import subprocess as sp import random import logging import socket from contextlib import closing logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def random_bytes(num=6): return [random.randrange(256) for _ in range(num)] def generate_mac( uaa=False, multicast=False, oui=None, separator=":", byte_fmt="%02x" ): mac = random_bytes() if oui: if type(oui) == str: oui = [int(chunk) for chunk in oui.split(separator)] mac = oui + random_bytes(num=6 - len(oui)) else: if multicast: mac[0] |= 1 # set bit 0 else: mac[0] &= ~1 # clear bit 0 if uaa: mac[0] &= ~(1 << 1) # clear bit 1 else: mac[0] |= 1 << 1 # set bit 1 return separator.join(byte_fmt % b for b in mac) def create_dev(script, _id, dev, ip=None): command = [ "sudo", "-p", "Enter password to create network devices for vm: ", script, str(_id), dev, ] if ip: command.append(ip) try: output = sp.check_output(command, stderr=sp.PIPE) except Exception: logger.exception("Creation of interface %s failed.", dev) return None else: return output.decode("utf-8").strip() def delete_network_interface(iface): try: sp.check_output( [ "sudo", "-p", "Enter password to remove {} network device: ".format( iface ), "ip", "link", "del", iface, ], stderr=sp.PIPE, ) except Exception: logger.exception("Interface %s Deletion failed", iface) def find_free_port(): with closing( socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ) as s: try: s.bind(("", 0)) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) except Exception: return None else: return s.getsockname()[1]