meow 48efcdf08c 1. mp.set_start_method('spawn') commented out from scripts/uncloud
2. uncloud.shared moved under uncloud.common
3. Refactoring in etcd_wrapper e.g timeout mechanism removed and few other things
4. uncloud-{scheduler,host} now better handle etcd events in their block state (waiting for requests to come)
2020-01-09 00:40:05 +05:00

46 lines
1.3 KiB

import json
from os.path import join
from uuid import uuid4
from uncloud.common.etcd_wrapper import EtcdEntry
from uncloud.common.classes import SpecificEtcdEntryBase
class RequestType:
CreateVM = "CreateVM"
ScheduleVM = "ScheduleVM"
StartVM = "StartVM"
StopVM = "StopVM"
InitVMMigration = "InitVMMigration"
TransferVM = "TransferVM"
DeleteVM = "DeleteVM"
class RequestEntry(SpecificEtcdEntryBase):
def __init__(self, e):
self.destination_sock_path = None
self.destination_host_key = None
self.type = None # type: str
self.migration = None # type: bool
self.destination = None # type: str
self.uuid = None # type: str
self.hostname = None # type: str
def from_scratch(cls, request_prefix, **kwargs):
e = EtcdEntry(meta_or_key=join(request_prefix, uuid4().hex),
value=json.dumps(kwargs).encode('utf-8'), value_in_json=True)
return cls(e)
class RequestPool:
def __init__(self, etcd_client, request_prefix):
self.client = etcd_client
self.prefix = request_prefix
def put(self, obj: RequestEntry):
if not obj.key.startswith(self.prefix):
obj.key = join(self.prefix, obj.key)
self.client.put(obj.key, obj.value, value_in_json=True)