digraph G { node [ shape="box"]; rankdir="LR"; v6host1 [ label="IPv6 only host (fe80::1 and 2001:db8::1)"]; v6host2 [ label="IPv6 only host (fe80::2 and 2001:db8::2)"]; v4host1 [ label="IPv4 only host ("]; v4host2 [ label="IPv4 only host ("]; subgraph cluster_v6 { v6host1->v6host2 [ label="ICMP6 neighbor solicitation, who has 2001:db8::2? [Multicast]" ]; v6host2->v6host1 [ label="ICMP6 Neighbor Advertisement: 2001:db8::2 has 00:00:0a:00:00:42' [Unicast]" ]; } subgraph cluster_v4 { v4host1->v4host2 [ label="ARP who has [Broadcast]" ]; v4host2->v4host1 [ label="ARP is at 00:00:0a:00:00:22' [Unicast]" ]; } }