218 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable file
218 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# TWiki Collaboration Platform, http://TWiki.org/
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Peter Thoeny, peter@thoeny.com
# For licensing info read license.txt file in the TWiki root.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details, published at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
# Colas (http://colas.nahaboo.net)
# modifications from mailnotify script from Dec 2001 release:
# - email is now optional, is fetched from the user homepage
# - webs not beginning by a capital letter are ignored ( _default, ...)
# - no mail is sent to TWikiGuest
# - if user is a group, recurses through its members
# Set library paths in @INC, at compile time
BEGIN { unshift @INC, '.'; require 'setlib.cfg'; }
use TWiki;
use TWiki::Net;
my $debug = ! ( @ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq "-q" );
sub main
$debug && print "TWiki mail notification\n";
$debug && print "- to suppress all normal output: mailnotify -q\n";
my $dataDir = &TWiki::getDataDir();
opendir( DIR, "$dataDir" ) or die "could not open $dataDir";
@weblist = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
foreach $web ( @weblist ) {
# Only process webs with normal names, i.e. not starting with '_'
if( -d "$dataDir/$web" && &TWiki::isWebName($web) ) {
processWeb( $web );
# remove obsolete .lock files
&TWiki::Store::removeObsoleteTopicLocks( $web );
$debug && print "End TWiki mail notification\n";
sub processWeb
my( $web) = @_;
my ( $topic, $webName, $dummy, $userName, $dataDir) =
&TWiki::initialize( "/$web", "nobody" );
$dummy = ""; # to suppress warning
$debug && print "Checking TWiki.$webName\n";
if( ! &TWiki::Store::webExists( $webName ) ) {
print STDERR "* ERROR: TWiki mailnotify does not find web $webName\n";
my @notifylist = TWiki::getEmailNotifyList($webName);
unless ( scalar @notifylist ) {
$debug && print "<none>\n";
my $emailbody = "";
my $topiclist = "";
my $skin = TWiki::Prefs::getPreferencesValue( "SKIN" );
my $text = TWiki::Store::readTemplate( "changes", $skin );
my $changes= &TWiki::Store::readFile( "$dataDir/$webName/.changes" );
my %exclude;
$text = &TWiki::handleCommonTags($text, $topic);
$text =~ s/\%META{.*?}\%//go; # remove %META{"parent"}%
if( $TWiki::doRemoveImgInMailnotify ) {
# change images to [alt] text if there, else remove image
$text =~ s/<img src=.*?alt=\"([^\"]+)[^>]*>/[$1]/goi;
$text =~ s/<img src=.*?[^>]>//goi;
my $before = "";
my $after = "";
( $before, $text, $after) = split( /%REPEAT%/, $text );
$emailbody = &TWiki::getRenderedVersion( $before );
$after = &TWiki::getRenderedVersion( $after );
my $prevLastmodify = &TWiki::Store::readFile( "$dataDir/$webName/.mailnotify" ) || "0";
my $currLastmodify = "";
my $scriptSuffix = $TWiki::scriptSuffix;
my $scriptUrlPath = $TWiki::scriptUrlPath;
my $scriptUrl = "$TWiki::urlHost$scriptUrlPath";
my $frev = "";
foreach( reverse split( /\n/, $changes ) ) {
# Parse lines from .changes:
# <topic> <user> <change time> <revision>
# WebHome FredBloggs 1014591347 21
my ($topicName, $userName, $changeTime, $revision) = split( /\t/);
$newText = $text; # Repeating text from email template
if( ( ! %exclude ) || ( ! $exclude{ $topicName } ) ) {
next unless TWiki::Store::topicExists( $webName, $topicName );
if( ! $currLastmodify ) {
# newest entry
$time = &TWiki::formatGmTime( $prevLastmodify );
if( $prevLastmodify eq $changeTime ) {
# newest entry is same as at time of previous notification
$debug && print "- Note: No topics changed since $time\n";
$currLastmodify = $changeTime;
$debug && print "- Changed topics since $time: ";
if( $prevLastmodify >= $changeTime ) {
#print "Date: found item of last notification\n";
# found item of last notification
$frev = "";
if( $revision ) {
if( $revision > 1 ) {
$frev = "r1.$revision";
} else {
$frev = "<b>NEW</b>";
# Create entry in HTML attachment
$newText = $text;
$newText =~ s/%TOPICNAME%/$topicName/go;
$wikiuser = &TWiki::userToWikiName( $userName );
$newText =~ s/%AUTHOR%/$wikiuser/go;
$newText =~ s/%LOCKED%//go;
$time = &TWiki::formatGmTime( $changeTime );
$newText =~ s/%TIME%/$time/go;
$newText =~ s/%REVISION%/$frev/go;
$newText = &TWiki::getRenderedVersion( $newText );
$head = &TWiki::Store::readFileHead( "$dataDir\/$webName\/$topicName.txt", 16 );
$head = &TWiki::makeTopicSummary( $head, $topicName, $webName );
$newText =~ s/%TEXTHEAD%/$head/go;
$emailbody .= $newText;
$exclude{ $topicName } = "1";
$debug && print "$topicName ";
# URL-encode topic names for use of I18N topic names in plain text
$webNameEnc = TWiki::handleUrlEncode( $webName );
my $topicNameEnc = TWiki::handleUrlEncode( $topicName );
# Create entry in plain-text email body
$newText = "- $topicName ($wikiuser)\n $scriptUrl/view$scriptSuffix/$webNameEnc/$topicNameEnc\n";
$newText =~ s/Main\.//go;
$topiclist = "$topiclist$newText";
if( $topiclist eq "" ) {
$debug && print "- Note: Topic list is empty\n";
$debug && print "\n";
$emailbody .= $after;
my $from = &TWiki::Prefs::getPreferencesValue("WIKIWEBMASTER");
my $notifylist = join ', ', @notifylist;
$text = &TWiki::Store::readTemplate( "mailnotify", $skin );
$text =~ s/%EMAILFROM%/$from/go;
$text =~ s/%EMAILTO%/$notifylist/go;
$text =~ s/%EMAILBODY%/$emailbody/go;
$text =~ s/%TOPICLIST%/$topiclist/go;
$text =~ s/%LASTDATE%/&TWiki::formatGmTime($prevLastmodify)/geo;
$text = &TWiki::handleCommonTags( $text, $topic );
# change absolute addresses to relative ones & do some cleanup
$text =~ s/(href=\")$scriptUrlPath/$1..\/../goi;
$text =~ s/(action=\")$scriptUrlPath/$1..\/../goi;
$text =~ s|( ?) *</*nop/*>\n?|$1|gois;
$debug && print "- Sending mail notification to: $notifylist\n";
my $error = &TWiki::Net::sendEmail( $text );
if( $error ) {
print STDERR "* $error\n";
$debug && print "- End TWiki.$webName\n";
} else {
&TWiki::Store::saveFile( "$dataDir/$webName/.mailnotify", $currLastmodify );
$debug && print "- End TWiki.$webName, mail notification sent\n";