- define how it should work (doc/braindums/big-picture.text) - define service status in one document, so repeatition stops! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - rename headers/ -> includes/ - remove client/ from top level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - write about shell scripts in system startup - write about general behaviour (covering the death) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate automatic asciidoc from conf/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add handler for ctrl+alt+delete * document in paths -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pre-compile config: conf/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- panic: read configuratio from defaults/panic* -> write execute_something before! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comm: tmpnow: search for pid in list, save the pid in the list, so we know whether our executer died! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logging / cinit: fuer unsere eigenen ausgaben auch multilog? Logger: shared memory? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implement full starting logic in server? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build full dependency tree at start? And begin from the end? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comm/*: int read int write --> fuer pipes run_init_svc muss alle services wissen, die gestartet werden start_services_with_deps gibt pointer auf struktur zurueck -> Anzahl Services (array!) -> Service: Name (Pfad) Ergebniss -> beim fehler, die nachricht, strerror? http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/strerror.html Beim starten werden needs und wants als needs behandelt, weil jeder starter _alle_ services zurueckgeben muss. Ein Prozess kann maximal 512 abhaengigkeiten haben. -> open files Neues cinit: Wenn service fehlschlaegt, wird eine Struktur zurueckgegeben. Diese enhaelt: int success = enum { SVC_SUCCESS, SVC_FAILED, SVC_NEED_FAILED, ... } char *reason; Ausgaben nach Beendigung vom Starten des Services. [ on ] %s + Ergebnis [ off ] %s Rekursives herunter/rauffahren -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - add error handling to cinit.install.binary - remove sigio(), create new functions: - one for cleaning up the socket - one for doing the communication (specify two fd's) - put some logic around exec_svc: o put waiting code herein -> waiting code to structure! - cleanup serv/sig_reboot.c:7: o implement os-specific reboot function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Entfernung mount 2. kommunikation ueber 1. einen fork pro service fork(fork) 3. Socket wird erst nach einem Signal erstellt -> Konfiguration sollte SIGWHATEVER senden 4. Vielleicht panicen, wenn init fehlschlaegt? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Als naechstes: - add code do implement stopping / restarting with dependency tree o add used_by to the list of services o used_by should be a simple (double?) linked list -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: - Installing cinit o compiling cinit from source o debian / gentoo - Configuring -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add "used" by to each service, so we can track which services to shutdown. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - perhaps use dnotify? - recheck warm reboot - fix cservice - print service name or cinit: before _everything_ WE print TESTING: - does cinit eat zombies? - is the reporting ok? - does cservice and ccontrol what's expected? # cinit.create.empty.service: can only be started from the bin directory - compile cinit static and other tools dynamically per default - Fix Switching services off !! - Remove RUN_RUN_SVCs, move code to run_svc so one can determine which services failed? --> sequentieller ablauf! --> parallel ablauf, struct-array mit namen und ergebnis? --> for dep in deps/*; do fork(run_svc() ); done -----> while(any_is_running) { sleep } -------> array durchsuchen, ergebnis nutzen. - ueberpruefen von wo aus run_svc() aufgerufen wird - Fix SIGCHILD problem: - exec_svc wants to waitpid() itself, so SIG_CHILD makes problems - respawn_svc: does that need to act on SIGCHLD if the master process is still running? - kill respawn -> sigchild cleans up, we do not get waitpid perhaps? - remove umount code? - remove zombies, but keep away from SIGCHILD problems - remove mount /etc/cinit/tmp code -> how to replace? - fix bug in Makefile: linking happens twice - do not kill respawing service, if off exists - ccontrol - manpages - Error codes when shutting down a service? - Delay dokumentieren - no_kill dokumentieren - ddoc zuendefuehren - remove umount, swapoff? --> to services? - on.out, on.err, on.in? -> reading/writing from/to files --> Wenn kein ReSPAWN und der Prozess beendet sich nicht, dann haengt init! - implement "no_kill" until cinit-0.2 or 0.3? Doku!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Source Logic issues - remove FIXME entries (and what should be fixed, too) - memset for timespecs? - move umount, swapoff and remount to off of init? -> cleanup sig_reboot.c - run_svc: o we have many strcat()s, perhaps save length of pathbuf and strncat at pathtmp[strlen(pathbuf)] ? - do we really need swapoff? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Documentation - Write manpages (use doc/* as base for that) - Check Spell and Grammar in documentation - write howto: o Howto-cinit o Howto-cinit-uml -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things I did not do and I don't know whether we have to care about: - Porting - add porting code to other unices? - like openssh guys do? - close(*>2) before forking / executing -> close fds, clean environment, etc., ... -> do we really need that? - logging service! -> write output $somewhere, wait for syslog? -> flush at the end of start-process? -> perhaps pipe logging output to a program? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [OLD BUGS] - remove cinit watcher? -> sig_child -> cycle through list? - DOKU: what happens when a service does not terminate.... und er als once drin ist - MANPAGE! - execve() fails -> no sleep!! - multiple zombies sometimes - problemservices -> zombies of respawn watchers are not caught! -> sig_chld also therein -> problematic due to wait for child -doubled cinit instance - nur einmal - free() everything before starting child - cservice! - prozess nur einmal -> WARTET! cinit auch! doku: cservice einmal starten -> wartet auf ende cint ersetzt init bei gentoo an error occuerd-> verbose multuicall probleme -> busysbox --> GIBT ES NICHT!! ---> DOKU DAZU! mit links, doppelt links, aus test ---> erklaeren, dass es unproblematisch ist! 11:09 < folken23> telmich: zsb. eine grund angabe warum ein dienst nicht gestartet werden konnte. 11:09 < folken23> telmich: e.g. file nicht gefunden, service hat nicht 0 zurueckgeworfen. 11:09 < folken23> telmich: oder service allready started. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- possible BUGS: [14:44] freelsd:cinit-0.2.2% ./sbin/cservice -e ein ein: No such file or directory Bad address : Service does not exist cinit-0.2.2: USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 1 96.7 0.0 1580 336 ? R 18:59 5:49 /sbin/cinit root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SN 18:59 0:00 [ksoftirqd/0] root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 18:59 0:00 [watchdog/0] root 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 18:59 0:00 [events/0] root 5 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 18:59 0:00 [khelper] root 6 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 18:59 0:00 [kthread] root 10 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 18:59 0:00 \_ [khubd] root 12 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 18:59 0:00 \_ [kblockd/0] root 99 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 18:59 0:00 \_ [pdflush] root 100 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 18:59 0:00 \_ [pdflush] root 102 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 18:59 0:00 \_ [aio/0] root 727 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 18:59 0:00 \_ [kseriod] root 101 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 18:59 0:00 [kswapd0] root 800 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 18:59 0:00 [khpsbpkt] root 803 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 18:59 0:00 [pccardd] root 838 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 18:59 0:00 [kjournald] root 1923 0.0 0.0 1584 200 ? S 18:59 0:00 /sbin/cinit root 1924 0.0 0.3 3624 1936 tty2 Rs 18:59 0:00 \_ -zsh root 1969 0.0 0.0 1580 320 tty2 S 19:05 0:00 \_ cservice -e 3 root 1972 0.0 0.1 2604 828 tty2 R+ 19:05 0:00 \_ ps axuwwf root 1945 0.0 0.0 0 0 tty2 Z 19:01 0:00 [loadkeys] cinit: [cprofile:profile] cinit should not be started directly, but by your kernel. umount raus /etc/cinit/specials/... rein 1. Doku auf asciidoc umstellen 2. den signalhandler code fixen 3. den tempmount entfernen --> cinit-0.3-rc1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimisations ------------- tree_exec ~~~~~~~~~ - only check dependencies (=needs) after the basic run?