-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debugging your init configuration, Nico Schottelius 2005-06-17 (Last Modified: 2005-06-17) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As writing an init configuration is not the easiest thing, here are some problems (P) and debugging hints (H): P: There's no output! H: If you don't start a service which outputs something there won't be any, cinit starts up silently. P: Service XYZ seems not to work? H: Try the following in your shell: cd /etc/cinit/the-service; ./on "$(on.params)" If that succeeds it has perhaps something missing which should have been started before. H: Create a test-service, which contains the following: on: link to /bin/echo on.params: "A test string" (with or without the quotes) Now add the test-service to the needs directory of service XYZ. If you see output the next time, the service is started. Otherwise you forgot to make another service dependent on service XYZ. P: How can I test if a non-outputting service successfully started? H: Create another service, which depends on your service and make it echo something. P: Does that profile support really work? H: Try that: cprofile:NONEXISTENT and you'll see.