* Famedly Matrix SDK
* Copyright (C) 2020, 2021 Famedly GmbH
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:base58check/base58.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:matrix/encryption/utils/base64_unpadded.dart';
import '../matrix.dart';
import '../src/utils/crypto/crypto.dart' as uc;
import '../src/utils/run_in_root.dart';
import 'encryption.dart';
import 'utils/ssss_cache.dart';
const cacheTypes = {
const zeroStr =
const base58Alphabet =
const base58 = Base58Codec(base58Alphabet);
const olmRecoveryKeyPrefix = [0x8B, 0x01];
const ssssKeyLength = 32;
const pbkdf2DefaultIterations = 500000;
const pbkdf2SaltLength = 64;
/// SSSS: **S**ecure **S**ecret **S**torage and **S**haring
/// Read more about SSSS at:
/// https://matrix.org/docs/guides/implementing-more-advanced-e-2-ee-features-such-as-cross-signing#3-implementing-ssss
class SSSS {
final Encryption encryption;
Client get client => encryption.client;
final pendingShareRequests = {};
final _validators = Function(String)>{};
final _cacheCallbacks = Function(String)>{};
final Map _cache = {};
// for testing
Future clearCache() async {
await client.database?.clearSSSSCache();
static _DerivedKeys deriveKeys(Uint8List key, String name) {
final zerosalt = Uint8List(8);
final prk = Hmac(sha256, zerosalt).convert(key);
final b = Uint8List(1);
b[0] = 1;
final aesKey = Hmac(sha256, prk.bytes).convert(utf8.encode(name) + b);
b[0] = 2;
final hmacKey =
Hmac(sha256, prk.bytes).convert(aesKey.bytes + utf8.encode(name) + b);
return _DerivedKeys(
aesKey: Uint8List.fromList(aesKey.bytes),
hmacKey: Uint8List.fromList(hmacKey.bytes));
static Future<_Encrypted> encryptAes(String data, Uint8List key, String name,
[String? ivStr]) async {
Uint8List iv;
if (ivStr != null) {
iv = base64decodeUnpadded(ivStr);
} else {
iv = Uint8List.fromList(uc.secureRandomBytes(16));
// we need to clear bit 63 of the IV
iv[8] &= 0x7f;
final keys = deriveKeys(key, name);
final plain = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(data));
final ciphertext = await uc.aesCtr.encrypt(plain, keys.aesKey, iv);
final hmac = Hmac(sha256, keys.hmacKey).convert(ciphertext);
return _Encrypted(
iv: base64.encode(iv),
ciphertext: base64.encode(ciphertext),
mac: base64.encode(hmac.bytes));
static Future decryptAes(
_Encrypted data, Uint8List key, String name) async {
final keys = deriveKeys(key, name);
final cipher = base64decodeUnpadded(data.ciphertext);
final hmac = base64
.encode(Hmac(sha256, keys.hmacKey).convert(cipher).bytes)
.replaceAll(RegExp(r'=+$'), '');
if (hmac != data.mac.replaceAll(RegExp(r'=+$'), '')) {
throw Exception('Bad MAC');
final decipher = await uc.aesCtr
.encrypt(cipher, keys.aesKey, base64decodeUnpadded(data.iv));
return String.fromCharCodes(decipher);
static Uint8List decodeRecoveryKey(String recoveryKey) {
final result = base58.decode(recoveryKey.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\s'), ''));
final parity = result.fold(0, (a, b) => a ^ b);
if (parity != 0) {
throw Exception('Incorrect parity');
for (var i = 0; i < olmRecoveryKeyPrefix.length; i++) {
if (result[i] != olmRecoveryKeyPrefix[i]) {
throw Exception('Incorrect prefix');
if (result.length != olmRecoveryKeyPrefix.length + ssssKeyLength + 1) {
throw Exception('Incorrect length');
return Uint8List.fromList(result.sublist(olmRecoveryKeyPrefix.length,
olmRecoveryKeyPrefix.length + ssssKeyLength));
static String encodeRecoveryKey(Uint8List recoveryKey) {
final keyToEncode = [...olmRecoveryKeyPrefix, ...recoveryKey];
final parity = keyToEncode.fold(0, (a, b) => a ^ b);
// base58-encode and add a space every four chars
return base58
.replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'.{4}'), (s) => '${s.group(0)} ')
static Future keyFromPassphrase(
String passphrase, PassphraseInfo info) async {
if (info.algorithm != AlgorithmTypes.pbkdf2) {
throw Exception('Unknown algorithm');
if (info.iterations == null) {
throw Exception('Passphrase info without iterations');
if (info.salt == null) {
throw Exception('Passphrase info without salt');
return await uc.pbkdf2(
info.bits ?? 256);
void setValidator(String type, FutureOr Function(String) validator) {
_validators[type] = validator;
void setCacheCallback(String type, FutureOr Function(String) callback) {
_cacheCallbacks[type] = callback;
String? get defaultKeyId => client
Future setDefaultKeyId(String keyId) async {
await client.setAccountData(
SecretStorageDefaultKeyContent(key: keyId).toJson(),
SecretStorageKeyContent? getKey(String keyId) {
return client.accountData[EventTypes.secretStorageKey(keyId)]
bool isKeyValid(String keyId) =>
getKey(keyId)?.algorithm == AlgorithmTypes.secretStorageV1AesHmcSha2;
/// Creates a new secret storage key, optional encrypts it with [passphrase]
/// and stores it in the user's `accountData`.
Future createKey([String? passphrase]) async {
Uint8List privateKey;
final content = SecretStorageKeyContent();
if (passphrase != null) {
// we need to derive the key off of the passphrase
content.passphrase = PassphraseInfo(
iterations: pbkdf2DefaultIterations,
salt: base64.encode(uc.secureRandomBytes(pbkdf2SaltLength)),
algorithm: AlgorithmTypes.pbkdf2,
bits: ssssKeyLength * 8,
privateKey = await client
passphrase: passphrase,
info: content.passphrase!,
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 10));
} else {
// we need to just generate a new key from scratch
privateKey = Uint8List.fromList(uc.secureRandomBytes(ssssKeyLength));
// now that we have the private key, let's create the iv and mac
final encrypted = await encryptAes(zeroStr, privateKey, '');
content.iv = encrypted.iv;
content.mac = encrypted.mac;
content.algorithm = AlgorithmTypes.secretStorageV1AesHmcSha2;
const keyidByteLength = 24;
// make sure we generate a unique key id
final keyId = () sync* {
for (;;) {
yield base64.encode(uc.secureRandomBytes(keyidByteLength));
.firstWhere((keyId) => getKey(keyId) == null);
final accountDataType = EventTypes.secretStorageKey(keyId);
// noooow we set the account data
final waitForAccountData = client.onSync.stream.firstWhere((syncUpdate) =>
syncUpdate.accountData != null &&
.any((accountData) => accountData.type == accountDataType));
await client.setAccountData(
client.userID!, accountDataType, content.toJson());
await waitForAccountData;
final key = open(keyId);
await key.setPrivateKey(privateKey);
return key;
Future checkKey(Uint8List key, SecretStorageKeyContent info) async {
if (info.algorithm == AlgorithmTypes.secretStorageV1AesHmcSha2) {
if ((info.mac is String) && (info.iv is String)) {
final encrypted = await encryptAes(zeroStr, key, '', info.iv);
return info.mac!.replaceAll(RegExp(r'=+$'), '') ==
encrypted.mac.replaceAll(RegExp(r'=+$'), '');
} else {
// no real information about the key, assume it is valid
return true;
} else {
throw Exception('Unknown Algorithm');
bool isSecret(String type) =>
client.accountData[type] != null &&
client.accountData[type]!.content['encrypted'] is Map;
Future getCached(String type) async {
if (client.database == null) {
return null;
// check if it is still valid
final keys = keyIdsFromType(type);
if (keys == null) {
return null;
final isValid = (dbEntry) =>
keys.contains(dbEntry.keyId) &&
dbEntry.ciphertext != null &&
['ciphertext'] ==
if (_cache.containsKey(type) && isValid(_cache[type])) {
return _cache[type]?.content;
final ret = await client.database?.getSSSSCache(type);
if (ret == null) {
return null;
if (isValid(ret)) {
_cache[type] = ret;
return ret.content;
return null;
Future getStored(String type, String keyId, Uint8List key) async {
final secretInfo = client.accountData[type];
if (secretInfo == null) {
throw Exception('Not found');
if (!(secretInfo.content['encrypted'] is Map)) {
throw Exception('Content is not encrypted');
if (!(secretInfo.content['encrypted'][keyId] is Map)) {
throw Exception('Wrong / unknown key');
final enc = secretInfo.content['encrypted'][keyId];
final encryptInfo = _Encrypted(
iv: enc['iv'], ciphertext: enc['ciphertext'], mac: enc['mac']);
final decrypted = await decryptAes(encryptInfo, key, type);
final db = client.database;
if (cacheTypes.contains(type) && db != null) {
// cache the thing
await db.storeSSSSCache(type, keyId, enc['ciphertext'], decrypted);
if (_cacheCallbacks.containsKey(type) && await getCached(type) == null) {
return decrypted;
Future store(String type, String secret, String keyId, Uint8List key,
{bool add = false}) async {
final encrypted = await encryptAes(secret, key, type);
Map? content;
if (add && client.accountData[type] != null) {
content = client.accountData[type]!.content.copy();
if (!(content['encrypted'] is Map)) {
content['encrypted'] = {};
content ??= {
'encrypted': {},
content['encrypted'][keyId] = {
'iv': encrypted.iv,
'ciphertext': encrypted.ciphertext,
'mac': encrypted.mac,
// store the thing in your account data
await client.setAccountData(client.userID!, type, content);
final db = client.database;
if (cacheTypes.contains(type) && db != null) {
// cache the thing
await db.storeSSSSCache(type, keyId, encrypted.ciphertext, secret);
if (_cacheCallbacks.containsKey(type) && await getCached(type) == null) {
Future validateAndStripOtherKeys(
String type, String secret, String keyId, Uint8List key) async {
if (await getStored(type, keyId, key) != secret) {
throw Exception('Secrets do not match up!');
// now remove all other keys
final content = client.accountData[type]?.content.copy();
if (content == null) {
throw Exception('Key has no content!');
final otherKeys =
Set.from(content['encrypted'].keys.where((k) => k != keyId));
content['encrypted'].removeWhere((k, v) => otherKeys.contains(k));
// yes, we are paranoid...
if (await getStored(type, keyId, key) != secret) {
throw Exception('Secrets do not match up!');
// store the thing in your account data
await client.setAccountData(client.userID!, type, content);
if (cacheTypes.contains(type)) {
// cache the thing
await client.database?.storeSSSSCache(
type, keyId, content['encrypted'][keyId]['ciphertext'], secret);
Future maybeCacheAll(String keyId, Uint8List key) async {
for (final type in cacheTypes) {
final secret = await getCached(type);
if (secret == null) {
try {
await getStored(type, keyId, key);
} catch (_) {
// the entry wasn't stored, just ignore it
Future maybeRequestAll([List? devices]) async {
for (final type in cacheTypes) {
if (keyIdsFromType(type) != null) {
final secret = await getCached(type);
if (secret == null) {
await request(type, devices);
Future request(String type, [List? devices]) async {
// only send to own, verified devices
Logs().i('[SSSS] Requesting type $type...');
if (devices == null || devices.isEmpty) {
if (!client.userDeviceKeys.containsKey(client.userID)) {
Logs().w('[SSSS] User does not have any devices');
devices =
devices.removeWhere((DeviceKeys d) =>
d.userId != client.userID ||
!d.verified ||
d.blocked ||
d.deviceId == client.deviceID);
if (devices.isEmpty) {
Logs().w('[SSSS] No devices');
final requestId = client.generateUniqueTransactionId();
final request = _ShareRequest(
requestId: requestId,
type: type,
devices: devices,
pendingShareRequests[requestId] = request;
await client.sendToDeviceEncrypted(devices, EventTypes.SecretRequest, {
'action': 'request',
'requesting_device_id': client.deviceID,
'request_id': requestId,
'name': type,
DateTime? _lastCacheRequest;
bool _isPeriodicallyRequestingMissingCache = false;
Future periodicallyRequestMissingCache() async {
if (_isPeriodicallyRequestingMissingCache ||
(_lastCacheRequest != null &&
.subtract(Duration(minutes: 15))
.isBefore(_lastCacheRequest!)) ||
client.isUnknownSession) {
// we are already requesting right now or we attempted to within the last 15 min
_lastCacheRequest = DateTime.now();
_isPeriodicallyRequestingMissingCache = true;
try {
await maybeRequestAll();
} finally {
_isPeriodicallyRequestingMissingCache = false;
Future handleToDeviceEvent(ToDeviceEvent event) async {
if (event.type == EventTypes.SecretRequest) {
// got a request to share a secret
Logs().i('[SSSS] Received sharing request...');
if (event.sender != client.userID ||
!client.userDeviceKeys.containsKey(client.userID)) {
Logs().i('[SSSS] Not sent by us');
return; // we aren't asking for it ourselves, so ignore
if (event.content['action'] != 'request') {
Logs().i('[SSSS] it is actually a cancelation');
return; // not actually requesting, so ignore
final device = client.userDeviceKeys[client.userID]!
if (device == null || !device.verified || device.blocked) {
Logs().i('[SSSS] Unknown / unverified devices, ignoring');
return; // nope....unknown or untrusted device
// alright, all seems fine...let's check if we actually have the secret they are asking for
final type = event.content['name'];
final secret = await getCached(type);
if (secret == null) {
.i('[SSSS] We don\'t have the secret for $type ourself, ignoring');
return; // seems like we don't have this, either
// okay, all checks out...time to share this secret!
Logs().i('[SSSS] Replying with secret for $type');
await client.sendToDeviceEncrypted(
'request_id': event.content['request_id'],
'secret': secret,
} else if (event.type == EventTypes.SecretSend) {
// receiving a secret we asked for
Logs().i('[SSSS] Received shared secret...');
final encryptedContent = event.encryptedContent;
if (event.sender != client.userID ||
!pendingShareRequests.containsKey(event.content['request_id']) ||
encryptedContent == null) {
Logs().i('[SSSS] Not by us or unknown request');
return; // we have no idea what we just received
final request = pendingShareRequests[event.content['request_id']]!;
// alright, as we received a known request id, let's check if the sender is valid
final device = request.devices.firstWhereOrNull((d) =>
d.userId == event.sender &&
d.curve25519Key == encryptedContent['sender_key']);
if (device == null) {
Logs().i('[SSSS] Someone else replied?');
return; // someone replied whom we didn't send the share request to
final secret = event.content['secret'];
if (!(event.content['secret'] is String)) {
Logs().i('[SSSS] Secret wasn\'t a string');
return; // the secret wasn't a string....wut?
// let's validate if the secret is, well, valid
if (_validators.containsKey(request.type) &&
!(await _validators[request.type]!(secret))) {
Logs().i('[SSSS] The received secret was invalid');
return; // didn't pass the validator
if (request.start.add(Duration(minutes: 15)).isBefore(DateTime.now())) {
Logs().i('[SSSS] Request is too far in the past');
return; // our request is more than 15min in the past...better not trust it anymore
Logs().i('[SSSS] Secret for type ${request.type} is ok, storing it');
final db = client.database;
if (db != null) {
final keyId = keyIdFromType(request.type);
if (keyId != null) {
final ciphertext = client.accountData[request.type]!
await db.storeSSSSCache(request.type, keyId, ciphertext, secret);
if (_cacheCallbacks.containsKey(request.type)) {
Set? keyIdsFromType(String type) {
final data = client.accountData[type];
if (data == null) {
return null;
if (data.content['encrypted'] is Map) {
return data.content['encrypted'].keys.toSet();
return null;
String? keyIdFromType(String type) {
final keys = keyIdsFromType(type);
if (keys == null || keys.isEmpty) {
return null;
if (keys.contains(defaultKeyId)) {
return defaultKeyId;
return keys.first;
OpenSSSS open([String? identifier]) {
identifier ??= defaultKeyId;
if (identifier == null) {
throw Exception('Dont know what to open');
final keyToOpen = keyIdFromType(identifier) ?? identifier;
final key = getKey(keyToOpen);
if (key == null) {
throw Exception('Unknown key to open');
return OpenSSSS(ssss: this, keyId: keyToOpen, keyData: key);
class _ShareRequest {
final String requestId;
final String type;
final List devices;
final DateTime start;
{required this.requestId, required this.type, required this.devices})
: start = DateTime.now();
class _Encrypted {
final String iv;
final String ciphertext;
final String mac;
_Encrypted({required this.iv, required this.ciphertext, required this.mac});
class _DerivedKeys {
final Uint8List aesKey;
final Uint8List hmacKey;
_DerivedKeys({required this.aesKey, required this.hmacKey});
class OpenSSSS {
final SSSS ssss;
final String keyId;
final SecretStorageKeyContent keyData;
OpenSSSS({required this.ssss, required this.keyId, required this.keyData});
Uint8List? privateKey;
bool get isUnlocked => privateKey != null;
bool get hasPassphrase => keyData.passphrase != null;
String? get recoveryKey =>
isUnlocked ? SSSS.encodeRecoveryKey(privateKey!) : null;
Future unlock(
{String? passphrase,
String? recoveryKey,
String? keyOrPassphrase,
bool postUnlock = true}) async {
if (keyOrPassphrase != null) {
try {
await unlock(recoveryKey: keyOrPassphrase, postUnlock: postUnlock);
} catch (_) {
if (hasPassphrase) {
await unlock(passphrase: keyOrPassphrase, postUnlock: postUnlock);
} else {
} else if (passphrase != null) {
if (!hasPassphrase) {
throw Exception(
'Tried to unlock with passphrase while key does not have a passphrase');
privateKey = await ssss.client
passphrase: passphrase,
info: keyData.passphrase!,
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 10));
} else if (recoveryKey != null) {
privateKey = SSSS.decodeRecoveryKey(recoveryKey);
} else {
throw Exception('Nothing specified');
// verify the validity of the key
if (!await ssss.checkKey(privateKey!, keyData)) {
privateKey = null;
throw Exception('Inalid key');
if (postUnlock) {
await runInRoot(() => _postUnlock());
Future setPrivateKey(Uint8List key) async {
if (!await ssss.checkKey(key, keyData)) {
throw Exception('Invalid key');
privateKey = key;
Future getStored(String type) async {
final privateKey = this.privateKey;
if (privateKey == null) {
throw Exception('SSSS not unlocked');
return await ssss.getStored(type, keyId, privateKey);
Future store(String type, String secret, {bool add = false}) async {
final privateKey = this.privateKey;
if (privateKey == null) {
throw Exception('SSSS not unlocked');
await ssss.store(type, secret, keyId, privateKey, add: add);
Future validateAndStripOtherKeys(String type, String secret) async {
final privateKey = this.privateKey;
if (privateKey == null) {
throw Exception('SSSS not unlocked');
await ssss.validateAndStripOtherKeys(type, secret, keyId, privateKey);
Future maybeCacheAll() async {
final privateKey = this.privateKey;
if (privateKey == null) {
throw Exception('SSSS not unlocked');
await ssss.maybeCacheAll(keyId, privateKey);
Future _postUnlock() async {
// first try to cache all secrets that aren't cached yet
await maybeCacheAll();
// now try to self-sign
if (ssss.encryption.crossSigning.enabled &&
ssss.client.userDeviceKeys[ssss.client.userID]?.masterKey != null &&
?.contains(keyId) ??
false) &&
(ssss.client.isUnknownSession ||
?.directVerified !=
true)) {
try {
await ssss.encryption.crossSigning.selfSign(openSsss: this);
} catch (e, s) {
Logs().e('[SSSS] Failed to self-sign', e, s);
class _KeyFromPassphraseArgs {
final String passphrase;
final PassphraseInfo info;
_KeyFromPassphraseArgs({required this.passphrase, required this.info});
Future _keyFromPassphrase(_KeyFromPassphraseArgs args) async {
return await SSSS.keyFromPassphrase(args.passphrase, args.info);