[[!meta title="Linux distribution independent iptables setup powered by cdist sponsored by panter"]] ## Introduction As a sysadmin, you may have encountered several different Linux distributions in your life. You may also have found out that configuring [[!iptables]] permanently differs from distribution to distribution. Fortunately you can stop caring about this problem: In the [[cdist|software/cdist]] source tree you find two new types to handle this problem universally, independent of the Linux distribution. These types are a result of work done at [[!ungleich]] for our customer [[!panter]]. Panter does not only allow us to publish the code freely, but also encourages us to do so - many thanks! ## How to use it First of all, ensure you have cdist installed on your source host. Then create the directory ~/.cdist/manifest and then the file ~/.cdist/manifest/init with the following content: case "$__target_host" in insert-your-target-host-name-here) __iptables_rule policy-in --rule "-P INPUT DROP" __iptables_rule policy-out --rule "-P OUTPUT ACCEPT" __iptables_rule policy-fwd --rule "-P FORWARD DROP" __iptables_rule established --rule "-A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT" __iptables_rule http --rule "-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT" __iptables_rule ssh --rule "-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT" ;; esac Running % cdist config insert-your-target-host-name-here applies the configuration. That's it, really! Log on to your server and do ***iptables -L -n*** to see the result! ## What did cdist do? The cdist types \_\_iptables\_rule and \_\_iptables\_apply take care of the necessary steps. In detail they * create the necessary files and directory * create and setup an init-script that loads / unloads the rules * apply the rules [[!tag net unix foss ungleich panter]]