#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# TWiki Collaboration Platform, http://TWiki.org/
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Peter Thoeny, peter@thoeny.com
# For licensing info read license.txt file in the TWiki root.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details, published at 
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

# Set library paths in @INC, at compile time
BEGIN { unshift @INC, '.'; require 'setlib.cfg'; }

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI;
use TWiki;

use strict;


sub main
    my $query = new CGI;
    my $thePathInfo = $query->path_info(); 
    my $theRemoteUser = $query->remote_user();
    my $theTopic = $query->param( 'topic' );
    my $theUrl = $query->url;
    my( $topic, $webName, $dummy, $userName ) = 
       &TWiki::initialize( $thePathInfo, $theRemoteUser, $theTopic, $theUrl, $query );
    $dummy = "";  # to suppress warning

    my $tmpl = ""; 
    my $text = "";
    my $ptext = "";
    my $meta = "";
    my $formFields = "";
    my $wikiUserName = &TWiki::userToWikiName( $userName );

    if( ! &TWiki::Store::webExists( $webName ) ) {
        my $url = &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $webName, $topic, "oopsnoweb" );
        TWiki::redirect( $query, $url );

    my( $mirrorSiteName, $mirrorViewURL ) = &TWiki::readOnlyMirrorWeb( $webName );
    if( $mirrorSiteName ) {
        my $url = &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $webName, $topic, "oopsmirror", $mirrorSiteName, $mirrorViewURL );
        TWiki::redirect( $query, $url );

    # reset lock time, this is to prevent contention in case of a long edit session
    &TWiki::Store::lockTopic( $topic );

    my $skin = $query->param( "skin" ) || &TWiki::Prefs::getPreferencesValue( "SKIN" );

    # Is user looking to change the form used?  Sits oddly in preview, but 
    # to avoid Javascript and pick up text on edit page it has to be in preview.
    my $changeform = $query->param( 'submitChangeForm' ) || "";
    if( $changeform ) {
        &TWiki::Form::changeForm( $webName, $topic, $query );

    # get view template, standard view or a view with a different skin
    $tmpl = &TWiki::Store::readTemplate( "preview", $skin );
    my $dontNotify = $query->param( "dontnotify" ) || "";
    $tmpl =~ s/%DONTNOTIFY%/$dontNotify/go;
    my $saveCmd = $query->param( "cmd" ) || "";
    if( $saveCmd ) {
        if( ! &TWiki::Access::userIsInGroup( $wikiUserName, $TWiki::superAdminGroup ) ) {
            # user has no permission to execute undocumented cmd=... parameter
            my $url = &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $webName, $topic, "oopsaccessgroup", "$TWiki::mainWebname.$TWiki::superAdminGroup" );
            TWiki::redirect( $query, $url );
        $tmpl =~ s/\(preview\)/\(preview cmd=$saveCmd\)/go;
    $tmpl =~ s/%CMD%/$saveCmd/go;
    if( $saveCmd ne "repRev" ) {
        my $dummy = "";
        ( $meta, $dummy ) = &TWiki::Store::readTopic( $webName, $topic );
	# parent setting
	my $theParent = $query->param( 'topicparent' ) || "";
	if( $theParent ) {
	    $tmpl =~ s/%TOPICPARENT%/$theParent/go;
	    $meta->put( "TOPICPARENT", ( "name" => $theParent ) );
	$tmpl =~ s/%TOPICPARENT%/$theParent/;

	my $formTemplate = $query->param( "formtemplate" );
	if( $formTemplate ) {
	   $meta->remove( "FORM" );
	   $meta->put( "FORM", ( name => $formTemplate ) ) if( $formTemplate ne "none" );
	   $tmpl =~ s/%FORMTEMPLATE%/$formTemplate/go;
	} else {
	   $tmpl =~ s/%FORMTEMPLATE%//go;

        # get the edited text and combine text, form and attachments for preview
        &TWiki::Form::fieldVars2Meta( $webName, $query, $meta );
        $text = $query->param( "text" );
        if( ! $text ) {
            # empty topic not allowed
            my $url = &TWiki::getOopsUrl( $webName, $topic, "oopsempty" );
            print $query->redirect( $url );
        #AS added hook for plugins that want to do heavy stuff
        TWiki::Plugins::afterEditHandler( $text, $topic, $webName );
        $ptext = $text;
        if( $meta->count( "FORM" ) ) {
            $formFields = &TWiki::Form::getFieldParams( $meta );

    } else {
        # undocumented "repRev" mode
        $text = $query->param( "text" ); # text to save
        ( $meta, $ptext ) = &TWiki::Store::_extractMetaData( $webName, $topic, $text );
        $text =~ s/%_(.)_%/%__$1__%/go;

    my @verbatim = ();
    $ptext = &TWiki::takeOutVerbatim( $ptext, \@verbatim );
    $ptext =~ s/ {3}/\t/go;
    $ptext = &TWiki::handleCommonTags( $ptext, $topic );
    $ptext = &TWiki::getRenderedVersion( $ptext );

    # do not allow click on link before save:
    $ptext =~ s@(href=".*?")@href="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/oops%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%\?template=oopspreview"@goi;
    $ptext = &TWiki::handleCommonTags( $ptext, $topic );
    $ptext = &TWiki::putBackVerbatim( $ptext, "pre", @verbatim );

    $tmpl = &TWiki::handleCommonTags( $tmpl, $topic );
    $tmpl = &TWiki::handleMetaTags( $webName, $topic, $tmpl, $meta );
    $tmpl = &TWiki::getRenderedVersion( $tmpl );
    $tmpl =~ s/%TEXT%/$ptext/go;
    $text = &TWiki::encodeSpecialChars( $text );

    $tmpl =~ s/%HIDDENTEXT%/$text/go;
    $tmpl =~ s/%FORMFIELDS%/$formFields/go;
    $tmpl =~ s|( ?) *</*nop/*>\n?|$1|gois;   # remove <nop> tags (PTh 06 Nov 2000)

    &TWiki::writeHeader( $query );
    print $tmpl;