[[!meta title="Cdist 4.10.5 released"]] Here's a short overview about the changes found in version 4.10.5: * Type __group: Fix/remove '--' from echo command (Dimitrios Apostolou) * New type: __ping (Olliver Schinagl) * Type __postgres_role: Fix broken syntax (Nico Schottelius, Darko Poljak) * Type __consul_agent: Add Debian 9 support (Jin-Guk Kwon) * Documentation: Fix broken links (Rage ) * Type __docker: Add version parameter (Jonas Weber) * Type __sysctl: Refactor for better OS support (Takashi Yoshi) * Types __package_*: Add messaging upon installation/removal (Takashi Yoshi) * Type __package_pkg_openbsd: Reworked (Takashi Yoshi) For more information visit the [[cdist homepage|software/cdist]]. [[!tag cdist config unix]]