\chapter{\label{appendixA}Test descriptions} \section{\label{chapterA:netpfga-setup}NetFPGA Setup} Description of installation, commit of netpfga-live \section{\label{chapterA:section1}NetFPGA NAT64 Test cases} todo: add graphic of nsg <-> esprimo cabling \begin{verbatim} ip addr add dev enp2s0f0 # Adding necessary ARP entries: for the virtual IPv4 address(es) ip neigh add lladdr f8:f2:1e:09:62:d1 dev enp2s0f0 ip neigh add lladdr f8:f2:1e:09:62:d1 dev enp2s0f0 \end{verbatim} For all test cases the following network settings on esprimo: \begin{verbatim} 12: enp2s0f0: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether f8:f2:1e:09:62:d0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet scope global enp2s0f0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::faf2:1eff:fe09:62d0/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 13: enp2s0f1: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether f8:f2:1e:09:62:d1 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet6 2001:db8:42::42/64 scope global valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::faf2:1eff:fe09:62d1/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever \end{verbatim} \subsection{Test 1: IPv4 egress settings work} Scenario: simple egress port setting for the IPv4 addresses Step 1: getting correct values for table entries from python: \begin{verbatim} >>> int(ipaddress.IPv4Address(u"")) 167772202 >>> int(ipaddress.IPv4Address(u"")) 167772164 >>> \end{verbatim} Step 2: setting table netries \begin{verbatim} >> table_cam_add_entry realmain_v4_networks_0 realmain.set_egress_port 167772202 => 16 0 0 0 0 fields = [(u'hit', 1), (u'action_run', 3), (u'out_port', 8), (u'out_port', 8), (u'mac_addr', 48), (u'task', 16), (u'table_id', 16)] action_name = TopPipe.realmain.set_egress_port field_vals = [1, '16', '0', '0', '0', '0'] CAM_Init_ValidateContext() - done WROTE 0x44020250 = 0xa00002a WROTE 0x44020280 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020284 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020288 = 0x10000000 WROTE 0x4402028c = 0x0001 READ 0x44020244 = 0x0001 WROTE 0x44020240 = 0x0001 READ 0x44020244 = 0x0001 READ 0x44020244 = 0x0001 success >> table_cam_add_entry realmain_v4_networks_0 realmain.set_egress_port 167772164 => 16 0 0 0 0 fields = [(u'hit', 1), (u'action_run', 3), (u'out_port', 8), (u'out_port', 8), (u'mac_addr', 48), (u'task', 16), (u'table_id', 16)] action_name = TopPipe.realmain.set_egress_port field_vals = [1, '16', '0', '0', '0', '0'] CAM_Init_ValidateContext() - done WROTE 0x44020250 = 0xa000004 WROTE 0x44020280 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020284 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020288 = 0x10000000 WROTE 0x4402028c = 0x0001 READ 0x44020244 = 0x0001 WROTE 0x44020240 = 0x0001 READ 0x44020244 = 0x0001 READ 0x44020244 = 0x0001 success >> \end{verbatim} Step 3: setting arp entries \begin{verbatim} root@ESPRIMO-P956:~# ip neigh add lladdr f8:f2:1e:09:62:d1 dev enp2s0f0 root@ESPRIMO-P956:~# ip neigh add lladdr f8:f2:1e:09:62:d1 dev enp2s0f0 \end{verbatim} Step 3: generating test packets, expecting 4 packets to show up on enp2s0f0: %\tvb \begin{verbatim} nico@ESPRIMO-P956:~$ sudo tcpdump -ni enp2s0f0 tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode listening on enp2s0f0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes 10:49:28.200407 IP > ICMP echo request, id 4440, seq 1, length 64 10:49:28.200445 IP > ICMP echo request, id 4440, seq 1, length 64 10:49:29.222340 IP > ICMP echo request, id 4440, seq 2, length 64 10:49:29.222418 IP > ICMP echo request, id 4440, seq 2, length 64 \end{verbatim} %\tve Result: sucess \subsection{Test 2: IPv6 egress} Similar to the IPv4 setting before, just for IPv6. Step 1: getting IP address values \begin{verbatim} >>> int(ipaddress.IPv6Address(u"2001:db8:42::4")) 42540766411362381960998550477184434180L >>> int(ipaddress.IPv6Address(u"2001:db8:42::6")) 42540766411362381960998550477184434182L >>> int(ipaddress.IPv6Address(u"2001:db8:42::42")) 42540766411362381960998550477184434242L \end{verbatim} Step 2: setting table entries \begin{verbatim} >> table_cam_add_entry realmain_v6_networks_0 realmain.set_egress_port 42540766411362381960998550477184434182 => 64 0 0 0 0 fields = [(u'hit', 1), (u'action_run', 3), (u'out_port', 8), (u'out_port', 8), (u'mac_addr', 48), (u'task', 16), (u'table_id', 16)] action_name = TopPipe.realmain.set_egress_port field_vals = [1, '64', '0', '0', '0', '0'] CAM_Init_ValidateContext() - done WROTE 0x44020350 = 0x0006 WROTE 0x44020354 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020358 = 0x420000 WROTE 0x4402035c = 0x20010db8 WROTE 0x44020380 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020384 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020388 = 0x40000000 WROTE 0x4402038c = 0x0001 READ 0x44020344 = 0x0001 WROTE 0x44020340 = 0x0001 READ 0x44020344 = 0x0001 READ 0x44020344 = 0x0001 success >> table_cam_add_entry realmain_v6_networks_0 realmain.set_egress_port 42540766411362381960998550477184434242 => 64 0 0 0 0 fields = [(u'hit', 1), (u'action_run', 3), (u'out_port', 8), (u'out_port', 8), (u'mac_addr', 48), (u'task', 16), (u'table_id', 16)] action_name = TopPipe.realmain.set_egress_port field_vals = [1, '64', '0', '0', '0', '0'] CAM_Init_ValidateContext() - done WROTE 0x44020350 = 0x0042 WROTE 0x44020354 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020358 = 0x420000 WROTE 0x4402035c = 0x20010db8 WROTE 0x44020380 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020384 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020388 = 0x40000000 WROTE 0x4402038c = 0x0001 READ 0x44020344 = 0x0001 WROTE 0x44020340 = 0x0001 READ 0x44020344 = 0x0001 READ 0x44020344 = 0x0001 success >> \end{verbatim} Step 3: setting neighbor entries \begin{verbatim} nico@ESPRIMO-P956:~$ sudo ip -6 neigh add 2001:db8:42::6 lladdr f8:f2:1e:09:62:d0 dev enp2s0f1 nico@ESPRIMO-P956:~$ sudo ip -6 neigh add 2001:db8:42::4 lladdr f8:f2:1e:09:62:d0 dev enp2s0f1 \end{verbatim} Step 4: generating test packets \begin{verbatim} nico@ESPRIMO-P956:~$ ping6 -c2 2001:db8:42::6 PING 2001:db8:42::6(2001:db8:42::6) 56 data bytes nico@ESPRIMO-P956:~$ sudo tcpdump -ni enp2s0f1 tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode listening on enp2s0f1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes 11:30:17.287577 IP6 2001:db8:42::42 > 2001:db8:42::6: ICMP6, echo request, seq 1, length 64 11:30:17.287599 IP6 2001:db8:42::42 > 2001:db8:42::6: ICMP6, echo request, seq 1, length 64 11:30:18.310178 IP6 2001:db8:42::42 > 2001:db8:42::6: ICMP6, echo request, seq 2, length 64 11:30:18.310258 IP6 2001:db8:42::42 > 2001:db8:42::6: ICMP6, echo request, seq 2, length 64 \end{verbatim} Result: success, packet is seen twice. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsection{Test 3: NAT64} Additionally to the preparations done in test 1 and 2, the following steps were taken: Step 1: getting IP address values via Python \begin{verbatim} >>> int(ipaddress.IPv6Address(u"2001:db8:42::2a")) 42540766411362381960998550477184434218L >>> int(ipaddress.IPv6Address(u"2001:db8:42::")) 42540766411362381960998550477184434176L >>> int(ipaddress.IPv4Address(u"")) 167772160 >>> int(ipaddress.IPv4Address(u"")) 167772226 \end{verbatim} Add table entry for 2001:db8:42:2a to be translated to \begin{verbatim} >> table_cam_add_entry realmain_nat64_0 realmain.nat64_static 42540766411362381960998550477184434218 => 42540766411362381960998550477184434176 167772160 42540766411362381960998550477184434176 0 fields = [(u'hit', 1), (u'action_run', 3), (u'v6_src', 128), (u'v4_dst', 32), (u'nat64_prefix', 128), (u'table_id', 16)] action_name = TopPipe.realmain.nat64_static field_vals = [2, '42540766411362381960998550477184434176', '167772160', '42540766411362381960998550477184434176', '0'] CAM_Init_ValidateContext() - done WROTE 0x44020050 = 0x002a WROTE 0x44020054 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020058 = 0x420000 WROTE 0x4402005c = 0x20010db8 WROTE 0x44020080 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020084 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020088 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x4402008c = 0xdb80042 WROTE 0x44020090 = 0x2001 WROTE 0x44020094 = 0x0a00 WROTE 0x44020098 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x4402009c = 0x0000 WROTE 0x440200a0 = 0xdb80042 WROTE 0x440200a4 = 0x22001 READ 0x44020044 = 0x0001 WROTE 0x44020040 = 0x0001 READ 0x44020044 = 0x0001 READ 0x44020044 = 0x0001 success >> \end{verbatim} Add table entry for to be translated to 2001:db8:42:42: \begin{verbatim} >> table_cam_add_entry realmain_nat46_0 realmain.nat46_static 167772226 => 42540766411362381960998550477184434176 167772160 42540766411362381960998550477184434176 0 fields = [(u'hit', 1), (u'action_run', 3), (u'v6_src', 128), (u'v4_dst', 32), (u'nat64_prefix', 128), (u'table_id', 16)] action_name = TopPipe.realmain.nat46_static field_vals = [2, '42540766411362381960998550477184434176', '167772160', '42540766411362381960998550477184434176', '0'] CAM_Init_ValidateContext() - done WROTE 0x44020150 = 0xa000042 WROTE 0x44020180 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020184 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x44020188 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x4402018c = 0xdb80042 WROTE 0x44020190 = 0x2001 WROTE 0x44020194 = 0x0a00 WROTE 0x44020198 = 0x0000 WROTE 0x4402019c = 0x0000 WROTE 0x440201a0 = 0xdb80042 WROTE 0x440201a4 = 0x22001 READ 0x44020144 = 0x0001 WROTE 0x44020140 = 0x0001 READ 0x44020144 = 0x0001 READ 0x44020144 = 0x0001 success >> \end{verbatim} Step 3: setting neighbor entries \begin{verbatim} root@ESPRIMO-P956:~# ip neigh add lladdr f8:f2:1e:09:62:d1 dev enp2s0f0 nico@ESPRIMO-P956:~$ sudo ip -6 neigh add 2001:db8:42::2a lladdr f8:f2:1e:09:62:d0 dev enp2s0f1 \end{verbatim} Step 4: ping test should translate, but fail with wrong checksum: \begin{verbatim} \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} \end{verbatim} \chapter{\label{appendixB}Appendix B?} %Entries for the list of abbrevations: % %To generate the list of abbrevations, execute: %makeindex Thesis.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o Thesis.nls % %If you are using TeXniCenter, specify: %"%bm.nlo" -s nomencl.ist -o "%bm.nls" %as beeing the argument list for makeindex. %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %For old nomencl package uncomment this: %\printglossary %For new nomencl package uncomment this: \printnomenclature \abbrev{XCA}{\markup{X}tremely \markup{C}ool \markup{A}bbrevations}