251 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable file
251 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# file: dhw2ps.pl
# task: convert the internal dwh file format of DigiMemo A501 to
# ps or pdf files
# authors: Jan Theofel (theofel@etes.de)
# Harald Koenig
# version: 0.1
# license: free to use, an official license will follow
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - code cleanup
# - code optimisation (the array of chars is very slow)
# - adding a real license
# - add documentation
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt);
my $pdfout = ($0 =~ /dhw2pdf/);;
my $debug = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $usage = 0;
my $quiet = 0;
my $colorlayers = 0;
sub usage
print "usage: $0 [params] [dwh file(s)]\n\n";
print "Where params can be:\n";
print "-c|--colorlayers color layers\n";
print "-d|--debug run in debug mode\n";
print "-h|--help display this usage message\n";
print "-q|--quiet run in quite mode\n";
print "-v|--verbose run in verbose mode\n";
print "--pdf create pdf files (nneds ps2pdf)\n";
print "--ps create ps files\n";
exit $_[0];
GetOptions (
'c' => \$colorlayers, 'colorlayers!' => \$colorlayers,
'd' => \$debug, 'debug!' => \$debug,
'h' => \$usage, 'help' => \$usage,
'q' => \$quiet, 'quiet!' => \$quiet,
'v' => \$verbose, 'verbose!' => \$verbose,
'pdf!' => \$pdfout,
'ps!' => sub { $pdfout = 0 },
) or usage(1);
my $inname = shift();
usage(0) if ($usage || !$inname);
if ($pdfout)
my $check_ps2pdf = `which ps2pdf`;
if($check_ps2pdf eq "")
die "ERROR: ps2pdf is needed in pdf mode.\n";
while ($inname) { # loop for all input files
my ($buffer, $skip, $data);
my ($fileversion, $paperwidth, $paperheight, $paperformat);
my $file_content;
print "INFO: input file: $inname\n" if (!$quiet);
open(IN, "$inname");
my $count = 32;
read(IN, $data, $count);
die "Invalid INK file $inname\n";
# read rest of input file in 64K junks
while(read(IN, $buffer, 64*1024)) {
$data .= $buffer;
my @data = split(//, $data);
# decode header data
$fileversion = ord($data[$count++]);
$paperwidth = ord($data[$count+0]) + (ord($data[$count+1]) << 8);
$count += 2;
$paperheight = ord($data[$count+0]) + (ord($data[$count+1]) << 8);
$count += 2;
my $pagetype = ord($data[$count++]);
ord($data[$count++]); # skip header byte
ord($data[$count++]); # skip header byte
my $paper = ("a5", "a4", "??2", "??3", "??4", "??5", "??6", "??7", "b5", "b4")[$pagetype];
my $orientation = ("Portrait", "Landscape")[ $paperheight < $paperwidth ];
my $llx = 0; # 87 for A4 centering on A4
my $lly = 0; # 123 for A4 centering on A4
my $urx = $llx + int($paperwidth / 1000. * 72. + 0.999999);
my $ury = $lly + int($paperheight / 1000. * 72. + 0.999999);
my $now = gmtime;
print "DEBUG: ink file version: $fileversion\n" if ($debug);
print "DEBUG: width / height: $paperwidth / $paperheight\n" if ($debug);
print "DEBUG: pagetype: $pagetype ($paper)\n" if ($debug);
my $outfile;
if ($pdfout) {
$outfile = "|ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=$paper - $inname";
$outfile =~ s/\.dhw$//;
$outfile .= ".pdf";
} else {
$outfile = ">$inname";
$outfile =~ s/\.dhw$//;
$outfile .= ".ps";
print "DEBUG: output file: $outfile\n" if ($debug);
open(OUT, "$outfile");
print OUT <<PSHEAD;
%%Title: $inname
%%Creator: ink2ps $inname
%%CreationDate: $now
%%Orientation: $orientation
%%BoundingBox: $llx $lly $urx $ury
%%DocumentPaperSizes: $paper
%%Pages: 1
/StartPage {
$llx $lly translate
72 1000 div dup scale
1 setlinecap
1 setlinejoin
1 LW
} bind def
/EndPage {
} bind def
/RGB { setrgbcolor } bind def
/LW { setlinewidth } bind def
/S { newpath moveto } bind def
/L { lineto } bind def
/E { stroke } bind def
%%Page: 1 1
% set line width
16 LW
% set color
0 0 0 RGB
% strokes
my $color = 0;
my $lastcolor = 0;
my $layer = 0;
my $strokes = 0;
my $points = 0;
my $pointcmd = "S";
while($count < $#data) {
my $next = ord($data[$count++]);
if (($next & ~0x07) == 0x80) { # pen up/down
if ($next & 0x01) {
$pointcmd = "S";
print "DEBUG pen down POSITION $count\n" if ($debug);
else {
$pointcmd = "L\nE\n";
print "DEBUG pen up POSITION $count\n" if ($debug);
$color = (($next >> 1) + ($layer * $colorlayers)) & 0x03;
print "DEBUG pen color $color\n" if ($debug);
if ($color != $lastcolor) {
$lastcolor = $color;
print OUT "%%Color: $color\n";
print OUT ("0 0 0", "1 0 0", "0 1 0", "0 0 1")[$color] . " RGB\n";
elsif ($next == 0x88) { # time stamp
my $timestamp = ord($data[$count++]);
print "DEBUG TimeStamp $timestamp\n" if ($debug);
print OUT "%%TimeStamp: $timestamp\n" if ($timestamp < 0x7f);
elsif ($next == 0x90) { ## end of layer
$layer = ord($data[$count++]);
print "DEBUG End of LAYER $layer\n" if ($debug);
die("Layer # $layer > 127") if ($layer & 0x80);
print OUT "%%EndOfLayer: $layer\n\n";
elsif (!($next & ~0x7f)) { ## coordinates
my ($b1, $b2, $b3, $b4) = ($next, ord($data[$count+0]), ord($data[$count+1]), ord($data[$count+2]));
$count += 3;
printf "DEBUG CHECK position $count A %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", $b1, $b2, $b3, $b4 if ($debug);
# die("MSB set in coordinate bytes") if (($b1 | $$b2 | $b3 | $b4) & ~0x7f);
my $x = $b1 + ($b2 << 7);
my $y = $b3 + ($b4 << 7);
print "DEBUG $count: x = $x / y = $y\n" if ($debug);
print OUT "$x $y " . $pointcmd . "\n";
$pointcmd = "L";
} else {
die("unknown byte " . sprintf("0x%02x", $next) . " at position $count");
print OUT <<PSFOOT;
print "INFO: $points points, $strokes strokes, $layer layers\n\n" if (! $quiet);
$inname = shift();