import stripe import stripe.error import logging from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist import uncloud_pay.models import uncloud.secrets # Static stripe configuration used below. CURRENCY = 'chf' # README: We use the Payment Intent API as described on # # For internal use only. stripe.api_key = uncloud.secrets.STRIPE_KEY # Helper (decorator) used to catch errors raised by stripe logic. def handle_stripe_error(f): def handle_problems(*args, **kwargs): response = { 'paid': False, 'response_object': None, 'error': None } common_message = "Currently it is not possible to make payments." try: response_object = f(*args, **kwargs) response = { 'response_object': response_object, 'error': None } return response except stripe.error.CardError as e: # Since it's a decline, stripe.error.CardError will be caught body = e.json_body err = body['error'] response.update({'error': err['message']}) logging.error(str(e)) return response except stripe.error.RateLimitError: response.update( {'error': "Too many requests made to the API too quickly"}) return response except stripe.error.InvalidRequestError as e: logging.error(str(e)) response.update({'error': "Invalid parameters"}) return response except stripe.error.AuthenticationError as e: # Authentication with Stripe's API failed # (maybe you changed API keys recently) logging.error(str(e)) response.update({'error': common_message}) return response except stripe.error.APIConnectionError as e: logging.error(str(e)) response.update({'error': common_message}) return response except stripe.error.StripeError as e: # maybe send email logging.error(str(e)) response.update({'error': common_message}) return response except Exception as e: # maybe send email logging.error(str(e)) response.update({'error': common_message}) return response return handle_problems # Convenience CC container, also used for serialization. class CreditCard(): number = None exp_year = None exp_month = None cvc = None def __init__(self, number, exp_month, exp_year, cvc): self.number=number self.exp_year = exp_year self.exp_month = exp_month self.cvc = cvc # Actual Stripe logic. def public_api_key(): return uncloud.settings.STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY def get_customer_id_for(user): try: # .get() raise if there is no matching entry. return uncloud_pay.models.StripeCustomer.objects.get(owner=user).stripe_id except ObjectDoesNotExist: # No entry yet - making a new one. customer_request = create_customer(user.username, if customer_request['error'] == None: mapping = uncloud_pay.models.StripeCustomer.objects.create( owner=user, stripe_id=customer_request['response_object']['id'] ) return mapping.stripe_id else: return None @handle_stripe_error def create_setup_intent(customer_id): return stripe.SetupIntent.create(customer=customer_id) @handle_stripe_error def get_setup_intent(setup_intent_id): return stripe.SetupIntent.retrieve(setup_intent_id) def get_payment_method(payment_method_id): return stripe.PaymentMethod.retrieve(payment_method_id) ## Legacy @handle_stripe_error def get_card(customer_id, card_id): return stripe.Customer.retrieve_source(customer_id, card_id) @handle_stripe_error def charge_customer(amount, customer_id, card_id): # Amount is in CHF but stripes requires smallest possible unit. # adjusted_amount = int(amount * 100) return stripe.PaymentIntent.create( amount=adjusted_amount, currency=CURRENCY, customer=customer_id, payment_method=card_id, off_session=True, confirm=True, ) @handle_stripe_error def create_customer(name, email): return stripe.Customer.create(name=name, email=email) @handle_stripe_error def get_customer(customer_id): return stripe.Customer.retrieve(customer_id)