#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # # TWiki Collaboration Platform, http://TWiki.org/ # # Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Peter Thoeny, peter@thoeny.com # Copyright (C) 2002 Richard Donkin, rdonkin@bigfoot.com # # For licensing info read license.txt file in the TWiki root. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details, published at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # # DESCRIPTION # This script does update the usage statistics of each TWiki web. # It reads the current month's log file and updates the table # in the WebStatistics topic of each web. # The script should be called by a cron job, it is recommended to # call it once a day. # Set library paths in @INC, at compile time BEGIN { unshift @INC, '.'; require 'setlib.cfg'; } # 'Use locale' for internationalisation of Perl regexes - # main locale settings are done in TWiki::setupLocale BEGIN { # Do a dynamic 'use locale' for this module if( $TWiki::useLocale ) { require locale; import locale (); } } use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use CGI; use File::Copy qw(copy); use IO::File; use TWiki; use strict; # use diagnostics; # Debug only #open(STDERR,'>&STDOUT'); # redirect error to browser # FIXME: Beware global $| in mod_perl! Should use 'local' $| = 1; # no buffering &main(); # ========================= sub main { # initialize variables my $cgiQuery = undef; my $tmp = ""; my $theTopic = ""; my $thePathInfo = ""; my $theRemoteUser = ""; my $logDate = ""; # determine at runtime if script is called by browser or cron job if( $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} ) { # script is called by browser $cgiQuery = new CGI; $thePathInfo = $cgiQuery->path_info() || ""; $theRemoteUser = $cgiQuery->remote_user() || ""; $theTopic = $cgiQuery->param( 'topic' ) || ""; $tmp = $cgiQuery->param( 'logdate' ) || ""; $tmp =~ s/[^0-9]//g; # remove all non numerals if( $tmp ne "" ) { $logDate = "$tmp"; } TWiki::writeHeader( $cgiQuery ); print "\n\nTWiki: Create Usage Statistics\n"; print "\n\n"; } else { # script is called by cron job } # Set up locale and regexes &TWiki::basicInitialize(); # Initial messages printMsg( "TWiki: Create Usage Statistics", $cgiQuery ); if( $cgiQuery ) { print "

Do not interrupt this script! ( Please wait until page download has finished )

\n"; } if ( $theRemoteUser ) { $tmp = &TWiki::userToWikiName( $theRemoteUser ); $tmp =~ s/^Main\.//; printMsg( "* Executed by $tmp", $cgiQuery ); } else { printMsg( "* Executed by a guest or a cron job scheduler", $cgiQuery ); } if( ! $logDate ) { # get current local time and format to "yyyymm" format: my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime( time() ); $year = sprintf("%.4u", $year + 1900); # Y2K fix $mon = $mon+1; $logDate = sprintf("%.4u%.2u", $year, $mon); } my $logMonth; my $logYear; $tmp = $logDate; $tmp =~ s/([0-9]{4})(.*)/$2/g; if( $tmp && $tmp < 13 ) { $logMonth = $TWiki::isoMonth[$tmp-1]; } else { $logMonth = "Date error"; } $logYear = $logDate; $logYear =~ s/([0-9]{4})(.*)/$1/g; my $logMonthYear = "$logMonth $logYear"; printMsg( "* Statistics for $logMonthYear", $cgiQuery ); my $logFile = $TWiki::logFilename; $logFile =~ s/%DATE%/$logDate/g; if( -e $logFile ) { # Copy the log file to temp file, since analysis could take some time # FIXME move the temp dir stuff to TWiki.cfg my $tmpDir; if ( $TWiki::OS eq "UNIX" ) { $tmpDir = $ENV{'TEMP'} || "/tmp"; } elsif ( $TWiki::OS eq "WINDOWS" ) { $tmpDir = $ENV{'TEMP'} || "c:/"; } else { # FIXME handle other OSs properly - assume Unix for now. $tmpDir = "/tmp"; } my $randNo = int ( rand 1000); # For mod_perl with threading... my $tmpFilename = "$tmpDir/twiki-stats.$$.$randNo"; $tmpFilename =~ /(.*)/; $tmpFilename = $1; # Untaint File::Copy::copy ($logFile, $tmpFilename) or die "Can't copy $logFile to $tmpFilename - $!"; # Open the temp file my $TMPFILE = new IO::File; open $TMPFILE, $tmpFilename or die "Can't open $tmpFilename - $!"; # Do a single data collection pass on the temporary copy of logfile, # then call processWeb once for each web of interest. my ($viewRef, $contribRef, $statViewsRef, $statSavesRef, $statUploadsRef) = collectLogData( $TMPFILE, $logMonthYear ); =pod # DEBUG ONLY debugPrintHash($viewRef); debugPrintHash($contribRef); print "statViews tests===========\n"; print "Views in Main = " . ${$statViewsRef}{'Main'} . "\n"; print "hash stats (used/avail) = " . %{$statViewsRef}."\n"; foreach my $web (keys %{$statViewsRef}) { print "Web summary for $web\n"; print $statViewsRef->{$web}."\n"; print $statSavesRef->{$web}."\n"; print $statUploadsRef->{$web}."\n"; } =cut # Generate WebStatistics topic update for one or more webs if ( $thePathInfo ) { # do a particular web: processWeb( $thePathInfo, $theRemoteUser, $theTopic, $logMonthYear, $viewRef, $contribRef, $statViewsRef, $statSavesRef, $statUploadsRef, $cgiQuery ); } else { # do all webs: my $dataDir = &TWiki::getDataDir(); my @weblist = (); if( opendir( DIR, "$dataDir" ) ) { @weblist = grep /^[^\.\_]/, readdir DIR; # exclude webs starting with . or _ closedir DIR; } else { printMsg( " *** Error: opendir $dataDir, $!", $cgiQuery ); } foreach my $web ( @weblist ) { if( -d "$dataDir/$web" ) { processWeb( "/$web", $theRemoteUser, $theTopic, $logMonthYear, $viewRef, $contribRef, $statViewsRef, $statSavesRef, $statUploadsRef, $cgiQuery ); } } } close $TMPFILE; # Shouldn't be necessary with 'my' unlink $tmpFilename; # FIXME: works on Windows??? Unlink before # usage to ensure deleted on crash? } else { printMsg( " - Note: Log file $logFile does not exist", $cgiQuery ); } if( $cgiQuery ) { $tmp = $TWiki::statisticsTopicname; my $url = &TWiki::getViewUrl( "", $tmp ); printMsg( "* Go back to $tmp topic", $cgiQuery ); printMsg( "End creating usage statistics", $cgiQuery ); print "\n"; } else { printMsg( "End creating usage statistics", $cgiQuery ); } } # Debug only # Print all entries in a view or contrib hash, sorted by web and item name sub debugPrintHash { my ($statsRef) = @_; # print "Main.WebHome views = " . ${$statsRef}{'Main'}{'WebHome'}."\n"; # print "Main web, TWikiGuest contribs = " . ${$statsRef}{'Main'}{'Main.TWikiGuest'}."\n"; foreach my $web ( sort keys %$statsRef) { my $count = 0; print "$web web:\n"; # Get reference to the sub-hash for this web my $webhashref = ${$statsRef}{$web}; # print "webhashref is " . ref ($webhashref) ."\n"; # Items can be topics (for view hash) or users (for contrib hash) foreach my $item ( sort keys %$webhashref ) { print " $item = "; print "" . ( ${$webhashref}{$item} || 0 ) ."\n"; $count += ${$webhashref}{$item}; } print " WEB TOTAL = $count\n"; } } # ========================= # Process the whole log file and collect information in hash tables. # Must build stats for all webs, to handle case of renames into web # requested for a single-web statistics run. # # Main hash tables are divided by web: # # $view{$web}{$TopicName} == number of views, by topic # $contrib{$web}{"Main.".$WikiName} == number of saves/uploads, by user sub collectLogData { my( $TMPFILE, $theLogMonthYear ) = @_; # Examples of log file format: # | 03 Feb 2000 - 02:43 | Main.PeterThoeny | view | Know.WebHome | | # | 03 Feb 2000 - 02:43 | Main.PeterThoeny | save | Know.WebHome | | # | 03 Feb 2000 - 02:53 | Main.PeterThoeny | save | Know.WebHome | repRev 1.7 Main.PeterThoeny 2000/02/03 02:43:22 | # | 23 Feb 2002 - 11:07 | Main.TWikiGuest | search | Main | Office *Locations[^A-Za-z] | | # Note: there's no topic name on search log entry # | 23 Feb 2002 - 11:07 | Main.guest | search | Main | Office *Locations[^A-Za-z] | | # | 28 Mar 2002 - 07:11 | Main.FredBloggs | rename | Test.TestTopic7 | moved to Test.TestTopic7New | | my %view; # Hash of hashes, counts topic views by my %contrib; # Hash of hashes, counts uploads/saves by # Hashes for each type of statistic, one hash entry per web my %statViews; my %statSaves; my %statUploads; # Imported regex objects, supporting I18N my $webNameRegex = $TWiki::webNameRegex; my $wikiWordRegex = $TWiki::wikiWordRegex; my $abbrevRegex = $TWiki::abbrevRegex; # Script regexes my $intranetUserRegex = qr/[a-z0-9]+/; # FIXME: should centralise this my $userRegex = qr/(?:$intranetUserRegex|$wikiWordRegex)/; my $opRegex = qr/[a-z0-9]+/; # Operation, no i18n needed # my $topicRegex = qr/(?:$wikiWordRegex|$abbrevRegex)/; # Strict topic names only my $topicRegex = qr/[^ ]+/; # Relaxed topic names - any non-space OK # but won't be auto-linked in WebStatistics my $errorRegex = qr/\(not exist\)/; # Match '(not exist)' flag my ($webName, $opName, $topicName, $userName, $newTopicName, $newTopicWeb); binmode $TMPFILE; while ( <$TMPFILE> ) { my $line = $_; $line =~ s/\r*\n$//; # Clean out line endings $line =~ /^\|[^\|]*\| ($webNameRegex\.$userRegex) \| ($opRegex) \| ($webNameRegex)[. ]/o; $userName = $1 || ""; # Main.FredBloggs $opName = $2 || ""; $webName = $3 || ""; # Skip bad logfile lines and warn if necessary unless ($userName && $opName && $webName) { if( $TWiki::doDebugStatistics ) { TWiki::writeDebug("Invalid log file line = '$line'"); TWiki::writeDebug("userName = '$userName'"); TWiki::writeDebug("opName = '$opName'"); TWiki::writeDebug("webName = '$webName'"); } next; } my $logContrib = 0; if ($opName eq 'view' ) { $statViews{$webName}++; # Pick up the topic name and any error string $line =~ /^\|[^\|]*\| ($webNameRegex\.$userRegex) \| ($opRegex) \| ($webNameRegex)\.($topicRegex) \| +(${errorRegex}?) */o; $topicName = $4 || ""; my $noSuchTopic = $5 || ""; # Set if '(not exist)' matched unless( $topicName ) { if( $TWiki::doDebugStatistics ) { TWiki::writeDebug("Invalid log file line = '$line'"); TWiki::writeDebug("userName = '$userName'"); TWiki::writeDebug("opName = '$opName'"); TWiki::writeDebug("webName = '$webName'"); TWiki::writeDebug("topicName = '$topicName'"); } next; } # Skip accesses to non-existent topics if ($noSuchTopic) { next; } else { # Count this topic access $view{$webName}{$topicName}++; } } elsif ($opName eq 'save' ) { $statSaves{$webName}++; $logContrib = 1; } elsif ($opName eq 'upload' ) { $statUploads{$webName}++; $logContrib = 1; } elsif ($opName eq 'rename' ) { # Pick up the old and new topic names $line =~ /^\|[^\|]*\| ($webNameRegex\.$userRegex) \| ($opRegex) \| ($webNameRegex)\.($topicRegex) \| moved to ($webNameRegex)\.($topicRegex) /o; $topicName = $4 || ""; $newTopicWeb = $5 || ""; $newTopicName = $6 || ""; ## TWiki::writeDebug("$topicName renamed to $newTopicWeb.$newTopicName"); unless ($topicName && $newTopicWeb && $newTopicName) { if( $TWiki::doDebugStatistics ) { TWiki::writeDebug("Invalid log file line (rename) = '$line'"); TWiki::writeDebug("userName = '$userName'"); TWiki::writeDebug("opName = '$opName'"); TWiki::writeDebug("webName = '$webName'"); TWiki::writeDebug("topicName= '$topicName'"); TWiki::writeDebug("newTopicWeb= '$newTopicWeb'"); TWiki::writeDebug("newTopicName = '$newTopicName'"); } next; } # Get number of views for old topic this month (may be zero) my $oldViews = $view{$webName}{$topicName} || 0; # Transfer views from old to new topic $view{$newTopicWeb}{$newTopicName} = $oldViews; delete $view{$webName}{$topicName}; # Transfer views from old to new web if ( $newTopicWeb ne $webName ) { $statViews{$webName} -= $oldViews; $statViews{$newTopicWeb} += $oldViews; } } # Record saves and uploads if ($logContrib) { # Record the contribution by user name $contrib{$webName}{$userName}++; } =pod # DEBUG $. <= 5 && print "$line\n"; print "$line\n"; print "$.: $userName did $opName on $webName"; print ".$topicName" if (defined $topicName); print "\n"; =cut } =pod print "Main.WebHome views = " . $view{'Main'}{'WebHome'}."\n"; print "Main web's contribs = " . $contrib{'Main'}{'Main.RichardDonkin'}."\n"; debugPrintHash(\%view); debugPrintHash(\%contrib); =cut return \%view, \%contrib, \%statViews, \%statSaves, \%statUploads; } # ========================= sub processWeb { my( $thePathInfo, $theRemoteUser, $theTopic, $theLogMonthYear, $viewRef, $contribRef, $statViewsRef, $statSavesRef, $statUploadsRef, $cgiQuery ) = @_; my ( $topic, $webName, $dummy, $userName, $dataDir ) = &TWiki::initialize( $thePathInfo, $theRemoteUser, $theTopic, "", $cgiQuery ); $dummy = ""; # to suppress warning printMsg( "* Reporting on TWiki.$webName web", $cgiQuery ); if( ! &TWiki::Store::webExists( $webName ) ) { printMsg( " *** Error: Web $webName does not exist", $cgiQuery ); return; } # Handle null values, print summary message to browser/stdout my $statViews = $statViewsRef->{$webName}; my $statSaves = $statSavesRef->{$webName}; my $statUploads = $statUploadsRef->{$webName}; $statViews ||= 0; $statSaves ||= 0; $statUploads ||= 0; printMsg( " - view: $statViews, save: $statSaves, upload: $statUploads", $cgiQuery ); # Get the top N views and contribs in this web my (@topViews) = getTopList( $TWiki::statsTopViews, $webName, $viewRef ); my (@topContribs) = getTopList( $TWiki::statsTopContrib, $webName, $contribRef ); # Print information to stdout my $statTopViews = ""; my $statTopContributors = ""; if( @topViews ) { printMsg( " - top view: $topViews[0]", $cgiQuery ); $statTopViews = join( "
", @topViews ); } if( @topContribs ) { printMsg( " - top contributor: $topContribs[0]", $cgiQuery ); $statTopContributors = join( "
", @topContribs ); } # Update the WebStatistics topic my $tmp; my $statsTopic = $TWiki::statisticsTopicname; # DEBUG # $statsTopic = "TestStatistics"; # Create this by hand if( &TWiki::Store::topicExists( $webName, $statsTopic ) ) { my( $meta, $text ) = &TWiki::Store::readTopic( $webName, $statsTopic, 1 ); my @lines = split( /\n/, $text ); my $statLine; my $idxStat = -1; my $idxTmpl = -1; for( my $x = 0; $x < @lines; $x++ ) { $tmp = $lines[$x]; # Check for existing line for this month+year if( $tmp =~ /$theLogMonthYear/ ) { $idxStat = $x; } elsif( $tmp =~ /<\!\-\-statDate\-\->/ ) { $statLine = $tmp; $idxTmpl = $x; } } if( ! $statLine ) { $statLine = "| | | | | | |"; } $statLine =~ s/<\!\-\-statDate\-\->/$theLogMonthYear/; $statLine =~ s/<\!\-\-statViews\-\->/ $statViews/; $statLine =~ s/<\!\-\-statSaves\-\->/ $statSaves/; $statLine =~ s/<\!\-\-statUploads\-\->/ $statUploads/; $statLine =~ s/<\!\-\-statTopViews\-\->/$statTopViews/; $statLine =~ s/<\!\-\-statTopContributors\-\->/$statTopContributors/; if( $idxStat >= 0 ) { # entry already exists, need to update $lines[$idxStat] = $statLine; } elsif( $idxTmpl >= 0 ) { # entry does not exist, add after line $lines[$idxTmpl] = "$lines[$idxTmpl]\n$statLine"; } else { # entry does not exist, add at the end $lines[@lines] = $statLine; } $text = join( "\n", @lines ); $text .= "\n"; &TWiki::Store::saveTopic( $webName, $statsTopic, $text, $meta, "", 1, 1, 1 ); printMsg( " - Topic $statsTopic updated", $cgiQuery ); } else { printMsg( " *** Warning: No updates done, topic $webName.$statsTopic does not exist", $cgiQuery ); } } # ========================= # Get the items with top N frequency counts # Items can be topics (for view hash) or users (for contrib hash) sub getTopList { my( $theMaxNum, $webName, $statsRef ) = @_; # Get reference to the sub-hash for this web my $webhashref = $statsRef->{$webName}; # print "Main.WebHome views = " . $statsRef->{$webName}{'WebHome'}."\n"; # print "Main web, TWikiGuest contribs = " . ${$statsRef}{$webName}{'Main.TWikiGuest'}."\n"; my @list = (); my $topicName; my $statValue; # Convert sub hash of item=>statsvalue pairs into an array, @list, # of '$statValue $topicName', ready for sorting. while( ( $topicName, $statValue ) = each( %$webhashref ) ) { # Right-align statistic value for sorting $statValue = sprintf "%7d", $statValue; # Add new array item at end of array $list[@list] = "$statValue $topicName"; } # DEBUG # print " top N list for $webName\n"; # print join "\n", @list; # Sort @list by frequency and pick the top N entries if( @list ) { @list = map{ s/^([0-9][0-9][^0-9])/\ \;$1/; $_ } map{ s/^([0-9][^0-9])/\ \;\ \;$1/; $_ } map{ s/^\s*//; $_ } reverse( sort( @list ) ); if( $theMaxNum >= @list ) { $theMaxNum = @list - 1; } return @list[0..$theMaxNum]; } return @list; } # ========================= sub printMsg { my( $msg, $cgiQuery ) = @_; my $htmlMsg = $msg; if( $cgiQuery ) { # TODO: May need to fix this regex if internationalised script # messages are supported in future. if( $htmlMsg =~ /^[A-Z]/ ) { $htmlMsg =~ s/^([A-Z].*)/

$1<\/h3>/go; } else { $htmlMsg =~ s/(\*\*\*.*)/$1<\/font>/go; $htmlMsg =~ s/^\s\s/  /go; $htmlMsg =~ s/^\s/ /go; $htmlMsg .= "
"; } $htmlMsg =~ s/==([A-Z]*)==/==$1==<\/font>/go; print "$htmlMsg\n"; } else { print "$msg\n"; } } # ========================= # EOF