[[!meta title="Cdist 4.7.3 released"]] Here's a short overview about the changes found in version 4.7.3: * Type __ccollect_source: Add create destination parameter (Dominique Roux) * Type __ssh_authorized_key: Add messaging (Thomas Eckert) * New type: __letsencrypt_cert (Nico Schottelius, Kamila Součková) * Core: Warn about invalid type in conf dir and continue instead of error (Darko Poljak) * New type: __systemd_unit (Ľubomír Kučera) * Type __letsencrypt_cert: Add support for debian stretch (Daniel Tschada) * Type __line: Fix a case for absent when line contains single quotes (Darko Poljak) * Type __config_file: Fix onchange command not being executed (Ľubomír Kučera) For more information visit the [[cdist homepage|software/cdist]]. [[!tag cdist config unix]]