 15:02:30.819912+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
164	2056	3000	2015-12-07 15:03:38.695144+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
165	411	600	2015-12-07 15:04:25.717992+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
166	491	736	2015-12-07 15:14:36.594232+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
167	411	730	2015-12-07 15:22:02.702397+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
168	411	730	2015-12-07 15:30:36.664529+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
169	366	730	2015-12-07 15:31:07.145437+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
170	614	342	2015-12-07 15:31:43.779266+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
171	491	736	2015-12-07 16:54:30.072715+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
173	434	528	2015-12-07 17:07:50.770571+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
175	300	590	2016-01-06 15:01:40.099233+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
182	877	1500	2016-01-06 19:06:27.319942+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
184	282	425	2016-01-08 11:32:21.999025+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
185	550	1627	2016-01-13 22:21:26.570016+01	\N	\N	\N	f	f	\N
176	346	632	2016-01-06 17:32:43.495447+01				f	f	
180	406	768	2016-01-06 18:33:27.013519+01				f	f	
181	421	768	2016-01-06 19:02:49.017239+01				f	f	
183	550	1627	2016-01-08 11:29:41.714794+01				f	f	
188	335	493	2016-01-14 17:38:34.950801+01				f	f	
178	300	590	2016-01-06 17:57:55.887243+01				f	f	
187	411	730	2016-01-14 16:56:21.200397+01				f	f	
186	550	1627	2016-01-13 22:23:52.425701+01				f	f	

-- Data for Name: hosting_railsbetauser; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY hosting_railsbetauser (id, email, received_date) FROM stdin;

-- Name: hosting_railsbetauser_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('hosting_railsbetauser_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: membership_creditcards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY membership_creditcards (id, name, card_number, expiry_date, ccv, payment_type, user_id_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: membership_creditcards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('membership_creditcards_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: membership_customuser; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY membership_customuser (id, password, last_login, name, email, validated, validation_slug) FROM stdin;
1	pbkdf2_sha256$24000$C5QxZOa6JSeJ$i5OIRZkcYbmO4xglmuhPEwJsYiOjptVbRQr+PSK0Ofc=	\N	t	t@t.com	0	!X3Xg4JisjCkNXagGT4IQtLRyEvwqL1knGThcWnbS
3	pbkdf2_sha256$24000$P5oDW00MVnj5$kStiL0IxDl+PglE0Q7OVvqoh4XVJ6HetkkDsE2MrrmQ=	\N	t	ttt@gmail.com	0	!nBUAXG13EomfV9v7YqMP3D1rS1OfrFLWMQcpGhpg
4	pbkdf2_sha256$24000$ImjEVZytjHOh$sbE10ZNoXY85O9jTOjSbBFIdyXJjXBkTFZy4BfWGjY8=	\N	t	tttt@gmail.com	0	!zxkFceRaprvGrLCdL3HEaGLovju2Qe438Bi4GR8b
5	pbkdf2_sha256$24000$jWDux6xrNPpm$bTiJNyW8xssj9dJRe2+dBmibYO7ph1AwFWsevFSozFM=	\N	t	ttttt@gmail.com	0	!W3xM6KkxahPmaH9YpLIjxQY7TYrNP9m5AXjKK3Lu
2	pbkdf2_sha256$24000$Iwx1GdVZ4g3P$bWuXpmW6QHTLhrErTU4A5IKcQQpzNRqFpEw775y5Bnk=	2016-03-25 18:00:17.35475+01	tt	tt@t.com	0	!ZCBF2fbpBK0QlPYGIXMR28OwHGw390APGbIoSjS8

-- Name: membership_customuser_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('membership_customuser_id_seq', 5, true);

-- Data for Name: menus_cachekey; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

COPY menus_cachekey (id, language, site, key) FROM stdin;
4	en-us	1	menu_cache_menu_nodes_en-us_1_2_user

-- Name: menus_cachekey_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('menus_cachekey_id_seq', 4, true);

-- Data for Name: railshosting_railsbetauser; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY railshosting_railsbetauser (id, email, received_date) FROM stdin;
1	info@renuo.ch	2015-06-25 00:34:03.436018+02
2	babedream312@gmx.de	2015-07-23 12:46:59+02

-- Name: railshosting_railsbetauser_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('railshosting_railsbetauser_id_seq', 2, true);

-- Data for Name: reversion_revision; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY reversion_revision (id, manager_slug, date_created, comment, user_id) FROM stdin;
1	default	2015-06-12 18:53:01.637515+02	Initial version.	1
2	default	2015-06-12 19:05:57.126279+02	Initial version.	1
4	default	2015-06-12 19:14:13.048438+02	Changed template and xframe_options.	1
119	default	2015-10-04 19:59:12.292473+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	1
6	default	2015-06-12 22:03:12.514876+02	Changed page_title.	1
120	default	2015-10-04 19:59:41.370007+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	1
8	default	2015-06-12 22:06:13.563737+02	Changed menu_title and page_title.	1
9	default	2015-06-12 22:06:55.930234+02	Changed page_title.	1
121	default	2015-10-04 20:00:02.492971+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_glarus	1
11	default	2015-06-12 22:17:24.401903+02	Changed page_title.	1
122	default	2015-10-04 20:01:41.398138+02	Changed xframe_options.	1
13	default	2015-06-13 15:08:13.293802+02	Template changed to Blog	1
123	default	2015-10-04 20:05:38.229734+02	Initial version.	1
17	default	2015-06-14 05:14:35.039665+02	Changed meta_description.	1
262	default	2015-11-15 01:56:41.442053+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
19	default	2015-06-14 05:43:15.812565+02	Changed xframe_options.	1
20	default	2015-06-14 05:43:22.048074+02	No fields changed.	1
264	default	2015-11-15 02:04:49.983036+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
266	default	2015-11-15 02:21:47.099657+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
23	default	2015-06-15 15:54:36.304988+02	Publish	1
24	default	2015-06-15 16:05:44.501874+02	Publish	1
25	default	2015-06-16 10:02:34.802098+02	Publish	1
26	default	2015-06-16 10:09:30.848891+02	Publish	1
27	default	2015-06-16 10:21:40.899986+02	Publish	1
28	default	2015-09-30 05:28:35.597671+02	Publish	1
29	default	2015-10-04 18:53:42.54729+02	Initial version.	1
268	default	2015-11-15 02:22:15.361325+01	Publish	1
270	default	2015-11-15 02:23:21.0296+01	Publish	1
272	default	2015-11-15 02:24:40.921427+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
274	default	2015-11-21 17:33:52.214317+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
276	default	2015-11-21 17:34:43.41704+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
278	default	2015-11-21 17:36:27.387661+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
280	default	2015-11-25 07:19:53.782368+01	Initial version.	1
372	default	2015-11-25 21:15:59.738817+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
374	default	2015-11-25 21:17:13.392532+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
376	default	2015-11-25 21:18:11.430701+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
378	default	2015-11-25 21:19:39.206631+01	Link plugin added to digitalglarus_why_us	1
380	default	2015-11-29 15:55:24.830429+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_legend	1
146	default	2015-10-04 20:15:40.604136+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_contact	1
147	default	2015-10-04 20:16:04.985583+02	Text plugin added to digital_glarus_contact_content	1
148	default	2015-10-04 20:16:13.636627+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_contact_content	1
149	default	2015-10-04 20:16:23.137603+02	Text plugin added to digital_glarus_contact_information	1
150	default	2015-10-04 20:17:05.846299+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_contact_information	1
151	default	2015-10-04 20:17:33.905948+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_contact_content	1
152	default	2015-10-04 20:54:49.273959+02	Initial version.	1
382	default	2015-11-29 15:55:56.993361+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_legend	1
384	default	2015-11-29 15:56:35.774616+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_legend	1
386	default	2015-11-29 15:57:26.570865+01	Publish	1
388	default	2015-11-29 19:45:41.47572+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_legend	1
390	default	2015-11-29 19:47:44.99648+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_legend	1
392	default	2015-11-29 19:48:18.037565+01	Publish	1
394	default	2015-11-29 19:48:45.266076+01	Publish	1
64	default	2015-10-04 19:26:43.236708+02	template und xframe_options geändert.	1
65	default	2015-10-04 19:27:18.644442+02	Template changed to Blog	1
66	default	2015-10-04 19:27:41.637288+02	Publish	1
396	default	2015-11-29 19:49:11.080574+01	Publish	1
398	default	2015-12-02 00:40:41.87119+01	Publish	1
400	default	2015-12-02 00:41:08.361578+01	Publish	1
402	default	2015-12-02 00:41:49.754746+01	Publish	1
404	default	2015-12-02 00:43:34.320764+01	Changed slug.	1
406	default	2015-12-02 00:43:53.264396+01	Publish	1
408	default	2015-12-02 05:09:11.01606+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
410	default	2015-12-15 16:18:12.878405+01	Publish	1
412	default	2016-01-29 20:50:41.146912+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_contact_information	1
80	default	2015-10-04 19:45:05.490228+02	Initial version.	1
113	default	2015-10-04 19:56:45.585573+02	Text plugin at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price was deleted.	1
114	default	2015-10-04 19:57:08.359461+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
115	default	2015-10-04 19:57:24.923974+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	1
116	default	2015-10-04 19:57:41.619984+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	1
117	default	2015-10-04 19:58:09.158189+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	1
118	default	2015-10-04 19:58:54.913184+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	1
261	default	2015-11-15 01:55:56.851277+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
263	default	2015-11-15 01:57:39.220029+01	Publish	1
265	default	2015-11-15 02:21:17.541396+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
267	default	2015-11-15 02:22:00.939147+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
269	default	2015-11-15 02:23:07.39537+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
271	default	2015-11-15 02:24:09.458824+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
273	default	2015-11-15 02:24:50.028463+01	Publish	1
275	default	2015-11-21 17:34:09.930657+01	Publish	1
277	default	2015-11-21 17:34:48.928339+01	Publish	1
279	default	2015-11-21 17:36:50.919289+01	Publish	1
371	default	2015-11-25 21:15:47.066741+01	Link plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
373	default	2015-11-25 21:16:53.359283+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
375	default	2015-11-25 21:17:31.677838+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
377	default	2015-11-25 21:18:38.284986+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digitalglarus_why_us	1
381	default	2015-11-29 15:55:34.787686+01	Publish	1
383	default	2015-11-29 15:56:18.33418+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_legend	1
385	default	2015-11-29 15:57:13.664845+01	Publish	1
387	default	2015-11-29 19:45:25.450976+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_legend	1
389	default	2015-11-29 19:47:28.751752+01	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_legend	1
187	default	2015-10-05 00:43:26.189751+02	Initial version.	1
188	default	2015-10-05 00:43:48.045386+02	Changed template and xframe_options.	1
189	default	2015-10-05 00:44:36.003855+02	Changed overwrite_url and xframe_options.	1
192	default	2015-10-05 01:27:27.203111+02	Publish	1
193	default	2015-10-05 01:27:38.638013+02	Publish	1
391	default	2015-11-29 19:47:55.297528+01	Publish	1
195	default	2015-10-05 01:28:36.652854+02	Changed menu_title.	1
196	default	2015-10-05 01:28:50.068387+02	Changed menu_title.	1
393	default	2015-11-29 19:48:33.921586+01	Publish	1
198	default	2015-10-05 01:29:24.882138+02	Changed title and menu_title.	1
199	default	2015-10-05 01:29:34.205404+02	Publish	1
200	default	2015-10-05 01:29:41.599102+02	Publish	1
201	default	2015-10-05 01:29:48.659227+02	Publish	1
395	default	2015-11-29 19:48:56.77275+01	Publish	1
203	default	2015-10-05 01:34:04.66536+02	Changed overwrite_url and xframe_options.	1
204	default	2015-10-05 01:34:15.705006+02	Publish	1
205	default	2015-10-05 01:35:54.28939+02	Changed soft_root and xframe_options.	1
206	default	2015-10-05 01:36:02.077944+02	Publish	1
207	default	2015-10-05 01:38:38.715906+02	No fields changed.	1
208	default	2015-10-05 01:38:41.592333+02	Publish	1
209	default	2015-10-05 01:39:11.977482+02	Changed menu_title.	1
210	default	2015-10-05 01:39:22.611441+02	Publish	1
211	default	2015-10-05 01:39:40.10288+02	Changed menu_title.	1
212	default	2015-10-05 01:39:51.490206+02	Publish	1
397	default	2015-12-02 00:40:23.680434+01	Changed slug.	1
399	default	2015-12-02 00:40:47.533127+01	Publish	1
215	default	2015-10-05 01:41:01.848038+02	Changed xframe_options.	1
216	default	2015-10-05 01:41:10.055288+02	Publish	1
217	default	2015-10-05 01:47:25.951277+02	Changed slug.	1
218	default	2015-10-05 01:47:36.097248+02	Changed slug.	1
219	default	2015-10-05 01:56:07.400299+02	Changed reverse_id and xframe_options.	1
220	default	2015-10-05 01:56:15.692361+02	Publish	1
221	default	2015-10-05 01:56:23.080917+02	Publish	1
222	default	2015-10-05 03:46:26.261965+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_contact_information	1
223	default	2015-10-05 03:46:46.135426+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_contact_information	1
224	default	2015-10-05 03:46:51.293912+02	Publish	1
225	default	2015-10-05 03:47:21.792916+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_contact_information	1
226	default	2015-10-05 03:47:27.459774+02	Publish	1
227	default	2015-10-05 03:48:02.427355+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_contact_information	1
228	default	2015-10-05 03:48:08.190395+02	Publish	1
229	default	2015-10-10 21:00:40.64888+02	Changed soft_root and xframe_options.	1
230	default	2015-10-13 15:34:07.730893+02	Changed overwrite_url and xframe_options.	1
231	default	2015-10-13 15:34:45.173513+02	Publish	1
232	default	2015-10-13 15:35:07.368795+02	Changed slug.	1
233	default	2015-10-13 15:35:27.472797+02	Publish	1
234	default	2015-10-13 15:35:55.892039+02	Changed xframe_options.	1
235	default	2015-10-13 15:36:40.956878+02	Changed slug.	1
236	default	2015-10-13 15:36:49.627718+02	Publish	1
401	default	2015-12-02 00:41:38.499468+01	Changed slug.	1
403	default	2015-12-02 00:43:25.209859+01	Changed slug.	1
239	default	2015-10-13 15:59:35.314182+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	1
240	default	2015-10-13 16:02:20.016954+02	Text plugin edited at position 0 in digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	1
241	default	2015-10-27 20:12:29.333974+01	Publish	1
242	default	2015-11-04 22:54:05.950142+01	Changed title, slug, menu_title and page_title.	1
243	default	2015-11-04 22:54:19.699074+01	Changed meta_description.	1
244	default	2015-11-04 22:54:23.123864+01	No fields changed.	1
405	default	2015-12-02 00:43:41.786663+01	No fields changed.	1
407	default	2015-12-02 00:44:05.581628+01	Publish	1
409	default	2015-12-02 05:09:19.498186+01	Publish	1
411	default	2015-12-15 16:18:47.585519+01	Publish	1
255	default	2015-11-15 01:43:27.297689+01	Publish	1
413	default	2016-02-28 16:08:34.439401+01	Initial version.	1
414	default	2016-02-28 16:12:18.382316+01	Initial version.	1
415	default	2016-03-25 18:00:41.957062+01	Changed template, navigation_extenders, application_configs and xframe_options.	2
416	default	2016-03-25 18:06:38.859471+01	Initial version.	2
417	default	2016-03-25 18:07:05.308089+01	Changed navigation_extenders, application_urls, application_namespace, application_configs and xframe_options.	2
418	default	2016-03-25 18:07:11.75536+01	Publish	2
419	default	2016-03-25 18:39:36.002286+01	Changed template and xframe_options.	2
420	default	2016-03-25 18:40:32.359935+01	Changed template, navigation_extenders, application_urls, application_namespace, application_configs and xframe_options.	2

-- Name: reversion_revision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('reversion_revision_id_seq', 420, true);

-- Data for Name: reversion_version; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

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10089	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>.<iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	373
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7895	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	272
7896	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	272
11112	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	403
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5392	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "home", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-home", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digital-glarus-home, en-us)	16	207
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7897	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	272
7898	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	272
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7902	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	272
7903	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:07.287Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	272
7904	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	272
7905	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	272
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7908	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	272
7909	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	272
7910	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	272
7911	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	272
7912	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	272
7913	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	272
7914	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	272
7915	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	272
7916	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	272
10091	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "meetup", "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/"}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	374
3676	195	195	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "\\n<iframe width=\\"100%\\" height=\\"400\\" src=\\"//maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=46.969959,9.039001&amp;spn=56.506174,79.013672&amp;t=m&amp;z=12&amp;output=embed\\" scrolling=\\"no\\" frameborder=\\"0\\"></iframe>"}, "pk": 195}]		35	150
10092	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus"}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	374
11145	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	405
7917	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><p></p><hr><p></p></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	272
7918	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	272
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7920	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	272
7921	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	272
7922	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	272
7923	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	272
7924	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:24:40.704Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	272
7925	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	272
10093	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.576Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:16:53.460Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-11-25T07:04:21.089Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": null, "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050004", "application_urls": null, "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 15}]	jazz	11	374
10094	532	532	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E", "position": 0, "numchild": 3, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:17:13.166Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:36:07.172Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 532}]	532	10	374
10095	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0001", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	374
11146	537	537	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:11.193Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:06:27.105Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 1, "path": "008G"}, "pk": 537}]	537	10	405
11147	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	405
3677	196	196	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 196}]	The Swiss IT...	35	150
5949	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	219
6677	34	34	json	[{"pk": 34, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	239
11148	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	405
5393	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "Startseite", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "path": "digital-glarus-startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "redirect": null, "slug": "digital-glarus-startseite", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digital-glarus-startseite, de)	16	207
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5381	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "page_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 6}]	page_content	9	203
5821	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	217
5822	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"parent": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 3, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:47:25.866Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-home", "is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "0005", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "languages": "en-us,de", "depth": 1, "soft_root": true, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 5}]	home	11	217
5823	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	217
5824	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 161}]	The Swiss IT...	35	217
5825	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 162}]	The Swiss IT...	35	217
7562	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	264
7563	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	264
7564	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	264
7565	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	264
7566	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	264
7567	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	264
7568	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	264
7605	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	265
7606	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	265
7607	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	265
7608	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	265
7609	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	265
7746	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	268
1582	64	64	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 64}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	80
1583	65	65	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 65}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	80
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1586	7	7	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-about", "redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.433Z", "page": 6, "language": "en-us", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - About", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.about", "meta_description": "The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-about", "title": "Digital Glarus - About"}, "pk": 7}]	Digital Glarus - About (digital-glarus-about, en-us)	16	80
1587	58	58	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 58}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	80
1588	59	59	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 59}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	80
1589	60	60	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 60}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	80
1590	61	61	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 61}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	80
1591	62	62	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 62}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	80
1592	63	63	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 63}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	80
5382	3	3	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "Blog", "title": "Blog", "page_title": "ungleich Blog", "meta_description": "on OpenSource, technology, our passion and interests...", "path": "blog", "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.066Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "blog", "published": true, "page": 3, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 3}]	Blog (blog, en-us)	16	204
5383	3	3	json	[{"fields": {"parent": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 0, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": false, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [6], "application_namespace": "djangocms_blog", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:34:15.627Z", "publication_date": "2015-06-12T17:17:49.261Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "is_home": true, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "0003", "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.028Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "BlogApp", "template": "cms/ungleichch/blog.html", "languages": "en-us", "depth": 1, "soft_root": false, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 3}]	Blog	11	204
5384	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "page_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 6}]	page_content	9	204
5826	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "path": "0012", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 163}]	163	10	217
5827	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	217
5828	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "path": "0014", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 165}]	165	10	217
5829	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	217
5830	39	39	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	217
5831	31	31	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	217
5832	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	217
7747	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	268
7804	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	270
5385	3	3	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "Blog", "title": "Blog", "page_title": "ungleich Blog", "meta_description": "on OpenSource, technology, our passion and interests...", "path": "blog", "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.066Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "blog", "published": true, "page": 3, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 3}]	Blog (blog, en-us)	16	205
5429	37	37	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	207
5386	3	3	json	[{"fields": {"parent": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 0, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": false, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [6], "application_namespace": "djangocms_blog", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:35:54.232Z", "publication_date": "2015-06-12T17:17:49.261Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "is_home": true, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "0003", "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.028Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "BlogApp", "template": "cms/ungleichch/blog.html", "languages": "en-us", "depth": 1, "soft_root": true, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 3}]	Blog	11	205
5387	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "page_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 6}]	page_content	9	205
5833	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "path": "0018", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 170}]	170	10	217
5834	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	217
5835	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	217
5836	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "path": "001B", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 173}]	173	10	217
5837	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "path": "000W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 157}]	157	10	217
5838	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	217
5839	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "path": "000X", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 158}]	158	10	217
5840	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	217
5841	36	36	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	217
5842	35	35	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	217
5843	32	32	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	217
5844	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "path": "0010", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 161}]	161	10	217
5845	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Z", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 160}]	160	10	217
5846	34	34	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 34}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	217
5847	37	37	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	217
5848	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	217
5849	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "path": "0013", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 164}]	164	10	217
5850	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Y", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 159}]	159	10	217
5851	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	217
5852	33	33	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	217
5388	3	3	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "Blog", "title": "Blog", "page_title": "ungleich Blog", "meta_description": "on OpenSource, technology, our passion and interests...", "path": "blog", "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.066Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "blog", "published": true, "page": 3, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 3}]	Blog (blog, en-us)	16	206
2799	185	185	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE LANDSCHAFT\\n"}, "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	116
5389	3	3	json	[{"fields": {"parent": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 0, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": false, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [6], "application_namespace": "djangocms_blog", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:36:02.001Z", "publication_date": "2015-06-12T17:17:49.261Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "is_home": true, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "0003", "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.028Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "BlogApp", "template": "cms/ungleichch/blog.html", "languages": "en-us", "depth": 1, "soft_root": true, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 3}]	Blog	11	206
5390	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "page_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 6}]	page_content	9	206
5853	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	217
5854	38	38	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 38}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	217
5855	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	217
5856	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "path": "0015", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 166}]	166	10	217
5919	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	219
5920	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 161}]	The Swiss IT...	35	219
5921	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 162}]	The Swiss IT...	35	219
5922	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "path": "0012", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 163}]	163	10	219
5923	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	219
5924	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "path": "0014", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 165}]	165	10	219
5925	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	219
5926	39	39	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	219
5927	31	31	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	219
5928	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	219
5929	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "path": "0018", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 170}]	170	10	219
5391	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "path": "0019", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 171}]	171	10	207
5394	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "path": "0011", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 162}]	162	10	207
5395	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "path": "001A", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 172}]	172	10	207
5396	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	207
5397	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "path": "000S", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 153}]	153	10	207
5398	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	207
5399	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "path": "000T", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 154}]	154	10	207
5400	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "path": "000U", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 155}]	155	10	207
5401	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "path": "000V", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 156}]	156	10	207
5402	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	207
5403	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	207
5404	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"parent": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 3, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:38:38.634Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-home", "is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "0005", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "languages": "en-us,de", "depth": 1, "soft_root": true, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 5}]	home	11	207
5857	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "path": "0019", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 171}]	171	10	218
5941	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Z", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 160}]	160	10	219
5405	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	207
5406	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 161}]	The Swiss IT...	35	207
5430	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	207
5408	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "path": "0012", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 163}]	163	10	207
5409	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	207
5410	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "path": "0014", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 165}]	165	10	207
5411	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	207
5412	39	39	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	207
5413	31	31	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	207
5414	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	207
5415	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "path": "0018", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 170}]	170	10	207
5416	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	207
5417	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	207
5418	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "path": "001B", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 173}]	173	10	207
5419	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "path": "000W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 157}]	157	10	207
5420	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	207
5421	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "path": "000X", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 158}]	158	10	207
5422	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	207
5423	36	36	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	207
5424	35	35	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	207
5425	32	32	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	207
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11385	756	756	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 756, "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}}]	PREISWERT	35	419
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5433	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	207
5434	33	33	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	207
5435	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	207
5436	38	38	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 38}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	207
5437	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	207
5438	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "path": "0015", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 166}]	166	10	207
5858	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "home", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digitalglarus", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus, en-us)	16	218
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5862	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	218
5863	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "path": "000S", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 153}]	153	10	218
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986	3	3	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "parent": null, "application_urls": "BlogApp", "publication_date": "2015-06-12T17:17:49.261Z", "path": "0003", "changed_by": "ungleich", "template": "cms/ungleichch/blog.html", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:26:42.920Z", "placeholders": [6], "in_navigation": false, "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.028Z", "soft_root": false, "publication_end_date": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "application_namespace": "djangocms_blog", "depth": 1, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "reverse_id": null, "languages": "en-us", "login_required": false}, "pk": 3}]	Blog	11	64
987	6	6	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "page_content"}, "pk": 6}]	page_content	9	64
5439	34	34	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 34}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	208
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5441	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "Startseite", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "path": "digital-glarus-startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "redirect": null, "slug": "digital-glarus-startseite", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digital-glarus-startseite, de)	16	208
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5443	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "home", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-home", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digital-glarus-home, en-us)	16	208
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5445	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "path": "0019", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 171}]	171	10	208
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5447	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	208
5448	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	208
5449	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "path": "000U", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 155}]	155	10	208
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5942	34	34	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 34}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	219
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7598	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	265
5944	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	219
988	3	3	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "blog", "redirect": "", "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.066Z", "page": 3, "language": "en-us", "page_title": "ungleich Blog", "menu_title": "Blog", "meta_description": "on OpenSource, technology, our passion and interests...", "published": true, "slug": "blog", "title": "Blog"}, "pk": 3}]	Blog (blog, en-us)	16	65
989	3	3	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "parent": null, "application_urls": "BlogApp", "publication_date": "2015-06-12T17:17:49.261Z", "path": "0003", "changed_by": "ungleich", "template": "cms/ungleichch/blog.html", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:27:18.505Z", "placeholders": [6], "in_navigation": false, "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.028Z", "soft_root": false, "publication_end_date": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "application_namespace": "djangocms_blog", "depth": 1, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "reverse_id": null, "languages": "en-us", "login_required": false}, "pk": 3}]	Blog	11	65
990	6	6	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "page_content"}, "pk": 6}]	page_content	9	65
5452	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	208
5453	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	208
5455	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "path": "0010", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 161}]	161	10	208
5456	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 162}]	The Swiss IT...	35	208
5457	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "path": "0012", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 163}]	163	10	208
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5461	39	39	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	208
5462	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	208
5463	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	208
5464	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	208
5465	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	208
5466	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	208
5467	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	208
5950	38	38	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 38}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	219
7926	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	273
991	3	3	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "blog", "redirect": "", "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.066Z", "page": 3, "language": "en-us", "page_title": "ungleich Blog", "menu_title": "Blog", "meta_description": "on OpenSource, technology, our passion and interests...", "published": true, "slug": "blog", "title": "Blog"}, "pk": 3}]	Blog (blog, en-us)	16	66
992	3	3	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "parent": null, "application_urls": "BlogApp", "publication_date": "2015-06-12T17:17:49.261Z", "path": "0003", "changed_by": "ungleich", "template": "cms/ungleichch/blog.html", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:27:41.541Z", "placeholders": [6], "in_navigation": false, "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.028Z", "soft_root": false, "publication_end_date": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "application_namespace": "djangocms_blog", "depth": 1, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "reverse_id": null, "languages": "en-us", "login_required": false}, "pk": 3}]	Blog	11	66
993	6	6	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "page_content"}, "pk": 6}]	page_content	9	66
5468	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	208
5469	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "path": "000X", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 158}]	158	10	208
5470	31	31	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	208
5471	36	36	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	208
5472	35	35	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	208
5473	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	208
5474	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 161}]	The Swiss IT...	35	208
5475	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "path": "0011", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 162}]	162	10	208
5476	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	208
5477	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	208
5478	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Y", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 159}]	159	10	208
5479	37	37	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	208
5480	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	208
5481	32	32	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	208
5482	33	33	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	208
5483	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "path": "000W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 157}]	157	10	208
5951	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	219
5484	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "path": "0015", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 166}]	166	10	208
5485	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "path": "0018", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 170}]	170	10	208
5486	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	208
5864	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	218
5865	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "path": "000T", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 154}]	154	10	218
5866	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "path": "000U", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 155}]	155	10	218
5867	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "path": "000V", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 156}]	156	10	218
5868	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	218
5869	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	218
5870	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"parent": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 3, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:47:36.016Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-home", "is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "0005", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "languages": "en-us,de", "depth": 1, "soft_root": true, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 5}]	home	11	218
5871	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	218
5872	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 161}]	The Swiss IT...	35	218
5873	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 162}]	The Swiss IT...	35	218
5874	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "path": "0012", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 163}]	163	10	218
5945	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "path": "0013", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 164}]	164	10	219
6678	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.page", "fields": {"languages": "en-us,de", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_urls": "", "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "is_home": false, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "login_required": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "path": "0005", "revision_id": 0, "numchild": 3, "publication_end_date": null, "soft_root": true, "changed_by": "ungleich", "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-page", "navigation_extenders": "", "site": 1, "parent": null, "in_navigation": true, "changed_date": "2015-10-13T13:36:49.657Z", "application_namespace": null, "depth": 1, "created_by": "ungleich"}}]	home	11	239
6679	6	6	json	[{"pk": 6, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "de", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus-startseite", "page": 5, "menu_title": "Startseite", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite"}}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus-startseite, de)	16	239
6680	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "de", "path": "001A", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	172	10	239
6681	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "en-us", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus-home", "page": 5, "menu_title": "home", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "path": "digitalglarus-home"}}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus-home, en-us)	16	239
6682	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "de", "path": "001B", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	173	10	239
6683	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "de", "path": "0019", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	171	10	239
6684	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "en-us", "path": "000S", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-13T13:59:35.065Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	153	10	239
6685	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" width=\\"220\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/en/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\" height=\\"330\\"></iframe>"}}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	239
6686	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	Build a tech...	35	239
6687	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "en-us", "path": "000U", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	155	10	239
6688	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "en-us", "path": "000V", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	156	10	239
6689	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "en-us", "path": "000T", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	154	10	239
6690	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}}]	The current de-facto...	35	239
6691	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}}]	Wherewe are	35	239
6692	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Z", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	160	10	239
6693	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "en-us", "path": "0010", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	161	10	239
6694	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	239
6695	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "de", "path": "0012", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	163	10	239
6696	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "de", "path": "0013", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	164	10	239
6697	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "de", "path": "0014", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	165	10	239
6698	38	38	json	[{"pk": 38, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	239
6699	39	39	json	[{"pk": 39, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	239
6700	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	a new area	35	239
6701	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	239
6702	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	239
6703	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}}]	WO SIND WIR	35	239
6722	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "de", "path": "0015", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	166	10	239
6704	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}}]	Der erste grosse...	35	239
6705	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}}]	Why would anyone...	35	239
6706	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}}]	While you can...	35	239
6707	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "en-us", "path": "000X", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	158	10	239
6708	31	31	json	[{"pk": 31, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	239
6709	36	36	json	[{"pk": 36, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	239
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6711	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}}]	At the moment...	35	239
6712	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	239
6713	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "de", "path": "0011", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	162	10	239
6714	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	239
7599	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	265
6715	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	239
6716	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Y", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	159	10	239
6717	37	37	json	[{"pk": 37, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	239
6718	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	239
6719	32	32	json	[{"pk": 32, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	239
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5804	33	33	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	216
6723	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "de", "path": "0018", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	170	10	239
6724	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	239
10096	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	374
10097	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "", "language": "en-us", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	374
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6725	34	34	json	[{"pk": 34, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	240
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6728	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "de", "path": "001A", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	172	10	240
6729	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "en-us", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus-home", "page": 5, "menu_title": "home", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "path": "digitalglarus-home"}}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus-home, en-us)	16	240
6730	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "de", "path": "001B", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	173	10	240
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6732	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "en-us", "path": "000S", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-13T14:02:19.803Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	153	10	240
8141	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	278
6733	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	240
6734	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	Build a tech...	35	240
6735	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "en-us", "path": "000U", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	155	10	240
6736	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "en-us", "path": "000V", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	156	10	240
6737	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "en-us", "path": "000T", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	154	10	240
6738	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}}]	The current de-facto...	35	240
6739	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}}]	Wherewe are	35	240
6740	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Z", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	160	10	240
6741	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "en-us", "path": "0010", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	161	10	240
6742	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	240
6743	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "de", "path": "0012", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	163	10	240
6744	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "de", "path": "0013", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	164	10	240
6745	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "de", "path": "0014", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	165	10	240
6746	38	38	json	[{"pk": 38, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	240
6747	39	39	json	[{"pk": 39, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	240
6748	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	a new area	35	240
6749	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	240
6750	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	240
6751	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}}]	WO SIND WIR	35	240
6770	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "de", "path": "0015", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	166	10	240
6771	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "de", "path": "0018", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	170	10	240
5282	179	179	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	200
6752	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}}]	Der erste grosse...	35	240
6753	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}}]	Why would anyone...	35	240
6754	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}}]	While you can...	35	240
6755	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "en-us", "path": "000X", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	158	10	240
6756	31	31	json	[{"pk": 31, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	240
6757	36	36	json	[{"pk": 36, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	240
6758	35	35	json	[{"pk": 35, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	240
6759	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}}]	At the moment...	35	240
6760	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	240
6761	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "de", "path": "0011", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	162	10	240
6762	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	240
7639	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	266
6763	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	240
6764	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Y", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	159	10	240
6765	37	37	json	[{"pk": 37, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	240
6766	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	240
6767	32	32	json	[{"pk": 32, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	240
6768	33	33	json	[{"pk": 33, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	240
6769	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "en-us", "path": "000W", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	157	10	240
11137	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 183}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	404
6772	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	240
10098	537	537	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008G", "position": 0, "numchild": 1, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:59.537Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:06:27.105Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 537}]	537	10	374
10099	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "language": "de", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	374
10100	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream"}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	374
10101	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0004", "position": 2, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	374
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10103	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "meetup.com", "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/"}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	374
10104	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	374
10105	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 176}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	374
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5487	179	179	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	209
10107	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 178}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	374
10108	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	374
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6773	3	3	json	[{"pk": 3, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "en-us", "published": true, "slug": "blog", "page": 3, "menu_title": "Blog", "has_url_overwrite": true, "title": "Blog", "meta_description": "on OpenSource, technology, our passion and interests...", "page_title": "ungleich Blog", "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.066Z", "path": "blog"}}]	Blog (blog, en-us)	16	241
6774	3	3	json	[{"pk": 3, "model": "cms.page", "fields": {"languages": "en-us", "template": "cms/ungleichch/blog.html", "placeholders": [6], "application_urls": "BlogApp", "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "is_home": true, "publication_date": "2015-06-12T17:17:49.261Z", "login_required": false, "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.028Z", "path": "0003", "revision_id": 0, "numchild": 0, "publication_end_date": null, "soft_root": false, "changed_by": "ungleich", "reverse_id": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "site": 1, "parent": null, "in_navigation": false, "changed_date": "2015-10-27T19:12:29.219Z", "application_namespace": "djangocms_blog", "depth": 1, "created_by": "ungleich"}}]	Blog	11	241
6775	6	6	json	[{"pk": 6, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "page_content", "default_width": null}}]	page_content	9	241
10111	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	374
10112	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 183}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	374
10113	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	374
7478	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	262
7479	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	262
7480	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	262
7481	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	262
10114	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>.<iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	374
10115	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	374
10907	183	183	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	396
10908	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p style=\\"text-align: center;\\">WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	396
10909	185	185	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	396
10910	58	58	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 58}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	396
10911	59	59	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 59}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	396
10912	60	60	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 60}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	396
10913	61	61	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 61}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	396
10914	62	62	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 62}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	396
10915	181	181	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 181}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	396
10916	64	64	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 64}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	396
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10919	67	67	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 67}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	396
10920	68	68	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us_content"}, "pk": 68}]	digitalglarus_why_us_content	9	396
6776	3	3	json	[{"fields": {"redirect": "", "has_url_overwrite": true, "page_title": "ungleich Blog", "meta_description": "on OpenSource, technology, our passion and interests...", "published": true, "menu_title": "Blog", "title": "Blog", "language": "en-us", "path": "blog", "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.066Z", "slug": "blog", "page": 3}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 3}]	Blog (blog, en-us)	16	242
6777	3	3	json	[{"fields": {"publication_date": "2015-06-12T17:17:49.261Z", "parent": null, "changed_date": "2015-11-04T21:54:05.652Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "is_home": true, "path": "0003", "navigation_extenders": "", "revision_id": 0, "soft_root": false, "placeholders": [6], "languages": "en-us,de", "application_urls": "BlogApp", "login_required": false, "depth": 1, "xframe_options": 0, "reverse_id": null, "in_navigation": false, "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.028Z", "application_namespace": "djangocms_blog", "publication_end_date": null, "template": "cms/ungleichch/blog.html", "changed_by": "ungleich"}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 3}]	Blog	11	242
6778	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "page_content"}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 6}]	page_content	9	242
6779	23	23	json	[{"fields": {"redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "page_title": "ungleich blog", "meta_description": "", "published": false, "menu_title": "blog", "title": "blog", "language": "de", "path": "", "creation_date": "2015-11-04T21:54:05.650Z", "slug": "blog", "page": 3}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 23}]	blog (blog, de)	16	242
10116	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "meetup", "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/"}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	375
7482	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	262
7483	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	262
7484	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	262
7485	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	262
7486	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	262
7487	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<h4>\\nLASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!\\n</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!\\n\\nEs ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen.\\n\\nWir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).\\n\\nWir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).\\n\\nFalls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	262
7488	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	262
7489	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	262
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7493	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:56:41.098Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	262
7494	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	262
7495	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	262
6780	3	3	json	[{"fields": {"redirect": "", "has_url_overwrite": true, "page_title": "ungleich Blog", "meta_description": "on OpenSource, technology, our passion and interests...", "published": true, "menu_title": "Blog", "title": "Blog", "language": "en-us", "path": "blog", "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.066Z", "slug": "blog", "page": 3}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 3}]	Blog (blog, en-us)	16	243
6781	3	3	json	[{"fields": {"publication_date": "2015-06-12T17:17:49.261Z", "parent": null, "changed_date": "2015-11-04T21:54:19.638Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "is_home": true, "path": "0003", "navigation_extenders": "", "revision_id": 0, "soft_root": false, "placeholders": [6], "languages": "en-us,de", "application_urls": "BlogApp", "login_required": false, "depth": 1, "xframe_options": 0, "reverse_id": null, "in_navigation": false, "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "creation_date": "2015-06-12T17:05:57.028Z", "application_namespace": "djangocms_blog", "publication_end_date": null, "template": "cms/ungleichch/blog.html", "changed_by": "ungleich"}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 3}]	Blog	11	243
6782	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "page_content"}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 6}]	page_content	9	243
6783	23	23	json	[{"fields": {"redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "page_title": "ungleich blog", "meta_description": "on OpenSource, technology, our passion and interests...", "published": false, "menu_title": "blog", "title": "blog", "language": "de", "path": "", "creation_date": "2015-11-04T21:54:05.650Z", "slug": "blog", "page": 3}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 23}]	blog (blog, de)	16	243
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5489	7	7	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "about", "title": "Digital Glarus - About", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - About", "meta_description": "The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13", "path": "digitalglarus/digital-glarus-about", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.433Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-about", "published": true, "page": 6, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 7}]	Digital Glarus - About (digital-glarus-about, en-us)	16	209
5490	8	8	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "\\u00dcber uns", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "path": "digital-glarus-startseite/digital-glarus-uber-uns", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "redirect": null, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "published": false, "page": 6, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	209
5491	188	188	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 71, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:59:12.135Z", "position": 0, "path": "001Q", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:28.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 188}]	188	10	209
5492	174	174	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 174}]	The Swiss IT...	35	209
5493	175	175	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 67, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "position": 0, "path": "001D", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 175}]	175	10	209
5494	176	176	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	209
5495	180	180	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	209
5496	70	70	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 70}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	209
5497	177	177	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	209
5498	178	178	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	209
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5500	175	175	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	209
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5506	181	181	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 181}]	The Swiss IT...	35	209
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2734	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "page": 6, "language": "de", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.\\u00fcber.uns", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns"}, "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	115
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2737	175	175	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	115
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2739	180	180	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	115
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2742	174	174	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 174}]	The Swiss IT...	35	115
2743	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001D", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 175}]	175	10	115
2744	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	115
2745	177	177	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	115
2746	178	178	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	115
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7936	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	273
7937	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	273
7938	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	273
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2750	182	182	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	115
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2647	180	180	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	113
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2774	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>PREISWERT</p>\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	115
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2660	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	113
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2682	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>PREISWERT</p>\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	113
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2752	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	115
2753	185	185	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE LANDSCHAFT\\n"}, "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	115
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2759	181	181	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 181}]	The Swiss IT...	35	115
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5524	71	71	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 71}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	209
5525	72	72	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 72}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	209
5526	183	183	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	209
5527	184	184	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 69, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:00:01.920Z", "position": 0, "path": "001M", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:08.645Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 184}]	184	10	209
5528	185	185	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	209
5529	182	182	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	209
5530	187	187	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN <small>NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 187}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	209
5531	188	188	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	209
5532	187	187	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 72, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:59:41.183Z", "position": 0, "path": "001P", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:10.917Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 187}]	187	10	209
5875	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	218
5876	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "path": "0014", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 165}]	165	10	218
5877	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	218
5878	39	39	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	218
7497	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	262
5533	179	179	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 71, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:57.022Z", "position": 0, "path": "001H", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:50.728Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 179}]	179	10	210
5534	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"parent": 5, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 0, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72], "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:39:22.543Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:26.906Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "00050001", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.381Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/about.html", "languages": "en-us,de", "depth": 2, "soft_root": false, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 6}]	Ãœber uns	11	210
5535	7	7	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "about", "title": "Digital Glarus - About", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - About", "meta_description": "The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13", "path": "digitalglarus/digital-glarus-about", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.433Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-about", "published": true, "page": 6, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 7}]	Digital Glarus - About (digital-glarus-about, en-us)	16	210
5536	8	8	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "\\u00dcber uns", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "path": "digital-glarus-startseite/digital-glarus-uber-uns", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "redirect": null, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "published": true, "page": 6, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	210
5537	188	188	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 71, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:59:12.135Z", "position": 0, "path": "001Q", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:28.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 188}]	188	10	210
5538	174	174	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 66, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:04.884Z", "position": 0, "path": "001C", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 174}]	174	10	210
5539	175	175	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	210
5540	176	176	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 68, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:52.849Z", "position": 0, "path": "001E", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:40.251Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 176}]	176	10	210
5541	180	180	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	210
7952	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	273
7953	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	273
7954	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	273
7955	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	273
7956	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	273
7957	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	273
10117	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus"}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	375
10921	69	69	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 69}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	396
10922	70	70	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 70}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	396
10923	71	71	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 71}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	396
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10927	185	185	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 70, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:58:54.653Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:24.521Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001N"}, "pk": 185}]	185	10	396
7958	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><p></p><hr><p></p></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	273
7959	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	273
7960	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	273
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7962	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	273
7963	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	273
7964	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	273
7965	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:24:40.704Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	273
7966	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	273
10118	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.576Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:17:13.512Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-11-25T07:04:21.089Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": null, "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050004", "application_urls": null, "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 15}]	jazz	11	375
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10120	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0001", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	375
10121	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	375
10122	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "", "language": "en-us", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	375
10123	537	537	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008G", "position": 0, "numchild": 1, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:17:31.417Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:06:27.105Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 537}]	537	10	375
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10124	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "language": "de", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	375
11212	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 180}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	407
7967	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	274
7968	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	274
7969	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:24:50.049Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	274
7970	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	274
7971	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	274
7972	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	274
7973	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	274
7974	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	274
7640	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	266
7975	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	274
7976	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	274
7977	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	274
7978	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	274
7979	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	274
7980	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	274
7981	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	274
7982	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	274
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7984	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	274
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7986	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	274
11138	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	404
7988	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	274
7989	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	274
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7991	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	274
7992	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	274
7993	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	274
7994	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	274
7995	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	274
7996	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	274
7997	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	274
7998	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	274
7498	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	262
7999	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<hr>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	274
8000	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	274
8001	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	274
8002	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	274
8003	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	274
8004	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	274
7499	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	262
7500	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	262
7501	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	262
7502	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	262
2800	58	58	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 58}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	116
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7762	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	269
8005	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	274
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10126	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0004", "position": 2, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	375
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10129	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	375
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10132	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 178}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	375
10133	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	375
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10136	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	375
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10138	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	375
2687	7	7	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-about", "redirect": "", "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.433Z", "page": 6, "language": "en-us", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - About", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.about", "meta_description": "The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-about", "title": "Digital Glarus - About"}, "pk": 7}]	Digital Glarus - About (digital-glarus-about, en-us)	16	114
2785	180	180	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	116
8018	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	275
8019	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	275
2927	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001D", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 175}]	175	10	119
10139	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>.<iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	375
10140	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	375
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10929	187	187	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN <small>NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 187}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	396
10930	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	396
10931	187	187	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:59:41.183Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:10.917Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001P"}, "pk": 187}]	187	10	396
10932	63	63	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 63}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	396
8008	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	275
8009	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	275
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8011	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	275
8012	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	275
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8014	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	275
8015	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	275
8016	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	275
8017	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	275
2685	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001H", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 71, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:50.728Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:57.022Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 179}]	179	10	114
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2997	71	71	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 71}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	120
8020	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	275
8021	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	275
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8033	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	275
8034	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	275
8035	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	275
8036	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	275
8037	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	275
8038	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	275
8039	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	275
10141	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "meetup", "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/"}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	376
10142	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus"}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	376
10933	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	397
7645	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	266
8040	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<hr>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	275
8041	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	275
8042	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	275
8043	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	275
8044	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	275
8045	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	275
8046	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	275
8047	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:33:52.072Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	275
10934	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	397
10935	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 2, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": null, "parent": 5, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-12-01T23:40:23.627Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "publication_date": "2015-11-25T07:04:21.089Z", "path": "00050004", "soft_root": false, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.576Z", "application_urls": null, "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184]}, "pk": 15}]	jazz	11	397
10936	532	532	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:38.121Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:36:07.172Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 4, "path": "008E"}, "pk": 532}]	532	10	397
10937	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	397
10938	537	537	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:11.193Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:06:27.105Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 1, "path": "008G"}, "pk": 537}]	537	10	397
10939	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/jazz", "page": 15, "slug": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (jazz, en-us)	16	397
10940	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	397
10941	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "published": true}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	397
10942	542	542	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:49.547Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:12.795Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 1, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0002"}, "pk": 542}]	542	10	397
10943	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 2, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0004"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	397
2998	72	72	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 72}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	120
2688	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "page": 6, "language": "de", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.\\u00fcber.uns", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns"}, "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	114
2689	188	188	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001Q", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 71, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:28.318Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:45.319Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 188}]	188	10	114
2690	174	174	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001C", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 66, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:04.884Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 174}]	174	10	114
2691	175	175	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	114
2692	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001E", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 68, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:40.251Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:52.849Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 176}]	176	10	114
2693	180	180	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	114
2694	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001F", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 69, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:04.566Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:14.264Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 177}]	177	10	114
2695	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001G", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 70, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:33.925Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:41.789Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 178}]	178	10	114
2696	174	174	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 174}]	The Swiss IT...	35	114
2697	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001D", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 175}]	175	10	114
2698	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	114
2699	177	177	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	114
2700	178	178	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	114
2701	179	179	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	114
2702	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001I", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:48:04.828Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:48:12.223Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 180}]	180	10	114
2703	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001J", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 66, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:10.927Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 181}]	181	10	114
2704	182	182	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	114
2777	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001H", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 71, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:50.728Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:57.022Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 179}]	179	10	116
2786	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001F", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 69, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:04.566Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:14.264Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 177}]	177	10	116
5879	31	31	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	218
5880	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	218
7518	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:57:39.157Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	Crowdfunding	11	263
7680	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	267
8087	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	276
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2706	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	114
2707	185	185	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE LANDSCHAFT</p>\\n"}, "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	114
2708	58	58	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 58}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	114
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2713	181	181	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 181}]	The Swiss IT...	35	114
2714	64	64	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 64}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	114
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2918	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "page": 6, "language": "de", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.\\u00fcber.uns", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns"}, "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	119
2919	188	188	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001Q", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 71, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:28.318Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:59:12.135Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 188}]	188	10	119
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2921	175	175	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	119
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2923	180	180	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	119
2924	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001F", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 69, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:04.566Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:14.264Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 177}]	177	10	119
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2926	174	174	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 174}]	The Swiss IT...	35	119
2928	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	119
2929	177	177	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	119
2930	178	178	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	119
2931	179	179	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	119
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2934	182	182	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	119
2935	183	183	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	119
2936	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	119
2937	185	185	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	119
2938	58	58	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 58}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	119
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2944	64	64	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 64}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	119
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2957	187	187	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</p>\\n"}, "pk": 187}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	119
2958	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	119
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2964	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "page": 6, "language": "de", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.\\u00fcber.uns", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns"}, "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	120
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2967	175	175	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	120
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2969	180	180	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	120
2970	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001F", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 69, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:04.566Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:14.264Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 177}]	177	10	120
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2972	174	174	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 174}]	The Swiss IT...	35	120
2973	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001D", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 175}]	175	10	120
2974	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	120
2975	177	177	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	120
2976	178	178	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	120
2977	179	179	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	120
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2979	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001J", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 66, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:10.927Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 181}]	181	10	120
2980	182	182	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	120
3690	82	82	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_contact"}, "pk": 82}]	digital_glarus_contact	9	150
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2981	183	183	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	120
2982	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	120
2983	185	185	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	120
2984	58	58	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 58}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	120
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2989	181	181	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 181}]	The Swiss IT...	35	120
2990	64	64	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 64}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	120
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2994	68	68	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us_content"}, "pk": 68}]	digitalglarus_why_us_content	9	120
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2996	70	70	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 70}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	120
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3003	187	187	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN <small>NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 187}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	120
3004	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	120
3005	187	187	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001P", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:10.917Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:59:41.183Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 187}]	187	10	120
3006	63	63	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 63}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	120
3692	84	84	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_contact_information"}, "pk": 84}]	digital_glarus_contact_information	9	150
3693	196	196	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001V", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 81, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:06:26.767Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:27.945Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 196}]	196	10	150
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3007	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001H", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 71, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:50.728Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:57.022Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 179}]	179	10	121
3008	6	6	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "parent": null, "application_urls": "", "publication_date": null, "path": "0006", "changed_by": "ungleich", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/about.html", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:59:41.471Z", "placeholders": [58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72], "in_navigation": true, "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.381Z", "soft_root": false, "publication_end_date": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "application_namespace": null, "depth": 1, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "reverse_id": null, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false}, "pk": 6}]	digital.glarus.about	11	121
3009	7	7	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-about", "redirect": "", "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.433Z", "page": 6, "language": "en-us", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - About", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.about", "meta_description": "The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-about", "title": "Digital Glarus - About"}, "pk": 7}]	Digital Glarus - About (digital-glarus-about, en-us)	16	121
3010	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "page": 6, "language": "de", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.\\u00fcber.uns", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns"}, "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	121
3011	188	188	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001Q", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 71, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:28.318Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:59:12.135Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 188}]	188	10	121
3012	174	174	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001C", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 66, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:04.884Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 174}]	174	10	121
3013	175	175	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	121
3014	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001E", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 68, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:40.251Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:52.849Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 176}]	176	10	121
3015	180	180	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	121
3016	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001F", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 69, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:04.566Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:14.264Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 177}]	177	10	121
3017	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001G", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 70, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:33.925Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:41.789Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 178}]	178	10	121
3018	174	174	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 174}]	The Swiss IT...	35	121
3019	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001D", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 175}]	175	10	121
3020	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	121
3021	177	177	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	121
3022	178	178	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	121
3023	179	179	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	121
3024	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001I", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:48:04.828Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:48:12.223Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 180}]	180	10	121
3025	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001J", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 66, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:10.927Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 181}]	181	10	121
3026	182	182	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	121
3694	199	199	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\" tabindex=\\"-1\\"><span class=\\"hps\\">Telefon</span></span>: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Email: <strong><a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\\n\\n<p><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\" tabindex=\\"-1\\"><span class=\\"hps\\">Anschrift</span></span>: <strong>Hauptstrasse 14, 8775 Luchsingen</strong></p>\\n"}, "pk": 199}]	Telefon: +41 (0)...	35	150
3027	183	183	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	121
3028	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p style=\\"text-align: center;\\">WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	121
3029	185	185	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	121
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3050	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	121
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3053	179	179	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	122
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3056	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "page": 6, "language": "de", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.\\u00fcber.uns", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns"}, "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	122
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3059	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001D", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 175}]	175	10	122
3060	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	122
3061	180	180	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	122
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3064	178	178	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	122
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3705	190	190	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	150
3092	183	183	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	122
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3095	182	182	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	122
3096	187	187	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN <small>NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 187}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	122
3097	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	122
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3736	190	190	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	151
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5546	176	176	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	210
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5552	182	182	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	210
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5553	183	183	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	210
5554	184	184	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p style=\\"text-align: center;\\">WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	210
5555	185	185	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	210
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8059	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	276
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5625	195	195	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 83, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:11:17.160Z", "position": 0, "path": "001U", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:10:28.015Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 195}]	195	10	212
5626	84	84	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_contact_information", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 84}]	digital_glarus_contact_information	9	212
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5628	199	199	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\" tabindex=\\"-1\\"><span class=\\"hps\\">Telefon</span></span>: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Email: <strong><a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\\n\\n<p><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\" tabindex=\\"-1\\"><span class=\\"hps\\">Anschrift</span></span>: <strong>Hauptstrasse 14, 8775 Luchsingen</strong></p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 199}]	Telefon: +41 (0)...	35	212
5629	197	197	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 82, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:15:40.462Z", "position": 0, "path": "001W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:38.170Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 197}]	197	10	212
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10146	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	376
5633	10	10	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "Kontakt", "title": "Digital Glarus - Kontakt", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Kontakt", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Kontakt", "path": "digital-glarus-startseite/digital-glarus-kontakt", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:07.928Z", "redirect": null, "slug": "digital-glarus-kontakt", "published": true, "page": 7, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 10}]	Digital Glarus - Kontakt (digital-glarus-kontakt, de)	16	212
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5636	9	9	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "contact", "title": "Digital Glarus - Contact", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Contact", "meta_description": "Contact DIGITAL GLARUS ", "path": "digitalglarus/digital-glarus-contact", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:05:38.201Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-contact", "published": true, "page": 7, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 9}]	Digital Glarus - Contact (digital-glarus-contact, en-us)	16	212
5637	191	191	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 84, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:12:07.389Z", "position": 0, "path": "001T", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:07:07.395Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 191}]	191	10	212
5638	189	189	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 189}]	The Swiss IT...	35	212
5639	190	190	json	[{"fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	212
5640	191	191	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Phone: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Email: <strong><a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Address: <strong>Hauptstrasse 14, 8775 Luchsingen</strong></p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"clearfix\\">\\u00a0</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 191}]	Phone: +41 (0)...	35	212
5882	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	218
5883	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	218
5884	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "path": "001B", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 173}]	173	10	218
5885	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "path": "000W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 157}]	157	10	218
5886	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	218
5887	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "path": "000X", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 158}]	158	10	218
5888	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	218
5889	36	36	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	218
5890	35	35	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	218
5891	32	32	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	218
5892	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "path": "0010", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 161}]	161	10	218
5893	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Z", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 160}]	160	10	218
5894	34	34	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 34}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	218
5895	37	37	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	218
5896	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	218
10156	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 177}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	376
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10158	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	376
10159	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 180}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	376
8061	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	276
8062	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	276
8063	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	276
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8065	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	276
8066	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	276
8067	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:07.287Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	276
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8074	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	276
8075	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	276
8076	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	276
8077	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	276
8078	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	276
8079	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	276
8080	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	276
10147	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "", "language": "en-us", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	376
10148	537	537	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008G", "position": 0, "numchild": 1, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:11.193Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:06:27.105Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 537}]	537	10	376
10945	552	552	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "LinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:39.008Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:38.800Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 3, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0005"}, "pk": 552}]	552	10	397
5947	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	219
8081	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<hr>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	276
8082	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	276
8083	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	276
5897	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "path": "0013", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 164}]	164	10	218
5898	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Y", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 159}]	159	10	218
5899	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	218
5900	33	33	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	218
5901	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	218
5902	38	38	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 38}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	218
5903	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	218
5904	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "path": "0015", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 166}]	166	10	218
5930	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	219
5931	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	219
10149	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "language": "de", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	376
10150	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream"}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	376
10151	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0004", "position": 2, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	376
10152	551	551	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 537, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008G0001", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:46.897Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:33.454Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 551}]	551	10	376
10153	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "meetup.com", "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/"}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	376
10154	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	376
10155	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 176}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	376
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10161	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	376
10162	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 183}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	376
10163	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	376
10164	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>.<iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	376
10165	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	376
10946	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup.com", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	397
10947	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	397
10948	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 176}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	397
10949	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 177}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	397
10950	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 178}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	397
10951	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	397
10952	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 180}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	397
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10168	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.576Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:11.538Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-11-25T07:04:21.089Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": null, "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050004", "application_urls": null, "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 15}]	jazz	11	377
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5906	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "home", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digitalglarus", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus, en-us)	16	219
5907	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "Startseite", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digitalglarus", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus, de)	16	219
5908	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "path": "0011", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 162}]	162	10	219
5909	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "path": "001A", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 172}]	172	10	219
5910	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	219
5911	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "path": "000S", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 153}]	153	10	219
5912	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	219
5913	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "path": "000T", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 154}]	154	10	219
5914	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "path": "000U", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 155}]	155	10	219
5915	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "path": "000V", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 156}]	156	10	219
5916	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	219
5713	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "path": "0019", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 171}]	171	10	215
5714	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "home", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-home", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digital-glarus-home, en-us)	16	215
5715	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "Startseite", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "path": "digital-glarus-startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-startseite", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digital-glarus-startseite, de)	16	215
5716	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "path": "0011", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 162}]	162	10	215
5717	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "path": "001A", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 172}]	172	10	215
5718	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	215
5719	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "path": "000S", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 153}]	153	10	215
2723	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001L", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 68, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:54.182Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:53:03.407Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 183}]	183	10	114
2724	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001M", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 69, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:08.645Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:14.052Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 184}]	184	10	114
5720	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	215
5721	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "path": "000T", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 154}]	154	10	215
5722	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "path": "000U", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 155}]	155	10	215
5723	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "path": "000V", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 156}]	156	10	215
5724	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	215
5725	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	215
5726	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"parent": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 3, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:41:01.763Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-home", "is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "0005", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "languages": "en-us,de", "depth": 1, "soft_root": true, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 5}]	home	11	215
7521	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	263
5727	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	215
5728	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 161}]	The Swiss IT...	35	215
5729	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 162}]	The Swiss IT...	35	215
5730	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "path": "0012", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 163}]	163	10	215
5731	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	215
2721	71	71	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 71}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	114
2722	72	72	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 72}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	114
2798	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	116
2725	185	185	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001N", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 70, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:24.521Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:29.967Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 185}]	185	10	114
2726	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001K", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:38.665Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:57:08.089Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 182}]	182	10	114
2727	187	187	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</p>\\n"}, "pk": 187}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	114
2728	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>PREISWERT</p>\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	114
2729	187	187	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001P", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:10.917Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:16.091Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 187}]	187	10	114
2730	63	63	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 63}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	114
2778	6	6	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "parent": null, "application_urls": "", "publication_date": null, "path": "0006", "changed_by": "ungleich", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/about.html", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:57:25.000Z", "placeholders": [58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72], "in_navigation": true, "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.381Z", "soft_root": false, "publication_end_date": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "application_namespace": null, "depth": 1, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "reverse_id": null, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false}, "pk": 6}]	digital.glarus.about	11	116
2779	7	7	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-about", "redirect": "", "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.433Z", "page": 6, "language": "en-us", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - About", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.about", "meta_description": "The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-about", "title": "Digital Glarus - About"}, "pk": 7}]	Digital Glarus - About (digital-glarus-about, en-us)	16	116
2780	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "page": 6, "language": "de", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.\\u00fcber.uns", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns"}, "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	116
2787	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001G", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 70, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:33.925Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:41.789Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 178}]	178	10	116
2788	174	174	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 174}]	The Swiss IT...	35	116
2789	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001D", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 175}]	175	10	116
2790	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	116
2791	177	177	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	116
2792	178	178	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	116
2793	179	179	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	116
2794	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001I", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:48:04.828Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:48:12.223Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 180}]	180	10	116
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2796	182	182	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	116
2797	183	183	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	116
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2820	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "PREISWERT\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	116
2821	187	187	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001P", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:10.917Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:16.091Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 187}]	187	10	116
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2829	175	175	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	117
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2831	180	180	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	117
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2834	174	174	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 174}]	The Swiss IT...	35	117
2835	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001D", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 175}]	175	10	117
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2865	187	187	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</p>\\n"}, "pk": 187}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	117
2866	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "PREISWERT\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	117
2836	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	117
2837	177	177	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	117
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2842	182	182	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	117
2843	183	183	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	117
2844	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	117
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2871	7	7	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-about", "redirect": "", "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.433Z", "page": 6, "language": "en-us", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - About", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.about", "meta_description": "The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-about", "title": "Digital Glarus - About"}, "pk": 7}]	Digital Glarus - About (digital-glarus-about, en-us)	16	118
2872	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "page": 6, "language": "de", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.\\u00fcber.uns", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns"}, "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	118
2873	188	188	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001Q", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 71, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:28.318Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:57:41.428Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 188}]	188	10	118
2874	174	174	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001C", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 66, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:04.884Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 174}]	174	10	118
2875	175	175	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	118
2876	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001E", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 68, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:40.251Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:52.849Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 176}]	176	10	118
2877	180	180	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	118
2878	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001F", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 69, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:04.566Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:14.264Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 177}]	177	10	118
8090	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	277
2879	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001G", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 70, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:33.925Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:41.789Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 178}]	178	10	118
2880	174	174	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 174}]	The Swiss IT...	35	118
2881	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001D", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 175}]	175	10	118
2882	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	118
2883	177	177	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	118
2884	178	178	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	118
2885	179	179	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	118
2886	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001I", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "language": "en-us", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:48:04.828Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:48:12.223Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 180}]	180	10	118
2887	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001J", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 66, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:10.927Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 181}]	181	10	118
2888	182	182	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	118
2889	183	183	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	118
2890	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	118
2891	185	185	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	118
2892	58	58	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 58}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	118
2893	59	59	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 59}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	118
2894	60	60	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 60}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	118
2895	61	61	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 61}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	118
2896	62	62	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 62}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	118
2897	181	181	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 181}]	The Swiss IT...	35	118
2898	64	64	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 64}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	118
2899	65	65	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 65}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	118
2900	66	66	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 66}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	118
2901	67	67	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 67}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	118
2902	68	68	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us_content"}, "pk": 68}]	digitalglarus_why_us_content	9	118
2903	69	69	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 69}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	118
2904	70	70	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 70}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	118
2905	71	71	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 71}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	118
2906	72	72	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 72}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	118
2907	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001L", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 68, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:54.182Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:53:03.407Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 183}]	183	10	118
2908	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001M", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 69, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:08.645Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:14.052Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 184}]	184	10	118
2909	185	185	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001N", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 70, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:24.521Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:58:54.653Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 185}]	185	10	118
2910	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001K", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:38.665Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:57:08.089Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 182}]	182	10	118
2911	187	187	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</p>\\n"}, "pk": 187}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	118
2912	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "PREISWERT\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	118
2913	187	187	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"path": "001P", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "language": "de", "numchild": 0, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:10.917Z", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:16.091Z", "position": 0}, "pk": 187}]	187	10	118
2914	63	63	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 63}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	118
5732	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "path": "0014", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 165}]	165	10	215
5932	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "path": "001B", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 173}]	173	10	219
5933	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "path": "000W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 157}]	157	10	219
5733	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	215
5734	39	39	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	215
5735	31	31	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	215
5736	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	215
5737	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "path": "0018", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 170}]	170	10	215
5738	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	215
5739	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	215
5740	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "path": "001B", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 173}]	173	10	215
5741	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "path": "000W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 157}]	157	10	215
8084	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	276
8085	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	276
8086	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	276
8088	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:34:43.249Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	276
8089	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	276
5742	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	215
5743	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "path": "000X", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 158}]	158	10	215
5744	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	215
5745	36	36	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	215
5746	35	35	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	215
5747	32	32	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	215
5748	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "path": "0010", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 161}]	161	10	215
5749	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Z", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 160}]	160	10	215
5750	34	34	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 34}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	215
5751	37	37	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	215
5752	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	215
5753	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "path": "0013", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 164}]	164	10	215
5754	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Y", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 159}]	159	10	215
5755	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	215
5756	33	33	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	215
5757	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	215
5758	38	38	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 38}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	215
5759	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	215
5760	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "path": "0015", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 166}]	166	10	215
5917	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	219
5918	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"parent": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 3, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:56:07.238Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-page", "is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "0005", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "languages": "en-us,de", "depth": 1, "soft_root": true, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 5}]	home	11	219
7525	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	263
5934	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	219
5948	33	33	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	219
5761	34	34	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 34}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	216
5762	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"parent": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 3, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:41:09.948Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-home", "is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "0005", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "languages": "en-us,de", "depth": 1, "soft_root": true, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 5}]	Startseite	11	216
5763	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "Startseite", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "path": "digital-glarus-startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-startseite", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digital-glarus-startseite, de)	16	216
5764	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "path": "001A", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 172}]	172	10	216
5765	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "home", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-home", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digital-glarus-home, en-us)	16	216
5766	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "path": "001B", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 173}]	173	10	216
5767	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "path": "0019", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 171}]	171	10	216
5768	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "path": "000S", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 153}]	153	10	216
5769	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	216
5770	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	216
5771	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "path": "000U", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 155}]	155	10	216
5772	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "path": "000V", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 156}]	156	10	216
5773	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "path": "000T", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 154}]	154	10	216
5774	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	216
5775	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	216
5776	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Z", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 160}]	160	10	216
5777	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "path": "0010", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 161}]	161	10	216
5778	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 162}]	The Swiss IT...	35	216
5779	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "path": "0012", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 163}]	163	10	216
5780	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "path": "0013", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 164}]	164	10	216
5781	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "path": "0014", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 165}]	165	10	216
5782	38	38	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 38}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	216
5783	39	39	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	216
5784	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	216
5785	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	216
5786	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	216
5787	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	216
5788	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	216
5789	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	216
5790	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	216
5791	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "path": "000X", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 158}]	158	10	216
5792	31	31	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	216
5793	36	36	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	216
5794	35	35	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	216
5935	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "path": "000X", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 158}]	158	10	219
5936	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	219
7522	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	263
7523	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	263
7524	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	263
8091	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	277
8092	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:34:48.847Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	277
8093	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	277
8094	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	277
8095	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	277
8096	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	277
8097	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	277
8098	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	277
8099	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	277
8100	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	277
8101	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	277
8102	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	277
8103	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	277
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8108	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:07.287Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	277
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8110	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	277
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8112	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	277
8113	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	277
7526	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	263
8114	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	277
8115	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	277
8116	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	277
8117	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	277
8118	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	277
8119	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	277
8120	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	277
8121	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	277
8122	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<hr>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	277
8123	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	277
8124	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	277
8125	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	277
10169	532	532	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E", "position": 0, "numchild": 3, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:38.121Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:36:07.172Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 532}]	532	10	377
10170	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0001", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	377
10171	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	377
10172	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "", "language": "en-us", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	377
10173	537	537	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008G", "position": 0, "numchild": 1, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:11.193Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:06:27.105Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 537}]	537	10	377
10174	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "language": "de", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	377
10175	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream"}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	377
10176	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0004", "position": 2, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	377
5803	32	32	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	216
10177	551	551	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 537, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008G0001", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:46.897Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:33.454Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 551}]	551	10	377
10178	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "meetup.com", "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/"}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	377
10179	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	377
10180	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 176}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	377
10181	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 177}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	377
10182	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 178}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	377
10183	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	377
10184	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 180}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	377
10185	542	542	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0002", "position": 1, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:49.547Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:12.795Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 542}]	542	10	377
10186	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	377
10187	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 183}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	377
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10189	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	377
3587	190	190	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	146
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7527	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	263
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3563	196	196	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 196}]	The Swiss IT...	35	146
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3582	10	10	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digital-glarus-startseite/digital-glarus-kontakt", "redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:07.928Z", "page": 7, "language": "de", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Kontakt", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.kontakt", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Kontakt", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-kontakt", "title": "Digital Glarus - Kontakt"}, "pk": 10}]	Digital Glarus - Kontakt (digital-glarus-kontakt, de)	16	146
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5802	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	216
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3644	190	190	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	148
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3671	9	9	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "digitalglarus2/digital-glarus-contact", "redirect": "", "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:05:38.201Z", "page": 7, "language": "en-us", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Contact", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.contact", "meta_description": "Contact DIGITAL GLARUS ", "published": false, "slug": "digital-glarus-contact", "title": "Digital Glarus - Contact"}, "pk": 9}]	Digital Glarus - Contact (digital-glarus-contact, en-us)	16	149
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3673	189	189	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 189}]	The Swiss IT...	35	149
3674	190	190	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	149
3675	191	191	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Phone: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Email: <strong><a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Address: <strong>Hauptstrasse 14, 8775 Luchsingen</strong></p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"clearfix\\">\\u00a0</div>\\n"}, "pk": 191}]	Phone: +41 (0)...	35	149
5795	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	216
5796	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 161}]	The Swiss IT...	35	216
5797	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "path": "0011", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 162}]	162	10	216
5798	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	216
5799	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	216
5800	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Y", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 159}]	159	10	216
5801	37	37	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	216
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8128	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	277
8129	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:34:43.249Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	277
8130	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	277
10191	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "meetup", "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/"}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	378
10192	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus"}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	378
5805	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "path": "000W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 157}]	157	10	216
5806	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "path": "0015", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 166}]	166	10	216
5807	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "path": "0018", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 170}]	170	10	216
5808	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	216
5937	36	36	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	219
5938	35	35	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	219
5939	32	32	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	219
8131	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	278
8132	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	278
8133	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:34:49.127Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	278
8134	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	278
8135	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	278
8136	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	278
8137	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	278
8138	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	278
8139	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	278
8140	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	278
8142	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	278
8143	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	278
8144	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	278
8145	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	278
8146	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	278
8147	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	278
8148	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	278
8149	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:07.287Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	278
8150	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	278
8151	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	278
8152	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	278
8153	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	278
8154	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	278
8155	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	278
8156	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	278
8157	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	278
8158	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	278
8159	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	278
8160	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	278
8161	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	278
8162	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	278
10042	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus"}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	372
10043	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.576Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:47.137Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-11-25T07:04:21.089Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": null, "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050004", "application_urls": null, "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 15}]	jazz	11	372
8163	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<hr>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<iframe frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"650\\" width=\\"100%\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\"></iframe>\\n</div>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	278
8164	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	278
8165	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	278
8166	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	278
8167	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	278
8168	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	278
8169	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	278
8170	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:36:27.273Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	278
8171	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	278
8172	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	279
8173	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	279
8174	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:36:50.852Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	279
8175	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	279
8176	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	279
8177	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	279
8178	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	279
8179	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	279
8180	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	279
8181	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	279
8182	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	279
8183	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	279
8184	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	279
8185	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	279
8186	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	279
8187	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	279
8188	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	279
8189	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	279
8190	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:07.287Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	279
8191	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	279
8192	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	279
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8194	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	279
8195	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	279
8196	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	279
8197	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	279
8198	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	279
8199	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	279
8200	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	279
8201	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	279
8202	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	279
8203	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	279
10044	532	532	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E", "position": 0, "numchild": 3, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:10:32.354Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:36:07.172Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 532}]	532	10	372
10193	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.576Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:38.389Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-11-25T07:04:21.089Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": null, "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050004", "application_urls": null, "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 15}]	jazz	11	378
10252	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	380
8204	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<hr>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<iframe frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"650\\" width=\\"100%\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\"></iframe>\\n</div>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	279
8205	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	279
8206	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	279
8207	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	279
8208	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	279
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8210	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	279
8211	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:36:27.273Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	279
8212	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	279
8213	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 176}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	280
8214	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 177}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	280
8215	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 178}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	280
8216	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	280
8217	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 180}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	280
8218	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	280
8219	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	280
8220	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 183}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	280
8221	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": false, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "", "language": "en-us", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	280
8222	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.576Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.698Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "INHERIT", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": null, "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": null, "depth": 2, "languages": null, "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050004", "application_urls": null, "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 15}]	jazz	11	280
8223	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	280
10037	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 183}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	371
10038	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	371
10253	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	380
10194	532	532	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E", "position": 0, "numchild": 4, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:38.121Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:36:07.172Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 532}]	532	10	378
10195	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0001", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	378
10196	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	378
10197	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "", "language": "en-us", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	378
10198	537	537	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008G", "position": 0, "numchild": 1, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:11.193Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:06:27.105Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 537}]	537	10	378
10199	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "language": "de", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	378
10200	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream"}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	378
10201	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0004", "position": 2, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	378
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10203	552	552	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0005", "position": 3, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:39.008Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:38.800Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "LinkPlugin"}, "pk": 552}]	552	10	378
10204	551	551	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 537, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008G0001", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:46.897Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:33.454Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 551}]	551	10	378
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10208	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 178}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	378
10209	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	378
10210	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 180}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	378
10211	542	542	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0002", "position": 1, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:49.547Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:12.795Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 542}]	542	10	378
10212	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	378
10213	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 183}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	378
10214	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	378
11151	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 2, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0004"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	405
11152	551	551	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:46.897Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:33.454Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": 537, "numchild": 0, "path": "008G0001"}, "pk": 551}]	551	10	405
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10959	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	398
10960	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	398
10254	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	380
10215	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	378
10216	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	378
10957	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	397
10958	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0001"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	397
11113	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	403
11114	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0001"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	403
11153	552	552	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "LinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:39.008Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:38.800Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 3, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0005"}, "pk": 552}]	552	10	405
11154	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup.com", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	405
11155	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	405
10251	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	380
10961	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 2, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": null, "parent": 5, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-12-01T23:40:41.814Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "publication_date": "2015-11-25T07:04:21.089Z", "path": "00050004", "soft_root": false, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.576Z", "application_urls": null, "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184]}, "pk": 15}]	jazz	11	398
10962	532	532	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:38.121Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:36:07.172Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 4, "path": "008E"}, "pk": 532}]	532	10	398
10963	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0001"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	398
10964	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	398
10965	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/jazz", "page": 15, "slug": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (jazz, en-us)	16	398
10966	537	537	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:11.193Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:06:27.105Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 1, "path": "008G"}, "pk": 537}]	537	10	398
10967	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "published": true}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	398
10968	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	398
10969	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 2, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0004"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	398
10970	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup.com", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	398
10971	552	552	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "LinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:39.008Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:38.800Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 3, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0005"}, "pk": 552}]	552	10	398
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10243	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	380
10244	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	380
10245	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 2, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": "", "parent": 5, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:36:50.942Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "path": "00050003", "soft_root": false, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "application_urls": "", "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171]}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	380
10246	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 95, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0020"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	380
10247	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	380
10248	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 97, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0022"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	380
10249	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	380
10250	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 93, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0024"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	380
10255	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	380
10256	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	380
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10260	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	380
10261	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 171, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:07.287Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0075"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	380
10262	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	380
10263	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	380
10264	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	380
10265	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	380
10266	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	380
10267	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	380
10268	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	380
10269	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	380
10270	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 95, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0026"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	380
10271	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 97, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0028"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	380
10272	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	380
10273	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	380
10274	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 96, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0027"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	380
10290	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	381
10291	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 93, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0024"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	381
10292	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	381
10293	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	381
10294	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	381
10295	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	381
10275	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<hr>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<iframe frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"650\\" width=\\"100%\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\"></iframe>\\n</div>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	380
10276	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	380
10277	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	380
10278	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 94, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0025"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	380
10279	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 94, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001Z"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	380
10280	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 93, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:55:24.411Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0023"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	380
10281	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	380
10282	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 171, "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:36:27.273Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0074"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	380
10283	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 96, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0021"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	380
10976	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 178}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	398
10977	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	398
10978	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 180}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	398
10979	542	542	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:49.547Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:12.795Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 1, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0002"}, "pk": 542}]	542	10	398
10980	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	398
10981	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 183}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	398
10284	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	381
10285	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	381
10286	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 2, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": "", "parent": 5, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:55:34.631Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "path": "00050003", "soft_root": false, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "application_urls": "", "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171]}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	381
10287	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 95, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0020"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	381
10288	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	381
10289	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 97, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0022"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	381
10296	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	381
10297	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	381
10298	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	381
10299	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	381
10300	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	381
10301	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	381
10302	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 171, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:07.287Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0075"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	381
10303	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	381
10304	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	381
10305	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	381
10306	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	381
10307	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	381
10308	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	381
10309	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	381
10310	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	381
10311	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 95, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0026"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	381
10312	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 97, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0028"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	381
10313	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	381
10314	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	381
10315	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 96, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0027"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	381
10329	5	5	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "home", "path": "digitalglarus-home", "page": 5, "slug": "digitalglarus-home", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "published": true}, "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus-home, en-us)	16	382
10330	173	173	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001B"}, "pk": 173}]	173	10	382
10331	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0019"}, "pk": 171}]	171	10	382
4806	111	111	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 111}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	188
10316	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<hr>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<iframe frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"650\\" width=\\"100%\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\"></iframe>\\n</div>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	381
10317	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	381
10318	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	381
5057	179	179	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	195
4803	113	113	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 113}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	188
10319	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 94, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0025"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	381
10320	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 94, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001Z"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	381
10321	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 93, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:55:24.411Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0023"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	381
10322	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	381
10323	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 171, "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:36:27.273Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0074"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	381
10324	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 96, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0021"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	381
10982	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	398
11115	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	404
11116	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	404
11156	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 176}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	405
7434	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	261
11157	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 177}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	405
10325	34	34	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 34}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	382
10326	5	5	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 1, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": "", "parent": null, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-13T14:02:20.134Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 4, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-page", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "path": "0005", "soft_root": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "application_urls": "", "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]}, "pk": 5}]	home	11	382
10327	6	6	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "Startseite", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite", "page": 5, "slug": "digitalglarus-startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": true}, "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus-startseite, de)	16	382
10328	172	172	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001A"}, "pk": 172}]	172	10	382
10332	153	153	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-13T14:02:19.803Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000S"}, "pk": 153}]	153	10	382
10333	153	153	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n"}, "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	382
10334	154	154	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	382
10335	155	155	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000U"}, "pk": 155}]	155	10	382
10336	156	156	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000V"}, "pk": 156}]	156	10	382
10337	154	154	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000T"}, "pk": 154}]	154	10	382
10338	158	158	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	382
10339	159	159	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	382
10340	160	160	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000Z"}, "pk": 160}]	160	10	382
10341	161	161	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:55:56.749Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0010"}, "pk": 161}]	161	10	382
5132	190	190	json	[{"fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	196
7435	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	261
10342	162	162	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 162}]	The Swiss IT...	35	382
10343	163	163	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0012"}, "pk": 163}]	163	10	382
10344	164	164	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0013"}, "pk": 164}]	164	10	382
10345	165	165	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0014"}, "pk": 165}]	165	10	382
10346	38	38	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 38}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	382
10347	39	39	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	382
7436	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:55:26.207Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	261
7437	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	261
7438	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	261
7196	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	255
7439	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	261
7440	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	261
7441	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	261
7442	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	261
7443	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	261
7444	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	261
7445	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	261
7446	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden. It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation. We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF). We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF). If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF). Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	261
7447	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	261
7448	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	261
7449	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	261
7450	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	261
7451	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	261
7557	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	264
10348	156	156	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	382
7188	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	255
7189	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	255
7190	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:43:27.215Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	255
7558	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	264
7191	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	255
7192	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	255
7193	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	255
7194	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	255
7195	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	255
7197	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	255
7198	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	255
7199	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	255
7681	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	267
7200	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n  <div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n    <iframe frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"650\\" width=\\"100%\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\"></iframe>\\n  </div>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 461}]		35	255
7201	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	255
7202	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	255
7203	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	255
7204	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	255
7205	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	255
7206	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:26:23.194Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	255
7207	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	255
7208	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	255
7209	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	255
7210	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	255
7211	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	255
7212	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	255
7213	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	255
7214	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	255
7215	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	255
7216	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	255
7217	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	255
7218	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	255
7219	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	255
7220	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden. It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation. We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF). We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF). If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF). Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	We found a...	35	255
7471	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	261
7221	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	255
7222	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	255
7223	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	255
7224	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	255
7225	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	255
7226	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	255
7227	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:43:11.610Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	255
7228	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	255
7452	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:55:56.437Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	261
7453	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	261
7454	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	261
7455	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	261
7456	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	261
7457	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	261
7458	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	261
7459	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	261
7460	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	261
7461	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	261
7462	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	261
7463	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	261
7464	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	261
7465	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	261
7466	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden. It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation. We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF). We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF). If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF). Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	We found a...	35	261
7467	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	261
7468	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	261
7469	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	261
10349	170	170	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	382
10350	171	171	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	382
10351	172	172	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	382
10352	173	173	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	382
10353	157	157	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	382
10354	155	155	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	382
10355	158	158	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000X"}, "pk": 158}]	158	10	382
10356	31	31	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	382
10357	36	36	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	382
10358	35	35	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	382
10359	160	160	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	382
10360	161	161	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 161}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	382
10361	162	162	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0011"}, "pk": 162}]	162	10	382
10362	163	163	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	382
7472	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	261
4930	179	179	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	192
10363	164	164	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	382
11158	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 178}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	405
7721	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	268
10364	159	159	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000Y"}, "pk": 159}]	159	10	382
10365	37	37	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	382
10366	165	165	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	382
10367	32	32	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	382
10368	33	33	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	382
10369	157	157	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000W"}, "pk": 157}]	157	10	382
10370	166	166	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0015"}, "pk": 166}]	166	10	382
10371	170	170	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0018"}, "pk": 170}]	170	10	382
10372	166	166	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	382
10983	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	398
10984	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	398
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10373	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 71, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:57.022Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:50.728Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001H"}, "pk": 179}]	179	10	383
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11159	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	405
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11161	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	405
11162	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	405
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4801	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"path": "", "redirect": null, "has_url_overwrite": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T22:43:25.962Z", "page": 10, "language": "en-us", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "menu_title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "published": true, "slug": "digital-glarus-welcome", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome"}, "pk": 15}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digital-glarus-welcome, en-us)	16	187
4802	112	112	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 112}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	188
7475	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	262
7476	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	262
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4931	175	175	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	192
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4940	176	176	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	192
4941	177	177	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 69, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:14.264Z", "position": 0, "path": "001F", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:04.566Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 177}]	177	10	192
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4946	182	182	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	192
4947	183	183	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	192
4948	184	184	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p style=\\"text-align: center;\\">WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	192
4949	185	185	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	192
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4952	188	188	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	192
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4976	197	197	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\">Kontakt\\u00a0</span> <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 197}]	Kontakt DIGITAL GLARUS	35	193
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5011	190	190	json	[{"fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	193
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5064	176	176	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	195
5065	180	180	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	195
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5067	177	177	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	195
5068	178	178	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	195
5069	174	174	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 66, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:04.884Z", "position": 0, "path": "001C", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 174}]	174	10	195
5070	175	175	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	195
5071	176	176	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 68, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:52.849Z", "position": 0, "path": "001E", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:40.251Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 176}]	176	10	195
5072	177	177	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 69, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:14.264Z", "position": 0, "path": "001F", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:04.566Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 177}]	177	10	195
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5079	184	184	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p style=\\"text-align: center;\\">WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	195
5080	185	185	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 70, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:58:54.653Z", "position": 0, "path": "001N", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:24.521Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 185}]	185	10	195
5081	58	58	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 58}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	195
5082	59	59	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 59}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	195
5083	60	60	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 60}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	195
5084	61	61	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 61}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	195
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5094	71	71	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 71}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	195
5095	72	72	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 72}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	195
5096	183	183	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	195
5097	184	184	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 69, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:00:01.920Z", "position": 0, "path": "001M", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:08.645Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 184}]	184	10	195
5098	185	185	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	195
5099	182	182	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	195
5100	187	187	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN <small>NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 187}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	195
5101	188	188	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	195
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5105	197	197	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\">Kontakt\\u00a0</span> <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 197}]	Kontakt DIGITAL GLARUS	35	196
5106	198	198	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<iframe width=\\"100%\\" height=\\"400\\" src=\\"//maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=46.969959,9.039001&amp;spn=56.506174,79.013672&amp;t=m&amp;z=12&amp;output=embed\\" scrolling=\\"no\\" frameborder=\\"0\\"></iframe>"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 198}]		35	196
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5107	7	7	json	[{"fields": {"parent": 5, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 0, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84], "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:28:49.974Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:38.405Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "00050002", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:05:38.150Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/contact.html", "languages": "en-us,de", "depth": 2, "soft_root": false, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 7}]	digital.glarus.contact	11	196
5108	9	9	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "contact", "title": "Digital Glarus - Contact", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Contact", "meta_description": "Contact DIGITAL GLARUS ", "path": "digitalglarus/digital-glarus-contact", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:05:38.201Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-contact", "published": true, "page": 7, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 9}]	Digital Glarus - Contact (digital-glarus-contact, en-us)	16	196
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5117	82	82	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_contact", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 82}]	digital_glarus_contact	9	196
5118	195	195	json	[{"fields": {"body": "\\n<iframe width=\\"100%\\" height=\\"400\\" src=\\"//maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=46.969959,9.039001&amp;spn=56.506174,79.013672&amp;t=m&amp;z=12&amp;output=embed\\" scrolling=\\"no\\" frameborder=\\"0\\"></iframe>"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 195}]		35	196
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5120	196	196	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 196}]	The Swiss IT...	35	196
5121	199	199	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\" tabindex=\\"-1\\"><span class=\\"hps\\">Telefon</span></span>: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Email: <strong><a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\\n\\n<p><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\" tabindex=\\"-1\\"><span class=\\"hps\\">Anschrift</span></span>: <strong>Hauptstrasse 14, 8775 Luchsingen</strong></p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 199}]	Telefon: +41 (0)...	35	196
5122	197	197	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 82, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:15:40.462Z", "position": 0, "path": "001W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:38.170Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 197}]	197	10	196
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5125	189	189	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 189}]	The Swiss IT...	35	196
5126	83	83	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_contact_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 83}]	digital_glarus_contact_content	9	196
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5130	191	191	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Phone: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Email: <strong><a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Address: <strong>Hauptstrasse 14, 8775 Luchsingen</strong></p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"clearfix\\">\\u00a0</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 191}]	Phone: +41 (0)...	35	196
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10386	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	383
10387	177	177	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	383
10388	178	178	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	383
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10391	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 66, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:10.927Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001J"}, "pk": 181}]	181	10	383
10392	182	182	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	383
10393	183	183	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	383
10394	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p style=\\"text-align: center;\\">WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	383
10395	185	185	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	383
10396	58	58	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 58}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	383
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10398	60	60	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 60}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	383
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10401	181	181	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 181}]	The Swiss IT...	35	383
10402	64	64	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 64}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	383
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10408	70	70	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 70}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	383
5181	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	198
10409	71	71	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 71}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	383
10410	72	72	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 72}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	383
10411	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 68, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:53:03.407Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:54.182Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001L"}, "pk": 183}]	183	10	383
10412	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 69, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:00:01.920Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:08.645Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001M"}, "pk": 184}]	184	10	383
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10414	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:57:08.089Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:38.665Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001K"}, "pk": 182}]	182	10	383
10415	187	187	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN <small>NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 187}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	383
5170	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "path": "0019", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 171}]	171	10	198
5171	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "home", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-home", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digital-glarus-home, en-us)	16	198
5172	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "Startseite", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "path": "digital-glarus-startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "redirect": null, "slug": "digital-glarus-startseite", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digital-glarus-startseite, de)	16	198
5173	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "path": "0011", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 162}]	162	10	198
5174	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "path": "001A", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 172}]	172	10	198
5175	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	198
5176	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "path": "000S", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 153}]	153	10	198
5177	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	198
5178	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "path": "000T", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 154}]	154	10	198
5179	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "path": "000U", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 155}]	155	10	198
5180	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "path": "000V", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 156}]	156	10	198
10416	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	383
10417	187	187	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:59:41.183Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:10.917Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001P"}, "pk": 187}]	187	10	383
5197	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "path": "001B", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 173}]	173	10	198
6127	84	84	json	[{"pk": 84, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_contact_information", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_contact_information	9	224
5182	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	198
5183	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"parent": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 3, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:29:24.799Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-home", "is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "0005", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "languages": "en-us,de", "depth": 1, "soft_root": true, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 5}]	digital.glarus	11	198
5184	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	198
5185	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 161}]	The Swiss IT...	35	198
5186	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 162}]	The Swiss IT...	35	198
5187	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "path": "0012", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 163}]	163	10	198
5188	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	198
5189	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "path": "0014", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 165}]	165	10	198
5190	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	198
5191	39	39	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	198
5192	31	31	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	198
5193	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	198
5194	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "path": "0018", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 170}]	170	10	198
5195	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	198
5196	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	198
5198	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "path": "000W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 157}]	157	10	198
5199	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	198
5200	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "path": "000X", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 158}]	158	10	198
5201	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	198
5202	36	36	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	198
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5209	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	198
5210	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "path": "0013", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 164}]	164	10	198
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5212	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	198
5213	33	33	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	198
5214	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	198
5215	38	38	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 38}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	198
5216	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	198
5217	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "path": "0015", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 166}]	166	10	198
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5219	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"parent": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 3, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:29:34.087Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-home", "is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "0005", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "languages": "en-us,de", "depth": 1, "soft_root": true, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 5}]	home	11	199
5220	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "Startseite", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "path": "digital-glarus-startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "redirect": null, "slug": "digital-glarus-startseite", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digital-glarus-startseite, de)	16	199
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5262	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "path": "000W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 157}]	157	10	199
5222	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "home", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-home", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digital-glarus-home, en-us)	16	199
5223	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "path": "001B", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 173}]	173	10	199
5224	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "path": "0019", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 171}]	171	10	199
5225	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "path": "000S", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 153}]	153	10	199
5226	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	199
5227	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	199
5228	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "path": "000U", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 155}]	155	10	199
5229	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "path": "000V", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 156}]	156	10	199
5230	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "path": "000T", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 154}]	154	10	199
5231	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	199
5232	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	199
5233	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Z", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 160}]	160	10	199
5234	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "path": "0010", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 161}]	161	10	199
5235	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 162}]	The Swiss IT...	35	199
5236	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "path": "0012", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 163}]	163	10	199
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5240	39	39	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	199
5241	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	199
5242	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	199
5260	32	32	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	199
5261	33	33	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	199
5243	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	199
5244	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	199
5245	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	199
5246	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	199
5247	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	199
5248	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "path": "000X", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 158}]	158	10	199
5249	31	31	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	199
5250	36	36	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	199
5251	35	35	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	199
5252	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	199
5253	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 161}]	The Swiss IT...	35	199
5254	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "path": "0011", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 162}]	162	10	199
5255	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	199
5256	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	199
5257	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Y", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 159}]	159	10	199
5258	37	37	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	199
5259	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	199
5263	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "path": "0015", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 166}]	166	10	199
5264	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "path": "0018", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 170}]	170	10	199
5265	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	199
5266	179	179	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 71, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:57.022Z", "position": 0, "path": "001H", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:50.728Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 179}]	179	10	200
5267	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"parent": 5, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 0, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72], "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:29:41.527Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:26.906Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "00050001", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.381Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/about.html", "languages": "en-us,de", "depth": 2, "soft_root": false, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 6}]	about	11	200
5268	7	7	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "about", "title": "Digital Glarus - About", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - About", "meta_description": "The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13", "path": "digitalglarus/digital-glarus-about", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.433Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digital-glarus-about", "published": true, "page": 6, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 7}]	Digital Glarus - About (digital-glarus-about, en-us)	16	200
5269	8	8	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "digital.glarus.\\u00fcber.uns", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "path": "digital-glarus-startseite/digital-glarus-uber-uns", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "redirect": null, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "published": false, "page": 6, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	200
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5272	175	175	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	200
5273	176	176	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 68, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:52.849Z", "position": 0, "path": "001E", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:40.251Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 176}]	176	10	200
5274	180	180	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	200
5275	177	177	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 69, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:14.264Z", "position": 0, "path": "001F", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:04.566Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 177}]	177	10	200
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5277	174	174	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 174}]	The Swiss IT...	35	200
5278	175	175	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 67, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "position": 0, "path": "001D", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 175}]	175	10	200
5279	176	176	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	200
5280	177	177	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	200
5281	178	178	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	200
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5285	182	182	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	200
5286	183	183	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	200
5287	184	184	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p style=\\"text-align: center;\\">WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	200
5288	185	185	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	200
5289	58	58	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 58}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	200
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5295	64	64	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 64}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	200
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5300	69	69	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 69}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	200
5301	70	70	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 70}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	200
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5309	188	188	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	200
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5314	197	197	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\">Kontakt\\u00a0</span> <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 197}]	Kontakt DIGITAL GLARUS	35	201
5315	198	198	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 83, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:17:33.725Z", "position": 0, "path": "001X", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:16:04.529Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 198}]	198	10	201
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5331	197	197	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 82, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:15:40.462Z", "position": 0, "path": "001W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:38.170Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 197}]	197	10	201
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5341	190	190	json	[{"fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	201
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10991	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/jazz", "page": 15, "slug": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (jazz, en-us)	16	399
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10420	196	196	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 196}]	The Swiss IT...	35	384
10421	197	197	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\">Kontakt\\u00a0</span> <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 197}]	Kontakt DIGITAL GLARUS	35	384
10422	198	198	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 83, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:17:33.725Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:16:04.529Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001X"}, "pk": 198}]	198	10	384
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5814	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	217
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5816	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	217
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5820	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	217
10432	81	81	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 81}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	384
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5955	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "Startseite", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digitalglarus", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus, de)	16	220
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5957	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "home", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digitalglarus", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus, en-us)	16	220
5958	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "path": "001B", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 173}]	173	10	220
5959	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "path": "0019", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 171}]	171	10	220
5960	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "path": "000S", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 153}]	153	10	220
5961	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	220
5962	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	220
5963	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "path": "000U", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 155}]	155	10	220
5964	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "path": "000V", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 156}]	156	10	220
5965	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "path": "000T", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 154}]	154	10	220
5966	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	220
5967	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	220
5968	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Z", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 160}]	160	10	220
5969	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "path": "0010", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 161}]	161	10	220
5970	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 162}]	The Swiss IT...	35	220
5971	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "path": "0012", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 163}]	163	10	220
5972	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "path": "0013", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 164}]	164	10	220
5973	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "path": "0014", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 165}]	165	10	220
5974	38	38	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 38}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	220
5975	39	39	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	220
5976	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	220
5977	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	220
5978	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	220
5979	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	220
5980	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	220
5981	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	220
5982	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	220
5983	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "path": "000X", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 158}]	158	10	220
5984	31	31	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	220
5985	36	36	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	220
5986	35	35	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	220
5987	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	220
5988	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 161}]	The Swiss IT...	35	220
5989	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "path": "0011", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 162}]	162	10	220
5991	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	220
5992	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Y", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 159}]	159	10	220
5993	37	37	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	220
5994	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	220
5995	32	32	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	220
5996	33	33	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	220
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5998	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "path": "0015", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 166}]	166	10	220
5999	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "path": "0018", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 170}]	170	10	220
6000	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	220
6001	34	34	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 34}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	221
6002	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"parent": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "numchild": 3, "changed_by": "ungleich", "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:56:22.982Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-page", "is_home": false, "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "path": "0005", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "created_by": "ungleich", "application_urls": "", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "languages": "en-us,de", "depth": 1, "soft_root": true, "login_required": false}, "model": "cms.page", "pk": 5}]	Startseite	11	221
6003	6	6	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "menu_title": "Startseite", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digitalglarus", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": false}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus, de)	16	221
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6005	5	5	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "menu_title": "home", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "path": "digitalglarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "redirect": "", "slug": "digitalglarus", "published": true, "page": 5, "has_url_overwrite": true}, "model": "cms.title", "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus, en-us)	16	221
6006	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "path": "001B", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 173}]	173	10	221
6007	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "path": "0019", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 171}]	171	10	221
6008	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "path": "000S", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 153}]	153	10	221
6047	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "path": "0018", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 170}]	170	10	221
6074	190	190	json	[{"pk": 190, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:06:49.275Z", "placeholder": 82, "language": "en-us", "path": "001S", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:12:53.711Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	190	10	222
6009	153	153	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	221
6010	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	221
6011	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "path": "000U", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 155}]	155	10	221
6012	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "path": "000V", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 156}]	156	10	221
6013	154	154	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "path": "000T", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 154}]	154	10	221
6014	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	221
6015	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	221
6016	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Z", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 160}]	160	10	221
6017	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "path": "0010", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 161}]	161	10	221
6018	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 162}]	The Swiss IT...	35	221
6019	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "path": "0012", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 163}]	163	10	221
6020	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "path": "0013", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 164}]	164	10	221
6021	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "path": "0014", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 165}]	165	10	221
6022	38	38	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 38}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	221
6023	39	39	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	221
6024	156	156	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	221
6025	170	170	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	221
6026	171	171	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	221
6027	172	172	json	[{"fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	221
6048	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	221
6028	173	173	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	221
6029	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	221
6030	155	155	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	221
6031	158	158	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "path": "000X", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 158}]	158	10	221
6032	31	31	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	221
6033	36	36	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	221
6034	35	35	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	221
6035	160	160	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	221
6036	161	161	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 161}]	The Swiss IT...	35	221
6037	162	162	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "path": "0011", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 162}]	162	10	221
6038	163	163	json	[{"fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	221
6039	164	164	json	[{"fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	221
6040	159	159	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "path": "000Y", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 159}]	159	10	221
6041	37	37	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	221
6042	165	165	json	[{"fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	221
6043	32	32	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	221
6044	33	33	json	[{"fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}, "model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	221
6045	157	157	json	[{"fields": {"language": "en-us", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "path": "000W", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 157}]	157	10	221
6046	166	166	json	[{"fields": {"language": "de", "parent": null, "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "path": "0015", "numchild": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "depth": 1}, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 166}]	166	10	221
6049	195	195	json	[{"pk": 195, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "\\n<iframe width=\\"100%\\" height=\\"400\\" src=\\"//maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=46.969959,9.039001&amp;spn=56.506174,79.013672&amp;t=m&amp;z=12&amp;output=embed\\" scrolling=\\"no\\" frameborder=\\"0\\"></iframe>"}}]		35	222
6050	196	196	json	[{"pk": 196, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	222
6051	197	197	json	[{"pk": 197, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\">Kontakt\\u00a0</span> <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	Kontakt DIGITAL GLARUS	35	222
6052	198	198	json	[{"pk": 198, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:16:04.529Z", "placeholder": 83, "language": "de", "path": "001X", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:17:33.725Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	198	10	222
6053	7	7	json	[{"pk": 7, "model": "cms.page", "fields": {"languages": "en-us,de", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/contact.html", "placeholders": [73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84], "application_urls": "", "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "is_home": false, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:38.405Z", "login_required": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:05:38.150Z", "path": "00050002", "revision_id": 0, "numchild": 0, "publication_end_date": null, "soft_root": false, "changed_by": "ungleich", "reverse_id": null, "navigation_extenders": "", "site": 1, "parent": 5, "in_navigation": true, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T23:39:51.507Z", "application_namespace": null, "depth": 2, "created_by": "ungleich"}}]	contact	11	222
6054	73	73	json	[{"pk": 73, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	222
6055	74	74	json	[{"pk": 74, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	222
6056	75	75	json	[{"pk": 75, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	222
6057	76	76	json	[{"pk": 76, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	222
6058	77	77	json	[{"pk": 77, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	222
6059	78	78	json	[{"pk": 78, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	222
6060	79	79	json	[{"pk": 79, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	222
6061	80	80	json	[{"pk": 80, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	222
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6063	82	82	json	[{"pk": 82, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_contact", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_contact	9	222
6064	195	195	json	[{"pk": 195, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:10:28.015Z", "placeholder": 83, "language": "en-us", "path": "001U", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:11:17.160Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	195	10	222
6065	84	84	json	[{"pk": 84, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_contact_information", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_contact_information	9	222
6066	196	196	json	[{"pk": 196, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:06:26.767Z", "placeholder": 81, "language": "de", "path": "001V", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:27.945Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	196	10	222
6067	199	199	json	[{"pk": 199, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\" tabindex=\\"-1\\"><span class=\\"hps\\">Telefon</span></span>: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Email: <strong><a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\\n\\n<p><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\" tabindex=\\"-1\\"><span class=\\"hps\\">Anschrift</span></span>: <strong>Hauptstrasse 14, 8775 Luchsingen</strong></p>\\n"}}]	Telefon: +41 (0)...	35	222
6068	197	197	json	[{"pk": 197, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:38.170Z", "placeholder": 82, "language": "de", "path": "001W", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:15:40.462Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	197	10	222
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6070	199	199	json	[{"pk": 199, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:16:22.743Z", "placeholder": 84, "language": "de", "path": "001Y", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:17:05.702Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	199	10	222
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6223	197	197	json	[{"pk": 197, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:38.170Z", "placeholder": 82, "language": "de", "path": "001W", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:15:40.462Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	197	10	227
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6233	190	190	json	[{"pk": 190, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	227
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6254	197	197	json	[{"pk": 197, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:38.170Z", "placeholder": 82, "language": "de", "path": "001W", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:15:40.462Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	197	10	228
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6264	190	190	json	[{"pk": 190, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	228
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6274	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}}]	Der erste grosse...	35	230
6275	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "en-us", "path": "000S", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	153	10	230
6276	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	230
6277	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "en-us", "path": "000T", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	154	10	230
6278	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "en-us", "path": "000U", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	155	10	230
6279	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "en-us", "path": "000V", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	156	10	230
6280	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	Build a tech...	35	230
6281	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}}]	The current de-facto...	35	230
6282	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.page", "fields": {"languages": "en-us,de", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_urls": "", "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "is_home": false, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "login_required": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "path": "0005", "revision_id": 0, "numchild": 3, "publication_end_date": null, "soft_root": true, "changed_by": "ungleich", "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-page", "navigation_extenders": "", "site": 1, "parent": null, "in_navigation": true, "changed_date": "2015-10-13T13:34:07.580Z", "application_namespace": null, "depth": 1, "created_by": "ungleich"}}]	home	11	230
6283	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}}]	At the moment...	35	230
6284	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	230
6286	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "de", "path": "0012", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	163	10	230
6315	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	230
6287	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	230
6288	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "de", "path": "0014", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	165	10	230
6289	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	230
6290	39	39	json	[{"pk": 39, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	230
6291	31	31	json	[{"pk": 31, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	230
6292	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	a new area	35	230
6293	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "de", "path": "0018", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	170	10	230
6294	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	230
6295	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}}]	WO SIND WIR	35	230
6296	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "de", "path": "001B", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	173	10	230
6297	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "en-us", "path": "000W", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	157	10	230
6298	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}}]	While you can...	35	230
6299	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "en-us", "path": "000X", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	158	10	230
6300	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}}]	Wherewe are	35	230
6301	36	36	json	[{"pk": 36, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	230
6302	35	35	json	[{"pk": 35, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	230
6303	32	32	json	[{"pk": 32, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	230
6304	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "en-us", "path": "0010", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	161	10	230
6305	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Z", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	160	10	230
6313	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}}]	Why would anyone...	35	230
6314	38	38	json	[{"pk": 38, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	230
6316	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "de", "path": "0015", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	166	10	230
6317	34	34	json	[{"pk": 34, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	231
6318	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.page", "fields": {"languages": "en-us,de", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_urls": "", "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "is_home": false, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "login_required": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "path": "0005", "revision_id": 0, "numchild": 3, "publication_end_date": null, "soft_root": true, "changed_by": "ungleich", "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-page", "navigation_extenders": "", "site": 1, "parent": null, "in_navigation": true, "changed_date": "2015-10-13T13:34:45.053Z", "application_namespace": null, "depth": 1, "created_by": "ungleich"}}]	home	11	231
6319	6	6	json	[{"pk": 6, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "de", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus", "page": 5, "menu_title": "Startseite", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "path": "digitalglarus"}}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus, de)	16	231
6320	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "de", "path": "001A", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	172	10	231
6321	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "en-us", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus", "page": 5, "menu_title": "home", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "path": "digitalglarus"}}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus, en-us)	16	231
6322	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "de", "path": "001B", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	173	10	231
6323	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "de", "path": "0019", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	171	10	231
6324	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "en-us", "path": "000S", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	153	10	231
6325	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	231
6326	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	Build a tech...	35	231
6327	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "en-us", "path": "000U", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	155	10	231
6328	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "en-us", "path": "000V", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	156	10	231
6329	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "en-us", "path": "000T", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	154	10	231
6330	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}}]	The current de-facto...	35	231
6331	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}}]	Wherewe are	35	231
6332	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Z", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	160	10	231
6333	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "en-us", "path": "0010", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	161	10	231
6334	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	231
6335	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "de", "path": "0012", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	163	10	231
6336	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "de", "path": "0013", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	164	10	231
6337	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "de", "path": "0014", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	165	10	231
6338	38	38	json	[{"pk": 38, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	231
6339	39	39	json	[{"pk": 39, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	231
6340	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	a new area	35	231
6341	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	231
6342	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	231
6343	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}}]	WO SIND WIR	35	231
6344	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}}]	Der erste grosse...	35	231
6345	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}}]	Why would anyone...	35	231
6346	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}}]	While you can...	35	231
6347	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "en-us", "path": "000X", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	158	10	231
6348	31	31	json	[{"pk": 31, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	231
6349	36	36	json	[{"pk": 36, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	231
6350	35	35	json	[{"pk": 35, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	231
6351	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}}]	At the moment...	35	231
6352	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	231
6353	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "de", "path": "0011", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	162	10	231
6354	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	231
6355	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	231
6356	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Y", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	159	10	231
6357	37	37	json	[{"pk": 37, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	231
6358	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	231
6359	32	32	json	[{"pk": 32, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	231
6360	33	33	json	[{"pk": 33, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	231
6361	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "en-us", "path": "000W", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	157	10	231
6362	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "de", "path": "0015", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	166	10	231
6363	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "de", "path": "0018", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	170	10	231
6364	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	231
6365	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "de", "path": "0019", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	171	10	232
6366	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "en-us", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus-home", "page": 5, "menu_title": "home", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "path": "digitalglarus-home"}}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus-home, en-us)	16	232
6367	6	6	json	[{"pk": 6, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "de", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus", "page": 5, "menu_title": "Startseite", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "path": "digitalglarus"}}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus, de)	16	232
6368	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "de", "path": "0011", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	162	10	232
6369	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "de", "path": "001A", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	172	10	232
6370	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}}]	Der erste grosse...	35	232
11007	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 183}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	399
6371	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "en-us", "path": "000S", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	153	10	232
6410	38	38	json	[{"pk": 38, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	232
6372	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	232
6373	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "en-us", "path": "000T", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	154	10	232
6374	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "en-us", "path": "000U", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	155	10	232
6375	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "en-us", "path": "000V", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	156	10	232
6376	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	Build a tech...	35	232
6377	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}}]	The current de-facto...	35	232
6378	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.page", "fields": {"languages": "en-us,de", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_urls": "", "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "is_home": false, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "login_required": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "path": "0005", "revision_id": 0, "numchild": 3, "publication_end_date": null, "soft_root": true, "changed_by": "ungleich", "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-page", "navigation_extenders": "", "site": 1, "parent": null, "in_navigation": true, "changed_date": "2015-10-13T13:35:07.288Z", "application_namespace": null, "depth": 1, "created_by": "ungleich"}}]	home	11	232
6379	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}}]	At the moment...	35	232
6380	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	232
6381	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	232
6382	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "de", "path": "0012", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	163	10	232
6383	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	232
6384	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "de", "path": "0014", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	165	10	232
6409	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}}]	Why would anyone...	35	232
6411	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	232
6450	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	233
6385	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	232
6386	39	39	json	[{"pk": 39, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	232
6387	31	31	json	[{"pk": 31, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	232
6388	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	a new area	35	232
6389	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "de", "path": "0018", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	170	10	232
6390	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	232
6391	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}}]	WO SIND WIR	35	232
6392	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "de", "path": "001B", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	173	10	232
6393	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "en-us", "path": "000W", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	157	10	232
6394	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}}]	While you can...	35	232
6395	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "en-us", "path": "000X", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	158	10	232
6396	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}}]	Wherewe are	35	232
6397	36	36	json	[{"pk": 36, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	232
6398	35	35	json	[{"pk": 35, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	232
6399	32	32	json	[{"pk": 32, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	232
6400	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "en-us", "path": "0010", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	161	10	232
6401	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Z", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	160	10	232
6402	34	34	json	[{"pk": 34, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	232
6403	37	37	json	[{"pk": 37, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	232
6404	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	232
6405	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "de", "path": "0013", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	164	10	232
6406	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Y", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	159	10	232
6407	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	232
6408	33	33	json	[{"pk": 33, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	232
6412	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "de", "path": "0015", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	166	10	232
6413	34	34	json	[{"pk": 34, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	233
6414	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.page", "fields": {"languages": "en-us,de", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_urls": "", "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "is_home": false, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "login_required": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "path": "0005", "revision_id": 0, "numchild": 3, "publication_end_date": null, "soft_root": true, "changed_by": "ungleich", "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-page", "navigation_extenders": "", "site": 1, "parent": null, "in_navigation": true, "changed_date": "2015-10-13T13:35:27.366Z", "application_namespace": null, "depth": 1, "created_by": "ungleich"}}]	home	11	233
6415	6	6	json	[{"pk": 6, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "de", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus", "page": 5, "menu_title": "Startseite", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "path": "digitalglarus"}}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus, de)	16	233
6416	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "de", "path": "001A", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	172	10	233
6417	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "en-us", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus-home", "page": 5, "menu_title": "home", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "path": "digitalglarus-home"}}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus-home, en-us)	16	233
6418	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "de", "path": "001B", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	173	10	233
6419	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "de", "path": "0019", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	171	10	233
6420	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "en-us", "path": "000S", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	153	10	233
6421	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	233
6422	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	Build a tech...	35	233
6423	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "en-us", "path": "000U", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	155	10	233
6424	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "en-us", "path": "000V", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	156	10	233
6425	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "en-us", "path": "000T", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	154	10	233
6426	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}}]	The current de-facto...	35	233
6427	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}}]	Wherewe are	35	233
6428	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Z", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	160	10	233
6448	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	233
6429	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "en-us", "path": "0010", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	161	10	233
6430	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	233
6431	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "de", "path": "0012", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	163	10	233
6432	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "de", "path": "0013", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	164	10	233
6433	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "de", "path": "0014", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	165	10	233
6434	38	38	json	[{"pk": 38, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	233
6435	39	39	json	[{"pk": 39, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	233
6436	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	a new area	35	233
6437	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	233
6438	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	233
6439	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}}]	WO SIND WIR	35	233
6440	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}}]	Der erste grosse...	35	233
6441	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}}]	Why would anyone...	35	233
6442	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}}]	While you can...	35	233
6443	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "en-us", "path": "000X", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	158	10	233
6444	31	31	json	[{"pk": 31, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	233
6445	36	36	json	[{"pk": 36, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	233
6446	35	35	json	[{"pk": 35, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	233
6447	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}}]	At the moment...	35	233
6449	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "de", "path": "0011", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	162	10	233
6451	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	233
6452	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Y", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	159	10	233
6453	37	37	json	[{"pk": 37, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	233
6454	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	233
6455	32	32	json	[{"pk": 32, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	233
6456	33	33	json	[{"pk": 33, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	233
6457	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "en-us", "path": "000W", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	157	10	233
6458	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "de", "path": "0015", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	166	10	233
6459	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "de", "path": "0018", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	170	10	233
6460	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	233
6461	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "de", "path": "0019", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	171	10	234
6462	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "en-us", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus-home", "page": 5, "menu_title": "home", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "path": "digitalglarus-home"}}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus-home, en-us)	16	234
6463	6	6	json	[{"pk": 6, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "de", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus", "page": 5, "menu_title": "Startseite", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "path": "digitalglarus"}}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus, de)	16	234
6464	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "de", "path": "0011", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	162	10	234
6465	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "de", "path": "001A", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	172	10	234
6466	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}}]	Der erste grosse...	35	234
6467	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "en-us", "path": "000S", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	153	10	234
6508	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "de", "path": "0015", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	166	10	234
6509	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "de", "path": "0019", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	171	10	235
6468	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	234
6469	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "en-us", "path": "000T", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	154	10	234
6470	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "en-us", "path": "000U", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	155	10	234
6471	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "en-us", "path": "000V", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	156	10	234
6472	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	Build a tech...	35	234
6473	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}}]	The current de-facto...	35	234
6474	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.page", "fields": {"languages": "en-us,de", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_urls": "", "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "is_home": false, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "login_required": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "path": "0005", "revision_id": 0, "numchild": 3, "publication_end_date": null, "soft_root": true, "changed_by": "ungleich", "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-page", "navigation_extenders": "", "site": 1, "parent": null, "in_navigation": true, "changed_date": "2015-10-13T13:35:55.809Z", "application_namespace": null, "depth": 1, "created_by": "ungleich"}}]	home	11	234
6475	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}}]	At the moment...	35	234
6476	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	234
6477	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	234
6478	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "de", "path": "0012", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	163	10	234
6479	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	234
6480	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "de", "path": "0014", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	165	10	234
6505	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}}]	Why would anyone...	35	234
6506	38	38	json	[{"pk": 38, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	234
6507	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	234
6481	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	234
6482	39	39	json	[{"pk": 39, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	234
6483	31	31	json	[{"pk": 31, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	234
6484	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	a new area	35	234
6485	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "de", "path": "0018", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	170	10	234
6486	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	234
6487	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}}]	WO SIND WIR	35	234
6488	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "de", "path": "001B", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	173	10	234
6489	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "en-us", "path": "000W", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	157	10	234
6490	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}}]	While you can...	35	234
6491	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "en-us", "path": "000X", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	158	10	234
6492	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}}]	Wherewe are	35	234
6493	36	36	json	[{"pk": 36, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	234
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6497	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Z", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	160	10	234
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6501	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "de", "path": "0013", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	164	10	234
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6503	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	234
6504	33	33	json	[{"pk": 33, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	234
6510	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "en-us", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus-home", "page": 5, "menu_title": "home", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "path": "digitalglarus-home"}}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus-home, en-us)	16	235
6511	6	6	json	[{"pk": 6, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "de", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus-startseite", "page": 5, "menu_title": "Startseite", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite"}}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus-startseite, de)	16	235
6512	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "de", "path": "0011", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	162	10	235
6513	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "de", "path": "001A", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	172	10	235
6514	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}}]	Der erste grosse...	35	235
6515	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "en-us", "path": "000S", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	153	10	235
6516	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	235
6517	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "en-us", "path": "000T", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	154	10	235
6518	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "en-us", "path": "000U", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	155	10	235
6519	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "en-us", "path": "000V", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	156	10	235
6520	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	Build a tech...	35	235
6521	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}}]	The current de-facto...	35	235
6522	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.page", "fields": {"languages": "en-us,de", "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], "application_urls": "", "xframe_options": 0, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "is_home": false, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "login_required": false, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "path": "0005", "revision_id": 0, "numchild": 3, "publication_end_date": null, "soft_root": true, "changed_by": "ungleich", "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-page", "navigation_extenders": "", "site": 1, "parent": null, "in_navigation": true, "changed_date": "2015-10-13T13:36:40.872Z", "application_namespace": null, "depth": 1, "created_by": "ungleich"}}]	home	11	235
6539	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "en-us", "path": "000X", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	158	10	235
6541	36	36	json	[{"pk": 36, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	235
6542	35	35	json	[{"pk": 35, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	235
6543	32	32	json	[{"pk": 32, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	235
6523	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}}]	At the moment...	35	235
6524	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	235
6525	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	235
6526	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "de", "path": "0012", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	163	10	235
6527	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	235
6528	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "de", "path": "0014", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	165	10	235
6529	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	235
6530	39	39	json	[{"pk": 39, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	235
6531	31	31	json	[{"pk": 31, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	235
6532	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	a new area	35	235
6533	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "de", "path": "0018", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	170	10	235
6534	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	235
6535	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}}]	WO SIND WIR	35	235
6536	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "de", "path": "001B", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	173	10	235
6537	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "en-us", "path": "000W", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	157	10	235
6538	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}}]	While you can...	35	235
6540	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}}]	Wherewe are	35	235
6544	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "en-us", "path": "0010", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	161	10	235
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6548	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	235
6549	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "de", "path": "0013", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	164	10	235
6550	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Y", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	159	10	235
6551	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	235
6552	33	33	json	[{"pk": 33, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	235
6553	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}}]	Why would anyone...	35	235
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6555	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	235
6556	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "de", "path": "0015", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	166	10	235
6557	34	34	json	[{"pk": 34, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	236
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6559	6	6	json	[{"pk": 6, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "de", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus-startseite", "page": 5, "menu_title": "Startseite", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite"}}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus-startseite, de)	16	236
6560	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "de", "path": "001A", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	172	10	236
6561	5	5	json	[{"pk": 5, "model": "cms.title", "fields": {"redirect": "", "language": "en-us", "published": true, "slug": "digitalglarus-home", "page": 5, "menu_title": "home", "has_url_overwrite": false, "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "path": "digitalglarus-home"}}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus-home, en-us)	16	236
6562	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "de", "path": "001B", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	173	10	236
6563	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "de", "path": "0019", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	171	10	236
6564	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "en-us", "path": "000S", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:23.181Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	153	10	236
6603	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "de", "path": "0018", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	170	10	236
11008	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	399
7722	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	268
10436	196	196	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 81, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:27.945Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:06:26.767Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001V"}, "pk": 196}]	196	10	384
6565	153	153	json	[{"pk": 153, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	236
6566	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	Build a tech...	35	236
6567	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "en-us", "path": "000U", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	155	10	236
6568	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "en-us", "path": "000V", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	156	10	236
6569	154	154	json	[{"pk": 154, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "en-us", "path": "000T", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	154	10	236
6570	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}}]	The current de-facto...	35	236
6571	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}}]	Wherewe are	35	236
6572	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "placeholder": 38, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Z", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	160	10	236
6573	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "en-us", "path": "0010", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:27.073Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	161	10	236
6574	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	236
6575	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "placeholder": 31, "language": "de", "path": "0012", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	163	10	236
6576	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "placeholder": 32, "language": "de", "path": "0013", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	164	10	236
6577	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "placeholder": 33, "language": "de", "path": "0014", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	165	10	236
6578	38	38	json	[{"pk": 38, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	236
6579	39	39	json	[{"pk": 39, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	236
6580	156	156	json	[{"pk": 156, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}}]	a new area	35	236
6581	170	170	json	[{"pk": 170, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	236
6582	171	171	json	[{"pk": 171, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	236
6583	172	172	json	[{"pk": 172, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}}]	WO SIND WIR	35	236
6604	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	236
6584	173	173	json	[{"pk": 173, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}}]	Der erste grosse...	35	236
6585	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}}]	Why would anyone...	35	236
6586	155	155	json	[{"pk": 155, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}}]	While you can...	35	236
6587	158	158	json	[{"pk": 158, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "placeholder": 36, "language": "en-us", "path": "000X", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	158	10	236
6588	31	31	json	[{"pk": 31, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	236
6589	36	36	json	[{"pk": 36, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	236
6590	35	35	json	[{"pk": 35, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	236
6591	160	160	json	[{"pk": 160, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}}]	At the moment...	35	236
6592	161	161	json	[{"pk": 161, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}}]	The Swiss IT...	35	236
6593	162	162	json	[{"pk": 162, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "placeholder": 39, "language": "de", "path": "0011", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	162	10	236
6594	163	163	json	[{"pk": 163, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	236
6595	164	164	json	[{"pk": 164, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	236
6596	159	159	json	[{"pk": 159, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "placeholder": 37, "language": "en-us", "path": "000Y", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	159	10	236
6597	37	37	json	[{"pk": 37, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	236
6598	165	165	json	[{"pk": 165, "model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	236
6599	32	32	json	[{"pk": 32, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	236
6600	33	33	json	[{"pk": 33, "model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	236
6601	157	157	json	[{"pk": 157, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "placeholder": 35, "language": "en-us", "path": "000W", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	157	10	236
6602	166	166	json	[{"pk": 166, "model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"parent": null, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "placeholder": 34, "language": "de", "path": "0015", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "depth": 1}}]	166	10	236
7723	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:22:15.298Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	268
7724	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	268
7725	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	268
7726	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	268
7727	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	268
7728	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	268
7729	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	268
7730	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	268
7731	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	268
7732	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	268
7733	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<h4>\\nLASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!\\n</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!\\n\\nEs ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen.\\n\\nWir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).\\n\\nWir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).\\n\\nFalls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	268
7734	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	268
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7744	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	268
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10647	177	177	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	389
10437	199	199	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p><span tabindex=\\"-1\\" class=\\"short_text\\" lang=\\"de\\" id=\\"result_box\\"><span class=\\"hps\\">Telefon</span></span>: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Email: <strong><a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\\n\\n<p><span tabindex=\\"-1\\" class=\\"short_text\\" lang=\\"de\\" id=\\"result_box\\"><span class=\\"hps\\">Anschrift</span></span>: <strong><span style=\\"\\">In Der Au 7, \\u00a08762 Schwanden Switzerland</span></strong></p>\\n"}, "pk": 199}]	Telefon: +41 (0)...	35	384
10438	197	197	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 82, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:15:40.462Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:38.170Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001W"}, "pk": 197}]	197	10	384
10439	198	198	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<iframe width=\\"100%\\" height=\\"400\\" src=\\"//maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=46.969959,9.039001&amp;spn=56.506174,79.013672&amp;t=m&amp;z=12&amp;output=embed\\" scrolling=\\"no\\" frameborder=\\"0\\"></iframe>"}, "pk": 198}]		35	384
10440	199	199	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 84, "changed_date": "2015-10-05T01:48:02.213Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:16:22.743Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001Y"}, "pk": 199}]	199	10	384
10441	189	189	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 81, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:56:35.337Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:06:26.767Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001R"}, "pk": 189}]	189	10	384
10442	10	10	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - Kontakt", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "Kontakt", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-kontakt", "page": 7, "slug": "digital-glarus-kontakt", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Kontakt", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:07.928Z", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Kontakt", "published": true}, "pk": 10}]	Digital Glarus - Kontakt (digital-glarus-kontakt, de)	16	384
10443	83	83	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_contact_content"}, "pk": 83}]	digital_glarus_contact_content	9	384
10444	190	190	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 82, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:12:53.711Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:06:49.275Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001S"}, "pk": 190}]	190	10	384
10445	9	9	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - Contact", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "contact", "path": "digitalglarus-home/digital-glarus-contact", "page": 7, "slug": "digital-glarus-contact", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Contact", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:05:38.201Z", "meta_description": "Contact DIGITAL GLARUS ", "published": true}, "pk": 9}]	Digital Glarus - Contact (digital-glarus-contact, en-us)	16	384
10446	191	191	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 84, "changed_date": "2015-10-05T01:47:21.611Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:07:07.395Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001T"}, "pk": 191}]	191	10	384
10447	189	189	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 189}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	384
10448	190	190	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	384
10449	191	191	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Phone: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Email: <strong><a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Address:\\u00a0 <strong><span style=\\"\\">In Der Au 7, \\u00a08762 Schwanden Switzerland</span></strong></p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"clearfix\\">\\u00a0</div>\\n"}, "pk": 191}]	Phone: +41 (0)...	35	384
11009	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	399
11010	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	399
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7646	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	266
7647	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	266
7507	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden. It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation. We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF). We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF). If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF). Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	We found a...	35	262
7508	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	262
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7510	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	262
7511	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	262
7512	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	262
7513	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	262
7514	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:43:11.610Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	262
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10450	34	34	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 34}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	385
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10452	6	6	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "Startseite", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite", "page": 5, "slug": "digitalglarus-startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": true}, "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus-startseite, de)	16	385
10453	172	172	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001A"}, "pk": 172}]	172	10	385
10454	5	5	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "home", "path": "digitalglarus-home", "page": 5, "slug": "digitalglarus-home", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "published": true}, "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus-home, en-us)	16	385
10455	173	173	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001B"}, "pk": 173}]	173	10	385
10456	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0019"}, "pk": 171}]	171	10	385
10457	153	153	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-13T14:02:19.803Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000S"}, "pk": 153}]	153	10	385
11011	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	400
7528	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<h4>\\nLASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!\\n</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!\\n\\nEs ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen.\\n\\nWir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).\\n\\nWir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).\\n\\nFalls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	263
7529	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	263
7530	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	263
7531	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	263
7532	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	263
7533	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	263
7534	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:56:41.098Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	263
7535	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	263
7536	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	263
7537	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	263
7538	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	263
7539	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	263
7540	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	263
7541	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	263
7542	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	263
7543	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	263
7544	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	263
7545	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	263
7546	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	263
7547	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	263
7559	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:57:39.242Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	264
7560	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	264
7561	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	264
7548	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden. It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation. We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF). We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF). If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF). Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	We found a...	35	263
7549	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	263
7550	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	263
7551	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	263
7552	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	263
7553	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	263
7554	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	263
7555	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:43:11.610Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	263
7556	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	263
10458	153	153	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n"}, "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	385
10459	154	154	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	385
10460	155	155	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000U"}, "pk": 155}]	155	10	385
10461	156	156	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000V"}, "pk": 156}]	156	10	385
10462	154	154	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000T"}, "pk": 154}]	154	10	385
10463	158	158	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	385
10464	159	159	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	385
10465	160	160	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000Z"}, "pk": 160}]	160	10	385
7648	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	266
7569	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<h4>\\nLASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!\\n</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!\\n\\nEs ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen.\\n\\nWir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).\\n\\nWir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).\\n\\nFalls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	264
7570	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	264
7571	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	264
7572	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	264
7573	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	264
7574	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	264
7575	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:56:41.098Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	264
7576	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	264
7577	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	264
7578	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	264
7579	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	264
7580	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	264
7581	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	264
7582	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	264
7583	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	264
7584	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	264
7585	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	264
7586	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	264
7587	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	264
7588	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	264
7601	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	265
7602	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	265
7603	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	265
7604	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	265
7763	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	269
7589	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden. It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation. We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF). We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF). If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF). Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr>\\n</div>\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	264
7590	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	264
7591	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	264
7592	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	264
7593	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	264
7594	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	264
7595	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	264
7596	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:04:49.878Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	264
7597	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	264
10466	161	161	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:55:56.749Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0010"}, "pk": 161}]	161	10	385
10467	162	162	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 162}]	The Swiss IT...	35	385
10468	163	163	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0012"}, "pk": 163}]	163	10	385
10469	164	164	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0013"}, "pk": 164}]	164	10	385
10470	165	165	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0014"}, "pk": 165}]	165	10	385
10471	38	38	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 38}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	385
10472	39	39	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	385
10473	156	156	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	385
10474	170	170	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	385
10475	171	171	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	385
7649	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	266
10648	178	178	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	389
7610	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<h4>\\nLASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!\\n</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!\\n\\nEs ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen.\\n\\nWir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).\\n\\nWir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).\\n\\nFalls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	265
7611	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	265
7612	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	265
7613	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	265
7614	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	265
7615	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	265
7616	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:56:41.098Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	265
7617	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	265
7618	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	265
7619	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	265
7620	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	265
7621	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	265
7622	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	265
7623	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	265
7624	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	265
7625	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	265
7626	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	265
7627	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	265
7628	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	265
7629	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	265
7641	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:21:17.776Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	266
7642	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	266
7643	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	266
7630	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden. \\n</p><p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation. We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF). We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF). \\n</p><p>\\nIf there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF). \\n</p>\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	265
7631	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	265
7632	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	265
7633	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	265
7634	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	265
7635	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	265
7636	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	265
7637	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:21:17.333Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	265
7638	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	265
10476	172	172	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	385
10477	173	173	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	385
10478	157	157	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	385
10479	155	155	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	385
10480	158	158	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000X"}, "pk": 158}]	158	10	385
10481	31	31	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	385
10482	36	36	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	385
10483	35	35	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	385
11012	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	400
10649	179	179	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	389
7650	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	266
7651	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<h4>\\nLASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!\\n</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!\\n\\nEs ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen.\\n\\nWir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).\\n\\nWir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).\\n\\nFalls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	266
7652	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	266
7653	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	266
7654	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	266
7655	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	266
7656	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	266
7657	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:56:41.098Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	266
7658	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	266
7659	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	266
7660	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	266
7661	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	266
7662	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	266
7663	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	266
7664	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	266
7665	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	266
7666	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	266
7667	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	266
7668	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	266
7669	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	266
7670	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	266
7803	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	270
7682	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:21:47.210Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	267
7671	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation. We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	266
7672	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	266
7673	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	266
7674	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	266
7675	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	266
7676	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	266
7677	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	266
7678	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:21:46.892Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	266
7679	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	266
10484	160	160	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	385
10485	161	161	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 161}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	385
10486	162	162	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:21:59.568Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0011"}, "pk": 162}]	162	10	385
10487	163	163	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	385
10488	164	164	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	385
10489	159	159	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000Y"}, "pk": 159}]	159	10	385
10540	187	187	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN <small>NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 187}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	386
7683	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	267
7684	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	267
7685	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	267
7686	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	267
7687	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	267
7688	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	267
7689	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	267
7690	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	267
7691	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	267
7692	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<h4>\\nLASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!\\n</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!\\n\\nEs ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen.\\n\\nWir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).\\n\\nWir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).\\n\\nFalls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	267
7693	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	267
7694	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	267
7695	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	267
7696	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	267
7697	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	267
7698	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T00:56:41.098Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	267
7699	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	267
7700	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	267
7701	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	267
7702	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	267
7703	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	267
7704	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	267
7705	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	267
7706	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	267
7707	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	267
7708	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	267
7709	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	267
7710	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	267
7711	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	267
7712	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	267
7713	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	267
7714	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	267
7715	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	267
7716	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	267
7717	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	267
7718	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	267
7719	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:22:00.638Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	267
7720	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	267
10490	37	37	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	385
10491	165	165	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	385
10492	32	32	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	385
10493	33	33	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	385
10494	157	157	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:43.059Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:37.507Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000W"}, "pk": 157}]	157	10	385
10495	166	166	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0015"}, "pk": 166}]	166	10	385
10496	170	170	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0018"}, "pk": 170}]	170	10	385
7748	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	268
7749	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	268
7750	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	268
7751	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	268
7752	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	268
7753	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	268
7754	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	268
7755	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	268
7756	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	268
7757	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	268
7758	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	268
7759	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	268
7760	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:22:00.638Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	268
7761	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	268
10497	166	166	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	385
11013	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 2, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": null, "parent": 5, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-12-01T23:41:08.309Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "publication_date": "2015-11-25T07:04:21.089Z", "path": "00050004", "soft_root": false, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.576Z", "application_urls": null, "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184]}, "pk": 15}]	jazz	11	400
7764	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:22:15.384Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	269
10541	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	386
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7766	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	269
7767	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	269
7768	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	269
7769	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	269
7770	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	269
7771	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	269
7772	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	269
7773	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	269
7774	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	269
7775	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	269
7776	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	269
7777	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	269
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7779	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	269
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7781	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	269
7782	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	269
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7784	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	269
7785	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	269
7786	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	269
7787	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	269
7788	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	269
7789	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	269
7790	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	269
10574	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	387
7791	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	269
7792	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	269
7793	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	269
7794	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	269
7795	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	269
7796	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	269
7797	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	269
7798	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	269
7799	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	269
7800	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	269
7801	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:22:00.638Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	269
7802	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	269
10498	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 71, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:57.022Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:50.728Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001H"}, "pk": 179}]	179	10	386
10499	6	6	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 2, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": "", "parent": 5, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:57:26.501Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:26.906Z", "path": "00050001", "soft_root": false, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/about.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.381Z", "application_urls": "", "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72]}, "pk": 6}]	about	11	386
10500	7	7	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - About", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "about", "path": "digitalglarus-home/digital-glarus-about", "page": 6, "slug": "digital-glarus-about", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - About", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.433Z", "meta_description": "The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13", "published": true}, "pk": 7}]	Digital Glarus - About (digital-glarus-about, en-us)	16	386
7805	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:20.964Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	Crowdfunding	11	270
7806	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	270
7807	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	270
7808	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	270
7809	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	270
7810	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	270
7811	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	270
7812	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	270
7813	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	270
7814	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	270
7815	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	270
7816	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	270
7817	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	270
7818	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	270
7819	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	270
7820	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	270
7821	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:07.287Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	270
7822	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	270
7823	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	270
7824	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	270
7825	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	270
7826	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	270
7827	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	270
7828	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	270
7829	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	270
7830	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	270
7831	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	270
7832	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	270
7833	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	270
7834	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	270
7835	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	270
7836	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	270
7837	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	270
7838	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	270
7839	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	270
7840	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	270
7841	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	270
7842	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:22:00.638Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	270
7843	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	270
7844	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	271
7845	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	271
7846	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:21.052Z", "in_navigation": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "publication_end_date": null, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "numchild": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "is_home": false, "navigation_extenders": "", "depth": 2, "languages": "en-us,de", "login_required": false, "soft_root": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "revision_id": 0, "site": 1, "path": "00050003", "application_urls": "", "changed_by": "ungleich", "application_namespace": null, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171], "reverse_id": null}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	271
7847	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0020", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	271
7848	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	271
7849	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0022", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	271
7850	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	The Swiss IT...	35	271
10609	170	170	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	388
7851	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0024", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:46.248Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	271
7852	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	271
7853	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	The Swiss IT...	35	271
7854	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	271
7855	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	271
7856	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	271
7857	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	271
7858	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	271
7859	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	271
7860	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	271
7861	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	271
7862	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0075", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:07.287Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	271
7863	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	271
7864	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	271
7865	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	271
7866	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	271
7867	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	271
7868	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	271
7869	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	271
7870	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	271
7871	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 95, "path": "0026", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	271
7872	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 97, "path": "0028", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	271
7873	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": "", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "en-us", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	271
7874	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	271
7875	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0027", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	271
11134	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 180}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	404
7876	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><hr></div>\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	271
7877	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "language": "de", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	271
7878	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	271
7879	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "0025", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	271
7880	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 94, "path": "001Z", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	271
7881	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 93, "path": "0023", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:33.087Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	271
7882	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	271
7883	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 171, "path": "0074", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:24:09.332Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	271
7884	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 96, "path": "0021", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	271
10501	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "\\u00dcber uns", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-uber-uns", "page": 6, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": true}, "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	386
10502	188	188	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 71, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:59:12.135Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:28.318Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001Q"}, "pk": 188}]	188	10	386
10503	174	174	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 66, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:56:18.192Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001C"}, "pk": 174}]	174	10	386
10504	175	175	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	386
10505	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 68, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:52.849Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:40.251Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001E"}, "pk": 176}]	176	10	386
10506	180	180	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	386
10507	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 69, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:14.264Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:04.566Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001F"}, "pk": 177}]	177	10	386
10508	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 70, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:41.789Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:33.925Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001G"}, "pk": 178}]	178	10	386
10509	174	174	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 174}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	386
10510	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001D"}, "pk": 175}]	175	10	386
10539	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:57:08.089Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:38.665Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001K"}, "pk": 182}]	182	10	386
10511	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	386
10512	177	177	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	386
10513	178	178	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 178}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	386
10514	179	179	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 179}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	386
10515	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:48:12.223Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:48:04.828Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001I"}, "pk": 180}]	180	10	386
10516	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 66, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:10.927Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001J"}, "pk": 181}]	181	10	386
10517	182	182	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	386
10518	183	183	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	386
10519	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p style=\\"text-align: center;\\">WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	386
10520	185	185	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	386
10521	58	58	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 58}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	386
10522	59	59	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 59}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	386
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10524	61	61	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 61}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	386
10525	62	62	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 62}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	386
10526	181	181	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13</div>\\n"}, "pk": 181}]	The Swiss IT...	35	386
10527	64	64	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 64}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	386
10528	65	65	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 65}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	386
10529	66	66	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 66}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	386
10530	67	67	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 67}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	386
10531	68	68	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us_content"}, "pk": 68}]	digitalglarus_why_us_content	9	386
10532	69	69	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 69}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	386
10533	70	70	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 70}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	386
10534	71	71	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 71}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	386
10535	72	72	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 72}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	386
10536	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 68, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:53:03.407Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:52:54.182Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001L"}, "pk": 183}]	183	10	386
10537	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 69, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:00:01.920Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:55:08.645Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001M"}, "pk": 184}]	184	10	386
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10542	187	187	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:59:41.183Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:10.917Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001P"}, "pk": 187}]	187	10	386
10543	63	63	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 63}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	386
11014	532	532	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:38.121Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:36:07.172Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 4, "path": "008E"}, "pk": 532}]	532	10	400
11015	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0001"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	400
11016	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	400
11017	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/jazz", "page": 15, "slug": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (jazz, en-us)	16	400
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11019	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "published": true}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	400
11020	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	400
11021	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 2, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0004"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	400
11022	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup.com", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	400
11023	552	552	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "LinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:39.008Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:38.800Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 3, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0005"}, "pk": 552}]	552	10	400
11024	551	551	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:46.897Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:33.454Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": 537, "numchild": 0, "path": "008G0001"}, "pk": 551}]	551	10	400
11025	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	400
11026	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 176}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	400
11027	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 177}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	400
11028	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 178}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	400
11029	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	400
11030	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 180}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	400
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11032	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	400
10544	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	387
10545	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	387
10546	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 2, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": "", "parent": 5, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:55:34.826Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "path": "00050003", "soft_root": false, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "application_urls": "", "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171]}, "pk": 8}]	crowdfunding	11	387
10547	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 95, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0020"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	387
10548	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	387
10549	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 97, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0022"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	387
10550	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	387
10551	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 93, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T18:45:25.172Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0024"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	387
10552	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	387
10553	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	387
10554	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	387
10555	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	387
10556	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	387
10557	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	387
10558	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	387
10559	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	387
10560	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	387
10561	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	387
10562	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 171, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:07.287Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0075"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	387
10563	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	387
10564	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	387
10565	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	387
10566	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	387
10567	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	387
10568	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	387
10569	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	387
10570	200	200	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 200}]	why glarus?	35	387
10571	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 95, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0026"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	387
10572	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 97, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0028"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	387
10573	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	387
10575	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 96, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0027"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	387
10576	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<hr>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<iframe frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"650\\" width=\\"100%\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\"></iframe>\\n</div>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	387
10577	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	387
10578	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	387
10579	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 94, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0025"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	387
10580	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 94, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001Z"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	387
10581	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 93, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:55:24.411Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0023"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	387
10582	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	387
10583	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 171, "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:36:27.273Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0074"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	387
10584	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 96, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0021"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	387
11033	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 183}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	400
11034	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	400
11120	537	537	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:11.193Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:06:27.105Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 1, "path": "008G"}, "pk": 537}]	537	10	404
11121	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	404
11122	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	404
10585	34	34	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 34}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	388
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10587	6	6	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "Startseite", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite", "page": 5, "slug": "digitalglarus-startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": true}, "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus-startseite, de)	16	388
10588	172	172	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001A"}, "pk": 172}]	172	10	388
10589	5	5	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "home", "path": "digitalglarus-home", "page": 5, "slug": "digitalglarus-home", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "published": true}, "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus-home, en-us)	16	388
10590	173	173	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001B"}, "pk": 173}]	173	10	388
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10592	153	153	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-13T14:02:19.803Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000S"}, "pk": 153}]	153	10	388
10593	153	153	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n"}, "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	388
10594	154	154	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	388
10595	155	155	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000U"}, "pk": 155}]	155	10	388
10596	156	156	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000V"}, "pk": 156}]	156	10	388
10597	154	154	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000T"}, "pk": 154}]	154	10	388
11123	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "published": true}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	404
10598	158	158	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	388
10599	159	159	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	388
10600	160	160	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000Z"}, "pk": 160}]	160	10	388
10601	161	161	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:55:56.749Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0010"}, "pk": 161}]	161	10	388
10602	162	162	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 162}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	388
10603	163	163	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0012"}, "pk": 163}]	163	10	388
10604	164	164	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0013"}, "pk": 164}]	164	10	388
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10608	156	156	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	388
10610	171	171	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	388
10611	172	172	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	388
10612	173	173	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	388
10613	157	157	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	388
10614	155	155	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	388
10615	158	158	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000X"}, "pk": 158}]	158	10	388
10616	31	31	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	388
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11124	542	542	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:49.547Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:12.795Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 1, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0002"}, "pk": 542}]	542	10	404
11125	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 2, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0004"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	404
11126	551	551	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:46.897Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:33.454Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": 537, "numchild": 0, "path": "008G0001"}, "pk": 551}]	551	10	404
10619	160	160	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	388
10620	161	161	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 161}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	388
10621	162	162	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T18:45:41.198Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0011"}, "pk": 162}]	162	10	388
10622	163	163	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	388
11135	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	404
11136	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	404
10623	164	164	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	388
10624	159	159	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000Y"}, "pk": 159}]	159	10	388
10625	37	37	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	388
10626	165	165	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	388
10627	32	32	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	388
10628	33	33	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	388
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10630	166	166	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:28.835Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:23.851Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0015"}, "pk": 166}]	166	10	388
10631	170	170	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 35, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:08.100Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:20.090Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0018"}, "pk": 170}]	170	10	388
10632	166	166	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	388
11035	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	400
11036	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	400
11127	552	552	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "LinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:39.008Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:38.800Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 3, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0005"}, "pk": 552}]	552	10	404
11128	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup.com", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	404
11129	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	404
11130	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 176}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	404
11131	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 177}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	404
11132	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 178}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	404
11133	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	404
11139	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	404
10633	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 71, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:57.022Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:50.728Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001H"}, "pk": 179}]	179	10	389
10634	6	6	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 2, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": "", "parent": 5, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:57:26.596Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:26.906Z", "path": "00050001", "soft_root": false, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/about.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.381Z", "application_urls": "", "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72]}, "pk": 6}]	about	11	389
10635	7	7	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - About", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "about", "path": "digitalglarus-home/digital-glarus-about", "page": 6, "slug": "digital-glarus-about", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - About", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:05.433Z", "meta_description": "The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13", "published": true}, "pk": 7}]	Digital Glarus - About (digital-glarus-about, en-us)	16	389
10636	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "\\u00dcber uns", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-uber-uns", "page": 6, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": true}, "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	389
10637	188	188	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 71, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:59:12.135Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:56:28.318Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001Q"}, "pk": 188}]	188	10	389
10638	174	174	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 66, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:56:18.192Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001C"}, "pk": 174}]	174	10	389
10639	175	175	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>Us?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 175}]	why Us?	35	389
10640	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 68, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:52.849Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:40.251Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001E"}, "pk": 176}]	176	10	389
10641	180	180	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 180}]	direct connection to...	35	389
10642	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 69, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:14.264Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:04.566Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001F"}, "pk": 177}]	177	10	389
10643	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 70, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:41.789Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:47:33.925Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001G"}, "pk": 178}]	178	10	389
10644	174	174	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 174}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	389
10645	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001D"}, "pk": 175}]	175	10	389
10646	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	389
10650	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 72, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:48:12.223Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:48:04.828Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001I"}, "pk": 180}]	180	10	389
10651	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 66, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T18:47:28.621Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:45:58.715Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001J"}, "pk": 181}]	181	10	389
10652	182	182	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO WIR?\\n"}, "pk": 182}]	WIESO WIR?	35	389
11037	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	401
11038	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	401
10653	183	183	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Wir, die ungleich GmbH, wurden im Jahre 2013 in der Schweiz gegr\\u00fcndet \\u2013 obwohl, unsere erste Verk\\u00f6rperung lag in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 zur\\u00fcck. Wir haben ein grosses Wissen in der Technologie Branche und haben umfangreiche Netzwerke mit kleinen bis mittleren Technik-Unternehmungen der Schweiz, weil wir auch eine davon sind. Wir arbeiteten mit diesen kleinen bis mittleren IT-Firmen in Co-Working Spaces; Technik-K\\u00f6pfchen und flexibel, Technik-Unternehmen haben eine offene Kultur in der Arbeit, und sehr oft erfahren sie schwierige Situationen, weil sie ihre Mitarbeiter so kreativ wie m\\u00f6glich arbeiten lassen wollen. Wir kennen und teilen die Bed\\u00fcrfnisse und Probleme. Aus diesem Grund kamen wir auf eine eigene L\\u00f6sung, in dem wir einen attraktiven Arbeitsplatz f\\u00fcr Technologie-Unternehmen in der Schweiz fanden und zu Verf\\u00fcgung stellen wollen.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 183}]	Wir, die ungleich...	35	389
10654	184	184	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p style=\\"text-align: center;\\">WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 184}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	389
10655	185	185	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small>LANDSCHAFT</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 185}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	389
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10676	188	188	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 188}]	PREISWERT	35	389
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10705	9	9	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - Contact", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "contact", "path": "digitalglarus-home/digital-glarus-contact", "page": 7, "slug": "digital-glarus-contact", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Contact", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:05:38.201Z", "meta_description": "Contact DIGITAL GLARUS ", "published": true}, "pk": 9}]	Digital Glarus - Contact (digital-glarus-contact, en-us)	16	390
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11044	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	401
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10711	196	196	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 196}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	391
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10728	199	199	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p><span tabindex=\\"-1\\" class=\\"short_text\\" lang=\\"de\\" id=\\"result_box\\"><span class=\\"hps\\">Telefon</span></span>: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Email: <strong><a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\\n\\n<p><span tabindex=\\"-1\\" class=\\"short_text\\" lang=\\"de\\" id=\\"result_box\\"><span class=\\"hps\\">Anschrift</span></span>: <strong><span style=\\"\\">In Der Au 7, \\u00a08762 Schwanden Switzerland</span></strong></p>\\n"}, "pk": 199}]	Telefon: +41 (0)...	35	391
10729	197	197	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 82, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:15:40.462Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:38.170Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001W"}, "pk": 197}]	197	10	391
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10733	10	10	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - Kontakt", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "Kontakt", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-kontakt", "page": 7, "slug": "digital-glarus-kontakt", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Kontakt", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:07.928Z", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Kontakt", "published": true}, "pk": 10}]	Digital Glarus - Kontakt (digital-glarus-kontakt, de)	16	391
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10736	9	9	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - Contact", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "contact", "path": "digitalglarus-home/digital-glarus-contact", "page": 7, "slug": "digital-glarus-contact", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Contact", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:05:38.201Z", "meta_description": "Contact DIGITAL GLARUS ", "published": true}, "pk": 9}]	Digital Glarus - Contact (digital-glarus-contact, en-us)	16	391
10737	191	191	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 84, "changed_date": "2015-10-05T01:47:21.611Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:07:07.395Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001T"}, "pk": 191}]	191	10	391
10738	189	189	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 189}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	391
10739	190	190	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	391
10740	191	191	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Phone: <strong>+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Email: <strong><a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a></strong></p>\\n\\n<p>Address:\\u00a0 <strong><span style=\\"\\">In Der Au 7, \\u00a08762 Schwanden Switzerland</span></strong></p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"clearfix\\">\\u00a0</div>\\n"}, "pk": 191}]	Phone: +41 (0)...	35	391
11057	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	401
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11061	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	401
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11165	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	405
10741	34	34	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 34}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	392
10742	5	5	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 1, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": "", "parent": null, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T18:48:17.932Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 4, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": "digital-glarus-page", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T22:19:37.050Z", "path": "0005", "soft_root": true, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/index.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.171Z", "application_urls": "", "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]}, "pk": 5}]	Startseite	11	392
10743	6	6	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "Startseite", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite", "page": 5, "slug": "digitalglarus-startseite", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Startseite", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:12.951Z", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": true}, "pk": 6}]	Digital Glarus - Startseite (digitalglarus-startseite, de)	16	392
10744	172	172	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:29.358Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:32:07.260Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001A"}, "pk": 172}]	172	10	392
10745	5	5	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - Welcome", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "home", "path": "digitalglarus-home", "page": 5, "slug": "digitalglarus-home", "page_title": "Digital Glarus", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:53:42.348Z", "meta_description": "BUILD A TECH VALLEY IN THE HEART OF SWITZERLAND", "published": true}, "pk": 5}]	Digital Glarus - Welcome (digitalglarus-home, en-us)	16	392
10746	173	173	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:16.255Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:36:07.616Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001B"}, "pk": 173}]	173	10	392
10747	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:46.273Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:31:39.702Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0019"}, "pk": 171}]	171	10	392
10748	153	153	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-13T14:02:19.803Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:13.254Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000S"}, "pk": 153}]	153	10	392
10749	153	153	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.</p>\\n\\n<p>The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge\\u00a0variety of great food offers forms what we call \\"Digital Glarus\\".</p>\\n\\n<p>The valley also known as \\"Glarnerland\\" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.</p>\\n\\n<p>In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality\\u00a0old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n"}, "pk": 153}]	Digital Glarus, this...	35	392
10750	154	154	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Build a tech valley <strong>in the heart of switzerland</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 154}]	Build a tech...	35	392
10751	155	155	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 34, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:52.991Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:59:46.792Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000U"}, "pk": 155}]	155	10	392
10752	156	156	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:11.377Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:00:03.379Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000V"}, "pk": 156}]	156	10	392
10753	154	154	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:47.550Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T16:56:41.534Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000T"}, "pk": 154}]	154	10	392
10754	158	158	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 158}]	The current de-facto...	35	392
10755	159	159	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><strong>Where</strong>we are</h2>\\n"}, "pk": 159}]	Wherewe are	35	392
10756	160	160	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 38, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:59.197Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:51.549Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000Z"}, "pk": 160}]	160	10	392
10757	161	161	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:55:56.749Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:02:21.812Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0010"}, "pk": 161}]	161	10	392
10758	162	162	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 162}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	392
10759	163	163	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 31, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:40:11.985Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:11.318Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0012"}, "pk": 163}]	163	10	392
10820	203	203	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 203}]	direct connection to...	35	394
10760	164	164	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 32, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:47.375Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:22:41.094Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0013"}, "pk": 164}]	164	10	392
10761	165	165	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 33, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:39:51.912Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:23:05.607Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0014"}, "pk": 165}]	165	10	392
10762	38	38	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 38}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	392
10763	39	39	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 39}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	392
10764	156	156	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">a new <strong>area</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 156}]	a new area	35	392
10765	170	170	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WIESO SOLLTE SICH JEMAND F\\u00dcR DAS INTERESSIEREN?\\n"}, "pk": 170}]	WIESO SOLLTE SICH...	35	392
10766	171	171	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Das momentane de-facto Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, Z\\u00fcrich, ist, mit einem Durchschnitt von weniger als 0.1% freien Wohnungen, \\u00fcberbev\\u00f6lkert.<br>\\nUm es genau zu nehmen \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllt, teuer und laut\\u2026 Obwohl die hohe Dichte der Personen f\\u00fcr Firmen praktisch ist um neue Mitarbeiter zu finden, sind die meisten Technik-Unternehmen arbeiten im Internet und sind flexibel im Ortswechsel.<br>\\nWieso nicht in sch\\u00f6nen Geb\\u00e4uden in Glarus neu beginnen?<br>\\nWir wissen, dass Zeit, Geld und Leidenschaft ben\\u00f6tigt wird um reizend f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmen zu werden, damit diese hier her kommen.<br>\\nNichtsdestotrotz werden die Gesamtkosten extrem sinken gegen\\u00fcber dem Verbleib in einer \\u00fcberf\\u00fcllten Stadt.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 171}]	Das momentane de-facto...	35	392
10767	172	172	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "WO SIND WIR\\n"}, "pk": 172}]	WO SIND WIR	35	392
10768	173	173	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Der erste grosse Schritt, welcher wir (ungleich) gemacht haben ist der Kauf eines charmanten \\u00e4lteren Hauses in Schwanden, Glarus. Das wird unser Prototyp um das Glarnerland besser kennenzulernen und um um Talente herzulocken.<br>\\nWir sind an der Er\\u00f6ffnung der \\u00d6rtlichkeit f\\u00fcr Technik-Unternehmungen, als Co-Working Space, dran. Wir arbeiten eng mit lokalen \\u00c4mter und Unterst\\u00fctzer zusammen. Es ist wichtig, dass eine gewisse Infrastruktur und fr\\u00fche Anwender aufgebaut werden. Wir wollen dass Glarus und die IT-Gemeinschaft der Schweiz auf diesen Zug aufspringen, f\\u00fcr das grossartige Abenteuer im sch\\u00f6nen Tal von Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Bist du interessiert?</p>\\n\\n<p>Kontaktiere uns:</p>\\n\\n<p><a class=\\"email\\" href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch</a> // +41 (0) 44 534 66 22</p>\\n"}, "pk": 173}]	Der erste grosse...	35	392
10769	157	157	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">Why would anyone be <strong>interested</strong> in it?</h2>\\n"}, "pk": 157}]	Why would anyone...	35	392
10770	155	155	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits\\u00a0exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great\\u00a0and affordable place for computer scientists.</p>\\n\\n<p>We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.</p>\\n\\n<p>But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in\\u00a0Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly\\u00a0what Glarnerland can provide.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 155}]	While you can...	35	392
10771	158	158	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 36, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:09.865Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:04.021Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000X"}, "pk": 158}]	158	10	392
10772	31	31	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 31}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	392
10773	36	36	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 36}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	392
10774	35	35	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 35}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	392
10775	160	160	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>At the moment we at <a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\"> ungleich</a> are talking to authorities and\\u00a0 sponsors. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure and\\u00a0 attract early adopters. Building a community (<a href=\\"http://www.meetup.ch\\">meetup</a> alike)\\u00a0 can be helpful, but competitive pricing as well as superior infrastructure are crucial for success.</p>\\n\\n<p>The great first step we (<a href=\\"http://www.ungleich.ch\\">ungleich</a>) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.</p>\\n\\n<p>Have you become interested in the project?</p>\\n\\n<p>Contact us at<br>\\n<br>\\n<a href=\\"mailto:digitalglarus@ungleich.ch\\">digitalglarus@ungleich.ch </a> // <a value=\\"+41445346622\\">+41 (0) 44 534 66 22</a></p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n"}, "pk": 160}]	At the moment...	35	392
10776	161	161	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 161}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	392
10777	162	162	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 39, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T18:45:41.198Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:20:34.383Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0011"}, "pk": 162}]	162	10	392
10778	163	163	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ\\n"}, "pk": 163}]	DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES...	35	392
11209	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 177}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	407
10779	164	164	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Digital Glarus, so nennen wir das neue Zuhause f\\u00fcr High-Tech Firmen. Im S\\u00fcden von Z\\u00fcrich hat es einmalige Vorteile, welche man nirgends sonst in der Schweiz finden wird.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Kombination von wundersch\\u00f6ner Aussicht und Erholungsgebieten sowie den Besitz von High-Speed Internet und eine riesige Auswahl an Restaurants kreiert was wir \\u201eDigital Glarus\\u201c nennen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Die Landschaft, das \\u201eGlarnerland\\u201c hat viele ehemalige Geb\\u00e4ude des Industriegebietes, welche direkt ins Auge fallen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Genaugenommen besitzt das Glarnerland \\u00fcber die besterhaltenste Sammlung von antiken H\\u00e4user mit M\\u00f6beln bester Qualit\\u00e4t. (Genau von denen, welche du immer in teuren L\\u00e4den anschaust, aber nie kaufst \\u2013 so leben die Leute hier).</p>\\n"}, "pk": 164}]	Digital Glarus, so...	35	392
10780	159	159	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 37, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:35.916Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:01:30.763Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "000Y"}, "pk": 159}]	159	10	392
10781	37	37	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 37}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	392
10782	165	165	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "EINE NEUE REGION.\\n"}, "pk": 165}]	EINE NEUE REGION.	35	392
10783	32	32	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 32}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	392
10784	33	33	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 33}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	392
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10788	166	166	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>Die alten Fabriken, welche h\\u00e4ufig Webm\\u00fchlen waren, sind heute nicht mehr in Betrieb, ihre Erhaltung passt jedoch genaustens in das was die Technik-Gesellschaft der Schweiz verlangt: Grossartige und preiswerte Orte f\\u00fcr IT-Begeisterte</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir arbeiten am neuen Technik-Zentrum der Schweiz, indem wir alte freistehende Geb\\u00e4ude in attraktive Co-Working Spaces verwandeln.</p>\\n\\n<p>Aber was ist eigentlich reizvoll f\\u00fcr einen IT-Mensch? Pizza, Cola und schnelles Internet? Letzteres bestimmt ja, aber die meisten IT-Fachleute orientieren sich meist an einer gesunden Lebenshaltung, welche das Glarnerland bestens bietet.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 166}]	Die alten Fabriken,...	35	392
11063	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	402
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10808	197	197	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 82, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:15:40.462Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:38.170Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001W"}, "pk": 197}]	197	10	393
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10818	190	190	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	393
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11084	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	402
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11086	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	402
11087	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	402
11088	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	402
10821	207	207	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}, "pk": 207}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	394
10822	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 2, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": "", "parent": 5, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T18:48:45.198Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "path": "00050003", "soft_root": false, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "application_urls": "", "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171]}, "pk": 8}]	Crowdfunding	11	394
10823	201	201	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 95, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:37.378Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0020"}, "pk": 201}]	201	10	394
10824	202	202	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 202}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	394
10825	203	203	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 97, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:34.513Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0022"}, "pk": 203}]	203	10	394
10826	204	204	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 204}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	394
10827	205	205	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 93, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T18:45:25.172Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0024"}, "pk": 205}]	205	10	394
10828	206	206	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}, "pk": 206}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	394
10829	205	205	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 205}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	394
10830	208	208	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}, "pk": 208}]	PREISWERT	35	394
10831	209	209	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}, "pk": 209}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	394
10832	461	461	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\" height=\\"650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 461}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	394
10833	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 85}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	394
10834	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 86}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	394
10835	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 87}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	394
10836	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 88}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	394
10837	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 89}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	394
10838	461	461	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 171, "changed_date": "2015-11-15T01:23:07.287Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0075"}, "pk": 461}]	461	10	394
10839	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 91}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	394
10840	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 92}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	394
10841	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 90}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	394
10842	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus"}, "pk": 94}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	394
10843	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape"}, "pk": 95}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	394
10844	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price"}, "pk": 96}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	394
10845	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich"}, "pk": 97}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	394
10847	207	207	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 95, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:32.219Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0026"}, "pk": 207}]	207	10	394
10848	209	209	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 97, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:58:13.941Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0028"}, "pk": 209}]	209	10	394
10849	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": true, "redirect": "", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "page": 8, "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true}, "pk": 11}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	394
10850	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 171}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	394
10851	208	208	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 96, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:57:52.947Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0027"}, "pk": 208}]	208	10	394
10852	460	460	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<hr>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<iframe frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"650\\" width=\\"100%\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\"></iframe>\\n</div>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 460}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	394
10853	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page": 8, "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "published": true}, "pk": 12}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	394
10854	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 93}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	394
10855	206	206	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 94, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:55:12.396Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0025"}, "pk": 206}]	206	10	394
10856	200	200	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 94, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:26.592Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001Z"}, "pk": 200}]	200	10	394
10857	204	204	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 93, "changed_date": "2015-11-29T14:55:24.411Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0023"}, "pk": 204}]	204	10	394
10858	201	201	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}, "pk": 201}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	394
10859	460	460	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 171, "changed_date": "2015-11-21T16:36:27.273Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0074"}, "pk": 460}]	460	10	394
10860	202	202	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 96, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T19:37:11.853Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "0021"}, "pk": 202}]	202	10	394
11089	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	403
11090	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	403
11091	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 2, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": null, "parent": 5, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-12-01T23:43:25.172Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "publication_date": "2015-11-25T07:04:21.089Z", "path": "00050004", "soft_root": false, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.576Z", "application_urls": null, "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184]}, "pk": 15}]	jazz	11	403
10861	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	395
11104	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 176}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	403
10862	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	395
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10867	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	395
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10884	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	395
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10020	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0001", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	371
10021	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via meetup.com anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	371
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10024	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "language": "de", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	371
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10035	542	542	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0002", "position": 1, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:49.547Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:12.795Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 542}]	542	10	371
10036	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	371
10039	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>.<iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	371
10040	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	371
10885	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	395
10886	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	395
11095	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	403
11096	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	403
11097	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/jazz", "page": 15, "slug": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "published": true}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (jazz, de)	16	403
11098	542	542	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:49.547Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:12.795Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 1, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0002"}, "pk": 542}]	542	10	403
11099	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 2, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0004"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	403
11100	551	551	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:46.897Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:33.454Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": 537, "numchild": 0, "path": "008G0001"}, "pk": 551}]	551	10	403
11101	552	552	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "LinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:39.008Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:38.800Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 3, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0005"}, "pk": 552}]	552	10	403
11102	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup.com", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	403
11103	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	403
11106	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 178}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	403
10045	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0001", "position": 0, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	372
10046	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	372
10047	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "", "language": "en-us", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	372
10048	537	537	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 1, "parent": null, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008G", "position": 0, "numchild": 1, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:59.537Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:06:27.105Z", "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin"}, "pk": 537}]	537	10	372
10049	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "menu_title": "jazz", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "published": true, "redirect": null, "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "language": "de", "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	372
10050	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream"}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	372
10051	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"depth": 2, "parent": 532, "placeholder": 184, "path": "008E0004", "position": 2, "numchild": 0, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	372
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10053	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"mailto": "", "file": null, "new_window": false, "page_link": null, "link_style": " ", "name": "meetup.com", "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/"}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	372
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10064	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>.<iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	372
10065	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	372
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10890	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "\\u00dcber uns", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/digital-glarus-uber-uns", "page": 6, "slug": "digital-glarus-uber-uns", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - \\u00dcber uns", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:54:39.076Z", "meta_description": "DIE ERSCHAFFUNG EINES TECH VALLEYS IM HERZEN DER SCHWEIZ", "published": true}, "pk": 8}]	Digital Glarus - Ãœber uns (digital-glarus-uber-uns, de)	16	396
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10898	174	174	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 174}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	396
10899	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 67, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:27.188Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T17:46:20.372Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001D"}, "pk": 175}]	175	10	396
10900	176	176	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<p>We, the ungleich GmbH, were founded 2013 in Switzerland - however our first incarnation in Germany dates back to 2000. We have long knowledge in tech industry, and have extensive networks with small to medium tech companies in Switzerland, because we are one of them. We have been working at coworking spaces with these small to medium sized IT companies ; tech-savvy and flexible, tech companies have open culture in work environment, and very often experience difficulty in letting their employees be as creative as possible. We understand and share their needs and problems. This is how we came up with a solution of our own, of finding and providing an attractive working space for technology companies in Switzerland.</p>\\n"}, "pk": 176}]	We, the ungleich...	35	396
10901	177	177	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\">why <strong>glarus?</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 177}]	why glarus?	35	396
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11168	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	406
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11170	532	532	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:38.121Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:36:07.172Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 4, "path": "008E"}, "pk": 532}]	532	10	406
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11172	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	406
11173	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	406
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11176	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	406
11177	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 2, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0004"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	406
11178	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup.com", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	406
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11180	551	551	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:46.897Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:33.454Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": 537, "numchild": 0, "path": "008G0001"}, "pk": 551}]	551	10	406
11181	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	406
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11184	178	178	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content"}, "pk": 178}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	406
11185	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	406
11186	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 180}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	406
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11188	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	406
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11190	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	406
11191	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	406
11192	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	406
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11194	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	407
11195	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 2, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": null, "parent": 5, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-12-01T23:44:05.528Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "publication_date": "2015-11-25T07:04:21.089Z", "path": "00050004", "soft_root": false, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.576Z", "application_urls": null, "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184]}, "pk": 15}]	jazz	11	407
11196	532	532	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:38.121Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:36:07.172Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 4, "path": "008E"}, "pk": 532}]	532	10	407
11197	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0001"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	407
11198	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	407
11199	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	407
11200	537	537	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:11.193Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:06:27.105Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 1, "path": "008G"}, "pk": 537}]	537	10	407
11201	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "published": true}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	407
11202	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	407
11203	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 2, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0004"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	407
11204	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup.com", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	407
11205	552	552	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "LinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:39.008Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:19:38.800Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 3, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0005"}, "pk": 552}]	552	10	407
11206	551	551	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:46.897Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:33.454Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": 537, "numchild": 0, "path": "008G0001"}, "pk": 551}]	551	10	407
11207	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	407
11208	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 176}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	407
11213	542	542	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:49.547Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:12.795Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 1, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0002"}, "pk": 542}]	542	10	407
11214	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	407
11215	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 183}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	407
11216	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	407
11217	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"><a href=\\"#\\" style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	407
11218	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	407
11219	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	408
11220	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	408
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11224	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	408
11225	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	408
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11227	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "published": true}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	408
11228	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	408
11229	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 2, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0004"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	408
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11242	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img class=\\"img-responsive\\" src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img class=\\"img-responsive\\" src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\" class=\\"center-block\\" height=\\"330\\" width=\\"220\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" scrolling=\\"no\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\"><a style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\" href=\\"#\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img class=\\"img-responsive\\" src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	408
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11245	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	409
11246	15	15	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "fields": {"limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "depth": 2, "in_navigation": true, "revision_id": 0, "navigation_extenders": null, "parent": 5, "changed_by": "ungleich", "is_home": false, "application_namespace": null, "changed_date": "2015-12-02T04:09:19.438Z", "languages": "en-us,de", "numchild": 0, "site": 1, "publication_end_date": null, "reverse_id": null, "publication_date": "2015-11-25T07:04:21.089Z", "path": "00050004", "soft_root": false, "template": "cms/digitalglarus/one_column.html", "xframe_options": 0, "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.576Z", "application_urls": null, "login_required": false, "created_by": "ungleich", "placeholders": [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184]}, "pk": 15}]	jazz	11	409
11247	532	532	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-12-02T04:09:10.660Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:36:07.172Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 3, "path": "008E"}, "pk": 532}]	532	10	409
11248	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0001"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	409
11249	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	409
11250	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	409
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11253	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	409
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11267	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img class=\\"img-responsive\\" src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img class=\\"img-responsive\\" src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\" class=\\"center-block\\" height=\\"330\\" width=\\"220\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" scrolling=\\"no\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\"><a style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\" href=\\"#\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img class=\\"img-responsive\\" src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	409
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11273	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0001"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	410
11274	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	410
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11278	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	410
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11292	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img class=\\"img-responsive\\" src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img class=\\"img-responsive\\" src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\" class=\\"center-block\\" height=\\"330\\" width=\\"220\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" scrolling=\\"no\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\"><a style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\" href=\\"#\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img class=\\"img-responsive\\" src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	410
11293	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	410
11294	544	544	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 544}]	meetup	30	411
11295	533	533	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "name": "100-days.net/start-digital-glarus", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 533}]	100-days.net/start-digital-glarus	30	411
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11297	532	532	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-12-02T04:09:10.660Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:36:07.172Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 3, "path": "008E"}, "pk": 532}]	532	10	411
11298	533	533	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T06:51:01.597Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:50:51.131Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 0, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0001"}, "pk": 533}]	533	10	411
11299	537	537	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<h4>\\u00a0</h4>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Willkommen im Digital Chalet Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Im ERSTEN Co-Working Space (wo sich Leute mit Ihren Notebooks treffen und netzwerken k\\u00f6nnen) von Digital Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten einen inspirierenden Co-Working Space aufbauen - f\\u00fcr Glarner und f\\u00fcr die Glarner Wirtschaft.</p>\\n\\n<p>Unser Co-Working Space wurde VOR 1890 erbaut und hat sein neues Leben als Co-Working Space im Oktober 2015 begonnen.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir m\\u00f6chten uns bei all unseren Unterst\\u00fctzern (auch zuk\\u00fcnftigen) mit einem Jazz-Konzert bedanken, f\\u00fcr alle Beitr\\u00e4ge und Hilfe, die wir von so vielen Seiten bekommen haben!</p>\\n\\n<p>Der Eintritt ist frei und ihr d\\u00fcrft gerne auch Freunde und Familie mitnehmen und den Co-Working Space bei gem\\u00fctlicher Musik kennenlernen!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe scrolling=\\"no\\" width=\\"220\\" class=\\"center-block\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"330\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>Um die n\\u00f6tigen Renovationen am Co-Working Space zu finanzieren haben wir eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die Du auf\\u00a0<img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> findest.</p>\\n\\n<p>Mit dem Geld wollen wir das Haus modernisieren (zum Beispiel die Stromleitungen), aber den sch\\u00f6nen alten Charm beibehalten.</p>\\n\\n<p>Wenn Du Freude hast an charmanten H\\u00e4usern oder das Projekt gut findest, unterst\\u00fctze uns heute - die Crowdfunding-Kampagne l\\u00e4uft nicht mehr lange!</p>\\n\\n<p>Auf jedem Fall freuen wir uns Dich am 5. Dezember beim Jazz-Konzert zu sehen - oh, und haben wir erw\\u00e4hnt, dass jeder, der sich via <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup.com\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_551\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\"> anmeldet, ein Gratisgetr\\u00e4nk bekommt?</p>\\n\\n<p>Also, bis bald &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\" class=\\"img-responsive\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 537}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	411
11300	24	24	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus!", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-home/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T06:19:53.724Z", "meta_description": "", "published": true}, "pk": 24}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus! (lets-jazz-glarus, en-us)	16	411
11301	537	537	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:18:11.193Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:06:27.105Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 1, "path": "008G"}, "pk": 537}]	537	10	411
11302	26	26	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Let's Jazz in Glarus", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "menu_title": "jazz", "path": "digitalglarus-startseite/lets-jazz-glarus", "page": 15, "slug": "lets-jazz-glarus", "page_title": "Jazz in Glarus!", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T07:05:18.587Z", "meta_description": "jazz, glarus, coworking", "published": true}, "pk": 26}]	Let's Jazz in Glarus (lets-jazz-glarus, de)	16	411
11303	542	542	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": "https://www.facebook.com/fivepasteight/photos_stream", "name": "Jazzband FivePastEight", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 542}]	Jazzband FivePastEight	30	411
11304	544	544	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:49:19.954Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:46:37.047Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 2, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0004"}, "pk": 544}]	544	10	411
11305	551	551	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:46.897Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T20:15:33.454Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": 537, "numchild": 0, "path": "008G0001"}, "pk": 551}]	551	10	411
11306	551	551	json	[{"model": "cmsplugin_filer_link.filerlinkplugin", "fields": {"new_window": false, "url": " http://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/events/226370929/", "name": "meetup.com", "file": null, "mailto": "", "link_style": " ", "page_link": null}, "pk": 551}]	meetup.com	30	411
11307	175	175	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley"}, "pk": 175}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	411
11308	176	176	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content"}, "pk": 176}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	411
11309	177	177	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area"}, "pk": 177}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	411
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11311	179	179	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested"}, "pk": 179}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	411
11312	180	180	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content"}, "pk": 180}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	411
11313	542	542	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "FilerLinkPlugin", "depth": 2, "placeholder": 184, "changed_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:49.547Z", "creation_date": "2015-11-25T19:42:12.795Z", "language": "en-us", "position": 1, "parent": 532, "numchild": 0, "path": "008E0002"}, "pk": 542}]	542	10	411
11314	182	182	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content"}, "pk": 182}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	411
11315	183	183	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_legend"}, "pk": 183}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	411
11316	184	184	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digitalglarus_why_us"}, "pk": 184}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	411
11338	197	197	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 82, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:15:40.462Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:14:38.170Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001W"}, "pk": 197}]	197	10	412
11339	198	198	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<iframe width=\\"100%\\" height=\\"400\\" src=\\"//maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=46.969959,9.039001&amp;spn=56.506174,79.013672&amp;t=m&amp;z=12&amp;output=embed\\" scrolling=\\"no\\" frameborder=\\"0\\"></iframe>"}, "pk": 198}]		35	412
11317	532	532	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img class=\\"img-responsive\\" src=\\"/media/filer_public/22/bb/22bb868b-ca56-460b-b9d6-bac055e538ea/blog_digitalglarus_concert_jazz.png\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-lg-12 text-center\\">\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<h2>JAZZ IN DIGITAL CHALET</h2>\\n\\n<hr class=\\"tagline-divider\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>Welcome to Digital Chalet Schwanden.\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">It is the first coworking space (where people can bring laptops to work freely and to network) Digital Glarus!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>We want to build an inspiring coworking space - for Glarus, and Glarus economy.</p>\\n\\n<p>Our coworking space was built before 1890, but its new life as a coworking space began in October 2015.</p>\\n\\n<p>We would like to thank all our supporters (including future supporters) with a jazz concert, for all supports and help we have received from so many ways!</p>\\n\\n<p>The concert is free entrance, please feel free to bring your friends and family.</p>\\n\\n<p>Explore our coworking space, meet and connect with other great people with great music.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<h3 style=\\"color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;\\" class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img class=\\"img-responsive\\" src=\\"/media/filer_public/27/a7/27a7f8bf-69f8-4d0b-bbc8-44bf82aa9e3a/fivepasteight_band.jpg\\"><small><img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - Jazzband FivePastEight\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_542\\"></small></h3>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<div style=\\"float: left; margin: 10px;\\"><iframe src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\" class=\\"center-block\\" height=\\"330\\" width=\\"220\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" scrolling=\\"no\\"></iframe></div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>To finance the necessary renovations of our coworking space we launched a crowdfunding campaign.</p>\\n\\n<p>You can find it on <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - 100-days.net/start-digital-glarus\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_533\\"><a style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\" href=\\"#\\">s.net/start-digital-glarus</a><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\"> With the money we want to modernize the house (for example, the power lines), while still keeping the beautiful ancient charm.</span></p>\\n\\n<p>If you enjoy charming old houses, or if you find our project is cool, support us today - the crowdfunding campaign is running</p>\\n\\n<p>We\\u00a0<span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">are p</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">leased to inv</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ite you on December 5 at the jazz conc</span><span style=\\"line-height: 1.6;\\">ert!</span></p>\\n\\n<p>And one tip from us: RSVP on our <img alt=\\"Link\\" title=\\"Link - meetup\\" src=\\"/static/cms/images/plugins/link.png\\" id=\\"plugin_obj_544\\">, you get a free drink at the venue.</p>\\n\\n<p>See you soon &amp; Let's Jazz in Glarus!</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<p class=\\"col-md-12\\"><img class=\\"img-responsive\\" src=\\"/media/filer_public/b6/f1/b6f156c0-5d52-4171-868b-4f2e7a385f75/banner_100days_1062x274.png\\"></p>\\n</div>\\n"}, "pk": 532}]	JAZZ IN DIGITAL...	35	411
11318	181	181	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "fields": {"default_width": null, "slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are"}, "pk": 181}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	411
11319	195	195	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "\\n<iframe width=\\"100%\\" height=\\"400\\" src=\\"//maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=46.969959,9.039001&amp;spn=56.506174,79.013672&amp;t=m&amp;z=12&amp;output=embed\\" scrolling=\\"no\\" frameborder=\\"0\\"></iframe>"}, "pk": 195}]		35	412
11320	196	196	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}, "pk": 196}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	412
11321	197	197	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "<h2 class=\\"intro-text text-center\\"><span class=\\"short_text\\" id=\\"result_box\\" lang=\\"de\\">Kontakt\\u00a0</span> <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong></h2>\\n"}, "pk": 197}]	Kontakt DIGITAL GLARUS	35	412
11322	198	198	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "fields": {"plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "depth": 1, "placeholder": 83, "changed_date": "2015-10-04T18:17:33.725Z", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:16:04.529Z", "language": "de", "position": 0, "parent": null, "numchild": 0, "path": "001X"}, "pk": 198}]	198	10	412
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11348	190	190	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "fields": {"body": "Contact <strong>DIGITAL GLARUS</strong>\\n"}, "pk": 190}]	Contact DIGITAL GLARUS	35	412
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11387	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "pk": 12, "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "path": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "page": 8, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "published": true}}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	419
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11390	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 85, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	419
11391	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 86, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	419
11392	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 87, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	419
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11394	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 89, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	419
11395	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 90, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	419
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11397	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 92, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	419
11398	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 93, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	419
11399	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 94, "fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus", "default_width": null}}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	419
11400	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 95, "fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape", "default_width": null}}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	419
11401	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 96, "fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price", "default_width": null}}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	419
11402	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 97, "fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich", "default_width": null}}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	419
11403	763	763	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 763, "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}}]	direct connection to...	35	419
11404	764	764	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 764, "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	419
11405	762	762	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 762, "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	419
11406	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 171, "fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_us", "default_width": null}}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	419
11407	754	754	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 754, "fields": {"path": "00BN", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 94, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.328Z"}}]	754	10	419
11408	765	765	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 765, "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe class=\\"center-block\\" width=\\"220\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" scrolling=\\"no\\" height=\\"330\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<hr>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<iframe width=\\"100%\\" height=\\"650\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\"></iframe>\\n</div>\\n</div>"}}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	419
11409	754	754	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 754, "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	419
11410	755	755	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 755, "fields": {"path": "00BO", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 95, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.349Z"}}]	755	10	419
11411	755	755	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 755, "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	419
11412	756	756	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 756, "fields": {"path": "00BP", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 96, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.365Z"}}]	756	10	419
11413	758	758	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 758, "fields": {"path": "00BR", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 93, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.401Z"}}]	758	10	419
11414	759	759	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 759, "fields": {"path": "00BS", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 171, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.430Z"}}]	759	10	419
11415	760	760	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 760, "fields": {"path": "00BT", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 94, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.503Z"}}]	760	10	419
11416	761	761	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 761, "fields": {"path": "00BU", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 95, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.519Z"}}]	761	10	419
11417	762	762	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 762, "fields": {"path": "00BV", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 96, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.542Z"}}]	762	10	419
11418	763	763	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 763, "fields": {"path": "00BW", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 97, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.566Z"}}]	763	10	419
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11420	765	765	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 765, "fields": {"path": "00BY", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 171, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.621Z"}}]	765	10	419
11421	761	761	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 761, "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	419
11422	757	757	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 757, "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	419
11423	11	11	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "pk": 11, "fields": {"language": "en-us", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "menu_title": "crowdfunding", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "path": "digitalglarus", "has_url_overwrite": true, "redirect": "", "page": 8, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.222Z", "published": true}}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, en-us)	16	420
11424	758	758	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 758, "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	420
11425	8	8	json	[{"model": "cms.page", "pk": 8, "fields": {"path": "00050003", "depth": 2, "numchild": 0, "created_by": "ungleich", "changed_by": "tt@t.com", "parent": 5, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T18:54:49.173Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T17:40:32.001Z", "publication_date": "2015-10-04T23:27:52.894Z", "publication_end_date": null, "in_navigation": true, "soft_root": false, "reverse_id": null, "navigation_extenders": "NewsBlogMenu", "template": "ungleichch/page.html", "site": 1, "login_required": false, "limit_visibility_in_menu": null, "is_home": false, "application_urls": "NewsBlogApp", "application_namespace": "aldryn_newsblog_default", "languages": "en-us,de", "revision_id": 0, "xframe_options": 0, "placeholders": [85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 171, 230]}}]	crowdfunding	11	420
11426	756	756	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 756, "fields": {"path": "00BP", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 96, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:14.042Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.365Z"}}]	756	10	420
11427	759	759	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 759, "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<p>LASST UNS DAS DIGITAL CHALET IN SCHWANDEN RENOVIEREN!</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir haben ein sch\\u00f6nes Haus im Glarnerland gefunden um den ersten Co-Working Space in Schwanden zu er\\u00f6ffnen!</p>\\n\\n<p>Es ist un-glaub-lich sch\\u00f6n.. aber auch sch\\u00f6n alt und braucht etwas Liebe und Renovationen. Wir m\\u00f6chten die elektrischen Leitungen, Sicherungen und Steckdosen ersetzen und eine Basis-Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Haus aufbauen, damit Du hier auch \\"richtiges\\" Internet hast (Kosten: etwa 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Wir w\\u00fcrden auch gerne ein paar M\\u00f6bel kaufen, wie Sofas, St\\u00fchle und Tische, damit Du gem\\u00fctlich bei uns arbeiten kannst (Kosten: etwa 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Falls noch etwas Geld \\u00fcbrig ist, planen wir das Haus neu zu streichen (besonders das Dach!) und etwas in eine moderne Schliessanlage zu investieren, damit Du die T\\u00fcr mit dem Handy \\u00f6ffnen kannst (2'000 - 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<p><iframe class=\\"center-block\\" width=\\"220\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" scrolling=\\"no\\" height=\\"330\\"></iframe></p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<hr></div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\"><iframe width=\\"100%\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" height=\\"650\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1N91dpiiCm439JXQBqbX1Nn_DCVVtku_kc56_t21KucQ&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=de&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n"}}]	LASST UNS DAS...	35	420
11428	12	12	json	[{"model": "cms.title", "pk": 12, "fields": {"language": "de", "title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "page_title": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "menu_title": "Crowdfunding", "meta_description": "Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding", "slug": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "path": "digital-glarus-crowdfunding", "has_url_overwrite": false, "redirect": null, "page": 8, "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:49:28.161Z", "published": true}}]	Digital Glarus - Crowdfunding (digital-glarus-crowdfunding, de)	16	420
11429	760	760	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 760, "fields": {"body": "why <strong>glarus?</strong>\\n"}}]	why glarus?	35	420
11430	757	757	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 757, "fields": {"path": "00BQ", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 97, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:56:30.645Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.384Z"}}]	757	10	420
11431	85	85	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 85, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley	9	420
11432	86	86	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 86, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_build_a_tech_valley_content	9	420
11433	87	87	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 87, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area	9	420
11434	88	88	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 88, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_a_new_area_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_a_new_area_content	9	420
11435	89	89	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 89, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested	9	420
11436	90	90	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 90, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_why_be_interested_content	9	420
11437	91	91	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 91, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are	9	420
11438	92	92	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 92, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_where_we_are_content", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_where_we_are_content	9	420
11439	93	93	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 93, "fields": {"slot": "digital_glarus_legend", "default_width": null}}]	digital_glarus_legend	9	420
11440	94	94	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 94, "fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus", "default_width": null}}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus	9	420
11441	95	95	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 95, "fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape", "default_width": null}}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_beautiful_landscape	9	420
11442	96	96	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 96, "fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price", "default_width": null}}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_affordable_price	9	420
11443	97	97	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 97, "fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich", "default_width": null}}]	digitalglarus_why_glarus_direct_connection_zurich	9	420
11444	763	763	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 763, "fields": {"body": "<h3>direct <small> connection to zurich</small></h3>\\n"}}]	direct connection to...	35	420
11445	764	764	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 764, "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"address-bar\\">GLARNER CO-WORKING | IN DER AU 7 SCHWANDEN, 8762 GL | SWITZERLAND</div>\\n"}}]	GLARNER CO-WORKING |...	35	420
11446	230	230	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 230, "fields": {"slot": "page_content", "default_width": null}}]	page_content	9	420
11447	762	762	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 762, "fields": {"body": "<h3>AFFORDABLE <small>price</small></h3>\\n"}}]	AFFORDABLE price	35	420
11448	171	171	json	[{"model": "cms.placeholder", "pk": 171, "fields": {"slot": "digitalglarus_why_us", "default_width": null}}]	digitalglarus_why_us	9	420
11449	754	754	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 754, "fields": {"path": "00BN", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 94, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:54:37.668Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.328Z"}}]	754	10	420
11450	765	765	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 765, "fields": {"body": "<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-7\\">\\n<h4>LET'S RENOVATE THE DIGITAL CHALET SCHWANDEN!</h4>\\n\\n<p>We found a house to open up the first Co-Working Space in Glarnerland in Schwanden.</p>\\n\\n<p>It is a pretty... old house and needs some love and renovation.</p>\\n\\n<p>We need to modernise the electrical connections (fuses, cables, outlets) and also provide a basic network infrastructure in the house, so you can enjoy a proper Internet connection (about 15'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>We also would like to get some basic furniture (sofas, chairs, desks), so you will sit comfortable and enjoy your stay (about 5'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>If there is some money left, we plan to paint the house (especially the roof) and invest some money into modern locks, so you can open the house with your mobile phone (&gt; 20'000 CHF).</p>\\n\\n<p>Help us to renovate the house, so we can open the Co-Working Space in Schwanden soon!</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-5\\"><iframe class=\\"center-block\\" width=\\"220\\" src=\\"//www.100-days.net/de/projekt/start-digital-glarus/widget/v2\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" scrolling=\\"no\\" height=\\"330\\"></iframe></div>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"row\\">\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n\\n<hr>\\n<p>\\u00a0</p>\\n</div>\\n\\n<div class=\\"col-md-12\\">\\n<iframe width=\\"100%\\" height=\\"650\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" src=\\"//cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=15clFd1fjnVScVziBlF-X7j5M7V6uNFt9jt9QZVylaYI&amp;font=Default&amp;lang=en&amp;initial_zoom=2&amp;height=650\\"></iframe>\\n</div>\\n</div>"}}]	LET'S RENOVATE THE...	35	420
11451	754	754	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 754, "fields": {"body": "<p>WIESO GLARUS?</p>\\n"}}]	WIESO GLARUS?	35	420
11452	755	755	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 755, "fields": {"path": "00BO", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 95, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.349Z"}}]	755	10	420
11453	755	755	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 755, "fields": {"body": "<span>WUNDERSCH\\u00d6NE <small> LANDSCHAFT </small></span>\\n"}}]	WUNDERSCHÖNE LANDSCHAFT	35	420
11454	756	756	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 756, "fields": {"body": "<h3>PREISWERT</h3>\\n"}}]	PREISWERT	35	420
11455	758	758	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 758, "fields": {"path": "00BR", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 93, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.401Z"}}]	758	10	420
11456	759	759	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 759, "fields": {"path": "00BS", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 171, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "de", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:25:49.040Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.430Z"}}]	759	10	420
11457	760	760	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 760, "fields": {"path": "00BT", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 94, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:01.255Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.503Z"}}]	760	10	420
11458	761	761	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 761, "fields": {"path": "00BU", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 95, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:30:45.478Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.519Z"}}]	761	10	420
11459	762	762	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 762, "fields": {"path": "00BV", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 96, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:31:45.823Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.542Z"}}]	762	10	420
11460	763	763	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 763, "fields": {"path": "00BW", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 97, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:32:35.145Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.566Z"}}]	763	10	420
11461	764	764	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 764, "fields": {"path": "00BX", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 93, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-10-04T19:35:23.668Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.589Z"}}]	764	10	420
11462	765	765	json	[{"model": "cms.cmsplugin", "pk": 765, "fields": {"path": "00BY", "depth": 1, "numchild": 0, "placeholder": 171, "parent": null, "position": 0, "language": "en-us", "plugin_type": "TextPlugin", "creation_date": "2015-11-15T00:01:22.760Z", "changed_date": "2016-03-25T16:58:57.621Z"}}]	765	10	420
11463	761	761	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 761, "fields": {"body": "BEAUTIFUL <small> landscape</small>\\n"}}]	BEAUTIFUL landscape	35	420
11464	757	757	json	[{"model": "djangocms_text_ckeditor.text", "pk": 757, "fields": {"body": "<h3>DIREKTE <small>VERBINDUNGEN NACH Z\\u00dcRICH</small></h3>\\n"}}]	DIREKTE VERBINDUNGEN NACH...	35	420

-- Name: reversion_version_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('reversion_version_id_seq', 11464, true);

-- Data for Name: taggit_tag; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY taggit_tag (id, name, slug) FROM stdin;
1	digitalglarus	digitalglarus
2	blog	blog

-- Name: taggit_tag_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('taggit_tag_id_seq', 2, true);

-- Data for Name: taggit_taggeditem; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY taggit_taggeditem (id, object_id, content_type_id, tag_id) FROM stdin;
1	21	53	1
2	20	53	1
3	19	53	1
4	17	53	1
5	16	53	1
6	15	53	1
7	11	53	1
8	10	53	1
9	26	53	1
10	30	53	1
11	30	53	2
12	28	53	1
13	27	53	1
15	31	53	1
16	32	53	1
17	33	53	1

-- Name: taggit_taggeditem_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('taggit_taggeditem_id_seq', 17, true);

-- Data for Name: ungleich_ungleichpage; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: app

COPY ungleich_ungleichpage (id, extended_object_id, public_extension_id, image_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: ungleich_ungleichpage_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: app

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('ungleich_ungleichpage_id_seq', 2, true);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_categories_category
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_categories_category_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_translat_language_code_3582e565_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_categories_category_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_categories_category_translat_language_code_3582e565_uniq UNIQUE (language_code, master_id);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_translat_language_code_6e9e9727_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_categories_category_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_categories_category_translat_language_code_6e9e9727_uniq UNIQUE (language_code, slug);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_translation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_categories_category_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_categories_category_translation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_article_id_4661b9b8_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_categories
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_article_id_4661b9b8_uniq UNIQUE (article_id, category_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_categories
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_article_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_related_from_article_id_3a35b706_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_related
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_article_related_from_article_id_3a35b706_uniq UNIQUE (from_article_id, to_article_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_related_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_related
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_article_related_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_language_code_914685f3_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_language_code_914685f3_uniq UNIQUE (language_code, slug);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_language_code_a0349fa4_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_language_code_a0349fa4_uniq UNIQUE (language_code, master_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_namespace_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_namespace_key UNIQUE (namespace);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_tran_language_code_a6d06161_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_tran_language_code_a6d06161_uniq UNIQUE (language_code, master_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogrelatedplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogrelatedplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogrelatedplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_group
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_group_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_translation_language_code_fafaba2c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_group_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_group_translation_language_code_fafaba2c_uniq UNIQUE (language_code, master_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_translation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_group_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_group_translation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_peopleplugin_id_9c48e610_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_peopleplugin_id_9c48e610_uniq UNIQUE (peopleplugin_id, person_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_peopleplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_peopleplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_peopleplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_groups_person_id_667b1dda_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person_groups
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_person_groups_person_id_667b1dda_uniq UNIQUE (person_id, group_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_groups_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person_groups
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_person_groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_person_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_translation_language_code_55cab0f6_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_person_translation_language_code_55cab0f6_uniq UNIQUE (language_code, master_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_translation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_person_translation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_user_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_person_user_id_key UNIQUE (user_id);

-- Name: auth_group_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_group_name_key UNIQUE (name);

-- Name: auth_group_permissions_group_id_permission_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_group_permissions
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_group_permissions_group_id_permission_id_key UNIQUE (group_id, permission_id);

-- Name: auth_group_permissions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_group_permissions
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_group_permissions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: auth_group_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_group_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: auth_permission_content_type_id_codename_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_permission
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_permission_content_type_id_codename_key UNIQUE (content_type_id, codename);

-- Name: auth_permission_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_permission
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_permission_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: auth_user_groups_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_user_groups
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_user_groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: auth_user_groups_user_id_group_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_user_groups
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_user_groups_user_id_group_id_key UNIQUE (user_id, group_id);

-- Name: auth_user_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_user_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: auth_user_user_permissions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_user_user_permissions
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_user_user_permissions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: auth_user_user_permissions_user_id_permission_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_user_user_permissions
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_user_user_permissions_user_id_permission_id_key UNIQUE (user_id, permission_id);

-- Name: auth_user_username_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_user_username_key UNIQUE (username);

-- Name: cms_aliaspluginmodel_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_aliaspluginmodel
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_aliaspluginmodel_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin_path_6db4a772adcf443b_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_cmsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_cmsplugin_path_6db4a772adcf443b_uniq UNIQUE (path);

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_cmsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_cmsplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_globalpagepermission
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_globalpagepermission_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_site_globalpagepermission_id_site__key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_globalpagepermission_sites
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_globalpagepermission_site_globalpagepermission_id_site__key UNIQUE (globalpagepermission_id, site_id);

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_sites_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_globalpagepermission_sites
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_globalpagepermission_sites_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: cms_page_path_b495adb731fe537_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_page_path_b495adb731fe537_uniq UNIQUE (path);

-- Name: cms_page_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_page_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: cms_page_placeholders_page_id_placeholder_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_page_placeholders
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_page_placeholders_page_id_placeholder_id_key UNIQUE (page_id, placeholder_id);

-- Name: cms_page_placeholders_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_page_placeholders
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_page_placeholders_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: cms_page_publisher_is_draft_603d95861eb3d85b_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_page_publisher_is_draft_603d95861eb3d85b_uniq UNIQUE (publisher_is_draft, site_id, application_namespace);

-- Name: cms_page_publisher_public_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_page_publisher_public_id_key UNIQUE (publisher_public_id);

-- Name: cms_page_reverse_id_38543d1ba5dbbf2f_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_page_reverse_id_38543d1ba5dbbf2f_uniq UNIQUE (reverse_id, site_id, publisher_is_draft);

-- Name: cms_pagepermission_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_pagepermission
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_pagepermission_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: cms_pageuser_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_pageuser
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_pageuser_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_ptr_id);

-- Name: cms_pageusergroup_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_pageusergroup
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_pageusergroup_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_ptr_id);

-- Name: cms_placeholder_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_placeholder
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_placeholder_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: cms_placeholderreference_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_placeholderreference
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_placeholderreference_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: cms_staticplaceholder_code_13295693baa76e9c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_staticplaceholder
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_staticplaceholder_code_13295693baa76e9c_uniq UNIQUE (code, site_id);

-- Name: cms_staticplaceholder_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_staticplaceholder
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_staticplaceholder_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: cms_title_language_6c0f5d7214ca8030_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_title_language_6c0f5d7214ca8030_uniq UNIQUE (language, page_id);

-- Name: cms_title_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_title_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: cms_title_publisher_public_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_title_publisher_public_id_key UNIQUE (publisher_public_id);

-- Name: cms_urlconfrevision_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_urlconfrevision
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_urlconfrevision_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: cms_usersettings_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_usersettings
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_usersettings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: cms_usersettings_user_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_usersettings
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_usersettings_user_id_key UNIQUE (user_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: digitalglarus_message_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY digitalglarus_message
    ADD CONSTRAINT digitalglarus_message_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: django_admin_log_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_admin_log
    ADD CONSTRAINT django_admin_log_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: django_content_type_app_label_3dcea89a55f2eebc_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_content_type
    ADD CONSTRAINT django_content_type_app_label_3dcea89a55f2eebc_uniq UNIQUE (app_label, model);

-- Name: django_content_type_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_content_type
    ADD CONSTRAINT django_content_type_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: django_migrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_migrations
    ADD CONSTRAINT django_migrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: django_select2_keymap_key_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_select2_keymap
    ADD CONSTRAINT django_select2_keymap_key_key UNIQUE (key);

-- Name: django_select2_keymap_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_select2_keymap
    ADD CONSTRAINT django_select2_keymap_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: django_session_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_session
    ADD CONSTRAINT django_session_pkey PRIMARY KEY (session_key);

-- Name: django_site_domain_a2e37b91_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_site
    ADD CONSTRAINT django_site_domain_a2e37b91_uniq UNIQUE (domain);

-- Name: django_site_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_site
    ADD CONSTRAINT django_site_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesp_authorentriesplugin_id_user_i_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_authorentriesp_authorentriesplugin_id_user_i_key UNIQUE (authorentriesplugin_id, user_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory__language_code_a19aa8b8cfb0d53_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_blogcategory__language_code_a19aa8b8cfb0d53_uniq UNIQUE (language_code, slug);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_language_code_755572fed22105af_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_blogcategory_language_code_755572fed22105af_uniq UNIQUE (language_code, master_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogcategory
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_blogcategory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_namespace_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogconfig
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_blogconfig_namespace_key UNIQUE (namespace);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogconfig
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_blogconfig_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translati_language_code_b9ba0f8e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translati_language_code_b9ba0f8e_uniq UNIQUE (language_code, master_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplu_latestpostsplugin_id_blogcate_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_latestpostsplu_latestpostsplugin_id_blogcate_key UNIQUE (latestpostsplugin_id, blogcategory_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_categories_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_categories
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_post_categories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_categories_post_id_blogcategory_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_categories
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_post_categories_post_id_blogcategory_id_key UNIQUE (post_id, blogcategory_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_post_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_sites_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_sites
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_post_sites_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_sites_post_id_site_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_sites
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_post_sites_post_id_site_id_key UNIQUE (post_id, site_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_transla_language_code_38d8970fc71783dd_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_post_transla_language_code_38d8970fc71783dd_uniq UNIQUE (language_code, slug);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_transla_language_code_727992a8ca095c7f_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_post_transla_language_code_727992a8ca095c7f_uniq UNIQUE (language_code, master_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_translation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_post_translation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_file_file_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_file_file
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_file_file_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: djangocms_flash_flash_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_flash_flash
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_flash_flash_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: djangocms_googlemap_googlemap_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_googlemap_googlemap
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_googlemap_googlemap_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: djangocms_link_link_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_link_link
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_link_link_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_extended_object_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_extended_object_id_key UNIQUE (extended_object_id);

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_public_extension_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_public_extension_id_key UNIQUE (public_extension_id);

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_extended_object_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_extended_object_id_key UNIQUE (extended_object_id);

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_public_extension_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_public_extension_id_key UNIQUE (public_extension_id);

-- Name: djangocms_picture_picture_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_picture_picture
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_picture_picture_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: djangocms_snippet_snippet_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_snippet_snippet
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_snippet_snippet_name_key UNIQUE (name);

-- Name: djangocms_snippet_snippet_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_snippet_snippet
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_snippet_snippet_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: djangocms_snippet_snippetptr_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_snippet_snippetptr
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_snippet_snippetptr_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: djangocms_teaser_teaser_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_teaser_teaser
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_teaser_teaser_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: djangocms_text_ckeditor_text_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_text_ckeditor_text
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_text_ckeditor_text_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: djangocms_video_video_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_video_video
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_video_video_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_source_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY easy_thumbnails_source
    ADD CONSTRAINT easy_thumbnails_source_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_source_storage_hash_7c8eb4f6f9dd654b_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY easy_thumbnails_source
    ADD CONSTRAINT easy_thumbnails_source_storage_hash_7c8eb4f6f9dd654b_uniq UNIQUE (storage_hash, name);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY easy_thumbnails_thumbnail
    ADD CONSTRAINT easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_storage_hash_7fddac563f20b9d1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY easy_thumbnails_thumbnail
    ADD CONSTRAINT easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_storage_hash_7fddac563f20b9d1_uniq UNIQUE (storage_hash, name, source_id);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions
    ADD CONSTRAINT easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions_thumbnail_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions
    ADD CONSTRAINT easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions_thumbnail_id_key UNIQUE (thumbnail_id);

-- Name: filer_clipboard_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_clipboard
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_clipboard_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: filer_clipboarditem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_clipboarditem
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_clipboarditem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: filer_file_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_file_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: filer_folder_parent_id_1390b0846a51c444_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_folder
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_folder_parent_id_1390b0846a51c444_uniq UNIQUE (parent_id, name);

-- Name: filer_folder_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_folder
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_folder_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: filer_folderpermission_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_folderpermission
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_folderpermission_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: filer_image_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_image
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_image_pkey PRIMARY KEY (file_ptr_id);

-- Name: hosting_railsbetauser_email_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY hosting_railsbetauser
    ADD CONSTRAINT hosting_railsbetauser_email_key UNIQUE (email);

-- Name: hosting_railsbetauser_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY hosting_railsbetauser
    ADD CONSTRAINT hosting_railsbetauser_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: membership_creditcards_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY membership_creditcards
    ADD CONSTRAINT membership_creditcards_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: membership_customuser_email_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY membership_customuser
    ADD CONSTRAINT membership_customuser_email_key UNIQUE (email);

-- Name: membership_customuser_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY membership_customuser
    ADD CONSTRAINT membership_customuser_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: membership_customuser_validation_slug_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY membership_customuser
    ADD CONSTRAINT membership_customuser_validation_slug_key UNIQUE (validation_slug);

-- Name: menus_cachekey_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY menus_cachekey
    ADD CONSTRAINT menus_cachekey_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: railshosting_railsbetauser_email_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY railshosting_railsbetauser
    ADD CONSTRAINT railshosting_railsbetauser_email_key UNIQUE (email);

-- Name: railshosting_railsbetauser_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY railshosting_railsbetauser
    ADD CONSTRAINT railshosting_railsbetauser_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: reversion_revision_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY reversion_revision
    ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_revision_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: reversion_version_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY reversion_version
    ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_version_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: taggit_tag_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT taggit_tag_name_key UNIQUE (name);

-- Name: taggit_tag_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT taggit_tag_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: taggit_tag_slug_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT taggit_tag_slug_key UNIQUE (slug);

-- Name: taggit_taggeditem_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY taggit_taggeditem
    ADD CONSTRAINT taggit_taggeditem_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: ungleich_ungleichpage_extended_object_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY ungleich_ungleichpage
    ADD CONSTRAINT ungleich_ungleichpage_extended_object_id_key UNIQUE (extended_object_id);

-- Name: ungleich_ungleichpage_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY ungleich_ungleichpage
    ADD CONSTRAINT ungleich_ungleichpage_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

-- Name: ungleich_ungleichpage_public_extension_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY ungleich_ungleichpage
    ADD CONSTRAINT ungleich_ungleichpage_public_extension_id_key UNIQUE (public_extension_id);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_0d000fbb; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_categories_category_0d000fbb ON aldryn_categories_category USING btree (rgt);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_12a055bf; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_categories_category_12a055bf ON aldryn_categories_category USING btree (depth);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_categories_category_656442a0 ON aldryn_categories_category USING btree (tree_id);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_caf7cc51; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_categories_category_caf7cc51 ON aldryn_categories_category USING btree (lft);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_translat_language_code_95324fde_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_categories_category_translat_language_code_95324fde_like ON aldryn_categories_category_translation USING btree (language_code varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_translation_2dbcba41; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_categories_category_translation_2dbcba41 ON aldryn_categories_category_translation USING btree (slug);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_translation_60716c2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_categories_category_translation_60716c2f ON aldryn_categories_category_translation USING btree (language_code);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_translation_90349b61; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_categories_category_translation_90349b61 ON aldryn_categories_category_translation USING btree (master_id);

-- Name: aldryn_categories_category_translation_slug_a8fa2ddf_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_categories_category_translation_slug_a8fa2ddf_like ON aldryn_categories_category_translation USING btree (slug varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_39b2604d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_39b2604d ON aldryn_newsblog_article USING btree (is_featured);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_40e85b1f ON aldryn_newsblog_article USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_4f331e2f ON aldryn_newsblog_article USING btree (author_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_5e7b1936; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_5e7b1936 ON aldryn_newsblog_article USING btree (owner_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_75892900; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_75892900 ON aldryn_newsblog_article USING btree (is_published);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_a00c1b00; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_a00c1b00 ON aldryn_newsblog_article_categories USING btree (article_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_b583a629; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_categories_b583a629 ON aldryn_newsblog_article_categories USING btree (category_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_cdbc3e64; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_cdbc3e64 ON aldryn_newsblog_article USING btree (featured_image_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_e14f02ad; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_e14f02ad ON aldryn_newsblog_article USING btree (content_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_related_58b6ddc3; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_related_58b6ddc3 ON aldryn_newsblog_article_related USING btree (to_article_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_related_be73af96; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_related_be73af96 ON aldryn_newsblog_article_related USING btree (from_article_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_2dbcba41; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_2dbcba41 ON aldryn_newsblog_article_translation USING btree (slug);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_60716c2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_60716c2f ON aldryn_newsblog_article_translation USING btree (language_code);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_90349b61; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_90349b61 ON aldryn_newsblog_article_translation USING btree (master_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_language_code_a6c57a68_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_language_code_a6c57a68_like ON aldryn_newsblog_article_translation USING btree (language_code varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_slug_e7c9f2e4_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_article_translation_slug_e7c9f2e4_like ON aldryn_newsblog_article_translation USING btree (slug varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin_40e85b1f ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin_40e85b1f ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin_40e85b1f ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin_40e85b1f ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_55561819; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_55561819 ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig USING btree (placeholder_base_top_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_5918df56; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_5918df56 ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig USING btree (placeholder_detail_footer_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_7c049d9f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_7c049d9f ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig USING btree (placeholder_base_sidebar_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_8806551e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_8806551e ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig USING btree (placeholder_list_footer_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_90b0156f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_90b0156f ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig USING btree (placeholder_detail_top_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_ba2f8115; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_ba2f8115 ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig USING btree (placeholder_list_top_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_e2d1ed82; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_e2d1ed82 ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig USING btree (placeholder_detail_bottom_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_namespace_8e9500a5_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_namespace_8e9500a5_like ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig USING btree (namespace varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_tran_language_code_abb2daa0_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_tran_language_code_abb2daa0_like ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation USING btree (language_code varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_60716c2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_60716c2f ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation USING btree (language_code);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_90349b61; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation_90349b61 ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation USING btree (master_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin_40e85b1f ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin_40e85b1f ON aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin_40e85b1f ON aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_translation_2dbcba41; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_group_translation_2dbcba41 ON aldryn_people_group_translation USING btree (slug);

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_translation_60716c2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_group_translation_60716c2f ON aldryn_people_group_translation USING btree (language_code);

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_translation_90349b61; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_group_translation_90349b61 ON aldryn_people_group_translation USING btree (master_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_group_translation_language_code_d40f3f14_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_group_translation_language_code_d40f3f14_like ON aldryn_people_group_translation USING btree (language_code varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_7d22caae; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_7d22caae ON aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people USING btree (peopleplugin_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_a8452ca7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people_a8452ca7 ON aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people USING btree (person_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_6e0547d0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_person_6e0547d0 ON aldryn_people_person USING btree (visual_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_groups_0e939a4f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_person_groups_0e939a4f ON aldryn_people_person_groups USING btree (group_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_groups_a8452ca7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_person_groups_a8452ca7 ON aldryn_people_person_groups USING btree (person_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_translation_2dbcba41; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_person_translation_2dbcba41 ON aldryn_people_person_translation USING btree (slug);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_translation_60716c2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_person_translation_60716c2f ON aldryn_people_person_translation USING btree (language_code);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_translation_90349b61; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_person_translation_90349b61 ON aldryn_people_person_translation USING btree (master_id);

-- Name: aldryn_people_person_translation_language_code_db5e4538_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX aldryn_people_person_translation_language_code_db5e4538_like ON aldryn_people_person_translation USING btree (language_code varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: auth_group_name_278a4cf7a334bf0c_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX auth_group_name_278a4cf7a334bf0c_like ON auth_group USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: auth_group_permissions_0e939a4f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX auth_group_permissions_0e939a4f ON auth_group_permissions USING btree (group_id);

-- Name: auth_group_permissions_8373b171; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX auth_group_permissions_8373b171 ON auth_group_permissions USING btree (permission_id);

-- Name: auth_permission_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX auth_permission_417f1b1c ON auth_permission USING btree (content_type_id);

-- Name: auth_user_groups_0e939a4f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX auth_user_groups_0e939a4f ON auth_user_groups USING btree (group_id);

-- Name: auth_user_groups_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX auth_user_groups_e8701ad4 ON auth_user_groups USING btree (user_id);

-- Name: auth_user_user_permissions_8373b171; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX auth_user_user_permissions_8373b171 ON auth_user_user_permissions USING btree (permission_id);

-- Name: auth_user_user_permissions_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX auth_user_user_permissions_e8701ad4 ON auth_user_user_permissions USING btree (user_id);

-- Name: auth_user_username_186bc59fbaa414d5_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX auth_user_username_186bc59fbaa414d5_like ON auth_user USING btree (username varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: cms_aliaspluginmodel_921abf5c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_aliaspluginmodel_921abf5c ON cms_aliaspluginmodel USING btree (alias_placeholder_id);

-- Name: cms_aliaspluginmodel_b25eaab4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_aliaspluginmodel_b25eaab4 ON cms_aliaspluginmodel USING btree (plugin_id);

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin_667a6151; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_cmsplugin_667a6151 ON cms_cmsplugin USING btree (placeholder_id);

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_cmsplugin_6be37982 ON cms_cmsplugin USING btree (parent_id);

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin_8512ae7d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_cmsplugin_8512ae7d ON cms_cmsplugin USING btree (language);

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin_b5e4cf8f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_cmsplugin_b5e4cf8f ON cms_cmsplugin USING btree (plugin_type);

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin_language_7123ba4ab8692cf5_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_cmsplugin_language_7123ba4ab8692cf5_like ON cms_cmsplugin USING btree (language varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin_plugin_type_4ab9d6bfbdea06a4_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_cmsplugin_plugin_type_4ab9d6bfbdea06a4_like ON cms_cmsplugin USING btree (plugin_type varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_0e939a4f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_globalpagepermission_0e939a4f ON cms_globalpagepermission USING btree (group_id);

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_globalpagepermission_e8701ad4 ON cms_globalpagepermission USING btree (user_id);

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_sites_9365d6e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_globalpagepermission_sites_9365d6e7 ON cms_globalpagepermission_sites USING btree (site_id);

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_sites_a3d12ecd; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_globalpagepermission_sites_a3d12ecd ON cms_globalpagepermission_sites USING btree (globalpagepermission_id);

-- Name: cms_page_1d85575d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_1d85575d ON cms_page USING btree (soft_root);

-- Name: cms_page_2247c5f0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_2247c5f0 ON cms_page USING btree (publication_end_date);

-- Name: cms_page_3d9ef52f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_3d9ef52f ON cms_page USING btree (reverse_id);

-- Name: cms_page_4fa1c803; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_4fa1c803 ON cms_page USING btree (is_home);

-- Name: cms_page_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_6be37982 ON cms_page USING btree (parent_id);

-- Name: cms_page_7b8acfa6; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_7b8acfa6 ON cms_page USING btree (navigation_extenders);

-- Name: cms_page_9365d6e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_9365d6e7 ON cms_page USING btree (site_id);

-- Name: cms_page_93b83098; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_93b83098 ON cms_page USING btree (publication_date);

-- Name: cms_page_application_urls_71bd190d025877b8_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_application_urls_71bd190d025877b8_like ON cms_page USING btree (application_urls varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: cms_page_b7700099; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_b7700099 ON cms_page USING btree (publisher_is_draft);

-- Name: cms_page_cb540373; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_cb540373 ON cms_page USING btree (limit_visibility_in_menu);

-- Name: cms_page_db3eb53f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_db3eb53f ON cms_page USING btree (in_navigation);

-- Name: cms_page_e721871e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_e721871e ON cms_page USING btree (application_urls);

-- Name: cms_page_navigation_extenders_3bf544ece0950dc2_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_navigation_extenders_3bf544ece0950dc2_like ON cms_page USING btree (navigation_extenders varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: cms_page_placeholders_1a63c800; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_placeholders_1a63c800 ON cms_page_placeholders USING btree (page_id);

-- Name: cms_page_placeholders_667a6151; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_placeholders_667a6151 ON cms_page_placeholders USING btree (placeholder_id);

-- Name: cms_page_reverse_id_66ad1d01e5dfa704_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_page_reverse_id_66ad1d01e5dfa704_like ON cms_page USING btree (reverse_id varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: cms_pagepermission_0e939a4f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_pagepermission_0e939a4f ON cms_pagepermission USING btree (group_id);

-- Name: cms_pagepermission_1a63c800; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_pagepermission_1a63c800 ON cms_pagepermission USING btree (page_id);

-- Name: cms_pagepermission_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_pagepermission_e8701ad4 ON cms_pagepermission USING btree (user_id);

-- Name: cms_pageuser_e93cb7eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_pageuser_e93cb7eb ON cms_pageuser USING btree (created_by_id);

-- Name: cms_pageusergroup_e93cb7eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_pageusergroup_e93cb7eb ON cms_pageusergroup USING btree (created_by_id);

-- Name: cms_placeholder_5e97994e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_placeholder_5e97994e ON cms_placeholder USING btree (slot);

-- Name: cms_placeholder_slot_5cc23865c802b1e2_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_placeholder_slot_5cc23865c802b1e2_like ON cms_placeholder USING btree (slot varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: cms_placeholderreference_328d0afc; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_placeholderreference_328d0afc ON cms_placeholderreference USING btree (placeholder_ref_id);

-- Name: cms_staticplaceholder_1ee2744d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_staticplaceholder_1ee2744d ON cms_staticplaceholder USING btree (public_id);

-- Name: cms_staticplaceholder_5cb48773; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_staticplaceholder_5cb48773 ON cms_staticplaceholder USING btree (draft_id);

-- Name: cms_staticplaceholder_9365d6e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_staticplaceholder_9365d6e7 ON cms_staticplaceholder USING btree (site_id);

-- Name: cms_title_1268de9a; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_title_1268de9a ON cms_title USING btree (has_url_overwrite);

-- Name: cms_title_1a63c800; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_title_1a63c800 ON cms_title USING btree (page_id);

-- Name: cms_title_2dbcba41; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_title_2dbcba41 ON cms_title USING btree (slug);

-- Name: cms_title_8512ae7d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_title_8512ae7d ON cms_title USING btree (language);

-- Name: cms_title_b7700099; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_title_b7700099 ON cms_title USING btree (publisher_is_draft);

-- Name: cms_title_d6fe1d0b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_title_d6fe1d0b ON cms_title USING btree (path);

-- Name: cms_title_f7202fc0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_title_f7202fc0 ON cms_title USING btree (publisher_state);

-- Name: cms_title_language_4a0d9e2ff2ad085c_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_title_language_4a0d9e2ff2ad085c_like ON cms_title USING btree (language varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: cms_title_path_631a79107e3c59a2_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_title_path_631a79107e3c59a2_like ON cms_title USING btree (path varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: cms_title_slug_1a7da21be398730e_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_title_slug_1a7da21be398730e_like ON cms_title USING btree (slug varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: cms_usersettings_2655b062; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cms_usersettings_2655b062 ON cms_usersettings USING btree (clipboard_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile_814552b9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile_814552b9 ON cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile USING btree (file_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder_a8a44dbb; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder_a8a44dbb ON cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder USING btree (folder_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage_0fe0fc57; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage_0fe0fc57 ON cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage USING btree (file_link_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage_6b85b7b1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage_6b85b7b1 ON cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage USING btree (thumbnail_option_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage_d916d256; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage_d916d256 ON cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage USING btree (page_link_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage_f33175e6; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage_f33175e6 ON cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage USING btree (image_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin_814552b9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin_814552b9 ON cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin USING btree (file_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin_d916d256; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin_d916d256 ON cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin USING btree (page_link_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser_d916d256; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser_d916d256 ON cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser USING btree (page_link_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser_f33175e6; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser_f33175e6 ON cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser USING btree (image_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo_d1b173c8; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo_d1b173c8 ON cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo USING btree (movie_id);

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo_f33175e6; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo_f33175e6 ON cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo USING btree (image_id);

-- Name: django_admin_log_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX django_admin_log_417f1b1c ON django_admin_log USING btree (content_type_id);

-- Name: django_admin_log_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX django_admin_log_e8701ad4 ON django_admin_log USING btree (user_id);

-- Name: django_select2_keymap_key_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX django_select2_keymap_key_like ON django_select2_keymap USING btree (key varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: django_session_de54fa62; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX django_session_de54fa62 ON django_session USING btree (expire_date);

-- Name: django_session_session_key_61253c6c71e29745_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX django_session_session_key_61253c6c71e29745_like ON django_session USING btree (session_key varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: django_site_domain_a2e37b91_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX django_site_domain_a2e37b91_like ON django_site USING btree (domain varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_40e85b1f ON djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_793c8338; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_793c8338 ON djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors USING btree (authorentriesplugin_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors_e8701ad4 ON djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors USING btree (user_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_blogcategory_40e85b1f ON djangocms_blog_blogcategory USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_blogcategory_6be37982 ON djangocms_blog_blogcategory USING btree (parent_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_language_code_6d38c82aaa83570a_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_blogcategory_language_code_6d38c82aaa83570a_like ON djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation USING btree (language_code varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translat_slug_6e348a9ab9a538a7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translat_slug_6e348a9ab9a538a7_like ON djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation USING btree (slug varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_2dbcba41; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_2dbcba41 ON djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation USING btree (slug);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_60716c2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_60716c2f ON djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation USING btree (language_code);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_90349b61; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation_90349b61 ON djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation USING btree (master_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_namespace_dc5077dd_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_blogconfig_namespace_dc5077dd_like ON djangocms_blog_blogconfig USING btree (namespace varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translati_language_code_7ea60850_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translati_language_code_7ea60850_like ON djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation USING btree (language_code varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_60716c2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_60716c2f ON djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation USING btree (language_code);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_90349b61; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation_90349b61 ON djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation USING btree (master_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin_40e85b1f ON djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_40e85b1f ON djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_efb54956; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_efb54956 ON djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories USING btree (blogcategory_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_fda89e10; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories_fda89e10 ON djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories USING btree (latestpostsplugin_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_36b62cbe; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_36b62cbe ON djangocms_blog_post USING btree (main_image_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_40e85b1f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_40e85b1f ON djangocms_blog_post USING btree (app_config_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_4f331e2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_4f331e2f ON djangocms_blog_post USING btree (author_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_53808359; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_53808359 ON djangocms_blog_post USING btree (main_image_full_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_9d0a35cc; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_9d0a35cc ON djangocms_blog_post USING btree (main_image_thumbnail_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_categories_efb54956; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_categories_efb54956 ON djangocms_blog_post_categories USING btree (blogcategory_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_categories_f3aa1999; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_categories_f3aa1999 ON djangocms_blog_post_categories USING btree (post_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_e14f02ad; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_e14f02ad ON djangocms_blog_post USING btree (content_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_sites_9365d6e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_sites_9365d6e7 ON djangocms_blog_post_sites USING btree (site_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_sites_f3aa1999; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_sites_f3aa1999 ON djangocms_blog_post_sites USING btree (post_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_transla_language_code_7ce952443f776c26_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_transla_language_code_7ce952443f776c26_like ON djangocms_blog_post_translation USING btree (language_code varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_translation_2dbcba41; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_translation_2dbcba41 ON djangocms_blog_post_translation USING btree (slug);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_translation_60716c2f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_translation_60716c2f ON djangocms_blog_post_translation USING btree (language_code);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_translation_90349b61; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_translation_90349b61 ON djangocms_blog_post_translation USING btree (master_id);

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_translation_slug_5a481371b5483e29_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_blog_post_translation_slug_5a481371b5483e29_like ON djangocms_blog_post_translation USING btree (slug varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder_ccbb37bf; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder_ccbb37bf ON djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder USING btree (from_page_id);

-- Name: djangocms_link_link_d916d256; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_link_link_d916d256 ON djangocms_link_link USING btree (page_link_id);

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_f149115b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_f149115b ON djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta USING btree (og_author_id);

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_f33175e6; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta_f33175e6 ON djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta USING btree (image_id);

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_f33175e6; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta_f33175e6 ON djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta USING btree (image_id);

-- Name: djangocms_picture_picture_d916d256; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX djangocms_picture_picture_d916d256 ON djangocms_picture_picture USING btree (page_link_id);

-- Name: djangocms_snippet_snippet_name_2d01e17f7fe649fb_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_snippet_snippet_name_2d01e17f7fe649fb_like ON djangocms_snippet_snippet USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: djangocms_snippet_snippetptr_cfd011c9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_snippet_snippetptr_cfd011c9 ON djangocms_snippet_snippetptr USING btree (snippet_id);

-- Name: djangocms_teaser_teaser_d916d256; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX djangocms_teaser_teaser_d916d256 ON djangocms_teaser_teaser USING btree (page_link_id);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_source_b068931c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX easy_thumbnails_source_b068931c ON easy_thumbnails_source USING btree (name);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_source_b454e115; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX easy_thumbnails_source_b454e115 ON easy_thumbnails_source USING btree (storage_hash);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_source_name_52f9bdf4bacaefed_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX easy_thumbnails_source_name_52f9bdf4bacaefed_like ON easy_thumbnails_source USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_source_storage_hash_74d89b9b49dfc360_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX easy_thumbnails_source_storage_hash_74d89b9b49dfc360_like ON easy_thumbnails_source USING btree (storage_hash varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_0afd9202; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_0afd9202 ON easy_thumbnails_thumbnail USING btree (source_id);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_b068931c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_b068931c ON easy_thumbnails_thumbnail USING btree (name);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_b454e115; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_b454e115 ON easy_thumbnails_thumbnail USING btree (storage_hash);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_name_5cf9036e7f51237_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_name_5cf9036e7f51237_like ON easy_thumbnails_thumbnail USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_storage_hash_1ef3b184ff542242_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_storage_hash_1ef3b184ff542242_like ON easy_thumbnails_thumbnail USING btree (storage_hash varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: filer_clipboard_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_clipboard_e8701ad4 ON filer_clipboard USING btree (user_id);

-- Name: filer_clipboarditem_2655b062; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_clipboarditem_2655b062 ON filer_clipboarditem USING btree (clipboard_id);

-- Name: filer_clipboarditem_814552b9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_clipboarditem_814552b9 ON filer_clipboarditem USING btree (file_id);

-- Name: filer_file_5e7b1936; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_file_5e7b1936 ON filer_file USING btree (owner_id);

-- Name: filer_file_a8a44dbb; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_file_a8a44dbb ON filer_file USING btree (folder_id);

-- Name: filer_file_d3e32c49; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_file_d3e32c49 ON filer_file USING btree (polymorphic_ctype_id);

-- Name: filer_folder_3cfbd988; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_folder_3cfbd988 ON filer_folder USING btree (rght);

-- Name: filer_folder_5e7b1936; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_folder_5e7b1936 ON filer_folder USING btree (owner_id);

-- Name: filer_folder_656442a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_folder_656442a0 ON filer_folder USING btree (tree_id);

-- Name: filer_folder_6be37982; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_folder_6be37982 ON filer_folder USING btree (parent_id);

-- Name: filer_folder_c9e9a848; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_folder_c9e9a848 ON filer_folder USING btree (level);

-- Name: filer_folder_caf7cc51; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_folder_caf7cc51 ON filer_folder USING btree (lft);

-- Name: filer_folderpermission_0e939a4f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_folderpermission_0e939a4f ON filer_folderpermission USING btree (group_id);

-- Name: filer_folderpermission_a8a44dbb; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_folderpermission_a8a44dbb ON filer_folderpermission USING btree (folder_id);

-- Name: filer_folderpermission_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX filer_folderpermission_e8701ad4 ON filer_folderpermission USING btree (user_id);

-- Name: hosting_railsbetauser_email_b1fb21eb_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX hosting_railsbetauser_email_b1fb21eb_like ON hosting_railsbetauser USING btree (email varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: membership_creditcards_18624dd3; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX membership_creditcards_18624dd3 ON membership_creditcards USING btree (user_id_id);

-- Name: membership_customuser_email_aac7c430_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX membership_customuser_email_aac7c430_like ON membership_customuser USING btree (email varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: membership_customuser_validation_slug_7094f696_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

CREATE INDEX membership_customuser_validation_slug_7094f696_like ON membership_customuser USING btree (validation_slug varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: railshosting_railsbetauser_email_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX railshosting_railsbetauser_email_like ON railshosting_railsbetauser USING btree (email varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: reversion_revision_b16b0f06; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_b16b0f06 ON reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug);

-- Name: reversion_revision_c69e55a4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_c69e55a4 ON reversion_revision USING btree (date_created);

-- Name: reversion_revision_e8701ad4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_e8701ad4 ON reversion_revision USING btree (user_id);

-- Name: reversion_revision_manager_slug_26483faf947fe72_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX reversion_revision_manager_slug_26483faf947fe72_like ON reversion_revision USING btree (manager_slug varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: reversion_version_0c9ba3a3; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX reversion_version_0c9ba3a3 ON reversion_version USING btree (object_id_int);

-- Name: reversion_version_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX reversion_version_417f1b1c ON reversion_version USING btree (content_type_id);

-- Name: reversion_version_5de09a8d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX reversion_version_5de09a8d ON reversion_version USING btree (revision_id);

-- Name: taggit_tag_name_7a358e5647db501d_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX taggit_tag_name_7a358e5647db501d_like ON taggit_tag USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: taggit_tag_slug_f7782df9b8e9952_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX taggit_tag_slug_f7782df9b8e9952_like ON taggit_tag USING btree (slug varchar_pattern_ops);

-- Name: taggit_taggeditem_417f1b1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX taggit_taggeditem_417f1b1c ON taggit_taggeditem USING btree (content_type_id);

-- Name: taggit_taggeditem_76f094bc; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX taggit_taggeditem_76f094bc ON taggit_taggeditem USING btree (tag_id);

-- Name: taggit_taggeditem_af31437c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX taggit_taggeditem_af31437c ON taggit_taggeditem USING btree (object_id);

-- Name: taggit_taggeditem_content_type_id_196cc965_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX taggit_taggeditem_content_type_id_196cc965_idx ON taggit_taggeditem USING btree (content_type_id, object_id);

-- Name: ungleich_ungleichpage_f33175e6; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: app

CREATE INDEX ungleich_ungleichpage_f33175e6 ON ungleich_ungleichpage USING btree (image_id);

-- Name: D045d6bc5122c2888af1542cc85348c8; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY ungleich_ungleichpage
    ADD CONSTRAINT "D045d6bc5122c2888af1542cc85348c8" FOREIGN KEY (public_extension_id) REFERENCES ungleich_ungleichpage(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: D18f0a3c282c7e09eda221cbd5e3192e; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT "D18f0a3c282c7e09eda221cbd5e3192e" FOREIGN KEY (public_extension_id) REFERENCES djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: D3db5af841b6175efb68810a56f3d71b; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage
    ADD CONSTRAINT "D3db5af841b6175efb68810a56f3d71b" FOREIGN KEY (thumbnail_option_id) REFERENCES cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: D5f70eada6e688daae6be1de2e35fbab; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post
    ADD CONSTRAINT "D5f70eada6e688daae6be1de2e35fbab" FOREIGN KEY (main_image_full_id) REFERENCES cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: D74750ca7467fe005f3b759498e07742; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT "D74750ca7467fe005f3b759498e07742" FOREIGN KEY (public_extension_id) REFERENCES djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: D80eb6ef4faf703498501f55a54f6eb8; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_categories
    ADD CONSTRAINT "D80eb6ef4faf703498501f55a54f6eb8" FOREIGN KEY (blogcategory_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_blogcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: D8801706e0cb92694308cd45314b19c9; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post
    ADD CONSTRAINT "D8801706e0cb92694308cd45314b19c9" FOREIGN KEY (main_image_thumbnail_id) REFERENCES cmsplugin_filer_image_thumbnailoption(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: ald_app_config_id_0a3af4b2_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT ald_app_config_id_0a3af4b2_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: ald_app_config_id_28b9a296_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT ald_app_config_id_28b9a296_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: ald_app_config_id_512dbb54_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT ald_app_config_id_512dbb54_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: ald_app_config_id_600879b3_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT ald_app_config_id_600879b3_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: ald_app_config_id_6555e531_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article
    ADD CONSTRAINT ald_app_config_id_6555e531_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: ald_app_config_id_bce6f333_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT ald_app_config_id_bce6f333_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: ald_app_config_id_dfd61698_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT ald_app_config_id_dfd61698_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: ald_app_config_id_fa9883a7_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT ald_app_config_id_fa9883a7_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: ald_placeholder_detail_bottom_id_c1207034_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig
    ADD CONSTRAINT ald_placeholder_detail_bottom_id_c1207034_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (placeholder_detail_bottom_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: ald_placeholder_detail_footer_id_a6b076d4_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig
    ADD CONSTRAINT ald_placeholder_detail_footer_id_a6b076d4_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (placeholder_detail_footer_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldr_placeholder_base_sidebar_id_74e2a8b2_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldr_placeholder_base_sidebar_id_74e2a8b2_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (placeholder_base_sidebar_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldry_placeholder_list_footer_id_a2dbbead_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldry_placeholder_list_footer_id_a2dbbead_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (placeholder_list_footer_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn__master_id_8f242d76_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn__master_id_8f242d76_fk_aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (master_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_cate_master_id_9e28f597_fk_aldryn_categories_category_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_categories_category_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_cate_master_id_9e28f597_fk_aldryn_categories_category_id FOREIGN KEY (master_id) REFERENCES aldryn_categories_category(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_n_from_article_id_6c411149_fk_aldryn_newsblog_article_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_related
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_n_from_article_id_6c411149_fk_aldryn_newsblog_article_id FOREIGN KEY (from_article_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_article(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_n_placeholder_base_top_id_a65c77e8_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_n_placeholder_base_top_id_a65c77e8_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (placeholder_base_top_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_n_placeholder_list_top_id_c94dd081_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_n_placeholder_list_top_id_c94dd081_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (placeholder_list_top_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_ne_category_id_e9b97cb3_fk_aldryn_categories_category_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_categories
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_ne_category_id_e9b97cb3_fk_aldryn_categories_category_id FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES aldryn_categories_category(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_ne_featured_image_id_0966e4bf_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_ne_featured_image_id_0966e4bf_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (featured_image_id) REFERENCES filer_image(file_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_new_to_article_id_73f9645b_fk_aldryn_newsblog_article_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_related
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_new_to_article_id_73f9645b_fk_aldryn_newsblog_article_id FOREIGN KEY (to_article_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_article(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsbl_article_id_bd51b260_fk_aldryn_newsblog_article_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_categories
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsbl_article_id_bd51b260_fk_aldryn_newsblog_article_id FOREIGN KEY (article_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_article(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblo_master_id_ef165122_fk_aldryn_newsblog_article_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblo_master_id_ef165122_fk_aldryn_newsblog_article_id FOREIGN KEY (master_id) REFERENCES aldryn_newsblog_article(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_a_author_id_e5e747e3_fk_aldryn_people_person_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_a_author_id_e5e747e3_fk_aldryn_people_person_id FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES aldryn_people_person(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_a_owner_id_453354fd_fk_membership_customuser_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_a_owner_id_453354fd_fk_membership_customuser_id FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES membership_customuser(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_artic_content_id_c409fd81_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_article
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_artic_content_id_c409fd81_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_2b0f3198_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogcategoriesplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_2b0f3198_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_3f92bd8d_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsbloglatestarticlesplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_3f92bd8d_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_544e5b0c_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogtagsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_544e5b0c_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_8d9560d0_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarticlesearchplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_8d9560d0_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_bb9f2e87_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogarchiveplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_bb9f2e87_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_daacf4ff_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogfeaturedarticlesplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_daacf4ff_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_e07d9843_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogauthorsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_e07d9843_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_e34e8bee_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogrelatedplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_newsblog_n_cmsplugin_ptr_id_e34e8bee_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_people_grou_master_id_567bda2b_fk_aldryn_people_group_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_group_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_grou_master_id_567bda2b_fk_aldryn_people_group_id FOREIGN KEY (master_id) REFERENCES aldryn_people_group(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_people_peo_cmsplugin_ptr_id_08aba4ae_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_peopleplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_peo_cmsplugin_ptr_id_08aba4ae_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_people_peo_person_id_bc82db3d_fk_aldryn_people_person_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_peo_person_id_bc82db3d_fk_aldryn_people_person_id FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES aldryn_people_person(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_people_per_master_id_a70b6bb1_fk_aldryn_people_person_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_per_master_id_a70b6bb1_fk_aldryn_people_person_id FOREIGN KEY (master_id) REFERENCES aldryn_people_person(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_people_per_person_id_18080c1f_fk_aldryn_people_person_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person_groups
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_per_person_id_18080c1f_fk_aldryn_people_person_id FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES aldryn_people_person(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_people_per_visual_id_6211661f_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_per_visual_id_6211661f_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (visual_id) REFERENCES filer_image(file_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_people_pers_user_id_35c83992_fk_membership_customuser_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_pers_user_id_35c83992_fk_membership_customuser_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES membership_customuser(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_people_perso_group_id_5ed5e3d0_fk_aldryn_people_group_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_person_groups
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_people_perso_group_id_5ed5e3d0_fk_aldryn_people_group_id FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES aldryn_people_group(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: aldryn_placeholder_detail_top_id_ac288c7f_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_newsblog_newsblogconfig
    ADD CONSTRAINT aldryn_placeholder_detail_top_id_ac288c7f_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (placeholder_detail_top_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: auth_content_type_id_64e1719ce5ca8a6d_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_permission
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_content_type_id_64e1719ce5ca8a6d_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: auth_group_p_permission_id_13f9ff776e0046_fk_auth_permission_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_group_permissions
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_group_p_permission_id_13f9ff776e0046_fk_auth_permission_id FOREIGN KEY (permission_id) REFERENCES auth_permission(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: auth_group_permissio_group_id_3e5a5d7789ec3752_fk_auth_group_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_group_permissions
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_group_permissio_group_id_3e5a5d7789ec3752_fk_auth_group_id FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES auth_group(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: auth_user__permission_id_60b91b178f4c450d_fk_auth_permission_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_user_user_permissions
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_user__permission_id_60b91b178f4c450d_fk_auth_permission_id FOREIGN KEY (permission_id) REFERENCES auth_permission(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: auth_user_groups_group_id_605b0fc1af15748a_fk_auth_group_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_user_groups
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_user_groups_group_id_605b0fc1af15748a_fk_auth_group_id FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES auth_group(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: auth_user_groups_user_id_6109f0f81ace7fe6_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_user_groups
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_user_groups_user_id_6109f0f81ace7fe6_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: auth_user_user_permiss_user_id_485c61d21b4b4409_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_user_user_permissions
    ADD CONSTRAINT auth_user_user_permiss_user_id_485c61d21b4b4409_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: b4080ff35eabeb4614337f54a925d17d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_globalpagepermission_sites
    ADD CONSTRAINT b4080ff35eabeb4614337f54a925d17d FOREIGN KEY (globalpagepermission_id) REFERENCES cms_globalpagepermission(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_alias_cmsplugin_ptr_id_721e0f43634b6398_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_aliaspluginmodel
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_alias_cmsplugin_ptr_id_721e0f43634b6398_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_alias_placeholder_id_3c065afe5855786b_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_aliaspluginmodel
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_alias_placeholder_id_3c065afe5855786b_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (alias_placeholder_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_aliaspluginm_plugin_id_286ef06289c39b5c_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_aliaspluginmodel
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_aliaspluginm_plugin_id_286ef06289c39b5c_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (plugin_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_cmsplu_placeholder_id_8718fbc4cd46e71_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_cmsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_cmsplu_placeholder_id_8718fbc4cd46e71_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (placeholder_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_cmsplugin_parent_id_24b76873a88be0cb_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_cmsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_cmsplugin_parent_id_24b76873a88be0cb_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermis_group_id_7066bf1ccd6d7390_fk_auth_group_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_globalpagepermission
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_globalpagepermis_group_id_7066bf1ccd6d7390_fk_auth_group_id FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES auth_group(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermissi_user_id_56bf56d4a8d5b0a0_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_globalpagepermission
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_globalpagepermissi_user_id_56bf56d4a8d5b0a0_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_globalpagepermission_sit_site_id_00460b53_fk_django_site_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_globalpagepermission_sites
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_globalpagepermission_sit_site_id_00460b53_fk_django_site_id FOREIGN KEY (site_id) REFERENCES django_site(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_p_placeholder_ref_id_7f5842a61f70973e_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_placeholderreference
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_p_placeholder_ref_id_7f5842a61f70973e_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (placeholder_ref_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_page__placeholder_id_5d6de1e3049053b0_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_page_placeholders
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_page__placeholder_id_5d6de1e3049053b0_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (placeholder_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_page_parent_id_16d483330f2786b9_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_page_parent_id_16d483330f2786b9_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_page_placeholders_page_id_5c1aabecb20513f1_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_page_placeholders
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_page_placeholders_page_id_5c1aabecb20513f1_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (page_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_page_publisher_public_id_7e7bca24d658a61c_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_page_publisher_public_id_7e7bca24d658a61c_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (publisher_public_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_page_site_id_51bc8ebff4261a88_fk_django_site_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_page_site_id_51bc8ebff4261a88_fk_django_site_id FOREIGN KEY (site_id) REFERENCES django_site(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_pagepermission_group_id_14871c942c1ced3f_fk_auth_group_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_pagepermission
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_pagepermission_group_id_14871c942c1ced3f_fk_auth_group_id FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES auth_group(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_pagepermission_page_id_2b0ce7bdc2ae5b8_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_pagepermission
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_pagepermission_page_id_2b0ce7bdc2ae5b8_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (page_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_pagepermission_user_id_5feeedd6af240c6f_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_pagepermission
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_pagepermission_user_id_5feeedd6af240c6f_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_pageuser_created_by_id_71ea121116e84ad3_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_pageuser
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_pageuser_created_by_id_71ea121116e84ad3_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_pageuser_user_ptr_id_340d3049fdd6daeb_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_pageuser
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_pageuser_user_ptr_id_340d3049fdd6daeb_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_ptr_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_pageusergrou_created_by_id_16b7873a739cdd41_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_pageusergroup
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_pageusergrou_created_by_id_16b7873a739cdd41_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_pageusergroup_group_ptr_id_bbdd4a06a74d2ec_fk_auth_group_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_pageusergroup
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_pageusergroup_group_ptr_id_bbdd4a06a74d2ec_fk_auth_group_id FOREIGN KEY (group_ptr_id) REFERENCES auth_group(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_place_cmsplugin_ptr_id_66379faa6a33f4ab_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_placeholderreference
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_place_cmsplugin_ptr_id_66379faa6a33f4ab_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_staticplace_draft_id_32d5495aee4468b4_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_staticplaceholder
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_staticplace_draft_id_32d5495aee4468b4_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (draft_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_staticplace_public_id_e26322c4c62bd7e_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_staticplaceholder
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_staticplace_public_id_e26322c4c62bd7e_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (public_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_staticplaceholde_site_id_68762690d28d01d4_fk_django_site_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_staticplaceholder
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_staticplaceholde_site_id_68762690d28d01d4_fk_django_site_id FOREIGN KEY (site_id) REFERENCES django_site(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_title_page_id_4ebd393d277199bf_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_title_page_id_4ebd393d277199bf_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (page_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_title_publisher_public_id_27cecc46e5451469_fk_cms_title_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_title_publisher_public_id_27cecc46e5451469_fk_cms_title_id FOREIGN KEY (publisher_public_id) REFERENCES cms_title(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_userset_clipboard_id_720bd6f30e60bca8_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_usersettings
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_userset_clipboard_id_720bd6f30e60bca8_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (clipboard_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cms_usersettings_user_id_09633b2d_fk_membership_customuser_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cms_usersettings
    ADD CONSTRAINT cms_usersettings_user_id_09633b2d_fk_membership_customuser_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES membership_customuser(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_cmsplugin_ptr_id_1614b969cfa257f1_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_cmsplugin_ptr_id_1614b969cfa257f1_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_cmsplugin_ptr_id_1cc2a8f998c320bb_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_cmsplugin_ptr_id_1cc2a8f998c320bb_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_cmsplugin_ptr_id_2fef045737576d39_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_cmsplugin_ptr_id_2fef045737576d39_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_cmsplugin_ptr_id_3c44385c377a4db5_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_cmsplugin_ptr_id_3c44385c377a4db5_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_cmsplugin_ptr_id_4d6c50b300069d13_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_cmsplugin_ptr_id_4d6c50b300069d13_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_cmsplugin_ptr_id_686142e0c134e1d5_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_cmsplugin_ptr_id_686142e0c134e1d5_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfil_file_id_50ca113b_fk_filer_file_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfile
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_file_filerfil_file_id_50ca113b_fk_filer_file_id FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES filer_file(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_folder_fi_folder_id_57adba8a_fk_filer_folder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_folder_filerfolder
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_folder_fi_folder_id_57adba8a_fk_filer_folder_id FOREIGN KEY (folder_id) REFERENCES filer_folder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_im_image_id_a134915d_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_im_image_id_a134915d_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (image_id) REFERENCES filer_image(file_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_im_page_link_id_3ed262a1cd901da2_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_im_page_link_id_3ed262a1cd901da2_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (page_link_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_image_fi_file_link_id_40caefbe_fk_filer_file_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_image_filerimage
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_image_fi_file_link_id_40caefbe_fk_filer_file_id FOREIGN KEY (file_link_id) REFERENCES filer_file(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_link_filer_page_link_id_aff382a5_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_link_filer_page_link_id_aff382a5_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (page_link_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlin_file_id_1e616d87_fk_filer_file_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlinkplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_link_filerlin_file_id_1e616d87_fk_filer_file_id FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES filer_file(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_te_image_id_8b42abaf_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_te_image_id_8b42abaf_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (image_id) REFERENCES filer_image(file_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_teaser_fil_page_link_id_2164b425_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_teaser_filerteaser
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_teaser_fil_page_link_id_2164b425_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (page_link_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_vi_image_id_455a7ef0_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_vi_image_id_455a7ef0_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (image_id) REFERENCES filer_image(file_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: cmsplugin_filer_video_filerv_movie_id_756ccd23_fk_filer_file_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY cmsplugin_filer_video_filervideo
    ADD CONSTRAINT cmsplugin_filer_video_filerv_movie_id_756ccd23_fk_filer_file_id FOREIGN KEY (movie_id) REFERENCES filer_file(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: da1cc505e1141e0557e3a1455ee324f4; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY aldryn_people_peopleplugin_people
    ADD CONSTRAINT da1cc505e1141e0557e3a1455ee324f4 FOREIGN KEY (peopleplugin_id) REFERENCES aldryn_people_peopleplugin(cmsplugin_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: dj_master_id_318c301265b12642_fk_djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogcategory_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT dj_master_id_318c301265b12642_fk_djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (master_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_blogcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: dj_parent_id_5baa74cf2c7eca1d_fk_djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogcategory
    ADD CONSTRAINT dj_parent_id_5baa74cf2c7eca1d_fk_djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_blogcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: dja_snippet_id_210c13c4c9097500_fk_djangocms_snippet_snippet_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_snippet_snippetptr
    ADD CONSTRAINT dja_snippet_id_210c13c4c9097500_fk_djangocms_snippet_snippet_id FOREIGN KEY (snippet_id) REFERENCES djangocms_snippet_snippet(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djan_blogcategory_id_67fc1e4a_fk_djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories
    ADD CONSTRAINT djan_blogcategory_id_67fc1e4a_fk_djangocms_blog_blogcategory_id FOREIGN KEY (blogcategory_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_blogcategory(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djan_content_type_id_11d37054df52e2d0_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_admin_log
    ADD CONSTRAINT djan_content_type_id_11d37054df52e2d0_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: django_admin_log_user_id_376347ab24b09885_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY django_admin_log
    ADD CONSTRAINT django_admin_log_user_id_376347ab24b09885_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocm_app_config_id_21fb69d9_fk_djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocm_app_config_id_21fb69d9_fk_djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_blogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocm_app_config_id_3f1a4082_fk_djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocm_app_config_id_3f1a4082_fk_djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_blogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocm_app_config_id_738b9c8b_fk_djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocm_app_config_id_738b9c8b_fk_djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_blogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocm_app_config_id_7b061885_fk_djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocm_app_config_id_7b061885_fk_djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_blogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocm_app_config_id_979d1f2c_fk_djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogcategory
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocm_app_config_id_979d1f2c_fk_djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (app_config_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_blogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms__cmsplugin_ptr_id_3fe997e5bc4d562_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_snippet_snippetptr
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms__cmsplugin_ptr_id_3fe997e5bc4d562_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms__master_id_7202c6040792c48e_fk_djangocms_blog_post_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms__master_id_7202c6040792c48e_fk_djangocms_blog_post_id FOREIGN KEY (master_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_post(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_bl_master_id_151749d4_fk_djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_blogconfig_translation
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_bl_master_id_151749d4_fk_djangocms_blog_blogconfig_id FOREIGN KEY (master_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_blogconfig(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_bl_post_id_66886096ffa28c0e_fk_djangocms_blog_post_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_categories
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_bl_post_id_66886096ffa28c0e_fk_djangocms_blog_post_id FOREIGN KEY (post_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_post(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_blo_main_image_id_885d781b_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blo_main_image_id_885d781b_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (main_image_id) REFERENCES filer_image(file_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_authore_user_id_75933ceb510fae55_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_authore_user_id_75933ceb510fae55_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_content_id_75fcd6363f2c3a9_fk_cms_placeholder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_content_id_75fcd6363f2c3a9_fk_cms_placeholder_id FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES cms_placeholder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_ge_cmsplugin_ptr_id_de3802b0_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_genericblogplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_ge_cmsplugin_ptr_id_de3802b0_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_p_author_id_6f01c20d_fk_membership_customuser_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_p_author_id_6f01c20d_fk_membership_customuser_id FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES membership_customuser(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post__post_id_4e5295d8_fk_djangocms_blog_post_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_sites
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_post__post_id_4e5295d8_fk_djangocms_blog_post_id FOREIGN KEY (post_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_post(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_blog_post_sites_site_id_d2f7f59d_fk_django_site_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_post_sites
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_blog_post_sites_site_id_d2f7f59d_fk_django_site_id FOREIGN KEY (site_id) REFERENCES django_site(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_216af445d5b32f9b_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_link_link
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_216af445d5b32f9b_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_2a9169bca11bd317_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_2a9169bca11bd317_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_3d1c8e1bb8a67ebf_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_flash_flash
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_3d1c8e1bb8a67ebf_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_4d6edbd3251ff534_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_teaser_teaser
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_4d6edbd3251ff534_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_507d115df608064c_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_507d115df608064c_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_5764a299a32edfd1_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_googlemap_googlemap
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_5764a299a32edfd1_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_5ed06a923d87711b_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_cmsplugin_ptr_id_5ed06a923d87711b_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_file_fi_cmsplugin_ptr_id_428f5041_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_file_file
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_file_fi_cmsplugin_ptr_id_428f5041_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_inherit_i_from_page_id_c7fc5ae030e1aa5_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_inherit_inheritpageplaceholder
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_inherit_i_from_page_id_c7fc5ae030e1aa5_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (from_page_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_link_lin_page_link_id_6910251473b4ce98_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_link_link
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_link_lin_page_link_id_6910251473b4ce98_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (page_link_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_p_extended_object_id_7f9e0a7f0b35accf_fk_cms_title_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_p_extended_object_id_7f9e0a7f0b35accf_fk_cms_title_id FOREIGN KEY (extended_object_id) REFERENCES cms_title(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_pag_extended_object_id_f30787f7ab972e3_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_pag_extended_object_id_f30787f7ab972e3_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (extended_object_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_page_me_og_author_id_362eb37f4966a474_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_page_me_og_author_id_362eb37f4966a474_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (og_author_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta__image_id_51134b68e1252deb_fk_filer_file_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_pagemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_page_meta__image_id_51134b68e1252deb_fk_filer_file_id FOREIGN KEY (image_id) REFERENCES filer_file(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_page_meta__image_id_7ea790a6ce828f17_fk_filer_file_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_page_meta_titlemeta
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_page_meta__image_id_7ea790a6ce828f17_fk_filer_file_id FOREIGN KEY (image_id) REFERENCES filer_file(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_picture_cmsplugin_ptr_id_0e797309_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_picture_picture
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_picture_cmsplugin_ptr_id_0e797309_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_picture_picture_page_link_id_d5c782e0_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_picture_picture
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_picture_picture_page_link_id_d5c782e0_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (page_link_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_teaser_t_page_link_id_7b28cbfa16b7dd61_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_teaser_teaser
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_teaser_t_page_link_id_7b28cbfa16b7dd61_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (page_link_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_text_ck_cmsplugin_ptr_id_946882c1_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_text_ckeditor_text
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_text_ck_cmsplugin_ptr_id_946882c1_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: djangocms_video_v_cmsplugin_ptr_id_cc81a95d_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_video_video
    ADD CONSTRAINT djangocms_video_v_cmsplugin_ptr_id_cc81a95d_fk_cms_cmsplugin_id FOREIGN KEY (cmsplugin_ptr_id) REFERENCES cms_cmsplugin(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: e_thumbnail_id_540969c01e4bfdd3_fk_easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY easy_thumbnails_thumbnaildimensions
    ADD CONSTRAINT e_thumbnail_id_540969c01e4bfdd3_fk_easy_thumbnails_thumbnail_id FOREIGN KEY (thumbnail_id) REFERENCES easy_thumbnails_thumbnail(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: easy_th_source_id_697e1cd7af5c204a_fk_easy_thumbnails_source_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY easy_thumbnails_thumbnail
    ADD CONSTRAINT easy_th_source_id_697e1cd7af5c204a_fk_easy_thumbnails_source_id FOREIGN KEY (source_id) REFERENCES easy_thumbnails_source(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: f7d3ad4e2796791a5b4819cb79ff8448; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin_categories
    ADD CONSTRAINT f7d3ad4e2796791a5b4819cb79ff8448 FOREIGN KEY (latestpostsplugin_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_latestpostsplugin(cmsplugin_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: fec8d2498f19bf0d4b6df68727218314; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin_authors
    ADD CONSTRAINT fec8d2498f19bf0d4b6df68727218314 FOREIGN KEY (authorentriesplugin_id) REFERENCES djangocms_blog_authorentriesplugin(cmsplugin_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: filer_clipbo_clipboard_id_6af7d05a36e14dd_fk_filer_clipboard_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_clipboarditem
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_clipbo_clipboard_id_6af7d05a36e14dd_fk_filer_clipboard_id FOREIGN KEY (clipboard_id) REFERENCES filer_clipboard(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: filer_clipboard_user_id_50f26ea9a9fedaa0_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_clipboard
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_clipboard_user_id_50f26ea9a9fedaa0_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: filer_clipboarditem_file_id_7730cc2c9168b9c5_fk_filer_file_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_clipboarditem
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_clipboarditem_file_id_7730cc2c9168b9c5_fk_filer_file_id FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES filer_file(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: filer_f_polymorphic_ctype_id_f44903c1_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_f_polymorphic_ctype_id_f44903c1_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (polymorphic_ctype_id) REFERENCES django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: filer_file_folder_id_2ff5711011ec5cbb_fk_filer_folder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_file_folder_id_2ff5711011ec5cbb_fk_filer_folder_id FOREIGN KEY (folder_id) REFERENCES filer_folder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: filer_file_owner_id_34fc79468bea26b7_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_file_owner_id_34fc79468bea26b7_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: filer_folder_owner_id_29a2ac62fb21e298_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_folder
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_folder_owner_id_29a2ac62fb21e298_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: filer_folder_parent_id_17f5ace114139133_fk_filer_folder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_folder
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_folder_parent_id_17f5ace114139133_fk_filer_folder_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES filer_folder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: filer_folderpermi_folder_id_60747a43810f1cd2_fk_filer_folder_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_folderpermission
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_folderpermi_folder_id_60747a43810f1cd2_fk_filer_folder_id FOREIGN KEY (folder_id) REFERENCES filer_folder(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: filer_folderpermissi_group_id_764df4dc0a7b9451_fk_auth_group_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_folderpermission
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_folderpermissi_group_id_764df4dc0a7b9451_fk_auth_group_id FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES auth_group(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: filer_folderpermission_user_id_38fa74b7f36fc801_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_folderpermission
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_folderpermission_user_id_38fa74b7f36fc801_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: filer_image_file_ptr_id_7d0adb8d6c9b8011_fk_filer_file_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY filer_image
    ADD CONSTRAINT filer_image_file_ptr_id_7d0adb8d6c9b8011_fk_filer_file_id FOREIGN KEY (file_ptr_id) REFERENCES filer_file(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: membership_cred_user_id_id_f55443cf_fk_membership_customuser_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: tomislav

ALTER TABLE ONLY membership_creditcards
    ADD CONSTRAINT membership_cred_user_id_id_f55443cf_fk_membership_customuser_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id_id) REFERENCES membership_customuser(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: reve_content_type_id_49be33e388776bc1_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY reversion_version
    ADD CONSTRAINT reve_content_type_id_49be33e388776bc1_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: reversion_revision_id_1589de84f8370d65_fk_reversion_revision_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY reversion_version
    ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_revision_id_1589de84f8370d65_fk_reversion_revision_id FOREIGN KEY (revision_id) REFERENCES reversion_revision(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: reversion_revision_user_id_3cb6e6a5acf9ad5f_fk_auth_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY reversion_revision
    ADD CONSTRAINT reversion_revision_user_id_3cb6e6a5acf9ad5f_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: tagg_content_type_id_647783b6f2ffd739_fk_django_content_type_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY taggit_taggeditem
    ADD CONSTRAINT tagg_content_type_id_647783b6f2ffd739_fk_django_content_type_id FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: taggit_taggeditem_tag_id_732e18aba056f370_fk_taggit_tag_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY taggit_taggeditem
    ADD CONSTRAINT taggit_taggeditem_tag_id_732e18aba056f370_fk_taggit_tag_id FOREIGN KEY (tag_id) REFERENCES taggit_tag(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: ungleich_u_image_id_377a61544fc69cef_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY ungleich_ungleichpage
    ADD CONSTRAINT ungleich_u_image_id_377a61544fc69cef_fk_filer_image_file_ptr_id FOREIGN KEY (image_id) REFERENCES filer_image(file_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: ungleich_ung_extended_object_id_6304137b758d935b_fk_cms_page_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: app

ALTER TABLE ONLY ungleich_ungleichpage
    ADD CONSTRAINT ungleich_ung_extended_object_id_6304137b758d935b_fk_cms_page_id FOREIGN KEY (extended_object_id) REFERENCES cms_page(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

-- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: tomislav

REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM tomislav;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO tomislav;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;

-- PostgreSQL database dump complete