
2543 lines
90 KiB

* Famedly Matrix SDK
* Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021 Famedly GmbH
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:matrix/src/utils/run_in_root.dart';
import 'package:matrix/src/utils/sync_update_item_count.dart';
import 'package:mime/mime.dart';
import 'package:olm/olm.dart' as olm;
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
import '../encryption.dart';
import '../matrix.dart';
import 'utils/run_benchmarked.dart';
import 'utils/multilock.dart';
typedef RoomSorter = int Function(Room a, Room b);
enum LoginState { loggedIn, loggedOut }
extension TrailingSlash on Uri {
Uri stripTrailingSlash() => path.endsWith('/')
? replace(path: path.substring(0, path.length - 1))
: this;
/// Represents a Matrix client to communicate with a
/// [Matrix]( homeserver and is the entry point for this
/// SDK.
class Client extends MatrixApi {
int? _id;
// Keeps track of the currently ongoing syncRequest
// in case we want to cancel it.
int _currentSyncId = -1;
int? get id => _id;
final FutureOr<DatabaseApi> Function(Client)? databaseBuilder;
final FutureOr<DatabaseApi> Function(Client)? legacyDatabaseBuilder;
final FutureOr<void> Function(Client)? databaseDestroyer;
final FutureOr<void> Function(Client)? legacyDatabaseDestroyer;
DatabaseApi? _database;
DatabaseApi? get database => _database;
MatrixApi get api => this;
Encryption? encryption;
Set<KeyVerificationMethod> verificationMethods;
Set<String> importantStateEvents;
Set<String> roomPreviewLastEvents;
Set<String> supportedLoginTypes;
int sendMessageTimeoutSeconds;
bool requestHistoryOnLimitedTimeline;
final bool formatLocalpart;
final bool mxidLocalPartFallback;
// For CommandsClientExtension
final Map<String, FutureOr<String?> Function(CommandArgs)> commands = {};
final Filter syncFilter;
String? syncFilterId;
final Future<R> Function<Q, R>(FutureOr<R> Function(Q), Q,
{String debugLabel})? compute;
Future<T> runInBackground<T, U>(
FutureOr<T> Function(U arg) function, U arg) async {
final compute = this.compute;
if (compute != null) {
return await compute(function, arg);
return await function(arg);
/// Create a client
/// [clientName] = unique identifier of this client
/// [databaseBuilder]: A function that creates the database instance, that will be used.
/// [legacyDatabaseBuilder]: Use this for your old database implementation to perform an automatic migration
/// [databaseDestroyer]: A function that can be used to destroy a database instance, for example by deleting files from disk.
/// [verificationMethods]: A set of all the verification methods this client can handle. Includes:
/// KeyVerificationMethod.numbers: Compare numbers. Most basic, should be supported
/// KeyVerificationMethod.emoji: Compare emojis
/// [importantStateEvents]: A set of all the important state events to load when the client connects.
/// To speed up performance only a set of state events is loaded on startup, those that are
/// needed to display a room list. All the remaining state events are automatically post-loaded
/// when opening the timeline of a room or manually by calling `room.postLoad()`.
/// This set will always include the following state events:
/// -
/// -
/// -
/// -
/// -
/// -
/// -
/// - *some* events, where needed
/// [roomPreviewLastEvents]: The event types that should be used to calculate the last event
/// in a room for the room list.
/// Set [requestHistoryOnLimitedTimeline] to controll the automatic behaviour if the client
/// receives a limited timeline flag for a room.
/// If [mxidLocalPartFallback] is true, then the local part of the mxid will be shown
/// if there is no other displayname available. If not then this will return "Unknown user".
/// If [formatLocalpart] is true, then the localpart of an mxid will
/// be formatted in the way, that all "_" characters are becomming white spaces and
/// the first character of each word becomes uppercase.
/// If your client supports more login types like login with token or SSO, then add this to
/// [supportedLoginTypes]. Set a custom [syncFilter] if you like. By default the app
/// will use lazy_load_members.
/// Set [compute] to the Flutter compute method to enable the SDK to run some
/// code in background.
this.clientName, {
@Deprecated('This is now always enabled by default.')
bool? enableE2eeRecovery,
Set<KeyVerificationMethod>? verificationMethods,
http.Client? httpClient,
Set<String>? importantStateEvents,
Set<String>? roomPreviewLastEvents,
this.pinUnreadRooms = false,
this.pinInvitedRooms = true,
this.sendMessageTimeoutSeconds = 60,
this.requestHistoryOnLimitedTimeline = false,
Set<String>? supportedLoginTypes,
this.mxidLocalPartFallback = true,
this.formatLocalpart = true,
Filter? syncFilter,
@deprecated bool? debug,
}) : syncFilter = syncFilter ??
room: RoomFilter(
state: StateFilter(lazyLoadMembers: true),
importantStateEvents = importantStateEvents ??= {},
roomPreviewLastEvents = roomPreviewLastEvents ??= {},
supportedLoginTypes =
supportedLoginTypes ?? {AuthenticationTypes.password},
__loginState = LoginState.loggedOut,
verificationMethods = verificationMethods ?? <KeyVerificationMethod>{},
VariableTimeoutHttpClient(httpClient ?? http.Client())) {
// register all the default commands
/// The required name for this client.
final String clientName;
/// The Matrix ID of the current logged user.
String? get userID => _userID;
String? _userID;
/// This points to the position in the synchronization history.
String? prevBatch;
/// The device ID is an unique identifier for this device.
String? get deviceID => _deviceID;
String? _deviceID;
/// The device name is a human readable identifier for this device.
String? get deviceName => _deviceName;
String? _deviceName;
/// Returns the current login state.
LoginState get loginState => __loginState;
LoginState __loginState;
set _loginState(LoginState state) {
__loginState = state;
bool isLogged() => accessToken != null;
/// A list of all rooms the user is participating or invited.
List<Room> get rooms => _rooms;
List<Room> _rooms = [];
/// Whether this client supports end-to-end encryption using olm.
bool get encryptionEnabled => encryption?.enabled == true;
/// Whether this client is able to encrypt and decrypt files.
bool get fileEncryptionEnabled => encryptionEnabled && true;
String get identityKey => encryption?.identityKey ?? '';
String get fingerprintKey => encryption?.fingerprintKey ?? '';
/// Wheather this session is unknown to others
bool get isUnknownSession =>
userDeviceKeys[userID]?.deviceKeys[deviceID]?.signed != true;
/// Warning! This endpoint is for testing only!
set rooms(List<Room> newList) {
Logs().w('Warning! This endpoint is for testing only!');
_rooms = newList;
/// Key/Value store of account data.
Map<String, BasicEvent> accountData = {};
/// Presences of users by a given matrix ID
Map<String, Presence> presences = {};
int _transactionCounter = 0;
String generateUniqueTransactionId() {
return '$clientName-$_transactionCounter-${}';
Room? getRoomByAlias(String alias) {
for (final room in rooms) {
if (room.canonicalAlias == alias) return room;
return null;
/// Searches in the local cache for the given room and returns null if not
/// found. If you have loaded the [loadArchive()] before, it can also return
/// archived rooms.
Room? getRoomById(String id) {
for (final room in <Room>[...rooms, ..._archivedRooms]) {
if ( == id) return room;
return null;
Map<String, dynamic> get directChats =>
accountData['']?.content ?? {};
/// Returns the (first) room ID from the store which is a private chat with the user [userId].
/// Returns null if there is none.
String? getDirectChatFromUserId(String userId) {
final directChats = accountData['']?.content[userId];
if (directChats is List<dynamic> && directChats.isNotEmpty) {
final potentialRooms = directChats
.where((room) => room != null && room.membership == Membership.join);
if (potentialRooms.isNotEmpty) {
return potentialRooms.fold<Room>(potentialRooms.first!,
(Room prev, Room? r) {
if (r == null) {
return prev;
final prevLast =
prev.lastEvent?.originServerTs.millisecondsSinceEpoch ?? 0;
final rLast = r.lastEvent?.originServerTs.millisecondsSinceEpoch ?? 0;
return rLast > prevLast ? r : prev;
for (final room in rooms) {
if (room.membership == Membership.invite &&
room.getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, userID!)?.senderId == userId &&
room.getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, userID!)?.content['is_direct'] ==
true) {
return null;
/// Gets discovery information about the domain. The file may include additional keys.
Future<DiscoveryInformation> getDiscoveryInformationsByUserId(
String MatrixIdOrDomain,
) async {
try {
final response = await http.get(Uri.https(
MatrixIdOrDomain.domain ?? '', '/.well-known/matrix/client'));
var respBody = response.body;
try {
respBody = utf8.decode(response.bodyBytes);
} catch (_) {
// No-OP
final rawJson = json.decode(respBody);
return DiscoveryInformation.fromJson(rawJson);
} catch (_) {
// we got an error processing or fetching the well-known information, let's
// provide a reasonable fallback.
return DiscoveryInformation(
mHomeserver: HomeserverInformation(
baseUrl: Uri.https(MatrixIdOrDomain.domain ?? '', '')),
/// Checks the supported versions of the Matrix protocol and the supported
/// login types. Throws an exception if the server is not compatible with the
/// client and sets [homeserver] to [homeserverUrl] if it is. Supports the
/// types `Uri` and `String`.
Future<HomeserverSummary> checkHomeserver(dynamic homeserverUrl,
{bool checkWellKnown = true}) async {
try {
var homeserver = this.homeserver =
(homeserverUrl is Uri) ? homeserverUrl : Uri.parse(homeserverUrl);
homeserver = this.homeserver = homeserver.stripTrailingSlash();
// Look up well known
DiscoveryInformation? wellKnown;
if (checkWellKnown) {
try {
wellKnown = await getWellknown();
homeserver = this.homeserver =
} catch (e) {
Logs().v('Found no well known information', e);
// Check if server supports at least one supported version
final versions = await getVersions();
if (!versions.versions
.any((version) => supportedVersions.contains(version))) {
throw BadServerVersionsException(
versions.versions.toSet(), supportedVersions);
final loginTypes = await getLoginFlows() ?? [];
if (!loginTypes.any((f) => supportedLoginTypes.contains(f.type))) {
throw BadServerLoginTypesException( => f.type ?? '').toSet(), supportedLoginTypes);
return HomeserverSummary(
discoveryInformation: wellKnown,
versions: versions,
loginFlows: loginTypes,
} catch (_) {
homeserver = null;
/// Checks to see if a username is available, and valid, for the server.
/// Returns the fully-qualified Matrix user ID (MXID) that has been registered.
/// You have to call [checkHomeserver] first to set a homeserver.
Future<RegisterResponse> register({
String? username,
String? password,
String? deviceId,
String? initialDeviceDisplayName,
bool? inhibitLogin,
AuthenticationData? auth,
AccountKind? kind,
}) async {
final response = await super.register(
username: username,
password: password,
auth: auth,
deviceId: deviceId,
initialDeviceDisplayName: initialDeviceDisplayName,
inhibitLogin: inhibitLogin,
// Connect if there is an access token in the response.
final accessToken = response.accessToken;
final deviceId_ = response.deviceId;
final userId = response.userId;
final homeserver = this.homeserver;
if (accessToken == null || deviceId_ == null || homeserver == null) {
throw Exception(
'Registered but token, device ID, user ID or homeserver is null.');
await init(
newToken: accessToken,
newUserID: userId,
newHomeserver: homeserver,
newDeviceName: initialDeviceDisplayName ?? '',
newDeviceID: deviceId_);
return response;
/// Handles the login and allows the client to call all APIs which require
/// authentication. Returns false if the login was not successful. Throws
/// MatrixException if login was not successful.
/// To just login with the username 'alice' you set [identifier] to:
/// `AuthenticationUserIdentifier(user: 'alice')`
/// Maybe you want to set [user] to the same String to stay compatible with
/// older server versions.
Future<LoginResponse> login(
LoginType type, {
AuthenticationIdentifier? identifier,
String? password,
String? token,
String? deviceId,
String? initialDeviceDisplayName,
AuthenticationData? auth,
@Deprecated('Deprecated in favour of identifier.') String? user,
@Deprecated('Deprecated in favour of identifier.') String? medium,
@Deprecated('Deprecated in favour of identifier.') String? address,
}) async {
if (homeserver == null && user != null && user.isValidMatrixId) {
await checkHomeserver(user.domain);
final response = await super.login(
identifier: identifier,
password: password,
token: token,
deviceId: deviceId,
initialDeviceDisplayName: initialDeviceDisplayName,
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
user: user,
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
medium: medium,
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
address: address,
// Connect if there is an access token in the response.
final accessToken = response.accessToken;
final deviceId_ = response.deviceId;
final userId = response.userId;
final homeserver_ = homeserver;
if (accessToken == null ||
deviceId_ == null ||
userId == null ||
homeserver_ == null) {
throw Exception('Registered but token, device ID or user ID is null.');
await init(
newToken: accessToken,
newUserID: userId,
newHomeserver: homeserver_,
newDeviceName: initialDeviceDisplayName ?? '',
newDeviceID: deviceId_,
return response;
/// Sends a logout command to the homeserver and clears all local data,
/// including all persistent data from the store.
Future<void> logout() async {
try {
await super.logout();
} catch (e, s) {
Logs().e('Logout failed', e, s);
} finally {
await clear();
/// Sends a logout command to the homeserver and clears all local data,
/// including all persistent data from the store.
Future<void> logoutAll() async {
try {
await super.logoutAll();
} catch (e, s) {
Logs().e('Logout all failed', e, s);
} finally {
await clear();
/// Run any request and react on user interactive authentication flows here.
Future<T> uiaRequestBackground<T>(
Future<T> Function(AuthenticationData? auth) request) {
final completer = Completer<T>();
UiaRequest? uia;
uia = UiaRequest(
request: request,
onUpdate: (state) {
if (uia != null) {
if (state == UiaRequestState.done) {
} else if (state == {
} else {
return completer.future;
/// Returns an existing direct room ID with this user or creates a new one.
/// By default encryption will be enabled if the client supports encryption
/// and the other user has uploaded any encryption keys.
Future<String> startDirectChat(
String mxid, {
bool? enableEncryption,
List<StateEvent>? initialState,
bool waitForSync = true,
}) async {
// Try to find an existing direct chat
final directChatRoomId = getDirectChatFromUserId(mxid);
if (directChatRoomId != null) return directChatRoomId;
enableEncryption ??=
encryptionEnabled && await userOwnsEncryptionKeys(mxid);
if (enableEncryption) {
initialState ??= [];
if (!initialState.any((s) => s.type == EventTypes.Encryption)) {
content: {
'algorithm': supportedGroupEncryptionAlgorithms.first,
type: EventTypes.Encryption,
// Start a new direct chat
final roomId = await createRoom(
invite: [mxid],
isDirect: true,
preset: CreateRoomPreset.trustedPrivateChat,
initialState: initialState,
if (waitForSync && getRoomById(roomId) == null) {
// Wait for room actually appears in sync
.firstWhere((sync) => sync.rooms?.join?.containsKey(roomId) ?? false);
await Room(id: roomId, client: this).addToDirectChat(mxid);
return roomId;
/// Simplified method to create a new group chat. By default it is a private
/// chat. The encryption is enabled if this client supports encryption and
/// the preset is not a public chat.
Future<String> createGroupChat({
String? groupName,
bool? enableEncryption,
List<String>? invite,
CreateRoomPreset preset = CreateRoomPreset.privateChat,
List<StateEvent>? initialState,
Visibility? visibility,
bool waitForSync = true,
}) async {
enableEncryption ??=
encryptionEnabled && preset != CreateRoomPreset.publicChat;
if (enableEncryption) {
initialState ??= [];
if (!initialState.any((s) => s.type == EventTypes.Encryption)) {
content: {
'algorithm': supportedGroupEncryptionAlgorithms.first,
type: EventTypes.Encryption,
final roomId = await createRoom(
invite: invite,
preset: preset,
name: groupName,
initialState: initialState,
visibility: visibility,
if (waitForSync) {
if (getRoomById(roomId) == null) {
// Wait for room actually appears in sync
(sync) => sync.rooms?.join?.containsKey(roomId) ?? false);
return roomId;
/// Checks if the given user has encryption keys. May query keys from the
/// server to answer this.
Future<bool> userOwnsEncryptionKeys(String userId) async {
if (userId == userID) return encryptionEnabled;
if (_userDeviceKeys.containsKey(userId)) {
return true;
final keys = await queryKeys({userId: []});
return keys.deviceKeys?[userId]?.isNotEmpty ?? false;
/// Creates a new space and returns the Room ID. The parameters are mostly
/// the same like in [createRoom()].
/// Be aware that spaces appear in the [rooms] list. You should check if a
/// room is a space by using the `room.isSpace` getter and then just use the
/// room as a space with `room.toSpace()`.
Future<String> createSpace({
String? name,
String? topic,
Visibility visibility = Visibility.public,
String? spaceAliasName,
List<String>? invite,
List<Invite3pid>? invite3pid,
String? roomVersion,
}) =>
name: name,
topic: topic,
visibility: visibility,
roomAliasName: spaceAliasName,
creationContent: {'type': ''},
powerLevelContentOverride: {'events_default': 100},
invite: invite,
invite3pid: invite3pid,
roomVersion: roomVersion,
/// Returns the user's own displayname and avatar url. In Matrix it is possible that
/// one user can have different displaynames and avatar urls in different rooms. So
/// this endpoint first checks if the profile is the same in all rooms. If not, the
/// profile will be requested from the homserver.
Future<Profile> get ownProfile async {
if (rooms.isNotEmpty) {
final profileSet = <Profile>{};
for (final room in rooms) {
final user = await room.requestUser(userID!);
if (user != null) {
avatarUrl: user.avatarUrl,
displayName: user.displayName,
if (profileSet.length == 1) return profileSet.single;
return getProfileFromUserId(userID!);
final Map<String, ProfileInformation> _profileCache = {};
/// Get the combined profile information for this user.
/// If [getFromRooms] is true then the profile will first be searched from the
/// room memberships. This is unstable if the given user makes use of different displaynames
/// and avatars per room, which is common for some bots and bridges.
/// If [cache] is true then
/// the profile get cached for this session. Please note that then the profile may
/// become outdated if the user changes the displayname or avatar in this session.
Future<Profile> getProfileFromUserId(String userId,
{bool cache = true, bool getFromRooms = true}) async {
if (getFromRooms) {
final room = rooms.firstWhereOrNull((Room room) =>
room.getParticipants().indexWhere((User user) => == userId) !=
if (room != null) {
final user =
room.getParticipants().firstWhere((User user) => == userId);
return Profile(
userId: userId,
displayName: user.displayName,
avatarUrl: user.avatarUrl);
var profile = _profileCache[userId];
if (cache && profile != null) {
return Profile(
userId: userId,
displayName: profile.displayname,
avatarUrl: profile.avatarUrl);
profile = await getUserProfile(userId);
_profileCache[userId] = profile;
return Profile(
userId: userId,
displayName: profile.displayname,
avatarUrl: profile.avatarUrl);
final List<Room> _archivedRooms = [];
@Deprecated('Use [loadArchive()] instead.')
Future<List<Room>> get archive => loadArchive();
Future<List<Room>> loadArchive() async {
final syncResp = await sync(
filter: '{"room":{"include_leave":true,"timeline":{"limit":10}}}',
timeout: 0,
final leave = syncResp.rooms?.leave;
if (leave != null) {
for (final entry in leave.entries) {
final id = entry.key;
final room = entry.value;
final leftRoom = Room(
id: id,
membership: Membership.leave,
client: this,
room.accountData?.asMap().map((k, v) => MapEntry(v.type, v)) ??
<String, BasicRoomEvent>{},
room.timeline?.events?.forEach((event) {
leftRoom.prev_batch = room.timeline?.prevBatch;
room.state?.forEach((event) {
return _archivedRooms;
/// Uploads a file and automatically caches it in the database, if it is small enough
/// and returns the mxc url.
Future<Uri> uploadContent(Uint8List file,
{String? filename, String? contentType}) async {
contentType ??= lookupMimeType(filename ?? '', headerBytes: file);
final mxc = await super
.uploadContent(file, filename: filename, contentType: contentType);
final database = this.database;
if (database != null && file.length <= database.maxFileSize) {
await database.storeFile(
mxc, file,;
return mxc;
/// Sends a typing notification and initiates a megolm session, if needed
Future<void> setTyping(
String userId,
String roomId,
bool typing, {
int? timeout,
}) async {
await super.setTyping(userId, roomId, typing, timeout: timeout);
final room = getRoomById(roomId);
if (typing && room != null && encryptionEnabled && room.encrypted) {
// ignore: unawaited_futures
/// Uploads a new user avatar for this user. Leave file null to remove the
/// current avatar.
Future<void> setAvatar(MatrixFile? file) async {
if (file == null) {
// We send an empty String to remove the avatar. Sending Null **should**
// work but it doesn't with Synapse. See:
return setAvatarUrl(userID!, Uri.parse(''));
final uploadResp = await uploadContent(
contentType: file.mimeType,
await setAvatarUrl(userID!, uploadResp);
/// Returns the global push rules for the logged in user.
PushRuleSet? get globalPushRules {
final pushrules = accountData['m.push_rules']?.content['global'];
return pushrules != null ? PushRuleSet.fromJson(pushrules) : null;
/// Returns the device push rules for the logged in user.
PushRuleSet? get devicePushRules {
final pushrules = accountData['m.push_rules']?.content['device'];
return pushrules != null ? PushRuleSet.fromJson(pushrules) : null;
static const Set<String> supportedVersions = {'r0.5.0', 'r0.6.0'};
static const List<String> supportedDirectEncryptionAlgorithms = [
static const List<String> supportedGroupEncryptionAlgorithms = [
static const int defaultThumbnailSize = 800;
/// The newEvent signal is the most important signal in this concept. Every time
/// the app receives a new synchronization, this event is called for every signal
/// to update the GUI. For example, for a new message, it is called:
/// onRoomEvent( "", "!", "timeline", {sender: "", body: "Hello world"} )
final StreamController<EventUpdate> onEvent = StreamController.broadcast();
/// The onToDeviceEvent is called when there comes a new to device event. It is
/// already decrypted if necessary.
final StreamController<ToDeviceEvent> onToDeviceEvent =
/// Called when the login state e.g. user gets logged out.
final StreamController<LoginState> onLoginStateChanged =
/// Called when the local cache is reset
final StreamController<bool> onCacheCleared = StreamController.broadcast();
/// Encryption errors are coming here.
final StreamController<SdkError> onEncryptionError =
/// This is called once, when the first sync has been processed.
final StreamController<bool> onFirstSync = StreamController.broadcast();
/// When a new sync response is coming in, this gives the complete payload.
final StreamController<SyncUpdate> onSync = StreamController.broadcast();
/// This gives the current status of the synchronization
final StreamController<SyncStatusUpdate> onSyncStatus =
/// Callback will be called on presences.
final StreamController<Presence> onPresence = StreamController.broadcast();
/// Callback will be called on account data updates.
final StreamController<BasicEvent> onAccountData =
/// Will be called on call invites.
final StreamController<Event> onCallInvite = StreamController.broadcast();
/// Will be called on call hangups.
final StreamController<Event> onCallHangup = StreamController.broadcast();
/// Will be called on call candidates.
final StreamController<Event> onCallCandidates = StreamController.broadcast();
/// Will be called on call answers.
final StreamController<Event> onCallAnswer = StreamController.broadcast();
/// Will be called on call replaces.
final StreamController<Event> onCallReplaces = StreamController.broadcast();
/// Will be called on select answers.
final StreamController<Event> onCallSelectAnswer =
/// Will be called on rejects.
final StreamController<Event> onCallReject = StreamController.broadcast();
/// Will be called on negotiates.
final StreamController<Event> onCallNegotiate = StreamController.broadcast();
/// Will be called on Asserted Identity received.
final StreamController<Event> onAssertedIdentityReceived =
/// Will be called on SDPStream Metadata changed.
final StreamController<Event> onSDPStreamMetadataChangedReceived =
/// Will be called when another device is requesting session keys for a room.
final StreamController<RoomKeyRequest> onRoomKeyRequest =
/// Will be called when another device is requesting verification with this device.
final StreamController<KeyVerification> onKeyVerificationRequest =
/// When the library calls an endpoint that needs UIA the `UiaRequest` is passed down this screen.
/// The client can open a UIA prompt based on this.
final StreamController<UiaRequest> onUiaRequest =
/// How long should the app wait until it retrys the synchronisation after
/// an error?
int syncErrorTimeoutSec = 3;
@Deprecated('Use init() instead')
void connect({
String? newToken,
Uri? newHomeserver,
String? newUserID,
String? newDeviceName,
String? newDeviceID,
String? newOlmAccount,
}) =>
newToken: newToken,
newHomeserver: newHomeserver,
newUserID: newUserID,
newDeviceName: newDeviceName,
newDeviceID: newDeviceID,
newOlmAccount: newOlmAccount,
bool _initLock = false;
/// Sets the user credentials and starts the synchronisation.
/// Before you can connect you need at least an [accessToken], a [homeserver],
/// a [userID], a [deviceID], and a [deviceName].
/// Usually you don't need to call this method yourself because [login()], [register()]
/// and even the constructor calls it.
/// Sends [LoginState.loggedIn] to [onLoginStateChanged].
/// If one of [newToken], [newUserID], [newDeviceID], [newDeviceName] is set then
/// all of them must be set! If you don't set them, this method will try to
/// get them from the database.
/// Set [waitForFirstSync] and [waitUntilLoadCompletedLoaded] to false to speed this
/// up. You can then wait for `roomsLoading`, `accountDataLoading` and
/// `userDeviceKeysLoading` where it is necessary.
Future<void> init({
String? newToken,
Uri? newHomeserver,
String? newUserID,
String? newDeviceName,
String? newDeviceID,
String? newOlmAccount,
bool waitForFirstSync = true,
bool waitUntilLoadCompletedLoaded = true,
}) async {
if ((newToken != null ||
newUserID != null ||
newDeviceID != null ||
newDeviceName != null) &&
(newToken == null ||
newUserID == null ||
newDeviceID == null ||
newDeviceName == null)) {
throw Exception(
'If one of [newToken, newUserID, newDeviceID, newDeviceName] is set then all of them must be set!');
if (_initLock) throw Exception('[init()] has been called multiple times!');
_initLock = true;
try {
Logs().i('Initialize client $clientName');
if (isLogged()) {
throw Exception('User is already logged in! Call [logout()] first!');
final databaseBuilder = this.databaseBuilder;
if (databaseBuilder != null) {
_database ??= await runBenchmarked<DatabaseApi>(
'Build database',
() async => await databaseBuilder(this),
String? olmAccount;
String? accessToken;
String? _userID;
final account = await this.database?.getClient(clientName);
if (account != null) {
_id = account['client_id'];
homeserver = Uri.parse(account['homeserver_url']);
accessToken = this.accessToken = account['token'];
_userID = this._userID = account['user_id'];
_deviceID = account['device_id'];
_deviceName = account['device_name'];
syncFilterId = account['sync_filter_id'];
prevBatch = account['prev_batch'];
olmAccount = account['olm_account'];
if (newToken != null) {
accessToken = this.accessToken = newToken;
homeserver = newHomeserver;
_userID = this._userID = newUserID;
_deviceID = newDeviceID;
_deviceName = newDeviceName;
olmAccount = newOlmAccount;
} else {
accessToken = this.accessToken = newToken ?? accessToken;
homeserver = newHomeserver ?? homeserver;
_userID = this._userID = newUserID ?? _userID;
_deviceID = newDeviceID ?? _deviceID;
_deviceName = newDeviceName ?? _deviceName;
olmAccount = newOlmAccount ?? olmAccount;
if (accessToken == null || homeserver == null || _userID == null) {
if (legacyDatabaseBuilder != null) {
await _migrateFromLegacyDatabase();
if (isLogged()) return;
// we aren't logged in
encryption = null;
_loginState = LoginState.loggedOut;
Logs().i('User is not logged in.');
_initLock = false;
try {
// make sure to throw an exception if libolm doesn't exist
await olm.init();
encryption = Encryption(client: this);
} catch (_) {
encryption = null;
await encryption?.init(olmAccount);
final database = this.database;
if (database != null) {
if (id != null) {
await database.updateClient(
} else {
_id = await database.insertClient(
userDeviceKeysLoading = database
.then((keys) => _userDeviceKeys = keys);
roomsLoading = database.getRoomList(this).then((rooms) {
_rooms = rooms;
accountDataLoading =
database.getAccountData().then((data) => accountData = data);
if (waitUntilLoadCompletedLoaded) {
await userDeviceKeysLoading;
await roomsLoading;
await accountDataLoading;
_initLock = false;
_loginState = LoginState.loggedIn;
'Successfully connected as ${userID?.localpart} with ${homeserver.toString()}',
final syncFuture = _sync();
if (waitForFirstSync) {
await syncFuture;
} catch (e, s) {
Logs().e('Initialization failed', e, s);
await logout().catchError((_) => null);
onLoginStateChanged.addError(e, s);
_initLock = false;
/// Used for testing only
void setUserId(String s) {
_userID = s;
/// Resets all settings and stops the synchronisation.
Future<void> clear() async {
try {
await abortSync();
await database?.clear();
_backgroundSync = true;
} catch (e, s) {
Logs().e('Unable to clear database', e, s);
} finally {
_database = null;
_id = accessToken = syncFilterId =
homeserver = _userID = _deviceID = _deviceName = prevBatch = null;
_rooms = [];
encryption = null;
final databaseDestroyer = this.databaseDestroyer;
if (databaseDestroyer != null) {
try {
await database?.close();
} catch (e, s) {
Logs().e('Unable to close database', e, s);
await databaseDestroyer(this);
_database = null;
_loginState = LoginState.loggedOut;
bool _backgroundSync = true;
Future<void>? _currentSync;
Future<void> _retryDelay = Future.value();
bool get syncPending => _currentSync != null;
/// Controls the background sync (automatically looping forever if turned on).
set backgroundSync(bool enabled) {
_backgroundSync = enabled;
if (_backgroundSync) {
/// Immediately start a sync and wait for completion.
/// If there is an active sync already, wait for the active sync instead.
Future<void> oneShotSync() {
return _sync();
Future<void> _sync() async {
if (_currentSync == null) {
final _currentSync = this._currentSync = _innerSync();
// ignore: unawaited_futures
_currentSync.whenComplete(() {
this._currentSync = null;
if (_backgroundSync && isLogged() && !_disposed) {
await _currentSync;
/// Presence that is set on sync.
PresenceType? syncPresence;
Future<void> _checkSyncFilter() async {
final userID = this.userID;
if (syncFilterId == null && userID != null) {
final syncFilterId =
this.syncFilterId = await defineFilter(userID, syncFilter);
await database?.storeSyncFilterId(syncFilterId);
Future<void> _innerSync() async {
await _retryDelay;
_retryDelay = Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: syncErrorTimeoutSec));
if (!isLogged() || _disposed || _aborted) return null;
try {
if (_initLock) {
Logs().d('Running sync while init isn\'t done yet, dropping request');
var syncError;
await _checkSyncFilter();
final syncRequest = sync(
filter: syncFilterId,
since: prevBatch,
timeout: prevBatch != null ? 30000 : null,
setPresence: syncPresence,
).then((v) => Future<SyncUpdate?>.value(v)).catchError((e) {
syncError = e;
return null;
_currentSyncId = syncRequest.hashCode;
final syncResp = await syncRequest;
if (syncResp == null) throw syncError ?? 'Unknown sync error';
if (_currentSyncId != syncRequest.hashCode) {
.w('Current sync request ID has changed. Dropping this sync loop!');
final database = this.database;
if (database != null) {
await userDeviceKeysLoading;
await roomsLoading;
await accountDataLoading;
_currentTransaction = database.transaction(() async {
await _handleSync(syncResp);
if (prevBatch != syncResp.nextBatch) {
await database.storePrevBatch(syncResp.nextBatch);
await runBenchmarked(
'Process sync',
() async => await _currentTransaction,
} else {
await _handleSync(syncResp);
if (_disposed || _aborted) return;
if (prevBatch == null) {
prevBatch = syncResp.nextBatch;
prevBatch = syncResp.nextBatch;
// ignore: unawaited_futures
database?.deleteOldFiles( 30)).millisecondsSinceEpoch);
await updateUserDeviceKeys();
if (encryptionEnabled) {
// try to process the to_device queue
try {
await processToDeviceQueue();
} catch (_) {} // we want to dispose any errors this throws
_retryDelay = Future.value();
} on MatrixException catch (e, s) {
error: SdkError(exception: e, stackTrace: s)));
if (e.error == MatrixError.M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN) {
Logs().w('The user has been logged out!');
await clear();
} on MatrixConnectionException catch (e, s) {
Logs().w('Synchronization connection failed');
error: SdkError(exception: e, stackTrace: s)));
} catch (e, s) {
if (!isLogged() || _disposed || _aborted) return;
Logs().e('Error during processing events', e, s);
error: SdkError(
exception: e is Exception ? e : Exception(e), stackTrace: s)));
/// Use this method only for testing utilities!
Future<void> handleSync(SyncUpdate sync, {bool sortAtTheEnd = false}) async {
// ensure we don't upload keys because someone forgot to set a key count
sync.deviceOneTimeKeysCount ??= {'signed_curve25519': 100};
await _handleSync(sync, sortAtTheEnd: sortAtTheEnd);
Future<void> _handleSync(SyncUpdate sync, {bool sortAtTheEnd = false}) async {
final syncToDevice = sync.toDevice;
if (syncToDevice != null) {
await _handleToDeviceEvents(syncToDevice);
if (sync.rooms != null) {
final join = sync.rooms?.join;
if (join != null) {
await _handleRooms(join, sortAtTheEnd: sortAtTheEnd);
final invite = sync.rooms?.invite;
if (invite != null) {
await _handleRooms(invite, sortAtTheEnd: sortAtTheEnd);
final leave = sync.rooms?.leave;
if (leave != null) {
await _handleRooms(leave, sortAtTheEnd: sortAtTheEnd);
for (final newPresence in sync.presence ?? []) {
presences[newPresence.senderId] = newPresence;
for (final newAccountData in sync.accountData ?? []) {
await database?.storeAccountData(
accountData[newAccountData.type] = newAccountData;
final syncDeviceLists = sync.deviceLists;
if (syncDeviceLists != null) {
await _handleDeviceListsEvents(syncDeviceLists);
if (encryptionEnabled) {
sync.deviceOneTimeKeysCount, sync.deviceUnusedFallbackKeyTypes);
Future<void> _handleDeviceListsEvents(DeviceListsUpdate deviceLists) async {
if (deviceLists.changed is List) {
for (final userId in deviceLists.changed ?? []) {
final userKeys = _userDeviceKeys[userId];
if (userKeys != null) {
userKeys.outdated = true;
await database?.storeUserDeviceKeysInfo(userId, true);
for (final userId in deviceLists.left ?? []) {
if (_userDeviceKeys.containsKey(userId)) {
Future<void> _handleToDeviceEvents(List<BasicEventWithSender> events) async {
for (final event in events) {
var toDeviceEvent = ToDeviceEvent.fromJson(event.toJson());
Logs().v('Got to_device event of type ${toDeviceEvent.type}');
if (toDeviceEvent.type == EventTypes.Encrypted && encryptionEnabled) {
toDeviceEvent = await encryption!.decryptToDeviceEvent(toDeviceEvent);
Logs().v('Decrypted type is: ${toDeviceEvent.type}');
if (encryptionEnabled) {
await encryption?.handleToDeviceEvent(toDeviceEvent);
Future<void> _handleRooms(Map<String, SyncRoomUpdate> rooms,
{bool sortAtTheEnd = false}) async {
var handledRooms = 0;
for (final entry in rooms.entries) {
progress: ++handledRooms / rooms.length,
final id = entry.key;
final room = entry.value;
await database?.storeRoomUpdate(id, room, this);
_updateRoomsByRoomUpdate(id, room);
/// Handle now all room events and save them in the database
if (room is JoinedRoomUpdate) {
final state = room.state;
if (state != null && state.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO: This method seems to be comperatively slow for some updates
await _handleRoomEvents(
id, => i.toJson()).toList(), EventUpdateType.state,
sortAtTheEnd: sortAtTheEnd);
final timelineEvents = room.timeline?.events;
if (timelineEvents != null && timelineEvents.isNotEmpty) {
await _handleRoomEvents(
id, => i.toJson()).toList(),
sortAtTheEnd ? EventUpdateType.history : EventUpdateType.timeline,
sortAtTheEnd: sortAtTheEnd);
final ephemeral = room.ephemeral;
if (ephemeral != null && ephemeral.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO: This method seems to be comperatively slow for some updates
await _handleEphemerals(
id, => i.toJson()).toList());
final accountData = room.accountData;
if (accountData != null && accountData.isNotEmpty) {
await _handleRoomEvents(
id, => i.toJson()).toList(),
if (room is LeftRoomUpdate) {
final timelineEvents = room.timeline?.events;
if (timelineEvents != null && timelineEvents.isNotEmpty) {
await _handleRoomEvents(
id, => i.toJson()).toList(),
sortAtTheEnd: sortAtTheEnd);
final accountData = room.accountData;
if (accountData != null && accountData.isNotEmpty) {
await _handleRoomEvents(
id, => i.toJson()).toList(),
final state = room.state;
if (state != null && state.isNotEmpty) {
await _handleRoomEvents(
id, => i.toJson()).toList(), EventUpdateType.state);
if (room is InvitedRoomUpdate) {
final state = room.inviteState;
if (state != null && state.isNotEmpty) {
await _handleRoomEvents(id, => i.toJson()).toList(),
Future<void> _handleEphemerals(String id, List<dynamic> events) async {
for (final event in events) {
await _handleEvent(event, id, EventUpdateType.ephemeral);
// Receipt events are deltas between two states. We will create a
// fake room account data event for this and store the difference
// there.
if (event['type'] == 'm.receipt') {
var room = getRoomById(id);
room ??= Room(id: id, client: this);
final receiptStateContent =
room.roomAccountData['m.receipt']?.content ?? {};
for (final eventEntry in event['content'].entries) {
final String eventID = eventEntry.key;
if (event['content'][eventID][''] != null) {
final Map<String, dynamic> userTimestampMap =
for (final userTimestampMapEntry in userTimestampMap.entries) {
final mxid = userTimestampMapEntry.key;
// Remove previous receipt event from this user
if (receiptStateContent[eventID] is Map<String, dynamic> &&
is Map<String, dynamic> &&
receiptStateContent[eventID][''].containsKey(mxid)) {
if (userTimestampMap[mxid] is Map<String, dynamic> &&
userTimestampMap[mxid].containsKey('ts')) {
receiptStateContent[mxid] = {
'event_id': eventID,
'ts': userTimestampMap[mxid]['ts'],
event['content'] = receiptStateContent;
await _handleEvent(event, id, EventUpdateType.accountData);
Future<void> _handleRoomEvents(
String chat_id, List<dynamic> events, EventUpdateType type,
{bool sortAtTheEnd = false}) async {
for (final event in events) {
await _handleEvent(event, chat_id, type, sortAtTheEnd: sortAtTheEnd);
Future<void> _handleEvent(
Map<String, dynamic> event, String roomID, EventUpdateType type,
{bool sortAtTheEnd = false}) async {
if (event['type'] is String && event['content'] is Map<String, dynamic>) {
// The client must ignore any new event to prevent
// man-in-the-middle attacks!
final room = getRoomById(roomID);
if (room == null ||
(event['type'] == EventTypes.Encryption &&
room.encrypted &&
event['content']['algorithm'] !=
room.getState(EventTypes.Encryption)?.content['algorithm'])) {
var update = EventUpdate(
roomID: roomID,
type: type,
content: event,
if (event['type'] == EventTypes.Encrypted && encryptionEnabled) {
update = await update.decrypt(room);
if (event['type'] == EventTypes.Message &&
!room.isDirectChat &&
database != null &&
room.getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, event['sender']) == null) {
// In order to correctly render room list previews we need to fetch the member from the database
final user = await database?.getUser(event['sender'], room);
if (user != null) {
if (type != EventUpdateType.ephemeral) {
await database?.storeEventUpdate(update, this);
if (encryptionEnabled) {
await encryption?.handleEventUpdate(update);
final rawUnencryptedEvent = update.content;
if (prevBatch != null && type == EventUpdateType.timeline) {
if (rawUnencryptedEvent['type'] == EventTypes.CallInvite) {
onCallInvite.add(Event.fromJson(rawUnencryptedEvent, room));
} else if (rawUnencryptedEvent['type'] == EventTypes.CallHangup) {
onCallHangup.add(Event.fromJson(rawUnencryptedEvent, room));
} else if (rawUnencryptedEvent['type'] == EventTypes.CallAnswer) {
onCallAnswer.add(Event.fromJson(rawUnencryptedEvent, room));
} else if (rawUnencryptedEvent['type'] == EventTypes.CallCandidates) {
onCallCandidates.add(Event.fromJson(rawUnencryptedEvent, room));
} else if (rawUnencryptedEvent['type'] == EventTypes.CallSelectAnswer) {
onCallSelectAnswer.add(Event.fromJson(rawUnencryptedEvent, room));
} else if (rawUnencryptedEvent['type'] == EventTypes.CallReject) {
onCallReject.add(Event.fromJson(rawUnencryptedEvent, room));
} else if (rawUnencryptedEvent['type'] == EventTypes.CallNegotiate) {
onCallNegotiate.add(Event.fromJson(rawUnencryptedEvent, room));
} else if (rawUnencryptedEvent['type'] == EventTypes.CallReplaces) {
onCallReplaces.add(Event.fromJson(rawUnencryptedEvent, room));
} else if (rawUnencryptedEvent['type'] ==
EventTypes.CallAssertedIdentity ||
rawUnencryptedEvent['type'] ==
EventTypes.CallAssertedIdentityPrefix) {
.add(Event.fromJson(rawUnencryptedEvent, room));
} else if (rawUnencryptedEvent['type'] ==
EventTypes.CallSDPStreamMetadataChanged ||
rawUnencryptedEvent['type'] ==
EventTypes.CallSDPStreamMetadataChangedPrefix) {
.add(Event.fromJson(rawUnencryptedEvent, room));
void _updateRoomsByRoomUpdate(String roomId, SyncRoomUpdate chatUpdate) {
// Update the chat list item.
// Search the room in the rooms
final roomIndex = rooms.indexWhere((r) => == roomId);
final found = roomIndex != -1;
final membership = chatUpdate is LeftRoomUpdate
? Membership.leave
: chatUpdate is InvitedRoomUpdate
? Membership.invite
: Membership.join;
// Does the chat already exist in the list rooms?
if (!found && membership != Membership.leave) {
final position = membership == Membership.invite ? 0 : rooms.length;
// Add the new chat to the list
final newRoom = chatUpdate is JoinedRoomUpdate
? Room(
id: roomId,
membership: membership,
prev_batch: chatUpdate.timeline?.prevBatch,
chatUpdate.unreadNotifications?.highlightCount ?? 0,
chatUpdate.unreadNotifications?.notificationCount ?? 0,
summary: chatUpdate.summary,
client: this,
: Room(id: roomId, membership: membership, client: this);
rooms.insert(position, newRoom);
// If the membership is "leave" then remove the item and stop here
else if (found && membership == Membership.leave) {
// Update notification, highlight count and/or additional informations
else if (found &&
chatUpdate is JoinedRoomUpdate &&
(rooms[roomIndex].membership != membership ||
rooms[roomIndex].notificationCount !=
(chatUpdate.unreadNotifications?.notificationCount ?? 0) ||
rooms[roomIndex].highlightCount !=
(chatUpdate.unreadNotifications?.highlightCount ?? 0) ||
chatUpdate.summary != null ||
chatUpdate.timeline?.prevBatch != null)) {
rooms[roomIndex].membership = membership;
rooms[roomIndex].notificationCount =
chatUpdate.unreadNotifications?.notificationCount ?? 0;
rooms[roomIndex].highlightCount =
chatUpdate.unreadNotifications?.highlightCount ?? 0;
if (chatUpdate.timeline?.prevBatch != null) {
rooms[roomIndex].prev_batch = chatUpdate.timeline?.prevBatch;
final summary = chatUpdate.summary;
if (summary != null) {
final roomSummaryJson = rooms[roomIndex].summary.toJson()
rooms[roomIndex].summary = RoomSummary.fromJson(roomSummaryJson);
if ((chatUpdate.timeline?.limited ?? false) &&
requestHistoryOnLimitedTimeline) {
'Limited timeline for ${rooms[roomIndex].id} request history now');
void _updateRoomsByEventUpdate(EventUpdate eventUpdate) {
if (eventUpdate.type == EventUpdateType.history) return;
final room = getRoomById(eventUpdate.roomID);
if (room == null) return;
switch (eventUpdate.type) {
case EventUpdateType.timeline:
case EventUpdateType.state:
case EventUpdateType.inviteState:
final stateEvent = Event.fromJson(eventUpdate.content, room);
if (stateEvent.type == EventTypes.Redaction) {
final String redacts = eventUpdate.content['redacts'];
(String key, Map<String, Event> states) => states.forEach(
(String key, Event state) {
if (state.eventId == redacts) {
} else {
// We want to set state the in-memory cache for the room with the new event.
// To do this, we have to respect to not save edits, unless they edit the
// current last event.
// Additionally, we only store the event in-memory if the room has either been
// post-loaded or the event is animportant state event.
final noMessageOrNoEdit = stateEvent.type != EventTypes.Message ||
stateEvent.relationshipType != RelationshipTypes.edit;
final editingLastEvent =
stateEvent.relationshipEventId == room.lastEvent?.eventId;
final consecutiveEdit =
room.lastEvent?.relationshipType == RelationshipTypes.edit &&
stateEvent.relationshipEventId ==
final importantOrRoomLoaded =
eventUpdate.type == EventUpdateType.inviteState ||
!room.partial ||
if ((noMessageOrNoEdit || editingLastEvent || consecutiveEdit) &&
importantOrRoomLoaded) {
case EventUpdateType.accountData:
room.roomAccountData[eventUpdate.content['type']] =
case EventUpdateType.ephemeral:
room.ephemerals[eventUpdate.content['type']] =
case EventUpdateType.history:
bool _sortLock = false;
/// If `true` then unread rooms are pinned at the top of the room list.
bool pinUnreadRooms;
/// If `true` then unread rooms are pinned at the top of the room list.
bool pinInvitedRooms;
/// The compare function how the rooms should be sorted internally. By default
/// rooms are sorted by timestamp of the last event or the last
/// event if there is no known message.
RoomSorter get sortRoomsBy => (a, b) => (a.isFavourite != b.isFavourite)
? (a.isFavourite ? -1 : 1)
: (pinUnreadRooms && a.notificationCount != b.notificationCount)
? b.notificationCount.compareTo(a.notificationCount)
: b.timeCreated.millisecondsSinceEpoch
void _sortRooms() {
if (_sortLock || rooms.length < 2) return;
_sortLock = true;
_sortLock = false;
Future? userDeviceKeysLoading;
Future? roomsLoading;
Future? accountDataLoading;
/// A map of known device keys per user.
Map<String, DeviceKeysList> get userDeviceKeys => _userDeviceKeys;
Map<String, DeviceKeysList> _userDeviceKeys = {};
/// Gets user device keys by its curve25519 key. Returns null if it isn't found
DeviceKeys? getUserDeviceKeysByCurve25519Key(String senderKey) {
for (final user in userDeviceKeys.values) {
final device = user.deviceKeys.values
.firstWhereOrNull((e) => e.curve25519Key == senderKey);
if (device != null) {
return device;
return null;
Future<Set<String>> _getUserIdsInEncryptedRooms() async {
final userIds = <String>{};
for (final room in rooms) {
if (room.encrypted) {
try {
final userList = await room.requestParticipants();
for (final user in userList) {
if ([Membership.join, Membership.invite]
.contains(user.membership)) {
} catch (e, s) {
Logs().e('[E2EE] Failed to fetch participants', e, s);
return userIds;
final Map<String, DateTime> _keyQueryFailures = {};
Future<void> updateUserDeviceKeys() async {
try {
final database = this.database;
if (!isLogged() || database == null) return;
final dbActions = <Future<dynamic> Function()>[];
final trackedUserIds = await _getUserIdsInEncryptedRooms();
if (!isLogged()) return;
// Remove all userIds we no longer need to track the devices of.
.removeWhere((String userId, v) => !trackedUserIds.contains(userId));
// Check if there are outdated device key lists. Add it to the set.
final outdatedLists = <String, List<String>>{};
for (final userId in trackedUserIds) {
final deviceKeysList =
_userDeviceKeys[userId] ??= DeviceKeysList(userId, this);
final failure = _keyQueryFailures[userId.domain];
// deviceKeysList.outdated is not nullable but we have seen this error
// in production: `Failed assertion: boolean expression must not be null`
// So this could either be a null safety bug in Dart or a result of
// using unsound null safety. The extra equal check `!= false` should
// save us here.
if (deviceKeysList.outdated != false &&
(failure == null ||
.subtract(Duration(minutes: 5))
.isAfter(failure))) {
outdatedLists[userId] = [];
if (outdatedLists.isNotEmpty) {
// Request the missing device key lists from the server.
final response = await queryKeys(outdatedLists, timeout: 10000);
if (!isLogged()) return;
final deviceKeys = response.deviceKeys;
if (deviceKeys != null) {
for (final rawDeviceKeyListEntry in deviceKeys.entries) {
final userId = rawDeviceKeyListEntry.key;
final userKeys =
_userDeviceKeys[userId] ??= DeviceKeysList(userId, this);
final oldKeys = Map<String, DeviceKeys>.from(userKeys.deviceKeys);
userKeys.deviceKeys = {};
for (final rawDeviceKeyEntry
in rawDeviceKeyListEntry.value.entries) {
final deviceId = rawDeviceKeyEntry.key;
// Set the new device key for this device
final entry = DeviceKeys.fromMatrixDeviceKeys(
rawDeviceKeyEntry.value, this, oldKeys[deviceId]?.lastActive);
final ed25519Key = entry.ed25519Key;
final curve25519Key = entry.curve25519Key;
if (entry.isValid &&
deviceId == entry.deviceId &&
ed25519Key != null &&
curve25519Key != null) {
// Check if deviceId or deviceKeys are known
if (!oldKeys.containsKey(deviceId)) {
final oldPublicKeys =
await database.deviceIdSeen(userId, deviceId);
if (oldPublicKeys != null &&
oldPublicKeys != curve25519Key + ed25519Key) {
'Already seen Device ID has been added again. This might be an attack!');
final oldDeviceId = await database.publicKeySeen(ed25519Key);
if (oldDeviceId != null && oldDeviceId != deviceId) {
'Already seen ED25519 has been added again. This might be an attack!');
final oldDeviceId2 =
await database.publicKeySeen(curve25519Key);
if (oldDeviceId2 != null && oldDeviceId2 != deviceId) {
'Already seen Curve25519 has been added again. This might be an attack!');
await database.addSeenDeviceId(
userId, deviceId, curve25519Key + ed25519Key);
await database.addSeenPublicKey(ed25519Key, deviceId);
await database.addSeenPublicKey(curve25519Key, deviceId);
// is this a new key or the same one as an old one?
// better store an update - the signatures might have changed!
final oldKey = oldKeys[deviceId];
if (oldKey == null ||
(oldKey.ed25519Key == entry.ed25519Key &&
oldKey.curve25519Key == entry.curve25519Key)) {
if (oldKey != null) {
// be sure to save the verified status
entry.blocked = oldKey.blocked;
entry.validSignatures = oldKey.validSignatures;
userKeys.deviceKeys[deviceId] = entry;
if (deviceId == deviceID &&
entry.ed25519Key == fingerprintKey) {
// Always trust the own device
dbActions.add(() => database.storeUserDeviceKey(
} else if (oldKeys.containsKey(deviceId)) {
// This shouldn't ever happen. The same device ID has gotten
// a new public key. So we ignore the update. TODO: ask krille
// if we should instead use the new key with unknown verified / blocked status
userKeys.deviceKeys[deviceId] = oldKeys[deviceId]!;
} else {
Logs().w('Invalid device ${entry.userId}:${entry.deviceId}');
// delete old/unused entries
for (final oldDeviceKeyEntry in oldKeys.entries) {
final deviceId = oldDeviceKeyEntry.key;
if (!userKeys.deviceKeys.containsKey(deviceId)) {
// we need to remove an old key
.add(() => database.removeUserDeviceKey(userId, deviceId));
userKeys.outdated = false;
.add(() => database.storeUserDeviceKeysInfo(userId, false));
// next we parse and persist the cross signing keys
final crossSigningTypes = {
'master': response.masterKeys,
'self_signing': response.selfSigningKeys,
'user_signing': response.userSigningKeys,
for (final crossSigningKeysEntry in crossSigningTypes.entries) {
final keyType = crossSigningKeysEntry.key;
final keys = crossSigningKeysEntry.value;
if (keys == null) {
for (final crossSigningKeyListEntry in keys.entries) {
final userId = crossSigningKeyListEntry.key;
final userKeys =
_userDeviceKeys[userId] ??= DeviceKeysList(userId, this);
final oldKeys =
Map<String, CrossSigningKey>.from(userKeys.crossSigningKeys);
userKeys.crossSigningKeys = {};
// add the types we aren't handling atm back
for (final oldEntry in oldKeys.entries) {
if (!oldEntry.value.usage.contains(keyType)) {
userKeys.crossSigningKeys[oldEntry.key] = oldEntry.value;
} else {
// There is a previous cross-signing key with this usage, that we no
// longer need/use. Clear it from the database.
dbActions.add(() =>
database.removeUserCrossSigningKey(userId, oldEntry.key));
final entry = CrossSigningKey.fromMatrixCrossSigningKey(
crossSigningKeyListEntry.value, this);
final publicKey = entry.publicKey;
if (entry.isValid && publicKey != null) {
final oldKey = oldKeys[publicKey];
if (oldKey == null || oldKey.ed25519Key == entry.ed25519Key) {
if (oldKey != null) {
// be sure to save the verification status
entry.blocked = oldKey.blocked;
entry.validSignatures = oldKey.validSignatures;
userKeys.crossSigningKeys[publicKey] = entry;
} else {
// This shouldn't ever happen. The same device ID has gotten
// a new public key. So we ignore the update. TODO: ask krille
// if we should instead use the new key with unknown verified / blocked status
userKeys.crossSigningKeys[publicKey] = oldKey;
dbActions.add(() => database.storeUserCrossSigningKey(
_userDeviceKeys[userId]?.outdated = false;
.add(() => database.storeUserDeviceKeysInfo(userId, false));
// now process all the failures
if (response.failures != null) {
for (final failureDomain in response.failures?.keys ?? <String>[]) {
_keyQueryFailures[failureDomain] =;
if (dbActions.isNotEmpty) {
if (!isLogged()) return;
await database.transaction(() async {
for (final f in dbActions) {
await f();
} catch (e, s) {
Logs().e('[LibOlm] Unable to update user device keys', e, s);
bool _toDeviceQueueNeedsProcessing = true;
/// Processes the to_device queue and tries to send every entry.
/// This function MAY throw an error, which just means the to_device queue wasn't
/// proccessed all the way.
Future<void> processToDeviceQueue() async {
final database = this.database;
if (database == null || !_toDeviceQueueNeedsProcessing) {
final entries = await database.getToDeviceEventQueue();
if (entries.isEmpty) {
_toDeviceQueueNeedsProcessing = false;
for (final entry in entries) {
// Convert the Json Map to the correct format regarding
// https: //
final data =, v) =>
MapEntry<String, Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>>(
(v as Map).map((k, v) => MapEntry<String, Map<String, dynamic>>(
k, Map<String, dynamic>.from(v)))));
try {
await super.sendToDevice(entry.type, entry.txnId, data);
} on MatrixException catch (e) {
'[To-Device] failed to to_device message from the queue to the server. Ignoring error: $e');
Logs().w('Payload: $data');
await database.deleteFromToDeviceQueue(;
/// Sends a raw to_device event with a [eventType], a [txnId] and a content
/// [messages]. Before sending, it tries to re-send potentially queued
/// to_device events and adds the current one to the queue, should it fail.
Future<void> sendToDevice(
String eventType,
String txnId,
Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>> messages,
) async {
try {
await processToDeviceQueue();
await super.sendToDevice(eventType, txnId, messages);
} catch (e, s) {
'[Client] Problem while sending to_device event, retrying later...',
final database = this.database;
if (database != null) {
_toDeviceQueueNeedsProcessing = true;
await database.insertIntoToDeviceQueue(
eventType, txnId, json.encode(messages));
/// Send an (unencrypted) to device [message] of a specific [eventType] to all
/// devices of a set of [users].
Future<void> sendToDevicesOfUserIds(
Set<String> users,
String eventType,
Map<String, dynamic> message, {
String? messageId,
}) async {
// Send with send-to-device messaging
final data = <String, Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>>{};
for (final user in users) {
data[user] = {'*': message};
await sendToDevice(
eventType, messageId ?? generateUniqueTransactionId(), data);
final MultiLock<DeviceKeys> _sendToDeviceEncryptedLock = MultiLock();
/// Sends an encrypted [message] of this [eventType] to these [deviceKeys].
Future<void> sendToDeviceEncrypted(
List<DeviceKeys> deviceKeys,
String eventType,
Map<String, dynamic> message, {
String? messageId,
bool onlyVerified = false,
}) async {
final encryption = this.encryption;
if (!encryptionEnabled || encryption == null) return;
// Don't send this message to blocked devices, and if specified onlyVerified
// then only send it to verified devices
if (deviceKeys.isNotEmpty) {
deviceKeys.removeWhere((DeviceKeys deviceKeys) =>
deviceKeys.blocked ||
(deviceKeys.userId == userID && deviceKeys.deviceId == deviceID) ||
(onlyVerified && !deviceKeys.verified));
if (deviceKeys.isEmpty) return;
// So that we can guarantee order of encrypted to_device messages to be preserved we
// must ensure that we don't attempt to encrypt multiple concurrent to_device messages
// to the same device at the same time.
// A failure to do so can result in edge-cases where encryption and sending order of
// said to_device messages does not match up, resulting in an olm session corruption.
// As we send to multiple devices at the same time, we may only proceed here if the lock for
// *all* of them is freed and lock *all* of them while sending.
try {
await _sendToDeviceEncryptedLock.lock(deviceKeys);
// Send with send-to-device messaging
final data = await encryption.encryptToDeviceMessage(
deviceKeys, eventType, message)
as Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>>;
eventType = EventTypes.Encrypted;
await sendToDevice(
eventType, messageId ?? generateUniqueTransactionId(), data);
} finally {
/// Sends an encrypted [message] of this [eventType] to these [deviceKeys].
/// This request happens partly in the background and partly in the
/// foreground. It automatically chunks sending to device keys based on
/// activity.
Future<void> sendToDeviceEncryptedChunked(
List<DeviceKeys> deviceKeys,
String eventType,
Map<String, dynamic> message,
) async {
if (!encryptionEnabled) return;
// be sure to copy our device keys list
deviceKeys = List<DeviceKeys>.from(deviceKeys);
deviceKeys.removeWhere((DeviceKeys k) =>
k.blocked || (k.userId == userID && k.deviceId == deviceID));
if (deviceKeys.isEmpty) return;
message = message.copy(); // make sure we deep-copy the message
// make sure all the olm sessions are loaded from database
Logs().v('Sending to device chunked... (${deviceKeys.length} devices)');
// sort so that devices we last received messages from get our message first
deviceKeys.sort((keyA, keyB) => keyB.lastActive.compareTo(keyA.lastActive));
// and now send out in chunks of 20
const chunkSize = 20;
// first we send out all the chunks that we await
var i = 0;
// we leave this in a for-loop for now, so that we can easily adjust the break condition
// based on other things, if we want to hard-`await` more devices in the future
for (; i < deviceKeys.length && i <= 0; i += chunkSize) {
Logs().v('Sending chunk $i...');
final chunk = deviceKeys.sublist(
i + chunkSize > deviceKeys.length
? deviceKeys.length
: i + chunkSize);
// and send
await sendToDeviceEncrypted(chunk, eventType, message);
// now send out the background chunks
if (i < deviceKeys.length) {
// ignore: unawaited_futures
() async {
for (; i < deviceKeys.length; i += chunkSize) {
// wait 50ms to not freeze the UI
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 50));
Logs().v('Sending chunk $i...');
final chunk = deviceKeys.sublist(
i + chunkSize > deviceKeys.length
? deviceKeys.length
: i + chunkSize);
// and send
// ignore: unawaited_futures
sendToDeviceEncrypted(chunk, eventType, message);
/// Whether all push notifications are muted using the [.m.rule.master]
/// rule of the push rules:
bool get allPushNotificationsMuted {
final Map<String, dynamic>? globalPushRules =
if (globalPushRules == null) return false;
if (globalPushRules['override'] is List) {
for (final pushRule in globalPushRules['override']) {
if (pushRule['rule_id'] == '.m.rule.master') {
return pushRule['enabled'];
return false;
Future<void> setMuteAllPushNotifications(bool muted) async {
await setPushRuleEnabled(
/// Changes the password. You should either set oldPasswort or another authentication flow.
Future<void> changePassword(String newPassword,
{String? oldPassword,
AuthenticationData? auth,
bool? logoutDevices}) async {
final userID = this.userID;
try {
if (oldPassword != null && userID != null) {
auth = AuthenticationPassword(
identifier: AuthenticationUserIdentifier(user: userID),
password: oldPassword,
await super.changePassword(newPassword,
auth: auth, logoutDevices: logoutDevices);
} on MatrixException catch (matrixException) {
if (!matrixException.requireAdditionalAuthentication) {
if (matrixException.authenticationFlows?.length != 1 ||
.contains(AuthenticationTypes.password) ??
false)) {
if (oldPassword == null || userID == null) {
return changePassword(
auth: AuthenticationPassword(
identifier: AuthenticationUserIdentifier(user: userID),
password: oldPassword,
session: matrixException.session,
logoutDevices: logoutDevices,
} catch (_) {
@Deprecated('Use clearCache()')
Future<void> clearLocalCachedMessages() async {
await clearCache();
/// Clear all local cached messages, room information and outbound group
/// sessions and perform a new clean sync.
Future<void> clearCache() async {
await abortSync();
prevBatch = null;
await database?.clearCache();
// Restart the syncloop
backgroundSync = true;
/// A list of mxids of users who are ignored.
List<String> get ignoredUsers => (accountData
.containsKey('m.ignored_user_list') &&
accountData['m.ignored_user_list']?.content['ignored_users'] is Map)
? List<String>.from(
: [];
/// Ignore another user. This will clear the local cached messages to
/// hide all previous messages from this user.
Future<void> ignoreUser(String userId) async {
if (!userId.isValidMatrixId) {
throw Exception('$userId is not a valid mxid!');
await setAccountData(userID!, 'm.ignored_user_list', {
'ignored_users': Map.fromEntries(
(ignoredUsers..add(userId)).map((key) => MapEntry(key, {}))),
await clearCache();
/// Unignore a user. This will clear the local cached messages and request
/// them again from the server to avoid gaps in the timeline.
Future<void> unignoreUser(String userId) async {
if (!userId.isValidMatrixId) {
throw Exception('$userId is not a valid mxid!');
if (!ignoredUsers.contains(userId)) {
throw Exception('$userId is not in the ignore list!');
await setAccountData(userID!, 'm.ignored_user_list', {
'ignored_users': Map.fromEntries(
(ignoredUsers..remove(userId)).map((key) => MapEntry(key, {}))),
await clearCache();
bool _disposed = false;
bool _aborted = false;
Future _currentTransaction = Future.sync(() => {});
/// Blackholes any ongoing sync call. Currently ongoing sync *processing* is
/// still going to be finished, new data is ignored.
Future<void> abortSync() async {
_aborted = true;
backgroundSync = false;
_currentSyncId = -1;
try {
await _currentTransaction;
} catch (_) {
// No-OP
_currentSync = null;
// reset _aborted for being able to restart the sync.
_aborted = false;
/// Stops the synchronization and closes the database. After this
/// you can safely make this Client instance null.
Future<void> dispose({bool closeDatabase = true}) async {
_disposed = true;
await abortSync();
encryption = null;
try {
if (closeDatabase) {
await database
.catchError((e, s) => Logs().w('Failed to close database: ', e, s));
_database = null;
} catch (error, stacktrace) {
Logs().w('Failed to close database: ', error, stacktrace);
Future<void> _migrateFromLegacyDatabase() async {
Logs().i('Check legacy database for migration data...');
final legacyDatabase = await legacyDatabaseBuilder?.call(this);
final migrateClient = await legacyDatabase?.getClient(clientName);
final database = this.database;
if (migrateClient != null && legacyDatabase != null && database != null) {
Logs().i('Found data in the legacy database!');
_id = migrateClient['client_id'];
await database.insertClient(
Logs().d('Migrate SSSSCache...');
for (final type in cacheTypes) {
final ssssCache = await legacyDatabase.getSSSSCache(type);
if (ssssCache != null) {
Logs().d('Migrate $type...');
await database.storeSSSSCache(
ssssCache.keyId ?? '',
ssssCache.ciphertext ?? '',
ssssCache.content ?? '',
Logs().d('Migrate OLM sessions...');
try {
final olmSessions = await legacyDatabase.getAllOlmSessions();
for (final identityKey in olmSessions.keys) {
final sessions = olmSessions[identityKey]!;
for (final sessionId in sessions.keys) {
final session = sessions[sessionId]!;
await database.storeOlmSession(
session['session_id'] as String,
session['pickle'] as String,
session['last_received'] as int,
} catch (e, s) {
Logs().e('Unable to migrate OLM sessions!', e, s);
Logs().d('Migrate Device Keys...');
final userDeviceKeys = await legacyDatabase.getUserDeviceKeys(this);
for (final userId in userDeviceKeys.keys) {
Logs().d('Migrate Device Keys of user $userId...');
final deviceKeysList = userDeviceKeys[userId];
for (final crossSigningKey
in deviceKeysList?.crossSigningKeys.values ?? <CrossSigningKey>[]) {
final pubKey = crossSigningKey.publicKey;
if (pubKey != null) {
'Migrate cross signing key with usage ${crossSigningKey.usage} and verified ${crossSigningKey.directVerified}...');
await database.storeUserCrossSigningKey(
if (deviceKeysList != null) {
for (final deviceKeys in deviceKeysList.deviceKeys.values) {
final deviceId = deviceKeys.deviceId;
if (deviceId != null) {
Logs().d('Migrate device keys for ${deviceKeys.deviceId}...');
await database.storeUserDeviceKey(
Logs().d('Migrate user device keys info...');
await database.storeUserDeviceKeysInfo(
userId, deviceKeysList.outdated);
Logs().d('Migrate inbound group sessions...');
try {
final sessions = await legacyDatabase.getAllInboundGroupSessions();
for (var i = 0; i < sessions.length; i++) {
Logs().d('$i / ${sessions.length}');
final session = sessions[i];
await database.storeInboundGroupSession(
} catch (e, s) {
Logs().e('Unable to migrate inbound group sessions!', e, s);
await legacyDatabase.clear();
await legacyDatabaseDestroyer?.call(this);
await legacyDatabase?.close();
_initLock = false;
if (migrateClient != null) {
return init();
class SdkError {
dynamic exception;
StackTrace? stackTrace;
SdkError({this.exception, this.stackTrace});
class SyncStatusUpdate {
final SyncStatus status;
final SdkError? error;
final double? progress;
const SyncStatusUpdate(this.status, {this.error, this.progress});
enum SyncStatus {
class BadServerVersionsException implements Exception {
final Set<String> serverVersions, supportedVersions;
BadServerVersionsException(this.serverVersions, this.supportedVersions);
String toString() =>
'Server supports the versions: ${serverVersions.toString()} but this application is only compatible with ${supportedVersions.toString()}.';
class BadServerLoginTypesException implements Exception {
final Set<String> serverLoginTypes, supportedLoginTypes;
BadServerLoginTypesException(this.serverLoginTypes, this.supportedLoginTypes);
String toString() =>
'Server supports the Login Types: ${serverLoginTypes.toString()} but this application is only compatible with ${supportedLoginTypes.toString()}.';
class HomeserverSummary {
final DiscoveryInformation? discoveryInformation;
final GetVersionsResponse versions;
final List<LoginFlow> loginFlows;
required this.discoveryInformation,
required this.versions,
required this.loginFlows,