#include #include #include "headers.p4" /******************************************************************************** * Features */ // #define ENABLE_CONTROLLER 1 /******************************************************************************** * Header */ typedef bit<48> EthAddr_t; header Ethernet_h { EthAddr_t dstAddr; EthAddr_t srcAddr; bit<16> etherType; } struct Parsed_packet { Ethernet_h ethernet; } // user defined metadata: can be used to share information between // TopParser, TopPipe, and TopDeparser struct user_metadata_t { bit<8> unused; } // digest_data, MUST be 256 bits -- what is this used for? struct digest_data_t { bit<256> unused; } /******************************************************************************** * Parser */ // @Xilinx_MaxPacketRegion(1024) // parser TopParser(packet_in b, // out Parsed_packet p, // out user_metadata_t user_metadata, // out digest_data_t digest_data, // inout sume_metadata_t sume_metadata) { // state start { // b.extract(p.ethernet); // user_metadata.unused = 0; // digest_data.unused = 0; // transition accept; // } // } @Xilinx_MaxPacketRegion(1024) parser TopParser(packet_in packet, out headers hdr, out metadata meta, out digest_data_t digest_data, inout sume_metadata_t standard_metadata) { #include "parsers.p4" } /******************************************************************************** * Main */ // control TopPipe(inout Parsed_packet p, // inout user_metadata_t user_metadata, // inout digest_data_t digest_data, // inout sume_metadata_t sume_metadata) { control TopPipe(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout digest_data_t digest_data, inout sume_metadata_t sume_metadata) { // actions to be enabled // #include "actions_nat64_generic.p4" // includes controller & delta checksum // #include "actions_egress.p4" // includes v6_networks, v4_networks // #include "actions_icmp6_ndp_icmp.p4" // includes icmp6 table, triggers payload checksum! // #include "actions_arp.p4" // includes v4_arp, v4_egress // #include "actions_delta_checksum.p4" // non payload based checksumming // apply { // if(hdr.ipv6.isValid()) { // if(nat64.apply().hit) { /* generic / static nat64 done */ // if(hdr.icmp6.isValid()) { // nat64_icmp6_generic(); // if(hdr.icmp6.type == ICMP6_ECHO_REPLY) { // hdr.icmp.type = ICMP_ECHO_REPLY; // hdr.icmp.code = 0; // } // if(hdr.icmp6.type == ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST) { // hdr.icmp.type = ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST; // hdr.icmp.code = 0; // } // } // if(hdr.udp.isValid()) { // #ifdef USE_NICO_DELTA_CHECKSUM // delta_udp_from_v6_to_v4(); // #else // meta.chk_udp_v4 = 1; // #endif // } // if(hdr.tcp.isValid()) { // #ifdef USE_NICO_DELTA_CHECKSUM // delta_tcp_from_v6_to_v4(); // #else // meta.chk_tcp_v4 = 1; // #endif // } // v4_networks.apply(); /* apply egress for IPv4 */ // exit; /* no further v6 processing */ // } // icmp6.apply(); /* icmp6 echo, icmp6 ndp */ // v6_networks.apply(); /* regular egress / routing */ // } else if(hdr.ipv4.isValid()) { // if(icmp.apply().hit) { // v4_networks.apply(); // exit; // } else if(nat46.apply().hit) { // if(hdr.icmp.isValid()) { // nat46_icmp_generic(); // if(hdr.icmp.type == ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) { // hdr.icmp6.type = ICMP6_ECHO_REPLY; // } // if(hdr.icmp.type == ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST) { // hdr.icmp6.type = ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST; // } // } // if(hdr.udp.isValid()) { // #ifdef USE_NICO_DELTA_CHECKSUM // delta_udp_from_v4_to_v6(); // #else // meta.chk_udp_v6 = 1; // #endif // } // if(hdr.tcp.isValid()) { // #ifdef USE_NICO_DELTA_CHECKSUM // delta_tcp_from_v4_to_v6(); // #else // meta.chk_tcp_v6 = 1; // #endif // } // v6_networks.apply(); // exit; // } // v4_networks.apply(); /* regular routing, egress */ // } else if(hdr.arp.isValid()) { // if(v4_arp.apply().hit) { // v4_arp_egress.apply(); // } // } // } action swap_eth_addresses() { EthAddr_t temp = hdr.ethernet.dst_addr; hdr.ethernet.dst_addr = hdr.ethernet.src_addr; hdr.ethernet.src_addr = temp; /* set egress port */ sume_metadata.dst_port = sume_metadata.src_port; } action send_to_port1() { sume_metadata.dst_port = 1; } action send_to_all_ports() { /* Taken from commands.txt of the "int" project: table_cam_add_entry forward set_output_port 0xffffffffffff => 0b01010101 python convert: >>> 0b01010101 85 */ sume_metadata.dst_port = 85; } action do_nothing() { EthAddr_t temp = hdr.ethernet.dst_addr; } #ifdef ENABLE_CONTROLLER #include "actions_controller.p4" #endif table lookup_table { key = { hdr.ethernet.dst_addr: exact; } actions = { #ifdef ENABLE_CONTROLLER controller_debug; #endif swap_eth_addresses; do_nothing; send_to_port1; send_to_all_ports; } size = 64; // default_action = swap_eth_addresses; // test_mirror(): in gen_testdata.py default_action = send_to_port1; // test_port1() // default_action = send_to_all_ports; // test_allports(): } apply { lookup_table.apply(); } } /******************************************************************************** * Deparser */ @Xilinx_MaxPacketRegion(1024) control TopDeparser(packet_out packet, in headers hdr, in metadata meta, inout digest_data_t digest_data, inout sume_metadata_t sume_metadata) { // @Xilinx_MaxPacketRegion(1024) // control TopDeparser(packet_out b, // in Parsed_packet p, // in user_metadata_t user_metadata, // inout digest_data_t digest_data, // inout sume_metadata_t sume_metadata) { // apply { // packet.emit(hdr.ethernet); // } #include "deparser.p4" } /******************************************************************************** * Switch */ SimpleSumeSwitch( TopParser(), TopPipe(), TopDeparser() ) main;