\documentclass[10pt,final,a4paper,twoside]{book} \newcommand{\watermark}{DRAFT} % a watermark is included on all pages if \watermark is defined here %** preamble.tex: here all the document-wide settings % are defined \input{preamble} %******************************** %** begin the document environment \begin{document} \frenchspacing \sloppy %** Title.tex: Title page to be printed first \input{Title} %** environments.tex: Predefined Environments \include{environments} %**Documentation**************** \include{Abstract} \tableofcontents \listoffigures \listoftables \include{Introduction} \include{Problem} \include{Design} \include{Results} \include{Outlook} \include{Summary} \appendix \renewcommand{\thepart}{\Alph{part}} %** appendix.tex: Install instructions, configurations, test results, % simulation data, additional theoretical disquisitions, ... % \include{appendix} \include{Timetable} \include{Originalproblem} %** bibtex is used to automatically generate the bibliography % references are stored in refs/refs.bib % use a bibliography manager like JabRef (http://jabref.sourceforge.net/) to manage refs/refs.bib \bibliographystyle{abbrv} \bibliography{refs/refs} %** end the document environment \end{document}