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import argparse
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import time
from etcd3_wrapper import Etcd3Wrapper
from common.request import RequestEntry, RequestType
from config import (vm_pool, request_pool,
etcd_client, running_vms,
etcd_wrapper_args, etcd_wrapper_kwargs,
HostPool, env_vars)
from . import virtualmachine
from host import logger
def update_heartbeat(host):
client = Etcd3Wrapper(*etcd_wrapper_args, **etcd_wrapper_kwargs)
host_pool = HostPool(client, env_vars.get('HOST_PREFIX'))
this_host = next(filter(lambda h: h.hostname == host, host_pool.hosts), None)
while True:
def maintenance(host):
# To capture vm running according to running_vms list
# This is to capture successful migration of a VM.
# Suppose, this host is running "vm1" and user initiated
# request to migrate this "vm1" to some other host. On,
# successful migration the destination host would set
# the vm hostname to itself. Thus, we are checking
# whether this host vm is successfully migrated. If yes
# then we shutdown "vm1" on this host.
for running_vm in running_vms:
with vm_pool.get_put(running_vm.key) as vm_entry:
if vm_entry.hostname != host.key and not vm_entry.in_migration:
vm_entry.add_log("VM on source host shutdown.")
# To check vm running according to etcd entries
alleged_running_vms = vm_pool.by_status("RUNNING", vm_pool.by_host(host.key))
for vm_entry in alleged_running_vms:
_vm = virtualmachine.get_vm(running_vms, vm_entry.key)
# Whether, the allegedly running vm is in our
# running_vms list or not if it is said to be
# running on this host but it is not then we
# need to shut it down
# This is to capture poweroff/shutdown of a VM
# initiated by user inside VM. OR crash of VM by some
# user running process
if (_vm and not _vm.handle.is_running()) or not _vm:
vm_entry.add_log("""{} is not running but is said to be running.
So, shutting it down and declare it killed""".format(vm_entry.key))
if _vm:
def main(hostname):
assert env_vars.get('WITHOUT_CEPH') and os.path.isdir(env_vars.get('VM_DIR')), (
"You have set env_vars.get('WITHOUT_CEPH') to True. So, the vm directory mentioned"
" in .env file must exists. But, it don't.")
heartbeat_updating_process = mp.Process(target=update_heartbeat, args=(hostname,))
host_pool = HostPool(etcd_client, env_vars.get('HOST_PREFIX'))
host = next(filter(lambda h: h.hostname == hostname, host_pool.hosts), None)
assert host is not None, "No such host"
except Exception as e:
logger.info("No Need To Go Further. Our heartbeat updating mechanism is not working")
logger.info("%s Session Started %s", '*' * 5, '*' * 5)
# It is seen that under heavy load, timeout event doesn't come
# in a predictive manner (which is intentional because we give
# higher priority to customer's requests) which delays heart
# beat update which in turn misunderstood by scheduler that the
# host is dead when it is actually alive. So, to ensure that we
# update the heart beat in a predictive manner we start Heart
# beat updating mechanism in separated thread
for events_iterator in [
etcd_client.get_prefix(env_vars.get('REQUEST_PREFIX'), value_in_json=True),
etcd_client.watch_prefix(env_vars.get('REQUEST_PREFIX'), timeout=10, value_in_json=True),
for request_event in events_iterator:
request_event = RequestEntry(request_event)
if request_event.type == "TIMEOUT":
logger.info("Timeout Event")
# If the event is directed toward me OR I am destination of a InitVMMigration
if request_event.hostname == host.key or request_event.destination == host.key:
logger.debug("EVENT: %s", request_event)
vm_entry = vm_pool.get(request_event.uuid)
if vm_entry:
if request_event.type == RequestType.StartVM:
elif request_event.type == RequestType.StopVM:
elif request_event.type == RequestType.DeleteVM:
elif request_event.type == RequestType.InitVMMigration:
virtualmachine.init_migration(vm_entry, host.key)
elif request_event.type == RequestType.TransferVM:
logger.info("VM Entry missing")
logger.info("Running VMs %s", running_vms)
if __name__ == "__main__":
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument("hostname", help="Name of this host. e.g /v1/host/1")
args = argparser.parse_args()