\chapter{\label{design}Design} %** Design.tex: How was the problem attacked, what was the design % the architecture In this chapter we describe the architecture of our solution and our design choices. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{\label{design:configuration}IPv6 and IPv4 configuration} The following sections refer to host and network configurations. In this section we describe the IPv6 and IPv4 configurations as a basis for the discussion. All IPv6 addresses are from the documentation block \textit{2001:DB8::/32}~\cite{rfc3849}. In particular the following sub networks and IPv6 addresses are used: \begin{table}[htbp] \begin{center}\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{| c | c |} \hline \textbf{Address} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline 2001:db8:42::/64 & IPv6 host network \\ \hline 2001:db8:23::/96 & IPv6 mapping to the IPv4 Internet \\ \hline 2001:db8:42::42 & IPv6 host address \\ \hline 2001:db8:42::77 & IPv6 router address \\ \hline 2001:db8:42::a00:2a & In-network IPv6 address mapped to (p4)\\ \hline 2001:db8:23::a00:2a & IPv6 address mapped to (tayga) \\ \hline 2001:db8:23::2a & IPv6 address mapped to (jool)\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \caption{IPv6 address and network overview} \label{tab:ipv6address} \end{center} \end{table} We use private IPv4 addresses as specified by RFC1918~\cite{rfc1918} from the range as follows: \begin{table}[htbp] \begin{center}\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{| c | c |} \hline \textbf{Address} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline & IPv4 host network \\ \hline & IPv4 network mapping to IPv6\\ \hline & IPv4 router address\\ \hline & In-network IPv4 address mapped to 2001:db8:42::42 (p4)\\ \hline & IPv4 address mapped to 2001:db8:42::42 (tayga)\\ \hline & IPv4 address mapped to 2001:db8:42::42 (jool)\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \caption{IPv4 address and network overview} \label{tab:ipv4address} \end{center} \end{table} % ok % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{\label{design:tests}NAT64 Verification} We use socat~\cite{rieger:_multip} to verify basic operation of the NAT64 gateway and iperf~\cite{dugan:_tcp_udp_sctp} to test stability of the implementation and measure bandwidth. In particular we use the commands listed in table \ref{tab:nat64verification}. The socat commands allow interactive testing on TCP and UDP connections, while the iperf commands fully utilise the available bandwidth with test data. The socat and iperf commands are used to verify all three NAT64 implementations (p4, tayga, jool). \begin{table}[htbp] \begin{center}\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{| c | c | c |} \hline \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Example} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline \texttt{socat - TCP6:HOST:PORT} & socat - TCP6:[2001:db8:42::a00:2a]:2345 & Connect via IPv6/TCP\\ & & to IPv4 host\\ %\hline \texttt{socat - UDP6:HOST:PORT} & socat - UDP6:[2001:db8:42::a00:2a]:2345 & Connect via IPv6/UDP \\ & & to IPv4 host\\ %\hline \texttt{socat - TCP:HOST:PORT} & socat - TCP: & Connect via IPv4/TCP \\ & & to IPv6 host \\ %\hline \texttt{socat - UDP:HOST:PORT} & socat - UDP: & Connect via IPv4/UDP \\ & & to IPv6 host \\ \hline \texttt{socat - UDP6-LISTEN:PORT} & socat - UDP6-LISTEN:2345 & Listen on IPv6/UDP \\ %\hline \texttt{socat - TCP6-LISTEN:PORT} & socat - TCP6-LISTEN:2345 & Listen on IPv6/TCP \\ %\hline \texttt{socat - UDP-LISTEN:PORT} & socat - UDP-LISTEN:2345 & Listen on IPv4/UDP \\ %\hline \texttt{socat - TCP-LISTEN:PORT} & socat - TCP-LISTEN:2345 & Listen on IPv4/TCP \\ \hline \texttt{iperf3 -PROTO -p PORT} & iperf3 -4 -p 2345 & IPv4 iperf server\\ \texttt{-B IP -s} & -B -s &\\ & iperf3 -6 -p 2345 & IPv6 iperf server\\ & -B 2001:db8:42::42 -s & \\ \hline \texttt{iperf3 -PROTO -p PORT } & iperf3 -6 -p 2345& Connect to iperf server\\ \texttt{-O IGNORETIME -t RUNTIME} & -O 10 -t 190 & Run for 190 seconds, \\ & & skip first 10 seconds\\ \texttt{-P PARALLEL -c IP} & -P20 -c 2001:db8:23::2a & with 20 sessions\\ & & connecting to\\ & & 2001:db8:23::2a\\ \texttt{iperf3 -PROTO -p PORT} & & Same as above,\\ \texttt{-O IGNORETIME -t RUNTIME} & & but connect via UDP\\ \texttt{-P PARALLEL -c IP} & & \\ \texttt{-u -b0} & & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \caption{NAT64 verification commands} \label{tab:nat64verification} \end{center} \end{table} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{\label{design:nat64}NAT64 with P4} \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{switchdesign} \centering \caption{P4 Switch Architecture} \label{fig:switchdesign} \end{figure} In section \ref{background:transition} we discussed different translation mechanisms for IPv6 and IPv4. In this thesis we focus on the translation mechansims stateless and stateful NAT64. While higher layer protocol dependent translations are more flexible, this topic has already been addressed in \cite{nico18:_implem_layer_ipv4_ipv6_rever_proxy} and the focus in this thesis is on the practicability of high speed NAT64 with P4. The high level design can be seen in figure \ref{fig:switchdesign}: a P4 capable switch is running our code to provide NAT64 functionality. A P4 switch cannot manage its tables on it own and needs support for this from a controller. The controller also has the role to handle unknown packets and can modify the runtime configuration of the switch. This is especially useful in the case of stateful NAT64. If only static table entries are required, they can usually be added at the start of a P4 switch and the controller can also be omitted. However stateful NAT64 requires the use of a controller to create session entries in the switch tables. The P4 switch can use any protocol to communicate with the controller, as the connection to the controller is implemented as a separate ethernet port. \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{v6-v4-standard} \centering \caption{Standard NAT64 translation} \label{fig:v6v4standard} \end{figure} Software NAT64 solutions typically require routing to be applied to transport the packet to the NAT64 translator as shown in figure \ref{fig:v6v4standard}. Our design differs here: while routing could be used like described above, NAT64 with P4 does not require any routing to be setup. Figure \ref{fig:v6v4mixed} shows the network design that we realise using P4. This design has multiple advantages: first it reduces the number of devices to pass and thus directly reduces the RTT, secondly it allows translation of IP addresses within the same logic network segment. \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{v6-v4-mixed} \centering \caption{In-network NAT64 translation} \label{fig:v6v4mixed} \end{figure} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{\label{design:statelessnat64}Stateless NAT64} As seen in section \ref{background:transition:stateless}, stateless NAT64 can be implemented using various factors. Our design for the stateless depends on the capabilities of the environment and is summarised in table \ref{tab:statelessnat64factors}. \begin{table}[htbp] \begin{center}\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{| c | c |} \hline \textbf{Implementation} & \textbf{NAT64 match}\\ \hline P4/BMV2 & LPM (both directions)\\ & and individual entries (both directions)\\ \hline P4/NetPFGA & Individual entries\\ \hline Tayga & LPM (IPv6 to IPv4) and individual entries (IPv4 to IPv6)\\ \hline Jool & LPM (both directions)\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \caption{NAT64 match factors} \label{tab:statelessnat64factors} \end{center} \end{table} When using LPM for translating from IPv6 to IPv4, a /96 IPv6 network is configured for covering the whole IPv4 Internet and the individual IPv4 address is appended to the prefix (compare section \ref{design:configuration}). We also use LPM to match on an IPv4 sub network that translates to an IPv6 sub network. Individual entries are configured differently depending on the implementation: Limitations in the P4/NetFPGA environment require to use table entries. Jool supports individual entries as a special case of LPM, with a network mask matching only one IP address. Tayga support LPM for translation from IPv6 to IPv4, but requires invidiual entries for translating from IPv4 to IPv6. Our P4/BMV2 offers the highest degree of flexibility, as it provides support for invidual entries based on table entries and LPM table entries. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{\label{design:statefulnat64}Stateful NAT64 - FIXME: write} - controller selects "outgoing" IPv4 address range => base for sessions - IPv4 addresses can be "random" (in our test case), but need to be unique - switch does not need to know about the "range", only about sessions - on session create, controller selects "random" ip (ring?) - on session create, controller selects "random port" (next in range?) - on session create controller adds choice into 2 tables: incoming, outgoing % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{\label{Design:BMV2}BMV2} Development of the thesis took place on a software emulated switch that is implemented using Open vSwitch~\cite{openvswitch} and the behavioral model~\cite{_implem_your_switc_target_with_bmv2}. The development followed closely the general design shown in section \ref{design:nat64}. Within the software emulation checksums can be computed with two different methods: \begin{itemize} \item Recalculating the checksum by inspecting headers and payload \item Calculating the difference between the translated headers \end{itemize} The BMV2 model is rather sophisticated and provides many standard features including checksumming over payload. This allows the BMV2 model to operate as a full featured host, including advanced features like responding to ICMP6 Neighbor discovery requests~\cite{rfc4861} that include payload checksums. A typical code to create the checksum can be found in figure \ref{fig:checksum}. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{verbatim} /* checksumming for icmp6_na_ns_option */ update_checksum_with_payload(meta.chk_icmp6_na_ns == 1, { hdr.ipv6.src_addr, /* 128 */ hdr.ipv6.dst_addr, /* 128 */ meta.cast_length, /* 32 */ 24w0, /* 24 0's */ PROTO_ICMP6, /* 8 */ hdr.icmp6.type, /* 8 */ hdr.icmp6.code, /* 8 */ hdr.icmp6_na_ns.router, hdr.icmp6_na_ns.solicitated, hdr.icmp6_na_ns.override, hdr.icmp6_na_ns.reserved, hdr.icmp6_na_ns.target_addr, hdr.icmp6_option_link_layer_addr.type, hdr.icmp6_option_link_layer_addr.ll_length, hdr.icmp6_option_link_layer_addr.mac_addr }, hdr.icmp6.checksum, HashAlgorithm.csum16 ); \end{verbatim} \centering \caption{IPv4 Pseudo Header} \label{fig:checksum} \end{figure} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{\label{Design:NetPFGA}NetFPGA - FIXME: relate things} While the P4-NetFPGA project ~\cite{netfpga:_p4_netpf_public_github} allows compiling P4 to the NetPFGA, the design slightly varies. In particular, the NetFPGA P4 compiler does not support reading the payload. For this reason it also does not support creating the checksum based on the payload. To support checksum modifications in NAT64 on the NetFPGA, the checksum was calculated on the netpfga using differences between the IPv6 and IPv4 headers. Figure \ref{fig:checksumbydiff} shows an excerpt of the code used for calculating checksums in the netpfga. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{verbatim} action v4sum() { bit<16> tmp = 0; tmp = tmp + (bit<16>) hdr.ipv4.src_addr[15:0]; // 16 bit tmp = tmp + (bit<16>) hdr.ipv4.src_addr[31:16]; // 16 bit tmp = tmp + (bit<16>) hdr.ipv4.dst_addr[15:0]; // 16 bit tmp = tmp + (bit<16>) hdr.ipv4.dst_addr[31:16]; // 16 bit tmp = tmp + (bit<16>) hdr.ipv4.totalLen -20; // 16 bit tmp = tmp + (bit<16>) hdr.ipv4.protocol; // 8 bit meta.v4sum = ~tmp; } /* analogue code for v6sum skipped */ action delta_tcp_from_v6_to_v4() { v6sum(); v4sum(); bit<17> tmp = (bit<17>) hdr.tcp.checksum + (bit<17>) meta.v4sum; if (tmp[16:16] == 1) { tmp = tmp + 1; tmp[16:16] = 0; } tmp = tmp + (bit<17>) (0xffff - meta.v6sum); if (tmp[16:16] == 1) { tmp = tmp + 1; tmp[16:16] = 0; } hdr.tcp.checksum = (bit<16>) tmp; } \end{verbatim} \centering \caption{Calculating checksum based on header differences} \label{fig:checksumbydiff} \end{figure} The checksums for IPv4, TCP, UDP and ICMP6 are all based on the ``Internet Checksum''~\cite{rfc791},~\cite{rfc1071}. Its calculation can be summarised as follows: \begin{quote} The checksum field is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of all 16-bit words in the header. For purposes of computing the checksum, the value of the checksum field is zero.\footnote{Quote from Wikipedia~\cite{wikipedia:_ipv4}.}. \end{quote} As the calculation mainly depends on on (1-complement) sums, the checksums after translating the protocol can be corrected by subtracting the differences of the relevant fields. It is notable that not the full headers are used, but the pseudo headers (compare figures \ref{fig:ipv6pseudoheader} and \ref{fig:ipv4pseudoheader}). To compensate the carry bit, our code uses 17 bit integers for correcting the carry. % FIXME: add note to python script / checksum diffing % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{\label{design:benchmarks}Benchmarks} The benchmarks were performed on two hosts, a load generator and a nat64 translator. Both hosts were equipped with a dual port Intel X520 10 Gbit/s network card. Both hosts were connected using DAC without any equipment in between. TCP offloading was enabled in the X520 cards. Figure \ref{fig:softwarenat64design} shows the network setup. \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{softwarenat64design} \centering \caption{NAT64 in software benchmark} \label{fig:softwarenat64design} \end{figure} When testing the NetPFGA/P4 performance, the X520 cards in the NAT64 translator were diconnected and instead the NetPFGA ports were connected, as show in figure \ref{fig:netpfgadesign}. The load generator is equipped with a quad core CPU (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz), enabled with hyperthreading and 16 GB RAM. The NAT64 translator is also equipped with a quard core CPU (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz) and 16 GB RAM. The first 10 seconds of the benchmark were excluded to avoid the TCP warm up phase.\footnote{iperf -O 10 parameter} \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{netpfgadesign} \centering \caption{NAT64 with NetFPGA benchmark} \label{fig:netpfgadesign} \end{figure} % ok