#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# TWiki Collaboration Platform, http://TWiki.org/
# Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Peter Thoeny, peter@thoeny.com
# For licensing info read license.txt file in the TWiki root.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details, published at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
# The manage script is used to manage some actions like creating
# a new web.

# Set library paths in @INC, at compile time
BEGIN { unshift @INC, '.'; require 'setlib.cfg'; }

use CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser );
use CGI;
use File::Copy;
use TWiki;

use strict;


sub main
    my $query = new CGI;
    my $action = $query->param( 'action' ) || "";

    if( $action eq "createweb" ) {
        createWeb( $query );

    # } elsif( $action eq "othercommand" ) {

    } elsif( $action ) {
        oopsRedirectMsg( $query, "", "", "", "msg_unrecognized_action", $action );
    } else {
        oopsRedirectMsg( $query, "", "", "", "msg_missing_action" );

sub oopsRedirectMsg
    my( $theQuery, $theWeb, $theTopic, $theOopsTmpl, $theTmplVar, $theMsg2, $theMsg3, $theMsg4 ) = @_;

    $theWeb = $TWiki::mainWebname unless( $theWeb );
    $theTopic = $TWiki::mainTopicname unless( $theTopic );
    $theOopsTmpl = "oopsmanage" unless( $theOopsTmpl );
    my $url = &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $theWeb, $theTopic, $theOopsTmpl,
                                  "%TMPL:P{\"$theTmplVar\"}%", $theMsg2, $theMsg3, $theMsg4 );
    TWiki::redirect( $theQuery, $url );

sub createWeb
    my( $query ) = @_;

    my $thePathInfo = $query->path_info(); 
    my $theRemoteUser = $query->remote_user();
    my $theTopic = $query->param( 'topic' );

    my $newWeb = $query->param( 'newweb' ) || "";
    my $newTopic = $query->param( 'newtopic' ) || "";
    my $baseWeb = $query->param( 'baseweb' ) || "";
    my $webBgColor = $query->param( 'webbgcolor' ) || "";
    my $siteMapWhat = $query->param( 'sitemapwhat' ) || "";
    my $siteMapUseTo = $query->param( 'sitemapuseto' ) || "";
    my $noSearchAll = $query->param( 'nosearchall' ) || "";
    my $theUrl = $query->url;
    my $oopsTmpl = "oopsmngcreateweb";

    # initialize TWiki
    my( $topicName, $webName, $dummy, $userName ) = 
        &TWiki::initialize( $thePathInfo, $theRemoteUser, $theTopic, $theUrl, $query );
    $dummy = ""; # avoid warning

    # check permission, user authorized to create webs?
    my $wikiUserName = &TWiki::userToWikiName( $userName );
    unless( &TWiki::Access::checkAccessPermission( "manage", $wikiUserName, "", 
                                                 $topicName, $webName ) ) {
       # user has not permission to change the topic
       my $url = &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $webName, $topicName, "oopsaccesscreateweb" );
       TWiki::redirect( $query, $url );

    if( $newWeb =~ /^_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/ ) {
        # valid template web name, untaint
        $newWeb =~ /(.*)/;
        $newWeb = $1;
    } elsif( TWiki::isWebName( $newWeb ) ) {
        # valid web name, untaint
        $newWeb =~ /(.*)/;
        $newWeb = $1;
    } elsif( $newWeb ) {
        oopsRedirectMsg( $query, "", "", $oopsTmpl, "msg_web_name" );
    } else {
        oopsRedirectMsg( $query, "", "", $oopsTmpl, "msg_web_missing" );

    if( TWiki::Store::topicExists( $newWeb, $TWiki::mainTopicname ) ) {
        oopsRedirectMsg( $query, "", "", $oopsTmpl, "msg_web_exist", $newWeb );

    $baseWeb =~ s/$TWiki::securityFilter//go;
    $baseWeb =~ /(.*)/;
    $baseWeb = $1;

    unless( TWiki::Store::topicExists( $baseWeb, $TWiki::mainTopicname ) ) {
        oopsRedirectMsg( $query, "", "", $oopsTmpl, "msg_base_web", $baseWeb );

    unless( $webBgColor =~ /\#[0-9a-f]{6}/i ) {
        oopsRedirectMsg( $query, "", "", $oopsTmpl, "msg_web_color" );

    # create the empty web
    my $err = createEmptyWeb( $newWeb );
    if( $err ) {
        oopsRedirectMsg( $query, "", "", $oopsTmpl, "msg_web_create", $err );

    # copy needed topics from base web
    $err = copyWebTopics( $baseWeb, $newWeb );
    if( $err ) {
        oopsRedirectMsg( $query, $newWeb, "", $oopsTmpl, "msg_web_copy_topics", $err );

    # patch WebPreferences
    $err = patchWebPreferences( $newWeb, $TWiki::webPrefsTopicname, $webBgColor, 
                                $siteMapWhat, $siteMapUseTo, $noSearchAll );
    if( $err ) {
        oopsRedirectMsg( $query, $newWeb, $TWiki::webPrefsTopicname, $oopsTmpl, "msg_patch_webpreferences", $err );

    # everything OK, redirect to last message
    $newTopic = $TWiki::mainTopicname unless( $newTopic );
    oopsRedirectMsg( $query, $newWeb, $newTopic, $oopsTmpl, "msg_create_web_ok" );

sub createEmptyWeb
    my ( $theWeb ) = @_;

    my $dir = "$TWiki::dataDir/$theWeb";
    umask( 0 );
    unless( mkdir( $dir, 0775 ) ) {
        return( "Could not create $dir, error: $!" );

    if ( $TWiki::useRcsDir ) {
        unless( mkdir( "$dir/RCS", 0775 ) ) {
            return( "Could not create $dir/RCS, error: $!" );

    unless( open( FILE, ">$dir/.changes" ) ) {
        return( "Could not create changes file $dir/.changes, error: $!" );
    print FILE "";  # empty file
    close( FILE );

    unless( open( FILE, ">$dir/.mailnotify" ) ) {
        return( "Could not create mailnotify timestamp file $dir/.mailnotify, error: $!" );
    print FILE "";  # empty file
    close( FILE );
    return "";

sub copyWebTopics
    my ( $theBaseWeb, $theNewWeb ) = @_;

    my $err = "";
    my @topicList = &TWiki::Store::getTopicNames( $theBaseWeb );
    unless( $theBaseWeb =~ /^_/ ) {
        # not a template web, so filter for only Web* topics
        @topicList = grep { /^Web/ } @topicList;
    foreach my $topic ( @topicList ) {
        $topic =~ s/$TWiki::securityFilter//go;
        $topic =~ /(.*)/;
        $topic = $1;
        $err = copyOneTopic( $theBaseWeb, $topic, $theNewWeb );
        return( $err ) if( $err );
    return "";

sub copyOneTopic
    my ( $theFromWeb, $theTopic, $theToWeb ) = @_;

    # FIXME: This should go into TWiki::Store

    # copy topic file
    my $from = "$TWiki::dataDir/$theFromWeb/$theTopic.txt";
    my $to = "$TWiki::dataDir/$theToWeb/$theTopic.txt";
    unless( copy( $from, $to ) ) {
        return( "Copy file ( $from, $to ) failed, error: $!" );
    umask( 002 );
    chmod( 0644, $to );

    # copy repository file
    # FIXME: Hack, no support for RCS subdirectory
    $from .= ",v";
    $to .= ",v";
    unless( copy( $from, $to ) ) {
        return( "Copy file ( $from, $to ) failed, error: $!" );
    umask( 002 );
    chmod( 0644, $to );

    # FIXME: Copy also attachments if present

    return "";

sub patchWebPreferences
    my ( $theWeb, $theTopic, $theWebBgColor, $theSiteMapWhat, $theSiteMapUseTo, $doNoSearchAll ) = @_;

    my( $meta, $text ) = &TWiki::Store::readTopic( $theWeb, $theTopic );

    my $siteMapList = "";
    $siteMapList = "on" if( $theSiteMapWhat );
    $text =~ s/(\s\* Set WEBBGCOLOR =)[^\n\r]*/$1 $theWebBgColor/os;
    $text =~ s/(\s\* Set SITEMAPLIST =)[^\n\r]*/$1 $siteMapList/os;
    $text =~ s/(\s\* Set SITEMAPWHAT =)[^\n\r]*/$1 $theSiteMapWhat/os;
    $text =~ s/(\s\* Set SITEMAPUSETO =)[^\n\r]*/$1 $theSiteMapUseTo/os;
    $text =~ s/(\s\* Set NOSEARCHALL =)[^\n\r]*/$1 $doNoSearchAll/os;

    my $err = &TWiki::Store::saveTopic( $theWeb, $theTopic, $text, $meta );

    return $err;
