#!/bin/sh # generate gentoo bug-report # Nico Schottelius <nico-linux-gentoo ... schottelius.org # gentoo-bug.sh # REPORTER="Nico Schottelius <nico-linux-gentoo ... schottelius.org>" umask 077 TMP_BASE=/tmp/`basename $0`-${USER} TMP=${TMP_BASE}-$$ # read input reread() { _tmp="" name="$1" while [ ! "$_tmp" ]; do read -p "$1 [$_tmp]: " _tmp done echo $_tmp } echo "This makes a small bugreport suitable for developers of the gentoo system." echo "----------------" echo "Please enter information as exact as possible. Thanks." echo "" package=`reread package-name` error=`reread "Error occured (short description)"` problem=`reread "Please describe problem in your words"` rm -f "$TMP" # make a good filename TMP=${TMP_BASE}-${package} # generate file #cat << EOF cat << EOF > "$TMP" -------------------- Bug-Reporter for gentoo - http://linux.schottelius.org/scripts/#gentoo-bug.sh -------------------- package: $package -------------------- reporter: $REPORTER -------------------- error: $error -------------------- problem-description: $problem -------------------- uname-a: `uname -a` -------------------- make.conf: `grep -v '^#' /etc/make.conf | grep -v '^$'` -------------------- emerge-info: `emerge --info` -------------------- other-info: EOF echo "If you have additional information, please add them to the report." echo "Now, please mail the resulting file to a gentoo-maintainer/developer:" echo "$TMP"