## ccollect - (pseudo) incremental backup with different exclude lists using hardlinks and rsync

![ccollect-0.8](screenshots/ccollect-0.8-screenshot-20091007.png "Example output of ccollect")

ccollect backups data from local and remote hosts to your local harddisk. Although ccollect creates full backups, it requires very less space on the backup medium, because ccollect uses hardlinks to create an initial copy of the last backup. Only the inodes used by the hardlinks and the changed files need additional space. ccollect uses [rsync](http://www.samba.org/rsync/) for synchronisation. Since ccollect-0.2 there is [asciidoc](http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/) based documentation included in the distribution (see below). You should also be able to configure ccollect with the help of the example configuration in conf/. * [[get ccollect|getting]] * [[documentation]] * [[quotes]] ### Portability As ccollect is a simple shell script, it should run on any POSIX compatible OS. It is known or reported to run on: * FreeBSD: amd64/i386 * Linux: alpha/hppa/ppc/i386 * NetBSD: alpha/sparc64/i386/amd64 * OpenBSD: amd64 Feel free to send an e-mail if you are running ccollect on another OS or architecture. For more information regarding portability have a look at the [[u2u|net/u2u]] idea. ### Sample configurations * Configuration for ccollect 0.4 or later from buche.intern.schottelius.org * Configuration for ccollect 0.3.3 or earlier from eiche.intern.schottelius.org ## Support * There is a general [ccollect mailing list](http://l.schottelius.org/mailman/listinfo/ccollect) available. * **Warning**: Only subscribers can post. * You can join the development ***IRC channel*** [#cLinux on irc.freenode.org](irc://irc.freenode.org/#cLinux). ## Related websites * [RadioTux](http://blog.radiotux.de) reports about ccollect in the [[RadioTux@HoRadS #76 edition|dokumentationen/radiotux-horads-76]]. * The German magazine [Linux-Magazin](http://www.linux-magazin.de/) contains the article [[writes about ccollect|dokumentationen/linuxmagazin-clevere-datensicherung-mit-ccollect]]. * The German magazine [Linux User](http://www.linuxuser.de/) [[writes about ccollect in the 2009/08 edition|about/press]]. * [ccollect-config](http://0xf00.de/ccollect-config.html) - a configuration tool written by Frederic Jaeckel * [German report about ccollect including a description of reverse ssh tunnels](http://muasch.ch/article/show/ccollect-backup-software) by Benedikt Köppel, [[!tag unix backup]]