from flask import Flask, request, redirect, url_for
import os
import sys
app = Flask(__name__)
# where player are stored
dir= "./players"
Who plays IPv6 games?
Who plays IPv6 games?
So who of us is able to use IPv6 and is interested in playing
IPv6 games?
If you want to register, simply submit your name below.
Obviously, your name and IPv6 address will be publicly recorded.
Interested in playing IPv6 games are...
Open Source
As usual this project is open source and
you can find the source code on
def addresses():
address_list = []
if os.path.isdir(dir):
address_list = os.listdir(dir)
return address_list
def get_player_name(address):
fname = os.path.join(dir, address)
with open(fname, "r") as fd:
name = fd.readlines()
return name[0].strip()
def save_player(name, address):
fname = os.path.join(dir, address)
with open(fname, "w+") as fd:
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST' ])
def main():
if request.method == 'GET':
html = []
for address in addresses():
name = get_player_name(address)
html.append(" {}@{}".format(name,address))
return REGULAR_PAGE.format("\n".join(html))
name = request.form['name']
address = request.remote_addr
save_player(name, address)
return redirect(url_for('main'))
# process post data
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
print("Please create player directory {} before starting".format(dir))
sys.exit(1)"::", debug=True)