[[!meta title="Cdist 3.1.13 released"]] Here's a short overview about the changes found in version 3.1.13: * Type __block: Fix support for non stdin blocks (Dominique Roux) * Type __consul: Install package unzip (Nico Schottelius) * Type __consul: Add source & cksum for 0.5.1 (Nico Schottelius) * Type __consul_agent: Use systemd for Debian 8 (Nico Schottelius) * Type __firewalld_rule: Ensure firewalld package is present (David Hürlimann) * Type __locale: Support CentOS (David Hürlimann) * Type __staged_file: Fix comparision operator (Nico Schottelius) * Type __user_groups: Support old Linux versions (Daniel Heule) For more information visit the [[cdist homepage|software/cdist]]. [[!tag cdist config unix]]