\chapter{\label{results}Results} %** Results.tex: What were the results achieved including an evaluation % The results from your evaluations. \begin{itemize} \item Solution in P4/BMV2 \item Solution in P4/NetFPGA \end{itemize} \section{\label{Results:BMV2}BMV2} ndp arp test framework openvswitch \section{\label{Results:NetPFGA}NetFPGA} General result: limited NAT64 is working, however \subsection{\label{Results:NetPFGA:challenge-checksum}No Payload checksumming} \subsection{\label{Results:NetPFGA:challenges}Other Challenges} Many workarounds Table size 63, table size 64, Table entries require arguments of all possible actions, not only used one. Compile time hours Silent errors Unclear errors: broken board Due to the very fragile nature of the build framework from the NetFPGA-Live repository, Reproducibility: \section{\label{Results:P4}P4} Limits if in actions