[[!meta title="How to install Linux on a Macbook Pro 2016"]] ***Soon to come*** Alright - it has been [[a couple of years since I last installed Linux on a Apple notebook|macbook-air-42-archlinux]], so it is time again. I have just ordered the Macbook Pro 2016 (with real keys, because the purpose of F1-F10 is exactly what Apple tries to reinvent with a lot of colours) and plan to install Arch Linux on it in the next weeks. I expect the [[typical early adaptor problems|macbook-air-42-correcting-multimedia-key-mapping-and-status]] with the Wifi chipset and maybe trouble with connecting external monitors (not only because it is Apple, but also because [Intel Skylake support under Linux is pretty bad at the moment](https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/51508)). So if you are curious about how easy or hard it is - stay tuned and checkout this site again in a couple of days! ## Meanwhile ... If you want to discuss about Linux and Apple or other FOSS topics, you are invited to [join the chat of ungleich](https://chat.ungleich.ch/), the Linux / Unix / FOSS company that I am working for. We have pretty strong opinions on some topics (not mentioning systemd here) and you are invited to challenge them :-) [[!tag unix linux apple]]