[[!meta title="Cdist 4.7.0 released"]] Here's a short overview about the changes found in version 4.7.0: * Core: Add configuration/config file support (Darko Poljak) * Core: Implement simple integration API (unstable) (Darko Poljak) * Explorer machine_type: Detect kvm on proxmox (Sven Wick) * Types __prometheus_server, __prometheus_alertmanager: Bugfixes (Kamila Součková) * New type: __prometheus_exporter (Kamila Součková) * Type __daemontools: Improve it on FreeBSD (Kamila Součková) * Type __package_pkg_openbsd: Fix use of --name (Philippe Gregoire) * Type __package_pkg_openbsd: Fix pkg_version explorer (Philippe Gregoire) * Type __prometheus_exporter: Fixes + go version bump (Kamila Součková) * Core, types: __cdist_loglevel -> __cdist_log_level (Darko Poljak) * Core, types: Add __cdist_log_level_name env var with vlaue of log level name (Darko Poljak) * Core: Make cdist honor __cdist_log_level env var (Darko Poljak) * Core: Add -l/--log-level option (Darko Poljak) * Type __install_stage: Fix __debug -> __cdist_log_level (Darko Poljak) * Documentation: Document __cdist_log_level (Darko Poljak) * Core: Log ERROR to stderr and rest to stdout (Darko Poljak, Steven Armstrong) * Type __ssh_authorized_key: Bugfix the case where invalid key clears a file and add key validation (Darko Poljak) For more information visit the [[cdist homepage|software/cdist]]. [[!tag cdist config unix]]