[[!toc levels=2]] ## How to get ceofhack running? There are three simple steps to get ceofhack running: * [[Get ceofhack|get]] * [[Build ceofhack|build]] * [[Configure ceofhack|configure]] ## How to use ceofhack? ceofhack is only the main part of an EOF implementation. ceofhack itself is **not** a user interface (**ui**). There is, however, a sample command line user interface included, called **ui_cmd**. Thus, to make real use of ceofhack, you need to * start ceofhack * and start a user interface The following sections explain the ui_cmd user interface, but the principles are the same for other user interfaces. All the following examples assume that ceofhack is already running. ## How to chat with ceofhack? As EOF is a p2p chat network, there's no central server. Thus, you need to specify where your chat partner ("peer" in EOF speak) can be found. In ui_cmd you do that with **ui_cmd_peer_add**: ./ui_cmd_peer_add telmich tcp: A310FB220BA776083559C8276A8817C51B70A5DF Where * **telmich** is the nickname I gave that peer * **tcp:** is the initial address of that peer * **A310FB220BA776083559C8276A8817C51B70A5DF** is the pgp fingerprint ### Getting the fingerprints You can retrieve all fingerprints known to EOF in a copy & past compatible format, if you run this command: gpg --homedir $HOME/.ceof/gpg --fingerprint | sed 's/ //g' ### Getting keys As the current protocol does not define a key exchange, you need to manually import pgp keys of other peers. You can do that by dowloading the public key of the peer to **peer.key** and then running gpg --homedir $HOME/.ceof/gpg --import peer.key ### Exporting your key To allow others to chat with you, you need to publish your public key somewhere. You can retrieve it the following way: gpg --homedir $HOME/.ceof/gpg --export -a > mykey.key ### Sending a message After you successfully added the new peer, you can drop her a message by issuing ./ui_cmd_peer_send telmich "What's up?" ### Displaying messages ceofhack will always receive messages, independently of whether a user interface is connected or not. The user interface must take care of displaying them. The included ui support a generic listen command, which will display all incoming ui commands: ./ui_cmd_listen And in addition, it will also show the messages received. [[!tag unix]]