183 lines
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183 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# The server part: briding http to logic
import sys
import etcd
import json
import datetime
import inspect
from flask import Flask, abort, request, Response
from flask_restful import reqparse
from db import DB
from challenge import Challenge
import challenges
Welcome to the ungleich game server!
This server is still in development and is running on Nico's
notebook. In case it is off-line, ping @nico on
To play:
curl http://{hostname}/challenge
To see the high score:
curl http://{hostname}/points
The code for this game can be found on https://code.ungleich.ch/nico/ungleich-game
Point list (aka high score)
The following challenges are available on this server:
To play, first just curl the URL and if you want to submit solutions,
post them like this:
curl -d user=nico -d network=2a0a:e5c1:101::/64 http://.../challenge/...
class Game(object):
def __init__(self, name, etcdclient, etcbase="/ungleichgame/v1"):
self.client = etcdclient
self.etcbase = etcbase
self.wrapper = DB(etcdclient, self.etcbase)
self.app = Flask(name)
self.app.add_url_rule('/', 'index', self.index)
self.app.add_url_rule('/points', 'points', self.points)
self.app.add_url_rule('/points/<username>', 'points', self.points)
self.app.add_url_rule('/register', 'register', self.register, methods=['POST'])
# etcd paths are below here
self.userbase = "{}/user".format(self.etcbase)
def __init_challenges(self):
# Create list of challenges
self.app.add_url_rule('/challenge', 'list_of_challenges', self.list_of_challenges)
self.app.add_url_rule('/challenge/', 'list_of_challenges', self.list_of_challenges)
self.providers = {}
self.list_challenges = []
self.challenge_instances = []
self.challenge_names = []
for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(challenges):
if inspect.isclass(obj):
c = obj(self.wrapper)
path = "/challenge/{}".format(name)
self.app.add_url_rule(path, name, c.game, methods=['GET', 'POST'])
for provider in c.provides:
if not provider in self.providers:
self.providers[provider] = []
# Update challenges with provider information
for challenge in self.challenge_instances:
for requirement in challenge.requires:
if not requirement in self.providers:
raise Exception("Unplayable challenge: {}".format(type(challenge).__name__))
challenge.dependencies_provided_by[requirement] = self.providers[requirement]
def list_of_challenges(self):
base = request.base_url
c = [ "{} ({})".format(name, "{}/{}".format(base, name)) for name in self.challenge_names ]
return CHALLENGE_MESSAGE.format("\n".join(c))
def get_points(self):
""" Returns a dict['username'] = points """
user_points = {}
path = "{}/".format(self.userbase)
users = self.wrapper.read_key_or_none(path)
if users:
for user in users.children:
username = user.key.replace(path,"")
user_points[username] = 0
point_path = "{}/points".format(user.key)
points = self.wrapper.read_key_or_none(point_path, recursive=True)
if not points:
for challenge in points.children:
user_points[username] += int(challenge.value)
return user_points
def index(self):
return INDEX_MESSAGE.format(hostname=request.headers['Host'])
def points(self, username=None):
point_list = self.get_points()
res = []
if not point_list:
return Response("No winners yet!")
if username:
userpoints = 0
if username in point_list:
userpoints = point_list[username]
return "{} has {} points".format(username, userpoints)
for k, v in point_list.items():
res.append("{} has {} points".format(k, v))
return POINT_MESSAGE.format("\n".join(res))
def register(self):
args = require_args("user")
cur = self.wrapper.get_user_key_or_none(args['user'], "registered_at")
value = str(datetime.datetime.now())
if cur:
value = cur.value
self.wrapper.set_user_key(args['user'], "registered_at", value)
return "Registered at: {}\n".format(value)
if __name__ == '__main__':
g = Game(__name__, etcd.Client(port=2379, host='[::1]'))
g.app.run(host="::", port='5002', debug=False)