[[!meta title="Migrated FreeBSD raid monitoring and FOSS article"]] ## FreeBSD Raid monitoring The well-known article about [[FreeBSD raid monitoring|docs/freebsd-raid-monitoring]] is now also migrated to this site. Please update your references from * http://nico.schottelius.org/documentations/freebsd/freebsd-raid-monitoring/ to * [[http://www.nico.schottelius.org/docs/freebsd-raid-monitoring/|docs/freebsd-raid-monitoring]] There are also some updates pending for the article, which will soon be implemented. I just waited for the new CMS to be available, to do it. ## The term FOSS Additionally, the [[artice about the term FOSS|docs/foss]] is migrated from * http://nico.schottelius.org/documentations/foss/the-term-foss/ to * [[http://www.nico.schottelius.org/docs/the-term-foss|docs/the-term-foss]] [[!tag freebsd]]