Usage Guide For End Users ========================= Create VM --------- The following command would create a Virtual Machine (name: meow) with following specs * CPU: 1 * RAM: 1GB * OS-SSD: 4GB * OS: Alpine Linux .. code-block:: sh ucloud-cli vm create --vm-name meow --cpu 1 --ram '1gb' --os-ssd '4gb' --image images:alpine .. _how-to-check-vm-status: Check VM Status --------------- .. code-block:: sh ucloud-cli vm status --vm-name meow .. code-block:: json { "hostname": "/v1/host/74c21c332f664972bf5078e8de080eea", "image_uuid": "3f75bd20-45d6-4013-89c4-7fceaedc8dda", "in_migration": null, "log": [ "2019-11-12T09:11:09.800798 - Started successfully" ], "metadata": { "ssh-keys": [] }, "name": "meow", "network": [], "owner": "admin", "owner_realm": "ungleich-admin", "specs": { "cpu": 1, "hdd": [], "os-ssd": "4.0 GB", "ram": "1.0 GB" }, "status": "RUNNING", "vnc_socket": "/tmp/tmpj1k6sdo_" } Connect to VM using VNC ----------------------- We would need **socat** utility and a remote desktop client e.g Remmina, KRDC etc. We can get the vnc socket path by getting its status, see :ref:`how-to-check-vm-status`. .. code-block:: sh socat TCP-LISTEN:1234,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:/tmp/tmpj1k6sdo_ Then, launch your remote desktop client and connect to vnc://localhost:1234. Create Network -------------- Layer 2 Network with sample IPv6 range fd00::/64 (without IPAM and routing) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: sh ucloud-cli network create --network-name mynet --network-type vxlan Layer 2 Network with /64 network with automatic IPAM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: sh ucloud-cli network create --network-name mynet --network-type vxlan --user True Attach Network to VM -------------------- Currently, user can only attach network to his/her VM at the time of creation. A sample command to create VM with a network is as follow .. code-block:: sh ucloud-cli vm create --vm-name meow2 --cpu 1 --ram '1gb' --os-ssd '4gb' --image images:alpine --network mynet .. _get-list-of-hosts: Get List of Hosts ----------------- .. code-block:: sh ucloud-cli host list Migrate VM ---------- .. code-block:: sh ucloud-cli vm migrate --vm-name meow --destination server1.place10 .. option:: --destination The name of destination host. You can find a list of host using :ref:`get-list-of-hosts`