function fetch_pricing() { var url = '/pricing/' + $('input[name="pricing_name"]').val() + '/calculate/'; var cores = $('#cores').val(); var memory = $('#memory').val(); var storage = $('#storage').val(); var country = $('select[name="country"]').val(); var data = { cores: cores, memory: memory, storage: storage}; if (country != undefined) { data['country'] = country; } $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: url, data: data, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if (data && data['total']) { $('#recurring_price').text(data['recurring_price'] + " CHF"); $('#vat').text(data['vat_amount'] + " CHF"); $('#total').text(data['total'] + " CHF"); var balance = parseFloat($('#balance').data('balance')); if(data['total'] > balance) { $('#has-enough-balance').hide(); $('#cards-section').show(); window.cardNumberElement = loadStripe(window.stripe); } else { $('#cards-section').hide(); $('#has-enough-balance').show(); } } } }); }; function init_checkout_btn() { var selected_opt = $('input[name="payment_card"]:checked').val(); if( selected_opt == 'new') { $('#checkout-btn').hide(); $('#newcard').show(); } else if(selected_opt == undefined) { $('#newcard').hide(); $('#checkout-btn').hide(); } else { $('#newcard').hide(); $('#checkout-btn').show(); } } function incrementValue(e) { var valueElement = $('input'); var step = $(valueElement).attr('step'); var min = parseInt($(valueElement).attr('min')); var max = parseInt($(valueElement).attr('max')); var new_value = 0; if ( == 1) { new_value = Math.min(parseInt($(valueElement).val()) + parseInt(step) *, max); } else { new_value = Math.max(parseInt($(valueElement).val()) + parseInt(step) *, min); } $(valueElement).val(new_value); fetch_pricing(); return false; }; $(document).ready(function () { window.stripe = Stripe(window.stripeKey); if ($('#pricing_name') != undefined) { fetch_pricing(); } $('.fa-plus-circle.right').bind('click', {inc: 1}, incrementValue); $('.fa-minus-circle.left').bind('click', {inc: -1}, incrementValue); var hasCreditcard = window.hasCreditcard || false; if (hasCreditcard) { window.cardNumberElement = loadStripe(window.stripe); } function submitBillingForm(pmId) { var order_form = $('#order_form'); order_form.append(''); order_form.submit(); } var $form_new = $('#payment-form-new'); $form_new.submit(payWithPaymentIntent); window.result = ""; window.card = ""; function payWithPaymentIntent(e) { e.preventDefault(); function stripePMHandler(paymentMethod) { // Insert the token ID into the form so it gets submitted to the server $('#id_payment_method').val(; submitBillingForm(; } window.stripe.createPaymentMethod({ type: 'card', card: window.cardNumberElement, }) .then(function(result) { // Handle result.error or result.paymentMethod window.result = result; if(result.error) { var errorElement = document.getElementById('card-errors'); errorElement.textContent = result.error.message; } else { console.log("created paymentMethod " +; stripePMHandler(result.paymentMethod); } }); window.card = window.cardNumberElement; } /* Form validation */ $.validator.addMethod("month", function (value, element) { return this.optional(element) || /^(01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)$/.test(value); }, "Please specify a valid 2-digit month."); $.validator.addMethod("year", function (value, element) { return this.optional(element) || /^[0-9]{2}$/.test(value); }, "Please specify a valid 2-digit year."); validator = $form_new.validate({ rules: { cardNumber: { required: true, creditcard: true, digits: true }, expMonth: { required: true, month: true }, expYear: { required: true, year: true }, cvCode: { required: true, digits: true } }, highlight: function (element) { $(element).closest('.form-control').removeClass('success').addClass('error'); }, unhighlight: function (element) { $(element).closest('.form-control').removeClass('error').addClass('success'); }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { $(element).closest('.form-group').append(error); } }); $('#checkout-btn').click(function () { if($('input[name="payment_card"]:checked').length == 1) { var id = $('input[name="payment_card"]:checked').val(); if (id != 'new') { $('#id_card').val(id); submitBillingForm(id); } } }); $('#continue-btn').click(function () { submitBillingForm(); }); init_checkout_btn(); $('input[name="payment_card"]').change(function(e) { init_checkout_btn(); }); $('select[name="country"]').change(function(e) { fetch_pricing(); }); });