-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cinit commands, Nico Schottelius 2005-04-28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cinit allows communication through a socket (see ipc.thoughs for reasons). Sockets allow to find out the accessing uid, gid and pid (uses SO_PEERCRED as socketoption). The communication-protocol is binary, the implementation can be found in comm/* mostly (clients use begin_msg() and server sigio() additonally). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocol overview -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any communication begins with a command. A command is a one byte unsigned char. Depending on the command, the communication has its own semantics. Commands are: (values can be found in cinit.h) CMD_START_SVC: I want to start a service. CMD_CHG_STATUS: I want to change the status of a service. CMD_STOP_SVC: Please shutdown a service and its dependencies. CMD_KILL_SVC: Shutdown a service, don't care about its dependencies. CMD_RESCUE: Kill everything, and spawn a sulogin shell.**) CMD_INIT: Start all services (again possibly).**) CMD_HALT: Halt the system*) CMD_REBOOT: Reboot the system*) CMD_POWEROFF: Power-off the system*) *) The commands are not and maybe will never be implemented, as they are realized another way (using signals). **) Not yet implemented. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailled command-listing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD_START_SVC 1. int len; /* length of service name, including \0 */ 2. char *svc; /* name of the service, absolute pathname */ cinit returns: a) ok, a SID, a service ID: int svc_id; [ really need int? ] b) fail, [currently only fail is returned] a) already running b) svc_name too long / not allowed [ A service identification is used for faster searching in cinit. It is also a hint for developers of external software, that they should not be able to use CMD_CHG_STATUS, if they didn't start a service. They should use CMD_STOP_SVC to stop a service. Starting a service is currently done via exec() in the external program or a cinit-fork(). ] CMD1CHG_STATUS: I want to change the status of a service. 0. int len; 1. char *svc; 2. char status; /* status: once: started successfully the service once. fail: tried to start once, but the service exit ungracefully respawn: I am on it, as soon it exists I'll restart! */ 2. pid_t pid /* the pid of the service, if started once or the pid of the service watcher, if respawning */ cinit returns: MSG_OK|MSG_FAIL (char) CMD_STOP_SVC: Please shutdown a service and its dependencies. 1. int len; /* length of service name, including \0 */ 2. char *svc; /* name of the service, absolute pathname */ cinit returns: ready... CMD_KILL_SVC: Shutdown a service, don't care about its dependencies. 1. int len; /* length of service name, including \0 */ 2. char *svc; /* name of the service, absolute pathname */ cinit returns: ready... CMD_INIT: Start all services (again possibly). cinit returns: ready... CMD_RESCUE: Kill everything, and spawn a sulogin shell. CMD_HALT: Halt the system. CMD_REBOOT: Reboot the system. CMD_POWEROFF: Power-off the system.