[[!meta title="What went wrong, if accept(2) returns 0?"]] Today I continued working on the [[user interface support|ceofhack-ui-support-1]] for [[ceofhack|software/ceofhack]] and created an interesting bug, which lead to other interesting "features": The second time a user interface connected to [ceofhack-0.5.4-2-ga1a4b17](http://git.schottelius.org/?p=EOF/ceofhack;a=commit;h=a1a4b17fae050faf3f049b15ee20985c1684f46d) it hung, and at the same time ceofhack got the input from cmd_ui on stdin: Ignoring text (2100) (later versions send this to all peers in channel) Digging a bit into the source, I found out that the accept() call in ui_read returns 0: ui_handle.c:35:while((nsock = accept(fds[HP_READ], NULL, NULL)) != -1) { I've never seen accept returning 0 before. As 0 is the value of STDIN\_FILENO, this explained the strange behaviour, because **helper\_check\_input()** found the old stdin handler to be responsable for that socket (via **helper\_find\_by\_fd()**). After digging a bit deeper, I found the reason for all the confusion: **helper\_disable()** closed all **four** helper file descriptors, of which only **two** (HP\_READ and HP\_WRITE) were initialised by **helper\_fdonly()**. The other two contained the value 0, because the code is compiled and linked with the gcc debugging option **-g**. As only those two are used in ceofhack, **helper\_disable()** was fixed to close only those two. Interesting, which ways debugging may take, isn't it? [[!tag programming]]