## Welcome to the ungleich-game, a geek game engine! ungleich-game is supposed to be an easy-to-use, easy-to-play and easy-to-extend game framework for geeks. The project name is ungleich-game, as it has its roots at ungleich - the project name might change later. ## How to play * Select a game server * Register * List challenges - have fun! ### How to play on Nico's notebook 1. Register ``` curl -d user=nico http://nico.ungleich.cloud:5002/register ``` 2. Get challenges ``` curl http://nico.ungleich.cloud:5002/challenge ``` 3. Get a challenge description ``` curl http://nico.ungleich.cloud:5002/challenge/registernet ``` 4. Solve a challenge ``` curl -d user=nico -d 2a0a:e5c0:101::/64 http://nico.ungleich.cloud:5002/challenge/registernet ``` 5. Get high score ``` curl http://nico.ungleich.cloud:5002/highscore ``` ## Overview - Game flow * Users register at a game server * Users play by getting challenges from the game server * Users can see their or all high scores on the main page ## Overview - Development Flow [not yet fully implemented] The idea is that there are challenges and each challenge offers: * A description * Some dependencies (on something another challenge can provide) * A score ("how difficult it is") ### How to add challenges * Create challenges-.py and add challenges in there * Do some magic so all challenges are imported by server ### How to run your own game server Run ``` python server.py ``` ## Overview - Security None at the moment. ## Tech stack The base for building games is: * Python3 - The programmming language * Flask - web frontend * etcd - storing data, games, etcd. ## Things to solve * Enhance the Challenge class - maybe make it easier for challenges to abort * Enhance the Challenge class - abstract away writing information? * Implement dependencies / providers for challenges * Add an easy to use CLI (Steven might like click) * Write nice code to easily retrieve points per user * Sort high score * Maybe store all user information in one JSON object?