[[!meta title="Published list of projects"]] The day before yesterday I was hacking on [[ccollect|software/ccollect]] and finished a lot of things to be done for version 0.8. When I was done, I was sitting in the train and thought: Which project to hack on, after this release? There are a lot of projects I started, many of them not nearly finished. And even more ideas, what I **could** work on (a lot of my ideas can be found in the [nsdocuments](http://git.schottelius.org/?p=nsdocuments) repository). A listing of my project directory shows over 30 different projects. To get an overview of what I am working on already, I used the listing as a base to create the new [[project list page|about/projects]]. I'm now cleaning up the projects directory and may also publish some (already finished) projects, which never made it to the public. And until **ccollect** 0.8 is released, I will continue to think about the next interesting project to work on. [[!tag schottelius net]]