#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# TWiki Collaboration Platform, http://TWiki.org/
# Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Peter Thoeny, peter@thoeny.com
# Copyright (C) 2001 Sven Dowideit, svenud@ozemail.com.au
# For licensing info read license.txt file in the TWiki root.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details, published at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

# Set library paths in @INC, at compile time
BEGIN { unshift @INC, '.'; require 'setlib.cfg'; }

# 'Use locale' for internationalisation of Perl regexes -
# main locale settings are done in TWiki::setupLocale
    # Do a dynamic 'use locale' for this module
    if( $TWiki::useLocale ) {
        require locale;
	import locale ();

use CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser );
use CGI;
use TWiki;

use strict;

use vars qw($query);


sub main
    $query= new CGI;
    my $thePathInfo = $query->path_info(); 
    my $theRemoteUser = $query->remote_user();
    my $theTopic = $query->param( 'topic' );
    my $newWeb = $query->param( 'newweb' ) || "";
    my $newTopic = $query->param( 'newtopic' ) || "";
    my $theUrl = $query->url;
    my $lockFailure = "";
    my $breakLock = $query->param( 'breaklock' );
    my $theAttachment = $query->param( 'attachment' );
    my $confirm = $query->param( 'confirm' );
    my $currentWebOnly = $query->param( 'currentwebonly' ) || "";
    my $doAllowNonWikiWord = $query->param( 'nonwikiword' ) || "";
    my ( $oldTopic, $oldWeb, $scriptUrlPath, $userName, $dataDir ) = 
        &TWiki::initialize( $thePathInfo, $theRemoteUser, $theTopic, $theUrl, $query ); # DRKW difference to core
    my $skin = $query->param( "skin" ) || TWiki::Prefs::getPreferencesValue( "SKIN" );
    $newTopic =~ s/\s//go;
    $newTopic =~ s/$TWiki::securityFilter//go;

    if( ! $theAttachment ) {
        $theAttachment = "";
    my $wikiUserName = &TWiki::userToWikiName( $userName );
    # justChangeRefs will be true when some topics that had links to $oldTopic
    # still need updating, previous update being prevented by a lock.
    my $justChangeRefs = $query->param( 'changeRefs' ) || "";

    my $fileName = &TWiki::Store::getFileName( $oldWeb, $oldTopic );
    my $newName;
    $newName = &TWiki::Store::getFileName( $newWeb, $newTopic ) if( $newWeb );
    if( ! $justChangeRefs ) {
       if( checkExist( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic, $theAttachment, $fileName, $newName ) ) {

       if( ! checkPermissions( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $wikiUserName ) ) {

    # Has user selected new name yet?
    if( ! $newTopic || $confirm ) {
       newTopicScreen( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic, $theAttachment,
                       $confirm, $currentWebOnly, $skin );
    if( ! $justChangeRefs ) {
        if( ! getLocks( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic, $theAttachment, $breakLock, $skin ) ) {

    if( ! $justChangeRefs ) {
       if( $theAttachment ) {
	  my $moveError = 
	     &TWiki::Store::moveAttachment( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic, $theAttachment );
	  if( $moveError ) {
              TWiki::redirect( $query, &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $newWeb, $newTopic, "oopsmoveerr", $theAttachment, $moveError ) );
       } else {
          if( ! $doAllowNonWikiWord && ! &TWiki::isWikiName( $newTopic ) ) {
              TWiki::redirect( $query, &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $newWeb, $newTopic, "oopsrenamenotwikiword" ) );
	  my $renameError = &TWiki::Store::renameTopic( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic, "relink" );
	  if( $renameError ) {
	      TWiki::redirect( $query, &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, "oopsrenameerr", $renameError, $newWeb, $newTopic ) );

    # Update references in referring pages - not applicable to attachments.
    if( ! $theAttachment ) {
        my @refs = findReferingPages( $oldWeb, $oldTopic );
        my $problems;
        ( $lockFailure, $problems ) = 
            updateReferingPages( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $wikiUserName, $newWeb, $newTopic, @refs );

    my $new_url = "";
    if( $lockFailure ) {
       moreRefsToChange( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic, $skin );
    } else {
       #redirect to new topic
       $new_url = &TWiki::getViewUrl( $newWeb, $newTopic );

    TWiki::redirect( $query, $new_url );

sub findReferingPages
    my @result = ();
    # Go through parameters finding all topics for change
    my @types = qw\local global\;
    foreach my $type ( @types ) {
	my $count = 1;
	while( $query->param( "TOPIC$type$count" ) ) {
	   my $checked = $query->param( "RENAME$type$count" );
	   if ($checked) {
	      push @result, $type;
	      push @result, $query->param( "TOPIC$type$count" );
    return @result;

# update pages that refer to the one being renamed/moved
sub updateReferingPages
    my ( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $wikiUserName, $newWeb, $newTopic, @refs ) = @_;

    my $lockFailure = 0;

    my $result = "";
    my $alphaNum = $TWiki::mixedAlphaNum;
    my $preTopic = '^|[^${alphaNum}_]';		# Start of line or non-alphanumeric
    my $postTopic = '$|[^${alphaNum}_]';	# End of line or non-alphanumeric
    my $spacedTopic = TWiki::Search::spacedTopic( $oldTopic );

    while ( @refs ) {
       my $type = shift @refs;
       my $item = shift @refs;
       my( $itemWeb, $itemTopic ) = TWiki::Store::normalizeWebTopicName( "", $item );
       if ( &TWiki::Store::topicIsLockedBy( $itemWeb, $itemTopic ) ) {
          $lockFailure = 1;
       } else {
          my $resultText = "";
          $result .= ":$item: , "; 
          #open each file, replace $topic with $newTopic
          if ( &TWiki::Store::topicExists($itemWeb, $itemTopic) ) { 
             my $scantext = &TWiki::Store::readTopicRaw($itemWeb, $itemTopic);
             if( ! &TWiki::Access::checkAccessPermission( "change", $wikiUserName, $scantext,
                    $itemWeb, $itemTopic ) ) {
                 # This shouldn't happen, as search will not return, but check to be on the safe side
                 &TWiki::writeWarning( "rename: attempt to change $itemWeb.$itemTopic without permission" );
	     my $insidePRE = 0;
	     my $insideVERBATIM = 0;
             my $noAutoLink = 0;
	     foreach( split( /\n/, $scantext ) ) {
	        if( /^%META:TOPIC(INFO|MOVED)/ ) {
	            $resultText .= "$_\n";
		# FIXME This code is in far too many places - also in Search.pm and Store.pm
		m|<pre>|i  && ( $insidePRE = 1 );
		m|</pre>|i && ( $insidePRE = 0 );
		if( m|<verbatim>|i ) {
		    $insideVERBATIM = 1;
		if( m|</verbatim>|i ) {
		    $insideVERBATIM = 0;
		m|<noautolink>|i   && ( $noAutoLink = 1 );
		m|</noautolink>|i  && ( $noAutoLink = 0 );

		if( ! ( $insidePRE || $insideVERBATIM || $noAutoLink ) ) {
		    if( $type eq "global" ) {
			my $insertWeb = ($itemWeb eq $newWeb) ? "" : "$newWeb.";
		    } else {
			# Only replace bare topic (i.e. not preceeded by web) if web of referring
			# topic is in original Web of topic that's being moved
			if( $oldWeb eq $itemWeb ) {
			    my $insertWeb = ($oldWeb eq $newWeb) ? "" : "$newWeb.";
	        $resultText .= "$_\n";
	     my ( $meta, $text ) = &TWiki::Store::_extractMetaData( $itemWeb, $itemTopic, $resultText );
	     &TWiki::Store::saveTopic( $itemWeb, $itemTopic, $text, $meta, "", "unlock", "dontNotify", "" );
          } else {
	    $result .= ";$item does not exist;";
    return ( $lockFailure, $result );

# return "" if problem, otherwise return text of oldTopic
sub checkPermissions
    my( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $wikiUserName ) = @_;
    my $ret = "";
    if( &TWiki::Store::topicExists( $oldWeb, $oldTopic ) ) {
	$ret = &TWiki::Store::readWebTopic( $oldWeb, $oldTopic );
    if( ! &TWiki::Access::checkAccessPermission( "change", $wikiUserName, $ret, $oldTopic, $oldWeb ) ) {
       # user has not permission to change the topic
       my $url = &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, "oopsaccesschange" );
       TWiki::redirect( $query, $url );
       $ret = "";
    if( ! &TWiki::Access::checkAccessPermission( "rename", $wikiUserName, $ret, $oldTopic, $oldWeb ) ) {
       my $url = &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, "oopsaccessrename" );
       TWiki::redirect( $query, $url );
       $ret = "";

    return $ret;

# Check that various webs and topics exist or don't exist as required
sub checkExist
   my( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic, $theAttachment, $oldFileName, $newFileName ) = @_;
   my $ret = "";
   my $tmpl = "";
   # Does old WEB exist?
   if( ! &TWiki::Store::webExists( $oldWeb ) ) {
      TWiki::redirect( $query, &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, "oopsnoweb" ) );
      $ret = "problem";

   # Does new WEB exist?
   if( defined( $newFileName ) && ! &TWiki::Store::webExists( $newWeb ) ) {
      TWiki::redirect( $query, &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $newWeb, $newTopic, "oopsnoweb" ) );
      $ret = "problem";

   # Does old attachment exist?
   if( ! -e $oldFileName) {
      TWiki::redirect( $query, &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, "oopsmissing" ) );
      $ret = "problem"; 

   # Check new topic doesn't exist (opposite if we've moving an attachment)
   if( defined( $newFileName ) && -e $newFileName && ! $theAttachment ) {
      # Unless moving an attachment, new topic should not already exist
      TWiki::redirect( $query, &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $newWeb, $newTopic, "oopstopicexists" ) );
      $ret = "problem";    
   if( defined( $newFileName ) && $theAttachment && ! -e $newFileName ) {
      TWiki::redirect( $query, &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $newWeb, $newTopic, "oopsmissing" ) );
      $ret = "problem"; 
   return $ret;

#Return "" if can't get lock, otherwise "okay"
sub getLocks
    my( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic, $theAttachment, $breakLock, $skin ) = @_;
    my( $oldLockUser, $oldLockTime, $newLockUser, $newLockTime );
    if( ! $breakLock ) {
	# Check for lock - at present the lock can't be broken
	( $oldLockUser, $oldLockTime ) = &TWiki::Store::topicIsLockedBy( $oldWeb, $oldTopic );
	if( $oldLockUser ) {
	   $oldLockUser = &TWiki::userToWikiName( $oldLockUser );
	   use integer;
	   $oldLockTime = ( $oldLockTime / 60 ) + 1; # convert to minutes

	if( $theAttachment ) {
	    ( $newLockUser, $newLockTime ) = &TWiki::Store::topicIsLockedBy( $newWeb, $newTopic );
	    if( $newLockUser ) {
	       $newLockUser = &TWiki::userToWikiName( $newLockUser );
	       use integer;
	       $newLockTime = ( $newLockTime / 60 ) + 1; # convert to minutes
	       my $editLock = $TWiki::editLockTime / 60;
    if( $oldLockUser || $newLockUser ) {
       my $tmpl = &TWiki::Store::readTemplate( "oopslockedrename", $skin );
       my $editLock = $TWiki::editLockTime / 60;
       if( $oldLockUser ) {
           $tmpl =~ s/%OLD_LOCK%/Source topic $oldWeb.$oldTopic is locked by $oldLockUser, lock expires in $oldLockTime minutes.<br \/>/go;
       } else {
           $tmpl =~ s/%OLD_LOCK%//go;
       if( $newLockUser ) {
           $tmpl =~ s/%NEW_LOCK%/Destination topic $newWeb.$newTopic is locked by $newLockUser, lock expires in $newLockTime minutes.<br \/>/go;
       } else {
           $tmpl =~ s/%NEW_LOCK%//go;
       $tmpl =~ s/%NEW_WEB%/$newWeb/go;
       $tmpl =~ s/%NEW_TOPIC%/$newTopic/go;
       $tmpl =~ s/%ATTACHMENT%/$theAttachment/go;
       $tmpl = &TWiki::handleCommonTags( $tmpl, $oldTopic, $oldWeb );
       $tmpl = &TWiki::getRenderedVersion( $tmpl, $oldWeb );
       TWiki::writeHeader( $query );
       print $tmpl;
       return "";
    } else {
       &TWiki::Store::lockTopicNew( $oldWeb, $oldTopic );
       if( $theAttachment ) {
            &TWiki::Store::lockTopicNew( $newWeb, $newTopic );
    return "okay";

# Display screen so user can decide on new web and topic.
sub newTopicScreen
   my( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic, $theAttachment, $confirm, $currentWebOnly, $skin ) = @_;
   my $tmpl = "";
   if( ! $newTopic ) {
       $newTopic = $oldTopic;
   TWiki::writeHeader( $query );
   if( $theAttachment ) {
     $tmpl = TWiki::Store::readTemplate( "moveattachment", $skin );
     $tmpl =~ s/%FILENAME%/$theAttachment/go;
   } elsif( $confirm ) {
     $tmpl = TWiki::Store::readTemplate( "renameconfirm", $skin );
   } else {
     $tmpl = &TWiki::Store::readTemplate( "rename", $skin );
   $tmpl = setVars( $tmpl, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic );
   $tmpl = &TWiki::handleCommonTags( $tmpl, $oldTopic, $oldWeb );
   $tmpl = &TWiki::getRenderedVersion( $tmpl );
   if( $currentWebOnly ) {
     $tmpl =~ s/%RESEARCH\{.*?web=\"all\".*\}%/(skipped)/o; # Remove search all web search
   $tmpl =~ s/%RESEARCH/%SEARCH/go; # Pre search result from being rendered
   $tmpl = &TWiki::handleCommonTags( $tmpl, $oldTopic, $oldWeb );   
   print $tmpl;
 sub setVars
     my( $tmpl, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic ) = @_;
     $tmpl =~ s/%NEW_WEB%/$newWeb/go;
     $tmpl =~ s/%NEW_TOPIC%/$newTopic/go;
     return $tmpl;
 sub moreRefsToChange
    my( $oldWeb, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic, $skin ) = @_;
    TWiki::writeHeader( $query );
    my $tmpl = TWiki::Store::readTemplate( "renamerefs", $skin );
    $tmpl = setVars( $tmpl, $oldTopic, $newWeb, $newTopic );
    $tmpl = TWiki::getRenderedVersion( $tmpl );
    $tmpl =~ s/%RESEARCH/%SEARCH/go; # Pre search result from being rendered
    $tmpl = TWiki::handleCommonTags( $tmpl, $oldTopic, $oldWeb );
    print $tmpl;