/* * Famedly Matrix SDK * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021 Famedly GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:html_unescape/html_unescape.dart'; import 'package:matrix/src/utils/crypto/crypto.dart'; import 'package:matrix/src/utils/space_child.dart'; import 'package:matrix/widget.dart'; import '../matrix.dart'; import 'utils/markdown.dart'; import 'utils/marked_unread.dart'; /// https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2746 /// version 1 const String voipProtoVersion = '1'; enum PushRuleState { notify, mentionsOnly, dontNotify } enum JoinRules { public, knock, invite, private } enum GuestAccess { canJoin, forbidden } enum HistoryVisibility { invited, joined, shared, worldReadable } const Map _guestAccessMap = { GuestAccess.canJoin: 'can_join', GuestAccess.forbidden: 'forbidden', }; const Map _historyVisibilityMap = { HistoryVisibility.invited: 'invited', HistoryVisibility.joined: 'joined', HistoryVisibility.shared: 'shared', HistoryVisibility.worldReadable: 'world_readable', }; const String messageSendingStatusKey = 'com.famedly.famedlysdk.message_sending_status'; const String sortOrderKey = 'com.famedly.famedlysdk.sort_order'; /// Represents a Matrix room. class Room { /// The full qualified Matrix ID for the room in the format '!localid:server.abc'. final String id; /// Membership status of the user for this room. Membership membership; /// The count of unread notifications. int notificationCount; /// The count of highlighted notifications. int highlightCount; /// A token that can be supplied to the from parameter of the rooms/{roomId}/messages endpoint. String? prev_batch; RoomSummary summary; @deprecated List? get mHeroes => summary.mHeroes; @deprecated int? get mJoinedMemberCount => summary.mJoinedMemberCount; @deprecated int? get mInvitedMemberCount => summary.mInvitedMemberCount; /// The room states are a key value store of the key (`type`,`state_key`) => State(event). /// In a lot of cases the `state_key` might be an empty string. You **should** use the /// methods `getState()` and `setState()` to interact with the room states. Map> states = {}; /// Key-Value store for ephemerals. Map ephemerals = {}; /// Key-Value store for private account data only visible for this user. Map roomAccountData = {}; Map toJson() => { 'id': id, 'membership': membership.toString().split('.').last, 'highlight_count': highlightCount, 'notification_count': notificationCount, 'prev_batch': prev_batch, 'summary': summary.toJson(), 'newest_sort_order': 0, 'oldest_sort_order': 0, }; factory Room.fromJson(Map json, Client client) => Room( client: client, id: json['id'], membership: Membership.values.singleWhere( (m) => m.toString() == 'Membership.${json['membership']}', orElse: () => Membership.join, ), notificationCount: json['notification_count'], highlightCount: json['highlight_count'], prev_batch: json['prev_batch'], summary: RoomSummary.fromJson(Map.from(json['summary'])), newestSortOrder: json['newest_sort_order'].toDouble(), oldestSortOrder: json['oldest_sort_order'].toDouble(), ); /// Flag if the room is partial, meaning not all state events have been loaded yet bool partial = true; /// Post-loads the room. /// This load all the missing state events for the room from the database /// If the room has already been loaded, this does nothing. Future postLoad() async { if (!partial) { return; } final allStates = await client.database ?.getUnimportantRoomEventStatesForRoom( client.importantStateEvents.toList(), this); if (allStates != null) { for (final state in allStates) { setState(state); } } partial = false; } /// Returns the [Event] for the given [typeKey] and optional [stateKey]. /// If no [stateKey] is provided, it defaults to an empty string. Event? getState(String typeKey, [String stateKey = '']) => states[typeKey]?[stateKey]; /// Adds the [state] to this room and overwrites a state with the same /// typeKey/stateKey key pair if there is one. void setState(Event state) { // Decrypt if necessary if (state.type == EventTypes.Encrypted && client.encryptionEnabled) { try { state = client.encryption?.decryptRoomEventSync(id, state) ?? state; } catch (e, s) { Logs().e('[LibOlm] Could not decrypt room state', e, s); } } // We ignore room verification events for lastEvents if (state.type == EventTypes.Message && state.messageType.startsWith('m.room.verification.')) { return; } final isMessageEvent = client.roomPreviewLastEvents.contains(state.type); // We ignore events editing events older than the current-latest here so // i.e. newly sent edits for older events don't show up in room preview final lastEvent = this.lastEvent; if (isMessageEvent && state.relationshipEventId != null && state.relationshipType == RelationshipTypes.edit && lastEvent != null && !state.matchesEventOrTransactionId(lastEvent.eventId) && lastEvent.eventId != state.relationshipEventId && !(lastEvent.relationshipType == RelationshipTypes.edit && lastEvent.relationshipEventId == state.relationshipEventId)) { return; } // Ignore other non-state events final stateKey = isMessageEvent ? '' : state.stateKey; final roomId = state.roomId; if (stateKey == null || roomId == null) { return; } // Do not set old events as state events final prevEvent = getState(state.type, stateKey); if (prevEvent != null && prevEvent.eventId != state.eventId && prevEvent.originServerTs.millisecondsSinceEpoch > state.originServerTs.millisecondsSinceEpoch) { return; } (states[state.type] ??= {})[stateKey] = state; } /// ID of the fully read marker event. String get fullyRead => roomAccountData['m.fully_read']?.content['event_id'] ?? ''; /// If something changes, this callback will be triggered. Will return the /// room id. final StreamController onUpdate = StreamController.broadcast(); /// If there is a new session key received, this will be triggered with /// the session ID. final StreamController onSessionKeyReceived = StreamController.broadcast(); /// The name of the room if set by a participant. String get name { final n = getState(EventTypes.RoomName)?.content['name']; return (n is String) ? n : ''; } /// The pinned events for this room. If there are none this returns an empty /// list. List get pinnedEventIds { final pinned = getState(EventTypes.RoomPinnedEvents)?.content['pinned']; return pinned is Iterable ? pinned.map((e) => e.toString()).toList() : []; } /// Returns a localized displayname for this server. If the room is a groupchat /// without a name, then it will return the localized version of 'Group with Alice' instead /// of just 'Alice' to make it different to a direct chat. /// Empty chats will become the localized version of 'Empty Chat'. /// This method requires a localization class which implements [MatrixLocalizations] String getLocalizedDisplayname(MatrixLocalizations i18n) { if (name.isEmpty && canonicalAlias.isEmpty && !isDirectChat && (summary.mHeroes != null && summary.mHeroes?.isNotEmpty == true)) { return i18n.groupWith(displayname); } if (displayname.isNotEmpty) { return displayname; } return i18n.emptyChat; } /// The topic of the room if set by a participant. String get topic { final t = getState(EventTypes.RoomTopic)?.content['topic']; return t is String ? t : ''; } /// The avatar of the room if set by a participant. Uri? get avatar { final avatarUrl = getState(EventTypes.RoomAvatar)?.content['url']; if (avatarUrl is String) { return Uri.tryParse(avatarUrl); } final heroes = summary.mHeroes; if (heroes != null && heroes.length == 1) { final hero = getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, heroes.first); if (hero != null) { return hero.asUser.avatarUrl; } } if (isDirectChat) { final user = directChatMatrixID; if (user != null) { return getUserByMXIDSync(user).avatarUrl; } } if (membership == Membership.invite) { return getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, client.userID!)?.sender.avatarUrl; } return null; } /// The address in the format: #roomname:homeserver.org. String get canonicalAlias { final alias = getState(EventTypes.RoomCanonicalAlias)?.content['alias']; return (alias is String) ? alias : ''; } /// Sets the canonical alias. If the [canonicalAlias] is not yet an alias of /// this room, it will create one. Future setCanonicalAlias(String canonicalAlias) async { final aliases = await client.getLocalAliases(id); if (!aliases.contains(canonicalAlias)) { await client.setRoomAlias(canonicalAlias, id); } await client.setRoomStateWithKey(id, EventTypes.RoomCanonicalAlias, '', { 'alias': canonicalAlias, }); } /// If this room is a direct chat, this is the matrix ID of the user. /// Returns null otherwise. String? get directChatMatrixID { if (membership == Membership.invite) { final invitation = getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, client.userID!); if (invitation != null && invitation.content['is_direct'] == true) { return invitation.senderId; } } return client.directChats.entries .firstWhereOrNull((MapEntry e) { final roomIds = e.value; return roomIds is List && roomIds.contains(id); })?.key; } /// Wheither this is a direct chat or not bool get isDirectChat => directChatMatrixID != null; /// Must be one of [all, mention] String? notificationSettings; Event? get lastEvent { // as lastEvent calculation is based on the state events we unfortunately cannot // use sortOrder here: With many state events we just know which ones are the // newest ones, without knowing in which order they actually happened. As such, // using the origin_server_ts is the best guess for this algorithm. While not // perfect, it is only used for the room preview in the room list and sorting // said room list, so it should be good enough. var lastTime = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0); final lastEvents = client.roomPreviewLastEvents.map(getState).whereType(); var lastEvent = lastEvents.isEmpty ? null : lastEvents.reduce((a, b) { if (a.originServerTs == b.originServerTs) { // if two events have the same sort order we want to give encrypted events a lower priority // This is so that if the same event exists in the state both encrypted *and* unencrypted, // the unencrypted one is picked return a.type == EventTypes.Encrypted ? b : a; } return a.originServerTs.millisecondsSinceEpoch > b.originServerTs.millisecondsSinceEpoch ? a : b; }); if (lastEvent == null) { states.forEach((final String key, final entry) { final state = entry['']; if (state == null) return; if (state.originServerTs.millisecondsSinceEpoch > lastTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch) { lastTime = state.originServerTs; lastEvent = state; } }); } return lastEvent; } /// Returns a list of all current typing users. List get typingUsers { final typingMxid = ephemerals['m.typing']?.content['user_ids']; return (typingMxid is List) ? typingMxid.cast().map(getUserByMXIDSync).toList() : []; } /// Returns all present Widgets in the room. List get widgets => { ...states['m.widget'] ?? {}, ...states['im.vector.modular.widgets'] ?? {}, }.values.expand((e) { try { return [MatrixWidget.fromJson(e.content, this)]; } catch (_) { return []; } }).toList(); /// Your current client instance. final Client client; Room({ required this.id, this.membership = Membership.join, this.notificationCount = 0, this.highlightCount = 0, this.prev_batch, required this.client, this.notificationSettings, Map? roomAccountData, double newestSortOrder = 0.0, double oldestSortOrder = 0.0, RoomSummary? summary, }) : roomAccountData = roomAccountData ?? {}, summary = summary ?? RoomSummary.fromJson({ 'm.joined_member_count': 0, 'm.invited_member_count': 0, 'm.heroes': [], }); /// The default count of how much events should be requested when requesting the /// history of this room. static const int defaultHistoryCount = 30; /// Calculates the displayname. First checks if there is a name, then checks for a canonical alias and /// then generates a name from the heroes. String get displayname { if (name.isNotEmpty) return name; final canonicalAlias = this.canonicalAlias.localpart; if (canonicalAlias != null && canonicalAlias.isNotEmpty) { return canonicalAlias; } final heroes = summary.mHeroes; if (heroes != null && heroes.isNotEmpty) { return heroes .where((hero) => hero.isNotEmpty) .map((hero) => getUserByMXIDSync(hero).calcDisplayname()) .join(', '); } if (isDirectChat) { final user = directChatMatrixID; if (user != null) { return getUserByMXIDSync(user).calcDisplayname(); } } if (membership == Membership.invite) { final sender = getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, client.userID!) ?.sender .calcDisplayname(); if (sender != null) return sender; } return 'Empty chat'; } @Deprecated('Use [lastEvent.body] instead') String get lastMessage => lastEvent?.body ?? ''; /// When the last message received. DateTime get timeCreated => lastEvent?.originServerTs ?? DateTime.now(); /// Call the Matrix API to change the name of this room. Returns the event ID of the /// new m.room.name event. Future setName(String newName) => client.setRoomStateWithKey( id, EventTypes.RoomName, '', {'name': newName}, ); /// Call the Matrix API to change the topic of this room. Future setDescription(String newName) => client.setRoomStateWithKey( id, EventTypes.RoomTopic, '', {'topic': newName}, ); /// Add a tag to the room. Future addTag(String tag, {double? order}) => client.setRoomTag( client.userID!, id, tag, order: order, ); /// Removes a tag from the room. Future removeTag(String tag) => client.deleteRoomTag( client.userID!, id, tag, ); // Tag is part of client-to-server-API, so it uses strict parsing. // For roomAccountData, permissive parsing is more suitable, // so it is implemented here. static Tag _tryTagFromJson(Object o) { if (o is Map) { return Tag( order: o.tryGet('order', TryGet.silent)?.toDouble(), additionalProperties: Map.from(o)..remove('order')); } return Tag(); } /// Returns all tags for this room. Map get tags { final tags = roomAccountData['m.tag']?.content['tags']; if (tags is Map) { final parsedTags = tags.map((k, v) => MapEntry(k, _tryTagFromJson(v))); parsedTags.removeWhere((k, v) => !TagType.isValid(k)); return parsedTags; } return {}; } bool get markedUnread { return MarkedUnread.fromJson( roomAccountData[EventType.markedUnread]?.content ?? {}) .unread; } /// Checks if the last event has a read marker of the user. /// Warning: This compares the origin server timestamp which might not map /// to the real sort order of the timeline. bool get hasNewMessages { final lastEvent = this.lastEvent; // There is no known event or the last event is only a state fallback event, // we assume there is no new messages. if (lastEvent == null || !client.roomPreviewLastEvents.contains(lastEvent.type)) return false; // Read marker is on the last event so no new messages. if (lastEvent.receipts .any((receipt) => receipt.user.senderId == client.userID!)) { return false; } // If the last event is sent, we mark the room as read. if (lastEvent.senderId == client.userID) return false; // Get the timestamp of read marker and compare final readAtMilliseconds = roomAccountData['m.receipt'] ?.content .tryGetMap(client.userID!) ?.tryGet('ts') ?? 0; return readAtMilliseconds < lastEvent.originServerTs.millisecondsSinceEpoch; } /// Returns true if this room is unread. To check if there are new messages /// in muted rooms, use [hasNewMessages]. bool get isUnread => notificationCount > 0 || markedUnread; @Deprecated('Use [markUnread] instead') Future setUnread(bool unread) => markUnread(unread); /// Sets an unread flag manually for this room. This changes the local account /// data model before syncing it to make sure /// this works if there is no connection to the homeserver. This does **not** /// set a read marker! Future markUnread(bool unread) async { final content = MarkedUnread(unread).toJson(); await _handleFakeSync( SyncUpdate( nextBatch: '', rooms: RoomsUpdate( join: { id: JoinedRoomUpdate( accountData: [ BasicRoomEvent( content: content, roomId: id, type: EventType.markedUnread, ), ], ) }, ), ), ); await client.setAccountDataPerRoom( client.userID!, id, EventType.markedUnread, content, ); } /// Returns true if this room has a m.favourite tag. bool get isFavourite => tags[TagType.favourite] != null || (client.pinInvitedRooms && membership == Membership.invite); /// Sets the m.favourite tag for this room. Future setFavourite(bool favourite) => favourite ? addTag(TagType.favourite) : removeTag(TagType.favourite); /// Call the Matrix API to change the pinned events of this room. Future setPinnedEvents(List pinnedEventIds) => client.setRoomStateWithKey( id, EventTypes.RoomPinnedEvents, '', {'pinned': pinnedEventIds}, ); /// return all current emote packs for this room @deprecated Map> get emotePacks => getImagePacksFlat(ImagePackUsage.emoticon); /// returns the resolved mxid for a mention string, or null if none found String? getMention(String mention) => getParticipants() .firstWhereOrNull((u) => u.mentionFragments.contains(mention)) ?.id; /// Sends a normal text message to this room. Returns the event ID generated /// by the server for this message. Future sendTextEvent(String message, {String? txid, Event? inReplyTo, String? editEventId, bool parseMarkdown = true, @deprecated Map>? emotePacks, bool parseCommands = true, String msgtype = MessageTypes.Text}) { if (parseCommands) { return client.parseAndRunCommand(this, message, inReplyTo: inReplyTo, editEventId: editEventId, txid: txid); } final event = { 'msgtype': msgtype, 'body': message, }; if (parseMarkdown) { final html = markdown(event['body'], getEmotePacks: () => getImagePacksFlat(ImagePackUsage.emoticon), getMention: getMention); // if the decoded html is the same as the body, there is no need in sending a formatted message if (HtmlUnescape().convert(html.replaceAll(RegExp(r'
\n?'), '\n')) != event['body']) { event['format'] = 'org.matrix.custom.html'; event['formatted_body'] = html; } } return sendEvent(event, txid: txid, inReplyTo: inReplyTo, editEventId: editEventId); } /// Sends a reaction to an event with an [eventId] and the content [key] into a room. /// Returns the event ID generated by the server for this reaction. Future sendReaction(String eventId, String key, {String? txid}) { return sendEvent({ 'm.relates_to': { 'rel_type': RelationshipTypes.reaction, 'event_id': eventId, 'key': key, }, }, type: EventTypes.Reaction, txid: txid); } /// Sends the location with description [body] and geo URI [geoUri] into a room. /// Returns the event ID generated by the server for this message. Future sendLocation(String body, String geoUri, {String? txid}) { final event = { 'msgtype': 'm.location', 'body': body, 'geo_uri': geoUri, }; return sendEvent(event, txid: txid); } /// Sends a [file] to this room after uploading it. Returns the mxc uri of /// the uploaded file. If [waitUntilSent] is true, the future will wait until /// the message event has received the server. Otherwise the future will only /// wait until the file has been uploaded. /// Optionally specify [extraContent] to tack on to the event. /// /// In case [file] is a [MatrixImageFile], [thumbnail] is automatically /// computed unless it is explicitly provided. Future sendFileEvent( MatrixFile file, { String? txid, Event? inReplyTo, String? editEventId, bool waitUntilSent = false, MatrixImageFile? thumbnail, Map? extraContent, }) async { MatrixFile uploadFile = file; // ignore: omit_local_variable_types // computing the thumbnail in case we can thumbnail ??= (file is MatrixImageFile && encrypted ? await file.generateThumbnail(compute: client.runInBackground) : null); MatrixFile? uploadThumbnail = thumbnail; // ignore: omit_local_variable_types EncryptedFile? encryptedFile; EncryptedFile? encryptedThumbnail; if (encrypted && client.fileEncryptionEnabled) { encryptedFile = await file.encrypt(); uploadFile = encryptedFile.toMatrixFile(); if (thumbnail != null) { encryptedThumbnail = await thumbnail.encrypt(); uploadThumbnail = encryptedThumbnail.toMatrixFile(); } } final uploadResp = await client.uploadContent( uploadFile.bytes, filename: uploadFile.name, contentType: uploadFile.mimeType, ); final thumbnailUploadResp = uploadThumbnail != null ? await client.uploadContent( uploadThumbnail.bytes, filename: uploadThumbnail.name, contentType: uploadThumbnail.mimeType, ) : null; // Send event final content = { 'msgtype': file.msgType, 'body': file.name, 'filename': file.name, if (encryptedFile == null) 'url': uploadResp.toString(), if (encryptedFile != null) 'file': { 'url': uploadResp.toString(), 'mimetype': file.mimeType, 'v': 'v2', 'key': { 'alg': 'A256CTR', 'ext': true, 'k': encryptedFile.k, 'key_ops': ['encrypt', 'decrypt'], 'kty': 'oct' }, 'iv': encryptedFile.iv, 'hashes': {'sha256': encryptedFile.sha256} }, 'info': { ...file.info, if (thumbnail != null && encryptedThumbnail == null) 'thumbnail_url': thumbnailUploadResp.toString(), if (thumbnail != null && encryptedThumbnail != null) 'thumbnail_file': { 'url': thumbnailUploadResp.toString(), 'mimetype': thumbnail.mimeType, 'v': 'v2', 'key': { 'alg': 'A256CTR', 'ext': true, 'k': encryptedThumbnail.k, 'key_ops': ['encrypt', 'decrypt'], 'kty': 'oct' }, 'iv': encryptedThumbnail.iv, 'hashes': {'sha256': encryptedThumbnail.sha256} }, if (thumbnail != null) 'thumbnail_info': thumbnail.info, }, if (extraContent != null) ...extraContent, }; final sendResponse = sendEvent( content, txid: txid, inReplyTo: inReplyTo, editEventId: editEventId, ); if (waitUntilSent) { await sendResponse; } return uploadResp; } Future _sendContent( String type, Map content, { String? txid, }) async { txid ??= client.generateUniqueTransactionId(); final mustEncrypt = encrypted && client.encryptionEnabled; final sendMessageContent = mustEncrypt ? await client.encryption! .encryptGroupMessagePayload(id, content, type: type) : content; return await client.sendMessage( id, sendMessageContent.containsKey('ciphertext') ? EventTypes.Encrypted : type, txid, sendMessageContent, ); } String _stripBodyFallback(String body) { if (body.startsWith('> <@')) { var temp = ''; var inPrefix = true; for (final l in body.split('\n')) { if (inPrefix && (l.isEmpty || l.startsWith('> '))) { continue; } inPrefix = false; temp += temp.isEmpty ? l : ('\n' + l); } return temp; } else { return body; } } /// Sends an event to this room with this json as a content. Returns the /// event ID generated from the server. Future sendEvent( Map content, { String type = EventTypes.Message, String? txid, Event? inReplyTo, String? editEventId, }) async { // Create new transaction id String messageID; if (txid == null) { messageID = client.generateUniqueTransactionId(); } else { messageID = txid; } if (inReplyTo != null) { var replyText = '<${inReplyTo.senderId}> ' + _stripBodyFallback(inReplyTo.body); replyText = replyText.split('\n').map((line) => '> $line').join('\n'); content['format'] = 'org.matrix.custom.html'; // be sure that we strip any previous reply fallbacks final replyHtml = (inReplyTo.formattedText.isNotEmpty ? inReplyTo.formattedText : htmlEscape.convert(inReplyTo.body).replaceAll('\n', '
')) .replaceAll( RegExp(r'.*<\/mx-reply>', caseSensitive: false, multiLine: false, dotAll: true), ''); final repliedHtml = content.tryGet('formatted_body') ?? htmlEscape .convert(content.tryGet('body') ?? '') .replaceAll('\n', '
'); content['formatted_body'] = '
In reply to ${inReplyTo.senderId}
$repliedHtml'; // We escape all @room-mentions here to prevent accidental room pings when an admin // replies to a message containing that! content['body'] = '${replyText.replaceAll('@room', '@\u200broom')}\n\n${content.tryGet('body') ?? ''}'; content['m.relates_to'] = { 'm.in_reply_to': { 'event_id': inReplyTo.eventId, }, }; } if (editEventId != null) { final newContent = content.copy(); content['m.new_content'] = newContent; content['m.relates_to'] = { 'event_id': editEventId, 'rel_type': RelationshipTypes.edit, }; if (content['body'] is String) { content['body'] = '* ' + content['body']; } if (content['formatted_body'] is String) { content['formatted_body'] = '* ' + content['formatted_body']; } } final sentDate = DateTime.now(); final syncUpdate = SyncUpdate( nextBatch: '', rooms: RoomsUpdate( join: { id: JoinedRoomUpdate( timeline: TimelineUpdate( events: [ MatrixEvent( content: content, type: type, eventId: messageID, senderId: client.userID!, originServerTs: sentDate, unsigned: { messageSendingStatusKey: EventStatus.sending.intValue, 'transaction_id': messageID, }, ), ], ), ), }, ), ); await _handleFakeSync(syncUpdate); // Send the text and on success, store and display a *sent* event. String? res; while (res == null) { try { res = await _sendContent( type, content, txid: messageID, ); } catch (e, s) { if ((DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch - sentDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch) < (1000 * client.sendMessageTimeoutSeconds)) { Logs().w('[Client] Problem while sending message because of "' + e.toString() + '". Try again in 1 seconds...'); await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1)); } else { Logs().w('[Client] Problem while sending message', e, s); syncUpdate.rooms!.join!.values.first.timeline!.events!.first .unsigned![messageSendingStatusKey] = EventStatus.error.intValue; await _handleFakeSync(syncUpdate); return null; } } } syncUpdate.rooms!.join!.values.first.timeline!.events!.first .unsigned![messageSendingStatusKey] = EventStatus.sent.intValue; syncUpdate.rooms!.join!.values.first.timeline!.events!.first.eventId = res; await _handleFakeSync(syncUpdate); return res; } /// Call the Matrix API to join this room if the user is not already a member. /// If this room is intended to be a direct chat, the direct chat flag will /// automatically be set. Future join({bool leaveIfNotFound = true}) async { try { await client.joinRoomById(id); final invitation = getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, client.userID!); if (invitation != null && invitation.content['is_direct'] is bool && invitation.content['is_direct']) { await addToDirectChat(invitation.sender.id); } } on MatrixException catch (exception) { if (leaveIfNotFound && [MatrixError.M_NOT_FOUND, MatrixError.M_UNKNOWN] .contains(exception.error)) { await leave(); } rethrow; } return; } /// Call the Matrix API to leave this room. If this room is set as a direct /// chat, this will be removed too. Future leave() async { if (directChatMatrixID != '') await removeFromDirectChat(); try { await client.leaveRoom(id); } on MatrixException catch (exception) { if ([MatrixError.M_NOT_FOUND, MatrixError.M_UNKNOWN] .contains(exception.error)) { await _handleFakeSync( SyncUpdate( nextBatch: '', rooms: RoomsUpdate( leave: { id: LeftRoomUpdate(), }, ), ), ); } rethrow; } return; } /// Call the Matrix API to forget this room if you already left it. Future forget() async { await client.database?.forgetRoom(id); await client.forgetRoom(id); return; } /// Call the Matrix API to kick a user from this room. Future kick(String userID) => client.kick(id, userID); /// Call the Matrix API to ban a user from this room. Future ban(String userID) => client.ban(id, userID); /// Call the Matrix API to unban a banned user from this room. Future unban(String userID) => client.unban(id, userID); /// Set the power level of the user with the [userID] to the value [power]. /// Returns the event ID of the new state event. If there is no known /// power level event, there might something broken and this returns null. Future setPower(String userID, int power) async { var powerMap = getState(EventTypes.RoomPowerLevels)?.content; if (!(powerMap is Map)) { powerMap = {}; } (powerMap['users'] ??= {})[userID] = power; return await client.setRoomStateWithKey( id, EventTypes.RoomPowerLevels, '', powerMap, ); } /// Call the Matrix API to invite a user to this room. Future invite(String userID) => client.inviteUser(id, userID); /// Request more previous events from the server. [historyCount] defines how much events should /// be received maximum. When the request is answered, [onHistoryReceived] will be triggered **before** /// the historical events will be published in the onEvent stream. /// Returns the actual count of received timeline events. Future requestHistory( {int historyCount = defaultHistoryCount, void Function()? onHistoryReceived}) async { final prev_batch = this.prev_batch; if (prev_batch == null) { throw 'Tried to request history without a prev_batch token'; } final resp = await client.getRoomEvents( id, prev_batch, Direction.b, limit: historyCount, filter: jsonEncode(StateFilter(lazyLoadMembers: true).toJson()), ); if (onHistoryReceived != null) onHistoryReceived(); this.prev_batch = resp.end; final loadFn = () async { if (!((resp.chunk?.isNotEmpty ?? false) && resp.end != null)) return; await client.handleSync( SyncUpdate( nextBatch: '', rooms: RoomsUpdate( join: membership == Membership.join ? { id: JoinedRoomUpdate( state: resp.state, timeline: TimelineUpdate( limited: false, events: resp.chunk, prevBatch: resp.end, ), ) } : null, leave: membership != Membership.join ? { id: LeftRoomUpdate( state: resp.state, timeline: TimelineUpdate( limited: false, events: resp.chunk, prevBatch: resp.end, ), ), } : null), ), sortAtTheEnd: true); }; if (client.database != null) { await client.database?.transaction(() async { await client.database?.setRoomPrevBatch(resp.end!, id, client); await loadFn(); }); } else { await loadFn(); } return resp.chunk?.length ?? 0; } /// Sets this room as a direct chat for this user if not already. Future addToDirectChat(String userID) async { final directChats = client.directChats; if (directChats[userID] is List) { if (!directChats[userID].contains(id)) { directChats[userID].add(id); } else { return; } // Is already in direct chats } else { directChats[userID] = [id]; } await client.setAccountData( client.userID!, 'm.direct', directChats, ); return; } /// Removes this room from all direct chat tags. Future removeFromDirectChat() async { final directChats = client.directChats; if (directChats[directChatMatrixID] is List && directChats[directChatMatrixID].contains(id)) { directChats[directChatMatrixID].remove(id); } else { return; } // Nothing to do here await client.setAccountDataPerRoom( client.userID!, id, 'm.direct', directChats, ); return; } /// Sets the position of the read marker for a given room, and optionally the /// read receipt's location. Future setReadMarker(String eventId, {String? mRead}) async { if (mRead != null) { notificationCount = 0; await client.database?.resetNotificationCount(id); } await client.setReadMarker( id, eventId, mRead: mRead, ); return; } /// This API updates the marker for the given receipt type to the event ID /// specified. Future postReceipt(String eventId) async { notificationCount = 0; await client.database?.resetNotificationCount(id); await client.postReceipt( id, ReceiptType.mRead, eventId, {}, ); return; } /// Sends *m.fully_read* and *m.read* for the given event ID. @Deprecated('Use sendReadMarker instead') Future sendReadReceipt(String eventID) async { notificationCount = 0; await client.database?.resetNotificationCount(id); await client.setReadMarker( id, eventID, mRead: eventID, ); return; } /// Creates a timeline from the store. Returns a [Timeline] object. If you /// just want to update the whole timeline on every change, use the [onUpdate] /// callback. For updating only the parts that have changed, use the /// [onChange], [onRemove], [onInsert] and the [onHistoryReceived] callbacks. Future getTimeline({ void Function(int index)? onChange, void Function(int index)? onRemove, void Function(int insertID)? onInsert, void Function()? onUpdate, }) async { await postLoad(); var events; events = await client.database?.getEventList( this, limit: defaultHistoryCount, ) ?? []; // Try again to decrypt encrypted events and update the database. if (encrypted && client.database != null && client.encryptionEnabled) { await client.database?.transaction(() async { for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { if (events[i].type == EventTypes.Encrypted && events[i].content['can_request_session'] == true) { events[i] = await client.encryption ?.decryptRoomEvent(id, events[i], store: true); } } }); } final timeline = Timeline( room: this, events: events, onChange: onChange, onRemove: onRemove, onInsert: onInsert, onUpdate: onUpdate, ); if (client.database == null) { await requestHistory(historyCount: 10); } return timeline; } /// Returns all participants for this room. With lazy loading this /// list may not be complete. Use [requestParticipants] in this /// case. /// List `membershipFilter` defines with what membership do you want the /// participants, default set to /// [[Membership.join, Membership.invite, Membership.knock]] List getParticipants( [List membershipFilter = const [ Membership.join, Membership.invite, Membership.knock, ]]) { final members = states[EventTypes.RoomMember]; if (members != null) { return members.entries .where((entry) => entry.value.type == EventTypes.RoomMember) .map((entry) => entry.value.asUser) .where((user) => membershipFilter.contains(user.membership)) .toList(); } return []; } bool _requestedParticipants = false; /// Request the full list of participants from the server. The local list /// from the store is not complete if the client uses lazy loading. /// List `membershipFilter` defines with what membership do you want the /// participants, default set to /// [[Membership.join, Membership.invite, Membership.knock]] Future> requestParticipants( [List membershipFilter = const [ Membership.join, Membership.invite, Membership.knock, ]]) async { if (!participantListComplete && partial) { // we aren't fully loaded, maybe the users are in the database final users = await client.database?.getUsers(this) ?? []; for (final user in users) { setState(user); } } if (_requestedParticipants || participantListComplete) { return getParticipants(); } final matrixEvents = await client.getMembersByRoom(id); final users = matrixEvents ?.map((e) => Event.fromMatrixEvent(e, this).asUser) .toList() ?? []; for (final user in users) { setState(user); // at *least* cache this in-memory } _requestedParticipants = true; users.removeWhere((u) => !membershipFilter.contains(u.membership)); return users; } /// Checks if the local participant list of joined and invited users is complete. bool get participantListComplete { final knownParticipants = getParticipants(); knownParticipants.removeWhere( (u) => ![Membership.join, Membership.invite].contains(u.membership)); return knownParticipants.length == (summary.mJoinedMemberCount ?? 0) + (summary.mInvitedMemberCount ?? 0); } /// Returns the [User] object for the given [mxID] or requests it from /// the homeserver and waits for a response. @Deprecated('Use [requestUser] instead') Future getUserByMXID(String mxID) async => getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, mxID)?.asUser ?? await requestUser(mxID); /// Returns the [User] object for the given [mxID] or requests it from /// the homeserver and returns a default [User] object while waiting. User getUserByMXIDSync(String mxID) { final user = getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, mxID); if (user != null) { return user.asUser; } else { requestUser(mxID, ignoreErrors: true); return User(mxID, room: this); } } final Set _requestingMatrixIds = {}; /// Requests a missing [User] for this room. Important for clients using /// lazy loading. If the user can't be found this method tries to fetch /// the displayname and avatar from the profile if [requestProfile] is true. Future requestUser( String mxID, { bool ignoreErrors = false, bool requestProfile = true, }) async { // Checks if the user is really missing final stateUser = getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, mxID); if (stateUser != null) { return stateUser.asUser; } // it may be in the database final dbuser = await client.database?.getUser(mxID, this); if (dbuser != null) { setState(dbuser); onUpdate.add(id); return dbuser; } if (!_requestingMatrixIds.add(mxID)) return null; Map? resp; try { Logs().v( 'Request missing user $mxID in room $displayname from the server...'); resp = await client.getRoomStateWithKey( id, EventTypes.RoomMember, mxID, ); } catch (e, s) { if (!ignoreErrors) { _requestingMatrixIds.remove(mxID); rethrow; } else { Logs().w('Unable to request the user $mxID from the server', e, s); } } if (resp == null && requestProfile) { try { final profile = await client.getUserProfile(mxID); resp = { 'displayname': profile.displayname, 'avatar_url': profile.avatarUrl.toString(), }; } catch (e, s) { _requestingMatrixIds.remove(mxID); if (!ignoreErrors) { rethrow; } else { Logs().w('Unable to request the profile $mxID from the server', e, s); } } } if (resp == null) { return null; } final user = User(mxID, displayName: resp['displayname'], avatarUrl: resp['avatar_url'], room: this); setState(user); await client.database?.transaction(() async { final fakeEventId = String.fromCharCodes( await sha256( Uint8List.fromList( (id + mxID + client.generateUniqueTransactionId()).codeUnits), ), ); await client.database?.storeEventUpdate( EventUpdate( content: MatrixEvent( type: EventTypes.RoomMember, content: resp!, stateKey: mxID, originServerTs: DateTime.now(), senderId: mxID, eventId: fakeEventId, ).toJson(), roomID: id, type: EventUpdateType.state, ), client, ); }); onUpdate.add(id); _requestingMatrixIds.remove(mxID); return user; } /// Searches for the event on the server. Returns null if not found. Future getEventById(String eventID) async { try { final matrixEvent = await client.getOneRoomEvent(id, eventID); final event = Event.fromMatrixEvent(matrixEvent, this); if (event.type == EventTypes.Encrypted && client.encryptionEnabled) { // attempt decryption return await client.encryption ?.decryptRoomEvent(id, event, store: false); } return event; } on MatrixException catch (err) { if (err.errcode == 'M_NOT_FOUND') { return null; } rethrow; } } /// Returns the power level of the given user ID. int getPowerLevelByUserId(String userId) { var powerLevel = 0; final powerLevelState = getState(EventTypes.RoomPowerLevels); if (powerLevelState == null) return powerLevel; if (powerLevelState.content['users_default'] is int) { powerLevel = powerLevelState.content['users_default']; } if (powerLevelState.content .tryGet>('users') ?.tryGet(userId) != null) { powerLevel = powerLevelState.content['users'][userId]; } return powerLevel; } /// Returns the user's own power level. int get ownPowerLevel => getPowerLevelByUserId(client.userID!); /// Returns the power levels from all users for this room or null if not given. Map? get powerLevels { final powerLevelState = getState(EventTypes.RoomPowerLevels)?.content['users']; return (powerLevelState is Map) ? powerLevelState : null; } /// Uploads a new user avatar for this room. Returns the event ID of the new /// m.room.avatar event. Leave empty to remove the current avatar. Future setAvatar(MatrixFile? file) async { final uploadResp = file == null ? null : await client.uploadContent(file.bytes, filename: file.name); return await client.setRoomStateWithKey( id, EventTypes.RoomAvatar, '', { if (uploadResp != null) 'url': uploadResp.toString(), }, ); } bool _hasPermissionFor(String action) { final pl = getState(EventTypes.RoomPowerLevels)?.content[action]; if (pl == null) { return true; } return ownPowerLevel >= pl; } /// The level required to ban a user. bool get canBan => _hasPermissionFor('ban'); /// The default level required to send message events. Can be overridden by the events key. bool get canSendDefaultMessages => _hasPermissionFor('events_default') && (!encrypted || client.encryptionEnabled); /// The level required to invite a user. bool get canInvite => _hasPermissionFor('invite'); /// The level required to kick a user. bool get canKick => _hasPermissionFor('kick'); /// The level required to redact an event. bool get canRedact => _hasPermissionFor('redact'); /// The default level required to send state events. Can be overridden by the events key. bool get canSendDefaultStates => _hasPermissionFor('state_default'); bool get canChangePowerLevel => canSendEvent(EventTypes.RoomPowerLevels); bool canSendEvent(String eventType) { final pl = getState(EventTypes.RoomPowerLevels)?.content['events']?[eventType]; if (pl == null) { return eventType == EventTypes.Message ? canSendDefaultMessages : canSendDefaultStates; } return ownPowerLevel >= pl; } /// Returns the [PushRuleState] for this room, based on the m.push_rules stored in /// the account_data. PushRuleState get pushRuleState { final globalPushRules = client.accountData['m.push_rules']?.content['global']; if (!(globalPushRules is Map)) { return PushRuleState.notify; } if (globalPushRules['override'] is List) { for (final pushRule in globalPushRules['override']) { if (pushRule['rule_id'] == id) { if (pushRule['actions'].indexOf('dont_notify') != -1) { return PushRuleState.dontNotify; } break; } } } if (globalPushRules['room'] is List) { for (final pushRule in globalPushRules['room']) { if (pushRule['rule_id'] == id) { if (pushRule['actions'].indexOf('dont_notify') != -1) { return PushRuleState.mentionsOnly; } break; } } } return PushRuleState.notify; } /// Sends a request to the homeserver to set the [PushRuleState] for this room. /// Returns ErrorResponse if something goes wrong. Future setPushRuleState(PushRuleState newState) async { if (newState == pushRuleState) return null; dynamic resp; switch (newState) { // All push notifications should be sent to the user case PushRuleState.notify: if (pushRuleState == PushRuleState.dontNotify) { await client.deletePushRule('global', PushRuleKind.override, id); } else if (pushRuleState == PushRuleState.mentionsOnly) { await client.deletePushRule('global', PushRuleKind.room, id); } break; // Only when someone mentions the user, a push notification should be sent case PushRuleState.mentionsOnly: if (pushRuleState == PushRuleState.dontNotify) { await client.deletePushRule('global', PushRuleKind.override, id); await client.setPushRule( 'global', PushRuleKind.room, id, [PushRuleAction.dontNotify], ); } else if (pushRuleState == PushRuleState.notify) { await client.setPushRule( 'global', PushRuleKind.room, id, [PushRuleAction.dontNotify], ); } break; // No push notification should be ever sent for this room. case PushRuleState.dontNotify: if (pushRuleState == PushRuleState.mentionsOnly) { await client.deletePushRule('global', PushRuleKind.room, id); } await client.setPushRule( 'global', PushRuleKind.override, id, [PushRuleAction.dontNotify], conditions: [ PushCondition(kind: 'event_match', key: 'room_id', pattern: id) ], ); } return resp; } /// Redacts this event. Throws `ErrorResponse` on error. Future redactEvent(String eventId, {String? reason, String? txid}) async { // Create new transaction id String messageID; final now = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch; if (txid == null) { messageID = 'msg$now'; } else { messageID = txid; } final data = {}; if (reason != null) data['reason'] = reason; return await client.redactEvent( id, eventId, messageID, reason: reason, ); } /// This tells the server that the user is typing for the next N milliseconds /// where N is the value specified in the timeout key. Alternatively, if typing is false, /// it tells the server that the user has stopped typing. Future setTyping(bool isTyping, {int? timeout}) => client.setTyping(client.userID!, id, isTyping, timeout: timeout); @Deprecated('Use sendTypingNotification instead') Future sendTypingInfo(bool isTyping, {int? timeout}) => setTyping(isTyping, timeout: timeout); /// This is sent by the caller when they wish to establish a call. /// [callId] is a unique identifier for the call. /// [version] is the version of the VoIP specification this message adheres to. This specification is version 1. /// [lifetime] is the time in milliseconds that the invite is valid for. Once the invite age exceeds this value, /// clients should discard it. They should also no longer show the call as awaiting an answer in the UI. /// [type] The type of session description. Must be 'offer'. /// [sdp] The SDP text of the session description. /// [invitee] The user ID of the person who is being invited. Invites without an invitee field are defined to be /// intended for any member of the room other than the sender of the event. /// [party_id] The party ID for call, Can be set to client.deviceId. Future inviteToCall( String callId, int lifetime, String party_id, String? invitee, String sdp, {String type = 'offer', String version = voipProtoVersion, String? txid, CallCapabilities? capabilities, SDPStreamMetadata? metadata}) async { txid ??= 'txid${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}'; final content = { 'call_id': callId, 'party_id': party_id, 'version': version, 'lifetime': lifetime, 'offer': {'sdp': sdp, 'type': type}, if (invitee != null) 'invitee': invitee, if (capabilities != null) 'capabilities': capabilities.toJson(), if (metadata != null) sdpStreamMetadataKey: metadata.toJson(), }; return await _sendContent( EventTypes.CallInvite, content, txid: txid, ); } /// The calling party sends the party_id of the first selected answer. /// /// Usually after receiving the first answer sdp in the client.onCallAnswer event, /// save the `party_id`, and then send `CallSelectAnswer` to others peers that the call has been picked up. /// /// [callId] is a unique identifier for the call. /// [version] is the version of the VoIP specification this message adheres to. This specification is version 1. /// [party_id] The party ID for call, Can be set to client.deviceId. /// [selected_party_id] The party ID for the selected answer. Future selectCallAnswer( String callId, int lifetime, String party_id, String selected_party_id, {String version = voipProtoVersion, String? txid}) async { txid ??= 'txid${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}'; final content = { 'call_id': callId, 'party_id': party_id, 'version': version, 'lifetime': lifetime, 'selected_party_id': selected_party_id, }; return await _sendContent( EventTypes.CallSelectAnswer, content, txid: txid, ); } /// Reject a call /// [callId] is a unique identifier for the call. /// [version] is the version of the VoIP specification this message adheres to. This specification is version 1. /// [party_id] The party ID for call, Can be set to client.deviceId. Future sendCallReject(String callId, int lifetime, String party_id, {String version = voipProtoVersion, String? txid}) async { txid ??= 'txid${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}'; final content = { 'call_id': callId, 'party_id': party_id, 'version': version, 'lifetime': lifetime, }; return await _sendContent( EventTypes.CallReject, content, txid: txid, ); } /// When local audio/video tracks are added/deleted or hold/unhold, /// need to createOffer and renegotiation. /// [callId] is a unique identifier for the call. /// [version] is the version of the VoIP specification this message adheres to. This specification is version 1. /// [party_id] The party ID for call, Can be set to client.deviceId. Future sendCallNegotiate( String callId, int lifetime, String party_id, String sdp, {String type = 'offer', String version = voipProtoVersion, String? txid, CallCapabilities? capabilities, SDPStreamMetadata? metadata}) async { txid ??= 'txid${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}'; final content = { 'call_id': callId, 'party_id': party_id, 'version': version, 'lifetime': lifetime, 'description': {'sdp': sdp, 'type': type}, if (capabilities != null) 'capabilities': capabilities.toJson(), if (metadata != null) sdpStreamMetadataKey: metadata.toJson(), }; return await _sendContent( EventTypes.CallNegotiate, content, txid: txid, ); } /// This is sent by callers after sending an invite and by the callee after answering. /// Its purpose is to give the other party additional ICE candidates to try using to communicate. /// /// [callId] The ID of the call this event relates to. /// /// [version] The version of the VoIP specification this messages adheres to. This specification is version 1. /// /// [party_id] The party ID for call, Can be set to client.deviceId. /// /// [candidates] Array of objects describing the candidates. Example: /// /// ``` /// [ /// { /// "candidate": "candidate:863018703 1 udp 2122260223 43670 typ host generation 0", /// "sdpMLineIndex": 0, /// "sdpMid": "audio" /// } /// ], /// ``` Future sendCallCandidates( String callId, String party_id, List> candidates, { String version = voipProtoVersion, String? txid, }) async { txid ??= 'txid${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}'; final content = { 'call_id': callId, 'party_id': party_id, 'version': version, 'candidates': candidates, }; return await _sendContent( EventTypes.CallCandidates, content, txid: txid, ); } /// This event is sent by the callee when they wish to answer the call. /// [callId] is a unique identifier for the call. /// [version] is the version of the VoIP specification this message adheres to. This specification is version 1. /// [type] The type of session description. Must be 'answer'. /// [sdp] The SDP text of the session description. /// [party_id] The party ID for call, Can be set to client.deviceId. Future answerCall(String callId, String sdp, String party_id, {String type = 'answer', String version = voipProtoVersion, String? txid, CallCapabilities? capabilities, SDPStreamMetadata? metadata}) async { txid ??= 'txid${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}'; final content = { 'call_id': callId, 'party_id': party_id, 'version': version, 'answer': {'sdp': sdp, 'type': type}, if (capabilities != null) 'capabilities': capabilities.toJson(), if (metadata != null) sdpStreamMetadataKey: metadata.toJson(), }; return await _sendContent( EventTypes.CallAnswer, content, txid: txid, ); } /// This event is sent by the callee when they wish to answer the call. /// [callId] The ID of the call this event relates to. /// [version] is the version of the VoIP specification this message adheres to. This specification is version 1. /// [party_id] The party ID for call, Can be set to client.deviceId. Future hangupCall( String callId, String party_id, String? hangupCause, {String version = voipProtoVersion, String? txid}) async { txid ??= 'txid${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}'; final content = { 'call_id': callId, 'party_id': party_id, 'version': version, if (hangupCause != null) 'reason': hangupCause, }; return await _sendContent( EventTypes.CallHangup, content, txid: txid, ); } /// Send SdpStreamMetadata Changed event. /// /// This MSC also adds a new call event m.call.sdp_stream_metadata_changed, /// which has the common VoIP fields as specified in /// MSC2746 (version, call_id, party_id) and a sdp_stream_metadata object which /// is the same thing as sdp_stream_metadata in m.call.negotiate, m.call.invite /// and m.call.answer. The client sends this event the when sdp_stream_metadata /// has changed but no negotiation is required /// (e.g. the user mutes their camera/microphone). /// /// [callId] The ID of the call this event relates to. /// [version] is the version of the VoIP specification this message adheres to. This specification is version 1. /// [party_id] The party ID for call, Can be set to client.deviceId. /// [metadata] The sdp_stream_metadata object. Future sendSDPStreamMetadataChanged( String callId, String party_id, SDPStreamMetadata metadata, {String version = voipProtoVersion, String? txid}) async { txid ??= 'txid${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}'; final content = { 'call_id': callId, 'party_id': party_id, 'version': version, sdpStreamMetadataKey: metadata.toJson(), }; return await _sendContent( EventTypes.CallSDPStreamMetadataChangedPrefix, content, txid: txid, ); } /// CallReplacesEvent for Transfered calls /// /// [callId] The ID of the call this event relates to. /// [version] is the version of the VoIP specification this message adheres to. This specification is version 1. /// [party_id] The party ID for call, Can be set to client.deviceId. /// [callReplaces] transfer info Future sendCallReplaces( String callId, String party_id, CallReplaces callReplaces, {String version = voipProtoVersion, String? txid}) async { txid ??= 'txid${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}'; final content = { 'call_id': callId, 'party_id': party_id, 'version': version, ...callReplaces.toJson(), }; return await _sendContent( EventTypes.CallReplaces, content, txid: txid, ); } /// send AssertedIdentity event /// /// [callId] The ID of the call this event relates to. /// [version] is the version of the VoIP specification this message adheres to. This specification is version 1. /// [party_id] The party ID for call, Can be set to client.deviceId. /// [assertedIdentity] the asserted identity Future sendAssertedIdentity( String callId, String party_id, AssertedIdentity assertedIdentity, {String version = voipProtoVersion, String? txid}) async { txid ??= 'txid${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}'; final content = { 'call_id': callId, 'party_id': party_id, 'version': version, 'asserted_identity': assertedIdentity.toJson(), }; return await _sendContent( EventTypes.CallAssertedIdentity, content, txid: txid, ); } /// A room may be public meaning anyone can join the room without any prior action. Alternatively, /// it can be invite meaning that a user who wishes to join the room must first receive an invite /// to the room from someone already inside of the room. Currently, knock and private are reserved /// keywords which are not implemented. JoinRules? get joinRules { final joinRule = getState(EventTypes.RoomJoinRules)?.content['join_rule']; return joinRule != null ? JoinRules.values.firstWhereOrNull( (r) => r.toString().replaceAll('JoinRules.', '') == joinRule) : null; } /// Changes the join rules. You should check first if the user is able to change it. Future setJoinRules(JoinRules joinRules) async { await client.setRoomStateWithKey( id, EventTypes.RoomJoinRules, '', { 'join_rule': joinRules.toString().replaceAll('JoinRules.', ''), }, ); return; } /// Whether the user has the permission to change the join rules. bool get canChangeJoinRules => canSendEvent(EventTypes.RoomJoinRules); /// This event controls whether guest users are allowed to join rooms. If this event /// is absent, servers should act as if it is present and has the guest_access value "forbidden". GuestAccess get guestAccess { final ga = getState(EventTypes.GuestAccess)?.content['guest_access']; return ga != null ? (_guestAccessMap.map((k, v) => MapEntry(v, k))[ga] ?? GuestAccess.forbidden) : GuestAccess.forbidden; } /// Changes the guest access. You should check first if the user is able to change it. Future setGuestAccess(GuestAccess guestAccess) async { await client.setRoomStateWithKey( id, EventTypes.GuestAccess, '', { 'guest_access': _guestAccessMap[guestAccess], }, ); return; } /// Whether the user has the permission to change the guest access. bool get canChangeGuestAccess => canSendEvent(EventTypes.GuestAccess); /// This event controls whether a user can see the events that happened in a room from before they joined. HistoryVisibility? get historyVisibility { final hv = getState(EventTypes.HistoryVisibility)?.content['history_visibility']; return hv != null ? _historyVisibilityMap.map((k, v) => MapEntry(v, k))[hv] : null; } /// Changes the history visibility. You should check first if the user is able to change it. Future setHistoryVisibility(HistoryVisibility historyVisibility) async { await client.setRoomStateWithKey( id, EventTypes.HistoryVisibility, '', { 'history_visibility': _historyVisibilityMap[historyVisibility], }, ); return; } /// Whether the user has the permission to change the history visibility. bool get canChangeHistoryVisibility => canSendEvent(EventTypes.HistoryVisibility); /// Returns the encryption algorithm. Currently only `m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2` is supported. /// Returns null if there is no encryption algorithm. String? get encryptionAlgorithm => getState(EventTypes.Encryption)?.parsedRoomEncryptionContent.algorithm; /// Checks if this room is encrypted. bool get encrypted => encryptionAlgorithm != null; Future enableEncryption({int algorithmIndex = 0}) async { if (encrypted) throw ('Encryption is already enabled!'); final algorithm = Client.supportedGroupEncryptionAlgorithms[algorithmIndex]; await client.setRoomStateWithKey( id, EventTypes.Encryption, '', { 'algorithm': algorithm, }, ); return; } /// Returns all known device keys for all participants in this room. Future> getUserDeviceKeys() async { await client.userDeviceKeysLoading; final deviceKeys = []; final users = await requestParticipants(); for (final user in users) { final userDeviceKeys = client.userDeviceKeys[user.id]?.deviceKeys.values; if ([Membership.invite, Membership.join].contains(user.membership) && userDeviceKeys != null) { for (final deviceKeyEntry in userDeviceKeys) { deviceKeys.add(deviceKeyEntry); } } } return deviceKeys; } Future requestSessionKey(String sessionId, String senderKey) async { if (!client.encryptionEnabled) { return; } await client.encryption?.keyManager.request(this, sessionId, senderKey); } Future _handleFakeSync(SyncUpdate syncUpdate, {bool sortAtTheEnd = false}) async { if (client.database != null) { await client.database?.transaction(() async { await client.handleSync(syncUpdate, sortAtTheEnd: sortAtTheEnd); }); } else { await client.handleSync(syncUpdate, sortAtTheEnd: sortAtTheEnd); } } /// Whether this is an extinct room which has been archived in favor of a new /// room which replaces this. Use `getLegacyRoomInformations()` to get more /// informations about it if this is true. bool get isExtinct => getState(EventTypes.RoomTombstone) != null; /// Returns informations about how this room is TombstoneContent? get extinctInformations => getState(EventTypes.RoomTombstone)?.parsedTombstoneContent; /// Checks if the `m.room.create` state has a `type` key with the value /// `m.space`. bool get isSpace => getState(EventTypes.RoomCreate)?.content.tryGet('type') == RoomCreationTypes.mSpace; // TODO: Magic string! /// The parents of this room. Currently this SDK doesn't yet set the canonical /// flag and is not checking if this room is in fact a child of this space. /// You should therefore not rely on this and always check the children of /// the space. List get spaceParents => states[EventTypes.spaceParent] ?.values .map((state) => SpaceParent.fromState(state)) .where((child) => child.via?.isNotEmpty ?? false) .toList() ?? []; /// List all children of this space. Children without a `via` domain will be /// ignored. /// Children are sorted by the `order` while those without this field will be /// sorted at the end of the list. List get spaceChildren => !isSpace ? throw Exception('Room is not a space!') : (states[EventTypes.spaceChild] ?.values .map((state) => SpaceChild.fromState(state)) .where((child) => child.via?.isNotEmpty ?? false) .toList() ?? []) ..sort((a, b) => a.order.isEmpty || b.order.isEmpty ? b.order.compareTo(a.order) : a.order.compareTo(b.order)); /// Adds or edits a child of this space. Future setSpaceChild( String roomId, { List? via, String? order, bool? suggested, }) async { if (!isSpace) throw Exception('Room is not a space!'); via ??= [client.userID!.domain!]; await client.setRoomStateWithKey(id, EventTypes.spaceChild, roomId, { 'via': via, if (order != null) 'order': order, if (suggested != null) 'suggested': suggested, }); await client.setRoomStateWithKey(roomId, EventTypes.spaceParent, id, { 'via': via, }); return; } /// Remove a child from this space by setting the `via` to an empty list. Future removeSpaceChild(String roomId) => !isSpace ? throw Exception('Room is not a space!') : setSpaceChild(roomId, via: const []); @override bool operator ==(dynamic other) => (other is Room && other.id == id); }