This file tells how to use gpm and X with a Elotouch screen with serial interface at 9600 Baud No parity. CALIBRATION ----------- Calibration is done in console mode using the program "elocalib" available from See also elocalib --help To start calibration at console 128x48, for screen 1024x786 > elocalib /dev/ttyS0 -c128 -r48 -w1024 -h768 Touch the upper-left corner and write down the coordinates Xmin, Ymin Touch the bottom-right corner and write down the coordinates Xmax, Ymax Update the file gpm-calibration with this coordinates > cat /usr/local/etc/gpm-calibration # EloTouch calibration coordinates Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax 4010 80 80 4010 GPM OPERATION ------------- > gpm -m /dev/ttyS0 -t etouch -o clickontouch -Rsumma X OPERATION ----------- In order to use the touchscreen in X, you should install in your system the "gpmsumma" module available from or from /usr/lib/X11/modules/input/gpmsumma_drv.o Then add the following sections to your XF86config: Section "InputDevice" Identifier "EloTouch" Driver "gpmsumma" Option "Device" "/dev/gpmdata" Option "SendCoreEvents" "On" EndSection Section "ServerLayout" InputDevice "EloTouch" "SendCoreEvents" ... EndSection