.. _admin-guide: Usage Guide For Administrators ============================== Start API ---------- .. code-block:: sh ucloud api Host Creation ------------- Currently, we don't have any host (that runs virtual machines). So, we need to create it by executing the following command .. code-block:: sh ucloud-cli host create --hostname ungleich.ch --cpu 32 --ram '32GB' --os-ssd '32GB' You should see something like the following .. code-block:: json { "message": "Host Created" } Start Scheduler --------------- Scheduler is responsible for scheduling VMs on appropriate host. .. code-block:: sh ucloud scheduler Start Host ---------- Host is responsible for handling the following actions * Start VM. * Stop VM. * Create VM. * Delete VM. * Migrate VM. * Manage Network Resources needed by VMs. It uses a hypervisor such as QEMU to perform these actions. To start host we created earlier, execute the following command .. code-block:: sh ucloud host ungleich.ch Create OS Image --------------- Create ucloud-init ready OS image (Optional) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This step is optional if you just want to test ucloud. However, sooner or later you want to create OS images with ucloud-init to properly contexualize VMs. 1. Start a VM with OS image on which you want to install ucloud-init 2. Execute the following command on the started VM .. code-block:: sh apk add git git clone https://code.ungleich.ch/ucloud/ucloud-init.git cd ucloud-init sh ./install.sh 3. Congratulations. Your image is now ucloud-init ready. Upload Sample OS Image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Execute the following to get the sample OS image file. .. code-block:: sh mkdir /var/www/admin (cd /var/www/admin && wget https://cloud.ungleich.ch/s/qTb5dFYW5ii8KsD/download) Run File Scanner and Image Scanner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Currently, our uploaded file *alpine-untouched.qcow2* is not tracked by ucloud. We can only make images from tracked files. So, we need to track the file by running File Scanner .. code-block:: sh ucloud filescanner File Scanner would run, scan your uploaded image and track it. You can check whether your image is successfully tracked by executing the :code:`ucloud-cli user files`, It will return something like the following .. _list-user-files: .. code-block:: json { "message": [ { "filename": "alpine-untouched.qcow2", "uuid": "3f75bd20-45d6-4013-89c4-7fceaedc8dda" } ] } Our file is now being tracked by ucloud. Lets create an OS image using the uploaded file. An image belongs to an image store. There are two types of store * Public Image Store * Private Image Store (Not Implemented Yet) .. note:: **Quick Quiz** Have we created an image store yet? The answer is **No, we haven't**. Creating a sample image store is very easy. Just execute the following command .. code-block:: sh (cd ~/ucloud && pipenv run python api/create_image_store.py) An image store (with name = "images") would be created. Now, we are fully ready for creating our very own image. Executing the following command to create image using the file uploaded earlier .. code-block:: sh ucloud-cli image create-from-file --name alpine --uuid 3f75bd20-45d6-4013-89c4-7fceaedc8dda --image-store-name images Please note that your **uuid** would be different. See :ref:`List of user files <list-user-files>`. Now, ucloud have received our request to create an image from file. We have to run Image Scanner to make the image. .. code-block:: sh ucloud imagescanner To make sure, that our image is create run :code:`ucloud-cli image list --public`. You would get output something like the following .. code-block:: json { "images": [ { "name": "images:alpine", "status": "CREATED" } ] }