-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Geheimnisse' in German, Nico Schottelius, 2005-05-XX (Last Modified: 2005-06-11) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dependencies beginning with a '.' (dot) are ignored. So you can temporarily disable a dependency moving it to want/.name - Why is the name of the socket "coala"? Well, coala could mean 'cinit object abstract layer access', but perhaps it's a much simpler reason. - cinit will start a little bit faster if you omit non needed 'wants' and 'needs' dirs as they need to be scanned if they do not exist - Currently there is no support to react on 'ctr+alt+del': 1. It is not handled to switch on / off (Linux: See man 2 reboot and /proc/sys/kernel/ctrl-alt-del) 2. If the kernel handles it and sends signals to cinit (SIGINT on Linux) they will be ignored. There is no problem in implementing a handler for this signal, the only reason why it is not there (well, a template is in old/sig_special.c) is that nobody could tell me what would be the most senseful thing to handle ctrl-alt-del. If you can, I'll perhaps integrate it. 3. ctrl-alt-del is currently disabled under Linux within the service local-tuning/ctrl-alt-del - cinit ignores the Keyboard request Same thing with 'ctr-alt-del': SIGWINCH is sent, but I don't know what to do when recieving it. - cinit does not care about its pid nor does cinit care if it is already running in serv/cinit.c is a line calling run_init_svc(). If you call that only if getpid() == 1, cinit will behave like sysvinit and refuse to start if pid is not 1. Currently cinit has no chance to control whether it's started or not as /etc/cinit/tmp mounted again for every start. - cinit will sleep after respawing if ... a) the service did not terminate normally (!WIFEXITED(status)) b) the service did return a non-zero exit status - sleeping before rechecking if a service is finished can be optimised Currently run_svc() checks every SLEEP_RERUN seconds (default: 1), if the service it should start was finished by another instance of run_svc(). As run_svc() internally uses nanosleep() for sleeping, one could modify run_svc to use conf/sleep_rerun as a nanoseconds value. This would add most likely much often checking, but would result in faster results from run_svc. What's the best value for SLEEP_RERUN is currently unknown.