\chapter{\label{summary}Conclusion} %** Summary.tex: What have you achieved, what have you presented in this % document. What are the highlights of your work. % It should conclude by a conclusion. Sum up what you have done and recapitulate your key findings. %\section{\label{conclusion:overall}Overall} \section{\label{conclusion:softwarenat64}Software based NAT64} \section{\label{conclusion:bmv2}BMV2} maybe remove \section{\label{conclusion:P4}P4} Many possibilities Protocol independent Easy architecture Limitations in \section{\label{conclusion:netpfga}NetFGPA} personal note here \section{\label{conclusion:realworld}Real world applications} Can be deployed using the netpfga. Or Barefoot or Arista. \section{\label{conclusion:outlook}Outlook} %** Outlook.tex: What needs to be done further, what is planed % What are the consequences of your work for future work? Different HW Speed only limited to line speed. Could be running at 100 Gbit/s without modifications. \section{todo} \begin{verbatim} ***** Summary eher kurz ***** Outlook als subsection! \end{verbatim}